The Visit Series

By Ryan Martinson

Published on Jan 20, 2007



This is a work of fiction. Any coincident with names or events is just that, a coincident. This came solely from my imagination.

Our characters don't practice safer sex. They don't need to. They don't exist. If you exist, you should practice safer sex.

Finally, if you shouldn't be reading this because you are too young, your beliefs forbid it, there is a Court Order that says so or something, then don't.


They stepped out of the shower and started to dry off. They looked at each other and giggled. Here they where naked in front each other, but this time doing a mundane thing and it was the first time and it felt funny.

"Ahhh, I have something for you, Marty," Paul said.

"Oh, and what's that?"

Paul reached over and pulled out a white skinny jock strap.

"Here, I'd like you to wear this"

"HA, HA... no problem"

"What do you think?", Marty pulled then strap over his knees.

"Let me help you here," said Paul, as he tucked Marty's cock and balls away. "Very nice."

Marty walked around in the jock. "Do you mind if I wear this later? I don't think these are designed for day wear, its warm anyway so I was going to go commando."

"Sure... do you mind if we stop in and see my friend Tom?"

"No problem..."

They dressed and got in the car and drove out,

"You know you can see you're uncut in those shorts?"

"HA, HA. Naughty boy. Shouldn't be looking"

The arrived at Tom's house. Paul had some packages in the back of his car for Tom.

"Here you go. You remember Marty?"

"Yes, thanks. So the online couple meets again. I surprised you two can walk"

They both smiled sheepishly...

"You're always so gracious," Paul chided Tom.

"But of course. Now go on and I will see you later." He tapped them both on the butt and then looked at Marty. "No underwear. Easy access."

"Its not like that!" Paul said. But he thought that it would be easy to Marty shorts down.

"Hey!!!" Marty giggled...

Tom slapped his arse as Marty pulled his shorts up.

"Go on. Go and do it for me."

They drove away.

Paul turned to Marty, "I'm sorry, did you mind me doing that"

"Not at all, I don't mind, I am miles away from home..."

"Let me take you to the woods"

"That's subtle," Marty laughed.

He drove to the woods and they got out and walked.

"Here this is my favorite spot, its miles away and no one is around"

"It's very nice. Quiet and beautiful."

Paul pulled Marty over and kissed him.

"Just as well no one is around, I know have hard on and its obvious with no underwear on," said Marty.

"Hmmmmmm. Looks fine by me," Paul said. He licked his fingers and pulled Marty over. "Open your legs for me."

Marty did so. He reached in his shorts and felt his away up to his Marty's hole. There he gently slid one finger in and then the other. He could see Marty was enjoying this

"Just loosening you up"...

"You're a dirty man Paul! That's way I like you. Can;t wait for you cock to be there"

They laughed and returned to the car.

They drove through Paul's home town to get to a place to eat breakfast.

"I know it's a little late, but what do you like for breakfast?" Paul asked.

"Well what do you like?"

"You shouldn't answer a question with a question. But to answer your question, I like the artery-clogging type: eggs, bacon or sausage, that sort of thing. How about you? Wheatabix?"

Marty made a face. "Very funny."


"I don't eat breakfast that often. I usually get up too late in the morning to both eat and be to work on time."

"OK, well, I'm hungry, so we're going to eat."

"Yes, sir!"

"That's better......" Paul winked at him.

The got the restaurant and Paul bought a newspaper on the way in.

After they sat, their server came. Paul ordered some coffee and Marty asked for tea. Marty took the creamer that the server brought with Paul's coffee and grinned at him.

"Sure, just steal everything."

"Well, I'll be giving you a present of mine later....."

Paul could feel himself blushing.

He lifted up the menu and feigned interest.

"What's good?"

"Well, that depends on what you like."

"OK, I deserved that."

The server came and they ordered. Paul picked up his newspaper.

"Sorry, am I boring you?"

"No, it is supposed to rain this afternoon, so I thought we could find a movie to stay in out of the rain. What would you like to see?"

