The Wedding Date

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Sep 29, 2012


This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

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The Wedding Date Chapter 2

Six months later, the boys were college graduates and spending their last summer as New Yorkers. Both had been accepted into graduate programs, in Boston, and would be moving before Labor Day. In the mean time, Chandler had gotten a role in the Metropolitan Opera's production of Turandot and Hunter would be coaching the little league team sponsored by his father's law firm. To add to the hectic schedule, Hillary's wedding was upon them.

The wedding would take place in Newport, Rhode Island. The ceremony would be held at a church with the reception taking place at the Weston's beach house. Chandler would be singing, while the bride walked down the aisle, and Hunter had been roped into serving as an usher and groomsman. It was going to be a big, traditional wedding and there would be several days of events for the wedding party, leading up to the big day.

"Ok, I'm going to get the car, meet you out front," said Chandler, the morning they set out for Newport.

"Alright, just don't stare at it too long, I don't want to wait out there all morning," Hunter grinned.

"I know, I won't," Chandler promised, then grabbed his keys and walked excitedly to the door.

Chandler's twenty-first birthday was the day after he and Hunter graduated and what should have been a happy occasion, turned out to be bittersweet. He loved and respected his parents but he'd worked hard in college, he was graduating suma cum laude from one of the nation's top universities, and they wouldn't be there. It wasn't that they didn't have a good excuse, his father was now U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom and the same week he was graduating, there was a major NATO conference in London. He understood why his parents couldn't be there but that didn't make it any easier. He hadn't seen them much, since he'd been sent home from Rome, and he missed them.

Hunter sensed his boyfriends unhappiness and wasn't exactly sure what to do. He talked about it with some of their mutual friends and they decided that the best cure for Chandler's depression would be to take him out and celebrate his birthday on their own. Chandler tried to be grumpy, and turn down the offer, but when Hunter threatened to carry him, like he had the day Hillary made her wedding announcement, he relented. Chandler was glad he gave in; he had fun in spite of his mood. He'd never had alcohol before and he was surprised to find out how much he liked Long Island Iced Tea.

Hunter knew that Chandler was upset about his parents, stressed about the part in the opera he'd gotten and nervous about singing at his sister's wedding. He knew Chandler shouldn't be drinking so much, but he also didn't think a onetime bender would hurt him. Hunter had a few drinks of his own but he stayed sober enough to look after his boyfriend and make sure he didn't get into any trouble. By the end of the night, Hunter had to pour the giggling Chandler into a cab and then carry him up to bed. The next morning, Hunter had to get up early, to meet with the team he'd be coaching, so he let Chandler sleep.

"Poor little fella," Hunter smiled, as he kissed Chandler on the forehead, then left to start his new job.

A few hours later, Chandler was woken by the brutal ringing of his bedside phone. The sunlight coming through the window felt like it was ten times brighter than normal and there was a steady pounding in his head, like a construction crew working with a jackhammer.

"Hello," Chandler groaned into the receiver.

"Hey, hey, rise and shine Mr. Cross," said the voice on the other end.

"Bobby, what is it?" Chandler moaned, recognizing the voice of the building's doorman.

"I got something I need you to come down and sign for," said Bobby.

"Can't you just sign for me, I'll come get it later," said Chandler.

"No can do, sir, guy says he's from the U.S. Diplomatic Mission to the United Nations and only you can sign for it," Bobby explained.

"Really?" asked Chandler, growing curious.

"Yeah, he's being a real prick about it," Bobby whispered into the receiver.

"Alright, I'm coming down."

Chandler rolled out of bed and felt the pain in his head as soon as his feet touched the floor.

"Oh my God, I'm never drinking again," he groaned.

He figured Hunter must have put him to bed the night before, he was wearing the same t-shirt, socks and undies. He looked around for a moment and confirmed his suspicions when he spotted the shorts he'd worn last night, on the floor. He never have left clothes on the floor, this was clearly Hunter's doing. Chandler padded to the bathroom, downed a handful of Asprin, then headed to his building's lobby. Each step made his head hurt, and he almost fell asleep, leaning against the elevator wall.

