The Wedding Date

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Oct 3, 2012


This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

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The Wedding Date Chapter 5

The next morning, Chandler slept late, at least late for him. It was after 9:00am when he woke and discovered Hunter's bed was empty and had already been made. That was weird, thought Chandler, at home, Hunter never made the bed, "what's the point, we're just going to sleep in it again tonight," he always reasoned. After he dressed, Chandler went down to the kitchen and found Janice, Mary and Hillary sitting around the table.

"Good morning sleepyhead," smiled Janice.

"Morning," Chandler replied.

"Would you like some breakfast?" asked Mary.

"Oh, I don't want to be any trouble," said Chandler.

"It's no trouble," said Mary, as she began to bustle about the kitchen.

"Where's Hunter?" asked Chandler.

"He went with dad and Harold," said Hillary, "they took all the guys golfing."

"Oh, uh, is he mad?" Chandler asked, sheepishly.

"Of course not sweetheart, it was an accident, right?" asked Janice.

"Yeah, I didn't mean to, I felt terrible," Chandler admitted.

"Well, Hunter knows that, you know he can't stay mad at you," Janice smiled, patting him on the hand.

"Thanks, that makes me feel better," said Chandler.

"That's so sweet," said Mary, from the stove, "the girls must just adore you, most men are so insensitive."

"And he's such a cutie pie with these big green eyes and that voice, didn't he just make you want to melt last night?" Janice asked.

"Mom, you guys are embarrassing him," Hillary giggled.

That was an understatement, Chandler was blushing redder then his Ferrari, but at least he wasn't thinking about Hunter being upset with him, still, he was determined to apologize as soon as he saw him. The mother's stopped picking on him and served him another hearty breakfast and then Chandler began to contemplate the day.

"So if everyone else is out playing golf, what are we going to do all day?" he asked.

"I wanted to take you over to the church, let you have some time to rehearse there so you can get comfortable with the acoustics," said Hillary.

"Great, let me wash up and we can get going," said Chandler.

Chandler washed his hands, grabbed his sunglasses and then went back to the kitchen. He expected to find Hillary waiting for him there but she had other plans and he found her waiting, in the driver's seat of his car.

"Oh no, not again," said Chandler, "I'm driving."

"Please Chan, I promise I'll be good," Hillary pleaded.

She had her twin brother's sparkling blue eyes, she made the same sad puppy dog face he did and, just like it did with Hunter, it got Hillary her way.

"Alright," Chandler sighed, "just be careful with it, ok?"

"Sure, get in," Hillary smiled.

Chandler rolled his eyes, cursed his inability to say no, and then hopped into the passenger seat. Hillary put the car in gear and slowly proceeded down the long driveway. When they came to the spot where the driveway met the coast road, Hillary stopped and waited for the traffic to pass.

"Hey Chandler, you said this thing has a diplomatic plate, right?" asked Hillary.

"Yeah, why?" he replied cautiously.

"So I can't get pulled over?" she asked.

"In theory," said Chandler, "shit, I shouldn't have said that, should I?"

Hillary laughed wickedly and as soon as there was an opening, she put her foot to the floor and the Ferrari leapt out onto the road. Hillary had the car up to 60 miles an hour before Chandler even stopped screaming. She took him on a wild ride through town and by the time they arrived at the church, Chandler practically had to be pried out of the car.

"Not funny, I am driving home," he stated.

"We'll see," Hillary winked, then led him inside.

The church was beautiful and Chandler found that the acoustics were perfect for his voice. A week after Hillary and Noah asked him to sing at their wedding, Chandler met them for lunch and discussed a couple of songs. Hillary wanted something romantic that reflected her love for her husband to be and Chandler had just the thing. Hillary trusted Chandler's suggestion and as he sang in the church, she knew she'd made the right choice, his voice soared and she knew that at the ceremony tomorrow, everything was going to be beautiful.

Chandler rehearsed for a couple of hours and then he and Hillary went out for lunch. That was the end of the casual part of their day. That night would be the rehearsal with the entire wedding party, followed by the rehearsal dinner and then the bachelor and bachelorette parties. By the time they returned to the Weston house, the golfers were back, but Chandler couldn't find Hunter, or, for that matter, Krissy.

"Where's Hunter?" asked Chandler.

"He went for a walk down on the beach with Krissy," said Caleb.