"I don't know. What's playing here?"

"Well, we should find something you'll stay awake through. Awake is one of our goals for the day."

"I've got some other goals for today......"

"Try to stay focused!"

"I am"

"I meant focused on the conversation, which is about movies."

"OK. If I have to."

"Here's one that involves things exploding and people shooting. That should work."

"You Americans are always blowing things up!"

"You wish....."

Now it was Marty's turn to blush.

They were rescued by the server bringing their food. They both enjoyed what they ate.

After breakfast, they left the car in the parking lot and went for a walk. They went in to a number of shops, looking at things and buying nothing. They sat on a bench at the park and did a critique of the men that passed.

Marty started getting sleepy again, so Paul found a coffee and tea shop so that they could both get a fix of caffeine. They strolled as they sipped their drinks.

"This is a nice town, Paul."

"Thanks. I like it, too. The company's not bad, either."

Marty laughed and bumped into Paul gently.

"I'm getting hungry again."

"That must mean you're starting to adjust to the time zone a little."

"I hope so...." Marty said. "At least coming out here before my conference would have a good purpose."

Paul hit his arm as Marty laughed.

"Let's get something to eat and then we can see the movie."

There was a small delicatessen overlooking the river that ran by the town. They went in and sat at a table on the deck.

"This is kind of nice," Marty said.

"I'd say something about the company being nice, too, but after your comment about the weekend...."

Marty kicked him under the table.

They ate and went to the movie theater. As soon as the lights went down, Marty leaned his shoulder over against Paul. Paul slid his hand down and put it under Marty's thigh. Part way through the movie, Paul felt Marty fall asleep on his shoulder. Marty woke with a start a couple of times when there were loud explosions on the screen. Paul had to laugh. He deserved the slap that Marty gave him on his thigh.

After the movie, they walked back to the car. Paul drove home and started preparing dinner. Marty chatted with him for a bit then left to go back to the bedroom.

"Do not lie down on that bed. You are not to go back to sleep!"

"Shut up!" Marty said.

A few minutes later, Paul went back to the bedroom to get Marty. He felt a little bad about nagging him when he saw that Marty had made the bed and picked up the room.

"Thanks. Dinner's ready."

They ate and laughed again about Marty falling asleep – and being startled awake during it. After cleaning up the dishes, Marty asked about the hot tub.

"Do you have to heat it up or anything?"

"No, it is always on. Do you want to try it?"


They went back into the bedroom. Paul was getting his robe from the bathroom and got another one for Marty. When he came back into the bedroom, Marty had turned the lights down a little and was holding Paul's camera with a smirk on his face.

"What's that for?" Paul asked.

"I use things like this for taking pictures. I don't know what you use it for."

Paul took the camera. "Well?"

"Whatever you want."

"OK." Paul was getting hard already.

First he took some pictures of Marty just sitting on the bed, then took a couple of close-ups of his face and the eyes he liked so much. They were brown, but more the color of milk chocolate than a dark brown.

He backed up and Marty started to take his shirt off. Paul just kept taking pictures as he removed his shirt. Marty stayed sitting on the bed and opened up his pants, showing part of his underwear. Paul couldn't help notice that the white briefs had been replaced by a darker pair. He got a closer shot of that.

Marty stood and his pants fell off. He was wearing a pair of mesh black underwear. Paul could see that he was starting to get hard through the mesh.

"Turn around."

Marty complied. He slowly turned around so Paul could take all the pictures he wanted. When he was facing Paul again, he slowly started lowering his underwear while Paul took pictures. By the time he got his underwear down all the way, he was quite hard. Paul continued to take pictures.

"Do you mind if I get closer?"

"No, silly. Why would I?"

Paul moved in and started taking close-up pictures of Marty's hard cock with the balls hanging under them. Paul started turning so that Marty could get whatever angles in the shot he wanted. When he had his back to Paul, he bent over and then spread his cheeks so that Paul could take a picture of his hole, too. He continued to turn.

