The White Elephant

By Minotaur

Published on Jul 8, 1996



Organization: Internet Africa

Disclaimer: The following story is of a sexual nature, and is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age. The author encourages all said individuals to terminate this post. Should said individuals not heed this request then the author cannot be held liable for the free action of individuals who make use of the Net. Furthermore, the story involves sexual material relating to two consenting adult males, and if you do not feel comfortable with this then you should leave this post.

The story below and any subsequent parts are the sole property of the author, and may not be changed in any form. Any and all correspondence can be directed to the author at: . ======

The White Elephant

The African sun hung in the sky like a fiery ball. The heat shimmered across the plains. Matt felt his shirt begin to cling to his body as the sun rode higher to it's apex in the sky. He had been tracking one of the Big Five for over a month. For an elephant it was the most elusive creature he had ever had to track. The African trackers with him believed that the White Elephant was an old witch doctor who had been cursed into the body of an elephant. Matt wasn't about to believe their superstitions, but he sure as hell was not going to antagonize his trackers. They set up his camp every night, and arranged his meals. Without their aid his stay in the bush would be a living hell. As it was he was as lonely as anything. His original co-researcher, Dr. Pamela Jameson had returned home after her husband had been involved in a car accident. If Matt did not know better he would have sworn that Raymond, Pamela's husband, had caused his own accident. He was so jealous of their time in the bush together.

However, the accident had been rather serious, and Raymond was now in a coma.

Matt pulled his shirt from his back in a desperate attempt to circulate some air between his back and shirt. However, the irony was that there was not an inkling of a breeze. He cursed the fact that his supervisor had radioed him last night, and told him to expect a replacement. He had been told that the chopper would arrive at noon. Trust them to choose the hottest part of the day. His supervisor, Graham, was a pompous jerk who thought that the world revolved around him. Matt's stewing over Graham was interrupted by the distinctive sound of rotor blades as the chopper neared his position from the east. It took the chopper another four minutes to reach his position. "The pilot, Dutchie, is obviously doing the scenic thing", thought Matt. The chopper hovered overhead, and then slowly descended to the ground. With a distinctive thump the chopper touched the ground. The pilot cut the engine and the rotors slowed. Matt moved towards the chopper, and looked into the cockpit. Next to the overweight pilot sat a young man in his early twenties. Matt opened the door to the luggage area, and passed it's contents to his waiting assistants. He had just finished and felt a hand on his shoulder. Matt turned to face the young man.

"Hi, my name is Ethane", said his new assistant, and handed him his right hand.

Matt shook his hand and looked at the guy who would be spending the next three months with him. His body was well- developed, and he matched Matt's 5ft 8". Although, Ethane's hair was raven black, and he had emerald green eyes. Matt thought how different they were, because he had sun bleached brown hair and blue eyes.

"Well, you probably know that my name is Matt!' "Yes, Graham has told me all about you, and Dr. Jameson has brought me up to steam with your research. Matt winced. "What is wrong?" asked Ethane. "You probably have a bad impression of me after speaking to Graham." "Well he didn't have anything nice to say about you. As a matter of fact he called you a spoilt rich brat." "He just does not like the fact that my father is filthy rich, and that I have everything. God don't I sound like the snob." "Yes, you do!" laughed Ethane. Matt laughed with him. "At least the ice seems to be broken", he mused. "We had better head for our base camp before dark", he said aloud. "Where is Dutchie?" "Here I am Matt - I just needed to give the dung beetles something to do," Dutchie said as he emerged from behind a nearby shrub. "I had better get back to the airport." He headed back towards the chopper, and heaved his bulky body back into the chopper. Soon the chopper rose in the air and headed back in an easterly direction.

The march back to the camp took a long three hours. The heat became more bearable as the day drew to a close, but it was still stiflingly hot. The Africans chanted traditional songs as they marched in single file towards the camp. When the entourage arrived at camp the aroma of cooking meat met them. Matt showed Ethane to the tent that Pamela had used, and his luggage was deposited on the floor by an obliging African. "We will be eating supper in about an hour or so, so you can start unpacking. I'm off to take a shower, and you are more than welcome to do so as well." Matt then headed to his tent.

He stripped off all of his clothes and grabbed his towel from a chair in his tent. Wrapping the towel around his body, he headed for the shower, which was below a large Syringa tree. When Matt arrived at the shower he asked Zoliwe if he had placed some hot water in the shower yet. Zoliwe told him that the water was still boiling and would be ready in about 15 minutes. Matt sauntered over to Ethane's tent to see how the unpacking was going. He entered the tent without announcing himself and found Ethane lying on his bed with only his briefs on. His eyes were closed and it looked like he had dozed off to sleep. "God this guy has one mean body", he thought, as his eyes roved from Ethane's well defined pecs and washboard stomach to his very large basket. Matt felt an erection forming, and left the tent without even announcing his presence. He headed back to his tent. His breathe was shallow, and he could not believe how aroused Ethane was making him. His 8" cock stood at attention, and craved attention. Matt dropped the towel to the ground and began stroking his cock. He stroked his cock with his left hand, and with his right he pulled and kneaded his balls. It was not long before his cut cock shot an explosive load all over the ground-sheet. In the month plus that he had been in the bush he had only j/o about 10 times. Not enough for a healthy 22 year old. He had just finished when Zoliwe called to him to come and shower. Matt made his way to the shower. It was a piece of canvass stretched around four poles, so that it made a square. The shower itself was made of two drums - one filled with cold and the other with hot water. The two drums each had a pipe, which joined at a T-junction. Each drum had a small clamp just below the drum, which had to be regulated to get the ideal temperature. The water would then spout out of the shower head that was mounted on one of the poles. Zoliwe sat perched in the Syringa waiting for Matt to enter the canvass, and then he would release the water. Matt removed his towel, and entered the shower. He remembered how unnerved he had been the first time that Zoliwe had sat above him in the tree, but he had since become accustomed to the ritual. Matt held the soap in his hand and motioned to Zoliwe to start the shower. The cold water was the first to hit his body, and he shuddered from the cold. However, Zoliwe soon released the hot water, and after some adjustments the water was tolerable - if not pleasant. Matt lathered up his body and made sure that his cock and the crack between his legs were clean. He lingered around his anus. Gently he inserted his finger into his anus, and stroked it in and out. He knew that by now it was safe as Zoliwe would have scampered down the tree, and headed to see to supper. Matt stopped after awhile when he noticed that his recently spent cock was beginning to respond. Deciding that he did not want to sport another erection, he rinsed the soap from the rest of his smooth body, and soon he was finished. Just in time as the water was beginning to lose its pleasantness. Matt took his towel from one of the poles and headed back to his tent. No sooner had he stepped out of the shower and Zoliwe's son had turned off the shower. Matt had caught Zoliwe's son, Themba, watching him one night and he had given him a show to remember. He had actually caught sight of Themba beating off after he had finished that particular shower. The fifteen year old had one huge cock for his age, but Matt did not even consider starting something with the kid. After all Themba was just a kid. Matt pulled on a pair of shorts and shoes, and headed for the makeshift kitchen. He was starving, and his growling stomach had made this blatantly obvious. Zoliwe informed Matt that the food was ready, and suggested that he go and call Ethane. On arriving at Ethane's tent Matt announced his arrival, and waited for a response. When no response was forth-coming he moved aside the mosquito netting that had been laid across the doorway for the evening, and entered the tent. Ethane still lay on his makeshift bed. From the sounds of his gentle snoring he was very much asleep. Matt could smell the musky odour of Ethane's body, and he felt his cock beginning to stir in his pants. Not wanting to spoil future prospects with this hunk of beef by being caught doing something foolish - Matt leaned across Ethane and shook him awake with his hand on one of his pecs. Ethane stirred, but did not seem to want to wake-up, and Matt was forced to shake him harder. This caused Ethane to get a fright and he jumped awake. "Wake up, sleeping beauty, it is time for supper," said Matt as he tousled Ethane's black hair. Ethane yawned and stretched. "How long have I been asleep?" "For about an hour or so, and I am starving. So do you think that we could go and get some food." "Sure! Let me just pull on a pair of shorts," said Ethane as he grabbed for his shorts, and pulled them on as they walked out of the door. "I sure as hell need a shower." "Yes you do", Matt said holding his noise. Ethane punched him on the arm. "You can have one a little later. I will tell Zoliwe to heat some water for you, but first supper." The kitchen was in another tent that had wire mesh across its door. Ethane was looking at the mesh questioningly, and Matt explained that the wild animals used to make a habit of raiding their stores. Supper was filled with small talk, and a good helping of venison stew. Matt learnt that Ethane had just returned from a six month archaeological dig in Egypt, and that he was 23 years old. Ethane said that he had met Matt's father in London, at the British Museum, two years previously. At the time Ethane was employed in the Egyptian wing of the Museum. Xavier Hunt, Matt's father, had been impressed by the young man, and had asked him if he would like to join a dig in Egypt. Ethane said that he jumped at the opportunity, and he subsequently resigned from the British Museum. Xavier flew Ethane to Cairo where he had spent the last six months. Two days ago Xavier had telephoned Ethane and offered him a trip to South Africa to join one of his adventures as he called it. Ethane agreed, and he had arrived at Jan Smuts Airport in Johannesburg the day before. After some briefing this morning he was ferried by chopper to Matt. "No doubt Dad thought that I needed a baby-sitter", Matt said as he cleaned off the last bit of venison stew from his tin plate. Ethane grinned and said, "Yes he did and you had better listen to me". They both started to laugh at how absurd that would be. Suddenly, Ethane jumped from his seat. "Shit, that mosquito almost sucked the life out of me." "You had better have your shower as it is getting a little chilly in the air, and the mosquito's are on the hunt for fresh blood. And fresh blood is what you are young man. I'll sort out your water so long," said Matt rising from the table and heading outside. First he headed for his tent to get a shirt and then he went in search of Zoliwe. Zoliwe had apparently left the camp with Themba an hour and a half ago in search of fresh meat. Matt grinned - he could not have planned this better himself. So he set off to arrange Ethane's shower. The water was still boiling on the fire, and Matt titled some of the water from the pot into a bucket. He then carried it to the Syringa tree and poured it into the hot water barrel. After three trips to and from the barrel he had accumulated enough water for Ethane's shower. Matt was just about to go and call Ethane when he saw him emerge from his tent and head towards the shower. "It appears that I am to be your water-boy," called Matt from his vantage point in the tree. "Great, just don't burn the baby-sitter", Ethane said peeling off his towel and revealing his lovely thick cock. He entered the shower cubicle, and motioned to Matt to start the shower.

