The Visit Series

By Ryan Martinson

Published on Jan 14, 2007


This is a work of fiction. The characters exist in my mind, only. If they are too much like you and you don't like them, then don't tell anyone.

They also don't use safer sex. You should.

Finally, if you are too young to legally read this, then don't.


As the plane touched down, Marty was excited and apprehensive about what was coming up. They had planned the trip for a long time. Would it work out? He cleared Customs and Immigration and walked out to see if his ride had come. Indeed, he had.

There Paul was, all that he had remembered.

They went to each other and embraced. Bags in hand, off they went to the car. Jet-lagged, still tired from the long flight, he was having trouble thinking clearly, but he was certainly glad he didn't need to find a way to where he was staying.

He got into the car, relaxed into the comfortable seat and promptly got very sleepy....

"It reclines and heats if you would like. It's about 45 minutes to get home, so feel free to take a nap."

That's the last he heard until the engine shut off.

"I think you'd sleep better in bed. Why don't you take a nap and I'll wake you in a little bit."

Marty had spent part of the long flight fantasizing about what they would do, but right now sleep sounded wonderful. He looked at the clock. 6:00. now was that AM? PM? BST? PDT? He decided he didn't care. He'd just lie down for a few......

Paul had been doing some fantasizing of his own, but Marty looked so tired that he thought he'd let him sleep some, then would get him up for dinner. He sat down to finish reading the newspaper, then later started dinner. He figured he'd get Marty up around 7:30, let him clean up, then serve dinner around 8. Marty had a few days to adjust to the time change before his conference started.

Paul finished the newspaper, put dinner in the oven and went to take a quick shower. At 7:30, he made a cup of tea and went to wake Marty.

He quietly opened the door, turned the lights on low, and went over to where Marty was lying on the bed. He hadn't even taken his clothes off, he had just collapsed on the bed.

Paul leaned over and gently kissed his cheek while rubbing his back. Marty moved a little. Paul rubbed his back a little more firmly.

"What time is it?" Marty asked.

"Here, the evening. Dinner should be ready in about 30 minutes, so I thought I'd let you wake up a little. I brought some tea for you. It is probably horrid, my being American and all, just don't throw it at me. I thought you might like to clean up a little before we eat. You can take a shower, bath, or a soak in the hot tub, whatever you'd like."

"You smell good. What did you do?"

"I just took a shower."

"I generally prefer baths, but since you just showered, I think I'll do the same."

"There's a towel and a dressing gown for you here. Do you need anything else?"

"No, thank you." Marty had thought about taking a shower with Paul. They had talked about it before, but at this point, he felt smelly and dirty and really did need to bathe. There was more than enough time for a shower together later.

Marty started to take his top off. Paul offered to give him some privacy, but Marty asked him to stay. Paul leaned back and watched as Marty slow took down his jeans.

Paul enjoyed the view. He could see that Marty had changed some. He had been busy at the gym. He was much better toned. The little fat that he had had before was nearly gone. He had been spending time at the gym and it showed!

He slid his under pants down and turned around to Paul.

Paul could feel himself getting hard.

Marty laughed, "I am really sorry, but I am still too tired and I stink a bit. Lets me wash and sleep a bit more then we can have some fun."

"Sure," Paul said. He wasn't quite sure how he was going to politely bring that up to Marty, but now he didn't have to.

"I know you wanted to get my legs in the air... but it will be worth the wait and its better that I don't have jet lag"

Paul laughed, "I know how that feels. Not real nice.

"But with this flying I haven't had sex for a couple of days. Should be messy!" Paul could see him getting hard.

Marty stepped into the shower, but he left the bathroom and shower door open. He turned on the water and he let the water follow his body and matte his chest hair. Paul was loving this.

"Will you let me take some pics of you showering?" Paul asked.

"I was hoping you take some pics of you fucking me hard..."

"Well we will get to that."

"You can take any picture of me you want, but first I'd like to eat. I'm starving and we have plenty of time to take pictures."


