The Work Around

By Nom deGuerre

Published on Nov 24, 2019


Me 1415: doors unlocked btw

Nathan 1415: duh

It was sort of a standing hang out thing we did. After work on Wednesdays he'd stop by. We'd hang out on my couch and watch YouTube or trade songs back and forth. Often when he'd arrive I would be too invested in a videogame to want to go unlock the door and let him in. So it wasn't all that strange for me him to be allowed to let himself in.

Today though? Well... okay fuck I'll admit it. I was horny. I had thought this through probably a hundred times in the six months since my gifts had arrived. I really didn't want to play with Nathan's feelings or anything. I didn't want to complicate things. More than all that, however, I increasingly just wanted my ass fucked. Damn.

My head felt funny as I placed my phone on the center couch cushion and took my shorts off. I was having regrets already, but I wanted to stick to the plan. I paced around a bit. He'd probably be at my apartment in ten minutes. I walked to the bedroom.

My hands were a little shaky as I folded my shorts and sat them on the bed thinking to myself how weird I was already acting. I couldn't remember the last time I had folded any of my clothes let alone ones I'd just taken off. I removed my shirt and just tossed it in the corner trying to feel more like myself.

Back in the living room I looked at the blindfold and the gag. I shucked my boxers off, placed the gag in my mouth, and fastened the strap. There beside my phone I placed the blindfold and cuffs. A breath caught in my throat. Suddenly I decided I wanted to wear a jock strap, and I walked quickly into my bedroom to hunt one up. I had no idea how much time I had, but I started looking around. Still gagged. My heart was starting to race. I abandoned the thought and decided to message Nathan asking him to give me a few minutes to wrap some things up. I was backing out. I couldn't be horny enough to just use him. Horror of horrors, as I stepped back into the living room headed to grab my phone the front door opened.

Nathan looked at me a long moment. My face must have showed my panic because his was full of concern. He took another step in and closed the door behind him. I reached up with trembling hands to undo the strap on the gag, and he stepped to me.

"Hey," Nathan said. I looked up at him. "This is... this is not how you're supposed to feel."

What the fuck. My arms fell to my sides. I was starting to cry. Nathan kissed my forehead and placed his arm over my shoulder. "Look," he said, "it's okay. It's fine. But... let me help you."

Relief washed over me thinking he was about to take off the gag which I had fastened a little too tight in my haste. He didn't. What he did instead was push me. I was caught completely off guard. Where was this coming from? The concern had left his eyes and was replaced with... mischief? I took a step away from him, but he was faster than me. Another shove.

I stumbled backward over the arm of the couch. He grabbed my ankles, twisting me to the side. My whole body slid and jerked somehow landing me right where I'd once planned to be: face down, ass up. I was on my knees with my face smashed into the couch cushion. I tried to push myself up, but his hand was now solidly in the center of my back keeping me down. A cuff closed around my left wrist. Arms pulled up behind me, I felt the click of the other.

Nathan leaned beside me face to face, his cheek on the couch cushion. "You don't fucking want me," he said, eyebrows furrowed. He pushed me hard in the center of my back as he heaved himself up. His arms grabbed my shoulders and lifted me upright. My dick hit the couch cushion and bent painfully.

My dick? Holy fuck I was hard. I was dripping. Lost in the realization, I didn't notice the blindfold until it was already on. Nathan shoved my face back down on the couch. I waited for what seemed like forever for something to happen. Finally I heard the front door open then close.

Next: Chapter 3

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