The Workout Team

By Muscle

Published on Apr 24, 2018


I dont usually put disclaimers up. This story contains drug abuse, specifically steroids. If it offends you, be smart dont read it. Otherwise you are reading from nify and know what you are getting into.

The workout team Pt 3 by

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work was just a normal tuesday.. ran by the guys a few times.. everything was just.. normal.. I wasnt sore.. as much as i should have been from what all i lifted the previous day.. even with the stale work routine.. i did notice i was a bit "snappier" than normal.. i noticed i was just irritable and didnt want to put up with the crap...

when i realized what i was doing.. i slipped off to the bathroom and took a stall.. I imagined Maria.. her soft body.. my hands running all over her.. making her squeal.. and i came pretty quick.. it didnt help.. i was still irritable.. and now i had a semi that wouldnt go away.. i guess once the blood got there it wasnt leaving..

i had thought i should have just worn my jock to work to try to contain things, but it was kinda sweaty.. i could have worn the tiny posing strap robbie gave me to keep me under wraps..

thinking about it as i walked out of the john i rememberd Robbie.. and how just yesterday my cock was snuggled up right where robbie's long skinny cock was snuggled.. damn it.. now i was fully hard again.. i headed back to work.. boxers just werent helping my cause.. i had to prop up my cock under the waistband and hope nobody would notice.. my head poked up over the top of my pants so i made sure to untuck my shirt to try to hide it..

we did another late workout.. Jason hit us all with another round.. and they teamed me up with the mini gorilla Will.. I swear his muscles were bigger than before.. his chest was massive but legs were on for the day.. and again monster sets were the theme. i lifted tons of weight.. and will was right there gearing me on.. when we hit the squat rack and will stepped up behind me to spot.. i realized i was completely boned up.. my blood was pumping through every part of my body.. my cock felt as heavy as the rock it was..

Will was close.. close enough that i could feel the heat and sweat coming off his body and when i hit bottom i could feel the heat from his crotch by my ass as he spotted me from behind.. after his first set i felt like i cheated mine.. He did almost twice as many reps as i did.. so i doubled up and tried to catch up to him..

"oh so you think you can take me on huh.. " will said after my second set..

"actually i was just trying to keep up.." i said as he positioned himself on the bar.. i got up behind him and he pounded out more than before.. even after upping his weight..

he was growling and straining by the end.. the sweat was pouring off him and he smelled like a locker room..pungent.. musky.. but disctingly him.. my nose must have a memory of it's own because as soon as i smelled him my cock throbbed.. and i remembed the previous night.. and the smell of Will's sweat from the sauna as i pounded his ass mercilessly.. i wasnt sure what to think.. but my cock sure knew.. it throbbed in my shorts.. i really needed to wear a jock or something...

a few more sets went by .. and i was trying like hell to keep up with him.. on my last set.. i strained so hard that when i put the bar down my legs felt so light.. almost like they werent there.. my vision started to fade out.. and i went over.. falling backwards into will.. luckilly he was on the spot (so to speak) and grabbed me under both arms as i collapsed back..

"whoa there little guy.. i think you might have taken on TOO much.. " he laughed..

while he said it.. i could feel his cock poking me in the ass.. pulsing with ever phrase he spoke.. the heat was intense on my ass and i could feel his massive pecs rubbing against my back.. they were so solid.. my cock throbbed.. i felt his massive arms holding me up like some kind of stand built out of stone..

i got myself back on my feet.. and after a few moments i felt normal again.. he finished up his set and we moved on..

We went over to leg curls and he hopped on the machine lying down.. he popped the pin at max weight and went to town.. I was trying to spot him.. but for some reason all i could do was watch his massive ass muscles tighten and flex.. again i thought back to last night and my cock seemed to throb with each rep he did.. i remembered the solid feeling of those mounds of muscle under my hands.. his hot ass gripping my cock so tight.. when he stopped i shook it off.. and tried not to wonder what was in store for that night..

I managed to keep my boner under wraps and finish up the workout.. when we got back to the locker room and i got undressed i hadnt realized my cock had been leaking all along.. my underwear was almost soaked on the inside.. leaking through to the outside.. precum was dribbled down my leg.. amazing it didnt show on the outside of my shorts.. but my leg was pretty sticky..

