The Winemaster and his Gems

By Krath H

Published on May 11, 2008



Entering the auction room, he looks around. Taking a seat at the side, he studied each slave carefully, not bidding until he was sure the slave was right for the job. His name was Aubrey, a wine merchant who uses his slaves to pick the grapes and crush them. He used them to create his own wine, leaving him to do nothing other than sit back and relax.

He wasn't necessarily unfair or harmful; he just acted how he felt he should around his slaves, each attitude differing between the slaves. If a slave disobeyed him, he would react until they did obey. He stood a firm 6' tall, dressed in a Japanese-style kimono; in his left hand, between the index and middle finger usually sat a cigarette, slowly burning, him taking a puff as he saw fit. He chose to wear the kimono for his own personal reasons, disregarding any questions about his choice in clothing. He had a fairly slim build, almost feminine. He could be mistaken for a female from behind, his long, silky black hair fell down to his ankles; however, he still retained a firm muscular structure, nothing too impressive, just a sign to show he kept himself fit, even when he didn't have to. He looked like an ordinary human being, if you ignored the elfish ears that poked out from beneath his hair. He had deep blue eyes, imitating the colour of the Atlantic Ocean, his skin as fair as snow.

He had one reason to be in the stuffy auction house today, and that was to find two new slaves that could work in his vineyards. Looking around, he could see the room was fairly busy, all sorts of people looking, hoping to find the perfect slave. As feet moved, they picked up small pieces of sand, creating a yellowish haze that settled around the slavers, who didn't seem too bothered. People held fans and the pamphlets that described each slave briefly, waving it in front of them, trying to cool themselves. For such a busy auction, there wasn't much noise; the occasional cough and shuffling of feet as each slave was taken from their pen to the auction block.

Looking at the auction block know, he could see a tall, stocky man wearing a black balaclava, hiding his face, only the eyes being exposed to the outside world. He stood with his back against the wall, announcing each slave as they were walked from their pen to where he was stood. In a gruff voice, he would describe the slave briefly, and then start the bidding off, asking how much the highest offer was as it changed continuously. Sighing loudly, he described the next slave.

"The next one up for offer is a 17 year old girl called Anthanasia." He said, allowing the boredom to enter his voice, knowing it was going to be a long day, nobody bidding on the slaves as of yet.

Aubrey looked up; a bead of sweat ran down the side of his face in the heat. Standing, he could see the young slave. She was slender, yet had a perfect hourglass shape to her body, long blond hair falling down to her rear. She looked up, hoping to see someone she liked the look of. Now, the slavers saw a true beauty, trapped within the slave. Full lips, blue eyes and curves in all the right places; the perfect slave for any man.

Aubrey smiled, blinking slowly. He raised his hand and placed a bid. "I'll pay 5 gold coins" he said simply. The auctioneer noted this. "Slave going for 5 gold coins. Any further bids?" A pause. "Bid going once, bid going twice, sold to the man in the kimono" the slaver finished.

Aubrey smiled, walking to the front of the room; he paid the auctioneer his bid and took the chain that was bound around the slaves neck. Guiding the girl back to his seat, he heard another slave. He knew he wanted two slaves for his vineyard; he took another look at the auction block. He saw the girl being dragged out; the chain connected to her neck brace was taught, forcing her to be led to the block where she stood completely still, the eyes of many looking her over, some in lust, others for their own reasons.

"Slave on auction," the masked auctioneer announced, "24 year old girl name Sofie. Any offers?" This girl had a slightly gothic aura to her. At 24, she was slightly toned, but slender at the same time. Her long black hair fell half way down her back; brown eyes glanced around the room, sweeping over the slavers, not liking the look of any of them. Once more, Aubrey raised his hand.

"I bid 10 gold coins" he said in a rather lazy manner, the heat must be starting to take effect on his body as more beads of sweat ran down both cheeks.