Matt opened the cold water barrel first. "Shit that is freezing", said Ethane jumping from side to side, and in the process making his cock and balls bounce up and down. Laughing at the sight Matt slowly opened the hot water valve. The temperature of the water soon reached an acceptable temperature. Matt sat in the tree and watched as Ethane soaped up his body, and moved the foreskin on his cock back so he could clean it well. He had a nice black bush at the base of his cock, and Matt caught sight of a tuft of black hair between his arse cheeks. Matt had a mean hard-on developing, and he explained to Ethane how to turn off the shower, and jumped from the tree. After a short walk Matt entered his tent and decided to settle down for the evening. He removed his T-shirt and shorts, and settled into his bed for the night. Getting to bed with a raging hard-on was not easy, but he did not want to waste his spunk on the ground-sheet. Eventually he fell asleep dreaming about sucking off Ethane's nice full cock.

The next morning it was Ethane who woke up early, and he quickly dressed. Pulling on his boots and heading towards Matt's tent to see what the day's activities would be. Ethane did not even bother to announce himself and walked straight into Matt's tent. Matt was lying on his bed busy stroking his 8" cock with his eyes closed. With his right hand he was busy squeezing his nipples, and Ethane could see by the precum on his cock that he was really enjoying himself. Ethane stood his ground, and decided to watch the spectacle unfold. Besides Matt was making him so horny. It was not long before Matt shot his load all over his belly. He opened his eyes to see Ethane standing just inside the door. "That was some mean show stud," said Ethane with a grin on his lips. He involuntarily licked his lips. Matt noticed his action, and decided that he had this guy definitely interested. Now he just needed to determine if Ethane was straight or not. "I am glad that you enjoyed it, and if you ever want any pointers - just ask." "I'll keep that in mind. So why don't you get cleaned up, and then we can get started with the days activities." Matt rose from his bed and walked over to his towel, which he used to wipe the jism from his body. The whole time Ethane stood and watched Matt move around the room. He found Matt's sun- bleached hair that hung to his shoulders very sexy. Matt also had quite a round arse, and a stunning upper body. He watched as Matt bent over for a pair of shorts, and was rewarded with a glimpse of Matt's hairless pucker. Matt knew that Ethane was watching his every move so he exaggerated all of his actions and took much longer than normal dressing. Finally, he could stall no longer, and he was fully dressed. The two young men made their way to the kitchen. Zoliwe and his son were not back yet, so one of the other men in the camp had prepared a breakfast of Eggs & Bacon. The meal was delicious, and it did not take long for the two young men to finish their meals. "We need to do some scouting for Ol' Whitie today, and I think that we can cover more ground if we go on horseback," said Matt as he rose from the table. "I am not that great with horses," Ethane said as he followed Matt to the makeshift kraal where the horses were kept. The kraal had three strong geldings in it. Matt pointed out his horse - Elixir, and told Ethane that he would be riding, Drummer. Drummer was a fawny colored horse with round white dots on his rump. "He is beautiful," said Ethane. "When do we set out?" "In about ten minutes, so you had better get yourself a canteen, and fill it with water. In the mean time I will see to a lunch-time snack for us, as we will be out for most of the day." Matt headed towards the kitchen, while Ethane returned to his tent and rummaged through his pack in search of a canteen. In just over ten minutes the two men rode out of the camp.

