The Wedding Date

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Oct 4, 2012


This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

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The Wedding Date Chapter 6

Chandler didn't want to listen; he crossed the room to the closet where his tuxedo hung. He grabbed his clothes and turned to walk out of the room but Hunter blocked his progress.

"Chandler please, just let me..." Hunter began.

"NO!" Shouted Chandler, he ducked under Hunter's arm and out into the hall, right into Noah.

"What's going on?" asked a confused Noah.

"See for yourself," said Chandler, as he continued towards the hall bathroom, where he slammed and locked the door.

"What the hell?" asked Noah, when he walked into the room and found his sister wearing nothing but his future brother in law's shirt.

"It's not what it looks like," said Krissy.

"It really isn't," Hunter concurred.

"Put your clothes on," Noah hissed, "now!"

When she was dressed, Noah grabbed his sister by the arm and marched her down the main stairs, careful to avoid the kitchen, least his parents find out what she'd been up to.

"I can't believe you Krissy, I just can't believe you," said Noah, as he drove back to the hotel.

"You're supposed to be here for my wedding and all you've done this whole time it stalk Hunter like you were on some kind of slut safari," said Noah.

"That's not fair," said Krissy, upset at her brother's insinuation.

"I'll tell you what's not fair, me and Hillary asked Hunter and Chandler to keep their relationship a secret because we didn't want to upset mom and dad and then you go and do this. Chandler's my friend, and I can't imagine how bad he must feel right now, that's not fair," Noah admonished.

"If you would just shut up for 5 seconds and let me talk," said Krissy.

When Chandler locked the bathroom door, he turned on the shower and stripped off his clothes, still in a state of shock. He got under the shower head and as the warm water cascaded down his back, the dam broke. Tears streamed down his face, he wanted to cry out at the pain caused by his broken heart. He leaned against the wall then slide down to the tile floor where he curled up and wept. Chandler let all of his hurt bleed out, when he couldn't cry anymore, he got up, washed and then dried off and put on his white tie and tails. As hurt as he was, Hillary was his friend, he loved her like his own sister and he wasn't going to let her down. He forced his pain back into the pit of his stomach and vowed to keep it there until he got through the day.

While Chandler had been in the hall bathroom, Hunter had used the shower in their room; he was trying, and failing, to tie his bowtie, when Chandler came back.

"Hey," said Hunter.

"Hey," replied Chandler, using all his strength to keep his feelings bottled up.

"Having trouble with your tie?" asked Chandler.

"Yeah, you know I can never get these things," Hunter admitted.

"Here let me help you," said Chandler, stepping up to Hunter and carefully helping him with the bowtie.

"Chandler, I want to tell you that..." Hunter began.

"No," Chandler croaked.

"No?" said Hunter.

"I can't do this right now, its Hillary's day, I promised her I'd sing and the only way I'm going to get through this, is if I don't think about, you know, us," said Chandler.

"Yeah but..." Hunter began again.

"Hunter please, all I want to do is hide under the covers and cry right now and I can't do that to your sister, ok?" said Chandler, "we can talk about our problems tonight."

"Ok," said Hunter, as Chandler finished tying his tie, "But if I could just..."

But Chandler didn't stick around to hear the next part of the sentence, when he finished tying the bowtie; he walked out of the room, leaving Hunter to put on his coat. Chandler knocked on Hillary's door and stepped in when she acknowledged him.

"Hey Chandler," said Hillary, she was glowing.

"Hi, wow, you look beautiful Hillary," said Chandler.

"Oh hush," she smiled, "I haven't even done my makeup yet."

"Must be something about brides then, you look great," said Chandler.

"You're sweet," said Hillary.

She hugged her friend, but what she expected to be a casual good morning kind of hug, turned out to be much more. Chandler held on tight, squeezed hard, didn't want to let go.

"Hey, what's the matter?" asked Hillary.

"Nothing, I'm fine," said Chandler.

