The Washingtonian

Published on Jun 23, 2007


I sat staring at the blank screen in front of me. It was 10:30 on Friday morning and I needed to type up a memo and have it on my boss's desk before his senior staff meeting in forty-five minutes. Normally I could bang out a respectable memo in ten minutes-fifteen for a really good one. However, that fateful Friday morning, I couldn't formulate thoughts, let alone a memorandum. In the half hour since I'd sat down, I had typed one sentence. "I am so fucked," appeared on the blank white screen. I wasn't hung-over like a normal Friday morning-I would have been able to deal with that. That morning I was just plain exhausted. I'd love to say that spending the night at Hunter's the Wednesday prior had been amazing, and that I'd slept peacefully in his arms. The truth was, I hadn't. I fell asleep fine, but a problem arose when I couldn't stay asleep. Hunter was comfortable, but only for a little bit. I would wake up in a sweat from being hot lying next to him, and would then wake from being cold after I moved to the other side of the bed. I continued this back and forth for most of the night, in total getting only a couple hours shut-eye.

Thursday night I should have been responsible and gone to bed early, but one-dollar drink night at the gay bar Ari and I love to hate was too enticing. Since work had taken over my life, and Ari's relationship with his boyfriend had become pretty serious, we hardly saw each other anymore and decided a night of just the two of us was overdue. We drank and danced the night away, the two of us being big flirts at the bar regardless of the fact that I was the only single one. Somehow we managed to stumble home in time for me to pass out for a few hours.

I wasn't making any progress just staring a blank screen, so I decided to procrastinate and send an e-mail. Seeing as Hunter was partially responsible for my state of being, I thought sending him one would be appropriate.

I am soooooo FUCKED! I'm exhausted and can hardly keep my eyes open. Thinking is out of the question and my boss is expecting a memo from me in 45 minutes. AHH!!! The next time you see me, please remind me to stop doing so much cocaine... I NEED SLEEP!

P.S. I think I'm going to be fired because of this e-mail.

Phillip Beauchamp The Harris Group

I started listening to my iPod in hopes that it would spur some creativity. Unfortunately it didn't help. The only thing I managed to produce was adding exclamation points to the current sentence, which then read, "I am so fucked!!!" It wasn't until my iCal notified me that I had thirty minutes until the memo was due that my brain finally started to wake up. Handing in something shitty was better than not handing in anything at all. I opened the last memo I created regarding the current proposal I was working on and updated the information-it wasn't pretty, but it would get the job done. With ten minutes left until it was due, my mailbox chimed and I was pleasantly surprised that Hunter had responded.

Good morning, Phillip. Quite your whining, you'll get it done. However, if for some odd chance you don't and end up getting fired, the position of being the cute boy in my bed is still open. In fact, you're spending the night in my bed again tonight-think of it as one of the first steps to quitting your coke addiction.

I've got to run to a meeting but I'll call you later. NOW WAKE UP!

Hunter Blume Bowman, Stein, Franklin & Blume

I read his e-mail and couldn't help but laugh-the irony was too much. Here he was, one of the reasons I was so exhausted, telling me I was spending the night with him again as if it were going to help me. I have to admit, that e-mail did get me out of my lethargic state, though I don't think for the reasons Hunter might have intended when he typed it. I printed out the memo and got it in my bosses hands just as he was getting up to head to the war room-their name, not mine-for senior staff.

With the aid of caffeine and a trip to the bathroom every so often to splash water on my face, I managed to survive the day. I contemplated taking a cab home while I was in the elevator on my way out of the office at 6:20, but decided the walk home would make crawling into bed that much sweeter. When I arrived at my apartment I began stripping as soon as I walked in the front door, leaving a trail of clothing that led into my bedroom. Once under the covers I sent Ari a text message telling him in so many words that I was in bed and if he disturbed my sleep I was going to castrate him. I quickly fell asleep.