Their scouting was rather uneventful until about ten o'clock when Ethane's horse cut his leg on a sharp rock. Matt applied some disinfectant, and a bandage on Drummer from his first aid kit. After riding for a short while, Matt noticed that Drummer had a bad limp, so he suggested that Ethane ride bareback with him on Elixir. Matt removed the saddle from Elixir, and secured it over Ethane's, on Drummer. After Matt had secured his saddle on Drummer he mounted his steed, and Ethane swung up behind him. Ethane placed his hand on Matt's belt, and held fast as they began to ride again. Matt upped the pace of Elixir's walk to a canter. He kept glancing back at Drummer who was following quite easily with no additional weight on his back. Ethane wrapped his arms around Matt's body to keep a better hold. The effect of the trot was that Matt and Ethane's bodies were being bounced together every other time. Soon the combination of natural and body heat meant that their shirts were socked through with perspiration. "Hey can we stop for a moment," asked Ethane. "Yes sure. Do you want a drink of water or something?" Matt said as he pulled on the reins to stop the horse. "Yes, I can sure use a drink, but I also want to take a leak. All this bouncing up and down has caused havoc with my bladder." Matt laughed at Ethane, and remarked that in time he would get used to it. Ethane dismounted from Elixir, and walked about four paces away. He stood at an angle, so that he was sure that Matt would get a full view of his cock spilling forth its golden juices. Matt dismounted and removed his sweat drenched shirt. He dried his back and torso with the shirt, and then hung it over his saddle on Drummer. When he turned around to go and take a drink of water he saw Ethane pissing, and the sight was really incredible. Matt wondered how big Ethane's cock was hard, because in it's normal state it was really thick. He lifted his canteen to his lips and took a generous gulp. Not waiting for Ethane to finish completely he walked towards him, and handed him the canteen just before he put his cock away. Ethane left his cock dangling from his pants as he took a sip of water. Matt moved a little distance away and let out a good stream of golden piss. He had to force it out, as his cock was beginning to get semi-erect. He shook the last few drops of liquid from his cock, and replacing it in his pants he turned to find that Ethane had also removed his shirt. The long days in the Egyptian sun had ensured that his skin was a deep brown, and he looked like a real Greek Adonis. "We had better get going, if we want to reach the pool before noon, " Matt said, as he took his canteen from Ethane and mounted Elixir. Calling Drummer forward - Matt leaned forward and looped his canteen around his saddle horn. While he was doing this, Ethane climbed up behind him and made himself comfortable. When Matt sat up again he felt the smoothness of Ethane's body brush against his back. Ethane had looped his finger through one of Matt's belt loops on his shorts, but he soon held on to Matt's waist when Elixir began to canter. Matt could feel Ethane's nipples brushing against his back, and his hot breath on his neck. The feeling was driving him wild, and he soon had a raging hard-on. Matt also thought that he felt Ethane's cock stiffen behind him. Ethane slowly moved his lips to Matt's ear and whispered, "This bouncing up and down is making me really horny, " he snaked his down to Matt's shorts, and continued, "and I can see that you are getting nice and hard". Ethane loosened Matt's buttons for his shorts, and soon his cock was free. He began to play with Matt's balls and cock. Matt let out a soft moan. He put one of his hands behind him, and gripped Ethane's cock through his shorts. It felt so great. "Wait stop!", said Matt as he used both hands and reined in the horse. "I am sorry - I thought that this is what you wanted," Ethane protested. "Yes, I do, but I want us to remove our shorts, and ride buck naked, so that I can feel your cock rubbing against me." "That sounds great." The two young men quickly removed their sweat covered shorts, and remounted Elixir. Before remounting Elixir, Matt had a good long look at Ethane's cock, and although it was shorter than his 8" it was much thicker. The feeling of Elixir's hot sweat between their legs was incredible. Ethane resumed his playing with Matt's cock, and Matt positioned Ethane's cock, so that it was wedged between his arse and Elixir's sweat soaked back. It was not long before Ethane's cock was well lubricated and he had established himself in a type of rhythm. Matt was going crazy with the feeling of Ethane's cock against his arse, and his hand moving up and down on his cock. Matt was just thinking that the feeling could not get any better when he felt Ethane push two fingers into his arse. The constant bouncing up and down and the sweat on Elixir's back had made it easy for Ethane to push two fingers up Matt's arse. He loved the warm feeling surrounding his fingers, and he soon began to finger-fuck Matt's arse. Soon adding a third finger to his penetration. Lowering his lips to Matt's neck, Ethane kissed him all the way around his neck. Matt could hold back no longer, and shot his load all over Elixir's mane and Ethane's hand. Ethane removed his fingers from Matt's arse, and in one swift move he penetrated Matt to the hilt. Matt tensed up suddenly from the pain, and surprise of Ethane's cock up his arse. He had never felt so full before. Ethane held Matt tightly around the waste, so that he would not slip out easily, and so that they would go up and down on the horses back in unison. He began kissing Matt on the neck again to relax him, and soon he felt Matt pushing back on him. Matt had slowed Elixir to a walk on Ethane's original penetration. Now he made the horse trot and then canter. Ethane had never felt such a great feeling before, because every time that he thought that he would slip out of Matt's arse he was pushed to the hilt by the horses motion. The burning sensation that Matt was feeling from his arse was incredible. With every thrust of Ethane's cock into his arse he felt his prostrate being massaged, and he could feel a second load getting ready to erupt. Matt let out a loud moan as he shot his second load in ten minutes. At the same time that Matt's arse clamped down on his cock Ethane drove his cock deep into Matt, and filled him with loads of healthy white cum. Ethane kept his cock in Matt for awhile, until it began to grow soft and then he slid it out with a load popping sound. Matt had slowed the horse to a slow walk again, and he felt as though he had lost something when Ethane pulled out of him. The whole time that they had had sex neither of them had spoken a word, and it was Ethane who turned Matt's face to his and said, "Thank-you that was the greatest sex that I have ever had". He then planted a hot passionate kiss on Matt's lips, and Matt responded by opening his mouth to Ethane's probing tongue. Matt broke off the kiss after a while by saying, "lets head for the pool, and then we can have a nice swim and who knows what else." With Ethane holding Matt tightly around the waist Matt brought Elixir to a gallop, and they raced across the African veldt towards the pool.

The White Elephant, [Part 2]

The two young men rode across the veldt on their way to the pool. After a time Ethane noticed that the gradient of the ground was beginning to slope, and that the vegetation was gaining in density. His heart fluttered in anticipation of what might occur during the rest of the afternoon.

Matt leaned into Ethane and whispered, "we are almost there". Before long Ethane could hear the trickling of water as it danced across some rocks following an age old path. Ethane stroked Matt's torso, and rubbed his hands over his nipples. He leaned forward and kissed Matt on the neck. Matt shuddered. "Oh, God, that feels good, " he said, as he shortened the right-hand rein to steer Elixir to the ideal spot by the pool. Matt soon found the spot that he was looking for and he asked Ethane to dismount. Ethane swung from the Elixir, and moved towards Drummer (who had followed them persistently) to remove the burden that he carried. Matt removed the bit from Elixir's mouth, and let him roam freely around the little valley. He also removed the bit from Drummer’s mouth after placing a new dressing on his leg, and allowed him to roam freely. The allure of the fresh green grass and pure spring water would insure that the horses remained in the valley. The little valley’s eco-system had been kept alive and vibrant by a bubbling spring which sprung forth from beneath the earth. The formalities with the horses done - Matt turned to Ethane and planted a quick kiss on his lips. Kicking off their shoes and socks. Matt then took him by the hand and led him to the waiting pool of fresh water. They entered the water hand-in-hand, and they both reacted to the frigid freshness of the spring water with a shudder. Their bodies still warm from their passionate ride, soon cooled in the pool, and their erections shrunk to insignificance. Matt submerged his entire body below the surface, and rose again to the surface with water dripping from his nice soft crimson lips. He licked a drop of liquid from his lips. Ethane moved closer to Matt, and taking his head in his hands he placed his lips over Matt's and felt the warmth of his breath, as he passionately kissed him. Matt ran his hands down Ethane's back and gently squeezed his buttocks. Ethane let out a little gasp. Their phallic cocks met for the first time, as they embraced. The cold water impeding any erections. Using their bare hands, first Matt and then Ethane bathed each other. The freshness of the water became more bearable with the passing of time. Matt gently pulled back Ethane's foreskin and cleaned every part of his cock head with a probing finger. Sinking below the surface Matt took Ethane's cock in his mouth. He used his tongue to play with the foreskin, but soon his breathe ran out, and he was forced to rise to the surface. Ethane's eyes were filled with lust when Matt broke the surface of the pool. He pulled Matt towards him and savagely kissed him. Ethane tongue lashed out at Matt’s.

