The Way Life Goes

Published on Sep 17, 2022


The Way Life Goes 5

Author's Note: This is a fictional story; the characters in this story are not based

Off of anyone in particular. If the names resemble anyone please

Remember that. Also please know that this story does contain sex

Between minors and that this is a story I created and it is not permitted

Be copied without my permission.

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The Way Life Goes

Previously…Michael and I went to find the perfect gift for Lincoln. We ended up stopping at Macys and I picked out a really nice fossil watch that matched Lincoln’s eyes. In the back I had engraved Love You for All Eternity. Michael looked at it and smiled saying that is perfect. I bought me some new cologne as well then we headed up to meet up with Sam and Lincoln. We talked about dinner and decided that Mimi’s Café would be a good place to go. We were seated right away and we ordered our food. We talked about what happen at school and I told them what Frank did when Joseph asked who I was and what I did. We all burst out laughing at it and they said they wish they could have seen his face. Dinner came and it was good I couldn’t eat all mine so I got the rest to go. Michael and Sam dropped us off and came in for a few minutes to say hi to Lisa and John. Lincoln and I placed all of our gifts under the tree and we looked at one another when we put our gifts down for each other they were exactly the same size.

The Way Life Goes 5

As I lay down wrapped inside Lincoln’s arms in our bed for the night we listened to Savage Garden. When the song Truly Madly Deeply came on I kissed his neck and even though we were naked I grabbed him and told him to dance with me. We wrapped our arms around one another holding each other close we danced to the song. Singing to one another, you know how it is there is one song that touches your soul that seems to fit the way you feel about someone well that was this song for us. When the song ended we got back into bed still holding one another. I woke up the next morning to Lincoln making love to me. I smiled and turned my head to meet his and kissed his lips telling him I could so get use to this type of wake up. When we finished our morning love making session we got up and showered. Since it was a Saturday both Lisa and John were still asleep. Lincoln and I began making breakfast, by the time Lisa and John came down we had coffee, blueberry muffins, bacon and hash browns on the table. John smiled at us and messed up both our hair and we pretend to be mad at him which almost made Lisa spit her coffee out from laughing. When we were done eating John said he will get the dishes so we can go get dress. He told us that he wanted to go get a tree today, so to hurry up and no playtime while getting dress. Lincoln put on a pouting face “Buts I wants to play” he said in a cute little kid’s voice. I dragged him downstairs to our room and we got dress into some warm clothes. Last night it had snowed so the temperature was pretty cold outside.

When we came back up from our room Lisa and John were already dressed and ready to go. We got into John’s new SUV and headed to a Christmas tree farm. We ended up going about 15 miles out of town due to the fact John just didn’t want to chance running into the parents. When we arrived he told us that if we find a tree we like before Lisa or he did then to let him know. We decided to stick together so the four of us embarked on finding the perfect tree. After an hour of searching we finally found it. Lincoln was the one who spotted it; it was in the mist of some sad looking trees almost hidden. John went and found someone to let them know what tree we wanted and the guy came and cut it down for us. We tied it to the top of the SUV and headed home. By the time we got home the snow was really starting to come down, Lisa ran inside ahead of us to start a fire and make some hot chocolate.

