The Way Life Goes

Published on Oct 15, 2022


The Way Life Goes 8

Author's Note: This is a fictional story; the characters in this story are not based

Off of anyone in particular. If the names resemble anyone please

Remember that. Also please know that this story does contain sex

Between minors and that this is a story I created and it is not permitted

Be copied without my permission.

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The Way Life Goes

I was satisfied I broke from our kiss and told him Hello.

Previously…I smiled and noticed how great he looked; he looked more rested and healthier. I asked him how he was doing. “Well Dr. Monroe came in already and said that I can go home today. He said he will be back this afternoon to talk to Michael and Sam if they are here. He wants to go over my discharge instructions with them. He also told me no sex for another two weeks but I want you so bad Tyler that my dick aches for you”. I smirked and told him that he said sex nothing about blow jobs. Lincoln smiled from ear to ear and licked his lips. I grabbed my backpack and handed him the clothes he smiled and told me he so loves the hat. Lunch time came and the Security Guard came in with the burritos we invited him to sit down and eat with us. He told us he needs to get back to his post but thank you so much for the lunch.

The Way Life Goes 8

In one week my birthday is coming up and to be honest I am not looking forward to it at all. For the first time in my life my brother John will not be around at all. I will not receive a card nothing and it will be the first one without my other family members. But on the other hand I will have Lincoln my love of my life with me back in my arms each night. Lincoln and I sat in his room and talked about when school might start. Sam came in around 3:30 with a big smile “Someone gets to come home today, so I went shopping for some jeans and a shirt for him” he said smiling. We all laughed at his happiness to go shopping he handed Lincoln the bags he brought. Lincoln pulled out some really hot looking Levi’s and a really nice baby blue short-sleeve shirt. I smirked at Lincoln and I must admit Sam has some really great taste in clothing.

Once I helped Lincoln get dressed and Sam signed all the paperwork we waited for Michael. I was beginning to get antsy as the time grew closer that Michael and the attorney of John’s and Lisa’s estate. Finally they arrived and I signed the paperwork and introduced Lincoln to Jack. Once we were all done a volunteer came in with a wheelchair to push Lincoln to the car. She began to flirt with Lincoln and I admit I was beginning to get a little jealous. Lincoln took my hand and held it and kissed it and the girl let out a sigh of disgust and said she will be right back. Five minutes later another volunteer came in and she looked old she told us she will be taking him to the car the other volunteer had something else come up. We got to Michael’s car and I sat in the back with Lincoln. We stopped at the pharmacy and picked up the pain medicine that Dr. Monroe had prescribed. We got home and I helped Lincoln indoors and when we turned on the light a huge yell of surprise filled the house. All of our friends including Mr. White and Sebastian were there with a big welcome home banner hanging up. Lincoln smiled and asked if I knew about this and I told him truthfully I didn’t even know. Michael came to us and smiled then told us he managed to get this pulled off in the last 4 hours.

The night went great but I could tell all the excitement was beginning to take its toll on Lincoln. When the Grandfather Clock struck 12am everyone began to leave I managed to ask Mike and Rachel how they managed to come and they smirked and told us that their mom and dad think they are both at two different friends’ houses who are covering for them. I thanked them for coming and told them I will catch up with them later I want to make sure Lincoln was okay since he headed to bed already. I quietly made my way to our bedroom where I found Lincoln sound asleep naked on the bed. I stripped off my clothes and got into bed with him. He moved a little and we both wrapped our arms around one another’s bodies. I soon found myself falling asleep very content and feeling whole again now that I had Lincoln back in my arms.

I woke up around 7:30 the next morning and I quietly and softly slid out of the bed and got dressed and headed to the kitchen. I began to make breakfast for everyone; I grabbed the bacon, some potatoes to make hash browns, eggs, and some biscuits. Sam came in and smiled as he saw me making breakfast, he asked if he can help and I asked if he could do the potatoes and he went to it. We worked together to make breakfast and when we finished I dished up a nice big plate for Lincoln and poured him some orange juice and put it on a TV tray and took it to him. I woke him up by softly shaking him and he smiled when he saw me. I helped him sit up by propping him up with pillows and gave him his breakfast. Once he had his I went back and grabbed mine and brought it back into our room. Since school was still considered canceled due to insurance investigation and not enough portable classrooms available we had the whole day to relax. Michael came and knocked on our bedroom door and asked if he could come in. I got up and opened the door letting Michael in; I went back to the bed and sat down offering Michael the computer chair. He sat down “Boys I just came to let you both know that Sam and I will be a bit late tonight. Today is our two year anniversary together and I plan on taking him to the restaurant where we first met. I will leave some money for some pizza, all I ask for you guys for today is if you do have sex to please be careful because Lincoln still has to heal from his stitches” he said getting up and hugged us both.

