The Wedding Night

By ten.latnemnorivneevitca@AGB

Published on Jul 10, 2006



This is my first story so bear with me. The following events are all true. I have only changed the names for confidentiality.

The Wedding Night

To tell you about myself, my name is Brad, I am 21, about 5'10", 160 lbs. I have a very imposing football player build, am a flawless dresser, blue eyes, dark brown hair with blonde highlights and tan olive skin. Anyway, I had my heart broken by my high school sweetheart about four months before the event I am going to be telling you about. She was my life, my little angel. I had hurt her to the point that she needed to leave me and I could not blame her. When I was dating her, my feelings for guys were completely suppressed. I had fooled around with friends in middle school and such, casual circle jerks, etc... but nothing serious. However, when I jerked off it was almost always to gay porn. Then, when Queer as Folk came on TV I was obsessed. Even more so after my breakup. I began to identify with the main character Brian Kinney. He had a strong, fuck-em-all attitude that I wished so much I had. He would never let his heart get broken. I really wished I was like him and tried so hard to be just like him. He was successful in business as I had become, and could get any guy he wanted. Most of all, he had a guy named Justin who turned me on more than anything. Justin was blonde, 18, hairless, sweet, romantic, and artsy. I fell in love. I dreamed off being Brian and having my Justin...often jerking off to the idea. Coming home after a long day in a suit, and having Justin lying there in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt waiting for me. Anyway, I could go on for hours so I'll get to the story. I was invited to my second cousin's wedding in New York. I cried for weeks at the idea of going to the wedding alone, without my girl. So naturally, I switched into my Brian Kinney defense mechanism mode. Fuck it, I said. Who wants to get married when you could have a different gorgeous guy every night? Anyway, my entire family flew to New York for the wedding, parents, grandparents, and all. I got dressed in a tux at the hotel and went downstairs to meet the rest of the family before we drove to the church. As soon as I got to the hotel lobby, I spotted him. He was a gorgeous blonde around my age, wearing a black suit with a great pink shirt. He was so slim and so innocent looking. If only he was gay I thought. As I was staring in his direction, trying not to be obvious, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see my mother. She immediately said, "oh my god Brad, do you know who that is?" "No", I said, pretending not to know whom she was talking about. "That's Andrew, he's bad news, he's related to the family through marriage but we don't talk to his side." Why? I asked. "Well to start he's been in reform school, he's a drug addict, and he's gay." Gay! I smiled to myself. But replied, "that's awful." Anyway, I tried to mingle with the family and we soon left for the wedding. The whole car ride I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was absolutely gorgeous. Anyway, we got to the wedding and there was food and drinks before the ceremony. I excused myself from my parents and went outside for a cigarette. As soon as I got outside, my heart jumped. Andrew was outside to. I didn't know what to say so I just lit a cigarette and stood there. All of a sudden, Andrew walked up to me and said, "Brad is that you?" "Yes," I replied, trying to sound as casual as possible. "Do you remember me, we used to play together when we were little?" I lied and said I did. He asked me for a light and I tried to light his cigarette with a little flirtation but still careful in case he wasn't gay or wasn't interested. My family sometimes thinks guys are gay for random reasons, even when they aren't. Anyway, we started chatting about school, work, and other guy stuff. Sure enough, he asked me if I had a girlfriend. I was heartbroken on multiple levels. One, because her and I had broke up, and two, I guessed if he asked that question he couldn't be gay. We kept on talking and I decided that I would keep being a little flirtatious just in case. About a half hour passed and we decided we should walk back in and join everybody else. When we walked in, the reception hall was empty. "Shit," I said. Everyone had gone inside to the ceremony and the doors were closed. We would definitely make a scene walking in late and my family would definitely see we were together. Just then, Andrew put his hand around my shoulder and said; "I'll see you after the ceremony." My heart jumped. We both were able to sneak in and I went to sit with my parents, and Andrew with his. The whole ceremony, I was smiling like a little schoolgirl. My mother turned to me and said, "you certainly are taking the wedding well, considering you were crying over Kara a few hours ago." I simply shrugged; Kara was the last thing on my mind. All I could do was think about Andrew and tried desperately to look at him without being noticed. After