When he reached the lobby, he found Bobby talking with two men. One was obviously the government employee. Chandler had known plenty of them in his life and they all seemed to wear the same suit. The other looked like the men he'd met in Rome, impeccably dressed and a little swarthy.

"Can I help you?" Chandler asked, approaching the trio.

"Chandler Cross?" asked the man in the government suit.


"Dispatch for you from station London," he stated officiously, as he handed over an envelope with United States Department of State, embossed on the upper left corner.

Chandler signed for the dispatch and tore it open, as the man turned to leave. He unfolded the dispatch and had to force his eyes to focus.

Dearest Chandler,

We are so sorry that we couldn't be there to celebrate the important milestones of your birthday and graduation. No parents could be prouder of a son and his accomplishments; we look forward to seeing you on stage when we visit New York in July. In the mean time, we know it doesn't make up for our absence, but please enjoy your gift. Happy Birthday!


Mom and Dad

"Gift, what gift?" Chandler muttered.

"I think I can help you with that," said the man in the Italian suit, speaking for the first time, and with a heavy accent "sign here and here please."

Chandler took the clipboard he was handed and signed where indicated. The document was written in Italian and though he could read and speak the language like a native, the advantage of his youth in Rome, he couldn't do it with a hangover. He didn't have time to read it anyway, as soon as he signed, the Italian took the clipboard away and handed him a set of keys, the head of which contained buttons for an alarm and a lock, the other side was embossed with a silver stallion.

"What's this?" asked Chandler.

"This way sir, if you please," said the Italian.

Chandler followed the man out onto the street, where he discovered what the key in his hand unlocked.

"You have got to be shitting me?" Chandler exclaimed.

"No, is no shit sir," said the man from the dealership, "is Ferrari 458 Italia Spider."

Chandler stood in awe of the candy apple red convertible parked in front of him.

"My parents sent me this?" he asked.

"Si, paperwork process this morning, wire transfer from Bank of London," said the Italian, "You have keys, is all yours."

"Uh, yeah, thanks," said Chandler.

The Italian wandered off, leaving Chandler to stare at his new car. It was ostentatious, totally impractical and only an asshole would drive a car like this, with the economy so bad, thought Chandler. At the same time, he knew that if anyone tried to take his new baby, he'd slaughter them in front of their own mother to protect it.

"Now that is a piece of work," Bobby exclaimed, coming up behind Chandler, "You want me to have someone clear your bikes out of the garage?"

"Uh huh," Chandler nodded, his jaw still hanging open.

"I'll get right on it," Bobby smiled.

"Hey Bobby," said Chandler, forgetting his hangover, "you wanna go for a ride?"

Chandler and his doorman went around the block a few times, and then he headed over to Central Park, where Hunter was meeting his team. He pulled up next to the field and leaned against the door frame, when the practice finished, Hunter saw him and trotted over.

"You have got to be shitting me," Hunter exclaimed.

"That's what I said," Chandler smiled.

"Another guilt gift?" asked Hunter.

In the years the boys had been together, Chandler's parents had sent him a number of extravagant gifts, to make up for their absence from his life, but never anything like this.

"Yeah, but I don't think I'm going to complain this time," Chandler agreed.

That had been 2 weeks ago, and Chandler hadn't really driven his car much. His initial assessment had been correct, it wasn't practical for New York City, he was always afraid he'd crunch the nose on a pot hole, but, it would be perfect for the drive to Newport, through the New England countryside. Chandler opened the garage door and stared at his car for a few minutes, then, remembering that Hunter was waiting, he pulled it out and drove to the front of the building.

"That didn't take too long; you haven't gotten tired of looking at your piece of art, have you?" Hunter chuckled.

In the last couple of weeks, Chandler had spent hours looking at his beautiful new toy.

"Well, I could have sat there longer but I figured that there was a piece of art in front of the building that would go great with the car," Chandler smiled.

"Awww, thanks baby," said Hunter, as he put the luggage in the boot and slipped into the passenger seat.

