The Whitie Black Boy

By John Galaor

Published on Nov 24, 2015


The Whitey Blackboy Part 1

NOTE: This story contains sex acts among boys of high school of age 17. They are three black boys of high school. If these stories offend you, do not read farther.

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The Whitey Blackboy Part One

This story happened in a small rural city of Illinois, not far from Detroit. The black community was small in this city; the black boys of high school were not more than a 10%.

This is my story. I am a black boy in high school, and my name is "Connor". I am 16 years old but I look younger. You see that Connor is a rare name for a black boy, and this fact had caused me some problems. Among whites because it looks a weird name for a black boy; it is like I were also a freaky for all black boys should have a proper name for blacks.

With the black boys things are not better. They are even more aggressive and do not forgive me of having a white boy's name. To make matters worse, my skin is a little whiter for a black. My nose is not flat and my lips are not so thick but almost normal.

I had asked my mum a few times why I have this white name and she says,

"When you'll grow older you'll understand why I put you this name."

She thinks that having a white name would help me to find a job, as it would as well, to have a fairer skin; even if I am black.

My mum is also short of a maniac with the future.

So I asked her,

"You mean I would have problems of finding a job in the future?"

"It is not the future... I am worrying about."

"What are worrying of?"

And she added,

"The present." She said. "I was not speaking about a late... far away future; but a close one, just three or four years ahead. You are ignorant of the future is awaiting you, fro being black. A future that is very near, in the next corner of the street."

"Yeah, mum". I said tired of hearing so often the same speech about the future.

She then added,

"In the wink of an eye, you will be there."


"In the future, son. It is just a little jump away."

Then, by explaining my mum's manias, you would understand me. For my character is very close to my mum's.

She taught me to speak like the white people, and bought a few books for me to read aloud when I was like six or seven years old. By the way, she taught me to read first at age three.

She knows a lot about how I should read, for she is working with a white rich family. And later he studied to be a nurse. And now is working in a hospital as a certified nurse. It seems she had done her best to imitate the way that whites speak, specially the speak of those highly educated.

Then, resuming, I am obedient and well mannered, and if you ignore my not very dark skin, I could easily taken me for a white boy a little tanned by the sun in a beach of California.

But looking like a white boy had caused me a lot of problems. White boys in the school shun me, and the only white that speak to me is a 'nerd freak' of science and electronics. He likes to speak with me. And there is another white that says he is gonna be writer. My mum would slap me if she hears I am saying 'gonna'. This is vulgar.

Most of my problems are with black boys. They despised me for having good grades in school and for acting white. This is my worse defect, they say.

To compose farther my problem, I have not a flat nose, or thick lips, and my face looks a little girlish. Well, I had not told anyone, but it seems to me, that my real father was white.

I asked my mum why I had such a white-boy's face, and she did not replied to this question but she said,

"You should not complain for having a white's face. It would serve you well to find a better job when you would have an age for that; the next week or so."

She often advise me to study hard, like all good whites and Asiatic boys are doing. "You must behave like a good white boy", she said to me every day.

Then, one day I complained to her why she had put me a white name and not one like Malik, Jamal or Trevon, for these are proper names for black boys.

Then she said,

"I put you this name to make you look more like a white boy."

"What is bad in being a good black boy?" I asked her.

"Oh, dear! We blacks... we have our life full of... full of... 'full of shit'!!! You hear me??" She was very angry.

"But take care, of not repeating ever this word. I will wash your tongue with an old bar of sand soap! I was trying to... to... how is the word? To... to 'em-pha-si-ze' my anger. That's it. To emphasize a point. That means to give importance to something one says."

"Ah! So, this is to emphasize? Then?"

"It would had been much better if we were whites, after all."

"Then, my father was white?"

"No. I would had love it, but he wasn't. He was a black with a lighter skin. That's all."

"Then, you are not proud of being black?"

"We are full of crap, son. Being normal is not enough for us. You must work very hard, a lot harder, to become much better than any normal ordinary white person."

"Why is not good to be black?"

"Have you not seen... how many of them are in prison?"

"No. Er... well... yeah."

"How many blacks are unemployed?"

"Oh! Well, that's right."

"Most people in prison are black. So, there is not any reason to be proud of being black."

"Then, what I should do? I cannot change the color of my skin."

"Do not take much sun in the summer, boy." She said smiling of her joke.

"Should I avoid the sun?"

"I was joking, dear. But sunbathing would make your skin darker. So, it's a bad idea for you to sunbath. Better you take pills of vitamin D instead."

"I will get blacker if I sunbath?"

"Yeah. Obviously. And you must also walk by the shade. And you better act white."

"But I would be the butt of all jokes!"

"Take it lightly. If you earn a degree in a college or something... you will have the last to laugh."

I did not reply, but she added,

"Eventually, you all would grow up... very soon. Then... you would start looking for a job to earn some money. Believe me, this is rather difficult, even if you have earned a degree."

Then, you see the picture. I was a white-black boy, and the butt of all jokes.

But... since the last year... it seems we all had grew older, in high school. We are all less childish. But my body had not yet developed much and I look much younger than the other boys. Then, the most daring of them, most of them black, but a few are white... when nobody is watching they grab my ass whispering,

"You got a nice piece of white ass."

That pissed me off... but just a little. Why a little? I should confess that... well, when someone caresses my ass... I loved it.

My scientific mind was trying to figure a theory to explain this.

I had consulted several books in the public library... but I had found not any explanation for this. So, I started to figure a scientific theory... that says... the ass... I mean... the surface of my ass, have some tactile sensors and... when they feel they are being caressed... send a train of electric pulses to my brain that... I mean, there is some concrete spot in there called... "nucleus accumbens". So, the electric signals go directly to this point of the brain and it provokes a feeling of pleasure. So, you are hungry for more. I mean if you love it, you want more of it. I had not invented this, this is a piece of science. You must forgive me for being such a scientific; I know you are starting to get bored. So, this lecture is finished.

On the other hand, I was following the advice of my uncle Terry, for I consulted him about his question of my ass being caressed. So he said,

"Do not worry if other boys are caressing your ass." Said my Uncle. "I even feel like... how should I put it? I mean... sometimes... yeah, I've also had the temptation of grabbing your ass many times in my life."

"You were tempted?" I asked.

I was on the verge of inviting him to do it. But I was doubting for some seconds, and I said,

"Uncle, can you caress my butt to see if it feels the same?"

"I will gladly do it, son." He said.

He was caressing my ass for some seconds, and he even grabbed a hold of my buns and pressed nicely.

"Is it pleasant?" He asked.

"Yeah. Very pleasant."

"Now you know, son. Any day you need someone caressing your butts you can come home. I would be pleased to help"

"Sure. I will be one day."

I was happy to discover this pleasure was universal... and it worked with all sort of male hands.

My uncle continued speaking,

"So, to be a black white-boy is not a bad thing after all."