"Any further offers? No further offers? Last chance for any further offers" the gruff-voiced auctioneer called out before finishing the bid with a rather loud "sold!" Aubrey chuckled lightly. Nobody had bid on his two new slaves, allowing them to go cheap to himself. Aubrey paid the auctioneer 10 gold coins and took the chain. He realized this slave had both ankle braces as well as writs braces. He could feel a sense of disobedience within the girl.

He helped both into his car and started the engine. Locking both doors, he turned to his new slaves and explained their situation. "Both of you will be working on my vineyard. I treat my slaves fairly, as long as they obey my whims. You will both meet the other slaves and do what they do. I will not tolerate anyone disobeying me, do I make myself clear?" No reply came from either girl. Taking the silence as a `yes', he drove off, whipping up a miniature sandstorm with his exhaust pipe and wheels, blinding people passing by.

They reached their destination, a huge plantation, owned by Aubrey. Looking at the plantation himself, he counted his six sectors, each sector having a slightly different purpose from the rest. He looked in the mirror and smiled as both girls gawped at the size of the plantation, the sand hidden beneath the vines. "Welcome to your new home" he said warmly.

Pulling into the drive, he stopped the car. "I care for my slaves," he told the girls, "I like to make sure they're not over-doing themselves, but I do like slaves who work to the best they can," He paused, "I hope you're both up for the job, the tasks can be long and arduous, but you will be rewarded with 3 meals a day, a chance to clean yourselves up a bit every two days and 8 hours of sleep each night. I will ask another slave to take care of you for the moment. She will show you exactly what I want you to do. If you have any qualms, don't hesitate to ask her, she'll reply as best she can." He explained, unlocking the car doors. He handed the chains to a slave who had already approached the car, just as she was trained. Turning to her, he commanded "Take these girls to the bathing room. Clean them up and prepare them for work. They start as soon as they finish. If you need help, feel free to ask one of the other slaves to help on my behalf."

Aubrey walked off, letting the slaves to get to know each other, the shade cooling him as he approached the mansion. "Alright ladies," the slave Aubrey appointed as the leader chirped, "My name is Mayburn, and I've been told to tell you of our master and his ways. He is very kind when he's happy with you. If he catches you slacking, he'll punish you. If you disobey him, he'll punish you. You have been warned." Looking at the pair trussed up like the slaves they were, she led them both to the baths to wash up.

About an hour and a half later, Aubrey appeared at the balcony positioned at the rear of his house, over-looking his land. Smiling, he looked down. Seeing the new slaves, he decided to follow closely behind and study their progress. Following them through the vineyard, a row over, not wanting to be seen, he heard Mayburn explain how to pick a grape without bruising the fruit. He heard Mayburn comment on a very talented picker. Peering through the vines that separated him from them, he saw Anthanasia had been congratulated on her natural talents for picking grapes. "I think we've found your talent already!" Mayburn commented loudly, laughing as she did. He looked across and saw Sofie, the other slave he had bought that day sitting on the ground, refusing to work. He saw her refuse to pick grapes several times, using course language to enhance her view on the situation.

"I don't want to fucking pick some stupid little fruit. I'd rather die than stand here in this shitty kimono, picking grapes for a lazy son-of-a-bitch who has nothing better to do than play us all about." She yelled, folding her arms sulkily as she spoke. Aubrey decided to take action. Refusal was bad enough, but the course language was absurd. He'd never let this happen before, and he wouldn't now. Reaching the end of his row, he entered theirs.

"That can be arranged," he noted, smiling wryly, "I think you had better buck up your ideas, young lady, else, you want to be punished?"

"Fuck you, you're not the boss of me" She said, spitting between his feet. Mayburn gasped, Anthanasia stopped picking the grapes and turned, monitoring the situation.