A loud crack, and the flight of dozens of colorful birds brought their passion to an abrupt end. Ethane’s eyes registered the fear of the unknown. The birds settled back into the trees after a time, but their chirping carried with it an urgency. “What do you think that was?” asked Ethane while he still held on to Matt. Their two sets of eyes scanned the perimeter of the pool, and Matt saw that the horses had not bolted.

That meant that the origin of the loud sound was not an erstwhile predator, but something else. “I don’t know, but we had best go and scout around, “ Matt said moving towards the edge of the waterline. He emerged from the pool with little droplets of water trickling from his entire body. The water trapped in his hair glistened as the sun reflected of the numerous droplets. Ethane followed suit, but instead of following Matt he headed for his clothes. “No, leave your clothes - what ever it is will smell us a mile away in those clothes.” Reluctantly Ethane turned and followed Matt. They crossed the open clearing where the horses grazed and headed into the heavy foliage. The leaves brushed past their bare bodies, as they explored the jungled area of the valley. Another loud crack filled the air, but this time there was no dramatic flight by birds. Ethane placed his hand on Matt’s shoulder, and Matt’s heart almost stopped from fright. “Are you trying to scare me to death?” asked Matt swinging around on Ethane. Ethane’s mouth opened to answer, but his attention was diverted by a movement in the foliage behind Matt. On hearing the movement behind him, Matt turned. There before them stood the biggest Kudu that Matt had ever seen. His horns were curled with age. The Kudu almost stood as many hands tall as Elixir. “What is it - it’s beautiful”, said Ethane coming to stand next to Matt. His hand was still resting on Matt’s shoulder. “It’s a Kudu - a type of bush buck, and from the look of him he is very old.” The Kudu’s small eyes studied the two young men intently. It seemed to be deciding if they were friend or foe. Eventually, it raised its noise in the air. Sniffing the air seemed to clarify the matter for the Kudu, as he ambled away. Friend it was to be. “Come let us go back to the pool,” said Matt turning towards the direction of the pool. Ethane followed, thinking how frightened he had been during the whole episode, and how strong and cool Matt had been. He really admired his courage.

Matt was feeling a little cold when they once again emerged by the pool, because there had been little sunlight amongst the dense foliage. He led Ethane to some flat rocks, and they lay side by side on the warm sun-bathed gray rock. The sun soon warmed their chilled bodies. Ethane placed his arm over Matt’s chest. Matt turned his head and looked into Ethane’s beautiful emerald green eyes. He stroked a hair from Ethane’s forehead, and leaned forward and kissed him lightly on his cheek. Their cocks grew firm as they stroked each others bodies, and each felt the need of the other. Ethane gently pushed Matt onto his back, and then he sucked on each of Matt’s nipples until they stood erect. Ethane kissed Matt down towards his navel. Stopping at his navel to tongue the tight remains of his umbilical cord. Resuming his journey downward he took Matt’s erection his mouth. There was the distinct taste of precum. Matt had the most beautiful cock. The head of his cut cock mushroomed handsomely when fully erect. Ethane’s tongue darted around the edges of the mushroomed head. Matt bucked upwards to meet Ethane’s mouth and moaned. Ethane sucked down on Matt’s cock to it’s base until he felt the tickling of pubic hairs against his nose. The feeling was wonderful for both Matt and Ethane. Ethane moved slightly to adjust his raging hard-on, and Matt realized that he had neglected his new lover. “Let me suck you off too”, Matt said in a husky voice. Ethane moved around so that his cock was positioned above Matt’s mouth in the typical 69 position. Opening his mouth Matt allowed Ethane’s cock to enter. He used his tongue to push back the foreskin on Ethane’s swollen member. A moan escaped from Ethane’s mouth as he continued to suck Matt’s cock. Matt soon had taken Ethane completely into his mouth. Ethane began to thrust his cock in and out Matt’s mouth with such a frenzy that Matt had to place his hands on Ethane’s thighs to stop from being gagged. It was not long before a tingling sensation began to rise up in Matt’s balls and race towards his erection. He could not warn Ethane that he was going to come, because the cock in his mouth was taking all of his effort. Matt wanted to bring Ethane off at the same time as him, so he began to kneed Ethane’s balls. He could hold back no longer and pushed up into Ethane’s mouth and his cum exploded into the back of Ethane’s throat. At the same time Matt thrust a finger deep into Ethane’s arse. Almost instantaneously Ethane exploded deep in Matt’s soft hot mouth. Both men swallowed as much come as they could manage. Some cum dribbled from Ethane’s mouth. He sucked Matt’s cock until it grew soft in his mouth, and then he released it. Feeling Matt release his cock - Ethane turned around. He lay on top of Matt, and licked any stray cum from his mouth. Matt did the same for Ethane, and they were soon engrossed in a heavy tongue lashing. Matt loving the taste of cum, and the softness of Ethane’s lips. After a time they fell asleep in each others arms, with the warm sun still caressing their bodies.

Matt woke with a chill running over his body. He sleepily opened his eyes and gazed at Ethane lying next to him. A small stubble was beginning to emerge on Ethane’s face, and it gave him a really sexy look. A wild look that suited the place that they found themselves in. He leaned forward and kissed Ethane on the forehead. Ethane stirred, but did not wake. Moving Ethane’s arm from his body Matt rose and looked for the horses. They were still grazing in the clearing. Looking into the sky Matt realized that it was getting rather late and that they had better get back to the base camp. The one thing he did not want to do was to be caught out on the plain in the darkness, especially seen as that was the time when many predators did their hunting. Matt moved over to their clothes and pulled on his shorts, shirt and shoes. He then took the two bits, and rounded up the horses. After looking at Drummer’s wound, Matt decided that he and Ethane better double up again, so he strapped both sets of saddles to Drummer’s back. The horses were now ready for the journey home, and Matt collected Ethane’s clothes to give them to him. He walked over to Ethane, and jabbed him with the two of his shoe. Ethane woke with a start. “Time for us to head back to camp,” said Matt handing Ethane his clothes. Ethane quickly dressed and mounted Elixir behind Matt. Ethane rested against Matt’s body. “Don’t get any ideas about a repeat performance, because we have to get back to camp before dark, and there is not much time,” said Matt moving Ethane’s straying hands back up to his chest.

As soon as they were out of the valley Matt brought Elixir to a trot. He glanced back occasionally to ensure that Drummer was still behind them. The sun sets quickly in the African bush and soon the sky was splashed with hues of bright colors. The colors grew darker and darker until they all merged into a single blackness. A full moon rose in the sky and summoned forth the creatures of the night. The chill of night air descended on the plain. Matt shivered from the cold, and Ethane held him tighter to offer some body heat. After a time Matt was forced to rein up Elixir, and round up Drummer. He handed Drummer’s reins to Ethane and told him to keep a tight hold on them. Matt started force again, but this time at a much slower pace. Often they glimpsed the gleam of a pair of yellow eyes. But nothing approached. Probably any predator seeing them would assume that this quarry was to dangerous looking with three heads. Like some beast from Ancient Mythology.

It was round about ten that night when they rode into the camp. They were met by undulating chanting as those in the camp heralded their return like two great hunters. Zoliwe took the horses from them, and said that he would ready a hearty meal for them. Matt and Ethane headed for the kitchen, and drank a nice cup of strong coffee to lift the chill from their bodies. Themba brought them blankets to wrap around their bodies. Soon their bodies felt warm, and their stomachs were filled by a generous helping of deer and vegetables. They ate hungrily and then retired for the night. It was almost midnight when they entered their separate tents and settled down for the night.