By the time we got the tree inside John, Lincoln, and I were almost human popsicles. The tree seems to fit perfectly in the living room like it was grown just for us. Lisa told the three of us to go change into some dry clothes and she will make sure we had hot chocolate waiting for us. Lincoln and I ran down to our room and stripped out of our wet clothes and took a warm shower to help warm our bodies up a little. We then slipped into some warm wool socks, sweat pants, and sweat shirts. We came back upstairs and Lisa smiled when she saw us and gave us some hot chocolate. Lisa made some killer hot chocolate, she made it from scratch and she always added a little bit of cinnamon and mint extract to it. She always topped it off with whip cream and shaved chocolate. We sipped on our hot cocoa and sat near the fireplace. The snow storm had turned into a blizzard we couldn’t even see the street from the front room windows. John came in wearing almost the same thing as Lincoln and I. We sat down and decided to watch the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Special, half way through it the power went out due to the storm. Lisa quickly lit some candles and suggested we maybe go up to the attic and see what kind of tree decorations were up there. The four of us headed to the attic it was cold and smelled of moth balls. Lisa found a lantern and lit it and we looked through the boxes. Finally we came across several boxes labeled Christmas. We opened the first box and found hand wooden carved nativity set. Inside it was also this beautiful porcelain angel to put on the top of the tree. When we opened another box there we found hand blown glass ornaments and we were amazed at how beautiful they were, we finally found the Christmas lights and we began bringing the boxes down. It was too late to start decorating the tree tonight so we made sure we had enough warm blankets and we all headed to bed. Lincoln and I decided we better stay in at least our sweat pants and climbed into bed wrapping our arms around one another making sure we would be nice and warm.

I woke up around 6am from another nightmare, I was in the clinic and they had me naked strapped to a chair and had my cock wired up. They then went and brought in Lincoln and stripped him and made him give me a lap dance. Every time I got hard in my dream I was electrocuted. I got up from bed and went to take a shower because I was covered in a cold sweat, and it really was making me really cold. I turned on the water and prayed that the water was going to be hot. Thank goodness it was since the water heater was gas and not electric. I stood in the middle of the shower letting the hot water hit my body. I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt hands wrapping around me, I quickly turned around and saw Lincoln. He looked at me with a worried look written all over his face. I told him about my nightmare and why I came in the shower. He held me letting me cry into his shoulder and he assured me that will never come true. When the water began to get lukewarm we knew it was time to get out of the shower. We quickly dried off and ran to our room and through on some thermals and some sweats. We got to the kitchen and grabbed some matches to start the stove since it had an electric starter for the flame. We then began making some oatmeal and hot water for some instant coffee. Lincoln went into the living room and got a fire started and came back into the kitchen. We ate our oatmeal and drank our coffee in front of the fire cuddled into one another. About an hour and a half later Lisa came down from upstairs and saw us curled up together on the floor in front of the fire. She grabbed the digital camera and took our picture just as I kissed Lincoln’s lips.

Since we couldn’t go anywhere due to being snowed in we decided to decorate the inside of the house for the holidays. John and I were singing all sorts of Christmas songs and John and Lisa joined in on most of the songs. By dinner time the place looked like a Christmas wonderland. Lisa made chicken noodle soup and it was to die for. Around 8:30 that night the electricity finally came back on and when it did the Christmas tree’s lights made the tree look perfect. Lincoln kissed my neck and said he can officially say this is the best holiday he has ever had in his life. Since we were both up so early we decided to head to bed at 9pm. We stripped out of our clothes and got under the covers. I turned to Lincoln and met his eyes, “Linc I want to fill you inside of me. I want to have your hot warm cock inside me pumping your sperm inside my ass” I said happily. Lincoln smiled because he loved when I called him Linc it was a nickname only I could call him. “I can’t think of anything more warming than to do that to you” he said before locking our lips and tongues together. We soon began a session of hot steamy love making. By the time we got done we were so sweaty we had to change our sheets because we had them soaking wet. We got up and showered and then crawled back into bed with me spooning Lincoln for a change.

The next couple days were uneventful actually due to being snowed in. By the time they had cleared the streets it was the day before Christmas Eve. John had invited Michael and Sam to spend Christmas with us. We were happy to see them because none of us thought they would be able to make it. We called them and told them they should come over today because it was supposed to snow really bad on Christmas Eve. Once we got that phone call done Lincoln and I got dressed and put on our Down jackets and snow gloves and went to play in the snow. What can I say it doesn’t matter how old you are sometimes it’s nice to be able to have fun. We made a snowman and just as we put the final touches on I was hit in the back of the head with a snowball. I turned around seeing Lisa and John with a handful of snowballs. So Lincoln and I teamed up and the four of us had a snowball fight. We went back in for lunch and had left over soup. Hot soup after a snowball fight is almost as good as sex with Lincoln; oops did I say that out loud. Anyways Michael and Sam arrived around 3pm we helped them bring in there things and I couldn’t help but laugh it looked like they had enough suitcases to stay a month. Sam smiled and simply said a man as hot as he has to make sure he has something to wear for any occasion. We all laughed at the comment and Lincoln and I showed them the room they will be staying in. We then showed them where the extra towels and sheets were. Michael put on a pretend shock like what do you think I still wet the bed look.

