The Visit Series

By Ryan Martinson

Published on Mar 31, 2007



This is a work of fiction. The characters exist in my mind, only. If they are too much like you and you don't like them, then don't tell anyone.

They also don't use safer sex. You should.

Finally, if you are too young to legally read this, then don't.


They drove back from the airport, with Marty leaning on Paul's shoulder, with his hand on Paul's inner thigh. Traffic wasn't heavy, but was annoying, and Paul appreciated the warm comfort of Marty's touch.

Returning to the room, they undressed and put on their robes. Marty turned on the television as Paul opened the curtains. They sat next to each other, and Marty, again, rested his head on Paul's shoulder. Now that he could wrap his arm around Marty like he wanted to before.

Marty loved the feeling of resting next to Paul, particularly with Paul holding him. It felt warm and secure. He moved his hand to Paul's inner thigh, moving part of the robe out of the way. He was warm, comfortable, secure and tired.

Paul was enjoying the moment, too. He moved his hand under the opening of Marty's robe so he could feel his chest directly. They were both warm and comfortable in this intimate position. Soon they were both fast asleep.

Some time later, Marty woke, noting that it was fairly late. He looked up at Paul and gave him a kiss.

"Hey, we should get in bed."

Paul woke, "Yeah, we'd probably sleep better."

Marty got up and helped Paul up. Paul looked up at Marty, whose robe was hanging open, revealing his body. He loved what he saw. Marty, for his part, was appreciating the same view of Paul.

They dropped their robes on the couch and got into bed. Marty lay on his stomach and Paul sat next to him on the edge of the bed, lightly running his fingers over Marty's back.

The feeling of Paul's fingers running up and down his back at first gave Marty a little chill. It was so nice. "Will you rub my back? That feels so good."

"I'd be happy to," Paul said. "Move over a little"

Marty moved closer to the center of the bed. Paul got up on the bed straddling Marty. He gently sat on Marty's upper legs.

"That's not too heavy, is it?"

"No, it feels nice, actually."

Paul reached for the hand lotion that was next to the bed, put some on his hands, warmed it a little and started working on massaging Marty's shoulders. Marty loved the feeling of Paul's strong hands.

Paul massaged the shoulders, then worked his way down to the upper back. He loved the feeling of Marty's soft skin under his hands. He worked down to Marty's lower back, feeling his muscles relax under his touch. He continued down, massaging Marty's buttocks. When he finished the back massage, he gently lowered himself on to Marty so that he was laying on top of him.

"Is that OK?"

"It feels great. You're so nice and warm on me."

Paul kissed Marty's cheek which was right next to him. He could feel his own cock getting hard again.

Marty felt so good. After that nice massage he first loved the feeling of Paul's warm body lying on him. He could feel Paul getting hard. Feeling that cock in him would be nice, too. Marty spread his legs apart a little, both for comfort and to signal to Paul that he wouldn't mind him putting his cock inside of him.

Paul got the message. He reached over and got the lube and put it on himself and then Marty. He gently slid his cock in Marty's willing arse and lay down on Marty again.

"That feels so good," he whispered in Marty's ear.

"I love it, too."

Paul started to slowly work his cock in and out of Marty. Marty loved the feeling. He tilted his pelvis a little so Paul could get deeper. Paul replied by thrusting a little deeper and a little faster. As Paul increased the tempo, Marty could feel it more and more. The working of Paul against him was rubbing his cock against the bed, but he wanted to feel it better.

Marty gently raised himself up so that his legs were brought under him and he could get to his own cock. Paul backed off a little to allow him to move. Marty reached down and started rubbing his cock.

Paul reached around to Marty's cock. Marty willing moved his hand as Paul started rubbing is while he was continuing to slide in and out of him.

"I want to turn over," Marty said.

Paul removed himself from Marty and helped him to turn on his back. Marty lifted his legs. Paul smiled as Marty reached down and directed Paul's cock back into him. As Paul slid it in, Marty wrapped his legs around him.

"I love the way you pull me in with your legs."

"I just want you deeper in me."

