The Visit Series

By Ryan Martinson

Published on Mar 18, 2007



This is a work of fiction. The characters exist in my mind, only. If they are too much like you and you don't like them, then don't tell anyone.

They also don't use safer sex. You should.

Finally, if you are too young to legally read this, then don't.


They awoke the next morning and showered. Paul packed his things in Marty's bag and they went to breakfast. Jason was waiting for them.

"Good morning!!"

"Sleep well?" Paul asked.

"Like a baby."


"Any idea what the timing of your arrival is?"

"Well, my aunt doesn't get home from work until 7. Marty and I should be done by 4 here."

"Why don't you come down to my house and wait for your aunt, then."

Jason gave him a sly smile. "What do you have in mind?"

"Nothing, you pervert..... I thought you might just want a place to hang out."

"I know. Thank you, that would be lovely."

Paul got up. "I've got to run. See you this afternoon." He gently tapped both Marty and Jason on their shoulders.

"See you, then."

"Call if you get lost....."

"Funny," Marty said.

Paul laughed as he walked off.

He was in anxious anticipation through the day. He didn't know exactly what to expect, but was just looking forward to his two visitors. He felt very close to Marty, but was getting to like Jason very much.

Marty and Jason arrived at the house about ½ hour later. "Your traffic here is awful!"

"Oh. And London isn't."

"Good point," Jason said. "So let's see the place."

"Sure. Would you like a drink?"

Marty said, "I'll have a Coke," as he headed off for the refrigerator.

"Get me one, too." Jason said.


Jason looked around a little. "I like the trees around the house."

"Yes, the garden was one of the things that first attracted me to the house. I've been working on it since I got it."

"I've heard about the hot tub, too."

"Well, you're welcome to try it."

"Probably not tonight. Need to meet with the aunt."

"The invitation stands."

Marty came back with the Cokes. Paul led them through the house pointing out things. When they got to the master bedroom, it was Jason's turn to tease.

"So this is the bed where it happened."

Marty playfully hit him.

They continued out to the hot tub. Paul opened the door of the house around it.

"Very nice. And private," Jason said.

"Yes. Whenever you want...."

They went back into the house and sat on the couch. Paul excused himself to start dinner as Marty and Elliot started talking about the conference. Actually, from what Paul could hear from the kitchen, they were talking about the participants more than the content. Paul yelled, "are you guys actually listening or just cruising?"

"Listening to what?" Jason said. All three laughed.

"Well, time to go see aunty," Jason said as he stood.

"We need to do this more often," Paul said.

"What time tomorrow?" Marty asked.

"7. AM."

"Very funny," Marty said.

"You girls have a lovely night."

"Thanks," Paul said. He looked at Marty. "Would you both like to come down tomorrow night? We can have dinner and Jason can try the hot tub."

Marty and Jason both smiled. "That sounds like a great idea," Marty said.

"I'd like that, too. What would I tell my aunt, though."

"Nothing," Paul said. "Just plan on sleeping here and drive back up in the morning."

"I won't be in the way?"

"Hardly," Paul laughed.

"Sounds lovely, then. It's a Paul, your job is to get Marty out the door at 7."

"Deal. Feel free to come in for coffee or tea."

Jason gave them both a kiss and left.

Paul and Marty went to have dinner. After dinner they went to go sit on the couch and watch a movie. They were both asleep withing about 15 minutes. Marty woke up some time later. He was leaning against Paul, who was fast asleep. Marty gave him a little kiss, then got up and went to the bedroom. He turned down the bed, lit some candles and went back to get Paul. After turning off the television, he almost had to carry Paul to the bedroom. He took him in, got him undressed and put him into bed. He took his own clothes off and climbed into bed. Before covering Paul up, he just lay next to him both admiring his body and just appreciating the person lying there. He blew out the candles and lay down again. He put his arm around Paul. Paul was still asleep, but wrapped his arm around Marty.

All too soon, the alarm went off. As usual, Paul woke up first. He gave Marty a kiss, put on his dressing gown and went out to the kitchen to get some coffee and make tea for Marty. He left a note on the door for Jason to come in should he arrive before they were ready. When the tea was ready, he went to wake Marty. Kissing him lightly, he gently woke Marty. When Marty woke, he kissed Paul and reached up to give him a hug.