"Is not a bad thing?"

"Of course. For undisclosed reasons, pretty young people have a lot more chances of finding a good job, than ugly boys."

"A lot more of chances? Is it true?"

"It had been proved by a number of studies."

"It had been proved?"

"Yeah. I was in a team working on this. We presented a lot of fake curricula of imaginary young people with photos. All the curricula had written the same sort of lies. People write a lot of lies in their curricula. The only thing that changed was the photos. We used some ten different photos. Half showed fresh young people that looked were attractive and sexy. The other half showed ordinary young people, that looked not sexy. Well, 60% of the pics were of white people, and 30% were of blacks. Well, the curricula with the photos of the cute boys, received ten times more replies as an average than the papers with photos of people not cute, or ordinary guys. So a cute black man was ten times more positive replies than those that were not sexy and all had the same age."

"So, the beauty of a person has an influence to find a job?"

"Of course, son."

"So, what is the reason?"

"The reason must be that we all love the idea of fucking a cute young men. If a young man asking for a job is attractive... you get a little hornier, than if he is not. Then, it is much better to have around in a job someone that makes you horny."

"Is it true?"

"I am not sure if it is true, but it looks logical. It is the same case for a young woman. If she is pretty, any normal man gets hornier, that if she is not. Then, if a boss wanted to hire a young lady, the one choose must be prettier than average. The same is valid for boys."

"OH! This is amazing. So... is it not a bad thing if I look... like a white boy?"

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Yeah. What's it."

"I love white boys."

"But, if boys in high school caress my ass, they would think I am gay."

"You better feign to ignore this detail."


"Suppose you do not want to be gay. But you are not very strong, are you?"

"No, I am not."

"You can attend classes of karate or taekwondo, to get buffer. This would help you only a little to be stronger. But then you are going to neglect your classes in high school and this would not be a good idea for an intelligent black... that is almost... as cute as a white boy."

"Taekwondo? I do not see myself working on this."

"You have not an aggressive attitude."


"Then... you could not fight with everyone that would caress your butts. In fact these butts of yours... are a real temptation for any horny person. If you get angry instead of fighting... that would be worse. They would feel a lot of pleasure."

"A lot of pleasure... why?"

"For you are showing your impotence. You are showing to be inferior."


"A real winner do not get angry. But he would hit strongly in the face of someone that keeps grabbing his ass more than a couple of times."

"Yeah. Then, I should feign not to notice."

"Right. But they would not believe a word"

"They would not believe what?"

"You are not aware some caressed your butts... If you shut up... you are sending them a message: 'you will take my ass in the next opportunity'."

"I am sending this message?"

"Yeah. So... for as long as they would be dreaming... of taking your ass... they would be friendly to you."

"Then, I should let them take my ass?"

"Of course."

"Does it hurt?"

"You mean... Yeah. A little, the first time."

"What if I do not want to let them take my ass?"

"If you want not... you should never be alone in a room or in a wild with any horny guy that is stronger than you. If you'll ever be, he will got you trapped."

"Will I be trapped?" ·

"Yeah. Then, you must accept your fate, son. You would let him have a way with your ass."

"So, I will have to accept my fate?"

"Yeah. You must bend down and let him enjoy your ass."

"What happens if I am stronger?

"Then, you can take advantage of him. It's the law of the jungle, son. The weaker must let be fucked by the stronger. It is a law of nature."

"Is it a law of nature? The pastors are always shouting this is unnatural."

"They are a bunch of liars. Depending on their character, they had been sodomizing boys, or they were also being sodomized by horny young men."

"Then, this is natural?"

"Of course, son. Very natural."

Then, you see. My uncle Terry is a man with studies. He made a degree in psychology and other in anthropology. So, I follow his advice and I was feigning ignorance when someone caress my "white ass". That's all.

Well, as I said, the boys of high school this year, looked more mature. They are are often more... more with a great bulge in their jeans. So, in general, most black boys of high school rub their bulges as I pass before them. It is sort of automatic.

Some of them had caressed my rear when nobody was watching. Other black boys said "hi!" to me, in a low voice, as not wanting to attract the attention of other boys, that they were greeting me, a black whitie boy, a little girlish. This do not happened last year.

Because of this story, I must present you two black boys, that are a little thuggish, but are most often they trying to be close to me.

One is called DeShawn; he is rather black and tall for his age. He have thick lips and a buff body. The other is his buddy Darnell, that is of average high and not buff. Darnell is always at the side of DeShawn like he was his assistant, and always ready to do anything De Shawn would order him.

They are lately closer to me... like they wanted to become friends.

So, it is not a miracle if they are the ones that most often caress my ass. They do it mostly when we are walking crowded in the corridor to enter class. They are often walking on each side of me. I think I am becoming popular with them this year.

The problem I had when someone caresses my ass is that... I feel sort of... well... that I loved it.

I suppose these caresses are a sign of appreciation for my body. Perhaps they are thinking that I have a nice piece of white ass.

I could not imagine the reason to be angry for this. In the hidden closet of my mind... I am craving for these caresses.

So far, the boys were trying to be discreet and tried not to be seen doing this. So, they were behaving as if they were sort of friends with me. And sometimes they rebuke some stupid that had called me whitey.

One day, as I was going up home my two new... "my new friends"... were casually walking on each side of me.

"Where are you going?" Asked DeShawn; the older of the two.

"I am going home," I said.

"So early and going home?" He said like complaining.

"Well, I have to study for the next exams."

"Yeah. This is a good idea. One day you must help us to prepare for the exams as well. Will you?"

"Of course."

"But not today. Today I feel more like... more like walking... for a while with you; so we would know each other much better. We should be closer friends, play together, and... stay some nights on the home of the other; pass the night together and that. You know... the things white boys do also."

"I must ask my mum to pass the night in the house of a friend."

"Of course. But I was thinking about just now. We can walk together. Don't you want to have a walk with us?"

"Er... well, yeah."

"We need to have a good company. We want to learn good manners from you, and to have a good attitude."

"To learn good manners?"

"Yeah. A sort of interchange. You teach us to behave white, and we will teach you about some tricks of black people, like playing cards."

"But I don't know how to play cards!"

"More reason for us to teach you."

I was feeling a little uneasy, but at the same time, I was being flattered by those thuggish brothers wanting my company. They had been friendly with me this year, and the other boys had stopped calling me white.

As we were walking, I was feeling DeShawn caressing my ass. I tried to ignore it as my uncle advised.

The other boy, Darnell, seemed as well to be caressing my rear. They rubbed their hands lightly on my rear. It was like some casual touching as we walked.

We had walked like three miles from the city... and we were arriving near an abandoned house. DeShawn were grabbing my ass... now clearly; pressing on my rear buns as I walked. I began to feel an excitement in my crotch. My little dick was hard now.

DeShawn was grabbing harder my ass now, for it was causing me some pain. But I do not said a word, and feigned not being aware.

