The Workout Team

By Muscle

Published on Apr 24, 2018


I dont usually put disclaimers up. This story contains drug abuse, specifically steroids. If it offends you, be smart dont read it. Otherwise you are reading from nify and know what you are getting into.

The workout team Pt 1 by

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So i decided it was time to put on a little muscle. I am about 5'10 and only 160 lbs.. i wanted to put on some lean muscle and see if i could catch a girl worthy of marriage.

3 of my buddies from work all worked out togeather.. and with the 4th one having left for a new job.. they were looking for another person for their workout routine..

so i asked if I could join up with them.. let me give you a little bit of an idea of the crew...

There was jason.. what a monster.. he stood about 6'6.. and weighed in at almost 250. He had a square jaw and was a good looking guy. He wasnt overly defined.. that wasn't really his goal.. he was a little more on the 'beer' side.. crew cut hair.. jeans and tshirt kinda guy.. He was just trying to stay in decent shape.. he worked in the networking team.. yes.. we are all computer geeks.. Jason is all man.. hairy chest peeking out from under his tshirt.. not overly tight shirts.. but he did wear painted on wranglers.. he was a down home texan boy.. and he had large amounts of mass bulging out everywhere..

There was robbie.. he was 5'10 and weighted in at almost 200.. he was by far the most proportionate.. and super well defined muscle.. could make any woman or man take notice.. robbie had a shaved head and peircing blue eyes.. He always flaunted it.. actually robbie was the reason i joined up with them to work out.. i ran into him in the gym at work..

"I didnt realize how cut up you are" i said as an offhand remark as we were talking about something work related.. he instantly curled up his arms into a typcial bodybuilder pose.. i was transfixed..

"You know.. you could come join us.. you know Corey left for another company.. we need a fourth.."

"Who all do you work out with??" i asked without taking my eyes off his arms..

Robbie laughed at my stares.. "Me, Jason and Will work out about 4 days a week.. right after work.."

"I could get into that.." i said and tore my eyes back up to his face.

"I'll talk to the guys.. but i'm sure they would be game.. what are your goals.." robbie asked

"to be honest.. i want to get big.. .. and cut.." i responded..

"You mean like this.." robbie said and turned around.. he was wearing a sleeveless tshirt that was skin tight lycra.. i had never seen him in one before.. or one so tight.. He stretched his arms out.. then flexed his back muscles.. and again.. i was transfixed..

"EXACTLY.. i havent had anyone to work out with.. or to push me.. " i said..

turning back around robbie winked at me..

"cool.. i think we can help with that.. meet us at 24 right after work today.."

"really.. that'd be cool... i mean i am really serious about this.. i have been trying to gain weight.. well since college.." i responded

"great.. will Maria have problems with you working out everyday?? " he added

Maria was my girlfriend.. things were going well.. we were getting pretty serious.. and i was happy about it.. we hadnt moved in togeather.. but we slept over and one of our places most nights..

"I'm sure she will understand.. and if she doesnt.. she will.. see ya after work.." and i headed off..

Then there was Will.. 5'5 (although he said he was 5'7).. he's a great guy but has serious little man syndrome.. to accomodate for it.. he bulked up .. and i mean massivly.. he was always eating tuna.. drinking protien shakes.. working out.. surfing bodybuilding sites.. trying the latest and greatest in fitness trends.. another crew cut blonde/german downhome texan.. Always stylish.. button downs and jeans.. but the funny part was his shirts never fit his monster guns.. i mean he must've had them tailored.. or his fiancee just.. i dont know.. adding more material in some places.. secretly i was always jealous of his body.. being short.. who cared when you were that massivly built.. and his jeans were low cut and seemed to taper around his cock.. It almost looked like a codpiece..

the first day i joined them.. they really put me through my paces.. i was partnered with robbie.. and he made me do all the grunt work. i had to load an unload the bars.. It was a workout in itself.. he didnt push me too hard on what i was lifting.. he said he didnt want to 'break' me too soon.. I laughed it off and said there wasnt much chance of that.. arms and chest.. and i really burned.. standing over robbie spotting him was intense.. he lifted massive amounts of weight.. and his pecs sure showed it afterwards.. now i am straight.. but what can i say but i am a wannabe musclehead.. Watching robbie slam out those presses.. i couldnt keep my eyes off his chest.. then watching his tricepts.. i mean.. amazing horseshoe.. 3 super solid muscles.. you could even see the striations.. when it was all over i was exhausted..

we all hit the locker room and as we stipped down i watched robbie.. his chest bare was even more impressing than with close on.. and his legs were well defined as well.. we chatted about the workout some as he took off his shorts..

normally i really wouldnt be watching another guy strip down that closely.. but i was checking out his definition.

robbie stood up straight and noticed i was staring..