"Good morning, cutie." Paul said.

"Good morning."

"I think we were both a bit tired."

"I think so. I almost had to carry you into bed."

"That would be a chore!"

"Agreed. Let's get up and shower. Jason will be here before you know. I'll be in trouble if you are late!" He smiled warmly at Marty.

Paul helped Marty into his dressing gown and they went into the bathroom. He turned on the water as Marty leaned against the counter drinking his tea.

"You're getting better," Marty said.

"Thank you. At what?"

"Just the tea. You need to work on everything else!" Marty laughed.

Paul went over to him, kissed him, took the tea from him and put it down on the counter. Paul dropped his dressing gown on the floor and took Marty's hands. He gave Marty a hug, then turned him and pushed him into the shower dressing gown and all.

"Oops. Guess I need to work on some things!"

Laughing, Marty pulled Paul into the shower and gave him a hug. Paul removed Marty's dressing gown and hung it in a corner of the shower to drip. He picked up the shampoo and started to wash Marty's hair. Marty just loved the feeling of Paul's strong fingers washing his hair and massaging his scalp. He just didn't realize how sensual a shower together could be. Sensual without being really sexual at the same time.

Paul started washing Marty's body, cleaning and admiring every inch of it. When he got to his cock, he carefully pulled back the foreskin washing beneath it. Marty turned and Paul washed his back with equal care.

When Paul was finished washing Marty, they changed places and Marty did the same for Paul. He took extra care to wash Paul's cock as he admired it.

"I know you love my uncut cock, but I like your cut one equally well. It is very beautiful."

"Thank you."

Marty signaled Paul to turn and he washed his back. Paul and Marty both rinsed off, turned off the shower and started to dry. Paul reached for his dressing gown and heard the front door open and close.

"Good morning. Feel free to get yourself coffee or tea if you would like."

"Good morning!" Jason called back. He got his own coffee and came back to the bedroom where Paul and Marty were dressing. He sat on the bed and chatted with them.

"Well, what did you two sexpots end up doing last night? I'd love all the details."

Marty laughed. "Well, we had a nice dinner, and...."

He paused.

"we sat on the couch and watched a movie and...."

"promptly fell asleep."

Jason laughed. "Sounds promising so far."

Paul chimed in, "It gets better!"

"Go on!"

"I woke up, went to the bedroom, turned down the bed and lit the candles, then brought Paul in and took his clothes off, and...."

"we both fell asleep!"

"That's it?"

"Yep. That's it."

"You two sound like an old married couple."

Marty picked up some underwear and threw it at Jason. Jason made a show of sniffing it like a fine wine.

"Pervert," Paul laughed.

Marty went to Paul's dresser and took a pair of boxers and a t-shirt out.

"You becoming a convert?" Paul said.

"No, just like wearing your things. It's kind of sexy. Do you mind?"

"Why would I mind?"

Marty came over and gave him a quick kiss.

They finished dressing and Marty and Jason went to leave.

"Any dinner requests?" Paul asked.

Jason smiled, "I'm not a picky eater."

"Anything is fine," Marty said. "Can we go to the gym this evening?"

"Sure," Paul said. "Home, gym, clean up, then dinner. Sound OK?"

"When does the hot tub come in?" Jason asked. "I'll bring my bathing costume." "We don't use those." Marty said.

"Oh, you bad boys...." Jason laughed.

"Go, go. You two need to go sit in American traffic."

Marty and Jason both came to Paul and kissed him on either cheek. Paul grabbed them, did a big hug and kissed them both. Marty and Jason left.

Paul was at work and was told he had a telephone call. He picked up the phone, "Hello, this is Paul."

"Hello!" How could he miss that voice....

"Hi, Marty. What's up?"

"Jason and I will take care of dinner tonight."

"OK. You're still coming, aren't you?"

"Of course. I just mean that we will take care of preparing it."

"Great. See you this evening."


