The Visit Series

By Ryan Martinson

Published on Feb 19, 2007



This is a work of fiction. Any coincident with names or events is just that, a coincident. This came solely from my imagination.

Our characters don't practice safer sex. They don't need to. They don't exist. If you exist, you should practice safer sex.

Finally, if you shouldn't be reading this because you are too young, your beliefs forbid it, there is a Court Order that says so or something, then don't.


Paul went to turn down the bed and open the curtains as Marty turned on the bath water. He turned on a light next to the bed and turned off the rest.

Marty found the controls to turn on the heat under the floor, which quickly became nice and warm. He also found some bubble bath, and put some in the filling tub. He laid out the bath towels, found a couple of dressing gowns behind the door and brought them out to where Paul was.

He came to Paul and gave him a kiss, and then undressed Paul. He held up the dressing gown for Paul to put on. Paul then did the same for Marty, helping him with the dressing gown. They went in to the bathroom and Marty turned off the water. The bath was a very large oval, with more than enough for two adults to sit either end to end or side by side. The filler looked like a waterfall coming out of the side.

Marty, again, now helped Paul out of his dressing gown, hung it up and Paul did the same for Marty. They got into the tub and sat down and relaxed.

"The temperature is perfect," Paul said. "I always get it too hot or too cold."

"You just need to practice more," Marty teased him.

Paul sat back, and Marty leaned back onto Paul's shoulder. They just sat soaking in the warm water silently for a few minutes. Paul started to drive off as he felt all of his muscles relax.

A few minutes later, Marty picked up a cloth, wet it and started washing Paul. Paul woke and smiled. Marty was gently using the cloth to clean all of Paul's body, and it felt very nice and relaxing. When he was finished, he handed the cloth to Paul, who then cleaned Marty. As he had learned, he was very careful when washing behind Marty's foreskin.

Marty picked up some shampoo and the spray nozzle, He handed them both to Paul, who gently washed his hair. When he was done, Marty washed Paul's hair. Marty drained the tub, and they rinsed each other off with the warm water from the spray. When the tub was drained, they were finished with the rinsing and Paul turned the water off. Marty handed him a towel and helped him dry off. Paul did the same, and helped Marty into his dressing gown. Marty did the same for Paul, and then folded and hung the towels. They went into the bedroom and got into bed.

After a hug and a kiss, they both realized how exhausted they were.

"When do you need to get up?" Marty asked.

"Well, I have to be at the office at 8:30, so I should leave here around 8. I guess 6:30 or 7:00 so we can eat."

"How about 6:30, and that will give us some extra time. Breakfast is a buffet down in the atrium."


Marty turned on his side and Paul slid up to his back. He put his arm around Marty. He liked the feeling of gently rubbing his fingers through Marty's chest hair. Marty liked it too.

They both quickly fell asleep.

Marty woke what seemed like two minutes later. He looked at the clock and it said 6:25. He smiled to himself and reached over to make sure the alarm didn't go off. Once the alarm was secured, he got up and went into the bathroom to start the coffee and turn on the heat under the bath tiles.

He went back out to the bedroom. Paul looked like he was still asleep. Marty watched him sleeping on his back for a couple of minutes, and then decided it was time for him to get up. He went to Paul's side of the bed, knelt down and gently kissed Paul's mouth. Paul kissed him back. Marty then went down to Paul's cock. It was soft. Marty took it in his mouth and sucked it as he felt it get hard in his mouth. He liked that feeling.

Paul liked the feeling of his cock growing in Marty's warm mouth. He reached down and felt Marty's cock. It was getting hard, too. He gently lifted Marty a little to cue him to get up. Marty got up on to the bed as Paul moved down a little so that he could suck on Marty's dick as he was doing the same. Nice way to wake up!

Paul was rubbing Marty's cock while using his tongue to gently lick under the head. Marty was keeping Paul's dick very wet as he was rubbing it. He moved back between Paul's legs, licking and sucking on his balls. He continued back and found the hole, first rimming the outside, then putting his tongue in. He loved the smell, which was a combination of the soap from the bath and Paul's musty, manly smell.

Paul decided Marty's idea of ball-sucking was pretty good, so he moved back and did the same for Marty. He could feel that Marty was getting close, and could tell that his breathing was changing, so he moved back to Marty's cock. In a few moments, Marty filled Paul's mouth with warm, salty cum. He was about to cum, too.

Marty loved the feeling and taste of Paul's cum as it erupted into his mouth. He carefully took down every drop, then used his tongue to clean Paul's head. They both fell on to each other, laying side-by-side, resting on each other's legs. In a moment, Marty gently tapped Paul and lifted his head.

"Sir, your coffee is ready if you're ready to get up."

"Well, you did a fine job of getting me up, but I guess I should act like I have somewhere to go."

They got up and went into the bathroom. Marty turned on the shower as Paul poured himself some coffee.

"Can I have some, too?"

"Sure. I didn't know you liked it."

"Well, I don't, unless there is a lot of cream and sugar."

Paul poured some flavored creamer and sugar into a cup, put in some coffee and mixed it. He gave it to Marty who took an approving sip.

