The Wedding Kiss

By Roland Spildew

Published on Jul 30, 2005



The Wedding Kiss by Roland Spildew

-------------------------- 1. This story is erotic fiction. If you read it you will be exposing yourself to depictions of homosexual acts and thoughts intended to arouse the reader. Don't read it if such literature is illegal for you to read in your state or country or if such literature is offensive to you. 2. The characters are fictional and do not depict any actual person, living or dead. 3. I welcome comments. Email me at I'd love to hear what you think. 4. Copyright 2005 by Roland Spildew. -------------------------

My cock was pushing hard against my fly even before I unbuckled my belt. I had been thinking about our jacking off night all through the day. It had been months since we had done it with each other and this would probably be our last "sperm party" as Jerry liked to call it.

Jerry would marry his high school sweetheart in the morning. Tonight, though, because of a shortage of guest beds over at his folks' house, he was spending his last bachelor night with me, his best man and his best friend.

We were best buddies from first grade on. Whatever I did and wherever I went, Jer was there with me: school, scouts, little league, track, camping, and hours of just sitting around bullshitting about life, cars, sports, and girls and their tits and their asses and their, mmmmm, pussies. Everyone knew how tight we were. If they saw Lee (that's me) alone on the street they'd immediately ask, where's Jerry. And vice versa.

When we were kids, we were our own secret society; and I admit we did some pretty dumb stuff. When we went camping we'd piss together, sometimes aiming for the same spot and sometimes crossing our streams. We would go skinny dipping at a little pond we found out in the countryside and we'd piss all over each other before jumping in. I even remember that there were a few times when we shit together. I know that's weird, but we were just dumb kids after all and we thought it was funny. We didn't make a habit of it or anything.

So we were tight. When we were ten we figured out masturbation together from some porn I found out in my old man's work shed. We both knew from stroke one that we loved it, and we did it as much as we could without getting caught. We did it when we were alone then told each other about it, and then we'd do it together. We did a mutual masturbation thing once in a while, but mainly we just jacked ourselves while we watched each other.

Later when we were about 13 or 14 we heard some of the older guys at school talking about fags and queers. It made us kind of nervous and we decided that maybe we shouldn't do it together any more. I didn't want to be a queer, and I especially didn't want to get caught doing anything that would get me labeled as one, and neither did Jerry. This was in the 60s in the middle of Nebraska after all. Believe me, that was no good time or place to be gay.

So we stopped jacking off together. Almost. Once in a while we'd go fishing in this one really isolated stretch of the river. Nobody else was around for miles. It was just us two by the river bank, hidden by brush and trees. One of us would inevitably start talking about pussy and just hearing the word would make me spring a woody. We didn't strip naked like we did when we were kids and skinny dipping, and we sure didn't touch each other, but we thought just a jerk-off together couldn't hurt. We were young, hard and horny.

So we'd pull our dicks out of our jeans and start stroking, lightly at first, talking about one of the girls at school (usually Marge W. whose chest was way out in front of the other girls, developmentally speaking) and what it would be like to sink our peckers into her hot, wet cunt. Just hearing Jer say the words "pussy" and "cunt" would make my precum leak.

At some point we would check each other out to see if we were getting any bigger and how our pubes were growing. I developed a little faster than Jer. My pubic hair showed up about a half a year before his did, just a few hairs at first then pretty quickly I had a bush. My dick was about an inch longer too, even when we were finally fully grown. Mine's a good seven inches and Jerry's is about six. We were both cut.

So after checking each other out, we started jacking in earnest, usually just using spit for lube. And we'd talk about pussy some more, but mainly we just watched each other in silence, letting little moans and groans out once in a while, hearing our breathing which was kind of ragged and uneven as we'd hold our breaths sometimes. At some point we'd lay back, pulling our t-shirts up so they wouldn't get spermed on and watch each other as the cum spurted out. I was the first to actually shoot a wad, and that first time I remember Jerry saying "Wow. You did it." And then he asked me if he could taste it. That seemed a little gross to me, but I said ok and he did.

"Tastes funny," he said. "Kind of salty, and something else."

