The Widow Mr. Ralston

By curious

Published on Jul 23, 2014



Hi, here is a nice story for your enjoyment. Its been more than a few years since I've submitted a story to Nifty so I hope its well received. As always please send any comments or inquires to

I couldn't believe how wickedly delicious it felt having the widow Mr. Ralston running the palms of his hands gently across the top of my nylon stocking clad feet. I was shaking in pure pleasure as I felt how snuggly the nylon stockings I had on encased my legs and feet. I marveled at how lusciously smooth and silky soft they were upon my skin. For a very long time I had been secretly wishing that I could put on a pair of women's nylon stockings and their frilly under things so I could feel what it was like to pretend I was young pretty girl full of sexual desires, desires that I was ultimately giving myself over too that evening. God I felt so good wearing nylons, so wickedly good and wanton that I wanted to moan out loud in pleasure as the widow Ralston lightly gripped my feet before sliding his finger tips across my insteps and then trailed them lightly along the sides of my feet. But I feared that if I made any noise it he might stop what he was doing to me and the last thing I wanted was for him to stop touching me.

"So soft; so pretty," he whispered to himself as I felt him adjust his hands and run his fingers across the top of my toes and then rub his thumbs over the balls of my feet. He was rubbing my soles, making little swirls with his thumbs and it felt so good being touched by him in that way that I began oozing even more pre-cum from my hard little cock. I never ever thought it was possible to be touched so softly or as intimately as he was touching me.

"So very, very pretty," he continued on as I struggled to keep my eyes open and watch in utter awe as the stockings, the nylon material, glittered and gleamed in the overhead light. The sight of my own stocking clad legs and feet was mesmerizing. I thought I looked so pretty in them.

"My God," he breathed huskily as he lifted my stocking feet up and leaned forward to gently kiss me along the bottom of my toes. "God, oh God," he said as he lightly brushed his lips along the bottom of my toes. "You are so pretty like this Harper, so, so pretty," and I felt a wave of goose bumps popping up along my legs underneath my nylon stockings, down my arms, along my spine, and across my naked ass, as Mr. Ralston slide his hands across the bottom of my feet and cupped my heels.

"I've wanted you for very long time Harper," I heard him tell me and I suddenly experienced a full body shiver, one that made me suck my stomach in and thrust my hard cock up and out into the air. My pelvic thrust elicited a muted whimper from deep within my throat. Suddenly a dizzy feeling surround my head and spread across my face. The sensation I had was nearly identical to one you experience prior to blacking out. As I struggled to clear my head I twisted a bit at my waist and doing so rubbed my stockings against each other along my inner thighs and doing so sent the most delicious and delightful tingling sensations along my legs that I couldn't help but gulp in a large breath of air. As the soft material moved against each other I heard Mr. Ralston say, "I've dreamed of having you," he spoke. "I've never wanted anyone as much as I've wanted you," he told me. "I've ached to have you this way," and I heard him call or refer to me as `little mother' as he gently pressed his lips against the soles of my feet.

"I've always dreamed of dressing you up in nylon stockings little mother," he said. "I've wanted to dress you up like this and then touch and kiss you in all your naughty places." Had my ankles and knees not been bound, tightly held together by the soft white nylon cord he had tied me up with. I would have spread my nylon stocking clad legs apart like a woman does when she takes a man. I wanted to open myself up to him as he continued to softly caress my feet. I wanted to lay there on his bed and display myself to him. I wanted him to revel in the sight of me. I ached to spread myself open before him and show him how willing I was to give myself to him; to let him take me as a man does a woman. The passion and sexual lust that coursed through me was so powerful that my hard little cock throbbed and jerked like a young supple tree sapling does in a strong wind. I heard myself panting, literally panting like a puppy, as he began sliding his hands up and down my feet. I was so aroused and yet I was still wholly stunned that I was engaging in my first ever sexual experience by doing so with a middle aged man.

While Mr. Ralston began kissing me softly across the top of my stocking feet, gently pressing, and then softly brushing his lips across the nylon material. I could only marvel at how utterly wonderful I felt. My whole body was responding to his delicate touching and feelings so emotionally powerful which I'd never dreamed of as being possible simply overcame me as I lay there on his bed reveling in his touch.

