The Visit Series

By Ryan Martinson

Published on Apr 16, 2007



This is a work of fiction. The characters exist in my mind, only. If they are too much like you and you don't like them, then don't tell anyone.

They also don't use safer sex. You should.

Finally, if you are too young to legally read this, then don't. ========================================================================

"I'm hungry."

"Huh?" Paul had dozed off.

"I'm hungry. Let's go upstairs and have dinner."

"If you insist...."

"I do!"

They dressed and went to the restaurant on the top floor. They had a leisurely dinner, talking about their week, probably in an effort to avoid dealing with the departure that was coming up tomorrow.

They returned to the room and Paul opened the door. Marty followed him in, closing the door behind him. As the door closed, Paul took Marty in his arms and started kissing him. Paul used his tongue to explore Marty's mouth, running it over each of Marty's teeth. Marty was using his tongue to follow Paul's, waiting to do the same and probe Paul's mouth.

Paul was rubbing Marty's back with his hands, rubbing back and forth and then up and down. As he reached down to Marty's waist, he pulled his shirt out and started rubbing against his bare skin. He was stroking Marty's back in long, slow strokes, feeling the softness of the skin. He continued down, reaching his hands under the waist of Marty's pants to feel his soft arse.

Marty pulled Paul's shirt out and was rubbing his back, too. Just the feel of Paul's hands on him turned him on. As Paul started reaching into the back of his pants, Marty reached around to the front of Paul's, feeling his cock as it hardened. He lightly stroked the head of his cock through the pants.

Marty's light stroking of Paul's cock just made it harder faster. Paul was beginning to feel warm inside as he got more and more excited. Marty then pulled away and knelt down in front of Paul.

He reached up and undid the zipper on Paul's pants, and again started lightly stroking the hardening cock through the underwear. He reached inside the underwear and took out the head, licking it with his tongue. As it hardened, he started taking more and more of it into his mouth. Soon, he was working the entire cock up and down.

Paul felt as though he could cum almost instantly, but didn't want to. He took Marty's hands and helped him up. Now it was his turn to kneel in front of Marty and give him pleasure. He looked down as his own hard cock was sticking out from his unzipped pants.

He put his lips up to the part of Marty's pants which were covering the bulge. He played with it with his tongue. Marty loved the feeling and the anticipation.

Paul finally reached up and unzipped his pants. He reached into Marty's pants and saw that he was wearing the mesh underwear. He looked up at Marty and smiled. He pulled down the underwear to allow Marty's cock out. He first kissed the head of his cock, and then ran his tongue over it. He then slipped his tongue under the foreskin and carefully licked under the head. Marty moaned in pleasure. Paul then took the entire organ down his throat, tonguing and sucking as he backed off slowly. As he let the head almost leave his mouth, he started the whole process over again.

Marty could not believe how this felt. He started moving his pelvis in and out, loving the feeling of his hard cock going in and out of Paul's mouth.

Paul reached up and unfastened Marty's belt and then his pants, letting them fall down to his ankles. He didn't miss one beat of taking Marty's cock down and then nearly out. He reached his hand up to Marty's mouth and put two fingers in. Marty obediently wet them. Paul reached down and slipped one and then both fingers into Marty's arse. With a combination of working his fingers in his arse and the sucking and releasing of his cock, Marty had a huge orgasm.

Paul let Marty's cock shoot load after load in his mouth. He let the throbbing cock stop and start to soften before he gently let it fall from his mouth.

Marty leaned back against the wall, standing with his pants down around his ankles. Paul sat back and looked up. There was a little drop of cum on the end of Marty's cock, which Paul cleaned off with his tongue. He smiled at Marty.

"Brilliant!" Marty said, still breathing heavily.

"I'm glad you liked it," Paul said.

Paul reached down and started gently rubbing his still-hard cock.

"My turn!" Marty said.

He reached down and helped Paul to stand as he stepped out of his own pants. He turned Paul so that he was behind him, wet his own hand and reached around to start rubbing his cock. After a few moments, he stopped rubbing and reached up to unfasten Paul's belt and pants. He let them fall to the floor. He then stepped around in front of Paul and gently let his underwear down, easing his cock through the hole. He took the head in his mouth and started running his tongue over it. He stuck his tongue tip in the opening, then pulled it out and licked the rim.

He started to suck Paul's cock hard and take it down in a manner similar to what Paul had done to him. Paul's cock got just a little harder. As Paul started to breathe harder, Marty got his hand we again and let the cock out of his mouth to stroke it. As he was rubbing Paul's cock, he went down and started playing with his balls with his tongue. He took each ball gently into his mouth sucking slightly on it. He then ran his tongue back and forth at the base of his sac as Paul's breathing quickened. Marty knew he was about to cum.