So I said, "Let me see," and tasted it myself. I made a big deal out of swirling it around my tongue and making faces and stuff, then said, "Pretty good. Could use a little sugar maybe."

We both laughed, and ever after we just ate our own jizz rather than try to figure out something to wipe it with that our mothers wouldn't notice when they did our laundry. Yeah, I think in some ways we were maybe pretty advanced for our ages.

Let me go back to that about my dick developing first and being longer and all. I'm not talking just about dick size and being able to shoot farther and shit like that which I had an advantage in. It was most things.

It sounds like I'm bragging and I don't mean it that way, but usually I was just a little better than Jer regardless of what it was. In school, if he had a B in biology, I would have an A. If he got an A in math, I'd get an A+. In sports it was the same. In track we were both fast runners, the fastest in our school at the time. But even so, I'd usually come in first and he would usually come in second. In basketball we were both good and both on the starting five, but I always made more points.

But maybe that was because he passed the ball to me more often?

It's something I wonder about now. At the time I naturally felt good about it. He was good, and he was competition for me and he would beat me if I was feeling lazy. But I always knew if I put in the effort I would surpass him in just about anything we cared to do. But I look back on it now and I have a suspicion that Jerry was kind of doing it on purpose. I mean it stands to reason that in at least one thing he must have been better than me. Different people have different talents and there had to be something he was better at. But it never seemed to come out. And I think now it's because he wanted it that way. He wanted to be my second. I was always the leader. And I know it sounds egotistical, but I think he was happier as my sidekick, my support, my back-up, the best friend who was always by my side no matter what I got us into.

I can't prove it, but I just think there were times when he could have beat me, at table tennis for instance, but that he held back. Maybe he wasn't even aware that he was doing it. Maybe he just felt the world, our world, was best ordered in that way. He wanted me out front while he followed faithfully behind.

Sorry, I just felt like I had to get that off my chest. I've been thinking about it for years.

Anyway, in high school we no longer jerked off together regularly as we had done at first. But if we found ourselves in a situation, like fishing, that made it possible, then we took advantage of it. Where was the harm?

Nobody ever called me queer or faggot, except for the usual locker room bullshitting around. I was an athlete and I was very active with the girls. They liked me and I always had a date any time I wanted it. I wasn't really the going-steady type, though. I liked what they called "playing the field." I never expected a girl would let me fuck her, but I'd give it a try nevertheless, and lots of times I got pretty far, and a couple of times I did make it all the way. That was great, and naturally the first person (and only person for that matter) I told was Jer. I loved seeing the envy on his face when I told him. He never did make it all the way in high school, but at least he got as far as some oral play.

He was more of the going-steady type. There were a couple of girls he got really serious about. And then, just after he graduated he got interested in this sweet little sophomore named Carol and they decided to get hitched right after she graduated. So he had a three year wait. And because it was Nebraska in the 60s and she was a good churchgoing girl (which is what Jer told me he wanted for a wife) and because Jer was honest and true, it was maybe the longest three years of his life.

After high school he stayed in the area and went to a nearby state college, and I went across the state to the university. Whenever I came home on breaks I would see him and we were still best buddies. He came to visit me at school a few times too and we always had a real great time. But I was on a track that was going to make me a lawyer some day, I hoped; and he was in line to eventually take over his dad's hardware business. So I sensed that we were drifting into different lives, and I knew already we were not as tight as we had been when we were growing up together.

And did we still masturbate together sometimes? Damn straight we did. In college I started to feel more relaxed about my sexuality. I knew Jer and I weren't gay, but I also knew we liked our buddy jack-off sessions and if we did, so what. It was just jerking off. So when we saw each other, we started doing it more than we had in high school. Especially after I got my own place in the town where I was going to school, when he came for a visit a couple of times we had a great old jacking time with plenty of porn and grease.

And when I went back home for the summer, we'd often go to the drive-in movie together and pull out our dicks, and as the movie went on we'd just sort of play with ourselves, watching each other as well as the movie, talking bullshit about how we'd fuck whatever pussy was up there on the screen. And sometimes just saying stuff about how good it feels--how rubbing cock felt so good. Jerry was great at being able to prolong a jerk-off session, and he's the one who got me into that too. I had always been impatient, wanting to get that nut as soon as possible. But he kept telling me, it's not the destination that matters, it's the journey. The true pleasure is in building toward the climax and if you do it right, the climax will be a screamer too.

