The Way the World Works

By Danny Billings

Published on Nov 12, 2000


Disclaimer: The following is a story about coming of age and self-discovery. You must be 18 to read it. It contains explicit depictions of sex between teenage boys. However if any of this offends you, then please don't read it.

"The Way The World Works"


My name is Danny. This story started ten years ago when I was fourteen years old. At the time I was pretty average in terms of height and weight, about 5'5" and 140lbs. In the looks department, I've never thought that I was anything special, but my mother was always telling me that I was handsome. But who's gonna believe their mom? In truth I wasn't bad looking and I do have to admit that I've always had nice eyes, smooth skin and a nice round butt. However, you'd never mistake me for a jock at that age. I'm sure you've guessed by now that I am gay. I was just starting to accept that it was true at the time, but I had not told anybody yet. Especially with what was about to happen.

I was about to start at Ellsworth Academy, one of the most elite prep schools in the city. (I'm from Washington, DC by the way.) My family was not rich, but my father had set up a small trust fund for me and one for my brother before he died and it provided for our educations. My mom, who was a primary school teacher, was very determined that I get into a prestigious college and she thought going to this school would help. Things had not been easy on her with raising my little brother and me alone after dad died. Since then, my grandfather died after a long bout with cancer and my grandmother moved in with us after he died. So I did not make a fuss when she pretty much decided on my high school without asking me. She deserved a little happiness; and if going to this school would do that, then so be it.

So after spending the summer working and helping out around the house, I was pretty much ready to start school. I was really nervous though. I already knew that it was an all guys school. That was bad enough, since I was terrified of being outed. But then, during the orientation session earlier in the summer, I found out that this school was not just well known for academics, but also for its sports teams. It was also mandatory that all students play on one of the teams. Mom never mentioned any of this!

From the pictures I saw on the walls in the hallways, many of the guys who went there were JOCKS. They weren't just good athletes, they were all in such good shape that they almost looked like gladiators. I really felt out of my league. I mean, I did play tennis and golf, but I wasn't sure I was capable of playing either sport up to the level of these guys. When I asked my mom about it later, she said she thought I would be fine if I just applied myself. That was something dad used to say.

So after I worried a little more, I resigned myself to the fact that I would be doing this for the next four years of my life. I started working out for that last two months of the summer. If I was going to go through this, I would be as prepared for it as possible. I was pretty surprised at how quickly my body started to transform. I seemed to melt away most of the remaining baby fat from my childhood and was starting to build muscle and endurance. I had a lot of work left to do, but I was pleased with what I had done so far. I had more confidence in myself. I was ready.

Chapter I: A New Beginning

My alarm started blaring at 6:00 AM. I had started getting up early during the summer so that I could go for a morning run every day. So I rolled out of bed, threw on some shorts and a t-shirt and stepped into my running shoes. As I was leaving my room, I saw Luke, my seven year old brother heading for the bathroom.

"Hi Danny," he said sleepily. "Goin' out for your run?"

"Yes." I said. "I'll be back in a half-hour. Go back to sleep when you finish in the bathroom. It's the first day of school and you need all the rest you can get."

"I can't. I'm nervous." he said.

He looked so cute at that moment. I had to remind myself that at his age the first day of school was always a big deal and also a little bit frightening. I walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"You know Luke, I understand how you feel. The first day can be scary. It always was for me."

"Are you scared now?" He asked

I had not really thought of it in those terms, but now that I did, I realized that I was a little scared of all the new things I was about to experience.

"Yeah, Luke, I am a little scared. I guess you never really stop being nervous about new things happening to you. But I think that as you get older it gets a little better. I think you'll be ok today. You're older than you were last year."

"Yeah, you're right," he said smiling, "I'm not as nervous as I was last year!"

"Good. Then go on to the bathroom and then try to get some more rest. I'll see you a little later."

"OK. Thanks Danny."

"Sure little bro'. No problem."

After our little talk, I hurried to start my run. I didn't want to get behind schedule for my first day. I did some quick stretches and then went outside and headed for the park. There was a nice trail that I liked to run along most of the time. It was quiet and allowed me to think. This morning I thought about my conversation with Luke. He always had a way of making me see things clearly without even trying. Now that I realized I was still a little nervous about starting at Ellsworth, I felt a really weird calmness about the whole thing. I figured that most of my other new classmates were also nervous about starting a new school year. After that, the rest of my run breezed by in a flash.

When I got back home, my grandmother was fixing breakfast for all of us.

"Good morning Danny"

"Morning grandma. How are you feeling today?"

"I'm fine, Danny. Are you excited about your first day at Ellsworth?"

"Yeah, now that you mention it, I am. I was a little nervous earlier, but I think that I'm past that now."

"That's good. I wouldn't want you to eat on a nervous stomach."

"What are you fixing for breakfast?"

"Well I decided to do something I used to do for your mother every year on her first day of school. I'm fixing you and Luke you favorite food."

"Really!" I said, obviously excited.

"Yes. Chocolate chip pancakes for both of you!"

"Wow, thanks grandma. That's awesome. You're the best!" I then rushed over to give her a hug.

"You'd better hurry up and take your shower, or you'll be late."

"Oh yeah, you're right." I had forgotten my earlier rush to be on time. So I gave grandma a quick peck on the cheek and ran upstairs to my room. I took off my clothes, grabbed my towel, wrapped it around my waist and rushed into the bathroom that I shared with Luke. There was a puddle on the floor. I smiled and thought I'd have to remind him about using the bathmat again. He must have still been a little nervous and forgotten about it. So I grabbed a spare towel from the linen shelf and soaked up most of the water. Then I laid out the bathmat and hopped into the shower.