They turned around the house and stopped in the back yard. DeShawn asked me to come in there. As I approached he grabbed my ass harder and pushed me forward to make me walk.

In the back of the house there were some old chairs and a table.

I felt pleasure as one thug or the other... was grabbing my ass. This was a sort of... a revelation. I was a little surprised as my dick got harder when Darnell was grabbing my ass.

Do you remember the first time someone caressed your butts? That was exactly how I felt.

I protested a little as DeShawn pressed even harder. But it was a shy protest.

"Ouch!" I said. "It hurts, DeShawn."

"Sorry, Conny." Said DeShawn. "I was being friendly."

"Ok!" I said.

I loved he called me Conny instead of Connor. It was more sweet of him.

I do overplayed a little my protest, but I was real flattered.

"Now, we must start playing cards." Said Darnell.

"I do not know any card's game."

"We'll teach you. We are going to start with an easy game."

"An easy game?"

"Yeah, the easier of all. Each one takes a card, then... the one with the card of lower value, loses."

"Loses? But I have not any money."

"We have not either. The one that loses a game, has to take a piece of his clothes off."

"A piece of his clothe?" I asked.

"Yeah. Like starting with the shirt by example."

"And later?" I asked.

"Later the loser had to take off his jeans and so on."

"And what are the lower cards?"

"The lower cards are losers, and the number two is the lower. But number one in a card is the highest winner. Then the next high is the King, followed by Queen. Then, it comes the Jack and so on."

DeShawn was showing the cards as he explained that to me.

"Do you understand?" asked DeShawn.


"Darnell, shuffle the cards," asked DeShawn.

Darnell shuffled them and put the pile in the table.

"Now each one takes a card and put it face down."

We all did it.

"Now, Darnell, show up your card."

It turned out it was four of spades.

"Now it is my turn," said DeShawn.

He had the knave of diamonds.

"Now it is your turn, Conny."

My card was the seven of hearts.

"You lost, Darnell. You must take off your shirt," said DeShawn.

Darnell took off his shirt.

"Now shuffle again, Darnell."

Darnell shuffled the cards.

Well, we were playing this silly game, and it was my turn to get off my shirt. Later it was DeShawn the one who took his shirt off and I was admiring his strong chess that looked like he was doing some gym work to get buff.

After a while the three of us were in our underwear, and they were showing big bulges. I could not avoided to look at them. I had also a hardon but smaller one for... well, I was less developed.

"Now it will be the last play," Said DeShawn. "The one that loses this turn, had to obey all orders given to him."

"Take your card, Conny."

I took my card and put it downwards without watching.

We all had taken our cards. Then, DeShawn said,

"Here is my card." It was the King of clubs. "Now your, Darnell."

Darnell had the six of diamonds.

"Now, show your card, Connor."

I had the two of diamonds.

"You lost, Conny. You must obey our orders."

"Your orders?" I was a little scared.

"Nothing special, some silly order, or so." Said DeShawn.

"Silly like what?"

"Like... to pull my boxers down."

I was a little hesitant to do it. How could I do this? What would he think of me? Would they think I am a fag?

"Come on, Conny" he said. "We have not all day."

I had been educated to be obedient. But it was the first time I was asked something like this.

"Come on," said DeShawn.

I was not sure if I should.

"It's not a big deal, Conny. You must obey the orders"

I grabbed his boxers by the waist band... and I had a sort of excitement. My heart was thumping wild. It was the first time I grabbed the waist wand of some boy's underwear.

"It does not bite," said DeShawn trying to make me relax.

I started to pull his boxers down.

"Do it slowly," he said.

I started to pull down his boxers and I saw they had a menacing bulge inside that seemed like it was getting bigger. This make me sort of nervous.

As I was pulling the boxers down... the bulge was presenting some resistance to the pull.

"Pull harder," said DeShawn.

As I pulled harder, the huge fat dick shot up on my face. I felt like slapped by the huge piece of hard meat. It was like the thing had a sort a spring.

"Take my boxers down to my feet," said DeShawn.

I was pushing the boxers down, and DeShawn's dick was rubbing in my forehead. As I raised my face up, the head of DeShawn's dick was on my lips.

"Open it up," said DeShawn.

I opened to say something and the tip of his dick entered in. The tip of his dick was in my mouth and it was... it was tasty. I was amazed for it had some sweet taste. I could not believe it.

Then I heard him saying,

"The rules say... the loser must obey the orders."

I tried to say something, but DeShawn pushed his dick even deeper in my mouth.

I could not move my head to protest, for his hand had blocked my way back with his hand. I had not escape.

I had the huge dick in my mouth and the hand of DeShawn on the back of my head.

"Suck sweetly. It's like a lollipop," he said.

I had never had a dick in my mouth and I tried my best.

The first thing that surprised me was that it had not a disgusting taste; but rather it was like sweet or something. Then, the feeling in my lips and tongue was pleasant; not exactly sweet like a lollipop but... the next step down in pleasing.

For unknown reasons to science, I felt the dick in my mouth was... well... it was tasty. I could not believe it. I should write some notes about this, I thought.

"Take care with your teeth, Conny," he said.

After some seconds DeShawn started moaning of pleasure.

"What sweet you are, Conny."

I loved hearing these words.

"Your mouth is... the most sweet..."

I was real flattered.

He must had been inspired by the first blowjob of his life, for he added,

"Is like honey!"

I was quited pleased. No one had ever said this to me. But I must confess that I never had sucked the dick anyone before Shawn.

DeShawn continue praising my sucking, like he could not believe it.

"You are a champ, Conny!" He said in a sort of admiration.

It was very flattered.

"Keep going! Oh!!

"How sweet! Argggg!"

"That's great! Take it deeper!"

Hearing all these praises I was becoming more enthusiastic.

It seemed I was loving more and more the huge dick I had in my mouth.

I was perhaps influenced by his moans of pleasure. No doubt it was some sort of telepathic 'transference of pleasure' from his brain to mine. As DeShawn was moaning of pleasure aloud I was also delighted. My brain was about to explode in pleasure. It was like some sort of magic.

The pleasures DeShawn had in his dick were sort of transmitted to my brain as I was sucking him.

The case is that my dick was also real hard like some magic sympathy between the fat dick of Shawn and mine. I was really impressed with all this, even with the huge size of Shawn in my mouth.

Now, on the left side of DeShawn, Darnell had pulled down his underwear and was jerking his dick like crazy. It was in an instant of distraction that I had seen this.

I could not focus well my attention on both images, for I would lost the wonderful feelings I had in my mouth; the sweet and tasty fat dick of DeShawn.

Shawn was pushing on the back of my head to get some rhythm he needed to enhance farther his pleasure. And after some five or seven minutes DeShawn the dick started to have jerks. He took suddenly his dick off my mouth. I was a little surprised... for I was getting enthusiastic with my job. So he had interrupted something...

