The Wedding Date

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Sep 27, 2012


This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

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The Wedding Date Chapter 1

"Chandler, would you come on, you know my dad hates it when we're late," said Hunter.

"I'm going as fast as I can, we should have just taken a cab," Chandler replied.

"Since when do we need a cab to go 10 blocks?" Hunter retorted.

Chandler just shot him a wicked glare and kept walking.

"Why are you walking so funny anyway?" Hunter asked, a moment later.

"These shoes are new, I haven't broken them in yet and they're killing me," Chandler explained.

"Well that was stupid, why didn't you wear something comfortable?"

"Because, they go with this suit," Chandler reasoned.

"Those ridiculous things are making you walk like a duck," Hunter laughed.

"Hey, they're not ridiculous, they're Kenneth Cole," Chandler exclaimed.

"Oh, good, you've named them," Hunter smirked.

"Funny, real funny," Chandler grumped.

"Look, it's only three more blocks, do you want me to just carry you or should I wait until migrating season so you can fly south?" said Hunter.

"Carry me? No way, I can make it on my own, just go on ahead and I'll catch up," Chandler stated.

"I can't do that," said Hunter, "what would my mother say about my manners?"

Hunter watched Chandler for a second then started walking towards him.

"Hunter, what are you doing?"

"Come here Chan, we're going to be late," he smiled wickedly.

"But I don't wanna come there," Chandler whined, backing away and into a wall.

"Gotcha," shouted Hunter, when he pounced.

"Hunter Weston, you let me go this instant," Chandler exclaimed, as Hunter scooped him up and tossed him over his shoulder.

"Sorry Hun, we gotta get moving, so get comfy," said Hunter.

Chandler struggled for a moment but Hunter was nothing if not strong. Chandler tried to wiggle out of his grasp but finally resigned himself to this indignity.

"Good boy," said Hunter, as he patted Chandler on the butt.

You would think they made a strange sight, each in his best suit with Hunter carrying Chandler over his shoulder, but it was New York and there are far stranger things to see on the city streets.

Chandler and Hunter had many things in common, but for two such similar people, they were very different. They were almost 21 year old, each was the son of a wealthy family, they were seniors at Columbia University and each had lived, to this point, a charmed life. At 6'2" 175 pounds, Hunter was tall and classically handsome; he had golden blond hair, piercing blue eyes and the body of an Abercrombie and Fitch model. Hunter and his twin sister, Hilary, grew up on the North Shore of Long Island, an ideal setting, made possible by their father's success as a Manhattan attorney. Hunter was an athlete, he played football, baseball, soccer and he ran track, sports were his gift and there really wasn't a game he couldn't play.

Chandler was 5'10" 160 pounds of lithe, lean muscle, his hair was chocolate brown and his eyes were a beautiful shade of green. He'd been born in Washington D.C., not long after his father had first been elected to Congress, and his family divided their time between their Georgetown townhouse and their home in Westchester County, just outside New York City. When he was 13, Chandler's father was appointed Ambassador to Italy and the boy spent his teens in Rome.

In Italy, Chandler developed two passions, football, proper football as his friends, the children of other diplomats, called it, and opera. Chandler was born with a passion for music, he started playing the piano at age 6 and by the time he arrived in Rome, he was an expert on the cello and guitar as well. Opera was an enchanting discovery for Chandler, he'd never really been exposed to it at home, but it was everywhere in Italy and it spoke directly to his soul. Chandler was blessed with a beautiful, lyrical voice and he devoted much of his time, in Rome, to training it. He hadn't set out to be the next Josh Groban, singing just made him happy and he wanted to do it well.

The couple met when they were 16 and in the beginning, they hated each other. Hunter and his sister, had been students at The Hotchkiss School since they were freshmen, Chandler began there as a junior. There was an air of mystery about the new boy, prep schools are like any small community, run on gossip, and the story on Chandler Cross was that his parents had sent him back to the States after discovering he was having an affair with his soccer coach. Hunter and Chandler first butted heads on the soccer field. Hunter was used to always being the best at sports but Chandler, who had learned the game from his European friends, continually upstaged him. They were always on opposite sides, during practice games, and they occasionally got rough. To make matters worse, Hunter's sister thought that the sun rose and set with Chandler.