Michael and I had a session to help me get over my dream a little better, and by the time we were done I felt a million times lighter. Sam insisted that he make his famous Gotta Have Sammies Stew. So Lisa let him do what he needed and the house was engulfed by the aroma of the stew and it smelled delicious. He finally told us that it was ready and he brought a big pot of stew to the table with some cornbread and honey butter. Lincoln and I both ended up having three big servings and Sam smiled and winked at Michael. Lisa told Sam she has to have the recipe and he told her he will write it down for her. We gathered around the fireplace and played yahtzee for a while until we all decided since it was nearing 1am it was time for bed. Lincoln and I fell asleep quickly and we were woken up by Sam yelling from the top of the stairs Breakfast was getting cold. We got up and got dressed and headed to the table for breakfast. We were the last ones to arrive at the table it was filled with pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, sausage, and bacon. Michael smiled and said that Sam loved to cook and that was no joke. As we began to fill our plates I asked Sam to pass the sausage “What you haven’t had enough sausage already this morning” he said laughing. I turned beet red and shyly said we were both asleep when he was yelling for us to come up for breakfast. We all laughed and continued on with breakfast, Lincoln and I did the dishes which surprising was only the dishes at the table since Sam washed all the pots and pans ahead of time.

The rest of the day was preparing for Christmas Eve dinner and also Christmas Day dinner. Sam and Lisa were in the kitchen and every so often we would hear Lisa burst out laughing. Lincoln found some Christmas CDs and put them into the player and we danced to a few songs. When it came time for Dinner it was quite a feast. There was Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Candy Yams, Green Bean Casserole, Fresh Fruit Salad, Gravy, Pies, Cheesecake, and rolls. We ate tell I think my eyes were bigger than my stomach. When we got done eating we all helped clean up so we could get done faster. Afterwards we all retired to the living room where the tree was for a Christmas Eve gathering. John read the story of the Birth of Christ from the Bible. Then he read a poem about the true meaning of Christmas. Michael surprised us by bringing out a trumpet and he led us in several Christmas Carols. We watched It’s A Wonderful Life, and then we opened one present. Lincoln and I decided that we wanted to open the ones that Hazel had bought before she died for us. When we opened it we found a piece of paper that was actually had an account number on it. We found out she opened two trust funds for us. Lincoln and I wiped the tears from our eyes and looked up and said thank you Grandma. John and Lisa opened a present from her Aunt that she sent for the whole family which was was a can of popcorn. Michael and Sam opened the present that Lisa and John bought them. It was a family picture I forgot we took one day in the mall. Sam and Michael hugged us both and told us it was perfect. Once we were done Lincoln gathered up the wrapping paper and put it in a bag to help start the fire tomorrow morning. We gave everyone a good night kiss and went down to our room.