DeShawn was holding his dick tightly in his hand.

"I was about to come off," he said.

Then he added,

"Now is your turn, Darnell. He is a champ sucking dick. A real pro."

I was a little disappointed, but Darnell entered his dick in my mouth as Shawn's took off. It was a long and thin dick. I discovered that Darnell's dick had a different flavor, and it was like sweet also, but sort of more slippery in my mouth. In fact I soon discovered that I could take more than half of Darnell's long dick in my mouth.

After some minutes of coming in and out, I discovered I had swallowed the entire dick of Darnell in my throat. And when deep in my throat, I had my nose buried in the pubes of Darnell.

I supposed this occurred for Darnell's dick was more flexible and thinner. So, this explains I could take all down, so easily. My nose was buried in his pubes and I had a tickling in my nose. I could not believe that I had swallowed the whole dick of Darnell. It was like some magic act.

DeShawn watched my mouth impaled by the dick of Darnell and felt envy.

Well, these must be speculations of my imagination of writer. For I was totally mesmerized with that long dick buried in my throat, that was going up and down nicely and it was unbelievable.

Thinking about this moment now, it takes me some effort to explain how I was able to take the whole long dick of Darnell in my throat.

The fact is that I was real busy with this long dick coming and going, up and down, in my throat. So, it would had been impossible for me to know if DeShawn was feeling envy at all. But this must be some poetic license of a writer.

Darnell was enthusiastic and just at the point to ejaculate when DeShawn pulled Darnell's dick off my mouth.

"You cannot ejaculate that soon, Darnell," said DeShawn.

"Why not?" Complained Darnell. "I was about to."

"That's why I stopped you. You have to make it last longer."

"Longer? I can come off several times in a row!"

"Shut up. We must take up now his cherry. And I am the first for that," said DeShawn.

I was sort of amazed that those boys were talking about me, like I were an inflatable doll without any opinions in this matter.

"Now, Conny. I will take your ass."

"What?" I asked surprised.

"Turn on and bend down." Said Shawn.

I was slow reacting and he took my body and made it turn around faster. Then he bend down my back saying,

"Put your hands on the sill of the window."


"You must obey." He pushed me down.

I had to grab the sill of the window to avoid falling.

"Spread out your legs," DeShawn said.

He started to pull my feet apart.

Then, he was caressing my ass and looking to see where was the hole. I felt his fingers exploring in my rear, then he said,

"Wet your hole good with saliva."

I did not hesitate this time and started to wet my hole.

After a while, he started to push his dick in my hole with the idea of entering in it. I was thinking his dick was too fat to enter in there. For my ass was rather tight and I had never entered anything in there.

He was trying for a while to enter into my ass, but could not. He ordering me to relax and and to loose off. I felt his power pressing on my hole, but it could not enter.

"I can open it up for you," said Darnell. "My dick is much thinner than yours."

But DeShawn was determined to enter me on his own power.

It was not possible.

Then, tired of trying he told Darnell,

"Well, open it up. But once you had opened it..."


"You must let me to get in. For I am the first."

Darnell was happy to open my tight ass. He put himself in place, and could not enter. So, he become sort of creative and put a lot of saliva in the hole. He entered a finger in my ass, then, he tried two fingers.

"What are you doing?" Asked DeShawn.

"I am spreading out the hole with my fingers."

"With your fingers? What a nasty thing."

"It is not nasty. He can suck my fingers to clean them off."

"Can he?"

"Of course. It's his own dirt juices. It's quite natural for him."

"What?" Asked DeShawn.

"Look," said Darnell.

He presented his fingers to my lips and said,

"Suck them."

I was so impressed with his brashness that I sucked his fingers without any doubt.

"You see? He sucks them all right."

Darnell was again fingering my ass, and I think he ended entering like three fingers or more in my ass. I cannot be sure.

Then, he applied his dick in my hole and pushed a couple of times.

At the third intent his dick entered easily. I felt like a sting and thought he had broken something I had there. Seconds later I felt his long dick sliding in my ass so nicely in and out.

I was feeling all right and I though, I am doing what people call 'to take it up the ass.' I had heard this phrase a few times and had not idea of what it was. Now I understood what it meant.

Darnell was enthusiastic fucking my ass, when DeShawn interrupted him.

"Now it is my turn. I had the right to take up his cherry."

Darnell do not complained and took it out, but he was a little pissed off.

DeShawn was trying to enter his dick again, but it was not easy. For his dick was rather fat. As he was unable to enter my ass, he asked Darnell.

"Enter your fingers in there to spread his cunt more."

I was shocked that he called my ass a cunt. I felt sort of insulted. But I was the loser, and the looser had to play by the rules of the game.

Darnell was again on my rear and he was stretching my hole farther. It seemed to me he was using the fingers of both his hands to stretch farther my hole. After a while, Darnell said,

"I think it's ready."

DeShawn positioned his dick but could not enter my hole.

"We should had brought some lubrication for this," said Darnell.

"Lubrication? Ok, then do wet my dick with your saliva."

Darnell knelt before Shawn and started to suck on his fat dick like it was quite natural for him.

I was amazed to see Darnell sucking DeShawn's fat dick. After a while, Darnell stopped and said,

"Now you can try."

This time after a couple of pushes, the DeShawn's dick entered a little."

He pushed a few times more, and...

"Ouch!!" I shouted.

It felt like my ass was stretched to the point of bust off. I felt some pain but not much. For Darnell's dick worked out had sort of anesthetized my hole to the pain. I looked at the floor to see if there was any blood down but it was not. I checked on my thighs to see if they were wet with blood, but were dry. I think you all had the same feeling, isn't it? First time a huge dick had entered in your ass.

DeShawn was pushing more and more dick in. And I was feeling like... inflated, for I had such a big dick inside. I felt like I was now bigger, or like a grown up man, or... like a man weighting 20 pounds more. I felt like... I was "huge" with the enormous piece of hard meat I had stuck inside me.

On the other hand I felt a little stoned and... and sort of happy. I felt a rare pleasure in me with that thing in. So, I could say I felt great. I mean a little proud of being that big at this moment. I had never felt so great in my life for I never had a huge dick in before.

DeShawn was moving slowly inside me. Then, I thought it would take an hour for him to ejaculate. I do not know how I could think of this

Darnell was becoming impatient and he duck under my arms and stood up. He was now before me and said,

"Suck on my dick while DeShawn fucks your ass."

I could not believe this brashness, for this was the first time I was being fucked. I was unsure if these were the rules of the game. It looked excessive rules for a game, for one cannot enjoy both ways at the same time. When I was feeling Darnell's dick in my mouth I was not well aware of DeShawn inside me.

Nevertheless I rested my hands on Darnell's waist while I sucked him. DeShawn was on my rear but I could not properly concentrate on both acts. It was a clumsy situation. My poor brain could not cope with two different experiences at the same time. I was not prepared for that... and felt a little abused.