"Oh, uh, excuse me for a moment," said Chandler.

"You're not going to go deck him again, are you?" asked Caleb, following Chandler out the back door.

"That was an accident," said Hunter.

"Right, sure it was," Caleb smirked, "I think they went that way."

Chandler set of in the direction Caleb pointed. Rather than stick to the beach, he weaved his way through the woods along the coast, to conceal himself from his prey. It wasn't that he didn't trust Hunter, he didn't trust Krissy and he didn't like the idea of his boyfriend being alone on the beach with her. He also didn't want to appear as though he didn't trust Hunter so he thought a clandestine course would be more to his advantage. It took him a few minutes, but eventually he spotted Hunter and Krissy, she had herself wrapped around his arm and was resting her head against him.

"That dirty bitch," Chandler muttered to himself.

Chandler was desperate to hear what they were talking about but he was much too far away and the roar of the waves would have blocked out their words anyway. He thought if he could get ahead of them, he might not be able to read their lips but maybe he could figure out what they were talking about from their body language. Chandler kept his focus on the beach, when he should have been watching where he was going. He tripped over a tree root and tumbled down a 6 foot ravine.

"Owe," Chandler moaned, as he lie there, covered in dirt, leaves and twigs sticking out of his hair.

He wasn't hurt but the fall had knocked the wind out of him, and as he lie there, trying to catch his breath, a curious skunk climbed right onto his chest.

"Hey, beat it," said Chandler, he didn't want to scare the skunk, he just wanted it to go away.

"Go on, shoo," said Chandler, waving his hand at the animal.

"Damn it, whatever happened to wild animals being afraid of humans," said Chandler, exasperated by the skunk's interest in him.

The skunk started to move around, sniffing Chandler, investigating him. Chandler had always been terribly ticklish and the animals little paws, moving along his body, sent him into a fit of giggles.

"You wouldn't dare," Chandler threatened, just as the skunk turned, lifted its tail and sprayed him in the face, than scurried off.

"I hate nature," said Chandler, then he picked himself up, brushed what dirt he could from his clothes and headed back to the house.

The stench was overwhelming and he nearly threw up twice. By the time he walked back into the living room, Hunter and Krissy had returned and the wild state of Chandler, combined with the overpowering stench, drew everyone's attention to him.

"Chandler honey what happened to you?" asked Janice, as she walked over to make sure he was ok, then came up short, "oh dear, what is that smell?"

"Jesus that stinks," said a member of the wedding party.

"Oh my God, how gross," said the maid of honor, as everyone tried to move as far away from the smelly boy as they could.

"I know what that is, come on Chandler," said Hunter, covering his nose, grabbing Chandler's arm and leading him outside.

Hunter led Chandler out behind the garage and had him wait there while he went in and retrieved a large metal wash tub.

"Ok, take your clothes off," said Hunter.

"What, out here?" said Chandler.

"Well, you can't go back in Puppy, you reek," said Hunter, holding his nose to emphasis the point.

Chandler slipped his clothes off, then stood there, shyly crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why are you standing like that?" asked Hunter, "it's not like I haven't seen you naked before."

"Yeah but not outside," said Chandler, "it's not you I'm worried about seeing me, it's whoever might walk up, this is so embarrassing."

"Sorry Pup but it's about to get much worse," said Hunter.

Before Chandler could ask how, Hunter sprayed him down with the water hose.

"FUCK THAT'S COLD," Chandler exclaimed, through chattering teeth.

"I'm sorry, but I have to hose you down and get that smell off before you can shower," Hunter explained.

He sprayed Chandler again, then filled the washtub with soap and cold water. Chandler got into the tub and there was never a more pathetic sight. Hunter went back into the garage and returned with an armful of bottles.

"What's all that?" asked Chandler.

"Just baking soda and peroxide," said Hunter, "it won't hurt you but it'll neutralize that smell."

Hunter dumped the chemicals into the tub, then helped Chandler wash. It would have felt good, sexy even, had it not been so cold.

"H-how did you k-know what chemicals to u-use?" asked Chandler, the water was freezing, "I-I thought you're supposed to u-use tomato j-juice."

"Remember Millie?" asked Hunter, that was his old yellow lab, she'd died a few years ago.

"Y-yeah," Chandler acknowledged.

