The Voluptuary

By Anonymous4371

Published on May 10, 2008



by Bill Smith



A slave courier, dressed impeccably in a skin-tight gray worsted livery, brought a thick vellum envelope like those used for fancy wedding invitations, except much more luxurious. On the back flap was the famous name embossed in gold: David Hickam Holgate III. It was addressed to both Dallas and Charles.

Both men held their breath as they carefully opened the expensive envelope. Inside they found a single card with the message in a special embossed gold ink.

"David Hickam Holgate III cordially invites both of you to a

party on Feb. 15, 2008 celebrating the opening of his new estate,

located at 111881 Bayshore Drive, Boca Raton, Florida.

Cocktails: 8 P.M; Dinner at 9 P.M.

Dress: Informal, Creative or whatever.

Please present this invitation at the front gate.

R.S.V.P. necessary by Jan. 15 in order to validate this invitation

(Fax your response to 888-HOLGATE).

No gifts, please. Overnight accommodations will be provided.

Sorry, limit of one personal attendant per person, but is really not

necessary for your comfort or convenience."

Charles actually began to tear up as a life-long dream materialized - an invitation to a party by one of the 10 most wealthy persons in the world and certainly the most controversial.

"I never thought the two of us would get an invite to some event put on by The Voluptuary,' Dallas hugged his longtime partner, both in business and in his bed. "I knew some of our stock had ended up in Holgate's possession, but, Charles, we never sold to him directly in any way. I can't imagine how he has even heard of us."

"Who cares?" Charles chuckled. "I've always wanted to see how the super-rich live and here's our chance. Besides, I understand his nickname, The Voluptuary' is well earned. I suppose you've heard the same rumors I've heard - he's creative, he's artistic, and he's sensual."

"And takes sex to a new level," Dallas added, reaching down and playfully rubbing Charles' crotch, already swollen in his excitement. "This thing is going to get a real workout if half of what I hear is true about a Holgate party," Dallas said as he squeezed Charles' nicely sized prick and stroked it through the expensive slacks Charles was wearing.

That was all it took for the two business partners to sink into the thick foyer rug, strip each other of their clothing, and enjoy each other's bodies once again - a mere four hours since their last encounter upon awakening that morning.

The treasured invitation rested on the floor beside their writhing bodies, well out of damage's way.

One of their house slaves, cleaning in the next room, heard the commotion and peeked around the corner. When he saw his two owners coupling with each other on the floor, he stifled a giggle and went back to dusting knowing he could be called to the foyer action the minute the two wanted a little variety. Well, he was ready, he mused. All the handsome well built boy wore was his slave collar, his thick genital ring, his tit rings, and his house brand. And, as usual, he had flushed himself out and lubed his hole less than an hour ago in preparation for his masters' usage at some point during the day in all probability.


by Bill Smith



Romulus, as the two men had named this particular house slave, had been worked hard ever since the two had bought him three years ago when he was just 17 and first been marketed. Before that, he was a typical product of a single parent mom caught in a web of poverty, lack of education, and no hope for a better future. She supported herself through prostitution but as the years passed that yielded less and less and by the time she was 30 was hooked on drugs. When Romulus was full grown, she sold him to her drug dealer in exchange for six-months supply in that she couldn't afford to feed him anymore, he wasn't bringing in much when she tried to pimp him to aging gays and desperate old ladies in her neighborhood, and he was a product of one of her johns anyway when she was young and careless.

Despite all that, though, he was muscular, good looking, very well hung, and his deep chocolate color on a satiny smooth skin had a certain sexy appeal. The drug dealer had approached her on several occasions about taking the boy off her hands, but she had hesitated until her drug needs overwhelmed her concern about selling her own son into certain slavery.

The dealer hadn't stated he would be made a slave, but he didn't need to. In her world, nobody was exchanged for cash without the certainty of having a collar around their neck and an ownership brand on their butt for the rest of their life. It was just part of life in the area of town she inhabited. The dealer did promise her he would be shipped off to where she'd never see him again and somehow that alleviated her guilt.

The dealer raped him repeatedly the first night his mother had turned him over to him. The next morning, his ass so sore he could hardly walk and shamed beyond belief, he was chained to the inside wall of a panel truck by a neck collar alongside three other boys about his age and two females just a little older. All six had been stripped of all clothing and each tried to hide themselves from the stares of the others. Romulus was the only one with cum running down his leg from his hole, but all the others looked as shamed and humiliated as he did. Romulus knew it wasn't just from the forced nudity or the collar around their neck.

"They fuck the bejesus out of you too?" the black person chained next to Romulus asked, staring pointedly at the cum running down Romulus' leg.

Romulus blushed until his normally brown face was maroon. The two black girls chained on the opposite side of the truck started to sob as they twisted their body so they were less exposed to the male's view opposite them. Romulus started to answer but found himself too ashamed to respond.

