The Voices

By John Bromfield

Published on Dec 14, 2018



I was an only lonely child who lived on the edge of town. My father divorced my mother and moved away. Thus my mother became over protective of me. The woods and forest were a no no. Other than that outwardly I had a normal childhood. Children have an imaginary friends as they grow up and it is deemed as normal.

I had voices in my head and at exam time they gave me all the correct answers. That meant I was also bullied at school.

One day I let slip to my mother that I hear voices in my head. That was it doctor after doctor, specialist after specialist. I was put on drugs that numbed the brain school work went to the bottom of the class. Teacher reports were all bad and my mother put all the blame on me. It was my fault and she had done everything for me. The drugs had stopped all communications but without telling anyone each week I would wash a pill down the sink unit.

My sexual desires returned and my cock becomes stiff. I thought to myself I cant wait to get back to my bedroom. The lessons in higher mathematics just didn't wash with me. My inner being was saying "And where in the future will I need to use theses skills? What job can I think of that uses them in this crumbing old town?" and a voice in my head said "We care".

"Oh voices, I have oh so missed you. They gave me chemicals that stopped us talking to eachother"

The voices in their calming nature "We have missed you too. If you would like a gift from us no one in the future will be able to break the link we have now" There was a pause. "Once linked you will become part of us"

My next question was a logical one and I had not asked before "Who are we?"

Teacher said "Henry Perkins what is the answer to the question?

"Oh sorry Miss Holms can you repeat the question?"

The voices said "Tell her the answer is 212.3336 plus B squared" and I did.

Miss Holmes always refered to me as the numbo of the class. "And where did you get that answer from?" And walked smartly up to my desk "Well?"

In front of me was a A4 size piece of paper covered with numbers and letters in my handwriting I had never seen before. "I am sorry Miss Holms if it is the wrong answer"

"You, Henry Perkins will see me at going home time in my classroom. Do you understand?"

"Yes Miss Holms" I replied like most teenagers do when "adults" think they are oh so in the right. But go with the flow their anger will blow over and they will forget.

The voices return "Henry would like us to deal with this? "Can you?" I hoped. "Go to her classroom at going home time and by then we will have sorted it"

Classes always feel like being a time machine because minute feel like hours. The final bell rings and there a rush for the door. The teacher stands up and shouts "Class!!!" all seems at that moment to freeze in time. "I want to see your projects on my desk by Friday morning. You may go"

I walk along to Miss Holms classroom and wait for the rush of people to past me.

"Miss Holms you wanted to see me"

"Oh did I? I can't deal with that now I have an emergency to attend to at home" It seems the voices may have done something.

Walking home I asked "Voices did you do something?"

"Yes Henry we did as Miss Holms mother was chopping vegetables we made her hand slip. Nothing serious but enough to need a couple stitches. We are here to protect you now."

I better be careful about what I wish for I noted. "Voices do you have a name?" There was a wait for few moments I guess they wanted to keep thing secret until I was ready for the truth.

"Henry we are Genesis, we are many yet we are one. We found you and we hoped not forced that you would join us of your own free will" They waited for answer. "Genesis can I wait to when I get home and in my bedroom"

Genesis replies " Yes Henry but we will monitor your surroundings to keep you safe"

The next thing happened was I was ambushed Sydney and his gang of school bullies. He came running at me for the attack not seeing the carefully placed dog shit on the sidewalk. He slipped and was covered in it. His gang froze their leader on the ground. Sydney said "Oh Fuck my mum's going to kill me when I get home"

I walk past the crowd and say "Thank you Genesis"

Got home and mum shouts "dinner will be ready in 20 minutes. You hear?" Yes mum" as I run upstairs to my bedroom. I close the door and on the back are two posters one of Brad Pitt and other of Tom Cruse. I lay on my bed and start to wank Oh yes I have not done this in a long while. I feel the pleasure building and start fingering my ass. Then it happens wad after wad pumps out while my ass feels oh good. Oh yes oh so much pleasure oh yes. At this very moment there was a chorus of moans and groans from Genesis. I wait for things to settle down and wipe the cum from my body.

"Genesis were you with me just then?"