Once we were in our room I decided to have some fun with my man. I went to the bathroom and stripped and put on my jockstrap. I walked into our bedroom and saw Lincoln reading a book in bed. I grabbed the book and threw it behind me and before he could respond I kissed him passionately. He wrapped his arms around my ass and realized what I was wearing. He took his right hand’s middle finger and began fingering my hole. I moaned out for him to not stop but I knew I wanted to really drive him to want to just jump me and ride my ass like no tomorrow. I pulled his finger out of my ass and brought them to my lips and began sucking on them. I then pinned his hands above his head and began licking his earlobe. When I knew I had him where I wanted him I began to kiss slowly down to his belly button where I pulled my hard pre cum dripping cock out and began to fuck his belly button. He begged me to stop the torture but I simply told him to make me. He smiled wickedly and forced his hands down from above his head. He then grabbed my waist and began to tickle me. He knew I was extremely ticklish and it turned him now. He flipped me over and whispered in my ear “go and try to fuck my belly button Mister…I am going to pound your ass so good with my thick dick that you are going to wish for me to just cum inside you in just a few minutes”. I told him I already wanted that and he playfully spanked my ass where I giggled and told him mmm I like it when you’re rough. We spent three hours of him making love to my ass and when he was done we collapsed in the bed and fell asleep. I woke up feeling warm and complete Lincoln still had his dick in my ass from our night before love making session. I wanted to keep it inside of me but the urge to pee one that battle. I got up and peed and took of cum filled Jock Strap and put it in the clothes basket. I walked back into the room and saw Lincoln lying just as I left him. I crawled back into bed facing him. I combed my fingers to his soft brown hair and when he awoke I smiled and kissed him good morning. He got up to go relieve his bladder and we got dressed and headed upstairs. Lisa was in the kitchen making some coffee and she smiled and wished us good morning and Merry Christmas. Lincoln and I both wrapped our arms around her and told her Merry Christmas. She told us that it’s a breakfast morning so Lincoln and I had our Peanut Butter Captain Crunch. Around 9:30 the whole house was awake and we all grabbed our coffee cups and went to the living room to open the rest of the presents. When we entered I noticed there was a huge amount of presents and I smiled because I knew my brother and Lisa put them there last night after we went to bed.

Lincoln and I opened our gifts for another first and we burst out laughing because we both bought each other Fossil watches and had inscribed the same thing on the back. We got some clothes, an Xbox 360 with games, and CDs and some movies. We thanked everyone and we all loved our gifts that we received. The rest of the day went nice and smooth we had a beautiful ham dinner around 6pm. Michael and Sam decided they would leave tomorrow instead of tonight since the streets would be cleared tomorrow. I finally had a chance to talk to John alone and I showed him what I came up with about John with the pros and cons. He read through them and he even noticed that there were only a couple cons and almost all of it was pros. He hugged me “Little brother I truly believe you are purely in love with Lincoln. This here proves it and that you both ended up engraving the same thing on your watches for one another” he told me smiling and messing with my hair. I smiled and began to cry and he looked at me and asked me what was wrong “I am so grateful to have you and Lisa in my life John. You have always been my big brother but also more of a father to me. I just wish that sometimes these types of talks were with dad. But no he hates me so much just because I was created different from the rest of the family” I said wiping my eyes with my sleeves. John pulled me into a hug and simply said “I know Ty I wish that too I really do”. I wiped my tears again and we went back to everyone.

Lincoln looked at me with a worried look and I whispered I was okay just had a little feel sorry for Tyler moment. Lincoln told everyone he was going to take me to bed and we headed to bed. When we got into our room Lincoln wrapped his arms around me and asked me if I am okay. I told him yes John and I had just had a heartwarming talk is all. I decided to tell Lincoln about the talk, he asked me what did I come to conclusion about him and I smiled with my eyes twinkling. I went to my desk and handed him my notebook and told him to see for himself. He read it and laughed because the only bad things I had was sometimes his feet smelled, and that he hogged the covers. He then asked me where do we go from this point and I kissed him telling him we continue on to the future. We kissed for another hour and tell we fell asleep tangled up in one another’s arms. Michael and Sam left around noon the next day and Michael told me he wanted to see me after my first day of school.