"I know it hurts, but it's nothing to be ashamed of," Romulus' companion said comfortingly. "All slaves get fucked - it's just a matter of when and how much. Those girls there," he pointed to the two chained to the truck's wall, "got fucked every night the dealer had me chained up in his place and me," he spat on the floor between them, "he had me chained to a saw bench by my arms and legs for the first week while he fucked the shit out of me. After that, like the other two here who were already there when I arrived, you just start accepting it like all the other slaves do from what I've seen. I'd never been around slaves before - my hood's too poor to have any slaves around - so hell, I didn't know what they were used for. I thought they were bought to do all the dirty work, you know, like on the garbage trucks and down in the sewer plants, but I never thought about being sold to be a cum dump for their owners. Sort of ignorant, I was, when it came to slaves. Now that I is one, I'm not so damn dumb. These two other black boys here just like me - fucked steady until they got used to it and stopped moaning every time a big one went sliding up their backside. None of us slaves until just recently and none of us knew nothing about what slaves had to do to get fed."

"Now we sure as hell know," one of the other black boys said as he scooted back against the panel truck's walls and spread his legs apart to keep from bouncing around, willing to totally expose himself for the sake of a little comfort.

"Yeah, just fuck meat so far. Me, I'm ready for something else, even if it is working down in the sewers or out on some farm or something," the other boy, a blond boy with blue eyes, added.

Not one of the six new slaves had any idea of where they were headed or what would happen to them. But all six understood they were slaves now and would probably soon be sold off to a whole new life. Drug dealers weren't in the slave business - they only took them in lieu of hard cash as a last resort and got rid of them after they had accumulated a few. The six in the truck had that in common. All six bodies had been sold off by their legal guardians in exchange for drugs; all six had been "broken in" to the usual sexual demands placed on a slave; and all six were, in all probability, on their way to a professional slave dealer who would buy them "as is" from the drug merchants, give them some basic slave training, hone their bodies for maximum sales price, and make their life so unpleasant any new owner, no matter what he or she wanted out of them, would seem like a relief.

For some inexplicable reason, Romulus' thoughts wondered to whether he or the blond boy would bring more on the auction block. All six of the truck's occupants were about the same age. All four males were well built, well hung, reasonably handsome, and quite muscular. Did females sell for more than males? Did jet blacks bring more on the auction block than brown boys? Did blonds or red heads bring a premium, all things being equal? And why in the hell were all of them now slaves? Bad luck? Fate? Born to the wrong parents? Or just too stupid to see it coming and not running away before they got sold off?

Romulus, like the other truck occupants, underwent the standard three-months of slave conditioning while forced exercises shaped his body into perfection. During that time, he was "processed:" his body hair was shaved off; his tits were ringed, his prick was circumcised; his genitals were banded so they protruded obscenely at all times; and his neck was permanently fitted with a very thick, tall, and heavy brass collar. A standard slave identification number was tattooed across his forehead, forever marking him as a slave as if his chronic nakedness and thick collar didn't already do that, and an "ownership" brand (a stylized "S") was seared into his left ass check to mark his status forever. To date, they had not notched his ears or fitted him with a nose ring, almost universal nowadays among slaves bought for construction, agricultural and mining slaves usually chained together in work teams by their nose rings. Female slaves were processed the same, except, of course, they weren't circumcised and a clitoral ring was fitted instead of a genital band. And they weren't exercised as much so they remained soft and more curvaceous than the male slaves.

The day before being auctioned off by one of the city's largest slave dealers, Romulus, like all the others, had been chained in place outside his cage where he was available for anyone to inspect him. By the end of that day - the longest in his life to date - his prick was chafed from continual stoking, his balls were sore from being repeatedly drained, his ringed tits were swollen from constant pinching and pulling, and even his jaws ached from being forced to hold his mouth open as wide as he could while potential customers checked out his teeth and oral capacity. His throat and ass both were raw from the huge rubber dildos forced into his two major body openings as customers tested out his sexual training in both sucking a new master or taking a good fucking without too squirming around. His stomach was filled with quarts of cum - some thick, some thin, some bitter, some sweet. On both sides of him and across the aisles of the holding pens, slaves of all colors, sizes, and shapes were undergoing exactly the same as him. Female slaves were treated to similar examinations but were openly fucked instead of just being milked like the males and their tits tended to be kneaded much more. By late afternoon, the place stunk of semen, sweat, lubricants, and saliva - all smells familiar to any slave who had gone through basic slave training or any buyer familiar with slave holding pens. Exhausted at the end of the day, the slaves sunk into a deep sleep once they were given a series of enemas to clean them out, bathed, given plenty to drink and eat, and then returned to their cages.

The next morning, they were again allowed to shit and shower, douched thoroughly, lubed, shaved if necessary, and then coated with a pleasant smelling preparation body oil used by most auction houses which made their bodies gleam under the auction lights. Even their body rings were polished for the event, eye drops made their eyes sparkle, teeth and nails were polished, and, for the first time in months, a deodorant was applied under their shaved arm pits. Right before mounting the stage, each male was stroked until he was fully aroused and each female had her clit and tits massaged until they were erect. When each slave mounted the auction block under the brilliant lights, his or her body looked about as appealing as was possible to the widest range of potential buyers, male or female.