"She liked to go out in the woods and play with skunks too, tomato juice never worked and the vet recommended this," Hunter explained, "speaking of which, what were you doing out in the woods anyway?"

"Uh, n-nothing," said Chandler, through his chattering teeth.

"Uh huh, right," said Hunter, "you're forgetting how well I know you, Chandler Cross isn't the walk in the woods type, so what's up?"

"I,I was just s-stretching my l-legs," said Chandler.

"Chandler, were you spying on me and Krissy?" Hunter challenged.

"Uh," Chandler stuttered, but the way he looked down and away from Hunter gave him away.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," said Hunter, "Why are you acting like this?"

"Like w-what?" asked Chandler.

"Look, first you push her off the boat, then you clock me in the nose and now you're spying on me and look what's happened to you," said Hunter, "why is this girl bothering you so much?"

"I don't know, ok?" said Chandler, "I thought I could handle this, you know, pretending we were straight for a few days but every time I turn around she's all over you."

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean anything, I love you," said Hunter.

"I know and I love you and maybe that's why it hurts so much, I can't touch you but she can, its bullshit," said Chandler.

"I know Puppy, that's why I didn't want to do this in the first place, to hide who we are, but it's almost over, tomorrow night we can go home and put this behind us," said Hunter.

"Ok, but can't you do anything to, I don't know, make her back off?" Chandler pleaded.

"I've been trying, believe me I have, but she turns a deaf ear," said Hunter, "I'll try harder."

"Ok," Chandler moaned, "can we go in now?"

"Let's see," said Hunter, moving in and sniffing Chandler's neck, "sorry Pup, few more minutes."

When Chandler finally passed the smell test, Hunter helped him out of the tub and wrapped a towel around him. His heart went out to the shivering boy who he loved so much and he took him in his arms. Hunter ran his hands all over Chandler's body, trying to warm him up.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," Chandler whispered, "you know, about your nose."

"It's ok, no harm done, besides, it was an accident, right?" asked Hunter.

"Yeah," said Chandler.

"I forgive you," Hunter smiled, then kissed him on the cheek, "now, let's get you inside and into a hot shower before you catch a cold."

After his shower, Chandler started to feel human again and by the time he got dressed and went back downstairs, he was able to laugh at his run in with the skunk. Sure he took some ribbing from the rest of the wedding party, but he couldn't deny that it was deserved. The wedding rehearsal went exactly according to plan, Chandler didn't have much of a role, as Hillary wanted to keep her song selection a secret, so he simply stood where he was directed, when he was directed to.

The rehearsal dinner was fun, everyone was laughing and having a good time. Chandler was still annoyed by Krissy's behavior but he traded several reassuring glances with Hunter and that set him at ease. When dinner was over, the parents returned to the Weston's house with the ladies, they would be having the, rather tame, bachelorette party in the basement recreation room, while the guys went to a local bar. Chandler was waiting in the restaurants lobby, with Caleb and the groomsmen, when Hunter walked up to him.

"Hey Chan, can I barrow your car for a bit?" asked Hunter.

"Sure, what's up?" said Chandler.

"Krissy was in the bathroom when everyone left for mom and dad's," Hunter sighed, clearly annoyed, "she needs a ride back."

"Oh, but you'll miss the party," said Chandler.

"Nah, I'll dump her off, then met up with you guys in town," Hunter explained.

"Oh, ok then," said Chandler, as he reluctantly handed over his keys.

"Don't worry, I won't be long," said Hunter, flashing him a reassuring smile.

Chandler watched his boyfriend get into the Ferrari with Krissy, the big busted bimbo, and sighed. Caleb walked over and clapped him on the back.

"Man, if I had a car like that, I'd never let anyone touch it," said Caleb.

"It's no big deal, it's insured," said Chandler.

"Still, that's a hot ride," said Caleb.

"Yeah, so anyway, where are we going?" asked Caleb.

"Right, come on, you can ride with us," said Caleb, "you guys are going to love this place."

The normally reserved Chandler; was afraid that Caleb was taking them to a strip club and was relieved when they pulled up in front of a regular bar. It wasn't that Caleb hadn't looked, there just simply weren't any strip clubs in a posh town like Newport, so he settled for the next best thing, a bar holding a co-ed amateur strip night. Noah and his buddies got a little rowdy as they watched the show, listened to the music and drank beer after beer. Chandler wandered off by himself, took a set at the bar and wondered where the hell Hunter was, he was taking his sweet time getting back.

