The Wedding Date

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Oct 1, 2012


This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

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The Wedding Date Chapter 3

"Hey guys, there you are," said Noah, when Hillary brought the boys into the living room.

"Sorry, we were out back," said Hunter.

"These are my parents, Harold and Mary Phillips and my sister Krissy," said Noah, "mom, dad, this is Hillary's brother, Hunter, and her cousin, Chandler Cross."

"It's so lovely to meet you," said Mary, "Noah's told us so much about you."

While Chandler shook hands with Mr. and Mrs. Philips, Krissy had her eyes on Hunter. She was 19, blond, blue eyed and beautiful, and the look on her face suggested that she knew it. The way she looked at Hunter made Chandler feel uneasy, it was like watching a predator stalk its prey, but when he saw how uncomfortable it made Hunter, he couldn't help but laugh. Janice had everyone take a seat, so that they could talk while dinner was being prepared. Krissy made sure she was seated next to Hunter, she laughed at anything he said that was remotely funny, and found excuses to touch him. Every now and then, Hunter would look over at Chandler and mouth the words "help me," which made Chandler snicker.

At dinner, Krissy took Chandler's seat, making sure that she would be next to Hunter. She dominated the conversation by asking him question after question. Chandler didn't help the situation, he thought Hunter's predicament was funny and he fanned the flames.

"You know Krissy, Hunter was the quarterback of our high school football team, he even won a league championship," said Chandler, during a lull in the conversation.

"Oh, well that explains why his arms are so big," said Krissy, batting her doe eyes and squeezing Hunter's bicep.

Hunter glared at Chandler, which only encouraged further snickers from his boy friend. He then tried to turn the tables on Chandler by changing the subject.

"Hey Krissy, did Chandler tell you that he graduated at the top of our class at Columbia?" asked Hunter.

"No, he didn't," she said, clearly uninterested.

"Yeah, the red Ferrari out front is his, it was a graduation present from his mom and dad," said Hunter, trying a different tactic.

"How nice for him," said Krissy, she could care less.

"Oh, the red rocket ship out there is yours?" asked Harold.

"Yes sir, it was a birthday/graduation present from my parents," Chandler blushed, exactly as he expected, people thought it was a little over the top.

"What's with the funny license plate?" Harold continued.

"Sir?" asked Chandler, not following.

"It wasn't from any state I recognized," said Harold.

"Harold collects license plates," Mary explained.

Of course he did, thought Chandler, it sounded exactly like the kind of hobby someone from Ohio would have.

"Oh, the car is technically registered to my parents, it's a diplomatic plate, supposed to keep me from getting tickets, I guess," said Chandler.

"Chandler's father is the American Ambassador in London," Hillary explained.

"Wow, that's very impressive," said Harold, "did you hear that Krissy?"

"Uh huh, sure daddy," said Krissy, not bothering to take her eyes off of Hunter.

After dinner and dessert, Noah drove his sister over to the hotel that had been booked for the wedding party. His parents were staying with the Weston's so that the parents of the bride and groom could get to know each other. Noah checked his sister into her room, then drove back to the airport to pick up his best man and a couple of other friends, who were flying in for the big event.

At bed time, Chandler and Hunter went up to their room and stripped down to their underwear. Hunter had taken their things up earlier and Chandler found himself looking for his bag.

"Hey babe, where did you put my stuff?" asked Chandler.

"I unpacked for you, all your stuff is in that dresser," said Hunter, pointing at the dresser under the window, "why?"

"I need my pajamas," Chandler explained.

"Why?" asked Hunter.

"Babe, your sister's in laws are right down the hall, I just think it would be better if we wore pj's while they're here, you never know what might come up," said Chandler.

"Ugh, fine," Hunter grumped, as he went to his dresser for his own clothes.

Chandler opened the top drawer and found his pajama bottoms, neatly folded. When he pulled them out, something at the bottom of the drawer caught his eye.

"How cute," said Chandler, pulling out a pair of white briefs, they clearly belonged to a boy, they were so small, "are these yours?"

"Yeah, from when I was like nine," said Hunter.

"Awww, you were such an adorable little boy," said Chandler, he'd seen plenty of pictures.

"I'm still pretty adorable," Hunter grinned, as he came up behind Chandler, put his arms around his slender waist and rested his head on his shoulder.

"No argument there," Chandler smiled.

Chandler stood there, in Hunter's arms and his mind wandered a little. Chandler and Hunter had talked about marriage, they were moving to Boston, it was legal there, but they'd decided to wait. Chandler had agreed with the decision at the time but lately he'd lost some of his resolve. It would be impossible to love Hunter more then he already did, because he loved him with his whole heart. Chandler had also started to think differently about children. Standing there, holding Hunter's cute little underpants, he couldn't help but think what it would be like to have a child of they're own. He knew Hunter would be a good daddy, kids loved him, and Chandler hoped that he would be as well.

"How about we push the twin beds together," Hunter grinned.

"Hunter, come on, we promised Hillary we'd be good," said Chandler, snapping out of his daze.

"Ok," grumped Hunter, then he kissed Chandler on the cheek and went over to his bed.