For some reason, DeShawn was moving his fat dick inside me, but he could not come off. On the other side, Darnell was enthusiastic fucking my mouth.

He kept busy with this and I was distracted for I could not attend both events. Then Darnell began to pant and to breath heavily, as his fucking on my face was progressing. He was panting more and more, and after a minute or two, Darnell's dick grew fatter and began to have jerks. Then, it suddenly exploded a flood of jizz shots in my mouth. The jizz was copious. I was sucking on his dick like a calf sucking off a teat.

I sucked like a whole glass of sweet cream. It was an unbelievable situation. His dick was shooting spurt after spurt in my mouth, and I had trouble to swallow all. For it was a like glue. I was for a while sucking on Darnell's dick till it went soft and off. He moved out and put my hands back on the window sill.

Now I was happy to feel DeShawn was moving in my ass. He was then moving faster, and his fat dick was like bigger and fatter now. He was sweating a lot on my back, and giving me a lot of heat. He was also panting with the effort moving such a big dick in my tight ass. Then, I felt his dick was having jerks. It was like his dick would go bust inside. Then, I felt like a sudden kick and his dick started to bust shot after shot of hot cream. I felt now that DeShawn's dick was sliding easily. Some cream was getting off my ass, as the dick moved in and out. Then, he stopped for a moment as he spurt the last drops of jizz. His chest fell on my back and I grabbed hard at the sill of the window to bear his weight.

After a while he was resting on my back as he recuperating his breath and he took his dick off.

Then, DeShawn was the most tired for he had to make a lot more effort to enter in.

"Well, we had finished this game," said DeShawn.

"I had not finished." Said Darnell, "I can fuck him a couple of times more."

"I said we had finished. It is getting late for poor Conny to go home."

"But his ass is full of jizz and I can... cum off in a couple of minutes."

"Well, on condition that you suck clean my dick."


"Because it's full of my cream and the juices of Conny's ass."


"Kneel and clean it."

He knelt and did it.

I was amazed that he protested so little.

He knelt and started sucking his fat dick as the most natural thing of the world. His dick was all covered by a mouse of his cream and my ass fluids.

He finished his duty and reported,

"It's perfect clean."

"Good. Take him. But finish soon. It's getting late."

Darnell stood up and said,

"Get ready, Conny. Just a quick one."

Then, I turned on and bent over the sill of the window.

I was amazed that he was still hard, for I could not get hard for a time after ejaculating. Darnell entered easily in my ass for it was quite slippery with De Shawn cream.

Shawn was waiting for Darnell to finish.

Darnell was moving in and out in my ass. But it was too loose; so much thick jizz I had in. From my actual point of view, I think he had not any fiction in my ass. It could take years for him to come off.

Then he get off my ass, he looked for his boxers and wiped carefully my ass and his dick. Then he tried again. This time his dick was less slippery, but he was not happy yet with the result. He wiped off his dick again, this time with my tights. He also wiped my rear hole strongly, and pushed a finger wrapped in the tissue his boxers. Then he asked me to push out all the juices I had in. I feigned to do it. I feigned for I wanted to keep most of the cream of DeShawn inside me. I had the idea it contained a powerful drug that would make of me a stronger and daring boy. Some of the bravery and command of Shawn would be contained in his jizz, and would enhance my own power. That must be the reason twinks need so often powerful male jizz injected deep in his bowels.

After the cleaning Darnell's dick was a little tighter. I was feeling now that Darnell's dick much better and as it was way longer. I felt it was passing deep into my bowels. He was pushing his long dick in and out for a couple of minutes. He began to pant, and shot again a new round of jizz. I felt comfortable feeling the effect of the hot spurts inside me.

He stopped for a while to spurt the last drops of his cream in my ass. Then, this dick began to get soft and took it out.

He looked at DeShawn and said,

"That's all. I've finished."

"About time, it is getting dark," said this friend.

DeShawn looked at me and asked,

"Are you well?


I could not believe he was asking me this.

"Do you feel any hurt?"

"Well, er... No. I am feeling well."

"Had you had dick before?

"No, it was my first time."

"Then, had you liked the game?"

"Yeah. Very much."

"Ok, now we must go back home. I do not want your mother to worry about you being late."

I was amazed of his kindness.

We move back to the city. But I walked with a little limping. I had a dull feeling of pain in my ass as I walked. But, I was amazed, for I was happy after all, even with this pain in my ass. I mean... I felt sort of optimistic and... well, I felt great. I could not believe it. These dicks had done something more than stretching my ass to make room to stay in. They had delivered a drug inside that made me happy.

I continued limping my way.

"Are you limping?" Asked DeShawn.


"That's natural. It happens to all the girls."

"All the girls?"

"The first time they got fucked."

"After this?"

"Yeah. You will be alright tomorrow."

So, I realized that girls walked limping after being fucked. Nevertheless I was happy with the dull pain I had in my rear. Would girls feel happy as well? It must be thus, or they would not do it any more.

As I walked I felt that... I felt wet down there. I was leaking cream in my rear. I do not wanted to loose a drop of it. So, I tightened my ass as much as I could. But it was not any easy, for they had let my ass way too loose.

An idea crossed my mind. I must to hide by tights and washed them tomorrow for they were surely totally impregnated with the jizz of my lovers. With the cool air of the evening... I had a constant reminder of my ass and tights underwear oozing jizz.

As we were walking, DeShawn said,

"I think this would be the start of a great friendship."

"A great friendship?"



"I was badly in need."

"Eh? In need of what?"

"A cunt. From now on... yours will be mine."

"What you mean?

"Like we were married."


"But I would let Darnell to fuck you as well."

"Would Darnell be also... my... why?"

"Yeah. He is my squire and needs also a cunt."

"Your squire? What is that?"

"Have you not played any Medieval games? All knights are helped by a squire?"

"No. I never had played at these games."

"A knight has a squire to serve him in all his needs."

"A squire is like this?"

"You had seen it. He obeys all my orders."

"Then, we will be like a trio?"

"Yeah. We would be a trio. But you'll be the female."

I was amazed how a black boy could have so much imagination. It must the result of playing all those weird games.

"What you mean?"

"That you will be our bitch."

I felt a sort of shivers with DeShawn's obscene words.

We were walking in silence, and it was getting darker. Then, DeShawn passed his arm around my upper body and he was pressing me against him. He even licked my ear lobe a few times. Then, I was amazed that this was a sweet thing.

Suddenly he stopped, he turned my body towards him. He looked at me directly and said.

"We have not kissed yet," he said. "A boy should kiss his girlfriend."

Then, his lips went to mine and he sucked them in his mouth.

He was sort massaging my lips with his own. Then he entered his tongue in my mouth and began a thorough exploration. While kissing his hands were caressing and kneading my buns.

When he finished kissing he said,

"I was eager to take your white ass."

Then he kept silent all the way till I arrived my home.

