The Visit Series

By Ryan Martinson

Published on Feb 24, 2007



This is a work of fiction. Any coincident with names or events is just that, a coincident. This came solely from my imagination.

Our characters don't practice safer sex. They don't need to. They don't exist. If you exist, you should practice safer sex.

Finally, if you shouldn't be reading this because you are too young, your beliefs forbid it, there is a Court Order that says so or something, then don't.


Paul came back to the hotel room later that afternoon. Marty wasn't in the room, so Paul sat down to watch the news. Some time later (he had dozed off), Marty came in with Jason in tow.

Marty came over to Paul and gave him a kiss. Jason didn't react at all, which surprised Paul a little.

"Jason said he would love to join us for dinner."

"Excellent," Paul said. "Where?"

"There's a place a couple of blocks away that one of the other chaps recommended."

"OK, what kind of food is it?"

"Mongolian. Are you familiar with it?" Jason asked.

"Sure," Paul said.

"What's it like?"

"Well, you start with a big bowl and put raw meats and vegetables in it, then some sauces and it all gets cooked on a big grill."

"Sounds good."

They got to the restaurant and Marty and Elliot seemed almost surprised that is was just as Paul said. Paul and Marty made a big bowl which translated into a big plate. Jason made two. Jason was finished long before Marty and Paul.

"How do you do it?" Paul asked.

"What?" Jason looked puzzled.

"Eat so much so fast and keep your figure?"

"I don't know. I've always done everything fast."

"Everything?" Paul asked, laughing.

"Everything" Marty said.

Jason playfully hit him as they both laughed.

They walked back towards the hotel. When they got into the hotel, Jason asked if they wanted a drink. They agreed and went to the bar which was in the atrium. As they sat and chatted and drank, they watched people, commenting on the men they saw.

"Marty, I like this guy. He's as savage as I am!" Jason said. "I see why you have liked him so much for such a long time."

"Thanks, I think," Paul said.

"That was Jason's version of a compliment."

They finished their drinks and went back upstairs. Jason got off at his floor.

"Will I see you two in the morning?"

"I expect so," said Paul.

"Good. I'll look forward to it! Goodnight."


After the elevator door closed, Marty gave Paul a kiss.

"Thank you. Was that for anything in particular?" Paul asked.

"Just for being so nice to Jason."

"I wasn't being nice, I like him," Paul said. "He's welcome to join us whenever he'd like. If he doesn't have other plans."

"I'll keep that in mind," Marty said.

They got to the room and Marty kissed Paul again as soon as the door closed. Paul was locking the door and kissing Marty deeply. They kissed some more and hugged.

When they broke away, Paul went into the bathroom and Marty went into the bedroom. Marty could hear Paul urinating and then brushing his teeth.

When Paul finished, he went into the bedroom and saw Marty was standing with his back to him bent over turning down the bed. Marty was already naked. Paul walked up behind him and took him around his waist, kissing his neck.

"I love that," he told Paul. He reached back and undid Paul's belt and trousers, letting them drop to the floor. Paul's hard cock was pressing against Marty.

"Mmm," Marty hummed.

Paul dropped his boxers as Marty reached back to feel his cock. "Nice," he told Paul.

"Want it?"

"Do I!"

Paul saw the tube of lube that Marty had put on the table and reached over lubing himself up. He pushed Marty against the bed gently and bent him over. As Marty relaxed, Paul slid his cock in.

"Yeah," Marty said. "Let me feel it!"

Paul started pumping Marty. It felt so good! Marty reached down and started stroking his own hard cock. Paul reached down and moved Marty's hand and started rubbing the cock himself. Paul was both pumping Marty's arse while rubbing Marty's cock. After a minute, Paul pulled his cock out and spoke to Marty.

"Get on the bed."

Marty complied, lying on his back. Paul remained standing, and slid his cock into Marty's willing hole. Marty wrapped his legs around Paul, bringing him in closer and deeper. He continued to rub his own cock.

"Cum in me," Marty said.

Moments later, Paul did just that. Almost immediately after that, Marty shot a load on himself.

Marty kept his legs wrapped around Paul's waist. Paul reached down and pulled Marty to him, lifting him up so that he was carrying him. He kissed Marty and started walking to the bathroom so they could both take a quick shower.

After the shower, then climbed into bed, Marty now behind Paul rubbing his chest. "That was so nice," Marty said.

"You're right."

"I kind of liked you telling me what to do. It was a turn-on."

"Really? How about if I start slapping you around a little?" Paul said with a laugh.

"I don't think so."

"OK. Isn't my style, anyway."

"I hope not!"

They lay together for a few more minutes.

"What do you think...." Paul started.


"Well, do you think Jason would take some pictures of the two of us?"

"I'm sure he'd love to."

"Well, I also meant...."

"I know what you meant. He'd love to. I'm sure he brought both cameras."


"Both still and video."

"Um, I'd only be a little nervous about where the pictures were going."

"Don't worry. When he took those pictures of me that I sent to you, he gave me the memory card. He doesn't have the images himself. He's a little wild and crazy, but he is respectful, too."

"Do you want to ask him?"

"Sure. Don't you?" Marty laughed.

"I think I'd be a little uncomfortable."

"He might get a little ..... inspired. Just be aware of that."

"I'm not surprised. What did you two do after he took the pictures of you?"

"Well, we ended up having sex."

"It must be nice to have someone you can trust."

"It is."

"I'm glad."


"Sure. I don't expect celibacy, and I'm glad I don't have to worry about who you are sleeping with."

Marty pulled Paul closer and gave him a kiss.

Seemingly moments later, the alarm went off.

Paul got up, made coffee and went to get Marty up. Marty was already sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You're up early!"