The White Elephant, pt3 [MM] - concluded

Matt woke the next morning feeling very tired, and not well rested. His hand moved down to his throbbing "morning glory". He played with his balls, but soon grew tired of this and rose from the bed. When he stood up he almost collapsed. His inner thighs ached like hell from the previous days horse ride, but he knew that he would not be able to show his discomfort to anybody in the camp, or else he would be the brunt of jokes for nights to come.

He moved towards the small cupboard that held his clothes and fished out a pair of cycling shorts. He put these on without any underwear, and proceeded to pull on a pair of long-shorts. The tightness of the cycling pants helped to alleviate part of the discomfort to the extent that he could walk almost normally. Matt heard a sound behind him, and turned to see Themba watching him.

"What is it?" asked Matt glaring at the young boy, as he stood with a sly grin plastered on his face.

"More people say they see elephant, Enkosi", stammered Themba, before he made a quick beeline out of the tent.

Matt wondered whether this account would be the real thing, or yet another hoax. He hoped that it was the aforementioned. He so longed to get back to the coast. To smell the sea air, and go snorkeling among the reefs. These and many other thoughts of home prompted Matt to pull on a shirt, and go in search of Zoliwe.

Zoliwe showed him to the local villager who had reported the account of the White Elephant - in the hope of some reward. It had been decided from the beginning that the villager who correctly reported seeing the Elephant would be awarded three healthy cattle. These cattle had been bought from a local rancher, and were on display in the camp. Subsequently, there was often movement in and out of their camp. Guards had been posted from the beginning to ensure that the cattle did not wonder out with the visitors. Matt listened to the man's story, and then headed for Elixir. Zoliwe had the horse saddled, and after Matt had mounted he asked the villager to show him the location of the elephant. The villager started off on a brisk run. Matt followed behind.

Ethane woke to a hand stroking his cheek. Thinking it was Matt he kept his eyes closed and moved his hand down to his erect cock. He slowly pulled the foreskin back and revealed the swollen head. He stroked back and forth. After a time he wondered why Matt was not taking any initiative, and he opened his eyes. There before him was Themba, and his eyes were riveted to the swollen member in Ethane's hand. In his fist he pulled hard on his large 8" long black mamba. Seeing that Ethane had opened his eyes Themba tried to dash to the door, but Ethane lunged out, and grabbed the boy by the belt. Themba struggled, but eventually relented when Ethane had him pinned to the ground. Ethane could feel the huge cock behind him tickling the dark tuft of hair in his arse crack. He looked into the boys eyes - he was terrified. Ethane thought about the current situation. What was he so do? He decided that the best thing to do would be to punish Themba for his actions. Holding Themba in place by straddling his body - Ethane leaned over and pulled a tube a heat-rub from his bag. Themba did not realize what Ethane had in store for him. Turning around so that his back faced Themba - Ethane took the huge black cock in his hand. He unscrewed and removed a liberal amount of heat rub, and began working it into Themba's throbbing hard-on. At first Themba did not respond, but when the ingredients of the lotion started to act on his cock, he squirmed. The heat must have been quit unbearable. Normally the lotion was used for sore muscles. Ethane felt Themba trying to throw him off, so he began to masturbate the youngster with a vengeance. Soon Themba's balls tightened and he shot forth globs of searing hot cum. The cum landed on Ethane's body. Ethane rose from Themba's body, and the youngster hastily pulled on his pants and left the tent. It was only after he had wiped the spent cum off his body that Ethane realized how much his inner thighs hurt, especially the region between his cock and arse. He hobbled around the tent getting dressed, and then left for the kitchen tent. He was starving, but when he arrived at the kitchen he was told that breakfast would only be served later. Ethane's delicate walk did not go unnoticed and soon he was the brunt of numerous jokes, although he could not understand any of them. He looked around for Themba, but could not find him. More than likely the youngster had gone to the local stream to cool off his balls, and cock.

Ethane ambled around the camp restlessly, and was relieved when Matt arrived at around nine. Not only for the reappearance of his lover, but also because his return signaled a hasty breakfast making. Matt recounted his mornings adventure, and reported that the tracks and dung that he had seen were fresh. Whether they belonged to the elephant they seeked or another was not conclusive. Zoliwe said that he would ready everything after breakfast, and they would go and track the elephant.

At breakfast Ethane recounted his mornings adventures to Matt who just laughed. Ethane asked him what was so funny, and Matt told him that he had probably made one of Themba's dreams come true.

"And here I thought that I was punishing the young rascal," said Ethane folding his arms and pouting his lips in a sulking manner.

The breakfast was great as usual, and the young men complimented the cook as they left the kitchen. He grinned after them with a toothless mouth. Matt noticed that Ethane was hobbling, and slapped him on the backside.

"Hey what is that for?" asked Ethane turning towards Matt as they walked.

"Just thought that I would loosen up some of those arse muscles."

"Well you are going about it the wrong way."

"Really, and what do you propose?"

"We'll discuss it some other time - look who has reappeared, " Ethane said pointing to Themba skulking back into the camp. Themba saw them looking at him, and quickly hid behind a tree.

"It would appear that our young exhibitionist is now rather shy."

Zoliwe say his son and called to him to help saddle the horses so that they could leave as soon as possible. Matt saw that Zoliwe had left Drummer in the kraal and after inquiring he found out that the horses leg had swollen quite badly during the night. If the swelling did not go down by the next day then they would be forced to shoot the horse. Ethane was not very happy about this sad news, but Matt assured him that Drummer was strong, and should pull through.

Matt mounted Elixir, and Ethane was about to mount the horse behind him, when Zoliwe stopped him. He instructed Ethane to climb on Themba's bareback horse, and Themba would ride behind him. This being a lighter load on the horses. Themba began to protest, but Zoliwe soon silenced him. Ethane mounted Rusty, Themba's mount, and Themba swung up behind him. Themba's discomfort with the whole situation was obvious, as he tried to avoid body contact with Ethane. However, as the party set forth in search of the elephant the movement of the horse wedged Ethane and Zoliwe's bodies together. After awhile Zoliwe was forced to put his hand around Ethane as the horses lurching was threatening to throw him to the ground. So reluctantly his hands snaked around Ethane's waist and grasped each other firmly. Matt winked at Ethane while watching the spectacle.

Matt soon found the location were the villager had taken him that morning. Zoliwe and Themba dismounted and set about looking for tracks. It was Themba who soon called out that he had found some tracks. They followed the trail of the elephant for the better part of the morning, and then about two o'clock Matt called a stop for lunch. The shade of a nearby thorn tree was selected to provide some covering from the glaring sun. The food was packed out, and all had a generous helping of dried sausage and fresh fruit.

Themba decided to banish himself and sit on a nearby deserted ant hill. It's inhabitants had obviously become the victim of a roving anteater. Zoliwe lit up a pipe, and soon the air was filled with the sweet smell of burning tobacco. Matt lay back against the tree trunk, and closed his eyes. He did not realize that he had fallen asleep until Ethane shook him awake.

"Hey sleepy-head you have been asleep for over an hour," said Ethane planting a kiss on Matt's mouth. Matt was startled. What was Ethane thinking? He jumped up.

"Relax, the others have gone on to look for the elephant," Ethane said stroking Matt's closest leg.

"Geez, you almost scared the shit out of me," Matt said looking down at Ethane, "Zoliwe would report us to my father straight away, and he would probably send you off to some God forsaken place".

"I never really thought about that so we had better cool it for awhile, right?"

"Yes, now which direction did the others go in?"