He kept rubbing Paul's cock, but put his mouth up so that the head was bouncing on his lips. Paul loved the extra stimulation. Marty glanced up at Paul, who was now reaching down to hold Marty's head as his pelvis started thrusting in and out of Marty's mouth.

Marty held on to Paul's cock to provide extra stimulation as Paul thrust his head in and out of Marty's mouth. Paul then exploded with his own wave of cum into Marty. He shot over and over as Marty let it go down his throat. He was holding Marty's head a little for balance as he recovered from his orgasm.

When he was ready to move, Marty helped him out of his pants which were down around his ankles. Paul then helped Marty up as they smiled, kissed and walked over to the bed. They both collapsed on it in exhaustion.

Paul reached over and unbuttoned Marty's shirt and started absentmindedly running his fingers through his chest hair. Marty turned and kissed him. He got up and knelt by Paul, opening and removing his shirt.

Paul lay on the bed on his back with his shirt open, naked except for his socks.

"I think we are both ready for bed."

"I'm not sure I can move," Paul said.

Marty laughed and took Paul's socks off, then took his shirt off of him. He turned down the sheets and essentially pushed Paul into his place in the bed. Marty continued to undress and climbed into bed with Paul.

"When are we getting up?" Paul asked.

"Whenever. My flight isn't until late."

Marty pulled himself close to Paul and gave him a hug. They both fell off to sleep.

Paul slept soundly, but was awakened by a quiet knock on the door. When he opened his eyes, he noticed that the room was quite light. Marty was not in the bed. He heard Marty's voice at the door.

"Thank you, I'll take it," Marty said.

Paul's eyes were starting to focus as he looked to see what was going on. He couldn't miss the smell of real coffee grounds, much better than that swill that came from the little coffee maker in the bathroom. He sat up in bed to see Marty pushing a cloth-draped cart by. Marty had his robe on.

"Good morning. Breakfast is served."

"I see."

Marty took the cart by the couch and came over to the bed, kissing Paul. He pulled the sheets back, helped Paul up, and helped him into his robe. Paul reached out and pulled Marty close to him and gave him a hug. They both kissed deeply. Paul reached down and untied Marty's robe, letting it fall open.

"Breakfast is getting cold, and we have time for that later," Marty said.


They tied their robes and went to eat. Marty had ordered a huge variety of food. "You expecting guests?"

"No, I didn't know what you would want and I didn't want to wake you. Besides, the company is paying for it..."

They laughed and ate.

Paul sat back after eating eggs, waffles and sausage. "I'm stuffed."

"I am, too."

"That was an excellent start to the day. What now?"

Marty smiled, "What do you mean?"

"I've got a feeling that you have something planned."


"OK, I get the hint. I'll just shut up and see."


Marty handed Paul the newspaper that he had put under the cart. He then got up and went back to the bathroom.

Paul laughed and looked at the front page for a few moments. He heard the water running in the tub.

Marty came back and stood in front of Paul, reaching his hand out. Paul took it, stood and went back to the bathroom with Marty.

The tub was filling, topped with bubbles. The lights were off, and there were about 12 candles burning. The floor was warm, and there was soft music on the radio.

Marty came to Paul and gave him a deep kiss. He reached down and untied Paul's robe, removing it from his shoulders. He turned and hung the robe on a hook. He started kissing Paul's neck, and down to his chest. Paul was becoming quite hard. Marty stopped at Paul's nipples and sucked gently. He knelt down in front of Paul and licked the end of his cock, then down to his balls. He looked up at Paul, who reached down and helped him to stand.

Paul kissed Marty, and untied his robe. He hung it on the same hook his own robe was hanging on. He stepped back and admired Marty's body. He then stepped forward and kissed Marty, then started kissing Marty's neck. He licked Marty's chest, and moved down to his nipples, sucking them gently. He then moved back to Marty's chest, kissing and licking as he went. He worked his way up to Marty's underarm, licking that, also. He then went back down, licking and kissing Marty's chest and belly. As he came to Marty's hard cock, he licked the tip and then ran his tongue around the head.

Marty reached down and helped Paul up. He took Paul by the hand and they stepped into the bubble bath together. They sat and quietly relaxed for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth on their bodies.

Marty reached over to Paul's thigh and laid his hand on it, gently caressing it. He then reached over and took a wash cloth off the rack, wet it, and started carefully washing Paul's face.

He took one of Paul's arms and slowly started washing, touching, admiring and almost memorizing every part of his arm and hand. Finishing one arm, he turned to the other. After finishing that arm, he started washing and caressing Paul's chest and belly.