"Oh? I beg to differ, and, in fact, I bought you, you worthless piece of shit. I am your master and you will obey me." He placed his hand around his belt and forced a neck brace on the struggling girl. She screamed, bit and kicked her master, but she was overpowered. Using all his ability, Aubrey forced the girl onto her stomach, keeping her arm in a lock, preventing her from moving. "Uh, uh, uh... I wouldn't struggle," he said, teasing the girl, "It only makes the situation worse for yourself." He warned her. Leaning down, he put the neck brace around the girls' throat, tightening it until it was solid against her. Keeping one hand holding the wrist lock, he reached toward her ankles, clipping a pair of shackles around them, finally doing the same to her wrists.

Grabbing the chain that was pre-attached to the girl, he ordered her to follow. When she denied the order, he yanked the chain, pulling her toward him, making her fall. Picking her up, he ordered again. This continued until Sofie had had enough. She allowed her master to drag her into the mansion and into the basement. He chained the girl to the wall, her back facing toward her master. He laughed, seeing the girl standing there, completely helpless.

"I see I need to break you in" Aubrey coolly noted.

"Break me in?" Sofie repeated.

"Yes, break you in." Aubrey finished, reaching for a whip. "You will now know what happens to those who don't obey" he informed the slave. Unraveling the whip he asked "Who's your master?"

"I have no master"

Aubrey chuckles. "We'll see about that" he commented, throwing the end of the whip behind him, he bought it flying forward in one swift movement, the tassels snapping against the slaves back. A scream. A trickle of blood dripped down the slaves' spine, more welling at the cut.

"Who's your master?" he repeated, bringing the whip behind him once more.

Through gritted teeth, Sofie replied once again "No one."

"Wrong answer." With a flick of his wrist, the whip struck the slave once more, piercing the skin deeper this time. "When will you ever learn to fucking obey me?" He questioned.


"Fine. This will continue until you willingly choose to obey me, even if you despise yourself for doing so after." The whip cracked once more, the girl screamed in pain. She hated being bossed around, but she knew this was going to be the end result if she didn't obey.

A few minutes more, the blood soaked kimono had stuck itself against Sofie's back. She had received twenty lashes so far. "Why don't you give in? This is hurting you more than it is me. Now, who is your master?" he asked again. Pre-empting the answer, he got ready to whip her once more.

"You are."

"What was that?" Aubrey asked.

"You are my master." Sofie responded through gritted teeth. She hated herself for admitting it, but she'd rather obey him and be on his good side, rather than be on the receiving end of a whipping.

Aubrey smiled, knowing she would now fully obey him. "Remember," he added while unchaining her, "If you disobey me again, you'll receive worse torture than this. I can make your life a living hell at the snap of my fingers. You see the equipment I have around the room? These are all used to break in my slaves, the punishment worsening each time until they willingly conform. I don't want to harm you further." He unlocks the last shackle and tells her to go to the bathing room and get cleaned up and dressed; she could still do a little work before sundown.

Sundown came swiftly. The few slaves Aubrey owned returned to the mansion, each sweating after a long days work. They were told to get washed and dress in their formal clothes, then return to the main hall.

The hall was roughly about 20 metres wide by 50 metres long. Why he needed such space was anyone's guess. The room had checkerboard flooring, black marble and white marble slabs about 5 metres wide and 5 metres long, covering the entire length of the floor. Pillars bloomed, reaching the ceiling 20 metres above, beautiful pillars, almost giving the effect that they were holing the ceiling in place. Along each wall were famous paintings from famous people; Shauvrey's The Mountain side, Grunenborg's Arch en Avignon were two of the many paintings that graced the white walls. In the centre of the hall was a massive table, laden out with expensive looking silverware, the dinner already prepared before anyone arrived. The food remained hidden under the silver lids that covered it, but that didn't stop the wafting aroma of roast duck, roast chicken, potatoes, peas, carrots and other assortments of vegetables from filling the room, sneaking up the nose, making the mouth saliva just at the smell of the fine dinner.

After about an hour, each slave had managed to clean themselves thoroughly, digging out the dirt from underneath toenails and fingernails, washing behind the ears and the like. The formal clothing was nothing too fashionable, but smart nonetheless. It consisted of a pair of black trousers, a plain white shirt with a black tie and black slippers for the men and for the ladies; a black blouse, a black skirt with black slippers, a black hair band for long hair.

