The Washingtonian

Published on Jun 14, 2007


When I got home that morning, there was a note on my desk in stationary that I knew too well as my roommate's.

Text me when you get home so I know you're okay. Lunch today. You and me. Old Ebbitt. 12:30. Reservation under Spencer. I want details! Call if you have a meeting or something and need to cancel. -Ari

I showed up a half hour late to work, getting an earful from my boss in the process. It never amazes me how Fridays always seem to drag. My hangover stayed with me until I had lunch with Ari and got some grease in my stomach. The walk home from the office was pleasant Friday night mainly from knowing I had two days to sleep in with nothing pressing due until Monday. After Thursday night's debauchery, my liver and psyche were too badly scarred to drink anything more than a glass of wine Saturday night. I spent Saturday and Sunday either lying in bed, lying in the sun at the pool on the roof of our building, or lying in front of the television. I was working my first fulltime 9-to-5 job interning at a Public Affairs firm downtown. Unfortunately, 9-to-5 at this place was more like 9-to-whenever my boss felt I could leave for the evening, and the long hours were really starting to take a toll. All in all, it made for a very uneventful weekend.

On Tuesday during my lunch break I decided to call Hunter after finding his card in the pocket of my jeans while doing laundry the night before. After a couple of rings a friendly female voice answered. I asked to speak to Hunter and was informed that he was out of the office. She took down my number and assured that he'd get back to me. I was in a meeting at work when Hunter called on Wednesday. He left a voicemail stating that he was sorry for taking so long to get back to me-he had been in New York but was back in Washington now. He already had dinner plans, but was thinking about having a relaxing night in with a movie and a glass of wine and I was invited to join him. I returned his call to tell him I would love to join him. After a couple minutes of chatting we came to the consensus that it would be easiest if he picked me up on his way home from dinner. Even though I worked past 7:00 that night, I spent the rest of the day with a smile stretched across my lips. Part of me was embarrassed that I was acting like a schoolgirl with a crush, then I'd remember what Hunter looked like in only a towel and the embarrassment dissipated.

His reservations were for 7:30 and said he expected to be done sometime around 9:00, so once home from the office I went downstairs to the gym and had a quick workout making sure to lift (who knew if my cloths were coming off that night, but if they were I sure wanted to look as pumped as possible). I made sure to put on a cute pair of underwear, but other than that I threw on a casual pair of Bahama-shorts and one of my fathers old t-shirts from college-truly vintage. At around 9:15, I received a call from Hunter who was waiting for the valet to bring his car. I left my roommate a note saying I was going over Hunter's, and got in the elevator when I got a text message stating he was a block away. With precision timing, he pulled up to the curb just as I was exciting building.

"Hello," he greeted with a smile as I opened the door and climbed into the passengers seat. He looked good enough to eat in his fitted grey suit.

"Hi, how was dinner?" I asked as I buckled up.

"Eh it was okay," he said speeding the car forward to make the green light to turn on I Street. "How was your day today?"

"Same old, same old. I had a late day at the office finish up a presentation."

"Yeah? Where do you work?"

"The Harris Group."

"Ah, public affairs I see."

"Yupp, how about you? Where do you work?"

"I work at a lobby firm," he responded as we turned onto Pennsylvania.

"That's cool. I was thinking I might want to get involved with lobbying at some point."

"Yeah?" he asked, looking over at me again, the grin appearing on his face again. "I'll have to set you up with an internship somewhere."

"That would be amazing. Do you specialize in a policy field?"

"No, I work at a boutique firm, so I handle whatever client is put on my plate at the time."

"Now I see how the townhouse and the nice car fit in," I joked.

"It pays the bills. Sorry, but I forget what you said you were studying the other night. Poli Sci?"

"Yes, Political Science and Public Policy."

"Awesome, I studied Poli Sci and PR."

"Nice, where'd you go to school?"

"Yale for undergrad and then Georgetown. You're at GW, right?"


"Cool, I didn't think you'd be living by MacPherson Square if you were going to Georgetown."

