The Visit Series

By Ryan Martinson

Published on Feb 3, 2007



This is a work of fiction. Any coincident with names or events is just that, a coincident. This came solely from my imagination.

Our characters don't practice safer sex. They don't need to. They don't exist. If you exist, you should practice safer sex.

Finally, if you shouldn't be reading this because you are too young, your beliefs forbid it, there is a Court Order that says so or something, then don't.


Sometime in the middle of the night -- Paul knew it was the middle of the night, as it was dark -- he felt Marty move closer to him and put an arm around him. That was a nice, warm feeling. Marty started slowly rubbing his back.

Paul noticed Marty's hand was working his way down his back. He thought he just wait and see what happened. Marty got down to his butt; Paul spread his legs apart some. Marty got the hint. His hand went down and started fondling Paul's balls.

Paul moved a little to deal with his growing erection. Marty's hand moved back up Paul's butt. Paul raised it up a little to make it easier for Marty. He felt one of Marty's fingers start to circle his arse. There was a pause, and Paul then felt a wet finger of Marty slide in.

Paul was loving this. Marty was loving it, too. Paul turned his head to face Marty. He gave him a little kiss and said, "there's some lube on the table beside me. Do whatever you'd like."

Marty didn't speak, but climbed on top of Paul.

"Is this too heavy?"

"No, it's quite nice!" Paul could feel Marty's nice warm body on top of him. Marty's cock was pushing against his butt crack. He was very hard....they were both very hard.

Marty reached over and got the lube.

"Put some on you and some around my hole, and enjoy yourself."

Marty did, and Paul could now feel the pressure of Marty's cock pressing against his hole. He relaxed and Marty's lovely cock slipped in. He felt Marty lie down on his back again.

"Is that OK?" Marty asked.

"OK? It feels wonderful. Do whatever makes you feel good. If you want me to change positions, just ask."

Marty started working his cock in and out of Paul. Paul enjoyed not only the feeling of Marty fucking him, but the way his cock felt as it was rubbing against the bed.

Marty was in ecstasy. He'd never felt anything like this. Paul sucking him felt good, but this was entirely different.

"Can you turn over?" Marty asked.

"Of course," Paul smiled as he asked. He wanted to see Marty's face.

Paul turned over and as he did, turned on a light beside the bed. He lifted his legs up.

Marty looked over at the light. "I want to watch you," Paul said.

"OK. I want to watch you, too."

Marty put his cock back into Paul and started working his arse. Paul wet his hand and started rubbing his own hard cock. Marty looked down at Paul wanking himself and smiled.

Paul could see that Marty was getting more and more ecstatic as he was fucking away. Paul kept rubbing his own cock, but he didn't want to cum yet. Paul could tell Marty was enjoying this as he was fucking harder and harder. He felt Marty's cock hitting his prostate. Paul was getting close to cumming, but he wanted to wait.

Marty was breathing harder and harder. Beads of sweat were breaking out on his forehead. He gasped and Paul could feel his cock shooting cum up his arse. He loved the feeling of Marty's cock throbbing in him.

Marty started to relax.

"Don't pull out."


Marty wet his hand and gently moved Paul's hand from his cock. The least he could do was rub Paul to an orgasm. The feeling of his cock in Paul was nice. Warm, wet.

Paul was close, and Marty rubbing him with his cock inside him was going to push him over the edge in a moment. He took a breath and cum shot from his cock.

Marty now saw why Paul wanted him to keep his cock in him. As Paul came, his arse gave Marty's cock a gentle squeeze. What an incredible feeling!

Marty watched as Paul's cum shot over his belly and chest. What an experience! Marty pulled his own cock out of Paul and turned to lie next to him. He used his hand to clean some of the cum off of Paul and brought it to his lips.

"How was that?" Paul asked.


They lay there for a few more minutes.

Marty got up, and went to the bathroom. Paul heard the water running. Marty came back with a warm wet washcloth and towel. Paul laid there as Marty gently cleaned up his belly and chest, and then his butt. Marty handed Paul the washcloth to let Paul clean Marty's cock. He remembered to gently pull the foreskin back and clean beneath it.

Marty gave him a little kiss, took the towels back to the bathroom and crawled back into bed. He gave Paul a hug and a kiss and thanked him.

"When do I get my turn?"

"Later today? I need a bit more sleep. You'll notice the clock says 3?"


Marty cuddled up against Paul and they both quickly fell back asleep......

Paul woke up some time later. He looked at the clock and it was 5:30. Since he usually got up at 5 for work, it was a pretty normal time for him to get up. He couldn't get back to sleep, so he got up, put on some sweatpants and a T-shirt and went out to the den. He made some coffee and sat down to watch the news on the television. A couple of hours later, he heard some steps coming down the hall. He looked up to see Marty.