"Hey man, what are you drinking?" asked Caleb, when he came over to get a fresh drink.

"Cranberry juice," said Chandler.

"Cranberry juice, good one," Caleb snorted, as he reached for Chandler's glass and took a sip, then spit it out, "holy shit, it is cranberry juice."

"I told you," said Chandler, "Did you give Hunter the name of this place?

"Yeah man, he called 20 minutes ago, said he wasn't coming," Caleb explained.

"Oh, that's just great," said Chandler, wondering why Hunter hadn't called him.

"Yeah," said Caleb, not sure how to interpret Chandler's reaction, "anyway, it's a party, you can't drink cranberry juice."

"I don't know, the last time I drank I had the worst hangover," Chandler explained.

"Don't worry, we won't let you over do it," Caleb assured him.

"Fuck it, why not?" said Chandler, he was pissed that Hunter hadn't called, if he wanted to hang out with that tramp, that was his problem.

"That's more like it, bartender, set us up," said Caleb.

Over the next hour, Chandler got well and truly drunk, as did Caleb. Caleb was an experienced drinker and took it upon himself to educate Chandler in the ways of the alcohol enthusiast. Chandler tried drink after drink and grew more and more inebriated.

"You know, I love you man, you're my best friend," Chandler slurred.

"Right back at you bro," chuckled Caleb.

"You wanna know something?" asked Chandler.

"Sure what's up," said Caleb.

"My parents, everyone is always kissing their ass I tell ya, well not me, next time I talk to them I'm gonna tell'em, mom, dad," laughed Chandler.

"Mom and dad what?" asked Caleb.

"I don't know, but I'll think of something and it's gonna be Fuckin great," Chandler laughed again.

"Uh, hey guys, what's goin on?" asked Noah, joining them at the bar.

"Noah, how are ya?" asked Chandler, then he put his lips against Noah's cheek, blew a wicked raspberry, laughed and dropped his head down on the bar.

"Caleb, what the fuck man, I think you broke him," said Noah.

"He'll be fine, we were just getting shit faced," Caleb laughed.

"Yeah, but he's got to sing at my wedding tomorrow, if he's to hung over, Hillary is going to kill you for getting him drunk and me for being friends with you," said Noah.

"I'm not gonna sing," shouted Chandler, as he jumped out of his seat, startling everyone around him, "I gotta dance."

Chandler bolted for the stage area, where the strip contest was being held. He got in line and told the DJ the song he wanted to dance to.

"Chandler, I really don't think this is a good idea," Noah warned, "why don't I take you back to the house."

"No way man, I gotta dance," said Chandler, as he shook his hips awkwardly, working on his moves.

"This is gonna be awesome," laughed Caleb.

"Dickhead," said Noah, as he smacked Caleb on the back of the head, "you need to talk him out of this."

"I can't do it dude, you heard the man, he's gotta dance," Caleb laughed again.

Noah didn't know who was drunker, Chandler or Caleb. He tried to talk Chandler out of his plan but all to soon it was his turn. The DJ called Chandler's name, or at least the stage name Chandler had given him.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for our next contestant, uh, Spantanious Bootay!" said the DJ.

Chandler walked out on the small stage and it looked to Noah like he'd finally had a moment's pause, he stood there like a deer caught in headlights. The DJ started playing Chandler's selected song, Imma Be, by the Black Eyed Peas. He stood there, awkwardly for a moment, then started a slow, poorly timed, incredibly awkward dance.

"Take your top off," shouted a drunk girl.

"Yeah man, show us your boobs," yelled some frat asshole.

"This is tragic," said Noah.

"Ha, yeah man, show us your boobs," Caleb laughed.

Chandler, for lack of a better idea, took his shirt off and threw it to Noah. The girls in the audience howled and whistled, Chandler may not have been as buff as Hunter but that didn't mean he wasn't handsome. His body was shapely and toned; his stomach was hard and displayed a nice set of abs. Encouraged by the response, Chandler started to sway his hips and shake his ass for the crowd; he slowly and seductively unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts, letting them fall to his ankles. He shook his tight little butt for the ladies and was rewarded with a fresh round of catcalls.

"Ok, I know what you want," said Chandler, as he reached into his boxerbriefs, "excuse me while I whip it out."