Marty sat back on the bed, then moved back with his legs up as Paul continued to snap pictures.

"Any other requests?"

"Sure. Get up on all fours."

"You bad boy. Do you want me facing you or facing away?"

"Both. Just turn slowly so I can take enough pictures."

Marty complied.

At this point, Paul was quite hard and wanted to do something with Marty's body other than taking pictures of it.

Paul started to take his own clothes off.

"Wait a minute," Marty said.


"Can't I make some pictures?"

"Of course. How rude of me!"

They changed places, Paul removing his clothes while Marty took pictures. Marty took particular interest in Paul's cock.

"You like?"

"Yes. I'd like to know it better."


After Marty had sufficient pictures, he put down the camera and said, "Now how about the hot tub?"

"OK, let's go."

Paul handed Marty a robe.

"What about my bathing costume?"

"It's plenty private. We won't need it."

Marty took the robe and wrapped it around himself. Paul did the same with his and they went out to the small building that held the hot tub. It was a little chilly in the building, but Marty trusted Paul's statement that it warmed up.

Paul took the cover off and turned on the subdued lighting in the tub and the building. He checked to make sure that the water was warm, and hung up his robe.

Marty went to take off his robe, but pulled the camera out of the pocket. He took a picture of Paul standing there with his robe off. Paul laughed and reached over for the camera.

"Your turn."

Marty took his robe and untied the belt, holding the robe open like a flasher. Paul laughed and took a picture. Marty was soft, so Paul took some close ups of his soft cock.

"You like that?" Marty asked.

"I think the way the foreskin hangs over the head of your cock is very sexy."

"I can see," laughed Marty. Paul had gotten hard.

Marty took off his robe, Paul took a few more pictures, and they both got into the tub.

"This is hot!" Marty said.

Paul laughed and turned on the jets. Marty was reclining on part of the tub that had jets that gave a back rub. He closed his eyes and relaxed. Paul laughed.

After a couple of minutes, Marty came over and sat on Paul's lap, facing him. He leaned over and kissed him.

"OK, the time change isn't the only reason I'm having a nice weekend."

Paul laughed and hugged Marty. Marty rested his head on Paul's shoulder. He then turned and kissed Paul on the neck.

"I liked it when you rimmed me last night or this morning or whenever it was."

"Me, too!"

Paul helped Marty up and Marty turned offering Paul his arse. Paul obliged, sliding his tongue in. Paul reached forward and started fondling Marty's cock, which quickly got hard.

Marty turned and Paul took his cock in his mouth.

"I love it when you put your tongue under the foreskin while you are rubbing me."

Paul obliged.

"I like your fingers in me, too."

Paul put in one, then two, fingers into Marty. He was sucking, tonguing Marty's cock and rubbing his fingers against each other. With a gasp, he shot a load into Paul's mouth.

"Sorry, that was a bit fast. What you did with your fingers was amazing!"

"Glad you enjoyed it. I loved the dessert you gave me, so don't apologize."

"OK, my turn!" Marty said.

Marty sat where Paul had been and Paul stood in front of Marty.

"Get it real wet with your saliva."

Marty complied and started rubbing and sucking Paul's cock. He wet his fingers and put his fingers in Paul like did for him. Paul breathed heavily and came in Marty's mouth.

"Thank you."

"Thank you!!"

They dried, put their robes on and went back into the house.

"It's 9:30. Isn't it my bedtime yet, mom?"

"Yes. I'll be in a couple of minutes. I have to lock up and turn off the lights."


Paul went to the kitchen and started the dishwasher. When he had turned off the lights and locked up, he went into the bedroom. There was Marty, bed turned down, lying naked, sprawled across it, lights down, TV on, fast asleep.

Paul dropped his robe, got into bed, covered Marty and watched a little TV. Marty came over and snuggled up against Paul. In a few minutes Paul was asleep......

Next: Chapter 3: The Visit 3

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