The Voluptuary

By Anonymous4371

Published on May 23, 2008



Part II

By Bill Smith (



Jeremy friend, Benjamin, looked around the room as he continued to knead the black server's balls. A good half of the servers had parked their trays on the nearest tables as they sunk to their knees to suck a guest, laid on their backs with their legs spread wide and over their shoulders as one guests or another wanted to fuck them or were on all fours with their legs spread wide and their butt posed high as guests wanted to fuck them doggie style.

Even in these various positions, all of the black slaves looked almost identical - it was hard to believe they were merely half-brothers to explain the similarities. But then he reminded himself the black slaves had been highly selected at the time of their purchase on top of their genetic heritage and all had been bred from wenches selected for their own similarity. Even more remarkable was their seeming willingness to please their master's guests, no matter what was asked of them and remarked as much to Jeremy.

"They're more than just willing," Jeremy commented. "Eager, I'd call it. Look at that one the guy we were just talking to has one all fours and is ramming him up his butt. Look at that smile on that slave's face as our friend there is fucking him full force with that big dick he's sporting. He's not just willing to take a pounding like that - he seems to be pleased he's able to serve the guests."

"Well, I suppose their training has a lot to do with it," Benjamin replied. "But I guess it has something to do with what happens if they don't do everything the guests want. Solid punishment can change a slave's attitudes real fast." Pointing to his own slave attendant standing with a full hard-on just a few feet away, Jeremy explained, "When I first bought this slave, he didn't like anyone fucking his butt and sure let everyone know it. A hopeless straight, I suppose. When I had my steward take the bullwhip to him, he changed his attitude real quick and, after a few solid whippings that left him unconscious, he never uttered a sound when he was next fucked. After a few days of missed meals, he learned to beg to be fucked. Now, he used to it and doesn't seem to mind at all - in fact, he at least pretends he really likes a big one pumping up his hole. Same with sucking a person off. At first he gagged and coughed and had to have his mouth forced open. Now, he's down on his knees with his mouth wide open with just a flick of a finger and takes the whole thing clear down his throat so you're guaranteed he's swallowing the whole load. Furthermore, he thanks you for the privilege of sucking you off once he's emptied you. That's what solid discipline can do in terms of attitude."

"But I still bet he'd rather we doing the fucking himself," Jeremy laughed.

"Probably, but slaves don't have choices like that and now he knows it," Jeremy said with a chuckle as the slave he was discussing returned an anxious, but defeated smile.

"Well, bred slaves like these blacks wouldn't know any different anyway," Jeremy continued. "After all, it probably never occurred to any of them a slave would dare to object to anything a master wanted like you said your attendant slave did. I take it your attendant slave was freeborn originally?"

"Yeah. I bought him at a sheriff's sale. He was just 18 then and had been caught stealing cars for a chop shop. Up until his sale, he'd been running around acting Mr. Big Shot what with the money from the chop shop and fucking every broad he could get to spread their legs for a little cash. Actually, enslaving him has certainly been the best thing for society at large and has saved the hard working taxpayers a lot of money over the years. Now I'm feeding and housing him instead of the county and he's serving some useful purpose instead of putting everyone's car in jeopardy and spreading his seed all over bringing new little bastards into the world for the taxpayer to worry about."

Jeremy reached over and hefted Benjamin's slave's balls in his hand. "Is he a good fuck?" Jeremy asked as he churned the balls in his hand rather roughly as the slave gasped but never flinched.

"Just average, but I'm working on it," Benjamin said. "I going to get one of these black servers to fuck him for a little entertainment before long. I thought he might learn something being screwed by an expert like these black servers and Lord knows these blacks have the equipment to give a good screwing with. I bet they don't have too many chances to do the screwing instead of being screwed."

"Don't be so sure, Benjamin," Jeremy replied. "I've heard Mr. Holgate has them all screw each other for a little exhibition before the evenings over."

"Sounds interesting," Benjamin commented. "But I still want to make sure my attendant gets a good screwing by at least one of them. Maybe I better start now before they're all worn out."

Jeremy felt the nicely tanned white slave stiffen that he was holding by his balls. But, before Benjamin's attendant had time to reflect on forthcoming events, Benjamin already had grabbed one of the black servers by his prick and was telling him to fuck his own slave.

"Pardon me, Jeremy," Benjamin said as he removed my hands from the slave's balls and ordered his slave to all fours with his butt open for a good fucking.

"Yes, master," the slave attendant responded as he quickly sunk to the floor to do his master's bidding, carefully spreading his legs wide apart so his hole was fully exposed. Jeremy noticed Benjamin's slave was silently crying as he complied with his owner's demand.

"Now, slave," Benjamin instructed the black server, "let's see you give my slave here the fucking of his life."

"Yes, master," the black said without hesitation as he swiftly placed his huge tool at the attendant slave's opening and plunged all the way in with one powerful stroke.

"Ugh!" Benjamin's slave moaned as he almost lost balance from the powerful insertion up his butt. The tears increased as he struggled to accommodate the big shaft rammed up his rear, but, if anyone noticed, they could care less. He was only a slave, afterall.

With no pause, the black slave began pumping long and deep into the proffered slave's hole as sweat began to run off his jet-black hide. The slave beneath him moaned and sobbed as the black went into full action, already feeling like he was being torn in half.

"Don't you shoot off too fast," Benjamin instructed the black slave. "I want my slave here to remember being fucked by a real expert."

"Yes, master," the black slave panted. "I'll hold off just as long as I can, master," he gasped as the pumping picked up considerable speed, each stroke designed to go as far up the hole as possible.

"Look, Benjamin," Jeremy chuckled. "Your slave's getting rock hard and dripping. That black's really massaging the hell out of his prostate to get him dripping like that."

"Well, I'm glad he's enjoying being fucked so thoroughly," Benjamin said as he reached down under his slave's belly and wiped some of his slave's precum on his fingers. Lifting his slave's head up as far as his collar would allow, he addressed the slave directly.

"Concentrate on how you're being fucked, slave. This is a good learning experience for you. I want you to concentrate on how you can improve the pleasure you're giving when someone's fucking you. Now use those ass muscles to clamp down on this black's prick and see if you can milk him. No use in him having to do all the work."

After a few more minutes, Benjamin issued new orders. By this time, the black slave was covered in sweat and was panting heavily with his efforts.

"Black boy, put it in all the way and then stop pumping. I want to see if my slaveboy can pump a load out of you with his ass muscles."

"Yes, master," the black gasped out as his violent hip motions slowed down to a halt with his prick deep inside the slave he was fucking.

Benjamin's slave grimaced as he made every effort to milk the prick inside him with his ass muscles. He churned his butt around to enhance the effort and it was obvious from his ass cheeks that he was working his muscles the best he could. The efforts seemed to be working.

"Ah! Ah!," the black slave gasped out. "Master, I'm going to shoot if your white slaveboy doesn't stop milking me," he panted in ecstasy.

"Keep working those ass muscles," Benjamin commanded his slave.

Within the minute, the black slave bellowed out a huge animal like grunt as he emptied his load up the butt beneath him. Benjamin's slave felt the warm cum fill his rectum but continued to work his ass muscles as commanded.

"Keep going," Benjamin commanded his slave. "I want the last drop up your butt out of that black boy."

"Yes, master," Benjamin's slave said as he continued to work his muscles.

"Master, master," the black said as the last eruption was delivered up the butt. "I'm all drained now, master."

"O.K., slave, let up on those muscle contractions," Benjamin addressed his own slave.

"And you, black boy, you can pull out now and get back to work," Benjamin told the server. "But make sure you wash that prick of yours off good before you go back to serving drinks. No one wants to handle a slimy old prick covered with ass juices and lube when they're eating a canape."