It took him a while to convince me, but he did and to this day I am a confirmed edge-it-out jack-off artist. I really love it long and protracted. And that's because of Jer. We would sit in that car, our cocks sticking out of our shorts. (We couldn't get too naked because at a small town drive-in you never knew when some friend or other visiting the snack bar was going to stop for some bullshit on the way. So we had to be able to hide ourselves quick. We were good though. We had a couple of close calls, but we never did get caught.) It felt good.

I know what we were doing wouldn't really be considered normal by most people, but I didn't see any harm in it, and neither did Jer, obviously. And I knew we both loved pussy so I knew we weren't gay, though there's nothing wrong with that of course. I just mean, it felt good and what's wrong with feeling good?

So anyway, here it was, Jerry's last night as a single male. As soon as we had realized he was going to be spending that night with me, we both just grinned at each other and did the jacking hand motion. We didn't even have to say it. There was no question about what we were going to be doing that night.

That evening we went out with some other buds before we came home. A lot of guys we had gone to school with showed up at Skunk's, our town's primary beer palace, and everyone wanted to buy Jer drinks. It was a kind of impromptu bachelor party.

By the time we got out of there and made it back to my folks' place we were pretty ripped. My room was on the other side of the house from my parents and had its own entrance, so we didn't worry about waking them up. I got us some more beers from the kitchen and, like I said earlier, when I started to unbuckle my belt I was already hard. I could see that Jerry was hard too.

"Bud," I said, "I've been looking forward to this all day. I deliberately didn't sperm for the last two days just 'cause I wanted to honor you with a really big load."

"Two days? Is that all? I been holdin' off for a week."

"Shit. You have not. You've never gone more 'n two days since the first time we did it."

He grinned. "You're right. I didn't shoot last night though. This could be our last time." He hauled out his 6-1/2 inches and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Damn, you're all ready to go, ain't you."

"Like I said, I didn't do anything last night. I get backed up if I go 24 hours without some release. An' of course Carol has been extra flirtatious as the big day approaches."

"Oh man. You're finally going to get more than your fingers wet in that sweet little box," I said, laughing.

"I can not wait. I can't close my eyes without seeing that pussy. Mine at last," he said, his hand petting his boner.

"You have truly been heroic, man." I was sitting on the bed next to him, playing with my hard-on too.

"I am so fuckin' drunk," he said, swigging down some more beer. "I don't know how long I can last tonight."

"No quickies," I warned. "You're the one that got me addicted to that long, sweet ache of pleasure that goes on and on."

"I know man. It's the best," he said, looking down at his cock.

"You know what I think we should do? Because it's the last night; because it might be the last time we ever do this?"


"Get totally naked."

He smiled and drank some more beer. "We haven't done that since we were kids."

"I know. Wanna?"

He smiled. "Ok man. Let's do it."

In a couple of minutes our clothes were on the floor and we were facing each other in just our skin. Jer's body was tight and hard. He had a little hair around his nipples and from his navel to his bush. He had brown hair and hazel eyes, a few freckles, and an impish grin. He stood about 5'9" and I was a couple of inches taller. I had black hair and blue eyes, a smooth, well-defined chest and my 7-1/2-inch dick was sticking straight out.

"Jer," I said. "We had a lot of good jerk-offs together. It wouldn't have been near as much fun without you."

"I'm not dyin' you know. I'm just gettin' married." He smiled and squeezed his cock. "Where's the porn?"

I pulled a mess of magazines from out of my bottom desk drawer and dropped them on the bed. "Specialty of the house, man; every kind of cunt there is. Over here we got big titties, and, of course, plenty of fuck shots." I took a swig of beer and looked at him. "Tomorrow night at this time, you'll be the cock going into the cunt. Something like this," I tossed a fuck picture his way.

We reclined on the bed, flipping pages with one hand and stroking with the other. We were quiet for a bit as we took the photo sex in. I would check him out once in a while, watching his pre-cum develop, a drop now and then oozing out of his urethra, as it was mine too. We both liked to eat it and would usually watch each other as we did.

