The Visit Series

By Ryan Martinson

Published on Mar 10, 2007



This is a work of fiction. The characters exist in my mind, only. If they are too much like you and you don't like them, then don't tell anyone.

They also don't use safer sex. You should.

Finally, if you are too young to legally read this, then don't.

They went up to their room.

"What do you want to wear?" Paul said.

"Well, eventually nothing," Marty replied.


"I guess we can start clothed and work our way down."


"Shall we get pictures in the bath or shower?"

"I think we can get what inspires us and if we want to add more, Elliot will agree."

"I guess that makes sense."


"Would you just relax?"


Paul went into the bathroom while Marty went into the bedroom to open the curtains. He never could understand why you would have a nice view like that and then close the curtains.

There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Paul said.

He opened the door, and there was Jason. Paul was struck for a moment by how he looked.

Jason didn't look bad earlier in the day. His hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail, he had on a nice knit shirt and jeans. While he was in his room, he had changed. He let his hair down and it was pulled behind his ears. He had put on a form-fitting t-shirt that showed his six-pack nicely. Over that he wore a sweatshirt that was unzipped. His pants had been changed to some baggy sweats, and he had socks on without shoes. He had a camera bag on each shoulder.

Jason stuck out a hand.

"Hello, my name is Jason. Would you mind inviting me in so I don't have to stand in the hallway?"

Paul laughed and pulled Jason's hand, leading him into the room. He locked the door behind him as it closed.

"Some manners your friend has," Jason quipped to Marty.

"Tart, you caught him a little off guard looking like a streetwalker searching for a date."

All three laughed.

"So let's see this view," Jason winked as he spoke.

"Actually, it is quite nice," Paul said as he turned off the room lights.

With the lights off, Jason could see that it was a nice view and that the sun would be optimized in about 10 minutes. He pulled his still camera out of the bag, put on a wide-angled lens and put it on the table. He then set up a tripod, putting the camera on it. He spent a few minutes moving back and forth, composing the picture as the light from the sunset improved. He got the camera set up as he wanted and then waited.

"Even if he doesn't know what he is doing, he sure looks like he does," Paul said.

"Did you like those naughty pictures of Marty or not?"


Jason then took about 5 pictures, fiddled with a few knobs, and took about 5 more. As the sun set, he repeated this process. It went on until the sun was below the horizon.

"Paul, come sit here," Jason said as he put a chair in front of the window. He moved a lamp around and took some close-up pictures of Paul.

"Marty, your turn. Quickly" He did the same for Marty.

"What about you?" Paul said.

Jason smiled and sat, taking some pictures of himself.

Presently, the sun had set and the room was getting dark.

"Can I see the pictures of us?" Paul asked.


Jason showed the pictures of Paul, Marty and himself. They were very nice, with the glow of the sunset in the background. Marty's brown eyes and Jason's blue eyes looked very nice with the reds and oranges in the background.

"Thanks. Those are very nice," Paul said.

"Thank you," Jason said.

Jason closed the curtains and sat in the chair. Paul looked at the curtains that Jason had just closed.

"It's only because I get glare off the glass with lights and it screws things up. Now sit down for a moment."

Marty and Elliot sat next to each other on the couch.

"So give me an idea of what you guys want, and I'll work from there. Do you want some better portraits, do you want some body shots, do you want partially-clothed shots, do you want nude, during sex, in the bath, in the shower, all of the above?"

Paul looked at Marty. "Well, a little of all of the above."

"Fine. Stills, video or both?"

"Both," Marty and Paul said in unison.

"Fine. Anything you want in particular or specifically don't want?"

"I want a nice picture or two of Paul fucking me."

"Would you two like to just start doing whatever turns you on and I'll take pictures? We can edit afterward."


Jason took the still camera off the tripod and put the video camera on it. He set it up so it was aimed at the couch.

"Here?" Paul asked.

"If you would like to start here, I can move the camera as you do. If you would like to start somewhere else, we can do that, too."

"I guess here is fine, then."

Jason picked up the still camera and took some pictures of Marty, who was now laughing at Paul. Paul laughed at the whole episode, and Jason took a picture of him, too. The more they laughed, the more pictures Jason took.

Marty leaned over and gave Paul a quick kiss. Paul leaned over to Marty and kissed him, too. They then focused on each other, kissing deeper.

Jason went to the video camera and did something, but Paul was paying much more attention to Marty at this point. He was hugging and kissing Marty, who was running his tongue inside Paul's mouth. Paul back away far enough to unbutton Marty's shirt and pull it out of his pants. He then reached around to hug Marty under his shirt.

Marty reached down and pulled Paul's shirt out of his pants. He lifted the shirt up as Paul moved so he could easily remove it. Paul backed off for a moment while Marty pulled the shirt over his head. Paul then reached over and started stroking Marty's chest hair. He then pushed Marty's shirt back as Marty let it drop off of his shoulders.