"Yes, master," the black promptly said as he withdrew quickly and prepared to hustle off to the slaves' maintenance room to cleanse himself properly before returning to upstairs with a fresh load of drinks on his tray.

"You fuck real well," Jeremy complimented the black with a slap to the server's butt as he was leaving.

"Thank you, master," the black said with a big smile on his face. "And," he added looking at the white slave still on all fours, "your friend's attendant can milk a slaveboy like me real well. He emptied me good, master." Jeremy noted a look of comradery between the two slaves. It was obvious from the look of relief on Benjamin's slave's face that the favorable

use report' was appreciated.

"You hear that, Jeremy?" Benjamin said as he sharply ordered his own slave to go to the slave maintenance room and clean himself out. "A real trained expert thought my slave here was learning a thing or two about offering up a good fuck. It's those kinds of things that ups a slave's value when you want to sell them off."

As the slave was struggling to his feet despite a very sore ass, Benjamin reached down and swiped up some cum running down his slave's thigh. He tasted it and smacked his lips. "There's something about cum out of a black slave - it's just a little tastier, it seems. Take a swipe and see what you think, Jeremy."

Jeremy did scoop up a string of cum before the slave left for cleansing and savored the wad in his mouth before swallowing.

"I think you're right, Benjamin. Almost unique in its taste, but delicious. Makes you think about buying a black stud, doesn't it?"

"You read my mind, Jeremy," Benjamin said, taking one more swipe from his slave's thigh before he was gone.

By now almost all of the black servers were in full use one way or another and most of them were too busy to be serving drinks. Instead, they were either on their knees sucking guest's cocks or taking a guest's cocks up their backsides. The air in the room was heavy with the swell of sweat, semen and used lube.

But then a loud gong sounded, struck by an extremely muscular and heavy hung Asian slave who was actually golden in hue, and all 100 black servers finished whatever they were doing to please the guests and assembled in mass in front of the gong. Most had pricks gleaming with cum or saliva, and most had mouths dripping a little cum. All had sweating bodies that had obviously been used - the sweat simply highlighting their bold muscular physiques and handsome faces.

When all were assembled, the Asian slave again struck the gong. Instantly, 50 new male white slaves entered the room. They were all body shaved, all genitally ringed, and all tit-ringed and heavily collared. Their nude bodies had all been heavily oiled so they gleaned under the spotlights turned on upon their entry. They all carried spray bottles of body oil and proceeded to spray the bodies of the black servers until they too gleaned under the lights with a new brilliance. The white slaves were to the assembled guests the best looking assembly of white flesh they had ever seen in their lives.

It was obvious considerable attention had been made in preparing these highly selected white studs for optimal effect. All these fresh whites were lightly tanned, closely body shaved below the eye-brows, had their finger and toe nails manicured and polished, had their eye lashes curled, their eye brows plunked, their perfect (capped if necessary) teeth polished to a gleaming white, each had their head hair shaped to a uniformly trim Marine cut that complimented their masculine facial features, and each had been fitted with tinted contacts that turned their eyes bright green which was highlighted by eye drops which made their eyes actually sparkle. To a man, they were simply gorgeous - heavily muscled, strikingly handsome faces, beautiful pecs, very heavily hung, and all outfitted to best display their naked glory. All were hard the entire time they were in the room, including their ringed nipples, and they teased their audience with frequent lascivious winks and their banded genitals thrust out as far as possible.

The white slaves quickly coated the black servers in a fresh coat of oil while 10 more glorious female slaves, all totally nude outside their ringed tits and clitoris, paraded around spraying the air with fresh deodorizing scents. Two of the female slaves were Chinese, two were Latinos, two were mulattos, two were Middle Eastern, and two were American blonds. All the female slaves had obviously had their tits suckled before being presented and the rings in their clits made sure they were sexually excited as they exhibited their bodies to the assembled guests. As they circulated among the servers having their bodies oiled, their effect on the black slaves, probably long deprived of contact with a female, was obvious. Some of the blacks started dripping profusely, three shot off spontaneously, and a dozen of so starting humping the air in their excitement. A couple of the black slaves got so aroused they started humping the white slaves oiling their bodies before a quick whip from an overseer stopped that nonsense.

When the new slaves had finished their tasks (and displayed their bodies so well), they left the room just as they had entered and the 100 black slaves paired off and formed 50 muscular couples engaged in heavy fucking under a new round of enhanced lighting that made their bodies dazzle under the heavy lights. When a slave had emptied into the hole of his partner, his partner took over and fucked the one who had fucked him until his own balls were emptied. When all had finished, the gong sounded a third time. Again, all the blacks, their pricks coated with ass juices and cum, their holes leaking a fresh load of cum, presented themselves in full display to the guests who applauded their performance and then hurried off to clean themselves downstairs with a series of freshening enemas and fresh lubes and body oils.

In a short while, the black slaves reentered the party rooms one by one, now obviously freshly showered, cleaned inside and out, fresh scented body oil on their gleaming bodies, and fresh lube leaking slightly from their assholes. When all had assembled again, the Asian slave sounded the gong a fourth time.

"Masters and mistresses," the Asian slave announced in a deep bass voice as he stood in full display position with his legs spread wide and his banded pelvis thrust forward to best show off his large endowment. "Master Holgate invites you to pick any of these black servers for your own enjoyment, taking them to the fucking benches in the adjoining room or upstairs to the bedrooms all freshly prepared for your use. We have as many bedrooms as there are guests so there is no need for you to double up. And every black server is well trained to give you every pleasure their body is capable us, as are all of us," he added with a wink of his eye. "If someone beats you to your first choice, feel free to trade the slaves around until you obtain something that will interest you. And, when you are finished with one, those already used will have cleaned themselves thoroughly and will be here by the gong awaiting a second or third or fourth or firth or sixth using before the evening is over."

"If blacks aren't your thing, don't despair. As you saw in the brief preview we gave you with those white male slaves coating the blacks with a fresh coat of oil or a few female slaves spraying the air for refreshment just a short while ago, in the room to your right are hundreds of very appealing white slaves awaiting your usage; in the room behind that there is a nice selection of Hispanics, Polynesians, Chinese, Indians, and Arabs. And to your extreme left and toward the back, there is a special room filled with exotics - rough Brazilian studs, a few hermaphrodites, some "girly" slaves dressed accordingly, some dressed as Roman slaves, some dressed as slaves from the Antebellum American South, some dressed as sweaty construction workers, some in scanty military or athletic uniforms, and a few hung so heavy you won't believe what you're seeing. If you can't find what best turns you on, just ask me and I'll probably be able to find it for you. Young virgin girls, older women, the boys specially trained to enjoy S&M, anything you can think of - we've probably got it in some cage or another," he boosted. "Mr. Holgate wants to be sure everyone is totally satisfied before the evening is over."

"What about you?" one of the guest shouted out gleefully.

"Just ask and I'm yours," the Asian slave answered without a moment's hesitation. "But only after I make sure everyone is taken of, master," he added with a lewd wink and a big smile on his face.

"I'm going back to that German slave chained by his prick to the curbstone," Jeremy announced to his friend Benjamin.. "He said he'd be stationed inside the foyer for our use after all the guests arrived. I'm sure all the guests are here by now, so I'm not going to forgo the opportunity to fuck that gorgeous hunk of meat another moment."

"Go ahead. I'm going for one of those black servers before they're completely worn out. Let's meet in front of the gong when we through with them and then we can explore some of those side rooms they were talking about." Benjamin informed his friend.

"Sounds good," Jeremy said and he took off for the front foyer, his attendant slave, still fully erect, right behind him. Jeremy's personal slave had learned long ago to stay as one with his master since his master's leash was attached to one of his tit rings and any failure on his part to stay within a yard of his master led to some very painful jerks on whichever tit was leashed that particular day.