Paul wondered what these two had in mind....

When Paul got home, Marty and Jason were already there. There were good smells coming from the kitchen, and they were sitting watching the television.

"Hi!" They both got up. All three hugged and traded kisses.

"How was your day?" Jason asked.

"Fine, and yours?"

"Traffic, conference, traffic, shop, come home," Marty said.

"Sounds exciting. So what are the plans?"

"Well, we thought we'd have dinner, then we can use the hot tub, edit videos and pictures, take more, or some combination. Order and timing doesn't matter."

"And you're staying here?" Paul said to Jason.

"I'm still invited, right?"

"Yes. Just confirming. What is the schedule tomorrow?"

"We have to be back around 9. I'm leaving for home on a 2230 flight. Marty, when do you have to check out of the hotel?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"Jason, we'd be happy to take you to the airport, right Marty?"

"Yes. Don't take a limo or cab, we can all go and say goodbye."

"That would be nice."

"There's our plan. Now I'm hungry."

"Well, go sit down at the table, and we'll have your dinner in a moment."

Paul went to the dining room and sat down. Three places were set. Candles were lit. In a few minutes, Marty and Jason returned with salads. They had also changed their clothes.

Marty came from the kitchen first, wearing only the mesh underwear that he had modeled for Paul in the past. He came to Paul's side, standing next to him and put the salad on the table in front of him. He turned towards Paul.

Paul smiled and turned to Marty. Marty's cock and balls were in the mesh, right at Paul's eye level. Paul kissed Marty's cock head through the mesh, and reached up to pull the underwear down.

Pushing his hand away, Marty said, "That's dessert. Eat your dinner first."

"No appetizers?"

"Well, just don't spoil your appetite."


Marty let Paul's hands go. Paul reached back up and pulled the mesh gently away from Marty. He leaned over and took the soft cock in his mouth. He let his tongue play with the head as he felt the cock get hard. Once Marty was good and hard, Paul gently let the cock go and carefully pulled the mesh back up. Marty sat at his place at the table and looked up.

Jason then came into the room with his own salad and the forks, bringing one to Paul. Like Marty, he put the fork down and stood facing Paul.

Paul looked up at the handsome man. He was only wearing Marty's jock strap. His cock was at Paul's level, too. Paul reached up and pulled the jock down enough to expose Jason's soft cock. Like with Marty, Paul took the cock in his mouth and tongued the head as the cock hardened. When fully hard, Paul let it go and gently pulled the jock back up.

Jason turned around and melodramatically dropped a napkin. He bent over, now with his exposed arse at Paul's level. Paul reached up and gently pulled Jason towards him, and used his tongue to lick around and then in Jason's arse. Paul was thinking that he'd like to put something other than his tongue in the arse.

"Gentlemen, that's enough. We'll never get through dinner at this rate."

They all laughed as Jason retrieved his napkin and stood up. He turned around and Paul gave his cock a little kiss through the jock. Jason sat down.

"We were going to dress as French Maids, but we thought this was better. I have to admit it was Marty's idea, though."

"Well Marty had an excellent idea. I'm looking forward to dessert. You two didn't snack before dinner, did you?"

"No, dammit," Jason laughed. "Loved your tongue, though."

Paul smiled.

"Jason's a virgin like I was. He'd like to change that, though."

"Oh, really," Paul said.

"Really. I'd like you to put something other than your tongue back there, though the tongue was nice."

"Well, you are a guest, so I guess it would only be proper to meet your needs."

"Thank you. Marty has consented to immortalize the moments on camera for us."

"I see. I assume that you gentlemen have planned the evening?"

"Pretty much. I think you'll enjoy it."

"How can I not? Two wonderful...and hot....friends and an evening together. What's not to like?"

They ate their salads and chatted.

Marty got up and cleared the plates.

Jason turned to Paul, "It will take us a moment to prepare the main course. If you would like to get into some more comfortable attire, you're welcome to."

"I'd be happy to. Any requests?"

"I think that Marty left you something on the bed."

Paul went back into the bedroom. There was a pair of white mesh underwear on the bed. He undressed and put them on, then returned to the dining room. Both of his friends were in the kitchen when he returned.