Shirtless, the embraced each other closer. Paul's hand dropped down and started rubbing Marty's crotch. He could feel that hard cock under the pants. Marty did the same. Paul reached down and took Marty by the hands, lifting him up to a standing position. Kissing again, he undid Marty's belt and pants. He let them fall. Marty was still wearing Paul's boxers. Paul pulled them down, letting them fall to the floor. They could hear Jason taking pictures in the background, but ignored it.

Marty undid Paul's belt and pants and let them fall. He gently pulled Paul's underwear down. They continued to embrace.

Paul lifted up on Marty's side a little, and Marty took the cue, jumping up on Paul and wrapping his legs around him. Paul carried him over to the bed, sitting him down on the side where Marty had turned down the sheets.

Paul bent over and kissed Marty, and then knelt down in front of him. He leaned over and took Marty's hard cock in his hand. He touched his tongue to the head, and then gently pulled the foreskin back, running his tongue under the rim. Marty took in a deep breath. Paul then leaned farther over and took all of Marty's cock in his mouth, working it up and down.

Marty loved the feeling, but he had also noticed that Jason had taken the video off the tripod and was taking videos from the side, showing Paul sucking Marty's cock. He quietly moved to above Marty to get another angle on the expert sucking Paul was doing.

Marty took Paul's hands and pulled him up so that Paul could kiss him. They kissed deeply, and Marty stood Paul up, pulling him close. Paul's hard cock was right in front of him. Marty took Paul's cock and started licking his head. He was teasing Paul as he would work his tongue up and down the stiff cock, then finally engulfed the whole thing in his mouth. Paul had been standing with his eyes closed, and then opened them. He then noticed that Jason was in front of them, filming away. Paul was a little surprised at how comfortable he was with the filming.

Paul noticed that Jason had taken off the sweatshirt and wearing the tight t-shirt and sweatpants. He also noticed that there was a large bulge in Jason's pants.

Marty wet his hand and started rubbing Paul's cock. He moved down and started licking and sucking Paul's balls. Marty reached over and took the lube. He put some on his hand, and then lubed up Paul's cock. He moved back a little and leaned back, lifting his legs and offering Paul his hole. Paul got up on the bed straddling Marty and gently slid his cock into Marty's warm hole.

Jason had zoomed in on Paul's cock entering Marty's hole from behind Paul. He knew that Marty wanted a picture of this, so he put the video camera on the tripod and took some stills of Paul fucking Marty. Satisfied, he picked up the video again and went up to above Marty.

At this point, Marty was being fucked by Paul. Paul was pumping away as Marty was rubbing his own cock. Jason was behind Marty, taking a video of all this. Marty looked back and could see that Jason was quite hard, leaning near his face. He couldn't resist...

Paul was looking at Jason, too. He couldn't help noticing that Jason's hard cock had been leaking a little on to his sweatpants.

Marty reached up and started rubbing Jason through his sweatpants. Jason turned the camera down and included that in the frame. Marty reached up, untying Jason's sweatpants and pulling them down. Jason's large cock and ample balls came out, the balls hanging in Marty's face. Marty was now stroking Jason's cock rather than his own.

Paul reached down and started rubbing Marty's cock as he continued fucking him. What a feeling, and what a scene.

Jason had now put the video camera on the side table so that it would continue to film, but he was afraid that he'd drop it on Marty. After setting the camera down, he took his own shirt off.

Paul was fucking Marty and rubbing his cock at the same time. He was directly across from Jason's perfect body, admiring it. For his part, Marty was sucking Jason's balls while rubbing his cock. Jason was loving the feeling. He leaned over and kissed Paul, who was more than happy to return his kiss. Paul loved that Jason's hair had been lifted when he took his shirt off and was hanging over his face partially. Paul had a thing for long hair.

Paul moaned and shot a large load into Marty's arse. Marty could feel Paul's cock hardening and coming. He was about to cum himself.

Jason could tell that Paul had come and looked down at Marty. He could tell that Marty was close. Moments later, Marty came in a large load that hit Jason's cock and balls, as well as Marty's belly and chest. Jason reached down with his hand to clean off Marty's chest and belly. He took the cum to his mouth, and then to Paul's, sharing it.

Paul felt Marty's arse contract over his cock as he came. He looked over at Jason and kissed him again. Paul gently pulled his cock out of Marty and backed up a little. He kissed Jason and then moved down to suck his nipple as Marty continued working his cock. As Jason started breathing faster, Paul went down and started licking and sucking his cock head.

It was too much for Jason, who came into Paul's mouth. Paul took every drop.

Paul nearly dropped next to Marty, and Jason lay down with Marty in the middle. No one spoke for a few minutes.

"That was brilliant," Jason said.

"I've never done anything like it!" Paul said.

"That should be a hot video," Marty added.

They lay there for a few more minutes, and Paul said, "shall we clean up a little?"

"Sure," the other two friends said.

Marty got up and went into the bathroom. Paul and Jason heard the bath come on and the tub start to fill.

"I don't do this with everyone I just meet," Jason said.

"I know. Marty speaks quite highly of you."

"As he does you."

Marty came out from the bathroom. "Ready."

They went in to the bathroom and the bath was drawn, the floor was warm, towels were laid out and the bubbles were about to overflow.

"He'll make someone a great wife!"