BY Bill Smith



When Jeremy arrived in the foyer, he spotted the strikingly handsome German slave immediately. His penile ring was now leashed to a wall ring and the slave was on all fours with this legs spread wide as one of the guests was busily fucking him with a great deal of grunts, yells, and slaps on the German slave's ass. It was like the guest was riding a wild bronc the way he was carrying on, bucking in and out of the slave's hole while hanging onto the slave's shoulder with one hand while another hand was around the slave's torso and was gripping one of the slave's tit rings for balance.

"Take a ticket," another guest advised Jeremy. When Jeremy looked quizzically at the other guest, the man pointed to a ticket dispenser right beside the ring holding the German slave's penile leash. "There's only two ahead of you if you grab a ticket right now."

Jeremy quickly took a ticket and got in line between the two waiting guests.

"Thanks for telling me about the ticket. I never would have noticed it otherwise. You know, I think this is the first time I've ever stood in line for a slave to service me."

"Me too," the man ahead of him laughed. "But then, I've never seen anything quite like him before and, when I first saw him leashed out there on the curb by his prick, I vowed I was going to fuck this hunk of meat if I had the chance, and, apparently, we do. If we have a ticket in our hands, of course," he laughed again. "But, Jesus, talk about sloppy seconds. How many have fucked this slave already tonight?"

"Plenty, if the number on this ticket means anything - #18 on mine," Jeremy chuckled. "That's not what I call fresh goods, but, I don't care. Like you, when I saw this slave I said right then and there I wanted to fuck him. Me, I've never fucked a slave who is led around with a leash attached to a ring through his penis. Now that's control, buddy! By the way, Jeremy's my name."

"Jeremy, I'm Dave," the man countered with a big smile. "Seems like we're both turned on by the controlled' look."

"That and, as you said, that's one nice looking piece of meat whether he's got a ring through his prick or not," Jeremy chuckled. "I just hope he fucks as good as he looks - even if I am #18 this evening."

"We have no idea how many fucked him out on the street before he even got leashed here in the foyer. We may be number 118 for all I know," Dave replied. "But, by God, if his hole is stretched to where I can't even feel it, I'm still going to fuck him - it's the principle of the thing by now."

At that moment, the German slave grunted and then gasped as the guest using him jammed in all the way and arched his back as he shoot his load into the slave beneath him. The Teutonic slave lifted his head up as far as his tight collar would allow and every muscle in his body tensed as the man using him filled his hole with fresh cum and tightened his embrace of the slave's body as his orgasm racked his body.

"Jesus," the guest exclaimed as his body shuttered. "Great ass!"

"That's quite an advertisement," Jeremy noted.

"Maybe the German isn't as worn out as we imagine," Dave added. "There's hope yet for the fuck of a lifetime."

The next guest in line wanted the German slave to suck him, so, quickly, the slave assumed an appropriate position on his knees while cum noticeably dripped out of his well used hole. After some noisy slurping and swallowing, the German slave quickly enveloped the guest's prick all the way down his throat and both Jeremy and Dave studied the slave's throat muscles as he hungrily took the entire shaft all the way down without so much as a single gag or choking sound despite the most ample size of the guest's organ - only a small moan as his throat ballooned out to accommodate the large intrusion. In a remarkably short time, the guest was arching his own back and, with loud moans and gasps, discharged load after load down the slave's throat - the slave swallowed every drop so the guest's prick was spotlessly clean when he worked it out of the slave's mouth.

"That didn't take long," Dave joked with the guest last using the German.

"Standing in line watching the others use him got me so hot I thought I was going to shoot off just watching the others. That load was halfway out of me by the time the slave swallowed by dick. When it was down all the way to his throat lining, I felt it coming and I was on my way. But, let me tell you, rush job or not, that slave sure as hell knows how to suck. I'd recommend it unless you're dead set on fucking his ass."

"We'll, fucking his ass is what I have my heart set on, but I'll take a rain-check on a blow job from the slave thanks to your recommendation, buddy."

"Well, you're next and at least you won't have to swim around in my spunk. He'll be digesting mine while you ram his butt."

The slave obviously understood English because he had already turned around and positioned himself for anal use by his next guest. He spread his legs wide apart so his hole, still dripping cum, was conveniently open. The chain leash hanging down from his semi-erect prick added considerably to the erotic appeal of the still harnessed slave.

"Master, I'm ready," the slave said politely, turning around to flash a big smile to his next user. "I'll do everything I can to make it pleasurable for my new master," he added sincerely.

"That's the spirit," Dave said as, without any preliminaries, he rammed his own very sizable shaft clear up the slave's hole in one huge thrust and, without hesitation, started pumping away, giving the slave no chance to adjust to his size, change positions, or even gasp from the assault.

"Uh! Uh!" the slave moaned as yet another fucking of his butthole began. Jeremy, studying the erotic scene in front of him, noticed a few tears spilling down the slave's cheeks as Dave pounded in and out of him as if this was his one and only chance to fuck a slave.

"Hey, Dave. Take it easy. You're pounding this boy so hard he's started to cry," Jeremy commented as a joke.

"I told you I was going to fuck the shit out of him and that's just what I'm trying to do. Not too often," he started to pant from his efforts, "do you get a chance to fuck something like this and who gives a twit whether a slave cries or not when he's getting fucked. All that proves is that he still feels it when a real stud is fucking him," he laughed in a pant as he increased the tempo of his fucking and the slave beneath him began to yield a muffled yell of distress. "Besides, he's all slicked up good from all the cum in him. This boy is about as lubed as it gets - makes for a real smooth operation let me tell you." With that, he was too breathless to talk and within the minute, he too arched his back, tensed his muscles, and deposited load after load into the now screaming sweat-soaked slave beneath him.

Withdrawing a dripping prick and ordering the German slave to clean his prick, Dave smiled again and announced, "He's all yours, Jeremy, but let me warn you, he's jammed full of cum at this point and his hole is as hot as Hades."

Jeremy fastened the tit leash for his personal slave to the wall ring where the German's prick leash was lodged and ordered his personal slave on his back. Turning to the German slave, still trying to catch his breath and still on all fours, he said, "I'm going to give you a little break, slaveboy. I'm going to have my own slave suck you, ring and all, while I fuck you. That way you can shoot a load of your own for a change."

"Thank you, master, thank you," the German slave said with now tears of gratitude in his eyes. "I haven't been allowed to unload for two weeks, master, and my balls ache with need, master. Thank you, master, I'll never forget how good you are to this slave."

"Just shut up and get your hole open as soon as my slave here scoots under you and gets his mouth wrapped around your prick - at least as much as he can what with that big ring and leash in the way," Jeremy ordered. "This will be a first for him - sucking off a slave leashed to the wall by a big ring through his prick," Jeremy laughed.

Quickly, Jeremy's slave slid head first under the German slave, his tit leash dragging behind him, and fastened his mouth around the prick, the ring in the prick, and the end of the chain leash connecting the German slave's prick to the wall ring. The ring's metal had a unique taste of its own which mixed with the taste of the German slave's precum and crotch sweat. Instantly, he felt the German slave's prick swell in his mouth until it was fully erect and twitching as he tasted fresh new drops of precum. Jeremy's slave then felt the German's body switch slightly and some moans emerge as his master entered the slave above him and then felt the ass muscles of the German start to churn as his master being pumping his shaft deep inside the German's ass.