As they had been carefully taught, each slave posed to best show off their musculature, their sexual features, and their facial characteristics. A smile was ever-present on each slave's face as the auctioneer extolled the slave's special features, his or her background and training, any specialized attributes, all while urging the selling price higher and higher with each new bid. Most of the auctioneer's prattle was made up on the spot, but there was enough truth in it to give the buyer's some idea of what they would be purchasing along with considerable mirth and merriment at the auctioneer's humor and wit in presenting the merchandise. ["Here's a young stud any master would be happy with," the auctioneer smiled as hefted a male slave's large prick up for all to admire. "For a discerning master, this wench would warm an old man's bed" as a nubile 16-year-old girl is played stark naked to the buying audience.]

Romulus, like the others, was presented fully sexually aroused, his muscles and smooth brown skin glowing under the lights, and posed so his very large sexual organs and bubble-butt ass was best displayed. His youth, his relative freshness, his short time in slavery, and his excellent training were all presented, along with the fact his own mother had sold him into slavery at the height of his physical maturity. His trainer's comments on his abilities in bed were alluded to and the suggestion was made that a body like this would be wasted as an ordinary draft slave. As the auctioneer reached down and stroked Romulus' huge erect prick, he suggested he would be welcome in any mistresses bed as well as a masters and his thorough training fully prepared him for an owner's complete satisfaction either way.

Due to all the bright lights, Romulus couldn't see the audience of buyers. But he knew the bidding was going up and up and suddenly, a leash was snapped to his neck collar and he was jerked off the auction block and off stage to a holding area along with a group of already auctioned slaves. Within minutes, he was claimed by two young men who paid for him via credit card, and, with only the command that his name would now be Romulus, led him out to their SUV which contained a large cage in the back. With a motion of their hand, Romulus dutifully climbed into the cage and they were off. The slave's life as the newly named Romulus with a brand new set of owners had begun!

He wondered if his mother had already gone through her new supply or drugs or if a few snorts were still left. That was the last he ever thought of his origins. That life was gone forever and a new one with two handsome young masters had begun.


by Bill Smith



As the invitations were being delivered, Dave Holgate was at his new mansion checking out the mechanics of the new slave quarters there - a custom design he had come up with himself. Like the mansion itself, it was built on a large scale with 500 available cages and room for adding 100 more if needed. If people thought that was excessive, his standard answer was that the Emperor Hadrian back in Ancient Rome had 20,000 slaves at his villa, each attired exactly alike. The cages all had wire mesh floors and stainless steel bars everywhere else except for the front opening which was a simple barred door, also of stainless steel. An automatic high pressure flushing system took care of all wastes and smells periodically as well as kept the properties contained within spotlessly clean once they got over their shock of being plummeted with high pressure sprays every few hours. But most slaves liked to have a clean body and appreciated having a clean cage after the filthy slave pens and smelly unwashed bodies of most stock held by the slave dealers. Each cage had a number programmed into a central computer. To "call" any slave he wanted, all Mr. Holgate (or his stewards) had to do was enter into a small remote control the slave's cage number and press "Enter." At that point, a red light would begin flashing in that slave's particular cage, the location of the remote was pinpointed on a display screen facing all the cages, the locked door would pop open and, if the cage wasn't empty within 15 seconds, the entire cage became an electric shock pad, set at a level just short of burning human tissue but inducing unforgettable paralyzing pain. If the slave summoned wasn't within 5 feet of the remote control within 3 minutes, his shock collar was automatically activated and he was brought to a fetal position instantly with the induced pain, able only to scream in agony as his muscles literally spasmed and the spit in his mouth sizzled. After two or three "calls," slaves learned to get to that remote control practically instantly, no matter how deep a sleep they were in at the time they were summoned or what room they had been summoned to. The entire system was of Mr. Holgate's own design and worked beautifully, especially with the added touch that each slave had to kneel at his master's feet to avoid an additional shock delivered by the holder of the remote control.

The "call" system was only a sample of the control Mr. Holgate kept over his slaves. Feeding was rigidly controlled, with the cage bowl dispenser computer programmed to deliver only the calorie content needed to maintain a very healthy body status but guaranteeing a chronic hunger at the same time. No Holgate slave could remember the last time he had ever experienced feeling "full." The same was true of water intake - plenty to maintain a healthy body, but available only when scheduled by their master's computer program or given as a "special treat" for extraordinary service, usually in some demanded sexual function. Pissing and shitting were allowed only upon morning awakening and before being caged for the night, although field slaves could piss in the fields, draft slaves could piss while harnessed, and house slaves could piss in a pot as long as it was discrete and didn't inconvenience their master. All sexual outlets were forbidden without express permission of their master or mistress in that most owners thought such activity drained a slave's energy away from his assigned duties and was therefore wasteful. Consequently, many slaves were constantly hard and dripping as their need became omnipresent and masters generally expected them to appear that way - a flaccid prick was a slave's worst enemy. Many overseers interpreted this as a sure sign the slave was cheating his master out of his full energy by secretly masturbating somehow with the supervisor's back was turned.

