The Workout Team

By Muscle

Published on Apr 24, 2018


I dont usually put disclaimers up. This story contains drug abuse, specifically steroids. If it offends you, be smart dont read it. Otherwise you are reading from nify and know what you are getting into.

The workout team Pt 2 by

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well things changed the third week.. we had all gathered at the gym late.. they said it was the late week.. whatever that meant.. ok i can go along...

so when we got there we went to the back of the locker room.. it was pretty empty.. (found out later Will was friends with the manager and they let us stay late after closing..)..

as we were changing.. and i was watching jason.. wondering what his muscles felt like.. his bicepts were longer than anyone elses.. but still big.. must have been at least 19 inches around.. and his legs were massive tree trunks.. i wondered how that power felt.. and imagined what it would be like to run my hands across his thighs as he flexed.. snapping back to reality i realized He was looking at me

"ok how bad do you want to get bigger.." he asked

"um thats a leading question.. why are you guys juicing??".. i responded jokingly while tying up my shoe..

As i looked up at him he was smiling.. he had needles in one hand and a tiny glass jar in the other..

"actually.. yes.. now you dont have to by any means.." he started.

"i'm in" i said cutting him off before i even thought about it.. why did i say that.. well i knew i wanted to get bigger.. and . well i was willing to try it.. one time couldnt hurt right..

Jason unwrapped a needle and jabbed in into the bottle carefully measuring out what i guess was a dose.. I didnt ask where it came from.. but he used a fresh needle on each of us and carefully measured everything..

As soon as he pushed down on the plunger into my skin it hit me.. my skin went hot all over my body.. my energy levels picked up.. and i wasnt tired like i was when i walked in the door..

after he jacked everyone.. We hit the weights.. and they put me with Jason.. he watched me closely.. and forced me to lift more weight than i had in the 3 previous weeks..

"we only do this once every 6 weeks.. and only for 4 days" jason told me as we worked out.. "i'm very careful.. and this is medical grade human stuff.. not like those crazy horse steroids some of the true junkes use.."

I was tempted to ask where he got it.. but i decided i didnt need to know.. and pushed harder under the weight..

my skin burned the whole time.. i spent most of the time watching jason's chest as he benched an unreal amount.. we only did 3 exercises but we did a lot of sets of each.. his chest seem to pop more and more each set.. i could feel the blood rushing to my pecs each set i did.. i knew i was going to be so sore.. even with my skin burning the whole time.. it didnt seem to give me any kind of boost on my workout.. as i looked up from the bench i saw jason smiling down at me.. i was trapped under the massive weight he piled on the bar..

"You have to lift it if you want to get out.." he said..

I tried to push the weight off my chest.. but i couldnt..

"come on.. i dont have all day.." he said offhandedly.. "use your chest.. not your arms.."

trapped.. looking up at him.. i couldnt speak.. i felt helpless.. why did i have a hardon... i looked at his chest.. those massive pecs.. and decided i wanst going to be trapped.. i could build up like he did.. and i pushed with all my might..

when i got 3 quarters of the way up jason grabbed the bar and slammed it back onto the rack.. all i could do was lay there.. breathing hard.. feeling the blood pumping through my body.. racing into my head and my toes at the same time.. my chest burned as blood flowed there trying to repair the damage i just did.. my pecs were swolen.. i reached up and grabbed them .. they felt hard.. strong.. like Will and Robbie's.. for a split second as i looked up, around the massive bulge in Jason's shorts at his chest.. i wondered if he was getting hard too..

I lay there for a minute more feeling the blood pulse throughout my body before Jason kicked me in the arm to get up.

My body was almost shaking from lifting so much as i followed him back to the locker room.. we ran into Robbie and Will along the way and hit the lockers already starting to undress.. i could barely move i was so sore.. Jason and will were talking.. Jason was saying how well i had done..

robbie came up to me.. "sauna today".. he said..

"my skin is on fire already.." i laughed.. as i pulled down my shorts..

I didnt even notice.. i was rock hard... so i tried to cover it up with my towel to keep Robbie from noticing..

Robbie noticed and winked.. "sauna today" he said as he took off his shorts..

I looked over and he was rock hard too.. I noticed his cock was pretty thin.. but longer than mine.. i'm about 5.5 but i am really thick.. he was closer to 7.5.. I glanced over at Jason and Will.. Will was a short guy.. and his cock was pretty preportionate.. not hugely thick.. not overly long.. Jason was dangerous.. he had to be 8 inches and really thick.. I noticed that everyone was rock hard..

at that point i didnt really feel embarassed anymore..

We made our way to the sauna.. and i noticed Robbie had the bottle of oil in his hands.. and i wondered if they were going to do some posing.. I didnt think Jason would because he was very vocal about it being 'dorky'..

I almost laughed out loud thinking about them posing with raging hardon's.. it just struck me funny..

I sat down and Robbie slapped will on the ass.. "assume the position.."