Jeremy's slave (named "Fetch" by his current owner), hadn't been a slave until about a year ago when he was caught smoking a joint at a local bar. Only 17 at the time, current law mandated lifelong slavery for any underage person caught smoking marijiana. After three months at the state-run slave training center, he had been sold at the county auction where Jeremy had spotted him and got him at a bargain price, considering his youth, good facial features, nice muscular physique, and showy, large sexual equipment. After his stint in the county slave training facility, he was now obedient, eager to serve, and totally compliant with having an owner use his body for any whim that entered their mind. Since Master Jeremy had bought him for a "personal slave" Fetch had been displayed nude ever since, had been used sexually five or six times a day in one capacity or another, had been leashed by the rings in his swollen tits continually, and, most importantly, had ceased thinking of any life before he had been enslaved. He now accepted his life as a piece of property and expected nothing more. Fetch's goal now was to please his owner at any cost to make sure he got fed and watered regularly. It was the only way a slave could survive. Even then, Fetch knew many slaves had masters or mistresses much more demanding than Master Jeremy and dreaded the day he might get sold off. He knew he was lucky to be blessed with an appealing body, handsome good looks, and flashy sexual equipment - otherwise he'd be working in the sewers or in some coal mine somewhere. Master Jeremy used him as a "fetch boy," a secretary, a prestigious display object to impress others with, fucked him a lot, had him suck him off at least twice a day, and loaned him out for his friends' sexual use frequently, but his lot was no different, in fact probably better, than most slaves in today's world. Everywhere he looked, Fetch saw his perception of the world validated - there were slaves everywhere doing whatever their masters wanted, including being down on your back, leashed by a ring through your tit, sucking off a big German slave, leashed by a ring though his penis, being fucked by his master.

The German slave, aching in need, didn't take long to shoot off once his ringed prick was enveloped by Fetch's warm mouth and gentle sucking. His first volley into Fetch's mouth was huge and Fetch couldn't swallow as fast as it filled his mouth. Cum was running out the edges of Fetch's mouth, down his chin, even out of his nose as the struggled to swallow the hot cum as fast as it was pumped out of the quivering ringed prick in his mouth. On top of that, the German's organ moved in and out of his mouth as the German slave was being ass pumped by Master Jeremy above. Fetch didn't really know whether his mouth action had stimulated the German slave to this huge discharge, whether it was a result of his master vigorously pumping the slave's ass above him, or whether it was simply a case where a slave under such prolonged need was going to shoot off at the slightest stimulation anyway. Just as he felt his stomach filling up fast with hot cum, someone in the crowd of guests around them tripped over the leash running from the wall ring to his tit and stretched his tit painfully. Fetch screamed in anguish at the pull on his tit just as he was swallowing another huge discharge from the German slave and the two actions didn't mesh - he spewed cum out of his mouth all over his chest, his stomach, and even over his lower torso. He dreaded the punishment such carelessness would lead to - his only hope was that Master Jeremy, busy fucking above him, wouldn't notice.

But the guests standing around looking at the delightful scene certainly did, and made a big point of it.

"Jesus, look at that German slave's cum all over that slave beneath him. There must be a gallon all over the front of that slaveboy sucking him off. What a slob!" one of the guests commented as he pointed to the gooey scene below him.

Fetch knew at that point his fate was sealed. Master Jeremy was sure to remember that remark even though he couldn't see it himself from his position above. He remembered the last time he had embarrassed his master - it took five days from the bull whipping until he could actually walk again and only the whipmaster's skill had kept his body from being permanently scarred from the "correction." Fetch shuttered as he continued sucking. No one had told him to stop and he certainly didn't want to add to his master's wrath.

Fortunately, the person tangled up in his tit leash was now loose and he quickly swallowed all the cum left in his mouth and scooped up every drop on his body he could reach with his hand, putting that in his mouth to swallow along with the rest the German slave was still spurting out. By the time he had scraped the last drops from his body, the German's prick began quivering anew and it was obvious another load was going straight down his throat. This time he got the prick as far down his throat as possible, ring, leash, and all, so he wouldn't have so much in his mouth at one time to swallow. The trick worked and the second round went directly down his wide open throat and into his stomach. Fetch barely even tasted it this time.

Before Master Jeremy was through fucking the German, the slave had fully emptied his balls into Fetch's mouth - five full loads before he had been drained dry. But Fetch sucked on anyway, not having been told to stop even though the German's prick was now limp. With a loud growl of triumph, Master Jeremy arched his back, plunged all the way into the German's hole and deposited his own load, spasming with each separate ejaculation.

Finally, Master Jeremy pulled out and ordered his slave Fetch to stop sucking the German slave and get busy cleaning his master's shaft of well used lube, a thin coating of excess cum and some sweat from his exertions.

As soon as Fetch slid out from under the German slave and positioned himself to clean Master Jeremy's shaft as ordered, the German slave collapsed on the ground beneath him and simply panted as he slowly rolled over on his back so his penile leash didn't bite into his body from his own weight.

As Fetch cleaned his master, it seemed Master Jeremy had not heard the other guest's comment on the cum all over his body and, for a short period, he thought he was going to escape the dreaded punishment. But such was not to be!

"Fetch, you embarrassed me with your inability to keep from making a mess swallowing all the cum as you knew damn well you are always to do when ordered to suck someone off - even another piece of property like this big German boy. When we get home, remind me to call the whipmaster - you need a good reminder of what a slave's duties are."

"Yes, master," Fetch mumbled miserably while still cleaning his master's dick with his mouth. He shuddered as he thought of the horrible pain awaiting him from the whipmaster's hand. But, there was no use trying to plead or beg forgiveness. When slaves tried that, it simply led to longer, more severe whippings. It was best to say nothing except "Yes, master" or "Thank you for correcting me, Master," in occasions like this.

The German felt well used but strangely satisfied now that this last master had allowed him to empty his balls. The next ticket holder was patiently awaiting use of his body and he was relieved when the next guest indicated with his finger he wanted the slave in a position to suck him off. It seemed like his asshole was going to get a little break. Besides, at least for now, there weren't any other guest in line other than this one simply wanting a little mouth action. From past experience, he knew it was about this time in the evening that other party events drew the guests' attention away from something so mundane as a handsome slave leashed by his prick to the front foyer wall. Just as he thought he was on his last "customer," out of the corner of his eye he saw another guest take a ticket and watch his mouth slide up and down the prick of the guest he was servicing. This new ticket-holder was a rather fat middle aged woman who he had serviced before at the last party. He knew she would unhook his penile ring from his wall leash so he could screw her, ring and all, properly. How any woman could take all that up her cunt was beyond him - the ring alone would have ripped most women to pieces - but not her! Oh well, he remembered she was satisfied rather quickly and he would only be asked to fuck her to two or three full orgasms until she would kiss him and join the other party goers, no worse for the wear. It should be fairly easy and then, most likely, he would be through for the evening and could get some rest. After swallowing his master's load and satisfying the mistress waiting, he'd about had it for one night! It would feel good when he was flushed out, showered, shaved, and back in his cage, chained securely with his prick leash to the ring in the front door of his cage so the slave handler always had access to it.


by Bill Smith



Fetch was yanked by his tit leash to follow Master Jeremy back to the main room where the gong was located and his master would meet up with Master Benjamin, his friend.

The timing was perfect. The two masters arrived within a minute of each other at the big gong where at least a dozen black servers, all freshly cleansed, displayed themselves provocatively for a second or third use in the mansion's bedrooms above.

"Jeremy, wait till you see some of the bedrooms upstairs, not to mention the side room where they've stationed the white slaveboys. You won't believe it!" Benjamin said excitedly. "Did you get to fuck that good looking German boy with the ringed prick?"

"Indeed I did, although, can you believe it, I had to take a ticket and wait in line. But," he winked, "it was worth it. I thought he'd be all fucked out since I was #18 to use him tonight, but I had Fetch get down under him and suck him off while I fucked him - that did the trick and he was as frisky as if I was #1 since no one had let him shoot off all evening until Fetch took his load."

"Good thinking," Benjamin said as he gave a quick glance over to his friend's personal slave and noted the young slave didn't seem to be any the worse for it.