He was sitting at the table when they brought in the main meal.

Jason stood by Paul's chair, "Let's see how they look. I wasn't allowed to see what it was."

Paul stood, showing that he was wearing only the white mesh. Jason looked him over and had him turn slowly. "Nice." When Paul was facing him again, Jason knelt down and pulled the underwear down enough to expose Paul's cock and balls. Like Paul had done with him, he took Paul's cock in his mouth and sucked it while playing with the head with his tongue. Paul reached down and ran his fingers through Jason's long, silky hair. When Paul was fully erect, Jason let his cock return to the underwear. He stood up and kissed Paul, then went to his seat. They all ate and enjoyed their dinners. It would have been quite a scene – three friends sitting nearly-naked at the table, eating, all with rock-hard cocks.

After dinner, Jason and Marty cleared the table, then came to Paul. They took him by the hand back to the guest bedroom. There were three towels and three dressing gowns laid out. Marty and Jason both helped Paul out of his underwear and into the dressing gown. Marty took off his mesh and Jason removed his jock strap. They, too, put on their dressing gowns.

The three went out to the hot tub. After taking off their dressing gowns, they stepped in. Jason had not been into one before, and he quickly liked the feeling. Paul turned on the jets.

"My, that's nice!" Jason said.

"I think so," Paul replied.

They sat relaxing for a few minutes. Marty moved over next to Paul, resting his head on Paul's shoulders. Jason smiled at that, then came over to the other side of Paul. Marty reached down and started playing with Paul's balls. Paul started getting hard. Since Jason's crotch was a shorter reach, Paul started foundling him. Jason was getting hard, too.

"Shall we go back inside?" Marty asked.

"I think so," Paul said.

The three got up, dried off, put their dressing gowns back on and went inside. When they got into the bedroom, Marty picked up Jason's camera. Paul went to Jason and removed his dressing gown. Jason took off Paul's.

"Well?" asked Paul.

"I'm ready."

"How do you want me?" Paul said.

"Marty said he liked it when he was on his back and you were standing."

"I liked that, too."

Jason laid back on the bed. Paul moved forward and picked up some lube.

"Why don't you get me ready?"

Jason took the lube and put it on Paul's cock. He put some around his arse, also.

Paul moved forward and put his cock head against Jason's opening. He reached down and started stroking Jason's cock. As Jason relaxed, Paul gently eased his cock in. When it was fully in the warm hole, Jason smiled.

"How's that?" Paul asked.

"Wonderful!!!" Jason said. He turned to Marty. "Did you get that?"

"Yes." Marty had been standing behind Jason and got a picture of Paul's cock entering him.

Paul looked up at Marty, who was quite hard, yet still wearing his dressing gown.

"You'd be more comfortable with that off, you know."

Marty dropped the dressing gown. Paul could now watch Marty's hard cock while he was fucking Jason.

Paul started working his cock in and out of Jason. Jason now reached down and started rubbing his own cock. Paul reached down to Jason's waist so he could work him harder. Jason started to wrap his legs around Paul as he was getting pumped harder and faster.

"That's brilliant! Fuck me deeper."

Paul was working Jason's warm hole harder and faster. Jason was pumping his own cock faster and faster. Paul was getting close.....

Marty was continuing to take pictures as the show continued.

Paul and Jason were both breathing harder and harder. Paul gasped and shot cum deep into Jason. He left his cock in Jason as it went through the last few spasms.

Jason came in long, powerful streams of cum. Marty had moved over so the first stream of cum landed on Jason, but the rest went into Marty's willing throat. Paul looked down at Marty, who was rubbing his own cock.

"Come here."

Marty turned so he was straddling Jason and facing Paul. Paul then bent over and took the head of Marty's cock as Marty continued to rub it.

Jason felt Paul's cock in his arse, and loved that it was still there. Marty's arse was right in front of him, so he lifted his head and started exploring the hole with his tongue.

Marty could feel Jason's tongue probing his arse as Paul sucked and tickled his cock head. With a gasp, Marty came into Paul's mouth. Paul held onto his cock head as he cleaned off the head and behind the foreskin.