Hillary knew Chandler from choir, he was shy and never said much, which only fueled the rumors about him, but when he sang it was almost as though he became another person. When Hillary spoke to him, she found Chandler to be charming and sophisticated, so different from the rest of the boys she knew and she developed a major crush on him. The more time they spent together the closer they became and the more Hillary realized there was something different about Chandler. She'd heard the rumors about him, and his soccer coach, but she'd dismissed them as gossip, until the day she tried to kiss him.

It was after choir practice, the sun was setting and the campus was quiet. Chandler had always been a gentleman and had happily agreed to walk his friend back to her dorm. There, along the school's main quad, Hillary pushed her lips against his and felt; nothing. Chandler was a passionate person, it came out in his singing, you could see it on the soccer field, but when he'd been kissed by a pretty girl, he did nothing. His lips were tight, he didn't push back, Hillary would have gotten a better reaction from a wall.

"Oh my God, it's true, isn't it?" said Hillary, as the realization dawned on her.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Chandler blushed and turned away.

"Chandler, you're gay," Hillary observed gently.

Chandler didn't respond, he kept his back to her, his eyes filled with tears and his shoulders sagged. He wasn't ashamed to be gay, he was embarrassed about begin discovered. He knew how kids could be, he knew there were already rumors about him and he didn't want to be the punch line to the schools gay jokes.

"Hey, it's ok," said Hillary, surprising herself.

"Promise me you won't say anything?" Chandler sniffled.

"Of course, your secret is safe with me," she comforted.

She reached out and put her hand on Chandler's shoulder; he was touched by the kind gesture and turned around to hug her. Hillary rubbed his back and assured him that his secret would be safe with her. You would think that she would be disappointed that the boy she had been crushing on couldn't return her feelings, but deep down, she'd always known it wasn't meant to be. Chandler wasn't the first boy to come out to Hillary, and as she stood there, comforting him, she realized that Chandler would be perfect for the other gay boy in her life, her brother, Hunter.

Hillary didn't tell Chandler that her brother was gay, that was his secret and he had confided in her, likewise, she didn't tell Hunter about Chandler. What she did do was create situations that forced them to interact, hoping that one would see something in the other and that they would make the connection. This proved to be harder then she'd expected, she'd underestimated the animosity that the boys, teammates, had built up between them. They were perfect for each other but they were too blind to see it, they even looked like a couple. Hillary was trying to think of a new tactic when the boys accidently figured things out for themselves.

It all started with a soccer game, Hotchkiss was playing Kent and both Chandler and Hunter had scored goals. The game was tied 2 to 2, time was running out and both boys saw an opening, they charged after the ball and were so eager to outdo each other that they slammed into each other and landed flat on their backsides, while the Kent player got the ball and in the confusion, scored the tie breaking goal. They're coach was furious and he let them know it the next day at practice.

"Weston, Cross, yesterday's loss is entirely your fault, you two decided to act like assholes and while everyone was busy laughing at the two of you, Kent scored," said Coach Ross, "I don't know what your problem is but I want it resolved, today!"

"But coach, it was his fault, I saw the opening and he should have covered me," Hunter complained.

"I saw the opening first and I knew he couldn't make the goal so I went for it," Chandler retorted.

"I could have made it, you're the one that sucks," Hunter exclaimed.

"I suck, please, you're the one that tripped us," said Chandler.

"Fuck you Cross," said Hunter.

"Fuck you Weston," Chandler replied.

"That's it, enough, you two are done, if you can't get along you can't be on my team," said Coach Ross.

"But sir..." the boys exclaimed.

"I don't want to hear it, go run the cross-country trail, I don't want to see either of you at practice again, until you get your heads out of your asses," said Coach Ross.

"Yeah but..." Chandler began.

"MOVE IT!" shouted Coach Ross.

The boys set off, running across the field to the start of the trail that ran around the campus. At first, they tried to outdo each other, one always trying to take the lead from the other, but they were both good athletes and all this did was wear them out. Eventually they were forced to slow down and jog together.

"You're such an asshole," panted Hunter, "I don't know what my sister sees in you."

"You're the asshole; I can't believe you're related to Hillary." Chandler retorted.

"None of this would have happened if you weren't such a ball hog," said Hunter.

"I was just trying to win the game, why are you always trying to get in my way?" said Chandler.

"Because, that's what I do, I win the games," Hunter confessed.

"What are you talking about?" Chandler challenged.

"That's just how it's always been, I'm always the best player, then you came along and you keep making me look bad," Hunter admitted.