"Enough about me getting my balls drained. Tell me about fucking the black slaves in Mr. Holgate's bedrooms, Benjamin," Jeremy smiled. "Or is it best just to see for myself?"

"You've got to see it yourself, Jeremy, but take Fetch with you if you're all tuckered out. At least Fetch could demonstrate with some of the goodies you can choose from. All black, shiny, and hung like horses." Benjamin never gave a thought as to whether Jeremy's slave had been completely drained or not, what he would think about fucking just anything put to him, or even whether he preferred men or women sexual partners. Those weren't considerations when you were talking about the use of slaves. With that, Benjamin stepped up to one of the black servers posing in front of them, freshly cleansed in the slave maintenance center below, and, taking his hand, wrapped it as far as he could around the slave's exceptionally huge semi-erect prick and began stroking the long, thick shaft.

"I know they all look alike, but I think this is the very one I fucked just a little while ago. Is that right, slaveboy?" he asked the black man he was stroking rather roughly.

"Yes, master," the slave answered in a deep bass voice as he thrust his phenomenal organ further into Benjamin's hand. "Would you like use of this slave again, master?" the slave asked humbly.

"No," Benjamin said promptly, but my friend might enjoy seeing you get fucked by his attendant slave, or, maybe, Jeremy, the other way around given the size of this thing?"

"The other way around sounds fun," Jeremy said. "Want to watch with me, Benjamin?"

"Why not? It won't take long and then we can explore some of those side rooms Mr. Holgate was talking about," Benjamin explained.

Leading the black server by his prick, Benjamin headed for the upstairs bedrooms again, followed by Jeremy pulling on Fetch's tit leash. Fetch knew his other hole was now going to be reamed by the huge black prick in Master Benjamin's hand and wondered if he could take the drilling without some permanent damage to his rectum. He knew some other slaves fucked for their master's amusement by huge studs who had ended up bleeding with torn ligaments and a few of them never recovered from the assaults. But, he thought somberly, he had no choice in this anyway so he better try his best to relax as much as he could and make sure his hole was as loose as he could make it. He could take the pain but getting all torn up was something else.

Within a minute, the foursome were upstairs in an available bedroom. As Benjamin had suggested, the room was magnificent - this one was decorated in Louis XIV furniture with the thickest rug Jeremy had ever seen and beautiful hand woven tapestries hung on three of the four walls. On a gold veneered bedstand, there were crystal jars of fresh lubricants, body oils, and even an assortment of air fresheners. Jeremy motioned Fetch onto the bed on his back and then ordered him to spread his legs and pull them up over his shoulders so his hole was fully available. He then ordered the black server up on the bed atop his own slave, telling the black to position himself so both he and Master Benjamin had a good view of the fucking at all times. By this time, of course, the black was fully erect from Benjamin's manipulations.

"Fuck him," Jeremy ordered. "And, mind you, I want a good fucking - all the way in with some hard pumping, you hear, slave? And no shooting off without permission, blackboy. I want this show going on until I say to stop, slave."

"Yes, master," the black answered as he immediately entered Fetch's proffered hole and, with a arillated agonizing scream from Fetch, slid his huge organ inch by inch all the way up the lubricated anal chute of the slave beneath him. Fetch broke out in a full body sweat from the strain as he could no longer contain the screams of protest from his tortured body. But, before the huge prick was all the way up him, the screaming stopped as Fetch passed out, his head plopping back on the bed beneath him.

"Is that far enough, master?" the black asked as he halted briefly in his assault on the slave's hole beneath him.

"No, slave," Jeremy said. "I told you I wanted you all the way in and then to pump him hard. Are you deaf or do you just need a good whip to teach you to obey your betters?"

"No, master. I'm sorry, master. I'll pump him good and hard, master," the slave trembled as he continued forcing his huge shaft up the chute beneath him.

Within seconds, the black was all the way in and started pounding his shaft in and out of the slave beneath him at a frenzied pace as the sweat rolled off his back and his breathing became ragged in his efforts.

After a minute or two, Fetch regained some consciousness, felt the overwhelming pain from the assault once again, and then passed out a second time.

"Let me pour some water on Fetch," Benjamin said. "No fun watching the black pump all that into a dead animal."

"You're right. He's just dead meat passed out like that. There's some smelling salts here on the table," Jeremy announced, picking up the small tube, taking the cap off, and placing them directly under Fetch's nose.

Immediately, Fetch twitched, coughed, and came back to this world, staring directly into the black slave's handsome face, now covered in sex sweat. The pain in Fetch's butt was unbelievable and it felt like his ass lining was stretched far beyond any breaking point. Fetch envisioned blood pouring out of his ass as he was being fucked and wondered if he would ever be able to walk again. As he stared at the shiny black face staring into his eyes, he thought he must have died and was now in Hell. When he started to pass out again, Master Jeremy put the smelling salts under his nostrils once again and this time, he knew he couldn't escape anymore. He groaned loudly and then gasped as the black above him pumped ever deeper into him - so deep he wondered if he were up to his throat by now. Fetch couldn't stop groaning as he tried to wiggle his legs and butt a bit so alleviate the pain, but all that did was allow the black's prick to drive even deeper within him. He turned his head to one side in total resignation of his fate. Somehow, he felt he would die within minutes - raped to death for the amusement of his master. Well, he wouldn't be the first slave to fall to this fate.

The black slave above him was caught up in trying to control his pending orgasm, but no so much that he wasn't aware this same plight could happen to him at any time. He too could be fucked to death in some little spectacle or another dreamed up his own master, Mr. Holgate. Why just last month, a big black slave he knew fairly well, caged next to him in fact, had died when Mr. Holgate had a monstrous 15" dildo forced up that slave's hole at a party exhibition and the slave had died hemorrhaging a few minutes after it had been forced in all the way and pumped in and out of him a few times. He remembered how upset Mr. Holgate was that the expensive slave had died on him, as if it were the slave's fault somehow. Mr. Holgate's solution to the problem: more and more dildo practice with his slaves with ever bigger dildos so all his property "learned" how to "cooperate" properly instead of wasting his money dying on him. Well, at least, it didn't look like this "Fetch" slave was going to die today. The black slave did everything he could to save this slave they called "Fetch" from his assault, but he could hardly fake how far he pumped into the slaveboy nor how long he pummeted the hole - that was up to his temporary masters.

"Hang in there," he whispered to the slave beneath him, the black said so low the two masters couldn't hear him with all the panting and heaving going on. "I'm going as easy as I can with you, boy," he whispered between pants. "You can make it, my friend," he added as he pushed his shaft all the way into the boy and lowered his face next to the slave's ear. "I didn't think I could take it when they first put me to a big stud either, but I did," he said encouragingly.

"Stopped muttering around and get with it, slave," Benjamin said irritably. "We're here to see you fuck, not hear your throat gurgling. And remember, slave, no shooting off without permission."

"Yes, master," the black slave said, panting heavily. "I'm fucking this slaveboy here good and hard, just like you wanted, master," he added for good measure, emphasizing with his heavy breathing how much effort he was putting into meeting his master's demands.

After five minutes, the black announced he didn't think he could keep from shooting off much longer.

Jeremy looked at Benjamin and both nodded their approval at the black slave, now completely coated in sweat with the room reeking from the heavy smell of sex. Without delay, the black plunged all the way into the hole beneath him, shuddered over and over, and soon the tell-tale signs of thick white cum were oozing out around his prick still deeply embedded into the slave's hole beneath him.

"Pull out, black boy," Jeremy ordered "and let my slave clean your shaft." Then both of you down to the clean-up room and get your asses back to the gong. A thorough enema for you, Fetch, and showers and re-oiling for both of you bastards."

"Yes, master," both slaves said humbly, although Fetch just mumbled his response. The black had to help him off the bed and, once on his feet, Fetch found he could barely walk from the soreness, but the black helped him stumble out of the room and to the slave maintenance room in the basement.