End of part one

Note: this story would continue in case readers show interest in it.

IMPORTANT: needs your help to continue running. To help Nifty to give us these wonderful hot stories, please donate some money.

now the second part

The whitey blackboy

Boys of high school.


This story contains sex acts among boys of high school of age 17. They are three black boys of high school doing male to male sex.

If these acts offend your sense of moral, do not read any farther.

IMPORTANT: needs your help to continue running. To help Nifty to give us these wonderful hot stories, please donate some money.

The whitey blackboy

Part 2

Previous part, the last page.

As we were walking, DeShawn said,

"I think this would be the start of a great friendship."

"A great friendship?"



"I was badly in need."

"Eh? In need of what?"

"A cunt. From now on... yours will be mine."

"What you mean?

"Like we were married."


"But I would let Darnell to fuck you as well."

"Would Darnell be also... my... why?"

"He is my squire and needs also a cunt."

"Your squire? What is that?"

"Have you not played any Medieval games? All knights are helped by a squire?"

"No. I never had played at these games."

"A knight has a squire to serve him in all his needs."

"A squire is like this?"

"You had seen it. He obeys all my orders."

"Then, we will be like a trio?"

"Yeah. We would be a trio. But you'll be the female."

I was amazed how a black boy could have so much imagination. It must the result of playing all those weird games.

"What you mean?"

"That you will be our bitch."

I felt a sort of shivers with DeShawn's obscene words.

We were walking in silence, and it was getting darker. Then, DeShawn passed his arm around my upper body and he was pressing me against him. He even licked my ear lobe a few times. Then, I was amazed that this was a sweet thing.

Suddenly he stopped, he turned my body towards him. He looked at me directly and said.

"We have not kissed yet," he said. "A boy should kiss his girlfriend."

Then, his lips went to mine and he sucked them in his mouth.

He was sort massaging my lips with his own. Then he entered his tongue in my mouth and began a thorough exploration. While kissing his hands were caressing and kneading my buns.

When he finished kissing he said,

"I was eager to take your white ass."

Then he kept silent all the way till I arrived my home.

Part Two

When I arrived home I turned back to him waiting for a kiss of good night, like in the stories of boy meets girl, and Shawn was about to leave.

I looked at him, with my face up ready to be kissed.

He was a little disoriented... so I asked,

"Aren't you missing something?"


"A kiss."

"Oh, yeah."

He kissed me while Darnell was looking.

When he finished, I dared to look at Darnell and ask him,

"What about you?"

Darnell approached to my face and gave me a quick light kiss. He barely touched my lips.

As both boys were leaving I could hear them talking,

"Why you had kissed him like he was a girl?" Asked Darnell.

"Cause he would be 'our girl' for a time."

"Then, we aren't going to fuck girls?"

"Do you want to let one pregnant?"

"What's bad with that?"

"You are way ignorant. You do not know about my brother Matt."

"What happened to him?"

"He had a baby with some girl and now she is pestering him asking for money to feed the baby."

I could not hear anymore for they were already a little far.

I entered the key in the door and turned it.

My mum had not arrived yet. I went fast to the room to watched my ass in the mirror. But I needed a hand held mirror, a little one, to put in the floor to watch.

As I took off my jeans and watched my tights. They were all soaked of cream. I needed to wash them urgently before my mum could find them. I reached my underwear to my nose and it had a strong scent of jizz. It probably smelled more to DeShawn's cream; for his was way thicker and tangy than Darnell's. I had a weird feeling for I loved this strong smell. I felt not disgust but pleasure. This was rather weird. It never occurred to me that this male stuff would smell pleasant.

Then, I thought, "let me see how I have my rear hole." I was fearing it was very red or damaged. I bend down on the bed and adjusted a small mirror on the floor to see the image of my ass back from the closet's mirror.

Well, my rear hole was all right. A little reddish. I was amazed that I took two dicks this evening. I passed my fingers on the hole and it was still wet with cream.

I was doubting about washing my tights now, and planed to keep it under the pillow to smell a few times during the night.

Then, as my body had a strong smell of jizz, mostly Shawn jizz, I had to shower, or my mum would had detected a powerful male scent, and knew I was into something. For mums know perfectly his only son smells. He could had not forgotten the tangy smell of male jizz. Or she would had not got pregnant with me. And I am sure that Shawn has the perfect smell of a grown up man, even if he was only 16.

After the shower I put clean tights and trousers, even a fresh shirt. I washed my mouth very well, doing some gargling, thinking I could have some smell in my breath, for I had swallowed all the jizz of Darrell.

I went then to the kitchen to eat something. I was not very hungry after all. Perhaps it was the result of all the jizz that Darnell made me drink. And perhaps all the lot of cream I had stored in my bowels. I was perhaps absorbing all the virtues of maleness the cream of Shawn injected in my ass. Perhaps my breath was still smelling to Shawn sperm. I was aware that even after the shower, my skin was still outpouring the scent of Shawn. It must had been rather powerful. I was proud of having his smell in my blood. I thought then of the millions and millions of little black babies he had inserted in my ass. I was on the verge of getting pregnant with a couple of black babies. Oh, how silly of me; boys do not get pregnant. Then, I thought of my mum, if she get too close to me she would smell the scent I have of a strong black man like Shawn. I was worried with that and it was better is she do get not close to me for a kiss or something. If she get that close, she would discover my secret.

Then, I took a chunk of pizza and heated it in the microwave oven. I toasted two slices of bread, spread butter on them, and fried a few teeth of garlic in the pan. I later crashed the garlic in a plate and spread it over the toasts with some butter. This way the scent of garlic would disguise the smell of Shawn, so strong was that it was transpiring on my own skin even after the shower. Considering that I sprinkled my skin with a lot of 'eau de Lavande" Dolce and Gabanna my mum had in the shower, it was like a miracle that I was still feeling the scent of Shawn oozing through the pores of my skin. It was amazing the masculine power of this man. Then, if I still smell Shawn, my mum would be pretty impressed, and probably asked who was the friend I was with. I could not present him to her, for it would probably rob me my black boy friend.

As I said, I was not very hungry, but excited. So excited that I was unable to concentrate in doing my school home work. My mind was in a whirl wind thinking about what had occurred. But perhaps in the morning I would feel more calmed to study. If I get too wild with these games, all my school grades would fall off into a very deep abyss.

During the night I awoke a few times, thinking or dreaming about Shawn dick inside me. Then I recalled my wet stinky tights under the pillow and smelled them deep. They were still impregnated with the powerful smell of DeShawn.

Next day in the morning by brain was still full with the experiences of the previous afternoon. But I was unable to concentrate easily... not very easy, on my home work from school.

My mum that works as nurse in a hospital, is dreaming I would become a medicine doc, or something less like a certified nurse or medical assistant.

Then, she went to the supermarket to buy something while I was doing my home work.