"Oh," said Chandler, he wasn't sure what to say, that was a pretty brave admission for an enemy to make.

"Oh, all you're going to say is oh?" said Hunter.

"Well, I don't know what to say, why are you like that?" asked Chandler.

"I've always been that way, Hillary is the smart one and I'm the jock, if I'm not good at a sport then what have I got?" said Hunter.

"Well, for what it's worth, you are good," Chandler admitted.

"Yeah but you're better," said Hunter.

"I really don't think I am, I just play differently because I learned differently," said Chandler, "but, I think Coach is right, we're not going to have a very good season if we keep acting like this."

"Yeah, I know," Hunter admitted.

The boys jogged on in silence for a few moments, each thinking over the conversation, each examining the others words. The quiet of the moment was interrupted when Hunter tripped over a root and tumbled to the ground. The path was narrow and when Hunter tripped, he kicked Chandler's legs out from under him; the result was the two boys collapsing in a heap of tangled arms and legs.

"Hey, get off," Hunter moaned.

"I'm trying, your leg's pinning my ankle," Chandler grunted.

The boys continued to struggle and then Hunter started laughing which set Chandler off as well, then he looked into Hunter's face. Chandler's eyes locked on Hunter's and the laughing stopped, they stared into each other's eyes and then, without warning, Hunter put his hand behind Chandler's neck and pulled him close, then kissed his pouty lips.

"What was that?" Chandler exclaimed

"I, I'm sorry," Hunter spluttered, "I, I don't know what came over me."

Chandler knew, he'd felt it, when Hunter's lips had touched his, there was a spark. Hunter continued to splutter, trying to explain himself, than Chandler kissed him back. This time they held the kiss, Hunter pressed his lips back against Chandler's and Chandler parted his lips, allowing Hunter's tongue to slip by. The licked at each other's mouths, tentatively at first but as each realized the other wasn't about to pull back, the kiss grew more intense. Hunter wrapped his arms around Chandler, ran his hands up and down the slender boy's back. Chandler's hands were pinned between his chest and Hunters; he stroked Hunter's pecs with his fingers, massaging the hard muscles underneath. They kissed for over an hour, the rest of the soccer team having forgotten them in the woods. When it was over, Chandler rolled over on his back, Hunter took Chandler's hand in his and held it while they panted for breath.

"Wow," Chandler breathed.

"Yeah," Hunter agreed.

"I had no idea," said Chandler.

"What, that I was gay?" said Hunter.

"Yeah, no clue," Chandler admitted.

"No one knows, except Hillary."

"She never told me," said Chandler.

"Part of the reason I hated you so much was because I wanted you so much," Hunter admitted?"

"Really?" asked Chandler, rolling on his side and propping himself up on his elbow so that he could look into Hunter's dazzling blue eyes.

"I've never done anything with a guy before, I thought I could keep hiding it, then you got here and I was so attracted to you, I thought you were going to give me away," Hunter reasoned.

"Oh," said Chandler, rolling back on his back.

"I know it doesn't make any sense," said Hunter, "fucking hormones, they make you do stupid shit."

"It's true," said Chandler.

"Yeah," Hunter replied.

"No, I mean the rumor," said Chandler, "about me and my soccer coach in Rome, its' true."

"You banged your coach?" said Hunter, it was his turn to roll on his side and look down on Chandler.

"If by banged you mean slept with, yeah," Chandler admitted.

"Whoa, gross, you did it with some old hairy Italian guy?" said Hunter, crinkling up his nose.

"No," said Chandler, flashing him a dirty look, "he was only a few years older than us, and he wasn't hairy."

"What was it like? Hunter asked, curiously.

"Amazing," said Chandler, dreamily."

"Um, how did you get caught?" asked Hunter.

"My bodyguard didn't approve and told my parents," said Chandler.

"You had a bodyguard?"

"Italy is close to North Africa, lots of terrorists make their way from training camps in Libya, into Europe, through Italy," Chandler explained, "I always had a babysitter, so to speak."

"And the guy told on you?" said Hunter.

"Yeap," said Chandler.

"What a dick," said Hunter.

"Yeah," Chandler giggled.

"So what did your parents say?"

"They told me to put a stop to it, I told them that we were in love and then I ran away. I went to Niccolo's and told him what happened, but he brought me back to the embassy. He was just using me for sex, he didn't care about me," Chandler sighed.