"You know I don't believe that for a minute," said Hillary, "I know you too well, did something happen?"

"I don't want to talk about it," said Chandler.

"Are you ok?" asked Hillary.

"Honestly, no, but I will be," said Chandler.

"Chandler..." Hillary began.

"Listen I just wanted to make sure you don't need me for any of the pictures, Noah said something about the photographer showing up," said Chandler.

"Oh, well, of course I need you for the pictures, you're part of the wedding party," said Hillary.

"Ok, I was just going to head over to the church early," said Chandler.

"That's fine, we're not taking any of the pictures until we get there anyway," Hillary explained.

"Ok great," said Chandler, he kissed her on the cheek and turned for the door, "thanks Hill, you look great."

Chandler grabbed his car keys and left without saying anything to anyone else. He drove over to the empty church and sat in the sanctuary to clear his head. His heart hurt, he'd never hurt like this before and felt like he had no one to turn to. In desperation, Chandler found the pastors office, picked up the phone and dialed a number he rarely used. It took a moment for the international call to go through.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Mommy?" said Chandler.

"Chandler darling, is that you?"

"Yeah mom, it's me," he sniffled.

"Are you alright sweetheart, you sound like you've been crying?" said Mom.

"Hunter and I are having some problems," said Chandler.

"What's that dear, it's hard to hear you."

"I said Hunter and I are having some problems," he repeated.

"I'm sorry to hear that angel but daddy and I are on our way to Downing Street for dinner with the Prime Minister, can we talk about this later?"

"Yeah mom, sure," Chandler sniffled.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm sure you'll work things out, I love you."

"Love you too mom, bye," said Chandler.

Typical, Chandler thought, the one time he really needed his mother, she wasn't there for him. Chandler loved his parents but had grown very resentful of their absence from his life. Sitting there, in a church, with his life falling apart around him, he'd never felt more alone. Chandler hid in the pastors office until Caleb found him, the rest of the wedding party had arrived and they were ready to take pictures.

After stopping by the bathroom to splash some water on his face, they joined the others for pictures. The photographer was, of course, focused on the bride and groom, but that didn't stop him from placing Chandler next to Hunter in nearly every group shot. Chandler did his best to put on a happy face, hiding his sorrow behind a mask of good cheer. When the photo session was over, he dodged another attempt by Hunter, to talk to him, and hid with the choir until the ceremony was ready to start.

When the moment arrived, Chandler took his place, sitting with the choir, until he had to sing. The Minister took his place, Noah waited at the altar for his bride and the rest of the wedding party marched down the aisle to a cellist playing Bach's Prelude. Caleb and the maid of honor were the first down the aisle, followed by Hunter and Hillary's friend, Cathy, then the rest. Chandler couldn't help but notice how sad Hunter looked and took some solace in the fact that he at least felt bad about what he'd done. As much as he loved Hunter, Chandler didn't know if he could forgive him for cheating and he had to fight hard to suppress that thought, now wasn't the time.

When Chandler saw Hillary at the back of the church, he stood and took his place in front of the microphone. The choir that would be backing him up rose as well, and when Hillary nodded, indicating that she was ready, Chandler began to sing.

"Va ti aspettero', II fiore nel giardino segna il tempo, qui disegnero' il giomo poi del tuo ritorno, sei cosi sicura del mio amore, da portarlo via con te, chiuso nelle mani che ti porti al viso, ripensando ancora a me, e se ti servira' lo mostri al mondo, che non sa che vita c'e, nel cuore che distratto sembra assente, non sa che vita c'e, in quello che soltanto il cuore sente, non sa."

"Go then, I will wait for you. The flowers in the garden will mark your absence and rejoice the day of your return. Of my love you are so sure, so sure you can take it with you, cupped in the hands that you raise to your face, as you still think of me and if you need to, you can show it to the world. A world that couldn't begin to understand what lives in an uncaring absent heart, that couldn't begin to understand what a heart can truly feel."