"Please, I came to the DC to be in the city, not out in the fake suburbs," I said joking.

"Hey, Georgetown isn't the suburbs."

"You're right, if you were in the suburbs you'd get three times the square-footage for the same price," I replied.

"Yeah, but then it wouldn't come with the posh zip code or snob appeal," he said with a laugh.

We continued our joking banter the rest of the drive to Georgetown. We drove around his neighborhood for a few minutes looking for a place to park. We finally found a spot two blocks away and walked the short distance to his house. I have to admit, it felt awkward being in shorts and a t-shirt (on top of it, I look more like an 18 year old than a 21 year old) walking next to twenty-something Hunter dressed in a suit and looking very professional.

"Well, I'm going to run upstairs-I need to get out of these cloths. Make yourself at home. If your hungry or thirsty feel free to grab something from the fridge," he said as we entered his house and then patted my butt as he walked behind me to go up the staircase. I turned around quickly with a demur, but surprised look on my face. He merely gave a wicked grin as he proceeded up the stairs.

I took a tour of the downstairs, walking through the dinning room, and the living room looking at the photos he had around, and finally making my way to the kitchen. I picked up the Post that was on the counter and sat down at the table and began flipping through the articles. It was the old Sunday paper, and sadly I had already read most of it. You know you're a political junky and need help when almost every article in the Sunday Post is old news.

"You're so studious," Hunter said jokingly as he entered the kitchen. If I thought he looked good in his suit, he looked even better now. He gave off a very comfortable aura and looked very sexy barefoot in pair of red lacrosse shorts, an old grey t-shirt that had Yale stretched across the muscles of his chest, and wire frame glasses positioned on his nose.

"Do you want a glass of wine?" he asked opening a cabinet and snapping me out of my daze.

"Yeah, after that day I had at work today wine would be great."

"Excellent," he stated pulled out two glasses. "White or red?"

"I'll drink anything. What do you want?" I replied standing up from my seat at the table.

"I'm in the mood for red tonight. Do you prefer cabernet sauvignon or pinot noir?"

"Hmm, tough choice. I haven't had any pinot noir in a while, how about that?"

"Perfect, can you go in that drawer and get the screwpull?" he asked pointing to a drawer in front of me as he pulled a bottle from the wine rack on top of his fridge. I grabbed the gadget and walked over next to him. He smelled amazing. My stomach was a flutter and I almost moaned. He gave me an appreciative smile when I handed him the screwpull and in one easy pull upwards, he quickly and effortless pulled the cork out of the bottle. I love technology, it makes being a wine-o that much easier.

"Here, taste. Make sure you like it," he said pouring a little in one of the glasses and handing it to me.

"I'm sure it's good," I replied, protesting, but caved after he gave me a commanding but joking look. I twirled the glass looking at the legs the wine made on the sides and then took a sip letting it settle on my tongue for a second before I swallowed. It was good wine. Then again, I'll drink most anything.

"Hold on, one second. You've got an eyelash," he said moving closer as I was about to take another sip. He wiped my left cheek with his thumb and then held it up for me.

"Make a wish," he said.

I thought for a second, not wishing for anything in particular other than to have a nice relaxing evening. I leaned forward and blew away the eyelash. I looked up and smiled at him. With a grin on his face, he leaned in a kissed me tenderly on the lips. If I wanted to moan before, I was really holding it back now.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself," he said, his grin still present.

"It's okay by me," I replied my voice stuck somewhere in my throat. God he was sexy.