what seemed to be an eternity, the ceremony was over. I immediately dashed outside for a cigarette. About five seconds later I heard the door open and Andrew walked out. "Damn, that was a long ceremony", he said. "Yep" was all I could muster not knowing how he meant it. Did he mean long and boring or long like he missed me, I thought to myself. Anyway, we talked for a little while about Florida, he lives there and I went to college there so we had a lot in common. Then, he asked me if I smoke weed. "All the time," I replied. Andrew pulled out a joint and asked if I wanted to get high. "Sure," I said and followed him to the side of the building. After the joint we decided we should go back inside. Everyone was starting to sit down for dinner and the reception so we walked over to our parents and parted ways again. As I got to the table, my mother and aunt had very serious looks on their faces. "Were you outside with Andrew?" my mom asked. "Yes, he was outside having a cigarette too," I replied, trying to sound casual. "Brad, what did I tell you about him?" She said. "Mom, I am just being friendly," I said. She warned me that my reputation in the family could be ruined and the faces around the table were sheer terror. Anyway, I really didn't care. I couldn't stop thinking about Andrew. Whenever I glanced over at him, he was staring right back at me. God I wish he were gay, I thought to myself. Dinner ended and everyone started dancing. One of my cousin's girlfriends asked me to dance. I agreed hoping it would ease my family's worry. Sure she was beautiful, but as we slow danced, all I could think about was Andrew. I looked off of the dance floor and saw him sitting at the table. God I wished I were dancing with him instead. I think the girl noticed something was wrong because as soon as the song ended, she casually thanked me and walked away. I decided to go for a drink and Andrew followed. We both ordered gin and tonics and went outside for a cigarette. Sure enough, about two minutes later my mother came outside and made me come in. Not wanting to cause a scene, I reluctantly agreed. Back at the table she turned to me and said, "Brad, I am very disappointed in you." I did not answer. I told her I was going to walk around and she threatened a plethora of things if she caught me talking to Andrew again. With that, I told her I was leaving and stormed out. I got outside and was almost in tears. I decided to walk the ten or so blocks back to the hotel. Just as I started walking through the parking lot a voice yelled, "Where ya going?" It was Andrew. I told him what had happened. He told me that my mom had walked up to his mom and made all sorts of threats. Then as I started to walk away he said, "Mind if I go with you?" "Sure," I replied. We started the walk back to the hotel. About five minutes into the walk I turned to him and said, "yeah, my mom is saying all this shit about you being gay and a drug addict and all sorts of shit." I tried to laugh in order to make light of it. Andrew stopped walking and said, "I figured that was what it was about." He then told me that he was caught selling pot when he was younger and was sent to a military academy. That took care of the drug addict and juvenile delinquent comment, but he hadn't confronted the gay statement. Then he said, "and about me being gay, well I am." I nearly froze but simply said, "Oh, that's cool." We kept on walking and I asked him if he had ever seen Queer as Folk. He said that he was obsessed with it and told me everyone thinks he looks like Justin. I told him I agreed with them. Then he turned to me and said, "you remind me of Brian, you know that?" Ha, I thought to myself, I wish, but simply said. "Thank you, I get that a lot." We kept on walking and just talking casually. Suddenly, we both looked up, we were lost. Apparently we had made a wrong turn and had no idea where we were. I was still wearing my tux and Andrew was still in his suit. It was around eleven at night by this point and the streets in this part of Long Island were fairly empty. We walked some more, trying to find our way back to the hotel. All of a sudden, Andrew asked if we could stop for a breather. I said sure. It was at this point that I began to feel awkward, and he was looking hotter every second. After about two minutes of silence we started walking again. We passed by a car repair place about thirty feet later and Andrew stopped again. I tried to make chit-chat by saying, "god it's a great night, huh?" Suddenly Andrew turned to me, put his arms around me and said, "Would it freak you out if I did this?" He leaned in and kissed me. I immediately threw my arms around him and began kissing him passionately. I wanted him so badly. A whole day of anticipation was finally happening. We were standing right on the side of the street and neither one of us cared who saw. I then pulled him over to the side of the car repair place and pushed him up against the wall. We kissed some more then he sank to his knees. He undid my fly and pulled out my cock. He began to suck it as I moaned and ran my