"This is where I will wait for you, stealing imaginary kisses as time goes by. Time, time cannot erase the memories and the desire that you cup in the hands you raise to your face, as you still think of me, throughout your journey it will lead you back to me, for I'll still be waiting here, dreaming. Dreaming of your unknown whereabouts, picturing the scene you'll return to, and how you'll return, I dream."

"This is where I will wait for you, stealing imaginary kisses as time goes by. Dream, a noise, the wind awakes me and you're already here," sang Chandler.

Chandler used his despair to his advantage, it fueled his performance, his voice rang out loud and clear, soaring from the rafters. When Hillary took Noah's hand, she looked over at Chandler and mouthed the words, "thank you." He returned to his seat with the choir and noticed that both Janice Weston and Mary Phillips were dabbing their eyes, along with quite a few guests. What surprised Chandler was when he looked over at Hunter and saw him wipe a tear from his cheek. Hunter had heard him sing many times, had always cheered his performance, but he'd never cried before.

It was a beautiful ceremony, an expression of absolute love. Noah and Hillary pledged their undying affection for each other and the guests broke into enthusiastic applause as the happy couple turned back down the aisle. Chandler found himself following behind, next to Hunter.

"You were wonderful," said Hunter.

"Thanks," said Chandler, giving Hunter's hand a clandestine squeeze.

"Do you think maybe we can talk now?" asked Hunter.

Just as Chandler was about to say yes, Krissy walked up and said "hi." Chandler dropped Hunter's hand like a hot rock and pushed through the crowd, in order to put distance between them. Just the sight of that girl had brought his anger to a boiling point. Chandler hugged Hillary, shook hands with Noah, accepted the sincere praise of many guests, on his performance, and got in his car as quickly as he could. He was the first to return to the house for the reception.

A massive tent had been erected in the back yard, overlooking the beach; inside it looked like the ballroom of a grand hotel. Chandler did his best to blend in with the guests and hide from Hunter. Several times, throughout the evening, Hunter headed in his direction but always followed by Krissy, so Chandler simply ducked behind a group of guest's and made a b-line for the other side of the tent. He sat with some of Noah's relatives, during dinner, where he listened to the best man and maid of honor's speeches. When they were finished, he went back to his game of cat and mouse. It worked out well, but Hunter and Krissy finally cornered him, when the dancing started.

"Hey," said Hunter.

"Hello," Chandler replied, coldly.

"Chandler, can we talk to you for a minute, please?" Krissy pleaded.

"Nope, sorry," said Chandler, looking at his watch, "I have to give Hillary and Noah their gift."

"Chandler please, that can wait," said Hunter.

"No, I honor my commitments, unlike some people," Chandler sneered.

He pushed past the two of them and walked up to the stage where the band was playing. When they finished their set, he took the microphone and made an announcement.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, when Hillary asked me to sing at her wedding, she said I wouldn't have to get her a present," Chandler began, getting a laugh from the guests, "but I couldn't be that cheap and, it just so happens, I know Hillary's favorite song and thought she might like to dance to it on her special day."

"Oh no you don't," shouted Hillary, "I'm not dancing to Milkshake at my wedding!"

"Not that favorite," Chandler laughed, "the other one."

"Beauty queen of only eighteen, she had some trouble with herself. He was always there to help her, she always belonged to someone else. I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door, I've had you so many times but somehow I want more," Chandler began, and the guests began to dance.

"I don't mind spending every day, out on your corner in the pouring rain. Look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay awhile, and she will be loved, she will be loved."

"Tap on my window knock on my door, I want to make you feel beautiful. I know I tend to get so insecure, it doesn't matter anymore. It's not always rainbows and butterflies, it's compromise that moves us along, my heart is full and my door's always open, you can come anytime you want."

"I don't mind spending every day, out on your corner in the pouring rain, look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay awhile and she will be loved, she will be loved, she will be loved."