Slaves utilized for sexual purposes - actually most of Holgate's stock - had additional duties: three enemas before reporting for duty each morning and every evening and after every sexual usage, insertion of proper lubrication both morning and evening; oil on their bodies for maximum appeal, daily body shavings so they were always smooth, supple, and hairless, careful grooming of their head hair, and daily polishing of their bodily bands, rings, and collars. All sex slaves were expected to show hard all the time - it demonstrated their interest and excitement in being called to service their betters. All slaves understood a chronic erection assured their owners they weren't so "used up" they would need to be sold off to the mines or a construction crew where a hard prick didn't matter one way or the other as long as they responded instantly to a whip on their back.

A Holgate slave responded instantly, showed his eagerness to be used any way his master or mistress wanted, and always had a willing smile on his face to mask the chronic fear that ruled his existence. They were also totally exposed at all times, wore body adornments and ownership marks that emphasized they were owned properties, and were universally young, handsome, well equipped sexually, and beautifully built. They were the the best money could buy - literally, the epitomes of human flesh - and all displayed the Holgate brand neatly burned into their butt.

Within a month, the estate would be completed and all these cages would be filled, David Holgate thought with considerable satisfaction. He wasn't worried about filling them, At his present home, he had been stockpiling slaves. He already had 640 slaves and his present home only needed 150, so, once the transfer occurred the minute the cages were completed and the computer programming was in place, he'd have everything he needed to make this new place actually run.

Those slaves to be transferred had already been selected and appropriately outfitted. There were to be 50 young breeding females, collared with ear and nose rings only, to do most of the cleaning, laundry, and kitchen work. They would be kept constantly pregnant with the goal of producing at least 20 foals before being sold off as common work slaves. After 15 years, a crop of 50 selectively bred slaves a year would be on hand for replacement stock or a cash crop for the slave markets. Bought for their genetic qualities as well as their inherent beauty and bodies that promised to birth easily, they would be allowed to breed only with highly selected males selected by the estate's resident studmaster to assure the best output possible, no different than the thoroughbred horses and prize cattle on most large farms.

The 450 males to be transferred had been carefully purchased over the past few years for specific qualities and price was no object when bidding for them at markets scattered all over the world. Holgate agents went wherever they needed to get the stock they were looking for - price no object.

The selected male slaves were between 5"8" and 6"4; beautifully muscled on bodies which featured broad shoulders, huge pectorals, relatively small waists, bubble butts, and thick sinewy thighs and calves. They ranged in color from the deepest black from Central Africa to the pinkish white of Scandanavian blonds with every shade inbetween, including the rich browns from Brazil, the yellowish tints of China, and the olive skinned Mediterraneans. They all featured thick muscular necks (now heavily collared of course with thick chromium), exceptionally handsome facial features, large sparkling eyes, exceptionally thick and long pricks (now universally neatly circumcised) and large, nicely shaped rounded balls that hung close to the body. All featured prominent tits (now all were ringed with 2" chrome rings suitable for leashing) and all were fitted with a thick 3/4" genital band of chrome which encompassed the base of their prick and their ball sac, thereby assuring their genitals were all protruded prominently at all times and made their sex extremely easy for anyone to handle whenever desired. Some, mainly those who looked almost brutally masculine, were fitted with chrome nose rings which would be easily leashed, some almost "pretty" boys were fitted with large chromium ear rings, and all had hair styles designed to highlight their natural appeal: blacks generally had close cuts which emphasized their natural curls unless they had straight hair which was allowed to grow shoulder length; those with fizzy hair wore dread-locks that reached to their shoulders. Whites were coiffured in everything from shoulder length blond wavy hair to Marine Corp crewcuts dependent on their musculature and skin coloring. Green and brilliant blue eyes were prevalent among the whites by purchase selection; golden and jet black eyes were prevalent among the blacks; while browns and Orientals with unusual eye coloring (such as light blue, green or gray) were also obviously much more prevalent in this expensive batch than the slave population at large.

All slaves outfitted like this knew they were purchased for their bodies' unusual appeals and expected nothing else than to have owners enjoy those bodies, having paid the kind of money they had cost on the auction block. The arduous training they had received since purchase confirmed this in that no area of utilizing their bodies to provide pleasure to any man or woman wanting to use them had been neglected. Indeed, by the end of their training demanded by their new owner, a Master Holgate, no slave in his possession doubted for a moment that he or she wasn't put on this earth for that very purpose and performing to the upmost in this area was their ordained destiny.


by Bill Smith



Romulus peeked around the corner one more time to see his two masters, Dallas and Charles, had quickly taken their pleasure with each other on the foyer floor and were now sprawled across the area rug, their nicely honed bodies slick with sweat and both still panting from their exertions in fucking each other so quickly.

"Well, that was pleasant," Dallas gasped out as he withdraw from Charles' ass. "Your ass is as tight as ever, buddy."

"So was yours, Dallas, and thanks for letting me go first," Charles replied languidly. "Somehow I got so excited with that invitation I thought I was going to spew all over the floor, but, fortunately, I got up your ass in time to prevent a mess on the rug."

"Another round?" Dallas asked.

"Why not?" Charles replied.

"Romulus, get your ass in here," Dallas yelled out as he looked down at his still semi-erect prick, covered in cum and ass juice.