"Attention!" Called Aubrey, who had chosen to wear a black kimono for the occasion, "May I have your attention please! I would like to welcome my new slaves, Sofie and Anthanasia! I trust you will all look after them, as they are new to this work. Without further comments, I bid you a feast!"

Lifting up the silverware, the slaves were treated to a feast fit for a king! There was more than plenty to fill the hungry slaves, who seem to stare at the food as if it were made of gold. A sudden rush swept the room as each slave took a few slices of chicken before passing the platter onto the next. The platters circulated until each person had enough food to last a while!

Looking down from the head of the table, Aubrey smiled, watching the slaves pass the food in such an organized manner. He turned to his new slaves who had been sat next to their master. "I trust you're both enjoying the work so far?" he asked, knowing what Sofie wanted to say.

"The work is wonderful Master!" Anthanasia replied, digging in to her well-earned meal.

"How about you, my dear?" Aubrey asked, turning to the other slave, "I know you didn't enjoy being broken in. I wouldn't normally treat a slave in such a manner, but your behavior was atrocious"

Sofie nods, understanding why she was punished. "I am sorry to have offended my Master as much as I did. I hope you accept my apologies as I beg for forgiveness."

Aubrey smiled, amazed at how much those lashes had an effect on her. He didn't want to punish her further, although he was afraid he may have to. He allowed her to enjoy her food in peace, letting her join in the conversation of the other slaves. He looked down at the hearty meal that lay in front of him. Smiling, he took a bite out of the luscious chicken breast he had picked himself.

As the meal wore on, he found himself more attracted to Anthanasia. He didn't understand why, but he couldn't keep his eyes off her as she ate, her jaw raising and lowering as she chewed her food appropriately, swallowing it delicately. His eyes lowered. He could see her delicate frame shiver slightly, enjoying the food that had been prepared. He could see her chest raise and lower as she drew in air, he breasts forced forward slightly due to the movement. He decided he may have to look after her, give her a little treat, but how to do it in front of the rest of his slaves? He thought, savouring his meal as he did.

Once the food had been devoured and the thirst of the slaves sated, he told the slaves to rest, as the following day would be slightly more strenuous. Before Anthanasia could leave the hall, he asked her to stay behind for a while.

Turning to her, his heart in his mouth, he thought, closing his eyes as he did. How could he ask her without scaring the poor slave?

As she waited, Anthanasia had all sorts of ideas flowing through her mind. She worried that it might be something she had done earlier, not wanting to be punished as Sofie had; she had seen the marks that scar her back. Waiting with baited breath, she wished her Master to speak.

"Anthanasia, I saw you picking the grapes with great care. I can see you're a dedicated slave, but I'd like to know how dedicated you are," turning to face the door, he added, "come, follow me, so I can show you what I mean." With that, he walked out the door, Anthanasia following closely behind.

Anthanasia couldn't help but wonder where she was being taken. She had already passed through the grand lobby and up the grand stone stairs that split half way, curving around to either side of the lobby. He kept going, taking a left at the split. Down a corridor that seemed pretty much invisible, unless you knew it was there, he stopped and unlocked a small red door, much lower than any of the other doors they passed.

Aubrey turned to Anthanasia. "Beyond this door is a surprise... I wish to tell you what it is, but that'll just ruin it for both of us, wouldn't it?" he commented, laughing slightly. "So, from now on, I wish you to wear this blindfold." Slipping it over Anthanasia's head, he carefully let the elastic rest against her perfect skin, holding the blindfold in place.

Anthanaisia was now completely blind. She heard a click as the latch opened on the door, a creak as it swung open. She felt something brush her hand and she recoiled, not wanting it to happen again. She heard Aubrey laugh. "Come now, wouldn't you like some help? I'm sure you don't was to walk into a wall now!" he laughed. She reached out her hand, wanting her master to take it and lead her to her surprise. She felt Aubrey hold her hand delicately as he pulled forward into the room. "Wait there" he told her as he closed the door, the latch clicking once more as it fell into place.