As soon as the two slaves were out of their master's earshot, the black smiled at Fetch, who was draped over his shoulder for support.

"You're not bleeding, boy," the black announced happily. "You'll feel a lot better after a hot shower and a fresh lubing."

"Thank you for going as easy as you could, my friend," Fetch said. "If my ass is still all there, it's thanks to you."

"We slaveboys have to take care of each other," the black slave said tenebriously, "if we're going to survive in this world."

"I'm not sure we can always count on our owners to look out for our best welfare," Fetch snickered. "Strange, isn't it? They pay a fortune to own our bodies and then watch us depreciate the very goods they just bought. Doesn't make much sense, does it?"

"No," the black laughed, "but then, we're not the ones owning all that property. They want to fuck us to death, it's their call. They own us, after all."

"Same as burning money," Fetch said. "Some masters do it just to show off they can."

"That's about it," the black scoffed as they reached the slave maintenance room, now filled with dozens of other slaves no better off and treated the same as these two.

As soon as he was cleansed inside and out, Master Jeremy had told Fetch to go outside to his master's car and wait until the party was over, fastening his tit leash to the car's door. His master didn't want to bother with his presence the rest of the evening and, Master Jeremy added rather disgustingly, he was pretty well used up for anyone's pleasure by this time.

When Fetch got to the car and obediently fastened his tit leash to the door handle until his master returned, probably many hours from now, he passed the time watching the hustle and bustle out on the streets in the early morning hours. Gangs of naked construction slaves, chained together by their neck collars, marched by enroute to some building site with the overseers whips already cracking down over their backs and rumps to speed them up. Teams of six to eight huge draft slaves were harnessed together pulling heavy wagons delivering goods to the shops, due to open in a few hours. Their drivers, atop the delivery wagons, urged them on with steel-tipped buggy whips which tore into their backs whenever the wagon slowed, leading to a fresh volley of anguished screams from the harnessed steeds. Lithe young messenger slaves, picked for their speed, ran up and down the street with their letter pouches flung over their shoulder, their only attire the collar around their neck and the thick band around their genitals. A mistress, carried on a litter by eight naked female slaves, obviously picked for their beauty more than their strength, glided by on her way to an early morning assignation with some lover. A large group of handsome young nicely-muscled slaves, all blacks, heavily shackled and chained together by their genital bands, were obviously being driven to an early morning slave market, judging from their newly shaved bodies and the fresh brands on their butts. A sign attached to a slave bringing up the rear announced they were the latest batch from the "Paradise Breeding Farm." Another group behind them of white female slaves, herded only by leashes attached to their collars and an overseer smacking a buggy whip occasionally over their butts, was keeping pace with the male animals ahead of them. A sign on that group announced they too were from the "Paradise Breeding Farm" and would be sold off as breeding wenches with "guaranteed fertility." The stretch marks on their bellies did indeed show they had already produced at least one pup not too long ago.

The few free people on the streets at this hour availed themselves of the opportunity to fondle the body of a nice-looking slaveboy simply leashed to a car door with no owner in sight. Fetch, like all other unattended slaves, was at their mercy without the protection of his owner's presence. As the hours wore on, Fetch found himself again constantly erect from their fondling, dripping some precum, and having his tits pinched and rubbed despite how swollen they already were. (It was no wonder slaves tended to hover close to their owners or overseers at all times even without a leash attacked to one part of their body or another.) Two ugly middle-age men, dressed like they didn't have a nickel between them and smelling like they hadn't washed in a month, seized upon the opportunity of an unattended slave. They squeezed Fetch's balls until they ached, debated whether they could have the deserted' slave suck them off before his master or mistress returned, knowing that fucking the slave, which was their first choice, was out of the question in that the cum running out of the slave's ass afterwards would signal his owner he had been used upon his return. Finally, looking up and down the rather deserted street at that time, they decided if one stood watch while the other was sucked, it was safe enough. Consequently, Fetch ended up taking two more loads down his throat before his master finally got back to the car and put him in the trunk for the trip back to his cage in his master's home.


By Bill Smith



Jeremy and Benjamin went directly to the room where the white slaves were positioned for the guests. Again, they were overwhelmed with the magnificence of their highly selected bodies, the attention paid to fitting those bodies for maximum appeal, and especially to the universal dazzling white teeth, the huge genitals, and green eyes the slaves featured. A fresh coating of body oil highlighted their gleaming hairless bodies and all sported at least a semi- erection as they displayed their nude muscled bodies for the assembled partygoers.

"I always thought I preferred black slaves," Benjamin said almost in awe, "but I'm rethinking that looking at these beauties."

"There are a lot of black masters fondling these white slaves," Jeremy laughed, "and even more taking them upstairs to use. Why is it, Benjamin," Jeremy asked, "we're always turned on by something a little different than ourselves? You say you preference blacks to fuck and these black masters here seem to prefer fucking a white slave. Me? Doesn't seem to make any difference. What seems to turn me on the most is how much they are controlled and subordinated. I just went ape over that white German leashed by a ring through his prick. Now, that's control if I ever saw it. And I always like to see Fetch leashed, especially by his tit. But he's the same color as I am and it doesn't turn me off one bit compared to that leash through his tit. That German I just fucked the shit out of was a lot older than I am and somehow, the fact I could tell an older person to do exactly what I wanted and he couldn't object in any way turned me on as much as that big ring through his prick leashed to a wall. Benjamin, you get turned on by black animal flesh at your disposal. I get turned on by the degree of control I have over an animal. The fact a slave is just an owned animal is what turns me on despite what color he is, how old he is, or even how big his prick is."

"Like hell you don't care how big their prick is," Benjamin snickered. "Every slave I've ever seen you use has been hung like a damn horse, or even bigger if you could find them."

"Well, Fetch isn't exactly a freak, Benjamin," Jeremy said defensively. "Big, yes, but nothing really abnormal as slaves goes these days."

"That's because you only go to the markets that feature the well hung boys. If you went to the general market, you'll know Fetch is - well - at least close to abnormal."

"Well, if you can afford it, why not?" Jeremy laughed. "Look at these Holgate slaves. All of them are practically wonders, especially these white boys here. Whoever said blacks are hung heavier or built better overall than whites hasn't seen these slaves here. And all with green eyes!"

"Well, are we just going to stand here talking about it or are we going to try some of these beauties out? Those beds upstairs will look just as good with some white meat in them as that black we had up there."

"Didn't that Asian say something about some fucking benches in the next room?" Jeremy asked. "There's no law that says you literally have to bed a slave down - you can bench a slave down even better sometimes. Ever used a fucking bench, Benjamin?"

"Of course, Jeremy. In fact, I have two of them in my game room at home. That's one piece of furniture I can't live without. If you want to bench a white boy, I'm all for it. But, remember, you don't have the privacy you would if we took the white slave we pick out to a bedroom."

"That's part of the appeal, Benjamin," Jeremy smiled. "Fucking these beautiful pieces of solid muscle right in front of everyone until those green eyes of theirs practically pop out of their handsome little heads."

"I'm game, as long as you don't mind me having a white slave suck me off before I fasten him to the bench for a good ass fucking."

"It's like you read my mind, Benjamin. That's exactly what I intended to do too."

With that, the two masters looked a number of white slaves over and picked out two that most appealed to them, well into their twenties. Both were no more than 5'10", ruggedly masculine in their facial features as well as their physique, and both were strikingly handsome. Their overseer gave each master a leash fastened to the slave's collar for leading them out of the room to wherever the masters wanted to use the slaves. They quickly found the room adjacent with the ornate, gilded fucking benches made out of polished walnut with the gold trim, brass fittings, and a multitude of thick leather straps to fasten a human animals's legs, arms, torsos, necks, heads, etc., as the user may want.