Marty was wearing a nightshirt that belonged to Paul.

"Well just make yourself at home!"

"Thank you. I kind of like this. Never used one before. Gives you a certain....freedom!" With that, he pulled it up showing he was wearing no underwear.


Marty laughed and lay down on the couch with his head on Paul's lap. Paul threw a blanket over his bare lower legs.

"What are you watching?"

"The news. I admit, I'm a news junkie."

"How interesting, Marty mocked." He promptly fell back asleep.

Some time later, Paul leaned over and kissed Marty while gently rubbing his back. "Hey, I have to go pee!"

Marty moved his head to let Paul up. While Paul was off in the bathroom, Marty stretched out and took the pillow Paul had at the end of the couch.

Paul saw that Marty had now taken over the couch and fallen asleep again. He laughed to himself and went into the kitchen to start breakfast. When it was ready, he went to Marty, still asleep on the couch.

Kissing him, he said, "Hey sleepyhead, wake up. Breakfast is ready."

Marty rolled over, kissed Paul and grabbed one of Paul's hands, putting his on his crotch.

Paul laughed. "The food is getting cold."

"I'm hot now."

"I know. You'll be hot later and not as hungry."


He got up, went with Paul and ate breakfast.

"What are we doing today?"

Paul thought for a moment. "I hadn't really thought that much about it. You're supposed to go to your hotel for the conference tonight. I've been thinking about that, though..."

Marty smiled, "Yes..... Now I have to go to the conference, you know."

"I know. I have to go to work in the morning, so there's no point in you playing hooky. My thought was that if you would like, you can use the spare car and drive up to the conference and stay here."

"Well, I appreciate the offer, but I don't really drive very much at home, and I'm not excited about driving here. I think it would be better if I stayed at the hotel in town like I had planned. We can probably get together during the week, and there is always next weekend."

"True." Paul was a little disappointed, but Marty was here for a conference, and not here to be a tourist.

"How about that gym you go to? Can I see it?"

"Sure, if you want. Not that exciting, but I'd be happy to take you if you'd like."

"OK. After that, why don't we go into town, find the hotel and I can get settled there. Perhaps we can have dinner after that."

"That's fine." Paul was hoping his disappointment didn't show.

They finished eating and went to the bedroom. Marty had straightened things out again. He had a small gym bag packed. They dressed and went to the garage.

"Where are your clothes for the gym?"

"I keep them in the car. Don't worry, they're clean."

"I thought I smelled something in that car of yours..."

They drove to the gym, Paul got his bag out of the trunk and they went in. Paul went in and said hi to his friend Jerry behind the desk. He introduced Marty, and they went to the locker room.

"He's cute!" Marty said.

"So's his wife."

"Such a waste....."

They opened a couple of lockers and changed into shorts and t-shirts. Of course, Marty put on his jock.

Paul quietly said, "I know that's because you like the sexy feel of them, rather than some need for additional support."

Marty flashed an innocent grin, "What ever do you mean?"


Paul said hello to a couple of other people in the locker room. Marty looked around at the facilities in the locker room.

"Want the tour?" Paul laughed.


He walked to the bathroom: "Loo."

Marty laughed.

He showed Marty the showers, sauna and steam room. Marty raised an eyebrow.

"I don't get the sauna and steam room stuff," Paul said, "sit and sweat? Not for me."

"True, but there might be cute guys in there!"

"Right. Just what I want. A tent while I'm in a room full of guys. I'll pass, thank you!"

They went out to the gym proper and spent some time working out. Once they decided they had had enough, they decided to leave, so went back to the locker room.

As they were walking in, Paul said, "We can shower here or go back to the house to shower. Which do you want."

They continued into the locker room. As they rounded a corner, they saw a very buff looking guy admiring his body standing naked in front of a mirror. It was quite a body to admire! They tried not to be too obvious, but it was such a show. He was a blue-eyed blonde with a well-proportioned body. He was muscular, but in a well-defined sense, not overly bulky. He had a nice butt, and they couldn't help but notice the large, cut cock with low-hanging balls. He was smooth except for some nice crotch hair. They must have been looking a bit too long, because he winked at them before he went off to the shower.

"Um, home?" Paul joked.

"I think so."

Fortunately, there was no one in their part of the locker room to notice that they were both quite hard.

They quickly changed, waved to Jerry on the way out and got into the car.

"You sure he's straight?"

"Shut up," Paul said.

When they got home, they both went to the bedroom and got undressed. They went into the bathroom, and Paul turned on the shower. Marty came over and hugged him, He breathed in deeply.

"You smell very sexy when you're sweaty," Marty said.

"You, too. Wouldn't want to enjoy that sweat smell for a long time, but it is sexy."