He grabbed his glass and the bottle and then headed toward the living room. I followed close behind, and took a seat on the couch. He sat down next to me, mussing up my hair playfully, and then grabbed the remote and turning on the television. We scrolled through the On Demand movies and after ten minutes of deliberation we picked a mindless comedy. Hunter filled our glasses and we settled in, watching the plasma screen in front of us. Fifteen minutes into the movie he placed his hand on my knee and began to gently rub it. The soft movement of his thumb lazily across my skin sent a chill up my spine. After a couple minutes I in turn put my hand on this forearm, rubbing the sparsely haired skin and feeling the muscle beneath. Soon my hand made its way down to his wrist, eventually reaching his hand. He interlaced his fingers with mine, and we sat content. We continued this progression of holding hands, playing with each other's fingers, knee, or arm for a while. A couple glasses of wine and a ways into the movie I turned to look at his gorgeous face. He had a very peaceful expression, which, in concert with his five o'clock shadow and his studious-looking glasses, oozed sexiness. We'd reached a lull in the movie, and between the amazing smell of his cologne, his thumb working magic on the inside of my thigh, and the wine taking effect, I couldn't resist him any longer.

I slowly leaned in, pressing my lips to his. I could feel him smile as then he turned his head to allow me easier access to lips and we continued to kiss softly. I began to run my hand from its place on his forearm upward and squeezing his bicep then running my hand across his chest. I wanted more. I turned my body to face his and began to kiss him harder, his mouth opening to allow my invading tongue entry. One hand roamed his back while the other was roamed his thigh and arm. His hand was still on my leg squeezing, rubbing, and slowly and tantalizingly making its way up the inside of my thigh. He had me very turned on. We continued like this with our hands roaming freely and our tongues intertwined. He paused briefly to take his glasses off which kept bumping again my face, and then placed his hand on the on the back of my head running in through my hair, then running it down the length of my back until it found it's place at my lower back wanting to go lower to and squeeze my butt-unfortunately with the way I was sitting, the couch got in the way. His stubble scratched against my lips, but instead of detracting from the moment, added more sensation. After a few minutes, he pulled back.

"God you're yummy," he smiled, his hand rubbing my stomach tickling me in the process.

"Do I taste like wine?" I asked.

"You taste better than any wine ever could," he replied with his sexy smile, I could see at the corner of his mouth that he was having a hard time holding back a joking grin. He sure did seem to love corny lines.

"Even better than a vintage Mo`t RosŽ?" I asked playing along.

"Well-" he began, but I cut him off.

"Don't answer that. Just shut up and kiss me," I said forcefully yet playfully, wondering where this domineering side was coming from. I pushed my lips against his taking control of the situation then forced him back against the cushions of the couch. He moaned and gave into my demands, wrapping one arm around my back and grabbing the back of my head with the other pulling me down with him. We continued to go at it on the couch for some time. When we did finish, both of our t-shirts could be found thrown across the room and Hunter's hands had found their way down the back of my shorts kneading my rear. I realize shortly after I pushed Hunter onto his back that he was really enjoying this new position for he now had easy access to my ass, and at least one his hands remained there for the rest our little tryst. It wasn't until my cell phone began to vibrate madly in the pocket of my shorts that we stopped. It was then that I realized it was almost 1:30. It's funny that had we not known what time it was, we probably could have lasted another two hours there on that couch, but as soon as we became aware of those awful digits on the screen, a long day and the effects of the wine kicked in and we both began yawning. I probably could have fallen asleep there on top of him-he was very comfortable as well as sexy.

"I should go get in a cab," I said through yawns attempting to sit up and get off of him.

"No, stay the night. It's too late to go out wandering around Georgetown looking for a cab," he replied pulling me back down on top of him.

"You do make a good point. I think it's funny that if we were in Foggy Bottom or my section of the city it would be safe to go out walking alone at night, but here in the ritzy neighborhood it's unsafe."

"Tis the truth and that means that you're going to spend the night-" he said kissing me on the lips, "-with-" he kissed my lips again, "-m..." the last kiss muffled the end of his sentence. He had me ensnared. Who was I kidding, anyways? I didn't want to leave to begin with-I was mainly saying that to be polite in case wanted me to leave.

"Okay, but I really need to get to bed now. After all, I am a lowly intern and need to be there on time, awake, alert, and in top for to impress my bosses and my clients tomorrow," I said fighting his efforts to keep me on the couch, and through using a last resort of giving him a 'jumper-cable' to the side (I make it my business not to tickle others for I am very ticklish, and it always causes people to want sweet revenge) did he release my wrist from his vise-like grip.

