The Whole Class

By Jack pawley

Published on Jun 20, 2008



I would like to relate a story that doesn't belong to me, but a friend told me many years ago.

Thanks Nigel, I have had so many pleasant dreams thinking of this incident. I pictured myself in your place, on more then one occasion.

Nigel went to a private school in London, the same time as me, in the late 50s. I attended a very strict government school.

For some reason that was never told, the whole of his class was to be treated to a dose of the cane.

They were told to report at the end of the day, 4.15pm, to the gym changing room. Dress in their shorts, 'T' shirts, socks and Plimsoll's. Full P.T. attire.

They filed out to the main hall, which doubled as the gym, and lined up at one side.

Three Masters were in attendance, each stood by a school chair and was armed with a cane, the chairs arranged so each boy getting his stroke would be seen by the other two.

The first caner stood flexing his cane and told the boys how this was going to be conducted.

"The first boy will drop off his shorts, walk to this chair, put his shorts on the seat and bent across the back of the chair. When his has received his two strokes from me, he will stand up thank me and walk to the next chair taking his shorts with him. By then the second boy has taken up the position and be ready for his punishment. You will then receive two strokes from that master. After you have thanked him, go to the third chair taking your shorts with you, you will bend over it and be treated to two more strokes. After you have thanked that master and go and stand over the other side of the hall. With your shorts on the floor infront of you and your hands interlocked behind your head.

Any boy to meanders from these rules will receive farther stroke or strokes. Is there any questions?"

Dare we ask?

The first boy was told to remove his shorts, then summons forward. He bent over the chair. The next boy had to be ready for his call. The first boy had two strokes from the Master, got up thanked him and moved to the next chair. Meanwhile, the second boy took up his position. And so it went on each boy receiving two strokes from each Master, then he stood over the other side of the hall with his hands behind his head and shorts on the floor infront of him.

I was 11th in line, my heart beat like a jungle drum. They wasn't sparing the rod, each stroke was as hard as you normally get over the trousers. Most of the boys quietly sobbing as he made his way to the other side.

My cock was as hard as a rock by the time my call was made. Quickly I marched out to the first chair covering my pride with my shorts and hoping no one noticed. I did notice a couple of the boys who had signs of excitement.

I bent over stretching to hold on to the chair seat, almost on tip toe, the cane made its impact and I twitched and rocked on the chair, I looked up to see another boy getting his strokes. By then my second stroke had landed.

I rose up and thanked Sir, walked to the best of my ability to the next chair, it felt good to be bent down. I felt the skin stretch, and without any warning the cane struck, it was a little low and made me yelp. But, the fourth got me middle of my buttocks, and felt good.

I straightened up thanked Sir again and made for the next chair, this Master was left handed, and the strokes were fast, and coming from the opposite side. I didn't care too much what the other boys were seeing, we were all in the same boat.

I was now embarrassingly hard, my shorts quickly covering myself I staggered over to the line up of 'saved souls'.

When all of us were branded we were told to turn around, bend down and touch our toes, each Master checked the pattens on each of our buttocks, then we were told to go back to the changing rooms and then off home. At the doorway, the three Master stood with a grin on their faces they saw us out to the changing rooms.

The second Master said to me. "You are in for a treat, son". And looked down at my cock.

I was red with embarrassment, but with the smile he gave me I knew I would be in for a number of canings before I left school.

We all went home very sore.

This was an isolated incident, and as far as I know never happened again.

I did get a few more strokes before leaving school, from this master, but nothing else.

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