fingers through his hair. The intense feeling mixed with being outside in an area neither one of knew was unbelievable. He came up and we kissed some more. I undid his fly, pulled out his cock, and we kissed some more. Our cock's sword fighting as we kissed intensely. We looked around us and saw some unfinished houses being built. We walked over to one of the house's garages and I threw Andrew to the ground. I immediately began unbuttoning his shirt as he kissed my neck and ears. I then ripped off my tuxedo shirt not caring that I had broken all of my diamond shirt studs and the Gucci shirt. Andrew pulled my pants off and I did the same to him. We were both naked in the cool New York breeze, our naked bodies rubbing all over each other. I slowly kissed my way down his chest, concentrating on each nipple. I then worked my way lower, my tongue teasing him in circles and I neared his rigid shaft. I decided to tease him some more and started licking his balls, slowly working my way to his gorgeous ass. I rimmed him until we could both take it no more. I stood over Andrew's face as he slobbered all over my dick, lubricating the way for what was to come next. Next, I lifted Andrew's legs over my shoulders. I leaned in and kissed him passionately again. My dick didn't need any guidance, it found Andrew's hole with ease and slipped right in. A rush was sent though my body as I felt his tight hole around my pulsating cock. I began to pump in and out slowly as we made love. I felt so powerful, so perfect, so hot, so much like, oh my god, Brian Kinney. Andrew was moaning wildly and begged me to let him suck me some more. I agreed and we switched positions. I laid my naked body down on the cold concrete garage floor. Every sense in my body was awakened. I could see Andrew's gorgeous body, I could hear his moans, I could taste his lips, I could smell his scent, and best of all, I could touch every inch. Andrew took my cock into his mouth and gave me the best blowjob I had ever had. He didn't gag at all. He took every inch and even put my hands on his head to control the thrusts even deeper. I felt the best electric shock of my life throughout my entire body as my toes curled and I came down his throat. We kissed some more before he stood up and it was my turn to reciprocate. I licked his whole body. This time from his toes upwards. His scent was amazing and I almost came again. I took his cock into my mouth, and then licked the sides, teasing it, tasting it, loving every inch. I decided to take the whole thing in my mouth. I began to hum and told him how good he tasted. Just then I felt his body shake and he came down my throat. I loved the taste of his cum. As soon as he came, our cell phones both began to ring. It was our parents. He silenced his and I picked mine up. It was my mother. "Brad, where the fuck are you?" "At a bar," I lied. "Is Andrew with you?" "No of course not" I lied again. I told her I would be back in an hour. I hung up the phone and we both hurried to get whatever clothes on we could that were still somewhat wearable. We saw a gas station in the distance that looked open so we walked hand in hand over to it. We asked for directions to the hotel and the cashier didn't know so we asked someone filling up their car. The lady was very pretty, in her mid 20's. She eagerly helped us and as we thanked her she said, "looks like you boys had a fun night but you might want to wipe the cum off of your cheek. She pointed to Andrew's cheek. She gave us a wink and we all had a laugh. Andrew and I walked as slowly as possible back to the hotel, pausing every couple of feet to kiss. Something about kissing him in plain view of everyone passing by really turned me on. We continued the hotel. When we were about a hundred yards from the front door, we stopped and made out some more. We decided to see each other the following morning before everyone left. Then, we kept walking. When we got to the hotel, we were no so warmly greeted by both of our mothers at the front door. We were speechless. "We have been waiting all night for the two of you to show," our mothers said in unison. My mother grabbed me by the arm and led me to my room. She turned to me and said, "Did you have a nice screw?" I didn't answer, but burst into tears. She turned around and left. The next morning I felt so bad for her I didn't even see Andrew when he sent me a text message to meet him outside for a cigarette. About an hour later my stepfather and I went outside to smoke a cigarette together after breakfast. The hotel door opened and Andrew walked out. God he was beautiful. We were both wearing almost identical black t-shirts and jeans. His blonde hair was glistening in the sun. I had to fight back the urge to run over and kiss him. I simply stuck my hand out and shook his hand. "It's nice to see you," I said. "You too," he said. With that he left the hotel and that was the last time I saw him.

Please send comments about the story to This is my first submission and I would appreciate feedback. Thank you!

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