Chandler put the little briefs back in the drawer and changed into his pajamas. He climbed into bed and then turned off the lamp on the night stand.

"Krissy sure seems fond of you," Chandler grinned in the dark.

"You asshole, you were totally egging her on," said Hunter.

"Guilty," laughed Chandler.

"I swear, I thought she was going to hump my leg before the night was over," Hunter laughed.

"Well, don't worry, I'd have hosed her down before she got that far," said Chandler.

"Thanks puppy," said Hunter, using his favorite pet name for Chandler, "you're a real pal."

"Oh relax, you won't have to put up with her tomorrow, we'll be on the boat with your dad and the guys all day," Chandler laughed.

"Thank God," Hunter yawned.

"Goodnight babe," said Chandler.

"Goodnight Chan, it's lonely over here without you," Hunter pouted.

"It's only for a few days," said Chandler.

"Uh huh," Hunter replied, as he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, the boys woke before 6 and dressed casually in shorts and t-shirts. They stumbled groggily downstairs for breakfast and found Janice and Mary cooking for the men. Bill and Harold looked like they'd just walked out of a sporting goods store, where a particularly smooth salesman had sold them an entire fishing themed wardrobe. Chandler and Hunter both broke out into a fit of laughter.

"What?" said Bill and Harold, in unison.

"You guys are really going to wear all that?" asked Hunter.

"Well, we're going on a fishing trip, aren't we?" asked Bill.

"Sure, and are you planning to club the fish to death while they're laughing at you?" Hunter giggled.

"Laugh it up, we'll see how funny it is when we catch all the fish," said Bill. He stopped to pat Hunter's shoulder and kiss his son on the top of his head, while making his way to the coffee pot.

Chandler sat quietly at the table, he wasn't a morning person and he usually didn't speak until he'd had his first cup of coffee. He did, however, perk up when Mary sat a large platter of eggs, hash browns and sausage in front of him.

"Wow, thanks Mrs. Phillips," he stated.

"You're welcome sweetie, but call me Mary," she smiled.

"Do you cook like this every morning?" asked Hunter, as an equally large platter was placed in front of him.

"Only on days that end in Y," Mary chuckled.

"Yeah, you can see how spoiled I am," said Harold, patting his large belly.

"This is a real treat," said Chandler, "normally we're lucky to get a piece of toast in the morning."

"I honestly don't know how you boys stay so fit with all the junk you eat," said Janice.

"Exercise mom, exercise," said Hunter, as he winked at Chandler and rubbed his leg with his foot.

"Yeah, lots of exercise," Chandler giggled.

"Right, well, we better get going, our charter leaves at 7:00am on the dot," said Bill.

The boys finished their breakfast and then piled into the back of Bill's Range Rover. It was a short drive to the marina and the fathers talked nearly the entire way. When they pulled into the parking lot, Chandler spotted Noah with a few other guys, and to his surprise, Krissy.

"Oh, look, Krissy's here," said Chandler, smirking at Hunter.

"Great," Hunter groaned, "I thought the ladies were having tea or something."

"So did I," said Harold.

They got out of the car and walked over to the rest of the fishermen. Noah quickly introduced his friends, who had arrived the night before.

"This is my best man, Caleb Morris, and these are my friends, Steven Marshal, Toby Wills, Michael Sullivan and Jacob Grant," said Noah, making the introductions.

"Hey Krissy, what are you doing here?" asked Harold.

"Oh daddy, you know me, fishing sounded like a lot more fun than sitting around having tea," said Krissy.

She had her hair pulled back and she was wearing a tight fitting t-shirt and short shorts that hung low on her hips. Once again, she was eyeing Hunter like a piece of meat.

"Well, ok then," said Harold, "we better get moving."

The men finished shaking hands and moved down the dock to the fishing boat that Bill had chartered for the day. Chandler was right behind Hunter but as they approached the boat, Krissy hip checked him and took his place. Chandler nearly tripped and by the time he recovered his balance, Hunter was aboard and Krissy had her hand stretched out to him.

"Hunter, I'm so clumsy, can you help me up?" said Krissy, batting her eyes at him and Chandler was sure, making sure Hunter got a good look at her tits.

Hunter reached out and pulled her aboard, she made a show of tumbling into him and putting her arms around his waist to brace herself. Chandler rolled his eyes and stepped aboard, then followed Hunter and Krissy to the stern, where they leaned against the rail and watched the coast fall away as they set out to sea.

"Chandler honey, would you be a dear and get me a blanket, it's so cold out here," said Krissy.

"Uh, yeah, sure," said Chandler, who then turned towards the cabin, muttering under his breath.

"You and your cousin sure seem close," said Krissy, wrapping herself around Hunter's arm.

"Yeah, he's my best friend," Hunter acknowledged.

"That's so sweet, the way you look after him," said Krissy.

"Look after him?" said Hunter, confused by the remark.

"Well he's so small and shy," said Krissy.

"Chandler?" Hunter exclaimed, "He's not small, and he might be a little shy but he's far from timid."

"Well, maybe it just seems that way next to a big strong guy like you," she gushed, and flashed him one of her toothpaste commercial smiles.