"They went that way," said Ethane pointing towards a nearby clump of bush. Ethane picked up the blanket that had been placed on the ground and tied it behind Elixir's saddle. He then started off at a brisk walk with the horse in tow. Matt followed behind. It was not long after they had entered the bush when Themba came running into them. He was startled to see that they were in the bush, but proceeded to tell the young men that they had found the elephant. The youth led them through the bush, until they passed some trees whose barks had been peeled off. He pointed to his father who stood behind a nearby mutilated tree. Zoliwe motioned them to be silent when he saw them approaching. Ethane handed Elixir's reins to Matt who tied them off on a nearby branch. Stealthily they crept forward.

When they were right next to Zoliwe he pointed out the elephant. Both Ethane and Matt gasped as they saw the elephant. He was huge, and his ivory tusks were a bright yellow. They almost looked gold against his white skin. This was the albino elephant that they had been looking for, and that Matt's father wanted for his nature reserve. They sat watching the elephant for a long time, until Zoliwe said that it was getting dark, and that they had better head back to camp. Themba was told to stay on the trial of the elephant.

Zoliwe provided his son with some rations, and then he removed the blanket from the back of Elixir, and gave him that as well. Zoliwe told Themba that they would return for him in the morning.

Back at the camp there was much excitement as the word was passed around that the elephant had been found. The three cattle were given to the villager, and he invited all the camp members to come to his village for the night to celebrate. Matt and Ethane declined all their offers to attend - both feigned exhaustion. Matt radioed his father and told him that they had found the elephant. His father was thrilled, and said that he would fly in the next morning with Dutchie.

Matt and Ethane found that by seven o'clock the campsite was deserted. Matt raided the stores in the kitchen and made Ethane a hearty supper. The youngsters ate the food with gusto.

"This is not bad," said Ethane dishing up a second helping of food.

"Thanks I am glad that you approve, but I must let you know that you are desert."

"Oh, really. Well I had better finish my supper then so that you can have your desert," Ethane said smilingly shoveling the last of his food into his mouth.

After he had finished eating, he asked Matt where he would like his desert.

Matt did not say anything, but led him to the shower by the Syringa tree.

"But there is no hot water," protested Ethane, when Matt slowly began to unbutton his shirt.

"I have arranged all that already - Zoliwe saw to the water for me before he left. It probably won't be very hot, but it will do," Matt said as he continued to unbutton Ethane's shirt. He removed the shirt, and brought his mouth down on Ethane's exposed nipples. He sucked first the left and then the right. Then he moved down lower with his mouth. He loosened Ethane's pants and pulled down his underwear. His erection was exposed, and almost fully erect. Matt sucked on each of the hairy balls, and kissed Ethane's inner thighs. He worked his way down Ethane's legs, and undid the laces for his shoes. Soon Ethane was naked from head to toe. Ethane's cock throbbed because Matt had not touched it once in his tongued exploration of Ethane's body. Moving forward Ethane thought that he would begin to remove Matt's clothes, but Matt stopped him.

"Get in the shower, and I'll turn on the water and then come and join you," said Matt slapping Ethane on his bare rump. Ethane obeyed, and entered the shower. He stood shivering for awhile in the night air, until he felt the cascading warmth of the water from the drums.

Matt soon scampered down the tree, and after stripping off all of his clothes joined Ethane under the warm water. They soaped and washed each others bodies. Their cocks ached attention, but the only attention they received was that of an impersonal hand washing. Soon the water began to grow cold, and the young men ran still dripping to Matt's tent. Inside the tent the same impersonal hands that had bathed each other proceeded to do the drying. This was causing the young men to become extremely aroused, and it was Matt who grabbed a blanket from his bed and laid it on the floor. He pushed Ethane to the floor, and began a repeat performance of the pre-shower scene, but this time he tongued back Ethane's foreskin, and tasted the precum at its tip. He sucked down on Ethane's cock for a while - taking the cock to its hilt. His tongue darted in and out of the slit at the tip, and Ethane was moaning with pleasure. Not wanting to bring Ethane off right away - Matt continued his journey over Ethane's balls, and down to his bushy arse. Using his fingers he moved apart the black hair, and revealed the pinkness of Ethane's puckered arse. Matt lowered his mouth towards the arse crack, and his tongue began to rove over the exposed pink area. He soon had the area covered in a liberal amount of saliva, and he proceeded to push a finger into Ethane's butt. Ethane's butt happily accepted the single finger, so Matt inserted two and then three fingers. He moved his fingers back and forth, as he proceeded to loosen Ethane's butt. The moans escaping from Ethane's lips were an indication that he was enjoying the finger fucking. When Matt felt that Ethane was loose enough he spat into his hand and wiped the gob all over his steel hard cock. Lifting Ethane's legs over his shoulders, Matt positioned his cock at the opening of Ethane's arse, and pushed forward.

Matt's cock met with little resistance as it slid past Ethane's relaxed butt muscles. Matt's first strokes were short and relaxed. Leaning forward he bent over and kissed Ethane passionately on the lips while he continued the fucking motion. However, when he saw that Ethane had become used to the tempo he increased the strength of his thrusts - with each thrust trying to push deeper than the one before. Ethane moaned with ecstasy - and he thrust his tongue into Matt's mouth with such intensity and savageness. He loved the feeling of the huge cock sliding in and out of his arse, and once or twice his hand lingered down to Matt's cock to feel it’s thickness. Ethane's own cock had grown a little limp, and so he began to masturbate himself. The constant jabbing on his prostrate by Matt soon brought Ethane over the edge. He shot globs of cum all over his and Matt's body. After Ethane's arse muscles tightened around his cock Matt could hold back no longer, and he thrust forward as far as possible and dropped his hot load inside Ethane. Feeling Matt cum inside of him - Ethane leaned forward and kissed him on the neck.

"I love you," he whispered.

They lay holding each other, and after a time Matt's softened cock slid from Ethane's arse. He felt very empty, but he knew that Matt would fill him up again some time in the future. Lying against each other they fell asleep. Their warm breathes caressing the other, and their smooth bodies seductively intertwined.

Xavier Hunt entered the campsite a little after dawn - he wanted to get an early mornings start on his expedition, so he had persuade Dutchie to fly him to the campsite under the cover of darkness. He looked around the camp, but found no activity whatsoever. Usually at this time of the morning there would be pots boiling with all sorts of weird and wonderful concoctions., but there was not a camp-fire in sight. Wondering if all the camp members had gone to see the white elephant Xavier walked over to the kraal that held the horses. All the horses were still in the kraal. However, he did notice that the cattle had been dispatched to the lucky villager, so he assumed correctly that there had been a party the night before. Xavier wondered if Matt was in the camp, and so he headed for Matt's tent. Not bothering to announce his presence he entered the tent. There on the floor lay his son and Ethane. He did not quite know what to say or do. Luckily this was not such a great shock as he had found out about Matt's wayward lifestyle four years previously.

After his wife Lorraine was killed by a group of terrorists he had Matt trailed day-in and day-out to protect him. The assigned bodyguards had provided him then with the truth of Matt's sexual orientation. At first Xavier was enraged and wanted to disown Matt, but he realized that he could not bare to loose him as well, so he feigned ignorance. One thing that he admired about Matt was that he was discreet in his chosen life. This was important for his image as the future head of Hunt Industries.

Turning around Xavier left the tent and headed for the kitchen. Perhaps he had known that Ethane would end up in his son's arms. He had not planned it, but had decided to recruit Ethane on this project from Egypt to stem his son's boredom, and from all appearances it had worked. Xavier turned on the gas-burner, and settled a kettle on the small stove to boil. A nice cup of coffee would taste great now.