"Yes Henry because we are connected to you. But this connection will have a natural break as you grow older. What we offer you is a permanent connection. It is freely given. Do you want this Henry? You will become us and us will become you"

"Dinner's ready" mum shouts from the bottom of the stairs. "OK mum"

"Genesis I will get back to you after I have had some food"

I sit at the table eating my favourite meal of jambalaya. "Stop bolting your food down you are going to make yourself sick" mum scolded. "Sorry mum" I replied

"And how was school?" "It was OK . Managed to answer a question in the math class"

"Good now once you finish go and wash your face. Its covered in your dinner" " Yes mum"

Finally I am alone "Genesis?"

"We are here have you considered our offer?"

"Yes and I want to accept your offer and have you with me always"

Genesis then gave me his serious voice. "These are your instructions: Two miles east there is a hill called Waterloo Heights. On the very top is a rock slab. Take your shoes and socks off and stand in the middle of that slab and a receiver will come to you. Time is important the receiver cannot wait and is programmed for you only. The receiver has to meet you as it is designed for you alone" There was a pause "Can you reach this place tonight at 2200 hrs or 10 pm?"

"Genesis please wait a moment"

I shout down the stairs "Mum can I go to the movies tonight they have got Close Encounters the director cut showing" with that pleading voice.

"Ok but don't be out late and come right back after OK"

"Yes mum" not trying sound too excited "Genesis I can confirm 10pm at Waterloo Heights tonight"

It was a warm late summers evening and I took a flashlight as although the road lead passed the hill a side road branched off to the left that lead to a carpark. The only light came from some toilets known for being a gay cottage.

There were cars in the carpark with steamed up windows but by the dim light a flash of ass pumping left nothing to the imagination to what was happening inside. I reach the style and switched on the flashlight and checked watch 9:30pm good. The path was not wide but safe. I met no one or heard only an owl and a distance howl of a wolf. The flashlight flickered "Don't you go a break now when I need you" I hit it and springs to life again. I reach the top oh what a glorious site. The town all lit up below me and the night a midnight blue sky full of stars. I sit and take off my shoes and socks. "Genesis I am here"

Genesis replies "We have sent the receiver and I now ask you to take off all your clothes and then stand in the middle of the stone" commands Genesis

"I have done that I am waiting"

Across the skies a meteor shower happens but one is different it comes to me. It is a ball about 2 inches across and it hovers inches from my face. I close my eyes as the light is so bright. Then I feel it inside my head. I think it is checking my memories as my mind is going through everything I have done in my life. I have a feeling of falling and my whole body feels the coolness of the stone.

Genesis sends a message "Henry the receiver is pleased you have accepted him. He has rewired your brain that we are now one. The receiver and you are one. He can only be seen by you. From your memory he will appear as your best option for pleasure. You may open your eyes now"

I am a little blurry eyed after this but when I open them "What the fuck" there standing in the moonlight is Brad Pitt look-a-like. "Hi Henry you look pleased to see me. Your brain said this is what your best ideal man should look a like, So here I am"

"May I touch you"

"Of course don't you remember the deal? We are one. You are now part of Genesis. You belong to me and I belong to you" his voice was calm "I want you to touch me"

I got to my feet and walked over to him. I put my hands on his arms and he wrapped those arms around me and kissed me. Brad was naked and I felt his cock rise and his hand ran down my back and caress my bubble butt ass. He lowers himself to my painfully stiff cock and sucks. Oh I am in heaven. What Brad feels I feel. He turns me around and his tongue finds my rosebud Oh yes that is wonderful. Then he lies down and brings me down too as he kisses me again. His cock is knocking at my rosebud asking for entry. I lean back and it sides easily into me. Now I am riding his cock hitting all the right areas in my tunnel of love. My cock can't take much more "Brad I am going to cum Brad Brad!!" Brad starts ramming it home like a rutting stag.

"Stop Brad please" then my cum is like a fountain over his chest. Brad slumps as asleep.

"Genesis is there a problem? Genesis!" No reply.

It was 10 minutes before there was any movement. "Brad Brad are you OK" with tears in my eyes.

"Yes you overloaded the system so parts had to go to Safe Mode. We all enjoyed it oh believe me oh we enjoyed it" He smiled and I smiled and I kissed him.

School work returned to triple A's and got a placement to uni easily. Genesis has designed a filter so we all enjoy Brad and myself having wild sex. Does it bother me having 100 maybe sharing the feeling of sex? Not when I have a Brad Pitt look-a-like in my bed every night wanting to fuck my brains out? No. One other thing is when I sleep I am in Genesis we are one.

That would frighten some but they are my family and they love me and I love them.

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