"That's not horrible, but I prefer tea."

"Well, let's shower, dress and go down and get you some."

They got into the shower and washed each other as was now becoming a ritual. After showering, Paul stopped at the sink to shave. Marty went into the bedroom to turn on the news.

After he had shaved, he came out to find that Marty had laid out clothes for him. Marty, too, had clothes laid out, but was still in his dressing gown. Marty came to Paul and removed his dressing gown from him. He started dressing him by helping him with his boxers, kissing the head of his dick as he tucked it into the underwear. He put on the rest of Paul's clothes for him. He had combined Paul's clothing in a way that Paul hadn't in the past, but it was a very smart outfit.

Paul went to dress Marty. He removed his dressing gown and reached over to get the underwear. He noticed that Marty had a pair of his boxers. Paul laughed and slid them on to Marty. As he pulled the underwear up to Marty's waist, he stopped and kissed his cockhead, gently pulling the foreskin back to lick under the head. He put a t-shirt on Marty, noticing that it was one of his, too. As he was finishing dressing Marty, he said, "Thief."

"Shut up. I like having your clothes next to me."

They both laughed and finished dressing. They went down to the atrium where a large buffet was laid out. They filled their plates and found a table. They were quietly enjoying the good food.

A moment later, Paul hear a voice with the same accent as Marty.

"Good morning!!! Do you mind terribly if I join you wankers?"

Paul glanced at Marty and could see that he had a face that was a combination of a laugh and a wince. He looked towards a voice and saw a face that almost took his breath away. It looked vaguely familiar.

As the man sat down, a hand was sent towards Paul.

"Hello. My name is Jason. You must be Paul."

Paul was a bit confused. "Yes, Jason. Nice to meet you. How did you know...."

"Marty and I are old friends. I knew he was coming to visit you. Looks like you two have had a nice weekend." He turned towards Marty, "Well, did you?....oh, yes, I can see you did."

Marty was blushing.

"Let me give you the back story."

"Back story?" Paul said.

"Jason is a writer and photographer. You get used to it. Life is nothing but back story and character development."

"And composition."

"Of what?"

"Stories and pictures," Marty answered. "You see, Jason is more of a character in his own play than living his life."

"Well, then, the back story. Marty and I used to work together. We also found that we went to the same gym. Between work and the gym, we became mates and found out that we have some things in common...." He winked. "We tried dating for a while, but decided that we made much better friends than partners. So after I left that firm, we still get together for dinner and....more. I think you'd call it `Friends with Benefits.' He has also told me a bit about you, particularly that he was coming out to see you the weekend before the conference."

Paul was a bit amazed that Jason had said that all in one breath.

"And I can see from Marty's reaction that you two were successful."

Marty blushed as Jason took into his breakfast with the same enthusiasm as he spoke. Paul stopped for a moment and looked at Jason. He couldn't help staring. The man was gorgeous. He had lightly tanned skin, long straight light blond hair pulled back into a ponytail and electric blue eyes. He obviously spent quite a bit of time at the gym, but was just well-toned and defined. He wasn't overly-muscular like a body builder.

"The gym yesterday."

"Huh?" Jason had spoken and broken Paul's trance.

"The gym yesterday. You saw me at the gym."

That's where it was.

"My mother is American, and my aunt must live somewhere near you. I was in the locker room at the gym when you and Marty ran in and out. Wonder where you were going..."

"Jason, enough. Paul is a proper gentleman and has manners."

"Sorry. I sometimes come on a bit strong. I do feel like I have known you for a while, Paul. Marty talks about you in glowing terms."

Paul looked over at Marty. "Now Paul, don't worry. I'm the only other person that knows about you. Your secret is safe with me."


Jason had inhaled his breakfast and stood.

"Well, must go. See you gents later. Paul, a pleasure."

Some energy seemed to leave with Jason.

Paul looked at Marty. "What was that???"

"That is Jason, but you know that. He's a good guy, just a bit energetic. He's thoughtful and trustworthy, we just decided that we didn't do well as boyfriends, yet made good friends."

"You didn't tell me about him."

"I didn't know how you'd react."

"You're an ocean away. You have to have your own life."

"I was hoping you'd say that."

"So what do he write and photograph?"

"Well, he does marketing copy and photography to pay the rent, but writes fiction and does some portrait photography. You've seen some of his work," Marty smiled.

"Oh, those pictures. He does do nice work."

They finished eating and went back to the room. Paul brushed his teeth to get ready to leave. "I don't mind if he joins us for dinner."

"What?" Marty came into the bathroom to see what Paul was mumbling.

"I don't mind if he joins us for dinner if you'd like. Up to you."

"I'll ask. He is a lot of fun, just a lot of energy. I don't know if he has plans or not. As he told you he does have family in the area."

Paul finished getting ready and kissed Marty as he left.

"I'll see you this afternoon or evening. I'll call you with a time so we can meet."

Marty slipped a room key-card in Paul's pocket. "OK. I can just meet you here if you'd like."

"Have fun....."

They kissed and Paul left for work.

Next: Chapter 5: The Visit 5

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