Romulus heard his master and responded immediately. To not do so was unthinkable in view of past punishments for hesitation on his part.

"Yes, master," Romulus said as he appropriately knelt on his knees in front of his master, his head lowered as far as his thick collar would allow and with his legs spread wide to best expose his banded genitals.

"Clean our shafts with your mouth, Romulus, and then get on all fours with your mouth and ass open. Master Charles and I want to fuck you simultaneously.

"Yes, master," Romulus said as he crawled forward and engulfed Dallas' shaft completely down his throat and carefully slurped it clean and then did the same for Master Charles. The taste of trace amounts of shit mixed with still warm cum and a little sweat was familiar to the slave and didn't bother him - he swallowed it down instantly - and then assumed the commanded position where it would be most convenient for his two masters to use his two holes at the same time. His head was held forward with his mouth opened wide; his ass was perched high with his legs spread wide to make sure his hole was fully accessible. Within the minute, he felt the familiar stretching of his throat and ass as two pricks plunged into him. Romulus remembered his training: his ass muscles tightened immediately as soon as Master Charles' shaft was all the way up him and he relaxed his throat muscles until Master Dallas' shaft had wedged itself deep into his throat.

Charles commenced pumping into him as Romulus churned his ass to make the fuck as enjoyable as possible for his master as he softly moaned in compliance. He also swirled his tongue around Master Dallas' deeply embedded prick as the natural gag reflexes slowly ceased as Romulus exercised the careful training he had received to be a good cock sucker. Since both masters had drained themselves just minutes before into each other, this fucking took considerably longer and it was a good 20 minutes before Romulus felt the final deep plunges up his rectum followed by warm cum running down his leg and, shortly after that, felt surge after surge of hot cum trickling down his throat into his stomach. Master Dallas' cum he could taste - it was, as usual, slightly salty, thick, and with the acrid tangy taste only a grown man has. Romulus had come to appreciate the taste of cum over time: he was a nice relief to the only other thing he ever tasted - slave chow which resembled stale cardboard.

Drained, both masters ordered the slave back to the slave quarters to flush out before he dripped cum all over the floor and then return to his cleaning duties.

"Thank you for using me," Romulus remembered to say to both his masters before getting upright and hastening himself to the slaves' maintenance room for a thorough flushing. Within a few minutes, he was back dusting in the next room as if nothing had happened to interrupt his work. Such interludes were part of any slave's live in this household and, over time, none of the slaves there thought much about it one way or the other. They knew the expectations in this area were no different than good looking slaves in most other households - after all, that's why their owners had paid good money for them.


by Bill Smith



The last Holgate party, just a month ago, had been a sensation. Held in the "old" manor house in town, those invited were still talking about it, comparing experiences with each other, and exaggerating a bit in telling about it to those unlucky enough not to have been invited. Around 100 fortunate people received invitations and all of them cleared their calendars for the event. All of them took a personal attendant with them, more for show than anything else, but quickly found out they just got in the way. Compared to the Holgate slaves in attendance (and there were over 400 of them), their own slave attendants seemed like they had been bought at a rummage sale and were almost an embarrassment to their owners.

When the invitee first approached the town house, he first saw an exceptionally handsome, totally nude blond German slave leashed by his penile ring to a curbstone. The German slave looked to be around 20 years old, was very muscular, was body shaved below his face, and was fitted with a thick black leather collar, chrome 3" tit rings, a chrome band encompassing his genitals which lifted them up for maximum protrusion, and a silver chain running from the large penile ring fitted through the head of his extraordinarily large penis to a ring in the curbstone. The only other adornment on the slave was a heavy black leather harness which cupped his pectorals and highlighted his heavily muscled abdoman. Atop the German slave's head was a thick crop of blond hair, trimmed at shoulder level and, below that, a pencil line beard outlining his rugged jaw line. It gave him the appearance of a prime Viking, now tamed for an owner's pleasure. As guests arrived, the German slave's job was to greet them in the name of his master, offer himself to any guests who would enjoy using him right there on the street, and, if not, invite them to use him later in the evening when he would be chained right off the main foyer for convenience of the guests. Although the guests were in too much of hurry to use him right then out on the street, his continual smile was in fact welcoming and many a guest made a mental note to take advantage of his offer before the evening was over.

Beyond the curb, and just to the right of the front entry, was another display of slave flesh, this one even more spectacular. Three exceptionally handsome well built slaves were all fitted with large, thick penile rings. Two of them, in standard slave display positions, were leashed by those rings to the penile ring of a third slave standing between them who had one of the largest penises most of the guests had ever seen, showing himself fully erect despite the chain leashes trying to pull it down a bit with their weight. It was a penis, nicely shaped despite its huge size, and neatly circumcised, that more resembled that on a horse than a human and is what medical books described as "priapism" - a term used to describe abnormally and relatively rare huge penises occasionally occurring as a genetic fluke. But, in this case, all three slaves, fastened together by their penises, were anything but flukes in the looks department - each one was breathtakingly handsome, had a magnificent muscular physique, and reeked of masculine sexuality. The lead slave, to which the other two were attached, was fastened by his neck collar to a ring in the wall behind him. All three slaves were heavily collared, had large 3" rings in both tits, were genitally banded with 1" bands which forced full protrusion, all had a large 2" ring through their nose septum, the ring hanging down to their upper lip, and all had 2" rings pierced through their ear lobs. All these adornments were of the same material - copper- which highlighted their smooth copper-colored skin. All three were of the same skin shade, all were oiled so their skin glowered under the torch light illuminating them, and all had jet black hair, neatly trimmed to ear length. What was even more spectacular, though, was the look in their eyes and evident in their facial expressions - total humiliation, abject shame, and utter defeat. They were in the absolute control of their master, their bodies were simply objects to be displayed at their owner's whim, and their destiny was to be showpieces for their master's caprice.