"That's messed up," said Hunter.

"By the end of the week, my parents sent me back home, for my own good," said Chandler.

"Well," said Hunter, taking Chandler's hand and holding it tight, "for what it's worth, I'm glad they sent you home."

"So, we're friends now?" asked Chandler, squeezing Hunter's hand in his.

"That's where most relationships start, isn't it?" asked Hunter, as he leaned in for another kiss.

That was four years ago and they've been a couple ever since. They're still in school together, only now they attend Columbia and share an apartment, rather than live in separate dorms. Hunter's family lives just outside the city, the boys see them often and the Weston's are completely supportive of their relationship. The Weston's treat Chandler like a son and Hillary welcomed the boy she once had a crush on, into the family like another brother. As they approached the restaurant, Hunter put Chandler back on his feet and let him walk in under his own steam, it had been more than two blocks and Hunter wasn't even sweating.

"Hunter, Chandler, oh my boys," Janice, Hunter's mom, gushed as she walked across the restaurant's waiting area to hug and kiss them.

"Hi mom."

"Hi, Janice."

"You're right on time," said Bill, Hunter's dad.

"Hunter didn't want to be late so we left early," Chandler stated, giving Hunter a wink.

"Well that's good, your sister isn't here yet anyway," said Bill, "Chandler, get your application submitted for that graduate program?"

"Yes Bill, I sent everything off last week, now the waiting begins," he smiled.

Chandler loves music and he wants to be an opera singer but he's also practical. He was majoring in history and had decided to apply to Harvard's PhD program. He figured if he couldn't make it as a singer, he'd be just as happy teaching his favorite school subject.

"What about you son, got that law school application turned in?" asked Bill.

"I'm still working on it," said Hunter.

"Now son, don't be lazy, you're graduating this year and you need to have your ducks in a row, like this boyfriend of yours here," Bill smiled and clapped Chandler on the shoulder.

Chandler felt bad, Hunter's dad is a great guy but he tends to push his son when he really doesn't need to. Hunter is far from lazy but the way his dad talks; you'd think he was some kind of couch potato. Chandler didn't think Bill did it on purpose but he wished the two of them would talk about it, he knew it hurt Hunter's feelings. This wasn't the time or place for that discussion though and Hunter defused the situation by changing the subject.

"Yeah, I'll take care of it dad. So do you guys know what the big announcement is?" asked Hunter.

Hunter's sister, had asked all of them to have dinner with she and her boyfriend Noah, they had something they wanted to share with everyone. Hillary and Chandler had remained friends since he and her brother started dating, Chandler thought it was weird the way they'd been summoned to this event. Usually, Hillary would just come over to the boys apartment, or they'd get together at the Weston's house. The boys made small talk with Janice and Bill and before Bill got impatient, Hillary and Noah walked in. They went through another round of hugs, kisses and greetings, then the hostess showed them to their table. As soon as they were seated, Chandler kicked off his killer shoes.

"So what's this all about, sweetheart?" asked Bill, after the drinks arrived.

"Mom, daddy," Hillary smiled nervously, "Noah asked me to marry him and I said yes."

"Oh sweetheart that's wonderful," said Janice as she hugged her daughter.

"That's great news honey, we're so happy for you," said Bill.

Hunter and Chandler congratulated the couple and then settled in for dinner. Hunter reached over and held Chandler's hand under the table, Chandler responded with a gentle squeeze and a subtle wink. Hunter was happy for his sister and a little relieved. He and Chandler had talked about marriage and though both of them saw it in their future, they just weren't ready yet. Hunter was afraid that his parents, who have been ultra-supportive of his relationship with Chandler, might start pushing them in that direction once they graduated. Now that they had Hillary's wedding to plan, the pressure was off.

"So Chandler," said Hillary, as they ate dessert, "Noah and I have a favor to ask you?"

"Sure, what do you need?"

"Well, we were wondering if you might sing at our wedding, when daddy walks me down the aisle?" asked Hillary.

"Oh, gee, I don't know, I mean you could get someone much better then me," Chandler replied.

"Don't be so modest," said Noah, "You're practically a professional and we don't think anyone would do it better."

"Yeah," Hunter agreed, "Josh Groban eat your heart out."

"I think that's an excellent idea, Chandler, you'd be wonderful sweetheart," said Janice.