"no it's jeff's turn.. " Will said

"I dont see jeff here.. so it falls to you in the rotation.." Jason said.. "Mark's first week I figured we'd shift around and he'll go third.."

"Fine" will said with an exasperated sigh.. and leaned over the benches with his ass sticking out..

Now needless so say i was REALLY confused at this point..

Robbie looked at me "ok.. so steroids cause major agression.. and we dont want you taking it out on anyone at home.. or work.. "

I looked confused.. i was confused..

"so.. we take care of it in another way.." he continued.. "sex is just sex.. and it's the best way we found to get rid of all of the excess energy.. and agression"

"um.. actually i'm not gay.." i said sheepishly..

"neither are we" jason answered.. "it's just to dump some of the testesterone from the steroids.. go ahead.. you first.."

"yea just go easy on me" Will said..

I didnt know what to do.. was this some strange initiation? were they hitting on me.. i knew robbie was divorced.. maybe he was gay.. Will had a long term girlfriend he was about to get married as far as i was aware.. and jason had been married forever..

they were looking at me expentantly.. i didnt know what to do..

"ok.. i'll go first.." robbie said and stepped up behind will. He squirted some oil out of the bottle onto his hands and generously greased up his cock. Then he aimed the bottle at Will's ass and squirted a bunch of oil into his crack..

At first i really didnt believe what i was witnessing..

then Robbie jammed his cock into will's ass at what looked like full force..

"Damn.. take it easy" will said..

"shaddup" robbie said as he started pounding on will..

I actually moved to get a better view.. i wasnt sure .. were they really fucking.. .. yep.. robbie's cock was going right into will's asshole.. and he didnt look like he was giving up any speed.. it was really strange.. i had never seen a 'live sex act' before.. let alone.. a gay one..

as robbie hammered away on will i could hear will grunting with every thrust.. i couldnt tell if he was enjoying it.. or just putting up with it.. but i could see his cock and it was still rock hard.. it appeared to be pusling with each thruse from robbie.. and even dribbling a little bit..

"come on.. take a real man's cock.." robbie said as he pounded harder (if that was possible..).. i looked over at jason and noticed he was sitting there stroking his cock.. he looked up and smiled at me.. he grabbed the bottle and went back to watching and working on himself...

then it really hit me.. i was watching two guys fuck.. while a third was watching and stroking his cock.. .. wait.. and i was rock hard.. and .. what.. i was stroking my cock too..

"give it to him.." i said .. what did i say..

"yea.. he needs it.. just wait till you get some of this ass.. " robbie said..

He pounded for a few minutes more and started shouting.. "OH yea you dirty fucker.." and pulled his cock out and started jacking.. he was shooting all over the floor.. ever muscle in his body tensed.. bulged.. and his cock spit load after load all over Will's back as it throbbed up and down in his hand.. I was impressed at how much Robbie shot.. and my whole boody tingled as i watched him convulse in pleasure..

Finally Robbie shook as he fell back on the bench exhausted.. "have at it my brother.."

"dude.. if it weirds you out just remember we're trying to dump agression here.. this isnt a gay party or anything" jason said..

"Ok.. whatever.." i was in for a penny i was in for a pound.. and i was about to get pounding..

i stepped up behind will.. and laid my cock in his asscrack and closed my eyes.. as i imagined my girlfriend.. I started rubbing my cock up and down his crack.. the heat from his ass engulfed my already hot skin till it was on fire.. and all i wanted to do was jam my cock in there as hard and fast as i could..

i grabbed his asscheeks and felt the massive mounds of hot muscle.. i had to see them.. i opened my eyes and looked down at his ass with my cock snuggled between his cheeks.. i was rubbing up and down on his crack.. feeling his hard muscled ass with my hands and cock at the same time.. As i kneeded his muscles in my hands i ran the head of my cock over his hole a few times.. and then started slowly pushing into him.. i thought he should have been fine after the ramrod fuckin he just got.. but he tensed up.. his hole was tight and i had to push to get my cock in..

"damn.. is that your cock or your arm.." will said..

"shut up bitch" i responded.. wait.. what did i say..

"oh just wait willie boy.. i'm still here.. " jason replied laughing. i looked over and he was stroking his cock watching the scene.. His massive cock standing tall and dripping with lube and precum..

Robbie was back to sitting up and seemed to be watching us closely.. somehow he was still hard and stroking too.. I noticed Robbie's cock.. it looked amazing.. shiny and dripping with cum and lube.. i secretly wondered what it felt like..

Will grunted and my attention was drawn back in a split second to the warmpth radiating at the end of my cock.. i pushed through slow and steady until my cock was engulfed in his tight hot hole.. it felt so good.. the heat.. the softness of his ass with his muscles tensing around my cock.. i just needed more.. i pulled out some.. i had to get in a little further.. i had to get more of my cock in there.. it was so warm and tight.. and it felt SOOO GOOD..

i pulled his asscheeks apart.. one massive globe of muscle in each hand.. they felt strong.. i pushed in as far as i could..