When I went to high school next day, DeShawn and Darnell, do not showed a particular interest for me as I walked by near them. Perhaps they felt a little ashamed of what happened between them and me. But other boys were rubbing their crotches as I passed and even smiled to me.

It was two or three days that DeShawn and Darnell showed no any interest when I passed before them. Then I went to visit my uncle Terry. I told him all that happened with the boys, and he take it as it was very natural. I asked why they were not horny any more and he said,

"This is totally natural, for those boys are quite young."

"Quite young?"

"Yeah, they are 15 like you. And horniness is controlled mostly by the prostate."

"The prostate?"

I could not understand. It was the most weird thing. I thought only old men had a prostate.

"All males have a prostate."

I was amazed.

"The prostate grows slowly and swells. When it swells, then this presses a vein carrying the return blood from the penis. As the blood on the penis can not return back easily it swells up and make the man aware he has a woody. It is like a morning woody."

"Like the morning woody?"

"The morning woody is caused by the bladder is full of pee and it presses on the prostate. This causes a similar effect to... when the prostate is swelled and hard."

"Both are related? So, they have a bulge because of the prostate?"

"Yes. It is an automatic mechanism of awakening for sex. As the penis swells a little, it sends pleasant signs to the brain. The boy then began to think of a plan to insert his dick in a willing receptor."

"Why they need to insert the dick in an ass?"

"Because is tight. As they press the dick in they feel pleasure. Each time they press their dick inward they hole, they got a kick of pleasure. That is the reason for the pumping effect; the push in and out. Each time they push forward, they got a kick of pleasure."

"And why do I feel pleasure on the other side?"

"Because of the stretching. The hole is sort of tight, closed by some muscles that are called the sphincter, that are by definition muscles contract and shut the hole. As the penis pushes in, it forces the muscles to fight against the intruder. The penis forces the muscles to surrender; this causes some strong pain. The brain soothes your ass by spurting a good dose of dopamine in your blood stream."

"Dopamine? What is that?"

"It is like a natural drug of the brain, it serves many purposes. In this case, it soothes the pain you must be feeling in your ass."

"A drug to soothe the pain?"

"Yeah. That explain the pleasure comes mixed with the pain. The dopamine is like a drug. It produces pleasure."

"What a weird thing."

"It is a plan of nature. Women have the same experience. The vagina has an sphincter as well that is tightly closed. The penis has to make force to get in. The same case, when it is entering in your ass. A penis has to make force to enter."

"Oh, my! And all this is related to the prostate."

"Yeah. Then, as they saw you passing, they feel they are horny and help them farther to increase their bulge, by rubbing on it. That is why you see them doing this."

"And what is the purpose of showing their bulge to me?"

"Very simply. The males see you a little feminine. So, as the girls are difficult to nail they had learned the girls are not in the game. They are unwilling mostly. Unless the males are much older than high school boys. Then, by instinct the most close to a girl are girlish boys. They have low levels of testosterone, and they feel a little like girls. For the neurons..."

"What is testosterone?"

"This is the hormone of males. Males have higher levels of it. This is the stuff that made them horny. Then, some boys have low levels of testosterone and feel like females. For females have very low levels of this stuff."

"I see."

"Then, girlish boys feel like... like they were females. Thus, when watching a male bulge, they react like a female. In the case of females their clitoris swell when they saw a male bulge. As their clit swells, girls feel a pleasure in a similar way, to any twink; a twink gets a woody when he watches a male bulge. So boys show their bulges to any female or girlish boy."

"Now, I see. This explains while I love to watch bulges."

"When they are rubbing their bulges and you watch, they know you'll be a willing receptor for their dicks."

"You said a willing receptor?"

"Well, there are two main roles in sex, the insertor and the insertee. You are an insertee for you take up dick, or such dick. Or in other words, the receptor is the one that takes dick in. As you told me, you received their dicks in, and also their cream."

"Oh, my god. So, they are going to get horny again. They are going 'to insert' me, this evening, or perhaps tomorrow."

"You better buy some cream to use some lubricant. Like a cream or something."


"You will get less sore. The act would be more pleasing."

"Good, I will buy this. Thanks a lot, uncle."

I kissed my uncle, and went back home.

On my way back, I was amazed at how much he knows. Watching my uncle nobody would had guessed that such a black man would know as much.

Next day, as predicted by my uncle, Shawn and Darnell were quite horny in the fourth day. As I passed they greeted me, "hi, Conny!" and they rubbed their crotches at the same time.

I reply back to them, "Hi!" and continued my way.

As I walked by, it seemed to me that my hips was sort of... swagging a little. My god! Was I swagging my hips? I was a little amazed for it was the first time, I was aware of this, and tried to control this automatic swagging. These boys had provoked some sort of female heat in me. So, I thought it was not a good idea to show so obviously to all the school that I was a female in heat. I was a "willing receptor" as my uncle said, but I must keep it low level.

Almost nobody should be aware that I was an "insertee". Oh, my god, what a word. I was an 'insertee'. I could not believe it. Why low level? Not any straight boy wants to be seen around declared gays, for it would tarnish their reputation. In this society somethings are not welcome to be shown openly, so they must remain sort of... yes, sort of hidden.

The two boys were eagerly after me, as I walked to the messroom for lunch. I had one boy on each side of me, like we were close friends since kindergarten.

As we walked, Shawn said,

"This afternoon we can go for a walk in the country."

"Walking? What for?" I said feigning ignorance.

"Just to chat." Said Darnell.

"I mean, we can play cards," said the DeShawn smiling with malice.

"Play cards? I would not play cards. I am a looser."

"You are not a looser. You won... the last time we played you got all." Said Shawn.

"Do I won?"

"Of course. We gave you all the stuff we had."

"You gave all to me?"

"You know you were pleased. Won't you? You loved it."

"Well, but it caused me also some pain."

"Well, it was not our fault."

"Not your fault?"

"No. This occurred for it was your first time. But... it was sweet experience anyway, wasn't it?"

"Well, yes. But you must play it slower at the start. Not so rough."

"We had not experience. Now I know we must play sweetly."

"I am not sure I can go. I have a lot to study for the next exams."

"It would be a 'quick one'. So, you would have enough time to study."

We took some food on our trays and sat on some table apart from other people. They were behaving as we were close friends all our lives.

As the time of leaving the school came. I sneaked alone, I do not wanted to go with the boys. Why? Not sure. I wanted to have time for my studies. If I got hooked on these silly games, I would have not enough time to study and make a career.

I left out high school alone. I thought they had forgotten me; or they had lost their horniness. But they were sort of hiding behind some bushes on the park, awaiting for me. Perhaps they do not wanted to be seen by other students walking with me. Instead they were following me at a discreet distance. As the crowd of students were dispersing in all directions... they were sort of walking faster and getting closer. I hastened my pace, but they walked much faster. This reminded me of some dogs following a bitch in heat.

Oh, my god, what image had come to my mind!

