The Wood

By Mark Richards

Published on Apr 4, 2008



I had finished the 2006 summer term at my school in great style. The year had been harder than expected, as it's school policy to get as much GCSE coursework done as possible, but I did well in school athletics. I won the 100m sprint for my house, and came 2nd in the inter-schools javelin as the youngest competitor!

Now, after lying in the sun for two August weeks, staying at our apartment on the Algarve, I was away again for a week at scout camp in Hampshire, before returning to the 5th form, and my GCSE final year. The chartered bus arrived at the site late on the Thursday afternoon and we all helped to set up camp. Then we all sat eating round the fire to plan the next day's group task. I loved watching the flames and faces, and hearing the usual terrible jokes.. We all turned in at 10 o'clock and I slept soundly.

Next morning, after a just-warm breakfast, I set off on my compass bearing to find the stream at the other side of the wood. It was my job to set the activity up and I soon chose the best place. There was a tall oak spreading out across the stream and I threw a rope up and over the lowest strong branch.. Although this took only a little time I'd hoped then to climb up to tie the rope properly to the tree before the others arrived. Where were all the others anyway? I stood still on the bank of the stream near the edge of the wood and listened. I heard voices coming from a field - but my friends were surely on the other side of the wood. I jumped over the stream and walked towards the field. There I saw a camp of Venture Scouts..

One of the scouts saw me and came over. 'You OK? Are you on your own?' 'Yes - I'm just waiting for the rest of us to turn up. We're supposed to be making a rope bridge over this stream, and I'm here to start off by tying a rope.' 'Do you want any help?' 'Yes please. I'm Mark Richards by the way' I said rather carelessly. 'Andrew Boosey.' 'Glad you came over Andrew. If I can get up into the tree I'll be able to tie the rope. Can you give me a lift up?' 'Sure. Just stand under the bough.' Andrew put his hands under my arms and lifted me up. I then knelt awkwardly on his shoulders, his hands holding my legs, till I could grab the big branch. I managed it and looked down at him, my rucked-up shorts further exposing my bare legs. I then tied the rope end round the main trunk, just as I'd been instructed, and again sat there and looked down at him. Andrew seemed to admire my efforts, but said 'Don't jump - the ground's too uneven, you might break something.' He moved below me and held up his arms. 'I'll catch you if you just drop down..' I fell right into his arms and we both quite naturally held each other. Now in the distance I could here my friends approaching. 'Thanks Andrew - or can I call you Andy? Can I see you again?' 'Yes you can call me Andy and, yes, I'd like to see you again - but we pack up camp tomorrow morning.' 'Can you be here today at 5 o'clock? I can be last to leave, after we've finished for the day.' 'OK Mark - hope to see you at 5.' He moved quickly off, and my friends were very surprised at my success with the rope.

The work went well, and by 3:20 we'd got a complete walk way across the stream, and everyone proudly crossed it many times. We had brought Coke and sandwiches, and I had kept some back after lunch. Then we started to clear up, and most moved back to the main camp on the other side of the wood. I said I'd stay behind to check things over ready for the morning's tasks. Soon I was on my own and it was 10 to 5. All that day I'd wondered why I wanted to see Andy again. He was older than me, being a Venture Scout - perhaps 17 - but I liked him. He was slightly taller, a bit more muscular and a bit what I'd call 'hard'. He had brown hair where mine's jet black. As I was thinking about him yet again he appeared on the other side of the stream. 'Mark - should I cross by the rope way or jump across?' I just laughed. To my surprise he very skilfully made his way across, hand over hand. I finally grabbed him to keep his feet from slipping down the bank. 'I so like it when we touch' he said. 'So do I.' He turned round and pulled me against him. 'There's a boy in my school that looks quite a lot like you and we..we...are very close.' 'How close do you mean? I asked. He softly kissed me on the lips. 'Closer than that' he said. I said nothing, but let my hands wander over his back and down to his bum. He did the same to me, and I could feel our hardons pressing together. 'I think we like each other' he said.

I opened the zip in his khaki trousers and he unbuttoned the flies of my shorts. We began to feel each other each, exploring tip and shaft and starting to wank each other. My fingers were wrapped around Andy's firm warm cock when he kissed me again. He then slowly slipped my pants down and stood back to look at me. Suddenly, kneeling down, he took my stiff cock into his mouth. My heart thumped inside my chest as his lips and tongue did their magic. I began to run my fingers through his curly brown hair. Of course I'd wanked in the school dorm and been tossed of a couple of times, rather roughly, but this was different. I began to feel marvellously warm and noticed how beautifully the sun was lighting up the trees around us.

Andy's head was steadily moving back and forth, on my cock. He stroked by tight balls and ran a finger across my silky black pubes. I began to feel very lightheaded and unsteady. 'I'm going to come! I gasped. He didn't stop sucking but drank every jet I squirted into his hot mouth. Then he sucked more gently and slowly, until my legs seemed to fold up, and I too fell on my knees.

'Wow!' I said. 'What does your friend say when you do that for him?' 'James doesn't say anything, but we go on from there. I thought I noticed Andy blush a bit. 'Please tell me more' I said, as we both stood up. Andy's hands moved to my bum. He began gently stroking and squeezing. I could see he was thinking. 'James likes me to fuck him up the arse.'

Now I knew of two other boys - like me also 15 - who had been fucked in the showers by one of the sixth formers. One of them was said to have had it quite often at night in school and in scouts. I liked Andy and thought it would be no bad thing to be done by him for my first time. 'Do you think I'd like that?' I asked rather weakly. 'I don't know Mark, but I'd never hurt you - never.' We kissed again, long and deep. 'OK' I said. Andy quickly took off his trousers and boxers, revealing strong athletic legs and a slim seven inch torpedo. I drew breath sharply at the sheer beauty of him. His face now seemed very determined and he turned me round and began to lick and kiss my golden bum cheeks, already nicely toasted by the sun in Portugal. My hand searched behind me for Andy's cock - it was long, hard and hot - and I remembered the jar of vaseline we used to grease the pulleys. I leaned over to my rucksack and handed the screwtop jar to him. Andy worked lots into my arse and over his cock. 'You need to lean forward against the tree.' I kicked off my boxers from round my ankles and supported my weight against the trunk. I felt Andy's cock sliding up against my hole and then gently pressing harder against me. I relaxed and felt it suddenly slip in. Andy steadied himself with one arm across my chest, and very slowly he slipped his cock into me, inch by inch, just slightly moving back and forth. There was no pain, just the sense of being filled up by a very nice part of Andy. As he began his slow fuck I put one hand behind me, just to feel the action . My fingers nearly got trapped as he pushed right in. 'Bend over a little more - you'll like it!'

I was soon in heaven again, feeling waves of pleasure deep inside. Andy began fucking me from below, so that I had to spread my legs wider, almost straddling his. As he plunged into me we seemed to be folded around each other, in a curve that allowed him to kiss my neck and back - and almost to bite my ear off! - as he reached his climax. Before he regained his breath and while both our hearts were still pounding I said 'This is my first time - and I love it, just love it!'

Almost collapsing he finally pulled out of me and I turned round to him. We began to kiss again furiously. We eventually stopped and just looked at each other face to face. Then we both rummaged for tissues to clean up a bit. 'I'm so glad we met' I said. 'So am I.' 'I've really got to go now, but I'm going to remember my first suck and fuck forever! Bye Andy!' We kissed again and we parted, both happy and still very excited.

If you want to comment on this experience please e-mail I have much more to tell - what happenend to me in 2007 at school!

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