"No you don't, you just need to look cute in my sheets. Are there any colors that don't go with your skin tone that I should know of?" he joked, playfully rubbing my stomach as I sat on the edge of the couch and he remained on his back.

"Yes, because that would really help me advance at the Harris Group," I said chuckling at his comment and gulping down the last of the wine left in my abandoned glass-bad wine-o!

"Eh, I'll just make a phone call and not only will you be excused from being late, but I'll get you a raise and a nicer office," he stated nonchalantly.

I merely laughed in response.

"What? Do you not believe me?" he asked with a fake look of hurt.

"No, I don't believe you."

"How the mighty have fallen! Here I was thinking that I had led you to believe that my powers as a lobbyist had Congress and the President eating out of the palm of my hand, and thus I was the most powerful man in the universe-the ultimate Washingtonian," he said sarcastically sitting up with a sigh and then a playful grin.

"Please, I may be an impressionable political junkie, but I did not just fall of the turnip truck," was my response.

"It's a good thing too, I wouldn't want your cute butt getting bruised," he said quietly as his face moved closer to mine.

"You really like my butt, don't you."

"It's one of the cutest I've seen in a while. Now one last kiss and the lets go to bed," he whispered into my ear sending chills down my spine.

"Sounds good to me," I replied faintly.

Our 'one last kiss' lasted almost fifteen minutes before we made it off the couch and up the stairs to his bedroom. He turned on the light and then went into the bathroom while I B lined it for the bed. I managed to stay awake while he did his nightly ritual of brushing his teeth, peeing, etcetera, and when he finished we swapped positions. After I peed, I noticed that there was a packaged toothbrush on the sink and after asking Hunter, I was told it was in fact for me-such attention to detail. Many brush strokes and a splash of water to my face later, I exited to find one of the sexiest sights I've ever beholden-Hunter lying in bed shirtless, the sheets pulled up to his stomach, with his glasses on reading what I assumed was an e-mail on his Blackberry.

"Hey there sexy, you ready for bed?" he greeted looking over at me as I walked out of the bathroom.

"You have no idea," I said unbuckling my belt, and letting my shorts fall to the floor. Hunter at first was paying attention to his Blackberry, but as I began to pull my t-shirt off up over my head his attention focused back on me and he watched with an eager grin on his lips.

"Cute underwear," he said commenting on my blue Dolce & Gabbana trunks-they aren't briefs, but aren't quite boxer-briefs-as I walked around the bed.

"Thanks, I got them in Italy this Spring," I replied climbing under the covers.

"I'm going to have to get myself a few pairs," he stated as I moved next to him, then kissed me on the lips and returned his attention back to his Blackberry. I laid there content, my mind clear of thoughts, all I was aware of at that moment was the sounds of our breathing, the slight hum of the air conditioning, and the noises of his Blackberry. After a couple minutes he put his toy down, and rolled away from me and began to press the buttons of his alarm clock, then he stopped and rolled back over to face my direction.

"Wait, what time to do you have to be up tomorrow?" he asked.

"Well...I have to be at work at 9:00-and I really have to be on time tomorrow-so I need to be home at 8:00 to have time to shower and get dressed, which means I need to be up at 7:30?" I thought aloud.

"Shit, what's tomorrow?"

"Thursday, why?" I replied.

"Fuck, I have the trainer tomorrow morning. Shit, I should have been in bed hours ago," he said looking back over at the clock and the looming 1:57. "Let me call him and cancel," he said picking up his Blackberry and left a voicemail saying that something came up and he needed to cancel, but to still charge him for the session, and he'd see them Tuesday morning. With that he set the alarm, and then we were blanketed in darkness. As I closed my eyes and began to wait for sleep to envelop me, I felt Hunter's arm wrap around me stomach and pull me against his chest. His lips found my neck and he kissed me ever so softly three times before whispering into my ear.

"Good night, cutie," came his voice as it passed gently by my ear.

"Good night, Hunter."

Questions, comments? Copyright 2007

Next: Chapter 3

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