"Pretty please," Hillary pleaded, "you can make it our wedding present."

Chandler liked to call it modesty or humility, but Hunter always said he was one of those greedy artists that makes you beg before sharing their talent. He might be on to something, Chandler couldn't say no to Hillary, she was like his own sister, but it was nice to hear just how badly they wanted him to sing. He never denied being the kind of artist who liked compliments.

"Well, if that's what you want, how could I say no?" Chandler smiled.

"Oh thank you Chandler, it's going to be wonderful, I'm so excited," Hillary gushed.

There wasn't much more to say after that. They finished their dessert, Hunter and Chandler congratulated the happy couple one last time and then took a cab home, in order to save Chandler's feet from the walk. It was after 9 o' clock when they walked into their townhouse and since both had early morning classes, they decided to get ready for bed. Hunter was setting up the coffee pot for the morning and Chandler went into their room, hung up his suit and started brushing his teeth.

Chandler stood in front of the mirror in his white undershirt, black boxerbriefs and black socks. He was a handsome boy, still sleek and slender, a cute shape and good muscle tone, but Hunter was beautiful and made Chandler a little self-conscious, sometimes he wondered what the other boy saw in him. But, Hunter loved him, Chandler was reminded of that when, Hunter came up behind him and put his arms around his slender waist.

"Coffee pot all set up?" Chandler asked.

"Yeap," said Hunter, as he kissed his check and slipped a hand under Chandler's t-shirt so that he could rub his tummy.

"Someone's feeling affectionate," Chandler smiled.

"Can't help it, I love you," whispered Hunter.

"I love you to, ready for bed?"

"Yeap," Hunter replied, as he scooped Chandler up, for the second time that night, and carried him off to bed.

"I can walk you know," Chandler giggled, as Hunter flopped him down on the bed.

"Yeah, but I like doing that," Hunter smiled.

"You just like showing off your muscles," Chandler smiled back, then slipped his t-shirt off.

"Awww, don't you like my muscles?" asked Hunter, as he climbed on top of Chandler and kissed his lips.

They kissed briefly, Chandler ran his hand along Hunter's cheek and down his neck to his shoulder, then further down to his chest, where he rubbed his pectorals.

"Yeah, I love your muscles," Chandler grinned.

Hunter gently pushed Chandler's legs apart with his knee then slipped between them. Chandler wrapped his arms around Hunter and they went back to kissing, slowly at first, but with ever increasing passion. They're tongues dueled in each other's mouths and Chandler ran his hands up and down Hunter's back, slipping lower and lower, until he was squeezing his firm, athletic buns. Chandler felt Hunter's cock poking his belly so he reached around and rubbed it, then fished it out of Hunter's bikini briefs.

Hunter broke they're kiss but only as long as it took him to slip out of his undies and pull Chandler's off. Chandler lie there, naked with only his socks on, waiting for Hunter to resume his position. He slipped back between Chandler's legs and as they resumed their making out, he reached down and rubbed their cocks together. Hunter was already leaking copious amounts of precum, when he reached down, pulled his cock away from Chandler's hand and started rubbing the moist head against his lover's eager hole. Chandler relaxed his anal muscle and then the head of Hunter's 7 inch cock, slipped inside. Chandler let out a soft moan, as many times as they'd done this, he still couldn't get over the exquisite pleasure of having Hunter inside of him.

Hunter wrapped his powerful arms around Chandler and Chandler wrapped his around Hunter. Chandler's back arched and they're stomachs pressed together. Chandler kissed him hard and moaned into his mouth as he wrapped his legs around Hunter's waist pulling his lover deeper into his body. Chandler loved the feel of Hunter's solid, athletic body and wanted to feel all of it as they made love. Hunter is a tender lover but as the passion built, the pace quickened and he fucked Chandler harder and harder. All the while, Chandler's cock was rubbing between their sweat slick tummies. When he was ready to cum, Hunter pulled his lips away from Chandler's and kissed down his neck to his collarbone. When he started to fill Chandler with his seed, Hunter bit down on his shoulder and Chandler sprayed Hunter's belly with his own release.

Hunter collapsed against Chandler, his energy spent. Chandler held him in his arms, gently stroking his back while he softened and slipped out of him. Once Hunter caught his breath, he rolled over and spooned behind his lover. Chandler snuggled back against him and they fell into a sound sleep, content as could be.

Next: Chapter 2

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