Anthanasia felt her Master lift the elastic gently from her, raising the blindfold, revealing a grand bedroom. As she looked around, she saw a four poster double bed. The mattress looked small, but when she sat on it, she found it was almost perfect! It sank slightly under her weight, but when she laid down, she felt it support all of her body, the best feeling she had ever had! A bedside table had been hand-made from the nicest wood money could buy; it was covered with gold and silver jewellery. The room itself was spacious, allowing room for more than 3 double beds. She had her own walk-in wardrobe, ready packed with the top-of-the-line labels, a few kimonos for when she had to work.

Across from the wardrobe was another door. She opened it, revealing a marvellous bathroom. The floor was made from carved marble, much like that in the hall, but it was all white. The bath, shower, toilet and Jacuzzi was all made from marble too, though it would never get cold; hot water flowed through each item, warming the marble.

She ran out of the bathroom and hugged her Master, tears streaming down her face. "It's beautiful! I've never seen a bedroom as beautiful as this! Oh Master! This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me!"

"I'm glad you like it," he said, returning the hug. He pulled back and looked at the girl's pretty face, wiping her cheek where a tear had stopped. "There's no need to cry, I hope you'll accept this as a... present... from myself to you. I love you dearly, Anthanasia, but I couldn't confess it in front of the rest of my slaves. He turns back to the door and locks it, keeping the key on his person. He walked up to a black wall and pressed a button next to it. The wall wasn't actually a wall; it was simply a blind that blended in with the colour. The blind rose slowly, revealing a sight only know to her Master, and now, herself as well. The window overlooked the vast vineyard. Behind that, the sun was just about to disappear behind the vines, sending golden ray after golden ray over the vines, making them look as if they themselves were plated with gold.

"I love you so much Anthanasia, but I must keep you as my slave. In my presence and my presence alone, you may call me Aubrey" he told her.

"Aubrey... What a pretty name that is..." She repeated, smiling at him.

Smiling back, he continued. "I will have to ask you to continue working in the vineyard, but I could see you were enjoying picking the grapes, so it shouldn't be too much to ask" Anthanasia shook her head. Aubrey continued "I do have one thing though. As I am still your master, you must trust me in what I do." He said firmly.

"What do you mean?" Anthanasia asked, a confused look came across her face. What was he planning to do? Why did she need to trust him?

"You shall see shortly," he informed her as he moved and laid on the bed, "Please, won't you join me?"

Cautiously, Anthanasia advanced, still wondering what he was going to do to her. She climbed on her bed and laid next to her master, who stroked her cheek lightly with a finger. "You are so pretty, Anthanasia. I know I keep repeating myself, but words cannot describe how much I love you." Taking both her hands, he put them above her head. Two small clicks and her hands remained where they were, chained to the bed post. Smiling, he leant forward and kissed her cheek lightly, feeling the young, confused, scared girl scrunch her face up. "Please, Anthanasia! Trust me! I know what I am doing!" he hushed, clicking restraints around both her ankles, making her lay spread eagled on the bed.

Anthanasia squirmed where she lay, unable to move her wrists or ankles more than a few millimetres. She felt her head being lifted as something was placed on her. An orange ball came into view. A gag. She screamed loudly, and with that Aubrey shoved the gag in her mouth, silencing her. He kissed Anthanasia once again, hushing her, trying to calm her down. "I must do this, I am your master. You want all of this, don't you?" He asked, a fleeting look in his eyes.

Anthanasia stopped wriggling and looked at Aubrey through teary eyes. She sniffed and nodded her reply, unable to speak.

"Well then, you must trust me and allow me to do this to you." He said, reaching for a pair of scissors in the bedside table. He cut the dress loose, making sure he didn't damage the girl's beautiful body. He lifted her slightly and tugged at the dress, pulling it from beneath her. He did the same to the blouse, leaving her in nothing other than her bra and knickers.