In the cabin, Chandler was slamming cabinets and drawers, looking for a blanket, continuing to swear under his breath. At first he thought Krissy's behavior was funny, now it was starting to get on his nerves.

"...surprised she doesn't just whip out her tits and shove them in his face, the dirty little..." Chandler was muttering, when Noah came in.

"Hey, whatcha doin?" asked Noah.

"Your sister asked me to get her a blanket," Chandler huffed.

"Man, forget her," said Noah, "I told her not to dress like that, she can get her own blanket.

"Are you sure, I don't want to be rude," said Chandler.

Just then, he looked back and saw Krissy take her t-shirt off. She had a bikini on under it and made sure to bounce a few times before wrapping herself back around Hunter's bicep.

"You know what, you're right, she can get her own damn blanket," said Chandler.

Noah turned and gave his sister a disapproving look.

"I'm sorry," said Noah, "I knew this was asking a lot of you guys and I didn't think my sister would make it worse by acting like a giggling idiot."

"No, it's ok," Chandler sighed, "Hunter's a handsome guy and she thinks he's single."

"Still, she doesn't have to throw herself at him," said Noah, irritated by his sister's behavior.

"No, she doesn't," Chandler agreed.

"I swear we'll make this up to you guys," said Noah.

"Don't worry about it, you're getting married in a few days, this is your week, just have a good time," said Chandler.

"Thanks bud, I really do appreciate it," said Noah.

"No sweat," said Chandler.

Chandler waited in the cabin until they reached their fishing spot. There were several chairs around the deck, bolted in place to keep the fishermen steady while they reeled in their catch. Chandler took one and grew more and more disgusted as Krissy rubbed her tits against his boyfriend, every chance she got, and had him help her bait her hook. Chandler wasn't worried about the fish, he sat back and watched them, seething more and more with each passing minute. Late in the afternoon, Krissy got up to stretch then bent over the railing. She bent so low that her ass was on display for the whole world and she wiggled it right at Hunter.

"That's it," Chandler muttered to himself.

Chandler walked over and stood in front of Hunter, his butt resting on the railing. Krissy didn't care that he was there, she kept shaking here ass to the gentle swaying of the boat.

"Hey, there you are," said Hunter, "you went to get a blanket hours ago."

"Yeah, we dropped anchor and I was so excited to start fishing, I guess I forgot," said Chandler, grinning sweetly.

"I see," said Hunter, he knew that look and knew it wasn't a good sign.

"Hey, I think your dad's waving at you," said Chandler.

As soon as Hunter turned his head, Chandler hip checked Krissy. He'd waited until just the right moment, when the movement of the boat on the waves would mask his own. The end result was Krissy, who was leaning far over the railing, went overboard, into the Atlantic.

"Oh no, Krissy fell," said Chandler, as Hunter turned back around.

"Chandler, that's not funny," Hunter scolded, as he got up and tossed a rope out to Krissy.

Everyone else seemed to think it was a riot. The guys at the boats stern laughed hysterically, as Hunter hauled Krissy back aboard, like a drowned rat.

"Gee Krissy, what happened?" Chandler asked innocently.

"I don't know," she spluttered, as her teeth chattered, "one minute I was leaning over the rail, then I guess the boat moved and I fell in."

Chandler smirked and Hunter shot him a dirty look.

"Come on Krissy, you better go inside, you'll catch a cold," said Hunter.

Hunter took the wet girl to the cabin, Chandler took her seat and put his feet up on the railing. He stretched out and a wicked, satisfied smile, crept across his innocent face.

"Not cool," said Hunter, when he returned and sat down next to his boyfriend.

"I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about," said Chandler.

"You're going to tell me you didn't do that?" said Hunter.

"Why would I do something like that?" said Chandler, batting his green eyes at Hunter, mocking Krissy.

"Because you're jealous," said Hunter.

"Jealous, me? Of what?" asked Chandler.

"Come on, I know what she's up to, and if she was doing it to you, I'd be jealous too," said Hunter.

"Ok, maybe I am a little jealous, I thought it was funny at first but shit, I'm waiting for her to ask you if you know of any hotels that rent rooms by the hour," said Chandler.

"Cut her a little slack, she's just a stupid kid," said Hunter.

"Kid? Hunter, she's only 2 years younger than us, did we act like that when we were 19?" said Chandler.

"No, but we weren't girls, girls are stupid," Hunter grinned.

"Yeah, girls are stupid," Chandler smiled back.

"So you'll be nice?" asked Hunter.

"I'll try, but if she shoves her tits in your face again, I might coldcock her honkey ass," said Chandler.

"Buddy, you have got to stop watching reruns on Nick at Night," said Hunter, "was that from Sanford and Son?"

"I got that from George Jefferson," Chandler grinned.

The boys spent the next hour, Krissy free. She sat in the cabin, under a blanket, until the boat returned to the dock. When they reached the marina, the boys went back to the house with the fathers; Noah took everyone else back to the hotel so that they could clean up. Dinner would be at the Weston's that night, there would be 30 people there for the traditional New England clam bake and the fishermen looked forward to the opportunity to clean up first.

Next: Chapter 4

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