Looking down at his back i noticed the massive wings of muscle there.. I had to feel them.. and i had to get my cock in further..

I moved my hands up and started groping the massive muscles of his back while i pushed in further.. he didnt seem to make a sound but i could feel the vibrations as he growled beneath my grip..

i pulled out and hammered in further.. after a few minutes.. of hammering i moved my hands up to his shoulders.. massive balls of muscles.. i hammered harder.. the warmpth engulfing my cock was sending a tingling through my entire body.. i grabbed his bicpets .. then forearms.. i couldnt take it any more.. his muscles were so hot.. the raw strength of them covered in his semi-rugged skin.. and his ass was gripping my cock with the strength of all that muscle.. i went wild.. i was bent over totally on top of him.. feeling his back muscles squeezing against my chest and abs.. my arms around him grabbing at his pecs.. his muscled shoulder blades cutting into my throat.. i couldnt take any more.. i grabbed his hands and went for broke.. slamming into him.. over and over.. i was coming.. i was coming so hard.. i couldnt stop.. waves of sensation pulsed through my body as i hammered away at him.. how many shots .. 7 8.. i have no idea.. and finally i couldnt take any more.. and fell over on the bench to the side..

"damn" robbie said "and you guys call me rough.."

as my heart subsided i realized.. "oh shit.. i came in you.."

Jason pushed me aside.. and grabbed his cock.. slapping it in his hand.. "no.. he'll want that.. he needs the lube.. i watched as jason eased his cock into will.. slowly.. really slowly.. he stopped a couple of times.. Will was breathing hard.. Even from this angle i could see his face contorted in pain..

I was breathless.. sagging down onto the bench next to them.. waves of heat still washed over me as i watched Will and Jason next to me..

"damn man.. i will never get used to this.." Will said

Finally he got it all the way in.. he bent over.. completely engulfing will.. Even as big of a guy as he was Will was dwarfed by the massive size of Jason.. "let me know when your ready boy" Jason said..

"never will be" will said after a minute or so between short pained breaths..

Jason started pulling almost all the way out.. and pushing back in slow but steady.. each time he hit home will would grunt..

watching will i kinda wondered what it felt like.. it must hurt.. then i noticed.. there was a massive pool of precum under will.. how long had that been there..

each time jason pushed in will's cock started throbbed and drooled more..

"most of that is from you.." robbie said.. he must have seen me staring..

jason was standing up straight now.. and picking up speed.. will was moaning uncontrollably.. jason didnt even seem phased.. then suddenly he reached around will and grabbed his cock.. jason started stroking it with each thrust.. will started moaning louder and suddenly stood up.. leaning back into jason.. and shot.. and shot.. and boy did he shoot.. 7.. 8 .. 9 ropes of cum hit the walls.. bench.. floor.. almost the ceiling. each shot matching a slam from jason and Will's body shuddered uncontrollably as he shot.. when will finially finished coming.. jason pushed him down and pulled out his cock.. and in 2 strokes came all over will's back.. Jason's cock was amazing.. it looked like it got thicker as he came.. the entire thing pulsed with blood as he stroked the cum out of it..

they both collapsed.. will mostly in a mixture of everyone's cum. well except mine.

After less than 30 seconds robbie jumped up and grabbed a roll of paper towels ripped some off and threw the roll at me.

"will gets to go shower.. we have to clean up." he said.. I got up and started ripping off towels.. I didnt realize i was totally naked and still hard.. i looked around and .. well so was eveyrone else..

Will got up and grabbed his towel... "aw man.. who hit my towel.. you bastards.." and he walked out the door.. Jason was up and helping in a second.

I was totally still energized.. "why am i cleaning this up.. it's not mine.. ".. what the hell did i just say??

Jason laughed.. "yea.. dont get in the habit of doing that.. you didnt know.. it's cool today.. but yea.. not a good move.."

"ok.. i kinda lost control.." i said sheepishly as i mopped up cum.. mopped up cum.. what the hell..

"see what i mean" robbie said "thats why we do this.. better to use the energy and NOT lose control at home.. or work.. be careful tomorrow.. you might be a little barky.."..

"yea you might want to hit it a few more times before 8am.." jason added..

"a few more times??" i asked

"yea" robbie said casually "lets get outta here.."

we got up and hit the showers.. um.. yea.. i jacked it again in the shower.. it wouldnt go down..

everyone hit the locker room again at the same time.. we bullshitted like nothing happened.. and like nobody had raging hardons.. and then we headed out for the night..

lucky for her my girlfriend wasnt staying over that night.. i couldnt sleep.. i must have jacked it 4 more times.. by the last time i wasnt even thinking about anything or anyone.. just trying to cum again..

i finally fell asleep.. at least it was only 'semi' hard when i woke up...

Next: Chapter 3

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