After he left our room Lincoln grabbed me and began kissing my lips so hot and tenderly. We stopped though because we both had to really pee. I helped him up since he was still a little sore and he smiled at me when he saw my cock. I told him if he is good I will let him have the hot creamy goodness it shoots out later. He seemed very happy with that and we then went back to our room. I took the dishes and took them to the kitchen and washed them real quick. As I came out I saw Lincoln resting on the couch. I plopped next to him and we played a couple games on the Xbox. When we were tired of the Xbox I slid my gym shorts off as I sat next to Lincoln. He licked his lips and I shook my dick making it wag at him. I then asked him if he wanted to have a taste it. He came over and put his lips to the head of my dick and began to flick it with his tongue. He then slowly slid it into his mouth and began to suck on it. About fifteen minutes in I was gripping at the edge of the couch trying to hold out a little bit longer but the feel of Lincoln sucking on my cock was too much and I shot several massive loads of cum down Lincoln’s throat. He managed to handle all of it and he kept sucking until he knew he had emptied my balls. I lay against the back of the couch trying to catch my breath from the hot sensation of my orgasm.

After an half hour of getting over the blow job I received from Lincoln I slid down between Lincoln’s legs and began to suck his dick and play with his balls. He managed to hold out for twenty minutes and when he shot his load it was literally a mouth full. He shot so much I ended up leaking some from my mouth. We were so tired from our sessions of giving one another blow jobs we grabbed our shorts and went to our bed. We shucked out all of our clothes and cuddled our naked bodies into one another with our cocks touching each other. In about two hours later I was woken up by the sound of my cell phone ringing. Since I knew it was Frank’s ringtone I answered it still half asleep and he asked me if we wanted to go out for some lunch with him and Andrew. I sat up a little and asked Lincoln and he said yes he needs some fresh air. We told him yea we will go and he told me to make sure we are ready in a half hour. I got up and showered first then I helped give Lincoln a sponge bath since his stitches couldn’t get wet yet. We got dressed where we both wore black jeans and red polo shirts. We waited only a couple minutes for Frank and Andrew to arrive and when they got there we both got into the back of the car. We made our way to Olive Garden where we had some really good food. I pulled out my wallet and Andrew put his hand over mine and told me this is his and Frank’s treat for us. But if I want to at least take care of the tip I can do that.

We left Olive Garden and we headed home as we headed home the thoughts of my life were playing like an old slide show in my head. Lincoln put his head on my shoulder and asked me what is wrong and I told him I am just thinking about everything that has happen to me in the last year. He took my hand and smiled “Yes we both have had our fair share of bad luck, but the best thing is that we have each other and I will never leave you” he said kissing my lips just as Frank was pulling into the driveway. Lincoln and I wished both Frank and Andrew good night and we went to our room where we stripped down naked and got into bed and fell asleep. I woke up early the next morning I was hoping either Sam or Michael was awake because I wanted to talk to them about something. I got up slipped on some gym shorts and a shirt and headed towards the kitchen. Michael was just pouring him his first cup of coffee when I came in and he asked if I wanted some, I told him yes please. Once we both had our coffee I asked if I could talk to him. Michael suggested we go sit on the porch to talk so we did. I took a sip of my coffee and told Michael how much I love Lincoln and lately I have been thinking of giving him a promise ring to him and once we are both eighteen I want to marry him. Michael smiled big and told me how great of an idea that is. He told me if I want to he or Sam can take me to a jewelry store to get a ring. I hugged him and thanked him and he hugged me and told me he loved me.

One Week Later

The high school had finally got enough portable classrooms to start back up; the whole school was in a complete chaos as we all tried to find our new classrooms. As for all the classes we missed the Super-Intendant of the school district was given permission to cut some of the credits that everyone needed to complete this year’s school session. The first week was back to school was ending and just after the school bell rang to signal that school was over for the day my cell phone rang I went and answered it and it was the Jewelry Department I placed for a ring for Lincoln. I sent a text to Michael who texted me back saying he will pick it up for me on his way home tonight and that he will make arrangements for Sam, Him, Lincoln and me at a nice restaurant so I can present it to him properly. I texted a thank you and went to go find Lincoln, Frank, Andrew, Rachel, and Mike to prepare to head home.

Once we were home I texted Michael saying we were home and he then called the house and told me to make sure Lincoln and I get dress in some nice clothes because Sam and he wanted to take us out for dinner. I told Lincoln and we both showered together and put on a suit with matching ties. We only waited for only fifteen minutes when Sam called saying he is coming by to pick us up and Michael will meet us up at the restaurant. We got into the car and arrived at a really nice upper class restaurant. We were seated immediately and Michael soon joined us. He slid the ring box under the table to me and I took it and put it in my pocket without Lincoln even seeing it. Once we had dinner I got on one knee in front of Lincoln “Lincoln I know we are still underage but I want you to know that there isn’t a second in the day that I do not think of you. I love you so much so with this ring I promise to be your boyfriend as long as you may have me and if you will have me once we turn eighteen I wish to marry you” I said opening the ring box revealing the gold banded ring with an infinity symbol on it. Lincoln took the ring and with tears in his eyes told me that yes he will have me and will always want me to be with him forever.

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