The widow Mr. Bernard `Benny' Ralston lived only a house away from us in Poplar Montana. It was 1970 and Mr. Ralston had lost his wife in a car accident a few years before. He was a non-Indian in his mid-fifties and he was a friend of our family. As a kid I had always been welcome in his house. Mom and dad liked him and dad and him did go fishing and hunting on a pretty regular basis. Like dad, Mr. Ralston worked for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. And because I'm Native American and was raised like I was. His being a friend of the family meant I always thought of him like being an uncle to me. He didn't have any kids of his own and after his wife died he really enjoyed it whenever I came over to his place to play catch, watch TV, or just visit. I enjoyed spending time with him and I know he enjoyed spending time with me.

I had just turned 13 years old in 1970. It was the month of April, Saturday the day after my birthday and I had gone over to Mr. Ralston's house because mom and dad had to drive to Williston ND to do some grown up shopping which meant I was staying behind. As they planned their trip they'd asked him if it was okay if I spent the day and night with him because they wouldn't be back from their outing until mid-afternoon on Sunday. Without any hesitation he readily agreed to have me over and I remember actually looking forward to spending the day and night at his place.

That Saturday afternoon was great. Mr. Ralston took me to the Tastee-Freeze for burgers and fries, and once we finished our meal he took me downtown to the Fort Peck Merc, short for Mercantile, and bought me a new pair of sneakers, a tank top, and a pair of running shorts which he told me was his birthday presents from him to me. After that we went back to his place and watched the Saturday afternoon western matinee on TV. I was really, really enjoying the day and as evening approached he made us a nice stew for supper. As we were eating our meal I remember he began talking to me about his dead wife and he spoke of how much he missed her.

"Mother was a very special lady, Harper," he told me. "Like me, she always wanted to have little boy, a son," he said. "But we never had any children," and I could hear the hurt in his voice as he spoke about not having children. "Having a pretty young boy like your self would have made her so happy," and I do remember that he briefly choked up telling me that.

"Mother loved boys," he went on. "Did you know that when she first saw you after your family moved here that she spoke to me about you," he said. "I remember coming home from work that evening and all she could do was talk about this sweet young exceptionally pretty Indian boy that had just moved into the house one down from us." He paused a moment lost in his memories and then with a sigh he told me how pretty Mrs. Ralston thought I was. I have to admit that I do wish that I'd gotten an opportunity to know her. But as I said already she was killed in a car accident only a few months after we moved to town. "She thought so much of you," he said and I felt really sorry for him then because I could see tears were forming in his eyes.

"She's been gone for awhile now," he said. "But you know what? Whenever I see you, whenever you come over and spend time with me I think of her. And believe it or not when you're around I see her in you." As we finished our meal together he continued to speak to me about Mrs. Ralston and as I politely listened I began to realize that the longer he talked to me about her, the more personal and intimate his revelations concerning her started becoming.

"Her legs, Harper," he said as he sat back down at the table across from me after clearing away our stew bowls. "Mother had stunning legs. Legs to die for," he said as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table and looked me directly in the face. "Mother's legs were perfect. Toned, shapely, and smooth as silk to the touch. And I just have to tell you that you have legs like Mother had. Your young boy legs are nearly identical to hers," and hearing him say that made me blush because his telling me that embarrassed me.

"She was so pretty, Harper," he said. "And when she wore stockings, you do know what nylon stockings are don't you," he asked and I nodded my head indicating that I did. "When she wore her nylons the sight of her in them, how they clung to her, how they accentuated the curve of her calves and the delicate shape of her thighs," he said. "It was a stunning, breath taking sight to behold." Then suddenly he stopped talking. A really strange look crossed his face and he sat up in his chair and went rigid.

"You know what?" he said. "That's enough talking for now. I'm probably boring the hell out of you and its still light outside so what say you and I go out to the backyard play some catch."

"Sure," I replied and both of us stood up from the table. But as I looked across at him, and I don't know why I did it, I glanced down at his crotch and I noticed that he had a large bulge in his pants. I quickly looked away after seeing him like that and ran out of the kitchen to the back porch and grabbed mine and his baseball gloves and hard ball. I was a bit flustered going out the door because I kept thinking about the bulge in his pants and for whatever reason there was I just knew that I was the cause of that. As I popped open the screen door and jumped off the porch and jogged into the yard I remember thinking that it made me feel good to know that.

I played catch with him till dusk which came around 7:00pm. I pretended to be a pitcher and did my best to work on my control of the ball as I threw to him. I showed him my curve, my slider, and my sad fast ball and we had a great time. Since the evening was warm both of us worked up a bit of a sweat and when he finally called a halt to our playing catch we went back inside and he told me that he was going to get into the shower to clean up. "Once I'm out it's your turn okay," he said I nodded my head yes. "Tell you what," he called out as he headed down the hallway to the bathroom. "After you shower put your new shorts and tank top on. They're comfortable things to have on for lounging around."