Exhausted and satisfied, Marty lay down next to Jason. Paul pulled his cock out of Jason and lay down on the other side.

"Wow," was all that Paul could say.

"Yeah," the other two said.

They just lay there for a few moments, Eventually, Paul got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. Marty and Jason followed him.

"Jason, would you like the guest bedroom or the bed with Marty and me?"

He looked at Marty and said, "I'd love to sleep with you two if Marty doesn't mind."

"I don't," Marty said, "Paul and I talked about it earlier."

"Just make sure you guys don't steal the blankets."

The three went into the bedroom.

"We have to get up a bit early tomorrow," Paul said. He set the alarm and got into bed with Marty and Jason. Paul laid on his side next to Marty with his arm around him. Jason did the same. All three quickly fell asleep.

All too soon, the alarm went off. Paul woke the two heaviest sleepers on either side up.

"I'm getting coffee. Get whatever you want. You know where everything is now."

They got their morning beverages and went into the bathroom. They got into the shower and Paul watched as Marty and Jason washed each other. Marty and Jason then washed Paul, one in front while the other was in back. Marty standing in the front soaped up Paul's cock and balls. Jason did the same to his arse. Paul opened his legs a little as Jason slid his fingers in. Marty was working Paul's growing cock faster and faster.

Jason soaped up his now-hard cock and eased it into Paul's arse. Paul bent slightly as he felt Jason enter. Jason was now pumping his arse hard. What a wonderful feeling.

At the same time, Marty was working Paul's cock. Moments later, Paul shot streams of cum on to Marty's face and hand. Jason moaned and shot up Paul's arse as he felt Paul's arse contract with the orgasm.

Paul looked at Marty, who was hard at this point. He knelt down and started stroking his cock while tonguing the head. Jason was standing behind Paul and Marty reached up and started fondling his cock and balls. Marty was thinking about how much he loved the way Paul sucked him as he felt the orgasm wash over him.

Paul felt Marty's cock stiffen and then shoot gobs of cum into his throat. He waited until Marty finished cumming, and then let his cock come out of his mouth, gently laying on Marty.

Jason moved the shower head to rinse everyone off and then turned off the water. Marty reached out and got the towels and they dried off. They all went into the bedroom and dressed.

"What a night," Jason said. "I'm glad you guys invited me down."

"Thank you for cumming!" Marty joked.

"I'm glad you had a good time. I know I did," Paul said. "So I'll meet you guys in the room this afternoon, we can grab a quick bite and take Jason to the airport." "Sounds good," Marty said.

Paul put a few of his clothes into the bag that Marty had brought down and Marty and Jason left for their final conference day. Paul went off to work, after kissing both good bye.

That afternoon, they met in Marty's room. Paul's bags were near the door.

He had the memory card and video tapes in his hands. "You want these?"

"I thought you wanted to edit them some," Paul said.

"It's OK if I take them, then?"

"Sure. We know where you live."

"I'll clean up and edit things and can either e-mail them or just send a DVD."

"Whatever is easier."

He put them in his carry-on bag and they went to the car.

After dinner, they went to the airport.

"OK, now tell the truth. Did you guys set this all up?"

"Honestly, I didn't know that Jason was coming," Marty said.

"I didn't know Jason was coming until the Friday before!" Jason said.

"All right, I guess I believe you. It all worked out fine, though. I'm glad I met you, Jason."

"Well, it has been a pleasure for me. Marty, it was good seeing you again. And everything you said about him is true." He gave them both a hug, looked at Paul and said, "Don't worry. It was all good."

"Well, thank you. Give us a call or send us a note so we know you got home safely."


He turned and went through the security door, waving.

Marty and Paul waved back and then turned to go to the car. Marty turned to Paul, "I like Jason, but I'm glad it is just the two of us now."

"I agree. On both points. What do you want to do about dinner?"

"Let's go back to the hotel. I'm kind of tired."

"That sounds fine to me."

They got into Paul's car and headed back to the hotel.

Next: Chapter 8: The Visit 8

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