I awoke Saturday morning feeling very rejuvenated after fourteen hours of sleep. I entered the living room/kitchen area to find Brian, Ari's boyfriend, on the couch eating cereal watching TiVoed episodes of the Daily Shows. I poured my own bowl and joined him on the couch. After graduation a month prior, Brian had moved into his own one-bedroom apartment in Dupont and ever since Ari and he had been spending most of their time there. I was torn between whether to be joyful or sad about this development. On one hand, Ari was my best friend and I missed seeing him, but on the other hand, Ari was rather loud during sex and it got rather annoying waking up in the middle of the night to the sounds of he and Brian in the throngs of passion. Brian and I chatted about what we had been up to, and decided that two of us should get dinner some night that week.

After an hour in front of the television I returned to my room and noticed that I had a new voicemail and a two missed calls from the night before, one from Ari and one from Hunter. I called my voicemail excited and hoping Hunter had left the voicemail. Instead it was Ari wondering where I was, obviously not having read my text message-typical Ari. I brushed it off my shoulders, called my parents to say hello, and then got ready for the brunch I had scheduled in Georgetown with my sister at noon.

Elle and I tried to get together for brunch every Saturday at noon at Leopold's, an amazing Georgetown treasure tucked away in an alley off M Street. Unfortunately, she and I had only met once in the past month. Between my life being thrown off kilter by my new job and schedule, and her living the single life again, thus being hung-over most Saturdays, it was no wonder we had a hard time keeping our brunch dates. My relationship with my sister had become very strong in the past year and a half. She was 26-five years my senior-and because of our age difference we had never been close. It wasn't until she graduated from law school and signed on at a firm located in DC specializing in international law that our relationship really blossom. It wasn't as if we has never talked to each other before then, but when you're 21 and graduating from college, you don't have much in common with your 16-year-old brother. Now she was one of my best friends and we saw a lot of each other-especially since she dumped her boyfriend-the cheating bastard-the month prior.

After brunch, we stopped in at a few shops on M Street. We both bought some new clothing items-the main purchase being a new Diane Von Furstenberg cocktail dress that Elle looked amazing in. She'd heard through the grapevine that Drew, the cheating ex-boyfriend, might be at the party she was attending that night and thus needed to look better than ever and make him regret that he ever stuck his penis in another woman's vagina. She gave me a ride home after I spent more money than I should have on a new pair of a jeans at Barney's Co-op and re-stocking my bathroom with toiletries from the apothecary. Once home I went to the gym and had a good workout before I changed into my bathing suit and headed up to the roof for a quick dip in the pool to cool off and take a short nap in the sun.

Seven o'clock rolled around before I started getting ready for dinner reservations with an old roommate of mine, Dominic, whom had been abroad in Europe for the semester and had just returned to Washington. We tried a new Asian-Mexican fusion restaurant in Chinatown/Gallery Place and after eating, stayed at the bar for a couple drinks. At around 11:00 I got a call from Ari saying that he and Brian were on their way to Be Bar, so Dom and I headed up 9th Street to meet them. Be Bar was a gay lounge that was very hit or miss. The atmosphere was fun, but its location was awful-it was in a bad neighborhood and far away from everything else. You never knew if you were going to show up and immediately get back in a cab to head somewhere else.

Dom and I arrived to find the place filled with people. Ari and Brian were at the bar already, drinks in hand. Having already had a couple martinis at dinner, I decided to go with a Stella and opened at tab. We made our way to the dance floor after chatting with some friends from school that we saw. A little while later I returned to the bar, and was waiting for one of the bartenders to bring me a new beer when someone tussled my hair from behind. I turned around a little pissed and about to make a rather bitchy comment, but was met by Hunter's easy smile.

"Fancy seeing you here," he greeted.

"I was about to say the same," I replied.

"How's your night going?"

"Well thanks, had a great dinner with an old friend I haven't seen in a while. How about you?"