The guests viewing them so lasciviously had lust in their eyes - the lust one has for an available animal that will satisfy their needs. Nowhere did they see a guest that was concerned for their plight, the humiliating way in which they were displayed, the fact their bodies had been mutilated to heighten their aura of being totally controlled, or even acknowledgment that they, given any choice, might not want to display themselves in such a wanton fashion. On the contrary, most were fascinated with the idea of piercing a ring clear through a penis and then attaching a chain to it as a "leash," of leashing slaves to each other by their manhood, of banding their genitals to force the maximum outward protrusion of their genitals, or using such large rings in piercing a man's tortured nipples, let alone enhancing the controlled look only a ring forced through a nose septum and obviously available for leashing could give a purchased piece of human flesh. Nary a guest passed without giving in to the temptation to tug a bit on a nose ring to judge the reaction, to grip the banded penises to study how the penile ring had been installed; to twist the nipple rings just a bit to see the shiver of response, or even to tug on an ear ring to turn the slave one way or another. Every guest, no matter how sophisticated, could not resist pulling on the leashes connecting the penile rings to see the tension as it stretched the penises they were attached to and hear the gasp of pain as the slave responded to the pressure in this most sensitive part of his body and then smiled as they saw the penis so stretched respond by growing even bigger in a perverse sexual excitement even the slave couldn't explain at this point in their life. All three slaves had been taught to smile at all times no matter what and they did - a smile that revealed their constant fear of punishment. But, despite the forced smile, tears were flowing down their cheeks - tears of shame, humiliation, and despair. To the guests, this only added to the ambiance of the display and greatly enhanced their admiration of their host, Mr. Holgate, a man who took the use of slaves to a whole new level. They couldn't wait to get inside the town house and see what awaited them. Those who had brought their own slave attendants, also totally nude and frequently ringed themselves, were already a little embarrassed - their own slaves, well muscled and selected for their physical beauty, seemed tawdry and cheap compared to the specimens Mr. Holgate was displaying.

What most guests didn't realize was that this trio so licentiously displayed had, until just a few months ago, been large slave holders themselves, having been chief executive officers of large corporations and running households that involved having scores of slaves to do their every bidding, including pleasing them sexually whenever and however they wanted. As previous masters, they had viewed their own slaves as no more than animals - convenient receptacles to satiate their lust and, if carefully selected, pretty to decorate their house with. Now they were slaves themselves and displayed in a fashion so degrading even they hadn't thought of it previously. None of the three had ever imagined in their wildest nightmares that they might someday end up being publically displayed stark nude chained by a ring through their penis with decorative shoulder pads anchored by their tit rings. All of them had seen plenty of slaves displayed nude before, of course; all of them had their own slaves routinely body shaved; and all of them had a few of their better looking slaves ringed through their tits or banded around their genitals; but none had even thought of a penile ring or even seen one until it had been done to them.

Nor had any of the three ever thought that their own slaves might actually have feelings of humiliation or shame at being displayed nude before total strangers. In fact, up until now, it had never occurred to them that their "animals" had any feelings at all, good or bad, outside of fear of punishment or the joy inherent in serving their master well. Now, with total strangers yanking at their penile rings, twisting their tit rings, stroking their shafts to full erection, or squeezing their balls in the palms of their hands, they fully realized slaves do in fact suffer humiliation, anguish, shame, revulsion, and disgust, but all this had to be accommodated if they were to avoid the harsh punishments meted out routinely to slave "animals." The trio envied their colleagues born into slavery - they expected nothing less and seemingly never developed such cumbersome feelings of guilt, shame, and humiliation. If a master wanted it, that was all there was to it - it had nothing to do with the slave himself. But for those who once had social status, had owned slaves themselves, and, especially for those in high ranking executive positions, the transition from C.E.O. to a naked slave on full display was difficult indeed and demanded a purging of all previous ideas of who and what they were. The former executive with the abnormally large prick now realized he was being displayed as a novelty, no different than an albino slave with pink eyes he'd once seen at a friend's dinner party back before he had been enslaved himself.

"Get your prick showing hard," one guest growled at his slave attendant, leashed by his nipple ring to his master's right hand. "That's the least you can do, you bastard, rather than embarrass me with a limp dick in front of specimens like this," he pointed with his leash hand to the threesome joined by their penile rings, thereby jerking his slave rather viciously by his tit ring.