Paul knelt so that his waist and crotch were out of the water so Marty could wash them. He was already getting hard as Marty soaped and then washed his cock and balls. He started stroking Paul's cock as it hardened, and then smiled, looked up at Paul and said, "We'll finish taking care of that later."

Paul sat back and Marty washed each leg and foot one at a time. Paul was a bit surprised at how good it felt for Marty to slowly wash his feet. Marty finished both legs and gently pushed Paul a little forward so he could wash his back. Paul complied and felt Marty both wash and massage his back. Marty worked his way down to Paul's lower back. Paul again knelt up so that Marty could wash lower. As he got to Paul's arse, he felt around it, and then slowly slipped in one and then two fingers. Paul immediately got hard.

"We'll take care of that later, too," Marty said.

"Just make sure it is very clean," Paul said. He wanted Marty to spend more time there.

"It is."

Both Paul and Marty sat back down.

Paul turned to Marty and said very sarcastically, "I guess I have to wash you now..."

"Not if you don't want to. I've been successfully washing myself for years."

"Well, you are a a guest...."

Paul laughed as he took the washcloth. He rinsed it and started washing Marty's face. Marty put his head back on the side of the tub as Paul gently massaged his face. Paul then went down to his neck and shoulders, leaning over to give Marty a little kiss. He then moved down to his chest and washed and massaged there.

As he moved down to Marty's belly, Marty knelt so that it was easier. Paul watched Marty's every movement as he did this. He watched Marty's soft cock as it was moving back and forth as he moved. He looked at he foreskin and how it draped over the end of the cock. Marty was starting to get hard as Paul reached out to wash his cock. He gently pulled the foreskin back and felt and looked underneath.

"You're really fascinated by that, aren't you?"

"Well, I'll have to admit that I've never had a chance to look at one so closely. I think they are very sexy. I'm a bit jealous."

"Look all you want. I love it when you touch me. You're very gentle with what can be a very sensitive area."

"Thank you."

Paul gently cleaned under the foreskin, and then let it slide forward as he cleaned the rest of Marty's cock. He reached down and cleaned his balls, working his way back to his arse. When he got there, he cleaned it, then slid one finger in. Marty smiled. Paul slid in another finger and took Marty's cock in his mouth.

Marty moved his pelvis in and out a few times. Paul's mouth felt so nice and warm around his cock. Paul let his cock out and slowly pulled his fingers out as Marty sat back down. Paul took each leg and slowly washed them. Marty knelt up again offering Paul his back, which he washed and massaged. Marty could feel Paul's hard cock pressing against him from behind.

"In good time...."

Paul smiled and let Marty sit back.

They sat together holding hands, and then Marty let the water out and turned on the shower part. He put his head underneath, wetting his hair. Paul responded by washing Marty's hair. When Marty's hair was washed, he rinsed and washed Paul's. They both rinsed and Marty turned the water off. They dried eachother carefully. Paul reached for his robe and Marty stopped him.

"You won't need that."

"Very well," Paul said with a smile.

Marty led him to the bedroom. He kissed Paul deeply, and reached down holding his penis as it grew harder. Paul loved the feeling of Marty's hand holding him.

When Paul was fully hard, Marty reached over and put some lube on Paul's cock, then lay back on the bed.

Paul moved forward and separated Marty's legs.

"How do you want it?"

"I want to be on my back so I can watch."

Marty raised his legs up and apart, offering Paul his arse. Paul moved forward. He placed his cock against Marty's arse, waiting for it to relax. Marty closed his eyes and relaxed. He felt Paul's cock slowly slide in.

Paul looked down and watched Marty's face as he slid his cock in. He could feel Marty relax as he entered the warm, moist hole. He started working in and out of Marty, as he entered more and more into a hypnotic ecstasy.

Marty loved the feeling of Paul pumping away at him. He felt every part of Paul's cock as it worked in and out. He longed for Paul to shoot his cum deep inside. He reached down and started rubbing his own penis.

Paul saw that Marty, too was enjoying this. When he saw Marty reach down and start stroking himself, he brushed his hand beside.

"Don't," Paul said.

"But I want to cum."

"I want you to cum in me."

"Where do you want my cum?" Paul asked.

"Deep in me. I want some of you with me on the trip home."

Paul started fucking harder and harder. He looked down and watched as his cock worked in and out of Marty's arse. He watched Marty's arse, his balls, his hard cock, with the foreskin back a little. He reached down and held Marty's thighs so he could pump harder.