"Now that you're hear, I'm great," he said with a cheesy smile.

"You're such a charmer. You know, a few more lines like that and you might just steal my heart," I sat facetiously, patting him on the shoulder. We both laughed.

"How'd that memo turn out yesterday? Get fired, I hope?"

"No, unfortunately for you, I hunkered through. I finished just in time to get it to my boss."

"Oh well. I guess I'm just going to have to make a phone call and get you fired, then."

"Oh yeah? And how are you going to do that?"

"What do you mean how? We've been over this before-I'm the all powerful K Street Lobbyist. The world revolves around my being. Well, that or forward that e-mail of yours from yesterday morning mentioning a cocaine addiction might be all the ammunition I need," he said with a laugh.

"You won't stop at anything to get me in your bed, will you?"

"Well, I think I can get you in my bed pretty easily, it's keeping you there that is the difficult part," he said with a cocky smile. "Besides, I get what I want."

"I'm not sure whether to be flattered or scared."

"Hold still, I need a couple more of your hairs to finish my hair doll," he said reaching forward with a grin.

"Sadly, I know you're not joking. I've noticed you hiding in the bushed outside of my apartment building. You really need to work on being a more allusive stalker," I replied sarcastically.

"Am I that obvious?" he asked playing along and leaning forward as if he was about to whisper something in my ear.

"Terribly," I stated with a smile.

"Fuck this coy shit," he whispered, and kissed me on the lips. We kissed softly, his hand moving around to my back, pulling me close to him.

"How about we go dance?" he whispered again after a minute of kissing.

"Sounds good to me."

We danced for a while, chatting and laughing. After a few songs he said he had to use the bathroom, so I headed to the bar, running into Ari and Brian in the processes.

"Hey guys," I greeted with a smile.

"Hey, you. Who's the hunk you've been dancing with?" he asked with a devilish grin.

"That would be Hunter," I replied.

"So that's the infamous Hunter... he's really cute," Brian commented.

"I don't know if I'd refer to him as infamous, but yeah, that's him."

"Well the way Ari here talks, he sounds pretty infamous."

"Either way, with an ass and a smile like that, he's got my approval," Ari said making Brian and me laugh.

"Thanks," I replied. I had to admit, his ass did look amazing-he just looked hot in general in a pair of jeans and a fitted tee. We chatted for a little while. When I asked where Dom had run off to, Ari told me to look toward the back corner of the dance area. There Dom could be seen in some heavy lip action with a cute blonde. Dom always worked fast. I knew I wasn't going to be seeing much of him for the rest of the night, and the three of us had a good laugh in at his expense.

"Well, I'm going to go look for Hunter," I said after the bartender handed me another Stella.

I made my way toward the front of the lounge where the bathrooms were, and then started to make my way back towards the dance area, scanning faces for Hunter. After a few minutes of searching, I found him standing by some couches chatting, his back turned to me. I approached and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and smiled.

"Hey, there you are. Where'd you run off to?" he asked. I held up my beer in response.

"Phillip, this is Tim and Eric," he said introducing me to the two guys sitting at the couch. I shook their hands and said hello. They were both very attractive guys in their late twenties/early thirties.

"So Phillip, what brings you to DC?" Tim asked.

"Right now I'm working at a public affairs firm for the summer, but during the year I'm a student at GW," I replied.

"Awesome, I got my masters from GW."

"Which firm are you working at?" Eric asked.

"The Harris Group."

"Very impressive. I would have killed for an internship like that starting out."

"You know, Eric used to work at the Harris Group," Hunter stated.

"Really? Here at the DC office?" I asked.

"No, I worked in the New York office in the corporate marketing department."

"That's cool. I'm in government relations. Unfortunately I don't know anyone at the New York office, let alone in corporate."

"Yeah, they're very different worlds."

"I'd imagine. Why'd you end up leaving, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Not at all, the gist of it is that I got offered a better position at the PSG office here in DC."