The White Elephant, pt3 [MM] - concluded

Matt woke the next morning feeling very tired, and not well rested. His hand moved down to his throbbing "morning glory". He played with his balls, but soon grew tired of this and rose from the bed. When he stood up he almost collapsed. His inner thighs ached like hell from the previous days

horse ride, but he knew that he would not be able to show his discomfort to anybody in the camp, or else he would be the brunt of jokes for nights to come.

He moved towards the small cupboard that held his clothes and fished out a pair of cycling shorts. He put these on without any underwear,

and proceeded to pull on a pair of long-shorts. The tightness of the cycling pants helped to alleviate part of the discomfort to the extent that he could walk almost normally. Matt heard a sound behind him, and turned to see Themba watching him. "What is it?" asked Matt glaring at the young boy, as he stood with a sly grin plastered on his face. "More people say they see elephant, Enkosi", stammered Themba, before he made a quick beeline out of the tent. Matt wondered whether this account would be the real thing, or yet another hoax. He hoped that it was the aforementioned. He so longed to get back to the coast. To smell the sea air, and go snorkeling among the reefs. These and many other thoughts of home prompted Matt to pull on a shirt, an d go in search of Zoliwe.

Zoliwe showed him to the local villager who had reported the account of the White Elephant - in the hope of some reward. It had been decided from the beginning that the villager who correctly reported seeing the Elephant would be awarded three healthy cattle. These cattle had been bought from a local rancher, and were on display in the camp. Subsequently, there was often movement in and out of their camp. Guards had been posted from the beginning to ensure that the cattle did not wonder out with the visitors. Matt listened to the man's story, and then headed for Elixir. Zoliwe had the horse saddled, and after Matt had mounted he asked the villager to show him the location of the elephant. The villager started off on a brisk run. Matt followed behind.

Ethane woke to a hand stroking his cheek. Thinking it was Matt he kept his eyes closed and moved his hand down to his erect cock. He slowly pulled the foreskin back and revealed the swollen head. He stroked back and forth. After a time he wondered why Matt was not taking any initiative, and he opened his eyes. There before him was Themba, and his eyes were riveted to the swollen member in Ethane's hand. In his fist he pulled hard on his large 8" long black mamba. Seeing that Ethane had opened his eyes Themba tried to dash to the door, but Ethane lunged out, and grabbed the boy b y the belt. Themba struggled, but eventually relented when Ethane had him pinned to the ground. Ethane could feel the huge cock behind him tickling the dark tuft of hair in his arse crack. He looked into the boys eyes - he was terrified. Ethane thought about the current situation. What was he so do? He decided that the best thing to do would be to punish Themba for his actions. Holding Themba in place by straddling his body - Ethane leaned over and pulled a tube a heat-rub from his bag. Themba did not realize what Ethane had in store for him. Turning around so that his back fa ced Themba - Ethane took the huge black cock in his hand. He unscrewed and removed a liberal amount of heat rub, and began working it into Themba's throbbing hard-on. At first Themba did not respond, but when the ingredients of the lotion started to act on his cock, he squirmed. The heat must

have been quit unbearable. Normally the lotion was used for sore muscles. Ethane felt Themba trying to throw him off, so he began to masturbate the youngster with a vengeance. Soon Themba's balls tightened and he shot forth globs of searing hot cum. The cum landed on Ethane's body. Ethane rose from Themba's body, and the youngster hastily pulled on his pants and left the tent. It was only after he had wiped the spent cum off his body that Ethane realized how much his inner thighs hurt, especially the region between his cock and arse. He hobbled around the tent getting dressed, and then left for the kitchen tent. He was starving, but when he arrived at the kitchen he

was told that breakfast would only be served later. Ethane's delicate walk did not go unnoticed and soon he was the brunt of numerous jokes, although he could not understand any of them. He looked around for Themba, but could not find him. More than likely the youngster had gone to the loca l stream to cool off his balls, and cock. Ethane ambled around the camp restlessly, and was relieved when Matt arrived at around nine. Not only for the reappearance of his lover, but also because his return signaled a hasty breakfast making. Matt recounted his mornings adventure, and reported that the tracks and dung that he had seen were fresh. Whether they belonged to the elephant they seeked or another was not conclusive. Zoliwe said that he would ready everything after breakfast, and they would go and track the elephant. At breakfast Ethane recounted his mornings adventures to Matt who just laughed.

Ethane asked him what was so funny, and Matt told him that he had probably made one of Themba's dreams come true. "And here I thought that I was punishing the young rascal," said Ethane folding his arms and pouting his lips in a sulking manner. The breakfast was great as usual, and the young men complimented the cook as they left the kitchen. He grinned after them with a toothless mouth. Matt noticed that Ethane was hobbling, and slapped him on the backside. "Hey what is that for?" asked Ethane turning towards Matt as they walked. "Just thought that I would loosen up some of those arse muscles." "Well you are going about it the wrong way." "Really, and what do you propose?" "We'll discuss it some other time - look who has reappeared, " Ethane said pointing to Themba skulking back into the camp. Themba saw them looking at him, and quickly hid behind a tree. "It would appear that our young exhibitionist is now rather shy." Zoliwe say his son and called to him to help saddle the horses so that they could leave as soon as possible. Matt saw that Zoliwe had left Drummer in the kraal and after inquiring he found out that the horses leg had swollen quite badly during the night. If the swelling did not go down by the n ext day then they would be forced to shoot the horse. Ethane was not very happy about this sad news, but Matt assured him that Drummer was strong, and should pull through. Matt mounted Elixir, and Ethane was about to mount the horse behind him, when Zoliwe stopped him. He instructed Ethane to climb on Themba's bareback horse, and Themba would ride behind him. This being a lighter load on the horses. Themba began to protest, but Zoliwe soon silenced him. Ethane

mounted Rusty, Themba's mount, and Themba swung up behind him. Themba's discomfort with the whole situation was obvious, as he tried to avoid body contact with Ethane. However, as the party set forth in search of the elephant the movement of the horse wedged Ethane and Zoliwe's bodies togethe r. After awhile Zoliwe was forced to put his hand around Ethane as the horses lurching was threatening to throw him to the ground. So reluctantly his hands snaked around Ethane's waist and grasped each other firmly. Matt winked at Ethane while watching the spectacle.

Matt soon found the location were the villager had taken him that morning. Zoliwe and Themba dismounted and set about looking for tracks. It was Themba who soon called out that he had found some tracks. They followed the trail of the elephant for the better part of the morning, and then about