They got into the shower and Paul again massaged Marty's scalp while washing his hair. He massaged Marty's shoulders as he started to wash his back. He got to his arse and was gently rubbing it. Marty bent over slightly. Paul started to wash around his hole, and gently slipped one, then two, then three fingers in. Marty felt very relaxed.

Marty loved the feeling of Paul's strong fingers in him, but he wanted something else.

"I think I'm ready."

"Me, too."

"What? You're ready, you agree I'm ready, or you're ready for me to be ready?" Marty laughed.

"I'm not sure what you said, but let's finish the shower."

Paul finished washing Marty, carefully cleaning his cock and under the foreskin. He gave the soap to Marty, who washed Paul. They were both moving a bit hastier than during their last shower.

They finished and dried off and Marty took Paul's hand, leading him back into the bedroom. He went to the bed with Paul behind him and bent over.

Paul laughed, "Let's do this another way, but since you're offering...."

Paul got down on his knees and started rimming Marty's hole. He licked around, feeling Marty relax. He slipped his tongue into the hole. Marty loved it.

Marty turned and helped Paul to his feet. Paul lay down on the bed on his back. Marty bent over and took Paul's cock in his mouth. Paul reached over and started fondling Marty's lovely cock. After sucking Paul's cock and balls, he looked at Paul. He went up and kissed him on the lips.

Paul gently directed Marty to straddle him. He gave Marty the lube. Marty started putting it on Paul's hard cock. That, alone, caused Paul to take a deep breath in.

"God, that feels so good."

Marty smiled. He had the cock lubed up, so he put a little lube around his hole, gently slipping a finger in. Paul reached up and started stroking Marty's cock.

Marty maneuvered so he was over Paul's cock, and lowered himself on it. Paul could feel that Marty was still a little tight. Paul licked his hand and started rubbing the tip of Marty's cock with his wet fingers. Now it was Marty's turn to gasp. Marty's hole relaxed and Paul's cock slipped in. Marty tightened up a bit.

"Relax and take a deep breath. Just stay there until you're relaxed again."

"It feels so good the way you're rubbing my cock, Paul."


Paul felt Marty relax. He then felt his cock slide in. Marty took a little breath and smiled.

"That feels so good. I love feeling you in me!"

Marty started moving up and down slowly on Paul's cock. Paul was rubbing Marty's dick faster and faster. Marty could feel Paul's cock hitting his prostate. Now he knew the feeling that people were talking about.

"Will you get on top of me?" Marty asked.


They separated and Marty lay down on his back. He lifted his legs to let Paul slide into him. Paul slowly slid into him. Paul started gently, looking down at Marty.


"Yes. It is great. Pump me harder."

Paul started pumping harder and harder into Marty. He was watching Marty's face. Clearly he was in ecstasy.

"Can I cum in you?"

"Please!!! Fuck me harder."

Paul pumped and pumped as Marty worked his own cock. With an explosion of ecstasy, Paul had a huge orgasm, cum going deep into Marty. Marty could feel Paul's orgasm and almost instantly had one of his own, shooting cum on his belly and chest.

Paul gently pulled his cock out of Marty as Marty lowered his legs. Paul gently collapsed onto Marty. He was exhausted.

"Hey," Marty said, kissing Paul's neck.

"Yes?" Paul turned and kissed Marty on the lips.

"I think we could stand a shower, and then we should get going."


Paul got up and then helped Marty up. They walked into the bathroom and stood hugging while the shower warmed up. Marty, usually a bath fan, was liking the showers which always included a scalp and shoulder massage and just some nice time together. Paul had told him that the showers could be a very nice sharing experience. Now he knew what he meant.

After the shower, they went back into the bed room.

Paul was standing naked in front of his closet. Marty came up behind him and kissed the back of his neck while hugging him.

"Thank you."

"For what?" Paul looked at him.

"For letting me work up to that. It was so wonderful feeling you inside me!"

"It wasn't bad from my end, either!" Paul quipped. "What do you want to do today?"

"Let's go into the city and see what there is to do. I also want to take you out to dinner at the hotel. They have a very nice restaurant on the top floor, and my expense account starts today."

"OK. I guess that means I should wear something other than jeans and a t-shirt."

"Probably. Can I choose something for you?"


Marty looked through Paul's closet, choosing some tan pants and a dark blue shirt. He then went to his dresser and pulled out some boxers and socks. He held the boxers up to Paul, then knelt in front of Paul helping him to put his boxers on. As he pulled them up he gave Paul's cock a little kiss.

Paul smiled.

Marty helped him with the rest of his clothes and stood back to look. "Nice. I guess if you have to wear clothes that is a good outfit."

"Thank you," Paul said while smiling.