"Awesome, I applied there too but sadly got rejected," I stated.

"Eh, don't sweat it. It was probably the politics of nepotism that trumped your resume," Tim chimed in.

"Totally," Eric stated in agreement. "Besides, be glad you're not working there this summer. The intern coordinator is this newly hired prick on a power trip. You'd be fetching Starbucks for most of the summer."

"Yeah, that sounds like it would suck."

"All of us account reps hate him. I think we're canning him at the end of the month."

"Well, we'll let you two run along. Eric, that cute guy from last night is at the bar, let's go say hi," Tim said getting up from his seat.

"It was nice meeting you guys," I said as they got up and made their way to the bar.

"They're nice guys," I said to Hunter after they'd left and we took their seats on the couch.

"Yeah, they're great."

"Did you go out with them last night?"

"No, I just hung around my house. I called you, but you didn't pick up."

"Yeah, I saw that this morning, sorry. I was exhausted yesterday, and went straight to bed when I got home from work at seven."

"Damn you were tired. I thought you were just hung-over from going out Thursday night."

"No, I wish it had just been a hang-over. That I could have dealt with."

"Well, now that you're well rested, how about you come shake that cute ass with me," he said standing up and giving me a hand to get off the couch.

Our dancing began as before-we chatted and joked lightheartedly. However, the longer we danced, the more into each other we got. Hunter's hands were again all over my ass, pulling our bodies together harder. I was enjoying feeling his arms and back, as well as his hot ass as it flexed to the beat of the music. The night, for all intensive purposes, ended when I kissed him on the lips. After that, it was just the two of us. I think our lips parted once, maybe twice max, the rest of the night while we ground into each other dancing to the music. All that was on my mind was the feeling of his body against mine and the magic his lips work working.

Sometime after last call Hunter and I somehow managed to peel ourselves apart. We went to the bar, having worked up a thirst, we got two bottles of water and then I closed my tab and we left. For a night out, I was surprisingly sober as we walked two blocks in the humid night air to Hunter's car. Then again, I had only had two beers in the three or so hours we had been there-most of which had been spent dancing. We climbed into the front seats of his Range Rover and enjoyed another couple minutes of kissing.

"Do you want to come back with me?" Hunter asked, our faces close, noses almost touching.

"Sure," I replied smiling before he kissed me again softly.

I sank back into the comfortable leather with a tired sigh as he started up the car, and pulled out into the empty street. Compared to our last late night ride to his house, this one wasn't filled with drunken chatter-in fact we hardly said a word to each other. I picked up his iPod scrolling through his music, and put on Nick Drake. I've always felt Nick Drake is the perfect music to play driving around with the windows down on summer nights. I didn't realize it was almost 3:00 until I looked at the clock on the dashboard after letting out a big yawn as we waited at a light on M Street to turn green.

We made our way up to his bedroom once we had arrived at his house. With a groan, I sprawled out on his bed face first as he went into his closet and kicked off his shoes. I heard him enter the bathroom, relieve himself and then come back out to the bedroom. He sat down on the bed next to me, he first he rubbed my back, not saying a word and then began to pull off my shoes and socks. Once I was barefoot, I rolled onto my back looking up at him with a smile. God was he sexy. His light blue eyes almost looked grey in the shadow of his face. I sat up wrapping my arms around his back to keep myself positioned in the awkward angle and kissed him gently.

We continued in this position for a minute until his roaming hands began to reach under my shirt and pull it up over my head. I lay back on his bed as he again smiled from his position above me and placed his hand on my stomach, tracing the forms of my muscles. I fought back squirming when he reached a couple of my ticklish spots.

"How much time do you spend at the gym?" he asked, his fingers moving their way up to my chest.

"Depends. I do about a half hour to an hour of lifting and then an hour of cardio."

"Mmm, well it pays off," he said as he leaned down to kiss me.