Marty reached down and started rubbing himself again as Paul was thrusting. Paul reached down to the top of Marty's thighs to pull himself in closer and deeper in Marty with every thrust. As he moved his arm a little closer to him, Marty was able to let the head of his cock lightly brush the back of Paul's arm. The combination of Paul in him thrusting in him, hitting his prostate with every push, and rubbing his cock with the head of it getting the extra stimulation of the light brushing of the back of Paul's arm was fantastic.

For his part, Paul was in ecstasy. Marty's hole felt tight and warm as he worked his cock in and out. The mere touch and invitation of Marty directing his dick into his hole was erotic. Watching Marty's face as he neared orgasm, feeling the way that Marty was brushing is arm with his cock, and knowing it was about to explode with cum was wonderful.

Marty came first, shooting him cum on Paul's arm and hand and on his own belly. The pressure and squeezing of Marty's orgasm on Paul's cock caused him to cum seconds later.

Marty let his legs fall and Paul slid his legs slightly under him, letting Marty's pelvis rest on his. His cock was still inside Marty, slowly softening. He lifted his arm and licked the warm cum off. He loved the warm, salty taste.

Marty reached up and pulled Paul down. Paul slowly eased his now-soft dick out as he lay on top of him. They just quietly lay there, still breathing heavily.

A couple of minutes later, Marty gave Paul a little nudge. "We should clean up before we are completely glued together."

"Good point."

They got up and took a quick shower, and then went back to bed. Paul lay on his side and Marty came up behind him, and snuggled up close to him, putting his arm around him. "I like it better when it is just the two of us. Jason's all right, but I don't like to share."

"I agree. I like having you all to myself!"

Marty gave him a little kiss and they quickly fell asleep.

Marty woke up early in the morning and saw that the sun was starting to rise. The clock said 7:00, but it felt later to him. He decided to get up and read a little. First he went in to the bathroom and turned on the floor warmer, then he got the coffee pot ready to go. He went back to the bedroom, got is book and sat up in bed, starting to read. Paul must have noticed he was up, as he moved over closer to him.

After an hour or so, Marty decided it was time for Paul to be up. He put down his book, and looked over at Paul, who was sleeping on his back. How convenient....

Marty leaned over and pulled the sheets back a little so he could get to Paul's cock. He took it in his mouth and gently sucked as it grew in size and firmness. Once it was hard, he started to work it up and down in his mouth.

Paul reached up and took Marty's head in his hands. What a nice way to wake up. He stretched as Marty sucked him, and then decided that he needed something to suck on, too.

Marty could tell that Paul was waking up. He noticed the stretch and Paul's breathing changing. Then he felt Paul lightly touch his legs to tell him he wanted him closer. Marty moved over to a 69 position. If Paul wanted to give him the wonderful feeling of sucking him, who was he to deny him the pleasure.

Paul loved it as Marty moved to offer himself. Paul took the hardening cock in his mouth and started running his tongue under the foreskin. As Marty got harder, Paul started sucking and working his cock.

Marty had now wet his hand and was rubbing Paul. He moved down and took Paul's balls in his mouth, gently sucking.

Paul reached up and started rubbing Marty's cock and moved to his balls. He sucked then and then kept moving back. Marty opened his legs a little so Paul could get his tongue to his arse. Paul moved back and first started running his tongue around Marty's hole, then started darting his tongue in and out.

Marty did the same for Paul. He first ran his tongue around the hole and then slid his tongue in and out. The feeling was wonderful both for Marty and Paul.

Paul licked his fingers and slid them into Marty's hole. He got two in and started moving them next to each other, maximizing his stimulation of Marty. He moved his mouth back to Marty's cock and sucked it and used his tongue on the head. Marty came into his mouth, contracting around his fingers. Paul kept Marty's cock in his mouth as it softened.

Marty now moved his mouth back to Paul's cock, which had stiffened in preparation for the orgasm. His timing was good as Paul shot a hot load down his throat. Marty let the cock contract 4 times in mouth, getting every drop of cum.

Paul gently eased Marty's cock out of his mouth and let it rest on his leg. "I like your wake-up service."

Marty did the same with Paul's now-soft cock, "Thank you. I thought it was a nice way to start the day."

They lay there for a few moments until Marty spoke, "Shall we get up?"


Marty got up and helped Paul up. They walked into the bathroom and Marty turned the coffee pot on.

"Thank you; and the floor is warm, too."