"what" he asked..

"I was just looking at your legs.. you got great definition"

Robbie was wearing those bikini style underwear.. all white.. and the sweat had soaked through some.. so you could clearly see the outline of his cock.. it pointed to the left.. uncut.. and pretty impressive..

"thanks.. i have been working on them so they dont look like sticks.."

"far from sticks dude.." i laughed..

He started flexing his quads at me.. "really you think.. "

"yea.. they look great dude.. " i answered..

"thanks.." he said and took off his underwear.. and turned back to grab his towel..

As i finished undressing.. i noticed he was completely shaven.. his cock hung soft around 3-4 inches down arced around some pretty massive balls... ya know. i dont care what anyone says.. we all know that even straight guys check each other out.. it's competitiveness.. it's curiousity.. and it always happens.. i had never seen any of them naked before..

"why do you shave??" came out of my mouth without thinking..

"well Will and i practice posing on fridays.. jason doesnt ever do it.. he thinks we're dorks for it.. but you look kinda silly in a posing strap with hair coming out everywhere.."

we grabed our towels and walked to the showers..

"You two are dorks.." Jason said walking beside us with a towel wrapped around him.. "dont get wrapped up in these two's bigger dick/ego contest.."

"dont worry we all know you have the bigger dick.. dont fault us for having the bigger egos.." Will added walking naked his towel casually slung over his shoulder..

Lets just say that Will was proportionate.. he's a small guy.. and didnt look to have a huge cock.. or huge balls for that matter.. but his ego did make up for it.. He had a little more bulk than Robbie..

Jason on the other hand... well his towel kinda said he had something pretty impressive going on there.. and he was covered in a thin matte of hair. He wasnt a gorilla from his hair.. more his shape..

I just laughed and headed into the shower.. yea.. i was wrapped up in a towel until i was behind the curtain.. between the muscles.. and the egos.. i felt like a twig..

i ended up out last.. as i let the hot water beat on what was left of my muscles.. After drying and getting dressed we all headed out.. grabbed some food and talked about work and sports..

The rest of the week went much the same.. we traded partners each day we worked out..

Will was also shaved.. and tended to wear boxer briefs.. I guess he had to have something form fitting.. He had a really big ass. all muscle.. but really big..

"do you weight that thing separtely" i asked him in the locker room after we partnered up..

He laughed and stuck his ass in my face

"yes and it weights exactly 'massive' on the muscle scale." he said as he slapped his ass.. It looked really firm but i didnt say anything..

Jason always was in the traditional tighty whiteys guy.. and i caught a glimpse of him without those whiteys.. he didnt try to hide or anything.. he didnt need to.. i mean he was over 5 inches soft.. i am a boxer guy myself.. i like the space.. typically weekends i dont even wear underwear..

jason was also covered in hair.. chest.. arms.. pits.. ass.. balls.. no shaving going on there.

Friday came around and we had a short workout.. i was really exhaused from the week.. We all worked out togeather on friday.. so things went a little slower.. less spotting.. more bullshitting.. when we finally headed to the locker room..

Jason looked at Will "are you going to get Mark (me) into your little douche show?" he asked punching will in the arm.

I looked a little puzzled as Will looked at me.. "you want to practice posing with us?"

I shrugged.. "i dont know that i would ever need to 'pose'.. it's not like i am going to compete."

"It's not all about that" robbie said.. "it's more about self confidence.. come on.. it will be good for you."

Jason laughed... as i said "ok.. i can give it a shot.."

As we got to the locker room Jason said "later freaks" and grabbed his stuff to head out.. i guess showering was optional on fridays..

Will and Robbie started to strip down.. and they put on these shiney posing straps... I just stripped to my boxers..

