The Weeds

By Mike

Published on May 13, 2002


This is a fictional story, none of these events actually happened. Any reasemason to real people was not intended. If you are offended by graphic man to man or teen boy to man sex then leave now.

The Weeds (Acquiring a new Slave)

The Weeds was just a few abandon empty lots that had become over grown, typical in almost any medium size city. Known to house street people, tugs, and guys looking to get sucked off. It was a very dangerous place, but I was still attracted to it for the possible cocks I could suck and the excitement of not knowing what I would run into. I went there many times without anything bad really happening; the most was some stinky old homeless troll trying to get me to suck his dirty cock. I was horny and wanted to suck some cock and get sucked off so I headed down there. I started my walk into the weeds and I spotted a white guy probably about 50 standing near some bushes. I played the game slowed my walk, eye to eye contact then my eyes fell to his crotch then back to his eyes and I licked my lips. I circled the bushes he was standing near, then he signaled me to come over. I walked over to him and put my hand right into his crotch feeling his semi-hard cock. Dropping to my knees I pulled his sweat pants down as I expected he wasn't wearing any underwear. As soon as his cock was free I swallowed it whole, wrapping my lips tight around the shaft. He responded by getting a hard stiff boner as my mouth engulfed his cock. I worked his cock hard and fast; I always liked to get my first load of cum quickly once I had my first cock in my hungry mouth. He went right with it, just wanting to dump his load of cum in my belly. I stood back up and started to walk away he said thanks and I gave my usual no thank you. I left him, walking toward the back fence. A chain link fence surrounded the whole area but access points had been made in several points along Green Street, which I entered from. The back was towarded another parcel that you could also find guys in. as I approached the fence I seen a young Spanish guy standing against the fence. He wasn't being bashful at all as he had his cock hanging out his jeans. I walked right over to him and dropped to my knees. As I took his cock into my mouth he turned me so my back was against the fence. Then as I started to ride up and down his shaft, he started to pull off my t-shirt, which again didn't surprise me. I've been with many guys and some, the straight ones mostly, want to be in control, so I went with it. As I sucked up and down his uncut cock hanging onto his hips he grabbed my hands and pushed them up against the fence and began to face fuck me. I was still okay with this I've had guys hold my arms and face fuck me before, some lead to the best loads I've ever got so I went with it. The next thing I felt was rope going around my arms. Quicker then I knew what was happening I was tied to the fence on my knees. Then I seen the other two guys claiming between the fence, they where laughing and talking in Spanish. Then the guy I was first sucking who seemed to be in charge spoke and my legs where pulled from under me. They completely stripped me, putting the rest of my clothes with my t-shirt in a pile. The guy in charge bent down to me and said "Listen to me you cock sucking faggot, you do as we say and you'll have a good time tonight and we'll let you go before morning." I resisted a little, but figured out that I could get free anytime I wanted to so I went with it wanting to see just what they wanted to do. I told the guy okay and he shoved his cock back into my mouth. He spoke to the other guys again in Spanish, which he thought I didn't understand, but I did. I heard him tell them to go out and get other guys that wanted to get sucked off. He was riding my mouth like he wanted me to suck him off all night long, then his buddies returned with two guys. He went crazy and pumped out a load of cum first shooting into my mouth then pulling out and shooting on my face.

"Now that's how I like my cocksucker covered in my cum. okay guys you can have some fun." He said.

They formed a semi-circle around me and drop their pants. One of the guys that helped to tie me up moved in and shoved his cock in my mouth. I sucked it in and out a few times then was passed from cock to cock. When I didn't have one guy's cock in my mouth he would jerk it like no tomorrow. As I was going around I heard one guy moaning loudly knowing he was getting ready to shoot I took his cock into my mouth and drank down all he had. Then I did the next guy; all that was left was the two that they went out and found. The three guys who captured me were standing back watching me as I let the other guys' face fuck me. I'd have one then the other cock in me and even both at once. They exploded almost at the same time, one in my mouth the other all over my face. They pulled up their pants and left. The other three guys where sitting on a blanket nude from the waist down drinking beer. I asked if I could have some and they laughed. Then the one in charge stood up and walked over to me holding a beer over me. His cock was right at face level.

"You want some beer cocksucker?" He asked. "Yes, please." I said "Lick my dick, do a good job and maybe I'll give you some. He ordered.

I stuck my tongue out and began licking across his foreskin. Then he slowly pulled the skin back revealing the head. I licked across the piss slit four or five times, he grabbed my head and started pissing in my mouth. I had no choice but to swallow, it didn't matter to me I liked drinking piss almost as much as cum.

"There's your beer my fag bitch" he said.

He pulled his cock from my mouth, pissing all over my face, into my open mouth and over my chest. When he stopped he shoved his cock back into my mouth.

"Yeah, now suck me fag boy. I'll give you another load of my cum. he ordered.

Then the other two got up and came over. One of them said to him in Spanish "we need to piss." He pulled his cock from my mouth and backed off a little. They started to piss both streams hitting my open mouth. They moved their cocks and pissed all over me. When they where done they made room for the other guy. He shoved his now hard cock into my mouth; the other two started jerking their cocks right in my face. The guy in charge started riding my mouth and I was more then willing to take it, hoping I'd get the others cocks too. I heard one start to moan and tried to pull off so I could swallow his cum; I just loved feeling a cock explode in my hungry mouth. But the guy would have no part of it holding my mouth on his cock. Then the guy turned and aimed his cock right at his friend's cock and my lips as his cock slid in and out of my mouth. He shot his load all over the shaft of the guy's cock and he pushed it into my mouth. Now I knew the game and when the second guy was ready I just kept pumping my tight lips up and down the cock riding between my lips. He did the same so I still got both their loads just off this guy's cock. About two minutes latter I felt the cock swell in my mouth then start squirting cum. I sucked him until he went soft then licked his cock clean. They sat back down and drank another beer, then the one in charge said to one of the other to go get his nephew, that it's time for his first blow job. He looked at me, seen my excited look, I've always wanted to give a kid his blowjob. He downed his beer then stood up looking at me and walked over. His soft uncut cock hanging right above my face.