He straddled her, resting just below her breasts. He leaned forward slowly, kissing her cheek. He was so desperate to see her like this. He had been fantasizing over doing this since they had dinner together. He could already feel his dick throbbing as blood ran into it, making it grow to a full length of 6" long, 3" wide. Lifting himself up again, he smiled as he wiped a tear from Anthanasia's eye. He told her to relax as he slowly kissed her on the neck, working his way down to her breasts, leaving a trail of kisses behind. He reaches for the scissors once more and cut it away, revealing a pair of large breasts. Smiling, he continued to kiss her, one breast first, then the other. He hears a slight moan as he starts rolling his tongue over her left nipple.

Deciding she was calm and enjoying herself, he looks up at her. "I'm going to remove your gag now; I only put it on so you wouldn't attract attention. None of my other slaves know this room even exists, and I want it to remain that way" he tells her calmly, with a hint of authority sneaking into the tone.

Anthanasia nods and allows Aubrey to continue, her spine alive, tingling, a sensation she had never felt before. "Aubrey... I love you too... I don't want this to end" she notifies him, gasping and moaning as she feels him licking and kissing her other breast as he slowly works his way down.

"I don't want this to end either" he told Anthanasia between kisses and licks. Reaching Anthanasia's navel, he stops, kissing and licking it lovingly. Reaching for the scissors once more, he cut away at her knickers, revealing her clean, shaven clitoris. Smiling, he lowered himself between her legs. He slowly extended his tongue and starts licking the exposed clitoris. He hears a loud moan come from Anthanasia as he continues licking and kissing her. He removes his clothing, revealing a fairly muscular body.

Anthanasia looked down at Aubrey. Seeing his muscular body and erect penis, she felt embarrassed; she had never seen a male like this before. She felt him crawl back up toward her. He leant forward and they kissed, both tongues running the inside of each other's mouth, the kiss getting deeper and deeper with time. He drew back from the kiss and smiled at the beautiful, naked Anthanasia and whispered "I've never met a slave who was willing to go this far. I know you'll enjoy this greatly." He placed the head of his erect penis at the opening of her vagina.

Anthanasia closed her eyes as she felt Aubrey's tongue enter her mouth. She rubbed her own tongue against it, thrusting her own tongue deep into the male's own mouth, not stopping until the male pulled back. Nodding, she felt the tip of the penis slip over her already wet vagina, sending shivers up and down her spine. "Don't stop, I want to feel you in me" she whispered.

"As you wish..." Aubrey said, a smile growing across his face. He pushes his cock in slowly, allowing Anthanasia to come to terms with the sensation. He moaned, lowering himself toward the girl, her tight cunt slowly opening; she was still a virgin. He withdrew slowly, enjoying every second. He continued to thrust, speeding up slightly until he reached a comfortable pace. He looked at Anthanasia, who was moaning greatly as she felt his cock rub against her vagina. "I love you... Audrey..." she told him as she moaned loudly.

"I love you to Anthanasia" he replied as he panted, steadily losing his pace. He stops and smiles at the young girl who was still strapped down to the bed. "How far are you willing to go?" he questioned

"I'll do whatever you want" she replied. She was breathing heavily, enjoying herself greatly.

Audrey simply smiles at the girl as he straddles her once more, but by her head this time. He told her to open wide as he moved his throbbing cock closer to the girl's mouth. He lowered his own head and starts licking her again, feeling her warm, supple tongue wrap itself around his cock. He felt her sucking, her saliva working the head of the cock, making it throb in her mouth. "This is so good... I've not had pleasure like this in ages!" Audrey thought to himself as he kissed and licked the soft vagina.

Anthanasia saw what her master was up to and prepared herself, licking her soft lips as the throbbing cock entered her mouth. She swished her tongue around, making sure every centimetre had been licked by the end of it. She felt a sudden explosion of senses as she feels her vagina being licked. Moaning into his cock, she starts massaging the head of the cock with her tongue, making it vibrate as she moaned.