"dude.. you dont have anything else?" Will asked..

"No.. why?" i answered..

"Hey Robbie.. dont you have another strap.." Will said..

"Thats cool.. i dont need one.. " i said before robbie could answer..

"It's part of the whole deal dude.. confidence.." Robbie answered..

"I dont really have the body for that.." i laughed.. "yet"

"No arguements.. confidence.." robbie said and threw this small piece of red material at me..

"oook.. " i said dropping my boxers and giving in.. i mean they had all seen me naked anyway right...

As i started to pull on the, what seemed like the tinyest bikini i have ever seen.. i realized.. the strap really had conformed to Robbies junk.. It was stretched out in the front quite a bit.. As i stuffed my cock and balls into them it felt a little weird knowing my cock was where Robbies has been.. and usually was..

"You can use that until you get some of your own.." robbie said..

Will grabbed a bottle and we all walked over to the other side of the locker room.. I never really noticed before.. there was a set of 3 mirrors.. angled towards each other like you would find a in fitting room.. that way you could see from different angles.

Will jumped in front of the mirrors.. and handed the bottle to robbie.

Robbie looked at me and said "hands.." i opened my hands and he poured baby oil from the bottle into them.. and then squeezed some in his own hands..

"You start at the top.. i'll start at the bottom" he said and started smearing oil on Will's legs..

Ok .. go with the flow right..

So i put my hands on will's back and started rubbing..

"Take note.." will said as he started posing in front of the mirror.. "you can see the poses we do.. you will do them too.."

he reached out with his arms and flexed his bicepts while putting one leg out front and tightening his calfs..

"Oil. Biceps" he said.. and i grabbed his bicep and started rubbing..

As I touched his bicep.. i was amazed at how hard the muscle was beneth.. and as he flexed and move i could feel the raw power.

I massaged but couldnt stretch my fingers all the way around his arms.. "damn" i said transfixed on his muscles..

He switched poses and i ran my hands working the oil into his triceps.. the three major muscles were really defined.. solid.. amazing..

I moved to his forearm as he curled it.. and realized it was bigger around than my leg. solid smoothe muscle under the tight skin..

"yea" he said "thats shiney"..

i totally forgot about robbie as i almost tripped over him..

Robbie stood up and squeezed more oil into my hands..

"get his chest.. i'll get his abs.." he said as Will turned sideways to the mirror and twisted back towards it..

standing in front of Will i rubbed oil into his massive pecs.. Will's eyes were on himself in the mirror the whole time.. Robbie stood behind Will and reached around.. rubbing oil into Wills abs..

as I felt the strength of the mass of muscle in Wills chest my eyes drifted over to the mirror. I watched as he watched himself pose with my hands running along his chest.. I noticed robbie's hands across rubbing across his abs.. there must have been 8 of them glistening in the mirror.. Robbies hands rubbed each with care.. including the 2 lowest abs.. letting his hands drift slightly under the posing strap..

it looked like Will's cock was getting bigger.. causing the thin material to stretch even further.. i thought he might poke out when Robbit slapped Will's ass hard "alright you mini gorilla.. next"..

Will laughed and moved aside and told me to get in front of the mirror..

I wasnt anywhere near Will's size.. or even robbie's.. i was lean.. too lean.. but i didnt have any abs.. i watched as robbie squirted oil into will's hands and then looked at me looking at him in the mirror.

"Eyes on you.. and only you..".. Robbie said as will got down on his knees. "arms up.. bicept pose.. "

as he stood behind me looking over my shoulder he started rubbing oil into my bicepts..

Robbie whispered in my ear "i was right where you are about 3 months ago".. I thought about it as i looked in the mirror and felt hands running all over my arms and legs.. "dont be embarrassed.. just imagine yourself where you want to get.."

As i flexed i really thought about robbie being right where i was 3 months ago.. standing right here.. in this posing strap.. his cock snuggled right up where mine was.... as i strained to flex my forearms i realized what i was thinking about.. looking down i noticed myself getting hard.. it must have been the hands massaging my legs and arms.. chest and back.. stimulating all the receptors in my skin..

i quickly started to flex my legs and tricepts trying to not think about my hardening cock..

will stood up and told me to turn and twist sideways and he started massaging oil into my abs.. well ab.. while robbie started on my chest.. Robbie noticed my hardening cock.. "dont worry.. happened to me the first time too.. it's all the oil and hands.." he wispered to me..