Marty pushed Jason for the comment. Jason climbed into the tub, followed by Marty and Paul. The three sat back and relaxed for a few minutes. Marty then picked up a wash towel and started washing Paul. He first washed his arms and legs, and then carefully washed his cock and balls and finally his arse. He handed the wash towel to Jason.

Jason washed Marty's arms and legs and then his cock, working quickly and carefully under the foreskin. He then washed Marty's arse. He rinsed out the wash towel and handed it to Paul.

Paul gently and slowly washed Jason's arms, admiring every muscle. He massaged his shoulders as he washed his shoulders and back. Jason turned and Paul slowly washed his chest and belly. He then came to Jason's cock. He hadn't noticed in the gym that day if he were cut or not. Clearly he was not. The large cock hung loose with ample foreskin covering the head. He gently pulled the foreskin back and cleaned beneath it. He then washed Jason's arse, and then his muscular legs.

After they were all washed, Marty drained the tub and rinsed the residual soap bubbles off. He picked up a towel and carefully dried Paul. Jason was doing the same for Marty, as Paul dried Jason. Marty helped Paul into a dressing gown. Paul did the same for him. Jason found an extra towel and wrapped it around his waist. As they went out to the bedroom, Jason put his t-shirt on.

Jason lay on the bed as Marty and Paul sat together on the couch. "I'd say I didn't plan that, but I'd be a liar."

"We know," Paul said. "We had talked about it. That was incredible."

"I'll agree with that!" Marty said. "So what did you get pictures of?"

"I got the pictures of your legs up as you wanted." He handed Marty the still camera so he could review the pictures. Marty and Paul looked at the pictures of themselves. Paul could see that Jason had real talent in composing the portraits. In a few moments, he had captured their personalities in a few pictures. They looked at the pictures of them kissing, undressing each other, sucking each other, and Paul fucking Marty. As they scrolled through, there were also partial pictures of Jason. Paul decided he wanted more of both Jason and Marty.

"Can I use it?" he asked Jason.


Paul took a few of Jason lying on his side chatting with Marty. Jason winked and loosened the towel so that it fell open. Paul continued to take pictures of him, admiring his large cock hanging down with the balls beside it. Paul moved down towards Jason's feet, as Jason propped a leg up letting Paul have another view of his crotch. Paul was clicking away. He moved behind Jason, who obliged by moving his legs enough to show his arse off.

"Want anything else?"

"Sure. Do you mind taking your shirt off again?"

Jason took his shirt off and put it aside, so Paul could take a similar set of pictures with him completely nude.

Paul then turned to Marty, who was sitting on the couch. He took a few pictures of Marty, who then untied his dressing gown, letting it fall open. Marty's legs were slightly separated, letting his cock hang down. Paul took some pictures of his crotch, getting an angle so the long foreskin would show. Marty then opened his legs more so Paul could get his arse better. Paul was finished and handed the camera to Marty.

Paul sat down on the couch. Marty took a similar set of pictures of Paul, as he opened his dressing gown allowing Marty to see his package. His cock was hanging between his legs, lying on his balls. Marty was as fascinated by Paul's cut cock as Paul was by Marty's uncut cock.

Marty was finished and set the camera down by Jason. Jason removed the memory card and put it on the table by the bed. He reached over and took the tape out of the video and put it next to the memory card.

"Those are yours."

"Thank you. What about editing the video? What do you want us to do with the pictures of you?" Paul asked.

"Well, if it is OK with you, I'd like a copy of them all. They are quite hot. If we all have copies of everything, then we can look at them ourselves and don't have to be concerned about what the others are doing with them."

"Good point," Paul said.

"Do you want anything else?" Jason asked.

"What's on for tomorrow?" Marty said.

"I promised my aunt that I would go down there for dinner."

"Would you mind giving me a ride down to Paul's?"

"Of course not."

Marty looked at Paul.

"Well, I had planned on doing laundry tomorrow, but I guess you can come over..."

Marty hit Paul.

"You planning on staying down there for the night, Jason?"

"Yes. I'll just pick up Marty in the morning."

"That's a great idea," Paul said.

Jason started to get up. "I'm going to bed. Thank you, gentlemen for a wonderful evening." He went over and put on his sweatpants, and then put his shirt back on. He then cleaned up his photography equipment.

Marty and Paul got up and went over to walk Jason the short distance to the door. The three of them hugged and kissed.

"Thanks, guys. That was quite nice. Marty, you're right. He is a very special guy."

Paul blushed.

"Really, I've never done a 3-way before, and I wasn't sure if this would be my first, but you made it both hot and comfortable. It was wonderful."

"Thank you. Do you want the tapes and memory card to edit the pictures?"

"Hold on to them. We can edit it together later."

"OK. Goodnight." He gave Jason an additional kiss as he left.

Paul smiled at Marty after the door closed. "I see why you are such good friends."

"We make great friends. We make horrible boyfriends. Once we realized that, it was great."

They took off their dressing gowns and climbed into bed. Paul lay behind Marty, wrapped his arm around him and kissed his neck. They both quickly fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 7: The Visit 7

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