"looks like mark is ready for you there jason.. " robbie said

and jason walked off to the sauna without saying anything..

"dont worry about him.. he never talks before he takes.." robbie said.. and then whispered "i think he might like it.." then he laughed and punched me in the arm.. and the three of us all boned up headed for the sauna..

when we got there jason was already bent over the bench..

"hit it if you can man.. you worked out pretty hard.. you may not be able to stay standing for much longer" will said as he slapped my ass..

I couldnt believe it.. i just pounced on him and jammed my cock all the way in.. It was like animal instincts took over.. i didnt even think about it..

"HEY!" jason said pretty loudly snapping me back to reality.. "take it easy there"

i must have taken him by suprise because even tho my cock was resting inside his massive hot ass.. he was clenched around my cock making it so tight he was practically crushing my cock..

"sorry" i said pausing for him to relax some.. I could smell the sweat coming off his body.. so different than Will.. a stronger scent.. i remembered wondering what his muscles felt like when i was partnered working out with him.. so i decided to find out.. I moved my hands to those giant ass cheeks and started feeling the massive mounds of muscle..

As i massaged his muscles he started to relax.. and was grabbing on.. and letting go.. and grabbing on .. and letting go.. i leaned down and reached around the mountain of a man in front of me.. i wanted to feel his chest.. his abs.. that massive body that made me feel so submissive.. i slowly pulled out and started longfucking him as i felt the mass of furr covering his bulky muscles.. i leaned forward with my nose was buried between his hairy shoulder blades smelling that strong man scent. speeding up some he was pushing back on me for each thrust i sent towards him.. then grabbing onto my cock as i dragged it back out.. i wanted.. no needed to get in further.. i straightened up and pulled his massive mounds apart more but i coudnt get in any further.. i re-angled putting my left leg up on the bench next to him.. and i got in a little further.. he was so hot.. he felt so good.. i kept going.. a little further.. each time him grabbing onto my cock harder.. i was picking up the pace.. i was hammering into him.. and all of the sudden i coudnt take any more... i went to go bury home one more time when suddenly the strong bulky arms grabbed around mine from behind and yanked me back..i felt myself fall backwards locked in place.. i couldnt move but i kept fighting to thrust forward again.. there was something hot and wet poking at my ass... and i struggled.. i couldnt get away.. my cock was throbbing.. i was struggling.. someone's cock rubbing my ass.. no.. i was shooting.. i couldnt stop shooting.. i was restrained.. i couldnt even reach my cock to jack it.. and i wanted to so bad.. i shot all over jasons' back.. i didnt even hit his ass.. just shot right over those mounds and hit him square in the shoulderblade...

i suddenly stopped struggling.. and went limp leaning back into will, exhausted, with his cockhead poking slightly into my hole..

"we are going to have to teach you some self control there wild man" will said..

i could feel his cock throbbing slightly at my hole.. "yea.." i responded somewhat out of it.. i stumbled forward half aiming towards the bench..

robbie grabbed me from the front as i collapsed forward.. his hard cock knocked right into mine and jumped from the sensitivity.. then he deposited me down on the bench as i tried to catch my breath..

will jumped up behind jason and slammed his cock in.. jason didnt say anything.. but will was going to town.. i guess i had loosened him up a little..

"bitch.. i know you love it.. ".. will said as he hammered into jason.. he was like a machine tonight.. he kept going.. and going.. it must have been 10 minutes of will hammering and jason swaying his ass back and forth.. Jason was almost moaning everytime Will plowed into him.. I watched as his massive cock kept jumping between his legs and spitting out more precum.. The veins in the side of his cock seemed to pulse with each thrust..

i was watching.. transfixed at the show in front of me.. the mini gorilla climbing all over the full sized one.. my cock was still rock hard.. i watched as Will grabbed and pulled on the Jasons massive globes.. his hands pulling them apart.. i noticed i was breathing heavy right along with will.. finally he pulled out and jacked his cock downward shooting all over the floor..

"thats what i'm talking about" he said as he slapped jason's hairy ass so hard it left a red mark through the fur.. jason swayed only slightly at the slap.. and looked like he almost moved back into position.. will collapsed on the bench next to me as robbie climbed over us "my turn".. i glanced down to see Will's cock glisten with lube as it started to soften.. he sprawled back with his arms spread across the upper bench.. sitting with his legs wide apart.. I thought for a moment about reaching down and grabbing Will's cock.. just because i wondered what it felt like.. but i didnt.. I turned my attention back to the show..