"Ok, that's it," said Noah, stepping on the stage and wrapping Chandler in a bear hug so that he couldn't move his arms, "come on Chandler, shows over."

"But Noah, they wanna see it," said Chandler.

"No, no let's leave the mouse in the house," said Noah.

"They wanna see it, it's good for them," Chandler argued.

"Damn it, will you help me with this," Noah shouted to Caleb.

"Alright, let's go dude, you put on a great show," Caleb laughed, pulling up Chandler's shorts and helping Noah get him off the stage.

"I was just gonna give them a peek," said Chandler, as Caleb and Noah helped him get dressed.

Noah rolled his eyes and Caleb burst into a fresh fit of giggles.

"Thanks for this Caleb, really what I needed the night before my wedding," Noah complained.

"Po noblem," Caleb slurred.

"Shit, you're just as tore up as he is," Noah exclaimed.

Everyone at the bachelor party had had a few drinks so getting them all back to the hotel was a struggle. Chandler didn't know how he got there but when he woke in the morning, he was in bed with Caleb on one side and Toby on the other.

"Oh Jesus, what the hell happened last night," said Chandler, as he shot out of the bed.

"Relax, you just passed out," said Noah, who was seated at the small table under the window.

"It feels like my head is going to explode," said Chandler, hanging his head.

"I'm not surprised, you and Caleb got pretty wasted last night," said Noah.

"I'm so sorry, that's only the second time I've ever been drunk," said Chandler.

"It's ok, in hindsight it was pretty funny," said Noah.

"What was funny?" asked Chandler.

"You mean you don't remember?" Noah chuckled.

"I don't remember anything after getting to the bar," Chandler explained.

"That's probably a good thing, you entered an amateur strip contest," Noah giggled.

"Oh my God, how could you let me do that?" Chandler exclaimed.

"Let you? Ha, I couldn't stop you, I begged and pleaded with you but you said you `had to dance,'" said Noah.

"Oh my God," said Chandler.

"Relax, it wasn't that bad, we stopped you before you whipped your dick out," said Noah.

"Please tell me you're joking?" Chandler pleaded.

"You said that the ladies wanted to see it, that it was good for them," Noah smiled.

"Oh my God," Chandler repeated.

"Don't worry, like I said, we stopped you before you got the little guy out," Noah laughed.

"Did Hunter ever show up?" Chandler asked, after he'd calmed down a little.

"No, he called me and said he wasn't going to make it," said Noah, "didn't he call you, he said he was going to."

"I think I left my phone in the car," Chandler explained.

"Alright, well you want to go back to the house so you can shower and change for the wedding?" asked Noah.

"Yeah, what am I doing here anyway?" asked Chandler.

"Well, I didn't think you'd want me to take you home in your condition last night, I didn't want to you to embarrass yourself in front of all the rents," Noah explained.

"Good call, thanks," Chandler blushed.

"Come on," Noah smiled, "I'll take you home."

Chandler got into Noah's rental car and after a quick stop so he could grab a venti espresso, they headed back to the Weston's. Bill, Janice, Harold and Mary were having their coffee when the boys came in.

"What happened to you, you look like death warmed over," said Bill, when he spotted Chandler.

"Someone got a little carried away with his alcohol last night," Noah smiled, while the parents laughed.

"I'm never drinking again," Chandler groaned.

That only caused the gathered parents to laugh harder.

"Are you going to be ok to sing later?" asked Noah.

"Yeah, I'll be ok, I just need a shower," said Chandler.

"Alright, well make it quick, you slept late, I'm heading back to the hotel, we've only got an hour before the photographer shows up," Noah explained.

"Sure, no problem," Chandler assured him, as he turned toward the back stairs.

Noah got to his car and found Chandler's wallet on the passenger seat, he grabbed it and ran upstairs to return it to his friend.

Chandler's head still ached, the coffee helped but he was sure he wouldn't feel human again until after he showered. He walked into the room he shared with Hunter and got the shock of his young life. There, in Hunter's bed, lie his boyfriend and Krissy, she was even wearing Hunter's pajama top. It was like a dagger in Chandler's heart, it hurt worse than any hangover ever could. Hunter and Krissy had been waking up when Chandler walked in and they both shot up in bed when he opened the door.

"Chandler, I can explain," said Hunter, jumping out of bed.

Next: Chapter 6

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