It was January 4th and school was going to be starting back up in a couple days. Lisa was fussing about wanting to make sure Lincoln and I both had some new clothes. I told Lincoln I kind of liked the idea of the look I had put on the last day of school and he told me even if I was butt naked and came to school I would be the hottest one there. Lisa, Lincoln, and I went to the mall to get clothes. I got several t-shirts and some button down shirts, some converses, and some Levis. Lincoln got some Levis, couple shirts, and some shoes. The three of us had lunch at the food court and we ran into Frank. He looked around to see if he was being followed and then he sat down to talk to us. Lisa smiled and welcomed him to the table. He didn’t have to say a word about if he did it with the guy he was seeing. He looked at me and blushed confirming my thoughts. He then told us that he had Christmas presents for Lincoln and me in the trunk of his car. The four of us headed down to the parking garage to Frank’s car and he got the gifts out of the trunk and smiled as he handed them to us. We talked for a few more minutes than we finally left. We arrived home and we put our clothes away and helped Lisa make dinner.

The day of the new school year had finally arrived Lincoln and I got up early so we could enjoy the shower. We took turns sucking one another off in the shower. After we shot our loads in one another’s mouths we finished showering and got dressed. I styled my hair in a spikey style just like I had last time I went to school before Christmas break. Lincoln looked me over licking his lips I was wearing dark blue jeans, a forest green t-shirt, and a tan button down shirt left open. Once we made sure we looked good we then went upstairs to have a quick breakfast. John dropped us off at the school on his way for work. I took a long deep breath in and Lincoln and I headed into the school. I felt a pressure in my chest but I told myself to get a hold of myself Lincoln is hear and you can make it through this. We found Rachel, Mike and Frank and Rachel ran up to me and hugged me. It felt good knowing that she still cared about me. Mike looked at me and laughed and said I looked like a rock star.

The bell rang and we headed to our classes Lincoln had almost all the same classes as I did except advance algebra and literature. Mike and Rachel had P.E. and a couple other classes together. We all met up for lunch in the cafeteria, Joseph walked up “Oh Look It’s the I am A Faggot Lovers Club” and just as he said that Frank came behind him picked him by the back of his shirt. “Joseph I know you are not causing problems here. I hate to see someone like you our star track member to suddenly have an accident and have your legs broken” he said shoving him down to the ground. Frank’s football buddies all laughed and when Joseph pulled himself back to his feet the whole football team was pounding their fists into their palms. He took off and running and we all laughed. Frank and a few of his friends sat with us and I couldn’t help but notice the guy sitting next to Frank kept his left hand down at his side. His name was Andrew and he and Frank had known each other since they tried out for football freshman year. I also couldn’t help but noticed that Frank kept his right hand at his side as well. Frank saw me looking and he began to blush, Rachel saw and asked him what was he blushing about and I quickly said that one of the cheerleaders bent over and you could see her thong. Rachel rolled her eyes and just said men. Frank mouthed thank you and I nodded your welcome to him. The bell rang and we said good bye while I Lincoln walked me to my Advance Algebra class. I told him thank you and he said I can show him how thankful I am when we get home.

The rest of the day was uneventful I was glad to know that since I was in Advance Literature that Mr. White had put in a request for me to be his student aide. My last class was in his room and Mike, Rachel and Lincoln were there as well but to learn not to be student aides. Lincoln kept licking his lips and wiggling his tongue at me and it was making me horny as hell. Mr. White caught him once and he just shook his head and didn’t say anything. When school finally ended Lincoln and I gave Mike, Rachel, and Frank hugs and then we got on the bus to head home. I felt a little empty that we were not riding to with our friends but I knew it was for the best. We got home and grabbed some chips and soda and headed down to our room. When we were safely inside our room I said to Lincoln “you want me to show you how thankful I am now baby”. He turned to me and told me yes. I grabbed his waist and began undressing him; I slid my hands down his nice tight hard abs and slid his pants down taking his cock into my mouth. His dick tasted so good from the long day of being cooped up in his boxer briefs and black Levis. He had a sweet scent to his body when he sweated almost like it was honey and body odor at the same time. Before long he was buckling at his knees and he quickly grabbed his desk chair and sat down before he would have fallen over. His desk convulsed and he shot his loads into my mouth and I swallowed it all. He pulled me up and we kissed a long passionate kiss. We finally broke from our kiss and worked on our homework.