The hot water felt good washing over my body. I began soaping myself up and as usual started to get aroused. Ever since I started puberty and then discovered jerking off about a year and half ago, all I have to do is touch myself and I get hard. Like clockwork it happened again. I knew I really didn't have time to play around though, so I gave my cock a couple of tugs and then got back to showering. I'd have time to jerk off later, especially if there were a lot of hot guys at my school.

I quickly finished my shower and stepped out. I was just finishing drying off when there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's mom. I just wanted to tell you that it was 7:00 so you'd better hurry if you want to be at school on time."

"Oh shit!" I said, a little too loudly.

"I heard that." She said.

"Sorry mom, I'll hurry."

I quickly finished drying off and rushed to finish my morning routine. After I finished in the bathroom, I went to my room and began to get into my school uniform for the first time. It wasn't really a uniform, just a blazer, dress shirt and tie, and a pair of slacks. I combed my hair, checked myself the mirror and then hurried downstairs. Mom, grandma and Luke were sitting at the kitchen table eating pancakes when I walked in.

"Sorry we started without you sweetheart," mom said, " But I have to get Luke to school and didn't want to get caught in traffic."

"No problem Mom. I don't know what took me so long today. I kept getting distracted."

I sat down at the table and began eating. Mom and Luke finished soon after I started and got up to put their dishes in the sink. She came over and gave me a kiss on the forehead and said, "I hope you have a good day today honey. Tell me all about it when I get home, ok."

I smiled and said, "I will mom. Thanks, you have a good day too with your little munchkins."

"Don't remind me." She said, rolling her eyes.

"Hey Luke, remember our talk ok, bud."

"I will, Danny. Thanks."


Grandma got up and kissed both of them and they headed out the door. She then turned to me and said, "Ok Danny, hurry up, you still have to get to that subway so you can get to school."

"Ok," I said, "I'm done. Thanks for the pancakes grandma. They were great. I hope this becomes a tradition."

"I think it will. I enjoy doing it. It gives an old lady something to do around here."

"You're not old grandma"

"Yeah, yeah...that's what you say. You don't have my arthritis."

I smiled and said "That's true, but you're still not old."

Before she could say anything else, I jumped up gave her a quick hug, pickup my bag and rushed out the door. The subway was only a block away and it would only take about 10 minutes to get to my school. I was really looking forward to this new beginning now.

I found a cluster of open seats when I got on the train. I was surprised to find them during morning rush hour. However, there was no one else around so I took a window seat and sat down. I reached into my backpack and took out the orientation package. I started looking over my class schedule. I was not paying attention, when the train reached the next stop. Apparently several more people got on the train and the open seats began to fill. The one beside me was still open until this guy sat beside me. I didn't really pay any attention to him. I just kept reading my schedule.

After the train began moving, I noticed that he was looking at me. Finally, he spoke and said, "Are you going to Ellsworth this year?"

I looked at his face for the first time. God he was beautiful! And his voice was sooooo deep. He was also huge. He was everything that I wasn't. Strong masculine features, steel gray eyes, square smooth shaven jaw, perfect teeth, broad level shoulders, big arms, a powerful chest, bulging thighs, strong beautiful hands. And he smelled incredible. Everything about him was intoxicating. Finally, I couldn't tell how tall he was because he was sitting down, but he towered over me.

After I snapped out of my dazed state, I finally answered weakly and said "yes."

"What's your name?"

"Uhh, Danny Billings"

"Cool, My name's Zach. Zach Martin. I'm a senior at Ellsworth. What year are you?"

"I'm a freshman."

"I thought so, I hadn't seen you there before."

"You're really a senior, you like you should be in college." I said and then suddenly realized how that could be taken the wrong way.

He smiled and chuckled a little, realizing my embarrassment. "It's ok, Danny. Everyone thinks that when they first meet me. I look like I'm in my twenties but I'm only eighteen."

I sighed in relief and then realized that I'd seen him before. I thought for a second and then remembered that I'd seen him in one of the team pictures in the hallway at Ellsworth. This guy was on the football team.

Zach must have noticed something was going on because he said, "What are you thinking?"

"Oh, nothing. I just realized I'd seen your picture in the hall during orientation."

"Yeah, you must have seen the football team picture, right? I'm the quarterback."

My eyes bugged out for a second. I was sitting here having a conversation with the biggest jock at my new school and he was actually nice!

Zach laughed again and then said "Hey Danny, during orientation did you make any requests for a senior guide?"

"No Zach, I didn't know anybody and didn't have an older brother there so I put my name in the pool for general assignment."

"Really? That's great. I put in for general assignment too. That takes about three days after the start of school. In case anybody changes their mind or meets a senior they'd like to have as their guide. Would you like to have me as your guide?"

I was in shock. Here was this incredible guy, who probably could have picked somebody, anybody who was cooler, more athletic or whatever to guide through freshman year. But he was picking me!

"Well?" he asked

"Sure, Zach I'd be love that!" I said with more enthusiasm than I would have liked.

"Great, well meet me in front of the guidance counselor's office during lunch and we'll take care of it."

"Wow, thanks Zach. This is incredible."

"No problem. Hey looks like this is our stop. Time to start another year. Let's go."

He got up and I followed him off the train and headed for the exit happier than I could have imagined.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 2

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