The Winning Factor

By JP Aradon

Published on Apr 27, 2024


This story is about adult men having gay sex. If you enjoy the story, please donate to

The Winning Factor

By Jaradon

Tim Delgado the 30-year-old baseball player was excited when he heard that the David Peters the new owner of the team wanted to meet him. His wife insisted he put on his best suit. Tim felt more comfortable in jeans and t-shirt, but he agreed this was a special occasion. Delgado drove up to Peters `s mansion. A security guard met him at the gate.

"Can I help you sir" the guard asked.

"Yes, I have an appointment with Mr. Peters."

"Can I see an ID sir?"

"Sure" Tim gave the guard his driver's license.

"Let me call the house sir."

Delgado watched as the guard dialed a number on his cell phone. He noticed the security cameras watching him from the gate. The guard walked back to the car and handed Delgado his license.

"They are expecting you at the house just follow the path."

Tim drove by the gates which closed behind him with clang.

"Now this is the way to live" Tim thought as he parked in front of the mansion. He noticed a man wearing a business suit standing by the front door. Tim recognized him as Peter's personal assistant Mr. Carpetti. They had spoken on the phone to set up the meeting.

"Good afternoon Mr Delgado "the man greeted Tim as he stepped out of the car.

"I'm not late?"

"Mr. Peters is expecting you in his office."

"Can I leave the car here?"

"Leave the keys inside it will be taken care of."


"Follow me sir" Tim walked behind Mr. Carpetti. He noticed the suit could not hide the man's muscular body. Tim was 6 feet tall, but the assistant towered over him.

"This way Mr. Delgado" Carpetti and Tim walked into the main house.

The interior of the mansion was even more impressive. Tim was a man with basic tastes but even he realized that this place was like a palace.

The guard stood by a magnificent oak door and knocked.

"Come in "

The guard opened the door and Jim stepped inside.

David Peters was standing by a huge desk. The fifty-year-old man was still in great shape.

"Mr. Peters it's a pleasure to meet to you sir."

"Like wise Tim."

They shook hands Delgado was surprised by Peter's powerful grip.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Thank I'm fine."

Tim noticed a painting hanging on the other side of the room. It was a huge museum worthy canvas portraying the Spartan warriors charging into battle.

"Do you like it?" Peters said as he stood next to Tim.

"It's impressive"

"The Spartans were the greatest warriors of ancient Greece" Peters said, "You must have seen the movie- 300?"

"Sure, many Times" Tim said noticing the nude male bodies "But in the movie they wore clothes."

"The movie did not tell the whole story- the Spartans were warrior lovers."

"Really? "Tim said.

"Yes. How do you feel about gays in sports Tim?

Tim thought before answering the question. He had heard rumors about the unmarried Peter's private life. Tim did not care if the man was a homosexual, he just wanted for the owner renew his contract.

"I would have no problem playing with a gay man; but it's not my type of action."

"Of course, not" Peters said smiling "Now Tim you want to know I invited you over today."

"Sure, thing sir"

Peters sat on top of the desk.

"I want great plans for the team. I think we can reach the World Series."

"That would be amazing."

"But in order to do that I want to make sure my players are willing to do everything it takes to get there?"

"You can count on me sir."

"That's good to know "

Delgado began to sweat.

"Are you feeling ill?" Peters asked.

"No, it's a bit hot in here" Delgado said.

"We have been having problems with the air-conditioning."

Delgado took off his jacket and loosened his tie.

"Here drink this" Peters handed a Tim a bottle of water.

Tim swallowed the cooling liquid.

"That feels better" Peters asked placing his hand on the catcher's shoulder.

"Yes, much better" Delgado felt Peter's hand squeezing his arms.

"You lift weights?

"Yes, it's part of my training."

"Let me see take off the shirt."


"Sure don `t be shy "

Delgado took off his shirt revealing a well muscles chest and arms.

"Nice" Peters said admiring the young player's physique.

"I keep myself clean" Delgado said, "No steroids."

"Good that can affect your sexual abilities if you know what I mean."


"Yeah, but I bet your dick works fine right."

"Got no complain from my wife." She was pregnant with their second kid so yes Tim thought, my dick works fine.

"Take it out" the owner said.

"Excuse me sir" Delgado did not believe what Peters had just asked him to do.

"Now Tim, I thought you were a team player?

"Of course, I am" Tim said.

"Let's see your cock" Peters commanded.

Delgado opened his fly and took out his seven-inch dick.

"Good size" Peters admire the baseball player's rod.

"Never had a complain."

"Get it hard ".

"What?" Delgado said in disbelieve.

"Jerk off".