"Can I return the favor or would you like to go naked? Not that I would mind seeing you naked all day, but you might get cold and people would point.

"Sure," Marty said. "Is what I put on the top of my suitcase OK?"

"That's fine. You're too organized for me," Paul said with a little laugh.

Paul went to Marty's suitcase. There was a pair of slacks, a black shirt, some socks and a pair of Paul's boxers on top.

Paul held up the boxers. "These look familiar."

"I thought I'd try a pair of yours," Marty said. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not!"

Paul went to Marty, knelt down and Marty lifted a leg at a time to help Paul. When Paul got to Marty's cock, he took it in his hand and kissed the tip, then pulled the foreskin back and ran his tongue around the head. He then let the foreskin slide forward enveloping the tip of his tongue.

"We aren't ever going to get there if you keep that up!"

"What? You're not up yet!"

Marty laughed and playfully hit Paul on the head. Paul laughed, finished putting the boxers on Marty and stood to give him a kiss. Paul finished dressing Marty. Marty took his suitcase and they went to the garage. He put it in Paul's car while Paul was locking up the house.

They left and drove into the city. After locating the hotel, they found a nearby shopping mall. They spent some time window shopping...and primarily looking at guys.

"You're awfully critical about the gentlemen you see out here," Marty said.

"Here's what I figure. I'm never going to be with any of them. In fact, I'll probably never know their names. I can be just as critical as I want."

They went back to Marty's hotel. "Drop me off at the lobby. I'll check in while you are parking the car. Park in the guest parking area."


Paul parked the car and Marty went in to check in. Marty was finished as Paul walked into the lobby.

"That was quick!"

"Yes. Pretty easy. Let's go get my bag and put this parking card in your car so it is there when you go back to it."

They went to the car and Paul put the card on the dash as Marty got his bag out of the car. They rode the elevator to the 18th floor where Marty's room was. Marty slid the card into the door and opened it.

"Nice!" They both said.

The curtains were open showing the unobstructed view of the city, the river and the mountains in the background. There was a single king-sized bed, a couch, table and chairs, a dresser and a large flat-screen television on the wall. The bathroom was large and looked to be primarily made of marble. Paul went to look at the view while Marty went into the bathroom.

"The bathroom floor is heated!" Marty said.

"Nice. You'll really suffer here. No wonder you didn't want to stay at my dump," Paul said.

Marty came to him, kissed him, and said, "You know that's not the case."

"I know, I'm just teasing." Paul said.

"Let's sit and relax for a few minutes," Marty said. "Our dinner reservations are in 20 minutes."

They sat on the couch holding each other watching the view as the sun set.

Marty kissed Paul deeply. "I've had a very nice time."

"Me, too."

"You wouldn't mind if I stayed next weekend, too would you?"

Paul smiled, "Well, I was planning on re-arraigning my dresser next weekend, but I guess I can delay that."

Marty lightly slapped him, kissed him again and helped him up.



They left the room and took the 2-floor ride to the restaurant. Their table was at one of the large windows with exactly the same view as Marty's room. They had a large meal, shared some good wine and split a dessert.

"I'm not sure I can move," Paul said.

"Well, it's a short trip."

"For you...."

"We can go down to my room and you can relax a little if you'd like."


They went down to the room. Paul glanced at the clock beside the bed.

"I've got to get going."


"Um, I have to go home, go to bed, get up in the morning and go to work."

"You could just stay."

"Ugh. I could, and I'd love to, but it would take me an extra hour to go home and get ready and then on to work."

"Yeah, I guess so. Unless you didn't go home first and just went to work."

"That's true, but I don't want to wear today's clothes to work tomorrow. That's gross!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Marty had gone over to his suitcase during this discussion and had opened it. He took a few of his things out and put them in the dresser.

He picked up something from the suitcase, hiding it from Paul, and spoke. "Will this work for tomorrow?"

He turned and held up one of Paul's shirts from his suitcase.


Marty laughed, "I took the liberty of packing a few things for you."

"When did you do that?"

"This morning when you thought I was sleeping. I was a little worried you'd catch me."

"So that's why you didn't care about spending the week at the hotel."

"Yes. I decided you were spending the week with me.....assuming you don't mind."

"Well, I guess I can make the sacrifice...."

He went over and kissed Marty deeply. He looked over Marty's shoulder. "Nice view, particularly at night. At least we don't have to worry about the neighbors peeking."

"Good point." Marty turned off the room lights, and they continued to kiss by the glow coming through the window. The full moon was just rising...

"So will you stay?"

"Well, if you insist....."

Marty gave Paul a hug and kissed him some more.

"I want to take a bath. I like your showers, but I'd like to take a bath."


He winked. "I think that the tub is big enough for two..."

Next: Chapter 4: The Visit 4

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