"Shut up!"

"Grumpy. Want some coffee or do you want to wait for tea?"

"I'll wait."

They showered and dressed and went to the atrium buffet. They found Jason alone at a table. He looked up.

"Good morning. You two look well-rested."

"You don't look bad yourself," Paul quipped.

"Why thank you."

They laughed and talked about the night before over breakfast.

"Jason, do you have dinner plans for tonight?" Marty asked.

"Well my schedule seems to be a bit empty this evening."

"Excellent. Join us again. Paul would also like to invite you up for a look at the view from the room after dinner. He thought you might like to take a picture of it."

Paul blushed.

"Oh, he did, did he?"

"Yeah, whatever," Paul said, blushing deeper.

Jason and Marty laughed and Paul felt Jason bump his knee.

"Well, I'd be happy to join you two for dinner and then come up and photograph whatever looks nice."

Jason and Marty laughed again as did Paul now, "Am I being set up for something?"

Marty and Jason both said, "No."

After breakfast, Marty and Paul went back up to the room before Paul left for the day.

"You know we didn't plan this, don't you?"

Paul smiled and came over to kiss Marty, "I know. I was just kidding. Just quite convenient the way the whole thing worked out."

"I can see how you would think that."

"What do you think Jason is going to do?"

"Well, take some pictures."

"Do you think he'll want to join in?"

"I wouldn't be surprised. Is that OK? I can talk to him today if you don't want him to. As I said, he is .... energetic, but he's respectful."

"Well, we've talked about a 3-way before. What do you think?"

Marty thought. "We have. Certainly you and I get along. Jason and I do, too. I think if it ever were to work that it would be a good combination to try."

"OK. I'm game. If I'm trying a 3-way, guess I can't think of a better combination than an old, trusted friend and someone he knows."

"Might be a bit fun, too," Marty said.

"Hey, how many days' worth of clothes did you steal for me?"

"Well, I was running out of space, so you have one more day."

"Hmm. What's your plan then, slick?"

"We can go to your house tomorrow. Let's ask Jason if he'd like to go see his aunt again tomorrow and he can give me a ride back up here in the morning...or I can drive in your horrid traffic."

"Poor baby," he gave Marty a kiss. "I'm off to work."

"OK. I'll see you tonight."


Paul left, a bit nervous and bemused about tonight's potential. This wasn't something that he'd done before. He'd certainly thought about it.....

That evening, Paul got back to the room before Marty again. He sat down to watch the news again. Moments later, Marty and Jason came in. They were laughing.

"What's so funny?" Paul asked.

"We were just talking about something we did last summer," Jason said.

"What did you do?"

"We decided we'd be brave and go to a nude beach."


"We got there and decided that risking sunburn in places that shouldn't get burned wasn't worth the view. So we left."

Paul laughed.

"OK, what are we doing for dinner tonight?"

"There's an Italian place we heard about. How's that sound?"

"Fine," Paul said.

"It really is a nice view," Jason said. He looked at Paul, "By the way, don't be nervous or self-conscious later. Whatever you guys want. You keep the memory card, just like I did for Marty. The only way you'll see anything up on the Internet is if you put it up."

"Thanks." Paul looked over at Marty.

Jason said, "He didn't say anything to me, by the way. I can understand that you'd be a bit curious about how conveniently I showed up. Purely coincident. Marty didn't even know I was coming to the conference. My boss didn't decide to send me until late last week."


"We talked about tomorrow, too. I'd actually been thinking about going down to see my aunt again. I'm leaving Friday night, so I wouldn't get another chance to see her. Marty and I can just come down to your place tomorrow night and I'll give him a ride up Thursday."

"Perfect," Paul said. He turned to Marty. "Do you remember how to get to my house?"

"Once we get to the gym or the market, I'm OK."

"Good. Let's go eat," Jason said. "I'm starving."

"Hurry. He might eat one of us if we don't feed him!" Paul said.

"Now that doesn't sound bad....." Jason said.

"Tart!" Paul quipped.

They all laughed.

The restaurant was a short walk from the hotel. After they arrived, they all started reminiscing a little.

"So how did you guys meet?"

Marty looked at Paul, "We met in a chat group on an older computer system many years ago. Just have known each other since."

Jason laughed, "That's kind of cool."

Paul looked at Marty, and then back at Jason. "So what has Marty told you about me and us?"

"Well, I don't know what I don't know, I just know what I know. But he told me that there was this bloke he knew over in the States that he chatted with on line. He told me that you guys started as acquaintances, and have gotten to be pretty good friends. When he asked me to take the pictures, I knew a little better how good friends you have become."

"What did you think?"

"I'll admit that I was a little surprised, because Marty tends to be kind of a private person, but I understood once he told me about your occasional web cam sessions."

Paul blushed and glanced at Marty.

"Oh, don't be embarrassed. I'm actually a bit jealous. Obviously you two can talk about any subject. Not many people have a friend like that. Having Marty around and knowing him, I understand it."

Paul reached over and rubbed Marty's knee. "Yeah, not a conventional relationship, but a great one nonetheless."

Jason, again, had made a huge plate of food vanish without effort. Paul looked at it and laughed. "I wish I knew how you did that...."

Jason shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I was blessed with good genes."

Paul laughed, "Yes, they fit you quite nicely......" He winked.

They walked back to the hotel. Jason stopped the elevator at his floor, "I'll get my things and pop up in a minute. Be thinking about what you want."


"What do we want?" Paul asked.

"Well, I'd like some pictures of you, and some of us together. I'd still like that shot of me on my back with my feet in the air..... Jason can figure things out."

"We'll see."

Next: Chapter 6: The Visit 6

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