With a motion of his hand, Jeremy had his slave (whose slave name of "Service" was tattooed on his forehead) bend over the bench where Jeremy quickly fastened both ankles wide apart to the back legs of the bench, both wrists to the front legs of the bench, and a thick leather band around the slave's torso. The slave couldn't move more than a wiggle, but his asshole, fully exposed now, was totally available to anyone. Without any preliminaries, Jeremy moved in behind and started to fuck this beautiful piece of meat.

"I thought you were going to have him suck you first," Benjamin said as his selection was on his knees in front of another bench busily swallowing the master's shaft down to the root and then sucking for all he was worth as his lips bobbed up and down on the now fully erect prick of the man holding his collar leash.

"Changed my mind," Jeremy said as, in one lunge, he pushed his own prick all the way deep into the bowels of the slave beneath him, hearing the white slave grunt lustily when his prick went in far enough to tickle the slave's sensitive organs and the slave began to drip profusely from the stimulation. This slave's name of "Pleasure" was also tattooed on his forehead and he was now proving how well named he was. "He can suck a second load out of me when he cleans my shaft off," he added.

"Thank you, master," the white slave Service' beneath Jeremy muttered as he responded to the deep fucking.

Benjamin's slave Pleasure' looked up to his master's eyes as he continued taking the shaft all the way down his throat in an effort to thank him too, although he couldn't with his mouth stuffed full at the moment.

"This is one tight piece of ass," Jeremy remarked as he pounded in and out of the restrained slave. "I'm surprised, given the availability of these party slaves. Looks like they'd be used enough to get kind of loose in their holes."

"Yeah," Benjamin said, "but special exercises keep a lot of them pretty tight despite the use."

"How's the blow job?" Jeremy asked.

"The boys a pro," Benjamin laughed. "I wish I could take this one home and just keep him in a cage handy for a good sucking morning, noon, and night. About three a day ought to do it."

The two white slaves were professionals. Within a minute, the first slave strapped to the fucking bench had his user squirting hot cum up his hole as he too unloaded from all the stimulation; the second slave was busily swallowing a full load out of his user. Jeremy withdrew, unstrapped his slave, and was too tuckered out to have the slave suck him outside of simply cleaning his shaft off. Benjamin was no better. He did strap his white slave to the fucking bench, but simply played around putting some big dildos (attached to every fucking bench) in and out of the slave's lubed ass until that slave, his prostate well massaged, shot a big load just like his colleague had done just a minute or so before. The floor beneath the fucking benches was practically white with cum and sticky as all get-out from the evening's accumulation. Both masters mentioned the problem to the room's overseer who promptly inquired if they were through with the slaves who had serviced them. When they nodded that they were, the overseer ordered both of the white slaves to their knees below the fucking benches with the directive to clean not only their own cum off the floor, but everyone else's while they were at it.

"It will be a special treat for supper," he announced to the two white slaves with a wink to both Jeremy and Benjamin. "Slaves love the taste of cum," he explained, "so sometimes we give them a little reward," as he watched the two slaves sink to their knees and, lowering their heads to the floor, began licking up the numerous deposits all over the plastic mats beneath the fucking benches.

"Thank you, overseer," the two slaves said as they swallowed the first load they had scooped into their mouths and quickly got their mouths back to the mat to scoop up another load.

"Love it, I tell you," the overseer said with some satisfaction. Benjamin thought about the white slave he had just used - he already had a big load of fresh cum in his tummy.

"I doubt if this is the first cum they've tasted this evening," Jeremy chided the overseer.

"No, but slaves never get enough cum to satisfy them - if they've been well trained, mind you," he replied as all three of us watched the two white slaves hastily complete their task, scooping up a good cup or so of dried cum before they were finished. Somehow, seeing the slaves down on their knees licking up spent cum was very erotic, both Benjamin and Jeremy privately and independently concluded. Both of them decided to add this to their personal slave's agenda of activities. Since their personal slaves usually swallowed their cum when sucking them off, perhaps they could milk the slave and then have him lick up his own cum for their enjoyment.


by Bill Smith



Three levels below them, slaves considered "used up" for the evening were back in their cages, now completely flushed out and body scrubbed once again. Each had a medicated suppository inserted well up their anal chute which would sooth their inflamed passages, and stop any bleeding and prevent infection if their anal lining had been torn. It also anesthetized the whole region since their ass muscles were often sore, linings had been stretched (if not torn), and there were often bruises if a user had been particularly rough in fucking them.

For German' as Master Holgate had named him in honor of his heritage, the suppository was working its magic and being clean inside and out felt good after all the sweat and cum that had previously covered his heavily-used body. Even his leashed prick, almost always sore from being jerked and tugged so often, was now pain-free and flaccid at long last. German's cage with its wire mesh floor and stainless steel bars actually felt like a cozy nest of respite.

"You get fucked as much as at the last party?" a magnificent American mulatto in an adjoining cage asked. "I got more usage tonight than ever before, I think," the rich baritone voice announced. The speaker was 6'2", heavily muscled, had sparkling (and very unusual) blue eyes, velvety smooth light brown skin, curly brown hair kept short, a pencil-line beard outlining his very handsome face, and a body otherwise kept hairless. He had a thick 3" collar of bright red aluminum, matching 2" tit rings, a 2" band of the same material tightly surrounding his exceptionally large genitals to ensure full protrusion, and a 1" matching ring through the septum of his nose which yielded a highly controlled look. Overall, his body adornments insured he looked just like what he was: an expensive piece of human property.

"Same here, Bubba," German replied. "Eighteen up my ass, six down my throat, and three studdings - two middle-aged mistresses and one old master. Anymore tonight, Bubba, and I would have passed out cold,"

"Strange how they know how long you can go before fading out on them," Bubba laughed. "Tonight my mouth was as popular as my ass - I won't need to be fed for a day or two as far as protein goes - I've had my month's allotment in tonight's cum alone. And, German, for some reason my tits seemed to be the big draw - they're so sore I have to lay on my back. I never in my life had so many mouths wrapped around these big ringed tits - just sucking their hearts out like they were feeding off of them. You don't think they mistook these big tits for one of their nursing wenches, do you?" Bubba chortled. "If so, they must have wondered where all the milk was."

"One of the masters had his own slave suck me off, ring, leash and prick all halfway down his throat. I didn't know you could swallow that thing that far down what with the big ring, and even with the leash still attached. That slaveboy of his was a marvel - wish he was right here in my cage now chomping down on my prick. I could use another good draining."

"Fat chance of that, German," Bubba retorted. "Why is it, German, slaves like us are always dreaming of having a slave of our own? You and I both know that's never going to happen."

"Probably because we know better than anyone just how much pleasure a slave can offer," German replied.

"Makes sense," Bubba responded. "Me? I'm dreaming of the day I find a cute little blond boy that likes nothing better than black dick sitting here in my cage just waiting for me. That slave couldn't walk for a week after a night in the cage with me," he boosted.

"I thought you still dreamed about fucking women," German said. "You crossing over in your old age?"

"Turned off is more like it," Bubba replied. "I've have to fuck so many old bags now I've had enough women for one lifetime. Those mistresses I serve are so demanding and inconsiderate I just hate having to crawl on top of their musty old bodies anymore, let alone pretend they're the greatest turn-on I've ever had. It takes all my imagination even to keep it hard and quivering when one of the old scum bags beds me down anymore, let alone pretending I'm getting the best fuck ever when I'm pumping into them, under their careful and explicit instructions as to my every move of course," he added ironically.

"What about the pretty young slave girls you have to fuck for someone's entertainment? I'm sure you enjoy that," German said.

"Sometimes, but most of them aren't really into it, especially being fucked right in front of everyone. It's evident in that most of them I'm ordered to fuck don't even orgasm - they just fake it for the partygoers. That really hurts a stud's feelings, you know. It's like saying you're not man enough to get them off. Frankly, I just fake my own orgasms with them anymore."