"Yes, master," the attendant said as he gasped from the pain of being pulled by his nipple ring. But, either from the nipple pain or his master's command, his prick did reach a full erection and, since he was very well endowed, was quite showy since he was genitally ringed and shaved smooth in that area so his prick not only protruded well, but wasn't hidden by any body hairs.

The slave attendant looked around at the other slaves guests had brought with them. All were totally nude like himself, all were body shaved and oiled, all were muscular, and all were heavy hung. Most managed to maintain the erections expected of them, and many were being fondled by their balls, their tits, or their pricks as they waited patiently outside the door gaining admission to the host's town house. A few were being traded between guests as requests were made to stroke a new body or examine a new skin or hair color or squeeze and weigh a new set of balls in their hands.

Entering the town house itself, each guest was overwhelmed by what he saw, heard, smelled, and, quickly, touched. It was obvious Mr. Holgate's procurement agents had been busy in slave markets around the globe, buying up the very best those markets had to offer.

First, there was the sheer number of slaves: everywhere one looked there was slave after slave, each either totally nude with enhancing adornments, or scantily clothed to highlight their sexuality. There were both genders, every skin color imaginable, every hair color and texture, and sizes from petite to gigantic. Females were all young, nubile, alluring, and beautiful with breasts ranging from pert to buxom. Males were all young, muscular, well-built, handsome, and invariably featured large sexual organs that seemed to be in a state of perpetual excitement. Every slave, regardless of gender or size or color, wore a smile on their face and positioned themselves in inviting poses, practically begging, if seemed, to be used sexually by the guests.

Most of the slaves were totally nude with only shiny metal wristbands, ankle bands, arm bands, genital bands, ear rings, tit rings, and either a polished metal collar or a thick leather collar to enhance their display. A few featured nose rings; a few had notched ears; a few were tattooed in various places; some had their slave names tattooed across their chests, forehead, or the back of their shoulders. All had been branded on their left ass check with the Holgate brand, small but distinctive, so everyone would know they were now property - not just property, but Holgate property! All the slaves' bodies had been well oiled so they gleamed in the mansion's lights, which tended to highlight their muscular physiques and prominent sexual features.

"Think of my properties as your own," Mr. Holgate assured each new guest upon greeting them after thanking them for coming. "It's good for slaves to be handled and have their bodies used to bring their betters some small satisfactions. They've all been trained toward that end and I hope take you to a whole new level of sexual satisfaction. If not, I want to hear about it to make sure they receive more training, if necessary," he chuckled. "Incidentally, if your attendant needs to clean himself, you might tell him the slave maintenance room is down these stairs right to the basement. Even the best of ass lube doesn't last forever," he chortled along with his guests.

As each guest proceeded into the interior of the mansion, he was overwhelmed with beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers, lavish buffets of the choicest appetizers, and nude slaves everywhere carrying trays of a variety of drinks. The serving slaves were all pure black males, generally just 16 or 17 but well into physical maturity, hairless, very heavy hung for their age, and all sporting huge erections atop their banded genitals which assured full protrusion of their sexual organs. All were circumcised, all were heavily tit-ringed with 2" copper rings (which matched their genital band) and a tall 3" copper collar forced their heads upward at all times. All had a Holgate ownership tag in copper pierced through their upper right ear.

"Where on earth could you buy up this many pure blacks that look so much like each other they could be brothers?" one of the guests asked in amazement as he took a an offered drink from one of the serving slaves as he hefted the slave's balls in his left hand and noted how large and heavy they were.

"You underestimate Mr. Holgate's procurement agents, Jeremy," his companion answered. "I understand he has six or seven agents at any given time scouring the biggest markets all over the world looking for whatever his latest whim is. Looks like this week he's into teenage blacks hung like horses and with such good looks it does sort of dazzle you. But, even with all those agents, I can't understand how he can get them all looking alike. As you say they look like they're all practically twins of each other. You don't think he... he is....."

"Having them cloned on order?" a nearby party goer finished his question. "I thought the same thing until someone filled in me on the little secret."

"Which is?" Jeremy asked as he too took a hold of the server's prick and stroked it a bit to make sure it was as big as it looked as the slave being handled stood absolutely still with his pelvis thrust out for the convenience of the guest handling him and an inviting smile on his face.

"Does the master wish to use me?" he inquired in a deep, but very respectful voice. "There are fucking benches in the next room and some comfortable beds upstairs. Of course," the slave almost whispered, "you can use me right here if you want. My trainer is proud of my sucking abilities as well as having a well-trained ass."

"Keep your mouth shut when your betters are talking," the man who had been interrupted slapped the slave so hard the slave had trouble holding onto his tray of drinks without spilling them.

"Sorry, master," the slave said, immediately diverting his eyes downward but never moving so that the person handling him wasn't interrupted.

"As I was saying before this slave started begging you to use him, the slaves here aren't cloned as I too wondered initially. But Holgate did it naturally. I found out all these serving boys are from a huge breeding farm in the interior of Chad specializing in pure blacks. But all these boys are half-brothers - all bred from one stud only and all out of broods picked to resemble each other."