"What about some vaseline or something?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said and got up to get it. When I gave it to him, he put a big gob on, smeared it over his cock and grabbed it and at the same time let out a very happy moan of pleasure.

"Fuck. That's so fuckin' good," he said, looking at me.

"Oh yeah man," I agreed, greasing up my own cock. "Fucking incredible."

We continued stroking, letting a little whimper or moan escape every now and then. We entered that world of masturbation where time kind of disappears and you just get caught up in the ripples of pleasure that emanate from your cock and groin.

Gradually our attention strayed from the porn so that we were either watching each other or were looking inward at our fantasy worlds through closed eyes.

I got to a point where I either had to pull back or I was going to cum, so I pulled my hand away, opened my eyes and saw Jer, apparently almost cumming too, his hand just hovering above his cock. Our eyes locked on each other.

"That was close," I said. "I almost came."

"Me too."

"This is so fucking good, man. I can't even say."

"I know. I don't know why, but doin' it with you just always gives me an extra charge, y'know? There's something about doing it with your buddy."

"Right. I'd think we were fags if I didn't know better."

He laughed.

"I mean, I don't wanna fuck or kiss you or anything like that," I told him.

"Course not. Me neither. I think it's just 'cause we started together and our doing it together just became part of jacking off for us."

"Right." We started to lightly rub our sensitive cocks again.

"I hope you don't think it's weird, but I like to watch your face sometimes," I said.

"No. Me too. I mean I definitely watch your face."

"It's like I'm trying to see what's going on inside you, what you're seeing and what's working you up and all."

"To know if we're thinking the same thing," he added.

"Yeah! Exactly."

"We've always been kind of tuned into each other, man," he said, then a little wince of pleasure passed over his face before he continued. "Y'know? Like when we play ball together? Or even if we're just bullshittin' around."

"Yeah. Our brains just work together in a way. And they must be when we're doing this shit too, don't you think?"

"Hell yes. Course I'm usually thinking about cunt."

"Yeah. Me too." I said slowly.

"But? You think of other things too," he said.

"Do you?" I asked.

"Yeah. Of course."



"Come on. This is the night of nights, right? So let's really let it all out. Believe me, and I'm sure of this, there's nothing you can tell me that I haven't thought of too. I know it. So do you."

"Yeah, I guess . . ."

"There are no two people in the world closer than we are. There is nothing you can say that will shock me or even bother me in the tiniest way."

He looked me in the eye then and finally said, "Asses."

I grinned. "I knew it," I said.

"You too?"

"I really want to fuck a girl's ass. I mean, I love cunt, but there's something about an ass."

"Yeah. I know what you mean, man. I really want to fuck her ass. Carol doesn't know it yet, but I am definitely going to have my cock up in that back door at some point."

"Oh, fuck yeah," I said, "I think it makes me hot because it's just plain nasty."

"Yeah. Forbidden territory."

"Right. Hidden back there in the valley."

He grinned, then reached under his balls and touched his own little hidden place. I did it too, and we looked at each other, then returned to our cocks.

We were both jacking away now, our talk and our fantasies feeding our masturbation.

"Damn. Yeah. I definitely want to feel my cock invading that chute," he said.

"Oh man, yeah."

"An' other things."

"Oh man, yeah. . . . What other things?" My cock was feeling so good by now. And it wanted more and more stimulation, not only manually but mentally. "What other things man?"

He stared down at his cock as he worked it. "I can't tell you."

"Come on man."

"I can't."

"We've been through this already. You can tell me, honest."

He didn't say anything for a moment. He slowed down on his cock. "You got to swear you won't freak out on me. I mean, really Lee. This one is kind of weird."

I was dying to hear what it was. "Not possible man. I'd never freak out on you. Tell me you wanna fuck your mother? Don't care, man. I'd help you. That's the kind of friend I am."

He laughed, then looked at me. "It doesn't have to do with my mother. It has to do with you."

"Me?" He looked at me, watching for my reaction. I wasn't expecting him to say that, but I had to know what he was thinking so I played it very cool. "Ok man. Just tell me."