Marty watched as his friend was breathing harder and harder. He heard Paul's thighs hitting against his. He felt his cock hit his prostate as Paul was pumping harder. He knew that any second now he would feel as Paul climaxed in him, filling him with his cum.

Paul grunted and came into Marty. He felt one large load shoot in, and slowed while two or three more loads shot in. He slowed his thrusting to some slow movements, and then stopped, out of breath. He pulled out and collapsed beside Marty on the bed.

"That was the best orgasm I have ever had," Paul said as he turned to Marty and kissed him. "Thank you."

"Thank you," Marty said, "it was a wonderful feeling for me, too."

They lay next to each other for a few minutes while Paul was catching his breath. Paul rolled on his side and kissed Marty. He looked down and saw that Marty's cock had gotten soft in the intervening time. That was just what he wanted. He got up on his knees and took Marty's cock in his mouth. Using only his tongue, he went beneath Marty's foreskin, licking the ridge of the head. He felt the cock get harder. He sucked more and more as Marty got harder and harder. When Marty was hard, he came off his cock. He reached over for the lube.

"How do you want me?" Paul asked.

Marty sat up on the bed, legs in front of him. "On my lap."

"OK," Paul said.

Paul brought his legs across Marty so that he was straddling him. He lubed up Marty's cock, and then moved forward to let Marty in to him. He raised up slightly, and reached back to direct Marty's cock into him. As he felt Marty at his arse, he slowly lowered himself on.

Marty loved just the feeling of Paul touching his cock. He liked even better the feeling of being in Paul even better. In this position, he was up close to Paul, and could feel his warm body next to him.

Paul lowered himself onto Marty and leaned over to kiss him. They sat linked together, kissing as Marty was inside Paul. Paul started raising himself up and down so that his arse was working Marty's cock.

The feeling was great, but Marty knew that Paul couldn't do this repeated squatting for ever.

"Get on all fours," Marty said.

Paul complied, and raised himself off of Marty, turning so that he was kneeling in front of him. Marty raised up and approached Paul from behind. He slid into Paul's willing arse. Gently at first, and then harder and faster, he worked in and out of Paul. He reached down to feel Paul's hardening cock. At the tip of the cock, there was still a little wet cum, which Marty touched to his fingers and licked off. He was working Paul's arse harder and harder, getting near a climax. He wanted Paul on his back so he could watch his face.

"Turn on your back."

Paul waited until Marty slid his cock out of him, and then turned on his back. Though he enjoyed the fucking he was receiving, he wanted to watch Marty's face as he had his orgasm.

He turned on his back and lifted his legs so Marty could slide in.

Marty put his cock into Paul as he felt Paul wrap his legs around him to pull him in closer. Marty took that as a cue to work harder. Marty pumped in and out.

Paul listened to the slapping noise of Marty's legs hitting him. He listened to Marty's breathing getting louder and harder. Marty was breaking out in a little sweat on his forehead and chest.

Marty hadn't fucked someone this hard before. He was loving it. He was getting closer and closer to an orgasm. Paul's cock was getting hard, and Marty could see that there was a little cum dripping from it.

He started moaning, and then shot cum into Paul. Load after load went into Paul before Marty fell back in exhaustion.

They lay together holding each other and drifted off to sleep briefly. Marty woke first again, and could see the clock. It was time to get going.

He gently shook Paul, "We should clean up and get going."

"I don't want to."

"OK. Let's do it anyway. You'd look a bit silly going to the car naked."

They got up and cleaned up in the shower. After drying each other off, they went to the bedroom to dress.

Marty went over to Paul's clothes and picked up the boxers that Paul had worn the day before. He put them on. "You don't mind if I take a souvonier, do you?"

"Not at all."

He then threw Paul the mesh underwear that he had worn. "This is for you."

"Thank you. Can I have a shirt, too?"

"Sure. Which one?"

"Yesterday's is fine. I just want something with your smell."

Marty gave Paul his shirt from the day before, and decided that wasn't a bad idea. He went and picked up Paul's shirt from the day before and put it into his suitcase.

They both packed and took their bags to the door. They looked back at the room again.

"Not a bad way to spend time."

Paul agreed.

They kissed and walked out the door.

Holding hands as they drove to the airport, they decided that Paul had to find an excuse to visit Marty. The week had turned out to be more than a wonderful sexual interlude.

At the airport, Marty checked his bags and they walked to the security line. They hugged as Marty discreetly gave Paul a little kiss on the cheek.

"I've had a wonderful time."

"Me, too."

Marty went through security and waved back to Paul as he left.

Paul went back to his car and drove home, feeling a little empty.

As the airplane left the airport, Marty looked out the window, wondering if he could see Paul's house. He looked forward to going back.

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