Freshly scrubbed, feeling clean all over and with a damp head I was sitting on the couch wearing my new shorts, no underwear underneath them, and new tank top when Mr. Ralston looked over at me during a commercial break. "Your 13 now Harper," he said. "When I turned 13 my uncle Nate let me drink my first beer as a birthday present."

"Really," I replied.

"Yeah," he answered. "But you know I don't drink anymore so letting you have a beer tonight isn't going to happen." I felt disappointed when he said that. "However," he went on. "I may not drink anymore. But, I do have something in the house that you and I can share together." I was intrigued by what he meant by that so I nodded my head okay and he got up and went into his bedroom for a moment and when he came back into the living room he did so carrying a clear plastic baggy with some kind of leafy greenish brown tobacco looking stuff in it. I watched in fascination as Mr. Ralston opened the baggy and pulled out rolling paper. "This," he told me "is grass or what some call pot." Quickly, expertly, he rolled a large joint. "Now so you know what we're going to do is we're going to smoke this joint together and get high. But you have to promise me that you won't ever tell your mom, your dad, or anyone else for that matter about doing this. Is that understood," and I nodded my head yes and once I did he lit it. Inhaling deeply from it he looked kind of funny as he sucked in the smoke deep into his lungs and then held it for time before exhaling out a massive rolling cloud.

"This is good dope," he said and he took another big hit then offered it to me. "Take a hit," he said. "It'll make you cough if you haven't ever smoked before but believe me. After you take a few drags you're going to end up loving this stuff." I discovered he wasn't lying about me enjoying smoking dope for the first time. Man did I start getting high. And what surprised him most about me puffing on the joint was how big my hits were. I sucked that joint like a pro because unknown to Mr. Ralston I was already smoking cigarettes so taking hits off his joint was for me was like smoking. By the time he rolled us a second joint any inhibitions I might have had about smoking dope with him were long gone. I was high and feeling fabulous. In fact I was so relaxed and comfortable I didn't mind one bit when after he lit the joint and passed it over to me he started talking to me about how pretty my legs and feet looked.

"Damn Harper," he said. "Your legs and feet are really pretty. I just have to tell you that your legs and feet are as pretty as Mother Ralston's were." Listening to him tell me that I couldn't help but giggle at it all. It felt good to be told I was pretty and I smiled to myself and took a hit from the joint. As I did so Mr. Ralston got up and came over to the couch and sat down beside me.

"Suck that joint down," he told me while he lightly place the palm of his left hand on my knee. "Suck it down Harper," and I felt him squeeze my knee then slowly he let his hand slide down to the inside of my leg. "Yeah," I heard him say and suddenly I felt his hand going up my thigh until he reached my shorts. "Oh yeah," he whispered when he realized that I was doing nothing to stop him. In fact I liked it and as I felt him move his hand directly up to my crotch I was secretly hoping that he was intending to put his hand on my cock. Once I felt his hand cover my crotch I responded physically and immediately my little cock began swelling. In moments I had an erection underneath my shorts and I heard myself grunt as he began fondling me. I nearly dropped the joint as he gripped and squeezed on me but before I did he took it from me and stubbed it out in the ash tray resting on the coffee table. While he put it out he never let go of me and when he had it extinguished he turned his torso towards me. With his right hand he placed it against my left shoulder and he gently pressed me backwards so that I ended up leaning up against the couch's armrest. Once I was leaning away from him he quickly switched hands, bringing his right hand down to my crotch and grabbing at me. I moaned loudly as I felt him squeeze my hard little cock through my shorts. Man I'd never dreamed how good it could feel to have someone touching you, fondling you, squeezing you, like he was doing to me.

"Oh Harper," he groaned to me. "Little Mother," I heard him call me and although my eyes were shut I heard him raise up from the couch and felt him pick up my legs so that I ended up more or less laying stretched out. "God you're so pretty," he said and hearing him say that thrilled me. By then he had both hands on me and I could feel a wetness expanding within my shorts as I began leaking out copious amounts of what I later learned is called pre-cum.