"There's something I always wanted to do but I was afraid to bring it up."

"Fuck me?" It was the first thing that came to my mind.

"No no," he said immediately.

I smiled, but didn't show the relief I felt inside. "So what the fuck is it?"

"You're gonna freak, man. I know it."

"Damn. This must be somethin' really good if it makes you this crazy. Come on man. I know I got to be every bit as kinky as you are. Just tell me for fuck's sake!"

His face was getting red now. But his cock didn't go down though he had stopped jacking it. "Really. This has been in my mind for years. But I've kept it down 'cause I know it's weird. But since tonight is this weird-ass night between us anyway, I'm gonna tell you. Maybe you'll let me do it. I hope so." He looked down at his cock again and gave it a couple of tugs, then looked back up at my eyes and his adam's apple did a little jump just before he said in a really low voice, "I wanna kiss your ass, Lee."

I just looked at him for a moment, not sure I had heard him or really understood what he meant by that. I tried to sound very calm, very cool with the whole thing whatever it might be. "You do?"

A long pause before he answered. "You understand what I mean by that?"

"I guess."

"I mean, I'm not just talking about your butt cheeks."

"Yeah. right. You mean the actual hole."

He nodded.

"Wow." I wasn't sure what to think of it, but my cock knew. It was getting harder than ever and there was precum again. "I mean, why do you . . . do you think?"

"I don't know. But I've always wanted to. Ever since we were kids. One day we were jacking off and I closed my eyes and instead of seeing pussy, I saw an ass hole, and I knew it was yours and it just turned me on and even then, at that moment, I knew there was only one thing I wanted to do with it. I didn't want to fuck it. In fact, that thought would make my cock soften. No. What made it go hard, really hard, was the thought of my mouth on it, kissing it, licking it." He looked at me. "Is that fucked up?"

"No no." I responded automatically; but of course, yes yes, I did think it was fucked up. But my cock was telling me "who gives a fuck let him do it!"

I said, "I mean, I don't know if it's fucked up. But if you wanna do it, I won't stop you."

"Really?" His voice was low, almost a whisper. He licked his lips.

"Yeah, sure. I'm your best friend, ain't I?" I said. "You wanna see it?" I asked, spreading my legs and leaning back on my elbows.

"Oh yeah," he said, moving around to between my legs for a closer look.

"How's it look?" I asked. I was definitely starting to get off on this.

"Beautiful. I mean it's a tight little slit surrounded by I guess the sphincter, kind of pink and purple, and then some dark brown skin around that, some black kinky hairs. It's definitely hot man. Relax it for me."

"Yeah. All right," I replied, and concentrated on letting my hole loosen up, at the same time hoping there wasn't a fart or something up there ready to surprise us. There wasn't.

"Oh yeah. So hot, man. It's all a bright pink up there when you relax it like that. Amazing." He just stared at it for a moment. "I'm kinda nervous, but there's no way I'm not gonna do it now."

I lay back and with my hands pulled my knees up higher, spreading it out to the max.

I had to ask, "Does it smell?"

He leaned in and I felt his breath on it before he took a big whiff. "It's nice. It smells like you. Your sweat and all. And a little extra something . . . No. Not shit," he said, knowing what I was thinking, "but I don't know. Something funky and sharp."

"And you still wanna kiss it?" I asked, not believing my luck now, suddenly aware that this was one of the hottest things to ever happen to me in my life. "Not just with your lips, but a French kiss? Your tongue and everything?"

He smelled it again then pulled back a little and stared at it. "I do, Lee. I really do." He knew I was into it now too. "I really want to put my tongue up it and taste everything that's there. I wanna lick your ass, Lee. Your fucking ass hole. I wanna suck on it with my mouth. Maybe that'll prove how much I am your friend. Really Lee." He wasn't smiling now; he was dead serious. "I really believe my mouth belongs on your hole."

My cock was so hard I thought it would split. "Oh fuck man. You're gonna make me cum just talking about it." I brought my legs down. "I wanna watch you. Let me scoot to the edge of the bed. You get on your knees. I'll put my feet on your shoulders and spread myself open for you. We can both jack off while you do it. I wanna see you do this."