two o'clock Matt called a stop for lunch. The shade of a nearby thorn tree was selected to provide some covering from the glaring sun. The food was packed out, and all had a generous helping of dried sausage and fresh fruit. Themba decided to banish himself and sit on a nearby deserted ant h ill. It's inhabitants had obviously become the victim of a roving anteater. Zoliwe lit up a pipe, and soon the air was filled with the sweet smell of burning tobacco. Matt lay back against the tree trunk, and closed his eyes. He did not realize that he had fallen asleep until Ethane shook h im awake. "Hey sleepy-head you have been asleep for over an hour," said Ethane planting a kiss on Matt's mouth. Matt was startled. What was Ethane thinking? He jumped up. "Relax, the others have gone on to look for the elephant," Ethane said stroking Matt's closest leg. "Geez, you almost scared the shit out of me," Matt said looking down at Ethane, "Zoliwe would report us to my father straight away, and he would probably send you off to some God forsaken place". "I never really thought about that so we had better cool it for awhile, right?" "Yes, now which direction did the others go in?" "They went that way," said Ethane pointing towards a nearby clump of bush. Ethane picked up the blanket that had been placed on the ground and tied it behind Elixir's saddle. He then started off at a brisk walk with the horse in tow. Matt followed behind. It was not long after they had enter ed the bush when Themba came running into them. He was startled to see that they were in the bush, but proceeded to tell the young men that they had found the elephant. The youth led them through the bush, until they passed some trees whose barks had been peeled off. He pointed to his father who stood behind a nearby mutilated tree. Zoliwe motioned them to be silent when he saw them approaching. Ethane handed Elixir's reins to Matt who tied them off on a nearby branch. Stealthily they crept forward. When they were right next to Zoliwe he pointed out the elephant. Both Ethane and Matt gasped as they saw the elephant. He was huge, and his ivory tusks were a bright yellow. They almost looked gold against his white skin. This was the albino elephant that they had been looking for, and that Matt's father wanted for his nature reserve. They sat watching the elephant for a long time, until Zoliwe said that it was getting dark, and that they had better head back to camp. Themba was told to stay on the trial of the elephant. Zoliwe provided his son with some rations, and then he removed the blanket from the back of Elixir, and gave him that as well. Zoliwe told Themba that they would return for him in the morning.

Back at the camp there was much excitement as the word was passed around that the elephant had been found. The three cattle were given to the villager, and he invited all the camp members to come to his village for the night to celebrate. Matt and Ethane declined all their offers to attend - b oth feigned exhaustion. Matt radioed his father and told him that they had found the elephant. His father was thrilled, and said that he would fly in the next morning with Dutchie. Matt and Ethane found that by seven o'clock the campsite was deserted. Matt raided the stores in the kitchen and made Ethane a hearty supper. The youngsters ate the food with gusto. "This is not bad," said Ethane dishing up a second helping of food. "Thanks I am glad that you approve, but I must let you know that you are desert." "Oh, really. Well I had better finish my supper then so that you can have your desert," Ethane said smilingly shoveling the last of his food into his mouth. After he had finished eating, he asked Matt where he would like his desert. Matt did not say anything, but led him to the shower by the Syringa tree. "But there is no hot water," protested Ethane, when Matt slowly began to unbutton his shirt. "I have arranged all that already - Zoliwe saw to the water for me before he left. It probably won't be very hot, but it will do," Matt said as he continued to unbutton Ethane's shirt. He removed the shirt, and brought his mouth down on Ethane's exposed nipples. He sucked first the left and t hen the right. Then he moved down lower with his mouth. He loosened Ethane's pants and pulled down his underwear. His erection was exposed, and almost fully erect. Matt sucked on each of the hairy balls, and kissed Ethane's inner thighs. He worked his way down Ethane's legs, and undid the l aces for his shoes. Soon Ethane was naked from head to toe. Ethane's cock throbbed because Matt had not touched it once in his tongued exploration of Ethane's body. Moving forward Ethane thought that he would begin to remove Matt's clothes, but Matt stopped him. "Get in the shower, and I'll turn on the water and then come and join you," said Matt slapping Ethane on his bare rump. Ethane obeyed, and entered the shower. He stood shivering for awhile in the night air, until he felt the cascading warmth of the water from the drums. Matt soon scampered down the tree, and after stripping off all of his clothes joined Ethane under the warm water. They soaped and washed each others bodies.

Their cocks ached attention, but the only attention they received was that of an impersonal hand washing. Soon the water began to grow c old, and the young men ran still dripping to Matt's tent. Inside the tent the same impersonal hands that had bathed each other proceeded to do the drying. This was causing the young men to become extremely aroused, and it was Matt who grabbed a blanket from his bed and laid it on the floor. H e pushed Ethane to the floor, and began a repeat performance of the pre-shower scene, but this time he tongued back Ethane's foreskin, and tasted the precum at its tip. He sucked down on Ethane's cock for a while - taking the cock to its hilt. His tongue darted in and out of the slit at the ti p, and Ethane was moaning with pleasure. Not wanting to bring Ethane off right away - Matt continued his journey over Ethane's balls, and down to his bushy arse. Using his fingers he moved apart the black hair, and revealed the pinkness of Ethane's puckered arse. Matt lowered his mouth toward s the arse crack, and his tongue began to rove over the exposed pink area. He soon had the area covered in a liberal amount of saliva, and he proceeded to push a finger into Ethane's butt. Ethane's butt happily accepted the single finger, so Matt inserted two and then three fingers. He moved his fingers back and forth, as he proceeded to loosen Ethane's butt. The moans escaping from Ethane's lips were an indication that he was enjoying the finger fucking. When Matt felt that Ethane was loose enough he spat into his hand and wiped the gob all over his steel hard cock. Lifting Etha ne's legs over his shoulders, Matt positioned his cock at the opening of Ethane's arse, and pushed forward.

Matt's cock met with little resistance as it slid past Ethane's relaxed butt muscles. Matt's first strokes were short and relaxed. Leaning forward he bent over and kissed Ethane passionately on the lips while he continued the fucking motion. However, when he saw that Ethane ha d become used to the tempo he increased the strength of his thrusts - with each thrust trying to push deeper than the one before. Ethane moaned with ecstasy - and he thrust his tongue into Matt's mouth with such intensity and savageness. He loved the feeling of the huge cock sliding in and out

of his arse, and once or twice his hand lingered down to Matt's cock to feel its thickness. Ethane's own cock had grown a little limp, and so he began to masturbate himself. The constant jabbing on his prostrate by Matt soon brought Ethane over the edge. He shot globs of cum all over his and

Matt's body. After Ethane's arse muscles tightened around his cock Matt could hold back no longer, and he thrust forward as far as possible and dropped his hot load inside Ethane. Feeling Matt cum inside of him - Ethane leaned forward and kissed him on the neck. "I love you," he whispered. They lay holding each other, and after a time Matt's softened cock slid from Ethane's arse. He felt very empty, but he knew that Matt would fill him up again some time in the future. Lying against each other they fell asleep. Their warm breathes caressing the other, and their smooth bodies se ductively intertwined.

Xavier Hunt entered the campsite a little after dawn - he wanted to get an early mornings start on his expedition, so he had persuade Dutchie to fly him to the campsite under the cover of darkness. He looked around the camp, but found no activity whatsoever. Usually at this time of the morning

there would be pots boiling with all sorts of weird and wonderful concoctions., but there was not a camp-fire in sight. Wondering if all the camp members had gone to see the white elephant Xavier walked over to the kraal that held the horses. All the horses were still in the kraal. However, he did notice that the cattle had been dispatched to the lucky villager, so he assumed correctly that there had been a party the night before. Xavier wondered if Matt was in the camp, and so he headed for Matt's tent. Not bothering to announce his presence he entered the tent. There on the floor lay his son and Ethane. He did not quite know what to say or do. Luckily this was not such a great shock as he had found out about Matt's wayward lifestyle four years previously. After his wife Lorraine was killed by a group of terrorists he had Matt trailed day-in and day-out to protect him. The assigned bodyguards had provided him then with the truth of Matt's sexual orientation. At first Xavier was enraged and wanted to disown Matt, but he realized that he could not

bare to loose him as well, so he feigned ignorance. One thing that he admired about Matt was that he was discreet in his chosen life. This was important for his image as the future head of Hunt Industries. Turning around Xavier left the tent and headed for the kitchen. Perhaps he had known that Ethane would end up in his son's arms. He had not planned it, but had decided to recruit Ethane on this project from Egypt to stem his son's boredom, and from all appearances it had worked. Xavier turned

on the gas-burner, and settled a kettle on the small stove to boil. A nice cup of coffee would taste great now.

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