"I know where you hide, alone in your car, know all of the things that make you who you are. I know that goodbye means nothing at all comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls. Tap on my window knock on my door, I want to make you feel beautiful. I don't mind spending every day, out on your corner in the pouring rain, look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay awhile and she will be loved," Chandler concluded.

While he'd been singing, Chandler watched Hunter dance with Krissy. He couldn't figure out what their game was, one minute they're trying to "explain" to him, the next they're dancing arm in arm with her head resting against his chest. All they managed to do was piss Chandler off. When he finished, Hillary came up to the stage and kissed him on the cheek.

"That's my cousin Chandler, isn't he wonderful?" she asked the audience, inciting heartfelt applause.

"Sounds like this crowd wants an encore," said Chandler.

Chandler's comment drew more applause and so he settled in for his next song. This one got a different reaction, mostly from its angry tone. Chandler's eyes bored into Hunter, while he sang.

"I was staring at the sky, just looking for a star, to pray on, or wish on, or something like that. I was having a sweet fix of a daydream of a boy, whose reality I knew, was a hopeless to be had. But then the dove of hope began it's downward slope and I believed for a moment that my chances were approaching to be grabbed. But as it came down near, so did a weary tear, I thought it was a bird, but it was just a paper bag."

"Hunger hurts, and I want him so bad, oh it kills, cause I know I'm a mess he don't wanna clean up. I got to fold cause these hands are too shaky to hold. Hunger hurts, but starving works, when it costs too much to love."

"And I went crazy again today, looking for a strand to climb, looking for a little hope. Baby said he couldn't stay, wouldn't put his lips to mine and a fail to kiss is a fail to cope, I said, "Honey, I don't feel so good, don't feel justified, come on put a little love here in my void,' - he said "It's all in your head,' and I said, "So's everything' - But he didn't get it - I thought he was a man but he was just a little boy."

"Hunger hurts, and I want him so bad, oh it kills cause I know I'm a mess he don't wanna clean up, I got to fold 'cause these hands are too shaky to hold. Hunger hurts, but starving works, when it costs too much to love. Hunger hurts but starving works, when it costs too much to love."

The guests offered a subdued, even confused round of applause, everyone thought that was a strange song for a wedding. But it wasn't for the wedding, that song was meant for Hunter, Chandler wanted to communicate just how bad he'd been made to feel. When he finished, he slammed the microphone angrily on its stand, he'd had enough, he was going home.

"Chandler darling, are you alright?" asked Janice, as he approached the table where the parents were sitting.

"No, I'm going home," replied Chandler, without stopping.

"That was an uh, interesting song," said Harold, just as Hunter walked up.

"Mom, dad, have you seen Chandler?" he asked.

"Yeah, he just ran out of here, what's going on?" asked Bill.

"It's a long story dad, he saw something that upset him and hasn't let me explain," said Hunter.

"Hunter, did you do something that hurt his feelings?" asked Janice.

"He thinks so, I just need a chance to explain," said Hunter.

"What is going on here?" asked a confused Harold, "it's not like he's your boyfriend or something."

"Look Harold, I've had enough of this bullshit," said Bill, who had had a couple of drinks, "Yes, Chandler is Hunter's boyfriend only we made them pretend they weren't for your benefit so you wouldn't get your panties in a wad."

"I see," said Mary.

"I love this little cocksucker," said Bill, putting his hand on Hunter's shoulder.

"Dad," Hunter groaned.

"No, no son, it's ok, you like wieners and I don't care, your mom and I love you and we love Chandler," Bill slurred.

"Uh, thanks dad," Hunter smiled sheepishly, he wasn't used to seeing his dad drink, it would have been funny if he wasn't so worried about Chandler, "do you know where he went?"

"He said he was going home," said Janice.

"Shit, I have to get back to the city," said Hunter.