Lisa came home and let us know we were home we told he we were down in our room doing homework. Fifteen minutes later she knocked at our door and we told her to come on down. She gave us some cookies and milk and asked us how school was. Lincoln told her about Joseph and then what Frank and the football team did. She laughed and just told us to be careful. She got up and said that she was making some chili tonight and it will be ready around 6:30. When she left Lincoln came over and kissed me saying that he loves me so much. I smiled at him and told him I loved him so much as well. We worked on the rest of our homework together and had it done in no time. Lisa called us for dinner and we slowly made it up the stairs due to being exhausted from homework. The chili was delicious and it seem to warm are bodies. Lincoln and I did the dinner dishes and we headed back down to put the final work done on our homework. By 9pm we were completely warn out it had been a long day and we undressed and went to sleep.

I woke up 10 minutes before the alarm went off so I just stayed in Lincoln’s arms waiting for it to go off. When it did we both crawled out of bed into the shower and had our morning wood removal ritual. We brushed our hair and I styled it spiked again. I really liked this style it seems to suit the new me. We finished getting dressed and then we ate breakfast and headed to school. Joseph managed to trip me in the hallway making me fall. I got up and glared at him, Mr. White happen to be walking up the hallway when it happened and before Lincoln could do anything Mr. White led Joseph to the Principal’s office. Lincoln ran to me asked me if I was okay and I told him I will be fine. I limped to our first class and Lincoln kept a watchful eye on me. Half way through my first class Mr. White came in and pointed towards Lincoln and me, our teacher called us to the front and told us to go with Mr. White. When we were out of the hallway Mr. White noticed that I was limping. He quickly asked if I was okay and before I could answer him my knees gave out of me and I was on the ground. I was mad at myself I pounded my fists on the ground, Lincoln quickly put his arms around me to help me up but I was so upset with myself I screamed “NO I CAN DO IT I AM NOT A BABY”. Lincoln looked at me sadly with teary eyes and said fine. I got up but I could barely walk. I apologized to Lincoln who was wiping tears from his eyes “I know you are Tyly I didn’t mean to make you feel like a baby but I just want to be your crutch. I don’t want you to feel you have to do this alone” he said putting his arms under my shoulders so I could lean on him. All this time Mr. White watched and smiled at us.

When we arrived at the Vice Principal’s office and he looked furious. Joseph was sitting in the chair with a smirk on his face when we came in. Vice Principal Taylor looked at me and sternly said to sit. I sat down and was wondering what was going on and where was Principal Allen. “I understand you have been harassing Mr. Mitchell here because of just a little joking around he has been doing. I will not tolerate this in my school. I do not like trouble makers Mr. Young and therefore I am going to give you on school suspension due to the fact you purposely made sure Mr. Mitchell could trip you” I went to speak and Mr. Taylor put his hand up, I began to cry because I didn’t do anything and here I was again being punished for something that wasn’t my fault. Mr. Taylor snarled and said typical little faggot always crying. Lincoln stood up and told him that if I was to have on school suspension then he should as well. Mr. Taylor had no problem with that, he then called in Mr. White and told him to take us babies out of his sight. My legs felt like they were on fire by now and I could barely stand on my own. Mr. White took us into the nurse’s office and she looked at me and told Lincoln to help me get to one of the benches that I can lie down on. She came back and gave us some ice packs. As Lincoln and I sat there Mr. White went and got our belongings in our room and said he will make sure that my teachers knew what had happen.