Hunter buckled his seatbelt, kissed Chandler on the cheek and then they pulled out onto the road. It took them over an hour, in the Manhattan gridlock, to cross the George Washington Bridge and hook up with I-95, but once they did, Chandler put his foot down and the Ferrari roared to life. It was a 3 hour drive from New York City to Newport, but with Chandler weaving in and out of traffic at speeds upwards of 90 miles an hour, he fully expected to make the trip in 2 and a half.

Hunter sat back and enjoyed the ride. Chandler was a very calm and mild guy but the Ferrari brought out the beast in him and Hunter liked watching him have fun with his new toy. Somewhere in central Connecticut, Hunter reached over and put his hand on top of Chandler's, which was resting on the gear shift. Chandler smiled at Hunter, then pulled his hand away and put it on top of Hunter's, he held it there and used his boyfriends hand to shift gears. It was a beautiful summer day and the boys enjoyed the feel of the mid-June air blowing through their hair.

In what seemed like no time at all, Chandler pulled up in front of the Weston's palatial beach house and parked his car on the circular driveway. The boys hopped out and were collecting their bags when Hunter's parents came out to greet them, accompanied by his sister and her fiancé, Noah Phillips. The family exchanged hugs and then Hillary turned her attention to the car.

"Chandler Cross, that is the most ridiculous, ostentatious, impractical thing I have ever seen," scolded Hillary, the Prius driving environmentalist.

"Uh huh," Chandler agreed, "You want to drive it now or let me settle in first?"

"Now please," smiled Hillary, as she took the keys from Chandler and hopped in the driver's seat.

"Go ahead and go," said Hunter, "I'll put our stuff in my room."

Chandler climbed into the passenger seat and as soon as his seatbelt clicked, Hillary peeled out of the driveway and onto the beach road. Chandler cringed as Hillary put his baby through its paces; she gunned the engine up to 110 at one point and fishtailed around a bend along the coast. The Ferrari screamed along the beach, while Chandler had a white knuckled death grip on the trim.

"So, I need to ask you a favor," said Hillary, as she slowed to a normal pace.

"I'm already singing, you want me to perform the ceremony too, or maybe do some catering?" Chandler teased.

"I've had your cooking, I wouldn't let you anywhere near the catering," said Hillary, "no, this is important."

"Ok, what's up?" asked Chandler.

"Listen, I hate to ask you this but, well, Noah's parents, they're really old fashioned, I mean they're from Ohio for God's sake," said Hillary.

"Yeah, so?" said Chandler.

"Would you and Hunter mind playing it straight, just for the next few days?" said Hillary.

"Hillary," Chandler exclaimed.

"I know, I feel terrible asking you this and so does Noah, you know he loves you guys, but he doesn't think his parents would react well and we don't want to put up with their drama," she explained.

"You know your brother isn't going to like this," said Chandler.

"I know, that's why I'm talking to you and mom and dad are talking to him, I figured if I talked to you first, you'd see things rationally and help me with Hunter," said Hillary.

"I don't particularly like it either, you know?" said Chandler.

"Please Chandler, I just want things to go smoothly, it's been crazy enough as it is, without adding to it."

"Alright, I'll go along with this but only because it's your wedding and you're like my own sister, but I don't know how this is going to work," said Chandler.

"Noah told his parents that you're our cousin and that you and Hunter are roommates," Hillary explained, "they wanted to know about everyone in the wedding party and I thought that would explain why you and Hunter are so close."

"Ok cuz," Chandler laughed, "can we please go home now?"

"You bet, and don't worry, I'll make this up to you guys somehow," said Hillary, as she slammed on the breaks and spun the wheel, throwing the Ferrari into a 180 degree turn.

"Jesus, for starters, never do that again!" Chandler exclaimed.

Hillary laughed like a madman and put the pedal to the medal.

While Chandler and Hillary cruised along the coast, Hunter took they're things up to his old room and unpacked. When he came back down stairs, he found his parents in the kitchen.

"So when does everyone else get here?" asked Hunter.