As he manipulated me through my shorts my body began acting on its own and I spread my legs apart to give Mr. Ralston better access to me. God he was making me feel so good. It was incredible getting felt up by him and I could hear myself gasping and moaning softly in sheer pleasure. "Oh wow," I whispered and the most unbelievable feeling began pulsating throughout me. I didn't know it then but what was happening to me was I was building to an orgasm, my first ever orgasm, and Mr. Ralston must have recognized what was happening to me and before I could cum he released me and placed his hands on either side of my face. "Harper, Little Mother," I heard him whisper to me. "Let's go into the bedroom now." Through blurry eyes I looked up at him and nodded yes.

In his bedroom the moment I saw his bed I suddenly felt shy and bit frightened. I was fully aware that I was willingly getting myself into a sexual situation with an older man that would require me to give him body and let him take his sexual pleasure from me. And as much as I wanted to do what I knew we were going to do. The sight of his big bed had spooked me.

"Take off your cloths," he told me and I did so by pulling my tank top off. Letting it drop to the floor and as I reached down to push my shorts down my legs I felt how badly my hands were trembling. I was shaking so much with nervous energy that I was actually trembling. Once my shorts fell down around my ankles I looked down at my feet so I could step out of them. When I looked down I saw my little hard cock sticking out in front of me.

"I'm going to dress you up so you're nice and pretty for me," Mr. Ralston said. I looked up over at him and watched in absolute silence as he opened up the top drawer on his dresser and brought out a black colored wide belted lacy garter belt. "This belonged to Mother," he said and he held it out towards me. The garter belt looked very pretty and the sight of the garter straps dangling with the metal claps creating a soft clicking sound as they struck one another gave me goose bumps. I shuddered in excitement wondering what the garter belt would look like once he put it on me. "You'll be wearing this for me," and then in his other hand I saw that he was holding a flat package wrapped in plastic. "These are Mother's nylon stockings," he said. "There new Harper," he told me as he walked over to where I was standing. "This is a fresh pair of stockings, never opened," and he held them up so I could see them. "You'll enjoy feeling them on your legs little boy," he said. "Once you have them on you'll discover just how wonderful it is to wear them and I promise that I'll make sure you never forget how they make you feel once you have them on."

He motioned me to his bed and I stepped over and sat down. As he walked up to me he told me, "Mother's pretty things have always been special to me Harper. She was such a lovely, beautiful woman. You need to know that whenever we fucked she always wore her stockings for me because that's what I like when I have sex." As I sat there staring at his dead wife's lingerie and nylon stockings I completely blanked on noticing his nakedness. It wasn't until he stood directly in front of me that I became aware of his own erection. There just inches from my face was the hard erect cock of a middle age man and as I stared at it, marveling at how powerful and beautiful it looked to me. I suddenly felt my mouth watering and this incredible urge to lean forward and take that cock in my mouth and just suck on it washed over me. Perhaps sensing what I was intending to do Mr. Ralston took a step back from me and putting his hands on my shoulders, the left holding his wife's black garter belt and the right holding the package of her nylon stockings. He bent me back just far enough so that he could bend forward and lean down and kiss me full on the mouth. I'd never actually kissed before and at first as I felt his tongue wiggle past my lips and move around in my mouth I didn't know how to respond. But being the smart kid I thought I was back then, it wasn't long before I was kissing him back and our tongues began swirling around each other. As we kissed I felt him push me back onto his bed and I readily let him take control of me. As our kiss lingered I moaned softly as he explored me and somehow communicated how he wanted me to kiss him back. I felt him slide his hands down along my sides and I ended up gasping in his mouth as he expertly affixed his wife's garter belt around my thin boyish waist and hook it closed. The snugness with which it held me was thrilling and I moaned and broke our kiss.

"Does your garter belt feel sexy Little Mother," he asked as he looked me in the eye. "Is it nice and snug?"

I had to swallow to wet my throat before I could respond and I answered him with a raspy "yes."

"Here," he told me. "Lean back so I can look at you." Without hesitation or reservation I eagerly did as he directed and I leaned back on his bed holding my torso up off his mattress by resting myself on my elbows. While I looked up at him I could hear the sound of my own hard breathing and because I was beginning to lose myself to the growing lust that was building up within me I automatically spread my legs apart to give him a good look at my hard cock.