"Try not to cum too soon."

"I won't. You either."

We moved into position. It was amazing to see the look on his face as he approached my ass hole. At first he just brushed his lips around it. I relaxed and pushed out a little. I was really feeling eager for this experience.

Then he did it. The lips of his mouth touched the lips of my anus. It sent a jolt right through me. I had to take my hand off my cock.

I was the ultimate of hot at that moment. "Yeah," I said. "Kiss it, Jerry. Kiss my asshole. Show me you really are my best friend. I can't believe you're doing this Jer. I can't believe you're actually kissing my fucking hole. Fucking incredible, Jer! Do it for me, do it, lick it, suck it."

He blew on it. It amazed me how sensitive my ass hole actually was. I hadn't really realized it before.

"Oh man," I moaned. "Do it, Jer. Prove yourself to me."

He leaned back for a moment and I watched his face as he concentrated on my anus, then he looked up into my eyes, parted his lips and let his tongue show, then leaned in and covered my ass hole with his hot, wet mouth.

"Ohhhhh Fuuuuck," I groaned. I wasn't touching myself, but I knew I was going to cum. I concentrated on relaxing the hole for him and that held me back a little. His eyes closed as I felt his tongue swirling around my hole, then pushing against the opening of it. Then his eyes opened and they looked right into mine.

"Oh fuck," I groaned again. "I can't help it Jer. You're making me cum. I'm gonna cum." He sucked on my ass hole more eagerly than before, his tongue was pushing up and into my chute. As I watched his ass-eating face, my eyes closed and I felt the top of my head explode and felt the semen coming from somewhere really deep inside me. I wasn't touching my cock, but it shot cum over my head, then right into my face, and kept shooting and shooting, jism going all over my chest and stomach. I was bucking and groaning and holding his head. I could feel him groaning against my hole as he started to cum. His tongue tried to drill into my ass and I held it there, feeling his spit and lips and tongue trying to take in everything it could find down there. Finally, I let go of his head and he sat back on his heels.

We looked at each other for a moment, then broke into gales of laughter.

"Fuck! That was incredible!" I told him. "The most incredible thing I ever did. Ever!"

"I know. Me too. Thanks man. I've had the thought of this in my mind for years, going over it again and again, but, this was a million times more . . . your actual ass, I . . . I can't tell you."

"Believe me, it was absolutely my pleasure. I'll never be the same man," I said.

"Neither will I."

He got up and plopped down on the bed next to me, and we just lay there for a while in our contentment.

"Do you think . . . I mean, now that you've done it . . . is that, are you satisfied?" I asked.

"You mean, is this the only time I'm gonna want to do it? No way, man. Just one time and I'm totally addicted to your ass. We absolutely have to do this again. Really. Please."

"Good. 'Cause now that I got an ass-kisser I don't think I can get along without one."

The next morning I awoke to the feel of wet tongue on my hole. I just raised my butt up and pulled my knees apart and let him go at it. For the next hour his mouth was on my ass hole. I was on my stomach, then on my back as he pushed my legs over my head and tongue-fucked me. Then I got on my hands and knees and he sniffed me and licked me like a dog. I took him into the bathroom where there was a full length mirror and I watched him as I stood with my hands against the wall and my butt sticking out and he got on his knees and pushed his face up into my crack. Man that felt good and I got so hot seeing him in that position. That was when I actually did fart in his face. He didn't say anything, he just kept going. In the end I sat on the toilet and slid down so he could get at me, and as he sucked on my hole we both jacked off and came.

That afternoon I stood next to him in the church, handed him the ring for his new wife, and smiled with everyone else as he kissed the bride. I know it wasn't nice, but I just couldn't keep myself from remembering what those lips had been kissing only a few hours before.

If you liked this story, you might like my other stories posted on Nifty: My Sister Married a Masturbator--in the Masturbation section Am I a Pervert--in the Bestiality section Confessions of a Kiss Ass--in the Encounters section Father's Day--in the Incest section How Joey Got Fucked--in the Incest section (under a different pseudonym)

========================================= Roland Spildew Check my website to see some of my illustrations, mostly about masturbators. =========================================

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