"Noah went to Providence to pick up his parents and sister at the airport, they're having dinner with us tonight and then going over to the hotel, some of the rest are coming in late tonight and everyone should be here by tomorrow evening," said Janice.

"Cool, what's on the agenda for tomorrow?" said Hunter.

"I'm taking the guys out on the bay to do some fishing, then we're having a clam bake, the ladies are going over to the club for tea," said Bill, "Listen son, there's something we wanted to talk to you about."

"Sure dad, what's up?" said Hunter.

"It's about you and Chandler, Honey," said Janice, "While the Philips are here, we need you boys to keep your relationship under wraps."

"What?" Hunter exclaimed.

"It's only for a few days sweetie, we're just not sure they'd be comfortable with it," Janice explained.

"So let me get this straight, I have to pretend to be someone I'm not, in my parent's home, because some assholes might be uncomfortable?" Hunter asked, indignantly.

"Honey be reasonable, they're about to be your sister's in-laws, this week is about Hillary and Noah and we're just trying to avoid any potential problems," said Janice.

"I don't get it, I thought you loved Chandler, I thought you were happy for me," said Hunter.

"Cut us some slack son, of course we love Chandler, Hillary is talking to him about this right now and I bet you he understands," said Bill.

"This is bullshit dad, I don't care who these people are, I'd never ask Hillary or anyone else to act like something they aren't," hunter exclaimed, then stormed out of the kitchen, to the back deck, that looked over the yard and the ocean beyond.

When they pulled into the driveway and entered the kitchen, Chandler could sense the tension in the air.

"He didn't take it well, huh?" asked Chandler.

"Not exactly," said Bill.

"Are you ok sweetie, you know this doesn't have anything to do with you, right?" asked Janice.

"No, I get it, I'm not thrilled with it but I told Hillary that it's her wedding and I'm not going to cause any drama," Chandler explained.

"That's my good boy," Janice smiled, then kissed him on the cheek, "now, would you talk some sense into my stubborn son?"

"Sure, don't worry about it, I've got this," Chandler replied.

Bill clapped Chandler on the back as he walked out to the back deck. Chandler found Hunter resting his elbows against the railing, looking out over the sea.

"Hey," said Chandler, putting his arm around Hunter's shoulder.

"They told you?" asked Hunter.

"Yeah," said Chandler.

"And you're ok with it?"

"No, but it's your sister's wedding, we're gonna act like grown up's and deal with this," said Chandler.

"It's just so unfair, everything always has to be harder for us," said Hunter.

"Babe, come on, it's not that big of a deal, it could be much worse," said Chandler, sagely.

"I know, it's just not fair that we have to hide, I thought we were past that, I love you and I want people to know it," Hunter explained.

"Thanks, that means a lot to me, and I love you just as much, but, is any of that going to change by pretending I'm your cousin for a few days?" asked Chandler.

"Cousin?" said Hunter.

"That's the cover story, it would be hard not to notice we're close, Noah told his parents we were cousins and roommates, to throw them off the trail, so to speak," Chandler explained.

"Great," Hunter grumped.

"It'll be ok, we'll go home and do something, I don't know, really gay," said Chandler.

"Really gay?" Hunter giggled, "like what?"

"I don't know, we'll find some flamers and ask them for a suggestion," Chandler laughed.

"God I love you," said Hunter, as he hugged Chandler.

He held him close, leaned his head down and rested it on Chandler's shoulder, smelled the mild, sweet smell of his cologne.

"I know, I love you to, we can be cousins for a few days, it's not going to hurt," said Chandler.

"Ok, if you are ok with it then I'll go along with it," Hunter agreed, still holding his boyfriend close.

"Hey guys, Noah's here with his parents," said Hillary, sticking her head out the back door, "everything ok?"

"Yeah, we're good, cuz," Chandler laughed.

"Thanks guys," said Hillary, who then hugged each of them.

"You're a good little brother, you know that?" Hillary told Hunter.

"Little brother, you're 5 whole minutes older," said Hunter, rolling his eyes.

"Come on, let's go meet the in-laws," said Hillary, taking both of their hands.

Next: Chapter 3

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