"Yeah, you want to give my nephew his first blowjob? He asked.

I opened my mouth to say yes and he started pissing into again. I moved my gaping mouth so the stream went right down my throat. Slowly moving my head up until I could close my lips around the head. I held it so the skin was forward and he was pissing though it. When he was done I stuck my tongue under the skin and licked all around the head and in the piss slit. I heard noise at the fence; it was the other guy coming back. He had a young Latino teen with him. The uncle started to talk to the kid with his cock still in my mouth. The kid seemed not sure he wanted to do this, that maybe it was a trap by his uncle or something or getting caught by the cops. After being reassured by his uncle and told that he was fourteen now, it was time for him to get blown. That he captured me just to do it, that I had already sucked him off twice, that I wanted more cock and cum, the kid walked over to the blanket and stripped off his pants. He walked over to his uncle and me with the other two guys. They formed a semi-circle around and the uncle took his cock out of my mouth. I turned toward the kid licking the skin of his uncut semi-hard cock; it was all I could get. His uncle reached up and pushed him forward a little more. I engulfed his entire shaft, wrapping my lips at the base. I swirled my tongue around the shaft and slid up, he was hard by the time I reached the crown of the head. I pulled the skin forward with my lips and stuck the tip of my tongue under it. I was rewarded with savory taste of old teen piss and cum. Oh how I loved uncut guys and tasting under their skin. I wanted as much of this kid's cum as I could get. I started to pump up and down the shaft working the whole length of it about seven inches. Being a typical teen never having his cock sucked off he shot a huge load off quickly into my eager mouth. His cock didn't soften and I kept right on sucking it. The other guys were jerking off watching me suck the kid. One moved forward shooting his load all over my face. This seemed to embolden the kid and he surprised me by shoving his cock hard into my throat. Then he began face fucking me; I took it all loving every minute of it. Here I was with a fourteen-year-old boy fucking my mouth. He lasted longer this time but not as long as an experienced older guy. All he wanted to do was get off, oh well he'll learn with time that prolonging only makes it feel better. Maybe I could try to teach him that. When he started to cum he pulled out of my mouth and pumped his load on my face. His uncle was playing with his now hard cock, as the third guy moved right in front of me. He moved his cock head over my face coating it with the cum there then shoved it into my mouth. I heard noise at the fence and could see just enough to tell the kid was being taken back home. When the guy in front me was done getting as much cum from my face as he could he face fucked me until he shoot his load. I thought the uncle would then shove his cock in my mouth as he moved in front of me. But he just stood there looking at me waving his cock around just out of the reach of my mouth.

"Well, I guess there is just one more thing to make you mine. You could have gotten out anytime you want, but you didn't. You willing took whatever we gave you." He said.

The other guy went to the blanket and got a small bag dropping it near me.

"Now if you don't want to finish this and become one of my boys just say no and we'll walk away. You can free yourself and clean up with the stuff in the bag. But I think you want to do it you've all ready shot off and are hard again. If you want to finish this free yourself and come over to the blanket." He stated.

Now I knew for sure the other two guys were his boys, his slaves. I wanted to be one of his boys too and knew just how that was going to happen. He had walk back to the blanket and knelt there with his back to me. The other guy disappreared through the fence. I freed my hands and walked over to the blanket. I got on all fours before my new master, knowing that the only why to become his property was with his seed planted up in my guts. Drinking his cum and piss wasn't good enough for this master; he could have forced fucked me anytime he wanted with the other two guys there. No, I had to completely, freely give him my ass. We were alone now I could have walked away, but knew this was the man that I needed.

"Good, I thought you would want this." He told me.

He moved between my legs spreading them, then spit at my hole. He rubbed the spit in, then place the tip of his hard cock at my hole. With one hard shove his cock went into me and I felt his balls slap my ass cheeks. He held it there a minute then started thrusting in and out of me, I would push back to meet every stoke. He was moaning in Spanish about how tight I was and what a great fuck. He grabbed my cock and started to jerk it, I shot my load on the blanket, which made my ass spasm. My ass milked his cock and his seed shot into my guts. When he was done he moved to the front of me, I knew what I had to completely seal the deal. I licked his cock clean.

"Good boy, you are now mine. You will do whatever I tell you. He stated flatly.

"Yes sir." I answered.

"When do you work?" He demanded of me.

"First shift weekends off." I answered.

"Good you will report to me Friday when you get off work and serve me for the weekend. Here is my address" He stated

He then pulled on his jeans and shirt, he dropped a piece of paper to me and left. I took the paper and put in my pants pocket. I opened the bag and there was a package of baby wipes in it, you know the kind that you use to clean a baby when changing his diaper. I cleaned up the best I could then got dressed and went to my car. I drove home and then looked at the paper. It said "SIR, Louie, and Carl and had an address. It also had a phone number above which was stated "ONLY IF YOU GOT A SORRY ASS EXCUSES." I knew then there was no way I was going to miss being there.

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