"I can't do that in front of you sir."

"Why not we are all men here?" Peters said "Right Mr. Carpetti"

Delgado turned around and was surprised to see the security guard from the gate standing behind him.

"Yes sir" Carpetti locked the door.

"Now we have complete privacy?"

Delgado watched the massive bodyguard walk behind him.

"Mr. Carpetti why don't you lend Tim a hand."

"Yes sir"

"I can do it" Tim said.

Carpetti seemed disappointed as he let go of the baseball jock's hardening cock.

"Get comfortable take off the rest of your clothes."

Delgado sat on a chair removed his black leather loafers .and then stepped out of his pants. Tim was wearing a pair of black briefs and black dress socks.

"Come on jerk off for me."

Tim started stroking his cock.

"Use your spit."

TIM spitted on his hand and kept on stroking his cock.

"Take off those briefs" Peters suggested.

Tim took off his underwear.

"Toss them here."

TIM gave his sweaty underwear to the team owner and kept stroking his cock.

"Hmm good" Peters said as he smelled Tim's shorts.

"I'm gonna cum" TIM said.

"Go for it "Peters said placing his hand near Tim's cock.

"Oh God" TIM ejaculated filling Peters hand with hot cum

"Good boy" Peters said as examined the ball player's creamy seed.

Tim collapsed on the chair.

"Here taste it" Peters said rubbing the jocks face with his own cum

Delgado licked the owner's hand savoring his own cum.

"I think we are going to get along really well" Peters said.

"Can I go now."

"Not yet- out interview is not over."

. Delgado could not imagine what Peters could make him do next.

"Tim? "

Delgado looked up.

"Yes sir"

"Have you ever had a man's cock in your mouth?"

"No sir"

"Come on Tim big jock stud like you? Bet you got offers?" Peters said with a smirk.

"I'm a Christian sir I only had sex with my wife."

"She is a lucky woman to have you all to herself."

"Sir can I leave?" Delgado pleaded.

"Not yet- why don't you get down on your knees."

Delgado did as the owner suggested.

"Mr Carpetti show Tim your cock."

Tim looked as Carpetti showed him his ten-inch hard cock

"Start sucking Delgado! "

Tim had never touched another man's dick before.

"Come on Tim, you know you want to taste it" Peters said.

Tim wrapped his hand around Carpetti's shaft and began to stroke the cock.

"Come on boy lick it "Carpetti said.

Tim licked the cock head with his tongue.

"Yeah, that's it boy "Carpetti pushed his cock into baseball jocks mouth.

Tim tries not to gag as he felt the cock go deep into his throat.

Peters was getting turned on by the sight of the straight man sucking on his first cock. He started to jerk off watching the erotic scene.

"Hmm yeah boy make me feel good" Carpetti grabbed Tim by the back of his head and made him go deeper.

Tim was getting really into the gay sex. Carpetti's had triggered a long-repressed fantasy in the baseball player. Tim wanted to please this man the way he had wanted to please his high school coach.

"I'm gonna cum soon boss" Carpeti said.

"Make him swallow it."

"You want my load boy?" Carpetti said looking into Tim's brown eyes. The straight baseball jock lost in a sexual fog.

"Here it comes boy" Carpetti said as he ejaculated into Degaldo's mouth.

Tim swallowed another man's load for the first time.

"Get ready for more boy" Peters said as he shoved his cock into the jocks mouth.

"Give it to him boss."

Tim felt his mouth flooded with Peter's load.

"You liked that boy?" Carpeti asked as he watched the straight man licking the cum from his lips.

"Yes sir"

Carpetti grabbed Tim by the back of the neck and gave him a long kiss.

"Now this was unexpected "Peters said.

"I'm sorry sir I got carried away."

"It's alright Carpetti- this is what I wanted."

"What do you mean" Delgado asked.

"Our team is going to be like Spartans - warrior lovers- unstoppable."

"All the guys are going to have to go through this?"

"No just a select few"

"Who's up next?" Tim asked.


"Danny is coming here?" Tim thought of the nineteen-year-old rookie getting the same treatment from the boss.

"Yes, at five" Carpetti added.

"I should leave then" Tim picked up his clothes.

"You can stick around if you want to Tim "

Tim got hard imagining clean-cut All-American Danny Collins fucked by Carpetti. as he rammed his own cock into his teammates mouth.

"I would like to stay sir."

"What about your wife? Peters asked as he poured himself a drink.

"She knows the team comes first."

"Glad to hear that Delgado is the kind of attitude that wins World Series."

© jaradonfiction2024

Comments and suggestions welcomed.

Next: Chapter 2

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