Aubrey could feel himself getting ready to release. He withdrew himself once more. He straddles her again, just below her breasts. He inserts his throbbing cock between them and starts rocking backward and forward, repeating the motion. While he was doing that, he decided to continue stimulating Anthanasia. He reaches back and inserts a finger into her vagina, rubbing against the walls.

Anthanasia almost jumps as Audrey withdrew his cock from her mouth, quickly placing the wet erection between her breasts. He feels him rub, loving every movement as it glides between the breasts, already lubricated by her own spit. She closes her eyes sharply as she feels Audrey insert his finger, him wriggling around inside her, rubbing against her G-spot. She feels a twinge as she releases, moaning loudly, spraying the bed sheets AND Aubrey's finger with her release. Smiling faintly, she watches him lift his finger and lick it, cleaning it of her release.

Aubrey could see the female was ready to release. With a few more strokes, he managed to hit the G-spot head on, causing her to moan loudly. He felt her release cover his finger, her smile telling him she liked it. He lifted his dripping finger and licked it clean, savouring the salty liquid. Now she had released, it was his turn. Smiling, it was his turn. He could feel himself getting ready, his balls telling him an orgasm was approaching. Placing both hands on Anthanasia's breasts, he gropes her gently and speeds up. He moaned, the moan growing louder with each thrust of his powerful hips.

Suddenly, Aubrey couldn't hold back any more. Leaning back slightly, still thrusting at great speed, he feels the first of his release leave his cock, a rope of his seed hitting the bottom of Anthanasia's chin, causing her to moan. Two ropes, three ropes. The orgasm died down after he shot his tenth load onto her chin and between her breasts.

Smiling, both in a state of pure ecstasy, they exchanged looks, both breathing deeply. Getting off of her, Aubrey leant over her Godly and lapped up his release, making sure he cleaned between Anthanasia's breasts before moving up to her chin, which he sucked and nibbled lightly. Smiling, he kissed her lightly on the lips and undid the shackles that held her to the bed.

Anthanasia looked at her master, accepting the kiss. She heard the locks click above her, her wrists being released. She brought them down, stretching them, trying to get them to return to their normal state. She hears two clicks from down below too, feeling the pressure in her ankles being released. She rose and moved towards Aubrey, kissing him once more, tasting his salty seed that remained in his mouth. She pushed back slightly and cleaned the now softening cock with her mouth, moaning slightly. Stopping, she licked the head again and placed a final kiss on the end.

"You enjoyed that didn't you, Anthanasia?" Aubrey asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes I did Aubrey... I hope we can do it again sometime"

Aubrey sighed. A smile grew across his face. "How... I know this may sound crazy, but... how would you like to... How would you like to marry me?" He asked

Anthanasia's world was turned upside down. Just earlier that day, she hadn't had a bath for a few weeks. Her hair was matted and looked appalling. She was put up on auction, the man sitting in front of her winning the bid, bringing her back to his mansion, where he looked after her, had sex, and now, she had been asked if she'll marry him? "Yes" was the only word to leave her lips before she fainted, falling back onto the bed.

It was a bright, sunny autumn afternoon. Bells could be heard for miles around, ringing from a church in the middle of the village. A groom stood at the front of a specially arranged outdoor ceremony, looking down the aisle, waiting. Suddenly, he felt his heart start to melt. At the other end of the aisle, he could see a young woman no older than 18, dressed in a billowing white dress with a matching head piece and a bouquet of ruby red roses held firmly in her hands, a wide smile showing her perfect pearly teeth. Everyone stood as the female walked down the aisle, three little elfish children holding her train up followed close behind. She stopped as she reached the front.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! We are gathered here today to witness Aubrey and Anthanasia join in holy matrimony! If anyone present objects to the marriage of these two, please would the speak up now"

The day of the wedding was a perfect autumn day. Green leaves still stood firm in the trees, a few turning yellow and brown. A slight breeze filled the air as Aubrey and Anthanasia were finally wedded, in holy matrimony.

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