"Very pretty," he said. "But we're not done yet." Reaching down he grabbed me and lifted me up right and then pulled on me to stand me up. Once I was standing he stepped behind me and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Now Little Mother," he said. "Come here and put that nasty little naked Indian ass of yours down on my lap." Shaking all over I did what he wanted and I slowly lowered myself down until I rested my naked ass across his lap. When I felt his hard cock press up against me I blurted out a rather stuttering "oh my." "Lean back to this side," he told me and I did so. "Good boy," he said and he put his arms around me and just inches above my hard little cock he opened up the package of nylon stockings and took them out. I saw they were colored a dark deep brown and casting away the cardboard sheet they were wrapped around I watched him bring them up to my face. "Kiss them Harper," he ordered. "Kiss them and smell them Little Mother." And I eagerly did so. Breathing in deeply through my nose I happily discovered that the scent of the nylon material was simply intoxicating. As he trailed the stockings across my face I began shivering so uncontrollably with lustful excitement that I must have felt like a human vibrator to him. When he began trailing them down over my chin and down to my chest I began gasping out loud. God it felt so good having him touch my naked skin with those nylons that I began whimpering. Once he put them on my hard little cock I screamed because the sensation of the nylon material connecting with my cock was absolutely mind blowing. Hearing me scream as he brushed the stockings against my hard little cock made him chuckle and I heard him whisper to me "that's what I wanted Little Mother." Sliding the stockings against my cock was pure pleasure and torture combined. I can't explain how it felt other than to simply say it felt good.

"Lift your leg up," he ordered and I did so and brought my right leg up and bent it at the knee. "Point your pretty toes," he told me as he shifted me over so I ended up still sitting in his naked lap but laying my torso off to his side. Leaning around me he reached out and expertly slipped a stocking on to and then over my foot. Feeling the nylon clinging snuggly to my foot made me bite my own lip. God it was incredible how the stocking felt to me. I looked around him and marveled at how sharply contrasted the darker toned welting of the reinforced toe and heel sections on the stocking enhanced and shapeliness of my foot. Absentmindedly I began reaching down with my hand to grab at myself but was prevented from doing so when Mr. Ralston saw it and ordered me to remain still. "Don't," he ordered and I instantly obeyed.

I can't describe the sheer delight I felt as he pulled the stocking up my leg. It was incredible to feel how silky smooth it was against my skin. Once he had pulled the stocking up to my thigh top he grabbed the front garter strap and expertly clipped it in place. Quickly then he put the other stocking on my left leg and once he set the clasp he told me to stand up so he could clip on the back garters. I had to reach back and steady myself by gripping him on the shoulder as the exquisite sensations of wearing nylon stockings and a garter belt made me feel light headed. "Now," I heard him tell me. "Climb onto to my bed and stretch out. I want to take pictures of you." I did as he wanted and got onto his bed and lay down on my back. I was so excited that I couldn't stop shaking. I watched as he got up and went over to his closet and rummaged around for a moment and then I saw him bring out a Polaroid camera. "These are for me Little Mother," he said as he came back over to the bed and held the camera out for me to look at. "I want you to listen carefully to how I want you to pose for me okay," and I managed to tell him "yes."

Those old Polaroid cameras held 10 pictures and he used up 2 whole packages of film photographing me. I happily posed for him with my legs spread lying on my back. When he told me to I shifted to a side on position for him. On the second pack of film he posed me on my hands and knees and then lying down on my stomach facing him with my ankles crossed. "Always point your toes," he repeated before snapping a picture and I did so. I remember smiling up at him in every shot he took and I thoroughly enjoyed being photographed. I felt so naughty to pose in nylon stockings for him. Once he used up the second pack of film. He grabbed a third and reloaded him camera. "Now for some even better fun," he said and I watched as he set the camera down and went to the night stand by his bed. From the drawer of his night stand he pulled out 3 long individual lengths of white rope. Seeing the strands dangling from his hand did scare me at first but as I moved across the bed to position myself as he order me to do my briefly felt fear quickly disappeared as he began tying my ankles together. It blew me away to see the color contrast that the white rope had against my brown colored stockings. Cinching my ankles snuggly together he then moved up and tied me my legs together just above my knees. When he finished he told me to stretch out my arms in front of me and he then bound my wrists together. Once I was tied he ordered me to lie back on the bed. "I'm going to fuck Little Mother," he said. "I'm going to fuck you and suck you until you scream and beg me to get you off."