I told him what Vice Principal Taylor said and that is the first time I ever saw Mr. White turn red with anger. He told me that he will talk to Principal Allen and make sure that I will not be put in on school suspension. The nurse came back in and gave me some aspirin to take for the pain of my legs and told me she called my brother and he will be here soon. The aspirin didn’t help at all my legs really hurt, when John arrived Mr. White filled him in what had happen and what I told him what Vice Principal Taylor said. The nurse had me sit in a wheelchair and wheeled me to John’s car. Lincoln wanted to go with me but John at first thought it was a bad idea. John saw me sadness and smiled and told him that he can come. John took me to the hospital to get checked out and I began to panic because the last time I was at the hospital because of my knees. I got sent away from Lincoln to that clinic. The E.R. nurse was extremely rude and John flat out told her to go get out of the room and send in another nurse. A male nurse around John’s age came in and he was cute. He handed me a gown and told me that I need to take off my pants and shirt and to put the gown on. Lincoln helped me with my pants and that was when I saw both my legs were bruised big time. I got my gown on and we told John and the nurse it was okay to come in.

John saw my legs and I could see that his rage was boiling. The nurse said he wanted to take some pictures and John gave permission. The nurse just finished taking the pictures when the Doctor arrived. I was happy to see that is was Dr. Monroe he looked over the edge of his glasses at me. “Tyler I must say we need to stop meeting like this. I think you are a handsome young man but your boyfriend may get jealous that you want to keep coming here to see me” I smiled and we all laughed. He told me that he wants to do a CT scan and some x-rays on my legs to see what the damage is. He then put his hand on my shoulder and knelt down so we could see eye to eye “I promise you that I will not sign any discharge papers unless your brother or his wife are with you at all times”. I thanked him for everything and he told me it’s the least he can do. I got taken for my x-ray and CT scan and Lincoln smiled and told me that he will be right here when I get back. I was so tired by the time I got back to my E.R. room and I saw John and Lincoln waiting for me. Lincoln kissed my forehead and the nurse smiled and left the room. Two hours later Dr. Monroe came back in “Well from what I can see by your tests and x-rays is that you have a torn meniscus. There is two ways we can handle this, first option is that you wear some knee braces and use crutches or a wheel chair and see if they heal. The second option is we can go in macroscopic and try and fix the both meniscus in both legs. I would suggest a wheel chair and light walking if you choose that option. I asked him what light walking meant and he said that it would be okay if Lincoln was with me to help me down the stairs to our bedroom. Dr. Monroe said he would leave so we can discuss it but if all works out I won’t miss very much school.

We talked for about fifteen minutes about what I should do about my legs. We decided that it was best to have the surgery. John went to get Dr. Monroe leaving Lincoln and I alone for a few minutes. I asked him to hold me because I really felt scared about all this. Lincoln wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest and comforted me. John and Dr. Monroe came in and saw Lincoln holding me and they smiled “Well Tyler your brother says that you decided to go with the surgery. I for one am glad you did choose this because the brace doesn’t work most of the time. I will make sure I write down all your restrictions for your brother to take home and for your school” he said smiling and then told me everything will be fine. The nurse came back in about forty five minutes after Dr. Monroe left with the instructions for pre surgery prep and the day it will be. He had a not to excuse me from all P.E. class activities and he also wrote John a note to excuse him from work the day of the surgery. The Surgery was scheduled in three days.

The day of the surgery had come and Lincoln insisted that he wanted to come with John and me. It took us at least forty five minutes to get him to go to school instead. I told him I will call him at lunch since I am supposed to be done by that time. He kissed me good bye as he got out of the car at school. John and I arrived at the hospital and checked in with outpatient registration. I was soon wheeled away to my surgery. The Doctor who did it was great he explained everything that he was going to do and then he said if I want he can take pictures with the camera they will use to do the macroscopic surgery. I told him that is okay I just want to get this done and hopefully never think about this again. Dr. Monroe came in just as the other Doctor was about to start and helped assist. I woke up in recovery and John smiled at me saying that he called Lincoln and we will be picking him up early. I was given some pain medicine and a wheelchair and crutches to use. I was told once again not to overdo it. John helped me get on my shirt and shorts and a nurse’s aid wheeled me to the car and we were on our way home.

To Be Continued…

I mentioned the song Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden for those who have never heard the song before here is the link

Next: Chapter 6

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