I pulled him down on top of me, and we lay there kissing. It didn't take long to get his t-shirt off, and soon we were working at each other's jeans. Though jeans look sexy on, they were not made for sex. When lying in bed, aroused, they always seem impossible to get off-especially button flies. Eventually we were both lying in only our underwear, groping and grinding at each other. At some point during our tryst, I found a spot on Hunter's neck that drove him crazy. He in turn found out that nibbling on my ears had a very similar effect on me.

We continued in this manner until Hunter stopped his sensual assault to turn off the lights and get us under the covers. Before I could roll over to face him, he had his arms wrapped around me, pulling my back into his defined chest. I could feel his hard-on against my ass as his lips found their was to my ear. I moaned as his hand slowly made its way lower down my stomach and finally under the waistband of my underwear, grabbing my hard-on. I ground my ass back into him eliciting moans from him as well. After a couple minutes of this, I managed to unwrap his arms and roll around to lustily kiss him on the lips. My hand quickly made its way down the front of him, and once under the waistband of his underwear, grabbed the object of my longing, slowly jerking him off. I'm going to be frank-Hunter wasn't hung like a horse like ever horny homosexual male hopes the guy he's sleeping with is. Hunter was adequate. What can I say, you work with what you're given.

We hungrily kissed each other as we worked the last remaining articles of clothing from each other. Hunter pushed me onto my back, taking up position on top of me. The bare skin of his ass felt amazing flexing under my groping hands as his lips worked magic on my neck then slowly down my chest, finally reaching his goal. I inhaled sharply when his lips wrapped around the head of my dick. He kissed and sucked, the sensation producing soft moans from me. He continued for a couple minutes, and then returned back to my lips. I greeted him with the same hunger and lust. I wanted to touch and taste ever inch of him.

Taking control, I pushed him on his back. I could feel the slight grin on his lips. He resisted at first, grinding harder into me, but once I began to kiss at his neck, he became putty in my hands. Once I had Hunter on his back, I sat up on his stomach stopping to admire the view. His defined chest moved up and down with his breathing. It wasn't too muscled, but looked athletic and natural. I ran my fingers lightly across the few hairs the sparsely covered the soft skin. His hands were rubbing the backs of my legs, as he was smiling looking up at me. It was at this point that I realized that the night wasn't just about sex for me. I felt something more for Hunter. It wasn't love-that would be too clichŽ-but I felt a connection with him that was more than my carnal sex drive looking for release.

I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. Skipping his neck, I kissed down his chest. He wreathed when I took one of his nipples in my mouth, and made him moan pretty loudly when I playfully bit it, his hands fighting to move my mouth away. I continued my journey south following the definition of his abdominals until my chin struck gold. I took his cock in my hand, and began to lick around the head. This produced more moans from him. I took him in my mouth and began to work up and down the shaft of his hard-on. Everything I seemed to do had Hunter moaning grabbing at the bed sheets. After only a few short minutes of sucking on his hot cock, he grabbed my head and pulled me away, stating that he was close. He must have had a really sensitive penis, because I knew I wasn't that good.

We continued to trade off kissing, groping, sucking, jerking and enjoying the contact of each other for another hour or so that night. There came a point when Hunter was nibbling at my ear and jerking me off that I just couldn't hold back any longer. I grabbed at the sheets and Hunter's hand while my back arched, my toes curled and I had an amazingly intense orgasms that made a mess of stomach. A few minutes later, I had Hunter moaning loudly as he too reached blissful orgasm. We lay there kissing and nuzzling each other in post-orgasmic bliss until Hunter got up to grab a towel to clean up. Once cleaned off, Hunter lay down on his back with a sigh. I moved over next to him, propping myself up on my elbow and kissing him tenderly on the lips before laying my head down next to his, my fingers lightly playing with the short hairs on his chest as I closed my eyes.

Next: Chapter 4

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