As I looked up at him from the bed I watched as he grabbed his camera again and loading in another pack film he ordered me to begin struggling against my bonds. "I want you to struggle Harper. I want you to pull against the rope and try and work yourself loose. And while you do it I'm going to take pictures of you," and so because it was what he wanted me to do I did as he asked. Only when he finished taking his pictures did he climb onto the bed next to me. "Now Harper," he said. "Now I'm going to show you how a man sucks and fucks pretty little girly-boys like you," and he reached over and wrapped a hand around my hard little cock. "I'm gonna suck you little mother. I'm going to put your little cock in my mouth and make it cum for me. And when you do don't hold back. Shoot your little boy cum into my mouth okay," and all I could do was mumble a muted yes.

I won't lie or make up a story about how long Mr. Ralston sucked on me because to be honest I remember feeling his mouth on my little cock and I gasped as he wrapped his lips tightly around my shaft and sucked softly on me as he slide me into his mouth until I felt his lips press up against my pelvis area. I remember he rode my shaft just a few times up and down with his mouth and then not really understanding what was happening to me I came for the first time in my life. God it felt so good that I know I was crying and sobbing as I emptied myself into his hot mouth. I thought I was dying because I was so light headed. Mr. Ralston held me tight in his mouth as I spurted out my cum and I can't explain or describe the incredibly delicious feelings I felt as he sucked me dry. Only when I stopped thrusting myself into his mouth did he begin releasing me from his mouth.

"Oh God," I heard him say as he released me and lifted himself up into a kneeling position next to me. "Harper you were wonderful," he said and once again I felt him sliding his hands on my stocking clad legs. "You were perfect little mother and now it's your turn to suck on me." First he untied me releasing me from my bonds and then laying down on his bed he ordered me to get between his legs. "Suck my cock little mother. Suck it like I sucked yours," and I did try too but honestly my cock sucking that first time had to leave a lot to be desired. But I did my best. I didn't get him off sucking on him but I did learn that I liked having a hard cock in my mouth and I loved behaving so nasty.

When he felt it was time for me to stop Mr. Ralston told me to let him go and I did. "Now lie down on your stomach," he said and I did. "I'm going to fuck you in the ass little mother. I'm going to fuck you until I cum." Mr. Ralston spread my legs apart and I felt his hands grab my ass cheeks and spread them apart so I was opened up back there. He leaned down and began licking my asshole and I groaned in ecstasy as he began tongue fucking my ass. It felt so good that I began weeping in pure joy. I know he was doing what he was doing all in order to loosen me up back there and when he stopped I could hear him moved to the edge of the bed and again he opened up his night stand drawer and although I didn't look he took out a tube of lube and I jumped when I felt his wet slippery finger press up against my dark little hole. "This is to make it easier for you to take me in," and I jumped into the mattress when he began inserting his thick finger. It hurt having him go inside me but it also felt good. I moaned and squirmed as he began finger fucking my ass and when he felt I was lubed up enough I felt him press the head of his hard cock up against me.

"Now little mother," he whispered. "Take it," and he began pushing himself into me. Of course it hurt. In fact I felt like he was splitting me in two as first the head of his hard cock went into me and then I did cry out in pain as he kept pushing himself in. I don't know how long it took for him to bury himself in my little ass but eventually I felt him fully inside of me and as I struggled to not push him out and relax my ass as he kept repeating me to do so.

Eventually I relaxed back there and I began to feel wonderful as he slowing pumped in and out of me until finally he had me totally relaxed and enjoying being fuck in my ass. He ordered me to beg him to fuck me and I happily did so. As he was working himself up to orgasm I vividly remember that he began telling me that I was his property. I was his little mother and a girly-boy fuck toy that he owned and intended to fuck on a regular basis. He made me promise him that I would let him fuck me anytime he wanted too and in any way that he wanted too. As I listened to him moan in pleasure as he shot his hot load into me I swore that I would do anything this man wanted me to do sexually if it meant I could wear his dead wife's nylon stockings and garter belt.

When he came he did so with a strangled sounding cry that still rings in my ears at times. He pumped me hard and drove himself to the hilt and I could actually feel his cock throb and pulsate inside me as he dumped into my ass. As I felt him slowly relax, regain his breath, I told him that I was still hard and I asked him if I could reach underneath me and play with myself. But he told me no. And when he did he pulled out of me and rolled me over onto my back and before I knew it he took me into his mouth again and he had me cumming in minutes.

I've never forgotten the widow Ralston and never will. I did for quite some time become a sexual plaything for him. In fact he was my male lover from age 13 until we moved away from Poplar in 1975. By the time we did move not only was I being fucked and fucking the widow Ralston, I was also engaging in homosexual gangbangs with him and some of his friends. I've never forgotten him and I won't because my time spent with him was special.

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