"That's one busy stud," Jeremy exclaimed as he looked around the room and saw at least 50 serving slaves in this room alone, all looking more or less alike. "How many of his git are in this mansion alone?"

"Around 100, I think," the informant guest explained. "And all of them within a year or so of each other. That's a lot of fucking by one stud. Now there's a slave worth a lot of money if he never did anything else but knocking the breeding wenches up at such a prodigious rate. And he would have to be one handsome well built stud to produce pups like this."

"A very fertile stud that was a big muscular good looking animal sold for over a million at the last auction I was at," Jeremy said. "But he was already 28 I think, so you can imagine what a fresh stud would sell for, if they had a high hit rate of course. And he was a Australian with brown hair and brown eyes. They sell a lot cheaper than a pure black or a blue-eyed blond with a good build and heavy equipment."

"Each of these boys, just like the one you're stroking now, would sell for that easily," the informant said. "I would guess our good friend David Holgate has about 100 million tied up in serving boys alone. That's a lot of capital tied up in two-legged stock."

"But the serving boys are just a fragment of the total," Jeremy added. "Someone told me he's got a total or around 650 slaves altogether and most of them are just as valuable, if not more so, than these black servers. How much do you think that prick-ringed trio at the front door would cost? Or that German greeter at the curb ringed by his prick to the curbstone? They say the trio were all former C.E.O.'s and that Mr. Holgate turned down an offer of 1.6 million for that German slave of his out on the curb."

"I know he paid $4 million for the threesome by the front door. I was at the auction where his agent bought them. They would have sold for no more than $500,000 or so each given their age, but being former C.E.O.'s got the crowd going and you don't see that degree of shame and humiliation from most slaves - that's worth a lot and you can still see it in their eyes. Why, when I looked them over tonight, two or them were tearing up as I handled them and the other one was trying to stifle his sobs. That's what he paid the premium price for," Jeremy's companion said. "Public shame is a nice touch and, in my opinion, is worth a considerable premium."

"That's something you don't see in these bred slaves," Jeremy said as he continued to stroke the black server's huge prick. "I could fuck him right here on the floor in front of everyone and he wouldn't be embarrassed at all."

"Why would he? That's the way he was brought up," Jeremy's companion said. "After all, guilt, embarrassment, humiliation, and all that are all feelings reserved to the free born or, like that trio out there, those who once were free."

Jeremy's stroking did have its consequences. The black slave stiffened and warned that he was going to cum quickly. Quickly, Jeremy took his empty drink glass and held it in front of the black's pulsating organ. With obvious relief, the black filled the glass in five sequential eruptions with thick, white cum, all without spilling any drinks on his tray or ever breaking stance with his organs thrust out for handling.

Jeremy took the filled glass and drunk the hot cum down quickly in three gulps, smacking his lips between each gulp.

"Delicious," he announced. "Fresh and quite tasty."

"How long since you were last milked, slave?" he asked the black server.

"We're not allowed to cum for five days before one of master's parties," the slave explained, still panting a bit from his exertions. "Master wants all his slaveboys to be primed and ready to go for a party," he added.

"Is this the first time tonight someone's used you?" Jeremy further inquired.

"Yes, master," the slave replied with a big smile.

"At most parties, how many times you get emptied?" Jeremy continued.

"Usually, five or six times at least, master," the slave replied without emotion.

"Jesus, I bet you're glad when a party is over," Jeremy said with a little laugh.

"Master, that's why he bought us," the slave said in all sincerity.

"Now that's what I call good slave training," Jeremy's friend said as reached down and massaged the slave's empty balls. "How long for these balls to fill up again, slave?" he asked.

"About a half-hour, master," the slave responded. "A little longer after I've been drained 5 or 6 times, master But I'll get fucked a lot while I'm filling up."

Nearby, another black server had been ordered to give his drink tray to another server slave and was now on his knees sucking one of his master's guests.

"You probably swallow as much cum as is milked out of you, slave," Jeremy chuckled. "No wonder you can go on all night long."

"Yes, master," was all the black still being kneaded by Jeremy's friend could think of as a response. But he had thought about how much cum got recycled in his body during one of these parties. At the last party, he had been milked for a full load six different times by the guests, but he had swallowed 11 loads in sucking off various guests and had had seven good fuckings where cum had been pumped deep up his rectum. Where did all that cum go? The slave thought he must just recycle it somehow since a lot of it never leaked out of his asshole - just some of it. He figured he gave out about as much as he took in and was lucky to do so. He knew slaves who were never allowed any relief but were fucked around the clock. One of Master Holgate's slaves had been a brothel slave before having been bought by his new master. He said he sucked and got fucked 24/7 but never once was allowed to shoot off himself. The brothel owners wanted all their male slaves hard and dripping all the time. And that's just what they got - slaves in desperate chronic need. Thank God here he got to unload plenty at everyone of his master's parties. But all the slaves owned by Master Holgate knew they had lucked out with a most considerate owner.

TO BE CONTINUED: Please contact Bill Smith ( with comments and feedback concerning this fantasy.

Next: Chapter 2

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