"That's too bad, Bubba," I said sympathetically. "All of us need to get off every chance we get."

"Some of the slave boys I'm ordered to fuck get all excited and manage to dump a good load about as often as I do fucking them. At least with them, I feel like a stud who knows his business."

Bubba had been born into slavery, never having known a single day of freedom. He was birthed at a huge breeding farm in Mississippi that specialized in the production of big, handsome, well-hung mulattos primarily for the sex market. It was hard for him to conceive of a life where you made decisions affecting your life, where you weren't subject to a master's or mistress' constant control of all aspects of your life, and where you didn't think of yourself as someone's property. He couldn't envision himself as anything but an owned stud, purchased to provide his owner with any usage his body could be put to. This included serving stud, taking it up the ass, swallowing big loads of fresh cum, helping a master with his bath, wiping his ass, licking his boots, drawing his carriage, laying brick, mining diamonds, or anything else whoever purchased him could dream up. He never aspired to being free (indeed he couldn't even perceive such a thing), he couldn't even think of rebelling or refusing or running away or even disobeying, and he never thought he had any rights over the how or when his body would be used by whoever owned him at the time. In other words, he was a typical bred slave.

Bred slaves, like Bubba, were fascinated, but felt sorry for, free-born slaves like German. They couldn't imagine how anyone not born into it could adjust to all the demands of slavery, but knew thousands had to do it each and every day. He never tired of hearing of German's life before being enslaved and tonight was no exception.

"German, I know you're tired, but could you tell me again about when you weren't a slave?" Bubba asked. "It's the most fascinating thing I've ever heard."

"Jesus, Bubba. Again?" German replied, but then, looking at Bubba's beseeching eyes, relented.

"Well, just a short rehash of the same old stuff," German relented.

"Great, German, Great," Bubba said excitedly and stared intently at the handsome white slave with a big ring in his prick luckily caged right next to him.

"Well, I lived in Hamburg which is a big port city in Germany on the Baltic Sea. My dad made a lot of money manufacturing body fittings for slaves and, as I told you before, the ring through my prick, my tit rings, and even the genital band I'm fitted with are all, ironically, made by the company he first started, as are all those anodized aluminum fittings on you, including that ring through your nose and that tight band forcing your sex out for everyone to fondle. In fact, I can even tell you the model numbers: my prick ring is #55C; your nose ring in red is #97R and your genital band is #78R. He could sell this stuff for twice as much as it cost to produce it and, when I lived with him, he had captured about 48% of the total world market, so you could see where we lived quite well, including a good number of slaves in our own household - not a fraction of the number Mr. Holgate has, but enough where we didn't have to lift a finger.

"On my 16th birthday, for instance, my dad bought a young Greek slave about my age. He was olive-skinned, about my height, and damn good looking, like Greeks tend to be. My dad gave him to me as a birthday present, although technically he owned the boy. In Germany, you have to be 21 to own a slave yourself - at least when I was still there. That Greek, according to my dad, was to keep me drained at all times in that Dad was always scared I was going to get some girl knocked up and have to marry her. The slave's job was to make sure my balls were so drained into his mouth or ass that I wouldn't chase the girls. Of course, Bubba, the slave did other things as well - he kept all the bedrooms upstairs, including mine, cleaned up, he was in charge of doing all the laundry, and did a good deal of the yard work so he kept his good tan, but whenever I was around, he was always close by trying to entice me into fucking his butt or jamming it down his mouth as he'd been instructed. I was thrilled with the birthday gift and I did use him two or three times a day - enough to keep me from impregnating any girlfriend just like my dad figured.

"Dad used him occasionally and so did Mom - he was damn attractive - but they had plenty of other slaves closer to their own age they bedded down a lot more often. Mom had owned her stud slave, a full black, for over a decade and never tired of him, while Dad had several female breeding slaves he managed to keep pregnant most of the time with his own seed and he shared the big black stud with my mother when he wanted something of his own sex to play around with.

"By the time I was 18, I knew the business inside and out - the cost of production for each and every item we sold, who the customers were, current trends in slave adornments, all the control items we handled like shackles, bracelets, cages, collars, whips, prods, etc., that everyone dealing with slaves has to have on hand, and was even exploring franchising some new outlets in South America, a market we had barely tapped.

"But with the collapse of the American dollar leading to the worldwide economic depression of

08, the business bottomed out and our overhead was terrific. After all, slaveholders can always do with last year's tit rings and genital bands, and, in tightening up their own expenditures, our cash flow ground to a halt. Most of Dad's production plants had mortgages on them, of course, and, when the banks were really hurting, they called in those mortgages. He couldn't meet his obligations so, under German law, everything was seized, including his house, his slaves, and even he and his whole family since all of these assets' were subject to cover the mortgages in the case of default.

"I was taken away with my Greek slave and both of us found ourselves in the same holding pen at the bank's slave broker. Dad and Mom's big black stud was penned right next to us along with Dad's two breeding wenches, both pregnant as usual. I knew Dad and Mom were in holding cells at the same location where they kept the older slaves, but I never saw them again. Before the week was out, I was branded, collared, tit-ringed, and genitally banded and within two weeks was up on an auction block being sold to one of Mr. Holgate's agents who was looking for a heavy hung Aryan who would look good with a big ring through their prick.

"An that, Bubba, is how I got here in this cage next to you, my friend."

"You might see your Mom and Dad again sometime if they're slaves like you," Bubba said encouragingly.

"Could be," German answered. "You ever want to see who produced you, Bubba?"

"Wouldn't know them if I saw them," Bubba answered. "I never saw them as far as I know. Must have seen who birthed me, but I'm not sure newborn slaves can see anything anyway for a few days. When I was little, I remember the slave nursery, but who took care of us changed all the time so I can't remember any of them - they were never around long enough to really get to know. I've been caged next to you longer than any other person, German, and you're really the only other person I know much of anything about. That's why I never tire of hearing of your life when you weren't a slave. You know, I find bred slaves aren't all that interesting - we've all had the same background, the same experiences, the same training, You could say we all came out of rutting sheds, we're all been trained since we popped out of some breeding wench's womb, and all of us were selectively bred for one market or another. None of us ever had parents like you talk about, let alone a family like free folks. Hell, we even look alike other than the varying skin shades and hair color they produce us in."

"Well, not exactly," German corrected his cage mate.

"Shit! We're all big and muscular, we're all hung like horses, we're all better looking than who generally buys us, and we all know we're on this earth to please our masters and mistresses, no matter what," Bubba said without malice or evaluation. "Freeborn slaves vary all over the place - some big, some little, some muscular, some not, some well hung, some not, some pretty, some ugly. You look at those freeborn slaves bought mainly for the work in them - they range from the straggly to runts to puny to brutish to those who really do look like animals to those as good looking and heavy hung as bred slaves."

"I hope you're not including me in those you claim really do look like animals' just because I've got this big ring in my prick," German laughed.

"No more than you think of me as looking just like a pig with a ring in its snout," Bubba chortled as he flicked the ring in his nose septum.

"You know, Bubba, when you look at me and the millions of other freeborn slaves in the world today, it must make every master or mistress wonder if someday, somehow, they might not end up with a heavy collar around their neck and with a ring in their nose getting fucked up their ass on a regular basis."

"Or sitting in a cage talking to the best friend they ever had awaiting the next summons to someone's bed," Bubba chuckled.

"That's really pitiful," German laughed. "Best friends that can't even fuck each other because we're caged separately."

"Oh, hell, we're above this sex thing," Bubba laughed.

TO BE CONTINUED, Feedback is greatly appreciated along with your suggestions, ideas, etc. Bill Smith (

Next: Chapter 3

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