"I was up early and thought you'd like it," Marty said as he turned the shower on.

They got into the shower and Paul started his washing/massage of Marty's scalp. Marty closed his eyes and enjoyed it. After rinsing his hair, he soaped his chest and belly and moved to his cock. He carefully pulled the foreskin back and washed behind it. He then moved on to his legs and feet. Marty turned and Paul washed his back and down to his arse.

Marty and Paul changed places and Marty washed Paul's hair firmly massaging his scalp. He rinsed his hair and washed his chest and belly. He went down to his crotch and cupped Paul's balls as he washed his cock and sack. After rinsing, he gave his cock head a little kiss. He moved down and washed his legs and feet. Paul turned to let Marty wash his back. As he was washing his arse, Marty playfully slipped a couple of fingers in. "Want to make sure it is clean!" Marty joked.

They stood under the running water and embraced. Paul kissed Marty.

"What would you like to do today?" he asked Marty.

"Spend it with you."

"Well, I was thinking a little more specifically about plans. Do you want to go back to my house, do you want to stay around here? Any thoughts? How long do you have the room?"

"I'm supposed to check out tomorrow for my flight tomorrow night. We can either stay here or go to your house. What do you want to do?"

"Let's see what the weather is like and then decide."


They got out of the shower and dried each other off. They put on their robes and went into the bedroom. Standing near the window, they looked out to a gray, rainy day.

"We can just stay here and not get wet," Marty said.

"That's fine with me, if that's what you'd like."

"Well, it is decided then. You are now locked in the room with me and I have you all to myself."

"I was just thinking the same thing, but you are my prisoner."

"Your willing prisoner," Marty joked.

"I'm hungry."

"As always....."

They dressed and went down to eat breakfast. After breakfast, they went back to the room.

Marty undressed Paul and helped him into his robe. Paul did the same for Marty. They moved the couch so they could sit and watch the rain.

After sitting together for some time, Paul was sleepy again. He lay down on the couch, putting his head in Marty's lap. Marty was rubbing his neck as he fell asleep.

Paul dozed for a bit then woke again. He turned and looked up at Marty, who was looking down at him. Paul turned his head so that it was facing Marty's crotch. He moved the sides of Marty's robe, exposing his cock. He took it in his mouth and ran his tongue under the foreskin. He kept it in his mouth as he felt it enlarge and harden.

Marty was again feeling that wonderful, warm feeling that Paul could give him. He reached down and felt for Paul's crotch. Paul was already hard.

Paul moved his mouth down and took Marty's balls in his mouth one at a time. After playing with his balls, he went back up to suck his cock again.

Marty started rubbing Paul's cock. He wanted it again. He gently pulled on Paul to get him to sit up. He had Paul sit on the couch and got the lube. They both stopped for a moment to look out the open window at the rain pouring down.

"Now this is how to spend a rainy day," Paul said.


Marty sat on Paul's lap facing him and gave him a kiss. He reached down and lubed up Paul's cock. He put a little lube around his own arse, and then sat down letting Paul's cock in. He leaned forward and gave Paul a kiss. He was in a squatting position, and started working himself up and down on Paul's cock. He so loved the feeling of Paul deep inside him.

Paul reached down and wrapped his fingers around Marty's cock. He started rubbing, and then wet his hand to play with the head while he wanked Marty.

Marty moved off of Paul's cock and sat on the couch. Paul moved so he was kneeling in front of Marty, which let him enter him again. He started pumping Marty again.

"That feels so good. Pump me deeper."

Paul was working Marty's cock as he pumped him harder and deeper. This time Paul came first, deep into Marty. Marty came shortly after that, with a warm, thick load that covered his cock and Paul's hand. Paul licked his fingers clean, and slowly pulled his cock out of Marty.

Paul stood and helped Marty up, leading him into the bathroom. He turned on the water and let the bathtub fill, adding some soap bubble. They both climbed into the tub, relaxing into the warm water. Paul came close to Marty and kissed him deeply.

They quietly sat in the tub until their skin was wrinkled and the water was cooling.

"We should get out," Marty said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Marty stood and helped Paul up as he drained the tub. They put their robes back on and went to watch the rain while sitting on the couch again.

Next: Chapter 9: The Visit 9

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