I should had not said this.

Anyway, this fast walking would be good for my health, for I need to make a lot more of physical exercise. Instead of paying for a gym, a money I have not, I would walk daily for an hour or so, to exercise my legs.

Well, before I arrived near the path that went to my home, they were already at my side. So, I was trapped in a way and I was forced to accept my role of 'insertee'. My god, what a word I had learned. I was an 'insertee'. I cannot believe it.

As I walked with the two boys by my side caressing my butt, I was getting might horny. My clit, I mean my little penis was taught. If they were interested in it, they would had seen my clit tenting my jeans. DeShawn was entering his fingers in the furrow of my ass. I had to confess I was getting horny. For whatever reason his fingers were doing miracles down there. But Darnell was not so horny as Shawn. Perhaps he thought he was wasting his time courting a male receptor. Perhaps he was dreaming of making a baby to some girl.

When we arrived to the back yard of the abandoned house, I felt very sure of myself. And I wanted to play a little hardball.

"We do not need this shit of playing cards, do we?" Asked DeShawn.

"Well, I need some sort of... encouragement."

"Like what?"

"Well, boys suck the clitoris of a girl to make her willing."

"Not problem. Darell, suck the clit of girl."

"Why me?

"Because is an order. You are my squire and should my orders."

"But... this is... "

"What is the problem, squire? You had sucked me hundred of times, and had never complained. But the clit of the girl is much smaller and you are not going to gag in it."

"But he is a twink."

"But she is our girl. She needed to get horny and take dick well."

"But you see. I never... "

"You often complain you want to fuck a girl. Then, you must learn that is more easy to do it, after you suck her clit. You must start to practice."


"Not buts. Knelt before Conny and suck his clit."

Darnell knelt before me and I had ready my clit for him to suck. At the beginning he was sort of hesitant, but he soon he become enthusiastic and I had to stop him, for I do not wanted to ejaculate so soon in his mouth.

"OK, I had enough." I said. "What comes next?"

Shawn said,

"Now suck me and make it hard. I am going to take your cherry again."

"He has only one cherry." Said Darnell.

"He has an many cherries as I like."


I was sucking the cock of Shawn and took me some 10 or 20 seconds to make it hard.

So, I told Shawn,

"It is ready."

"Ok, turn on and bend forward."

"Wait a second." I said.

I took a can of cream, and began to spread some cream on the top of Shawn cock. Then I spread more on my ass and even entered two fingers in to stretch my hole a little farther.

"It seems you came prepared," Said Shawn.

"Yeah, to make it easy."

I turned on and bend down, grabbing the sill of window to withstand the pushes.

He started to push his dick in, but it was too fat to enter easily. But as he was pushing in, his dick was becoming harder and rigid. After a time of trying, the head came in. I felt the sudden hard intrusion and I felt like... he had broken a little my ass. It was like a piercing pain, but then, he stopped.

"I did it!" He exclaimed.

He felt happy for he entered his fat dick in my ass without the help of Darnell.

"Yeah, champ!" I said. For thanks to the cream he entered much easier.

"I'm going to fuck you raw!" He said sort of proud.

I could not understand why it happened, but to have such a big dick in my ass, felt so pleasant. Then, I recalled the 'dopamine' my uncle said. The pleasure was mixed with the pain I had. It was all due to the stretching of my ass.

Shawn started to fuck my ass, and it seemed to me that Darnell was a little envious. Why he felt envious? I am not sure. Perhaps he was sad, for Shawn had not asked him some help to enter my ass. Perhaps... he would like to be in my place. But Shawn started to push harder, and I was getting familiar with what is to have a fat dick in the ass.

The first time he did it I was sort of shocked or frightened, a little in panic, and I do not felt his dick the same way. Now I was totally conscious of having a big cock in my ass and I was proud of it. As he pushed his entire dick in, I felt great. I felt sort of bigger than I was. I felt like I was having a huge dick. I had always the impossible fantasy of having a much bigger dick than I had. Now this dream was accomplished. I never have had such a big dick as I had now.

As Shawn was moving his dick inside my ass, I could not believe the pleasure I was feeling. My uncle said this was the most natural thing of the world. So, each time the fat dick pushed in, I felt like a pleasant shock inside my ass. I loved it. My little dick had grown stiff as a result of this coming and going inside my ass. I was feeling on the verge of ejaculating myself, but it was an illusion. It was all due to the bumps the dick was doing as it entered inside me. Then, I recalled the words of my uncle. This must had been my prostate the dick of Shawn must be bumping on my prostate.

DeShawn was overheating, and he began to sweat a lot. I felt the sweat of his chest and belly in my rear. Then he began to pant heavily, his dick grew even fatter, and he began to ejaculate half a cup of thick cream in my ass. I had not enough room in my ass for so much cream and my ass was oozing cream, as the dick was moving in and out. I nearly come off, but I don't. DeShawn stopped on his pumping and rested over my back, that was totally soaked with his sweat. For he was doing most of the hard work.

I felt happy feeling DeShawn resting on my back. I cannot explain the rational for this effect. So, I sort of stored this experience in my brain, to think of a reason for this weird effect.

Eventually, the dick of Shawn got soft and it came out.

"Now is your turn, Darnell." Said Shawn.

Darnell that was jerking off his dick to keep it hard was prepared for his turn. He took the place of Shawn and entered his thin dick easily. For Shawn had done all the work.

I had not the feeling of being stuffed with his dick. But it was way longer, and it could reach well deep into my bowels. I could feel a different effect as his dick was fucking my ass.

Perhaps Darnell was having a rather slippery fuck. For my ass was full of cream from DeShawn. Then, he took out his dick and dried with my underwear that was laying on the floor. Then, he wiped my ass of the excess cream. He even entered a few fingers wrapped with the tissue of my underwear to clean the entry of my ass.

He went back to fuck me again, and he would had been for ages fucking my ass, but DeShawn said,

"You must come off. It is getting late."

Darnell moved this dick faster to obey.

When it seemed that Darnell was going to ejaculate, Shawn was aware of this and ordered him:

"Jerk off the clit of the miss."


"Jerk off his little dick. Make it him come off at the same time as you."

This was the reason Darrell grabbed my dick to make me ejaculate at the same time as he was coming inside me. It was great to feeling to have both orgasms at the same time.

After Darnell spew the last drop of his cream in my ass he took off his dick and Shawn said,

"It is time to come back home."

I put back on my wet underwear, my jeans and shirt.

We started to walk on our way back home.

I was sort of pleased, and happy. It had been a memorable experience. And as I was feeling all the males jizz I had inside... as I was feeling my ass leaking. Then, I tightened my ass stronger, to stop the leak. I do not wanted to loose a single drop of this stuff; for it was a true 'elisir d'amore'; that means 'elixir of love' en plain English. For those that never were in the Opera.

End of part two

Note: this story would continue in case readers show interest in it.

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