I felt will press up against me.. his rock hard body up against my back with his arm reaching around me almost in a bear hug.. his semi hard cock pressing against my left cheek.. "you'll get used to the attention.. " he said moving to my lower abs.. "and then you will start to crave it.." as he brushed under my strap.. his pinkey finger ran along the length of my cock which was now filling out the entire left side of the suit.. and poking out the top and bottom.. i dont know what hit me.. i almost came right there..

Robbie stepped back and surveyed the situation..

"well you fill out that suit better than i did when i started" he laughed.. "my turn.."

Will grabbed the bottle and robbie started posing..

his muscles felt so much different.. they were longer.. more sinewy.. and had these deep cuts in them.. as i oiled him up.. i noticed he was pulling to the left as well.. looked to be about half mast.. "yea.. feel some real muscle.." he said as i worked his arms.. "this is what you have to strive for.. not that bulky shit will has"..

I laughed and will slapped him on the thigh.. Robbie turned completely around "check out these glutes.." pulling his strap up practically into a thong..

Will started rubbing oil all over his rock hard ass.. it wasnt huge and round like jasons.. or even will's.. but it was rock hard..

He moved again quickly into another pose.. scrunching his abs into a 12 pack.. "count those abs.." he said.. i think to me..

"Whatever he mentions you oil".. will said under his breath. "it helps with confidence.."..

I grabbed some more oil and started counting down his abs from the top..

"Yea those are real abs" robbie said.. "i dont hear counting.."

transfixed on his midseciton.. i started counting by 2's.. "2.. ... ... 4... ... 6... .. 8... .. 10.. ..." by the time i got to 10 i noticed he was practically fully hard.. his strap stretched tighly over his cock pointing to the left..

"see thats 12" he said as i oiled up his last two.. trying to get them all i accidentally brushed up against his cock under the material.. it throbbed when i touched it.. and a little wet spot appeared at the tip on the suit..

"GRRRRRR.." he growled.. and pushed us back while he hit one more pose..

he turned to me and said "ok.. put that thing away.. lets hit the showers.."...

as they grabbed the oil and stuff i looked down.. my cock had freed itself.. and was sticking straight up through the top of the strap..

I had leaked precum all over myself.. confused.. i followed them back to the lockers and took off the strap.. i noticed Will had gotten pretty hard too when he removed his suit.. as they grabbed towels.. i started to hand the strap back to robbie..

"Keep it.. it doesnt fit me anymore anyway.. been working on the glutes.." he said..

"ok" i threw it in my bag inside the locker and headed off to the showers..

The showers were private stalls with curtains.. and as i let the warm water rush over me i replayed the events of the past 30 minutes in my head.. why did i get hard.. why was i leaking precum.. man Will's muscles were huge.. and robbie's were amazing.. i found my thoughts running back to jason.. hairy.. i wonder what his muscles feel like.. and he has a huge ass.. i bet it's strong.. as i looked down i noticed my cock hadnt subsided.. i turned the hot water off and just stood in the cold for a minute.. my cock only subsided a little bit.. my skin was still hot and oily.. oil doesnt wash off too easy.. i soaped up and tried to rub the oil off some.. feeling my own muscles i thought of will and robbie again.. as soon as i realized i was trying to get the oil off my cock.. i came.. even in the cold water.. hard.. i shot up and hit the faucet handle.. i cleaned up and got out.. the guys were drying off too and talking about going and getting a beer.. strangley.. things seemed normal.. so i went with them..

the next 2 weeks were pretty much the same.. working out.. oiling up.. posing.. i couldnt stop thinking about their muscles.. and how i wanted to get to that size myself.. i wanted so bad to have that great body.. where people would worship my muscles like i was worshiping theirs.. i couldnt figure out if it was sexual or not.. i liked girls.. and still had a girlfriend.. we slept togeather and the sex was great.. she was soft and busty.. cuddley.. and damn sexy.. when i was with her.. all i thought about was her.. but when i was with the guys.. all i thought about was the muscles..

sex or not sex.. you tell me..

Next: Chapter 2

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