Robbie wasnt really rough.. but he wasnt really gentle.. he was working his hips.. and for the second time i heard jason moaning.. after a few minutes will must have recovered.. "crap.. we forgot the paper towels.." he said and got up for the door..

I couldnt take my eyes off jason and robbie.. robbie bent over further with each thrust.. until he was right at Jason's back.. i didnt even realize i was jacking off again until robbie thrusted forward.. and his tongue came out and licked jason's back as he turned and looked me dead in the eyes, he had what looked like some cum on his chin.. maybe it was just sweat.. my cock throbbed in my hand at the sight. I dont know why it seemed to turn me on so much..

as he let his cock slip out of jason's ass he start shooting.. as he shot he held jason tight with his cock pointed down jason's ass crack.. rubbing up and down his back and looking me in the eyes as he shot.. and after his first rope hit the floor i started shooting.. matching him shot for shot.. never losing contact with his eyes.. It was really intense looking deep into Robbie's eyes cumming as he came..

robbie pulled jason upright.. and grabbed his cock.. he laid his head on jason's shoulder and pressed full up against him.. as he stroked jason he never looked away from me.. jason moaned loudly and shot all over the wall in front of him.. shuddering he collapsed back into robbie.. I was impressed as Robbie held him up. Jason was literally a gorilla and had to weight close to 250 and over 6'6

Will came back in with the paper towels and jason straightened up, took a deep breath, and walked out.. as i watched him leave his monster body moved with a muscley swagger that kept my attention.. his ass almost wiggled while he walked..

Will, robbie, and i went to work cleaning up.. talking about sports.. not paying attention to our hardon's.. i noticed robbie had my cum all over his chest from pressing up against jason.. i wonder if he wanted it that way.. he didnt seem to make a move to clean it off..

we headed off to the showers and left for the night..

After i got home i laid in bed with a raging hard on trying to figure out what was going on.. was i gay... wanting to have big muscles.. wanting to feel big muscles.. wanting to smell my buddies.. damn it.. i was jacking off again..

I got on the phone and told marie to get over here now, and hung up.. i was never that forceful..

she showed up a few minutes later.. i grabbed her and threw her on the bed.. practically ripping off her clothes i started kissing her neck.. she ran her hands up and down my arms.. over my shoulders.. she stopped and looked at me.. her hands resting on my bicepts.. i flexed them and she practically drooled.. i stretched my arms out and she ran her hands across my muscles transfixed.. yes.. this is what i wanted.. worship me.. i hadnt thought i had gotten any bigger.. but Marie knew.. Marie felt it.. sitting up and Grabbing her around the waist i lifted her up and slammed her down on my rock hard cock.. she screamed and clawed at my back jumping up a little before landing back down hard engulfing my cock.. as her sweet scent filled my nose.. i spent the next 10 minutes lifting her up and down on my cock while she ran her hands all over my body screaming in pleasure.. she was so hot.. and smelled so good.. and she worshiped me like she should..

finally i rolled her onto her back and slammed into her.. hot and warm.. my cock was home.. and i came shot after shot growling as she screamed..

exhausted i rolled off her onto my back.. Marie snuggled up next to me with her arm across my chest.. rubbing it gently.. and we fell asleep..

Something happened to her that night.. i was no longer her boyfriend.. i was her man.. i woke up the next morning to a hot wetness around my cock.. the distinct massage of a tongue along the bottom wiggling coaxing.. wanting.. i opened my eyes and smiled as she looked right at me.. rubbing my thighs as she blew me generated a whole new sensation.. my entire lower body was tingling.. i thrusted up slightly to meet her mouth and she took the opportunity to move her hands under my ass.. grabbing.. kneeding my glutes i couldnt take any more.. i moaned loudly as i came.. i didnt think i could shoot that much.. and she swallowed.. she was truly worshipping me now..

She crawled up next to me and kissed me.. i never tasted my own cum before.. it was strong.. salty.. me.. we laid there for a few minutes before we got up and showered for work.. she didnt say much that morning.. just smiled at me and looked away.. as we headed out to work i was on top of the world..

Next: Chapter 4

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