The Workout

Published on Mar 16, 2009



Clay and David hugged at the door. They hadn't seen each other for two or more years and Clay gladly traveled to see his friend for his birthday.

First, they dropped in at their old high school to see favoriate teachers. Burgers and bowling filled their first day.

"God were there kids like that when we went here?? David asked as the two stood on the side of the pool after cathing up wiht their high school swim coach.

The pool area were filled with speedo clad boys and girls. Some were swimming laps and others were practicing diving in the diving end.

Clay had wondered the same thing as he looked at the wet trim bodies and filled out speedos but he didn't say anything. He did notice how David lingered however.

"Wait a min I want to see how that guy uh does" David said. Clay thought it was odd since neither he nor Dave were into diving in high school. He thought perhaps Dave had gotten into it the years since.

They went to their old hangout for Burgers and although disappointed it had become an iHOP they ate there anyway recalling food fights, flirtations and fooling around for hours.

An afternoon of cruising to other places in town they enjoyed left them tired. But there was time for pizza with other old friends and all too soon it was midnight.

Clay crawled into David's bed as he used to during sleepovers as a teenager. And even though he was 20 now the day, his friend and the familiar bedroom made him feel like the teen he used to be.

There had been many nights they talked about pet peeves, parents and teachers. There had been nights they shared an illgotten joint or can of beer. And there were nights they held their engoring penis in the moonlite environment watching each other masturbate, sometimes turning it into contests.

He remembered moving his leg till it touched Dave's who didn't shrink back. Their flesh contact enhanced their horny endeavors but they never talked about it.

"Hey in bed already?" Dave returned from the bathroom and shed his towel. Standing naked he began to exercise. Clay didn't know whether to look away as they talked or watch. Gradually as they talked, his darting glance became an steadfast watch.

Dave had a nice body, Clay always thought so and compared his own in the mirror at home.

He stood there neither hiding nor calling attention to his ball sac and dick which flopped about during his squats, stomach crunches or pushups.

"Come on dufus, you gotta pump up" David said. Clay wasn't sure why he needed to pump up before going to sleep. But he eventually moved form the bed when David dared him to compete.

"Naw naw naw, take em off" David said pointing at Clay's black calvin kleins. It wasn't as if he had never been naked in front of his friend before. But the half blood filled cock he displayed might cause a problem.

"Shit man don't worry about a boner, I still get em, too see?" Dave held himself on one arm in the pushup position and grabbed his cock with the other hand. He waved it. Clay could see that it indeed wa fatter and longer then earlier.

Clay stripped off his shorts and let his penis bounce into full view.

"Wow you've grown since we used to whack off together " Dave admired.

"Shut up and start doin pushups" Clay dropped beside his friend and started the contest.

"No no that doesn't count you have to go all the way down" David put his hand under Clay's chest "hit my hand on the floor" he ordered and Clay grunted as he lowered himself until Davids hand was pinned between his chest and the floor.

"Keep doing it" Dave moved his hand down to Clay's stomach making it even more difficult until his hand was now holding Clay's erection.

"Keep doing it" he held it there until Clay fell exhausted on top of the hand.

"Fuck me, that isn't fair" Clay said.

"God I've been waiting for you to ask" David said but Clay didn't respond.

They resumed their contest and began to do stomach crunches then deep knee bends and squats until Clay fell on the floor, exhausted and giving up.

"Ok ok you win, you're a stud, I'm a flabby college kid" Clay panted heavily as he pulled on his tight nutsac.

"Finally" Dave said


"What's wrong?"

"Cramp" Clay let Dave help him to his feet and to the bed.

"I can fix it" Dave offered.

It was like some porn tape story as Clay lay on the bed feeling the bare thighs of his friend straddle him, the strong hands kneed him and his dick slide around his buttocks.

"Just relax" David said as his hands spread oil on Clay's flesh and massage shoulders, back, buttocks and thighs.

"Don't worry we'll go slow" Dave said as he turned the lamp out. The window's open drapes let the moon shine over them. Clay turned his head and saw the reflection of their naked bodies in the full length mirror across the room.

It was like they were indeed 15 again and doing something that he had fantasized about but never thought it was more then a horny dram.

THe fingers massaged his crack and butthole. Clay knew what was going to happen. He didn't think about Shelly back home. They hadn't had sex yet, she wanting to wait till they were married.

And he never admitted to her or even himself that when he relieved himself, he thought more about men he had seen and that included Davie rather then her.

"Ok just breathe like normal" Clay trusted David. He had when they were 6 and his friend helped him learn to swim. He trusted him when David urged him to join the swim team and now as his friend moved to open his butthole he breathed if not sighed.

He knew it would be discomforting if not painful. But he endured until the feeling of David's cock filled him up in a way he hadn't even thought about.

"Shit you're tight..good" David's chest was on his back now as it had been when they wrestled over the years. Clay remembered feeling the bulge against his butt during those times instead the bulge was inside him.

"Shit take your time" CLay said and he heard Dave chuckle "we have all night".

David was good to his word. They parted in the darkness to wash off, relax and lay together while hands stroked and petted each other. They didn't talk for fear it would destroy the darkness of their new definition.

"Again?" Clay said quietly hopeing it wasn't as much of a question as a request. David didn't speak but moved Clay on his back and loomed over him. The half illuminated body was beautiful to watch as Clay felt the familiar shaft inside him.

Eventually he had an orgasm with his hand as David grunted a signal that he too was streaming his sperm.

"God you're good" David lay on top of him. Clay encircled his friend with his arms as they had done as kids. But this time it was more then kids not knowing why they were excited by their combat.

"Christ we should have done this long ago" David said after they kissed for what seemed like hours. "At least we have the weekend."

"Maybe more" Clay said thinking that maybe just maybe he should return to his home town and nearby college campus.

"Come on you want to work out some more?" David jumped to his knees.

"Yea if you can" Clay said turning over and spreading his legs out. He was finally ready for what he had been waiting for over the years.

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