"There's a heliport near the marina, they ferry sailors and fishermen between here and New York all the time, if you get there by midnight you might beat him," said Bill, "I'll drive you down there."

"Thanks dad, but I want to get back to Chandler in one piece," Hunter smiled, "I'll get someone sober to drive me."

"Hell of an idea son, hell of an idea," Bill agreed.

"Well, that was interesting," said Harold, after an awkward silence.

"I'm sorry we lied to you, we just didn't want to make you uncomfortable," Janice explained.

"No, we're the ones that are sorry," said Mary, "we may not have been comfortable with it but I feel worse knowing that poor boys feelings where hurt for our benefit."

"Don't worry about that," smiled Janice, "I know my son, he'll fix this."

Chandler got into the Ferrari and peeled out of the driveway like he'd been taking lessons from Hillary. He had his foot to the floor and the countryside passed by in a blur. He was so angry and hurt he didn't know what to do with himself; the only thing he could think to do was race home, pack his things and find a hotel. He didn't know what he was going to do about Hunter but the way things looked, his worst nightmare had come true. Chandler's biggest fear had always been that Hunter wasn't really gay, that someday some woman would come along and break the spell and that he, Chandler, would be left alone. After catching Hunter in bed with Krissy and seeing the way they danced, Chandler felt like some crafty forest troll who'd bewitched the handsome prince, but now the spell was broken.

"Hey Mr. Cross, how's it going?" asked Bobby the doorman, when Chandler entered his building.

But Chandler didn't answer, he didn't want to talk, he wanted to get upstairs, get his things and go. When he reached his apartment, he stumbled over the ottoman, that Hunter never pushed back against the chair, then into his room and straight to his closet to grab a suitcase. He thought he was alone until a voice startled him.

"Going somewhere?" asked Hunter.

"How did you get here?" Chandler replied, nearly jumping out of his skin.

"There was a helicopter from the marina to the South Street Heliport, I had to sit between a couple of stockbrokers and the fish they caught, but I got here," said Hunter.

"No wonder you stink," Chandler observed.

"Hey, what are you doing?" asked Chandler, as Hunter gently but firmly, pulled the suitcase from his hand.

"I've been trying to explain things to you all day, you keep running from me and it looks like you're trying to do it again but I am not letting you get away this time," Hunter explained.

"Fine, you wanna talk, let's talk," said Chandler, "for starters how could you fuck that little whore, did you really get suckered in by all that eye batting and laughing at all your stupid jokes, or did you really want her?"

"Chandler I..." Hunter tried to explain but Chandler was on a roll.

"She's not even that cute and Caleb told me that back in Ohio, she gets around, I mean like a freaking record," Chandler continued.

"I didn't sleep with her," said Hunter.

"You expect me to believe that?" Chandler scoffed, "she was hanging on you from the moment she got there, you ditched me, didn't show up to the bachelor party and I find you in bed with her and she's only wearing your pajama top, right, yeah, you didn't fuck her."

"She's a lesbian, Chandler," said Hunter, but Chandler was still rolling.

"Right there in the room we've shared every time we've been out there, hell, you fucked her where you fucked me..." Chandler ranted.

"SHE'S A FUCKING DYKE," Hunter shouted, in order to make sure he had Chandler's attention.

"Come again?" said Chandler, coming up short.

"She's a lesbian, we didn't do anything," said Hunter, in a softer tone.

"Why didn't you tell me?" asked Chandler.

"I tried but you didn't want to hear it," said Hunter.

"You could have told me before," said Chandler.

"I didn't find out until the night of the bachelor party," Hunter explained.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"I did, I left you like 5 voicemails," said Hunter, "when you didn't answer, I called Noah and told him I wasn't going to be there, he said he'd tell you."

"He did, but he didn't say why," said Chandler, realizing that yes, he'd left his phone in the car but no, he hadn't checked the voicemail once he'd found it.

"I couldn't exactly tell him, could I?" said Hunter.

"No, I guess not," Chandler agreed.

"But I don't understand, she was all over you," said Chandler, relaxing his tone a little.

"That night, I drove her back to the house so she could be with the girls for the bachelorette party," Hunter began, "I went upstairs to change and she walked in on me. She, well, she tried to grab my dick and I told her no."

"That bitch," Chandler growled.

"Just let me explain," said Hunter.

"Ok, go on."

"I told her no, I'd had enough, I said that I loved you, that we were happy and that I couldn't put up with the charade anymore," said Hunter.

"You said that?" asked Chandler, a small smile sneaking onto his face.

"Of course, Puppy and I meant it, I love you, you've never doubted that before," said Hunter.

"I'm sorry," said Chandler, "I didn't want to doubt you but I saw you in bed with her and it just broke my heart."

"I'm sorry, I should have made her sleep in the other bed but I didn't think about it, we got so carried away," said Hunter, stepping closer and hugging Chandler.

"Right, but, how did you end up in bed with her in the first place if you told her we were gay?" asked Chandler.

"After I told her, she looked relieved," Hunter explained, "that's when she told me that she was a lesbian. She said that her parents don't know and that she only latched on to me to keep them off her trail, so to speak. She figured if she made a move on me, it would get out and it would buy her a few more months of freedom from her parents pushing her to date this guy or that. After that we just talked."

"About what?" asked Chandler.

"Mostly about you," Hunter smiled.

"Really?" asked Chandler, "why me?"

"She's never had a relationship before, she asked me about us, how long we'd been together, what it's like and stuff," Hunter explained, "then I told her about something I was planning and asked her how she thought I should do it."

"Do what?" asked Chandler.

"Give you this," said Hunter, pulling a small box from his pocket and holding it out to Chandler.

"What's this?" asked Hunter.

"Something I should have done a long time ago," said Hunter, opening the box, pulling a simple gold band from it and placing it on Chandler's finger.

"Oh my God," Chandler whispered, "I thought you wanted to wait?"

"I thought I did to," Hunter began, "but the more I think about it, the more I realize how much I love you, how much I want to start a family with you and how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Why didn't you say anything?" asked Chandler.

"I thought you wanted to wait," Hunter explained.

"I thought I did, but I've been having the same feelings as you, I love you so much," said Chandler.

"So, is that a yes?" asked Hunter, holding Chandler's hand.

"If you still want me, I've been so stupid, such a fool," said Chandler.

"Nonsense, it wasn't your fault, it was all just one misunderstanding on top of the other, but hey, were here, we're still standing and I want to marry you," said Hunter.

"Absolutely," said Chandler, stepping up on his tiptoes and kissing Hunter on the lips.

They slowly undressed each other, never breaking their kiss. Hands roamed over soft skin and tight muscle, when they were both naked, Hunter took Chandler gently down on the bed. They were healthy young men, they had their urges; sometimes they had sex just for the fun of fucking. Most of the time they made love, but tonight it was something more, it was as if their souls became one. When they finished, Hunter spooned behind Chandler, wrapped his arms around his waist and held him tight.

When he fell asleep, Chandler dreamed for the first time in a long time. He couldn't hear what was being said but he saw himself, walking through a park with Hunter, and walking between them was a small boy, holding each of their hands. The boy couldn't have been more then 6, but he was a happy child, who smiled up at both of his daddies. The dream shifted to show more children, it showed birthdays, graduations, marriages, it showed Hunter and Chandler as old men.

Chandler woke from his dream and looked at his alarm clock; it was only 4 in the morning. He stretched, and looked at the ring on his finger, as it caught the light from the streetlamp outside; he felt Hunter's arms around his waist. The dream hadn't shown career success or personal achievement, that's not what it was about. It showed home and family, something Chandler always wanted and there, in his lover's arms, he knew he'd have it. Chandler sighed contentedly, nestled back against Hunter and closed his eyes. He'd need his rest; after all, there was a wedding to plan.


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