Marty took the soap and soaped up his body. He looked over at Paul and could see Paul had his hands down his trousers.

"Patience – sorry, we'll have none of that alone, " Marty said.

He took the soap and bent over showing his hole to Paul. He soaped it and slipped first one and then two fingers up there. He quietly moaned.

"Now you're just being a tart!" Paul said.

He washed his arse and went to his cock out and washed carefully under his foreskin. Paul was loving this.

"Now that's being a tart," Marty laughed.

He finished washing, and let the water run over him, He dried and came over to Paul. Paul grabbed him and his towel fell off. They kissed hard and deep, exploring each other's mouths. Marty was hard and dripping; Paul had a damp patch on his trousers.

Marty stood up and put on a teeshirt and briefs, "is that ok?"

"Sure, I prefer you nude though"

"Ok... my tummy's a bit swollen from the flight, this teeshirt is long enough", Marty slid his briefs down.

They ate and chatted, and then went to the couch to watch some television. Marty leaned back and the next thing Paul knew was that Marty was asleep on the sofa.

Marty was lying nearly naked. He had fallen into the classic sleep position and he had his legs open and while sleeping was as hard as Hell. Paul couldn't resist getting his camera, and Marty had given him permission to take some pictures. Marty looked so cute and relaxed as he slept there. Paul took some pictures of his face, and then the rest of his body.

Paul decided that it was time for them to go to bed. He practically had to carry Marty into the bedroom. He moved Marty's clothes off the bed, pulled the covers down and Marty fell into it. Paul wasn't sure if he even woke up or not.

Marty woke up sometime later. He knew after a couple of seconds he was not home. He was in a dark room, wearing a t-shirt in bed. He rolled over and Paul was dosing asleep beside him. OK. Now he remembered where he was. The clock said 4:25 (AM? PM?). It was quite dark, so it must have been very early in the morning. He got up and went into the bathroom to pee. After that, he brushed his teeth and went back into the dark bedroom.

When he got back to the bedroom, he took the t-shirt off so he was naked like Paul. He got back into bed and Paul rolled over and wrapped his arm around him.

Marty was pretty sure he was still asleep, so he turned on his side and gently backed into Paul. It was nice to be lying next to a nice warm body. He sighed and went back to sleep.

"Morning sleepy," Paul said.

Marty woke knowing the day was going to be full of sex. "Good morning," he half-mumbled. He took Paul's hand and placed on his morning glory. "I am glad to see you—and feel you. Shall we..."

Paul kissed the back of his neck. Marty could feel Paul's hard cock pressing against him.

"Someone's up early!" Paul said as he fondled Marty's hard cock. "For the record, you had a t-shirt on when I brought you to bed."

"I know, but when I got up in the middle of the night, I figured it would be rude if I weren't dressed like you."

"Did you peek?"

"Didn't have to."

"You knew I usually sleep in the nude, anyway. Why didn't you just take my shirt off of me when you brought me to bed?"

Paul said, "I don't know. I just didn't want you to think I was taking advantage of you."

"I thought I came to visit so your could take advantage of me. That's certainly what I wanted!" Marty said.

Paul laughed. He snuggled up closer to Marty, kissing the back of his neck. Marty smelled good.

Marty could feel Paul's cock pressing up against him. He had been fantasizing about Paul having him on his back fucking him. He'd never been fucked, but really wanted Paul to be the first. He was still a bit nervous about it.

Paul started fondling Marty's cock and balls. He wanted to suck him, but wanted to just lie here a little bit first.

Marty said, "I want to feel you in me."

"Well, since you're the guest, I certainly should accommodate your requests."

"That's so nice of you," Marty laughed.

"Have you ever done it before?" Paul asked.

"I've used my fingers."

"Well, that's a start, but it is a little different. Let's work into it and work on you relaxing so you enjoy it as much as I do."

"OK. So what do we do?"

"Shut up."

Paul was fondling Marty's balls. Both of them were quite hard. He started kissing Marty's neck.

Marty turned to Paul and turned him on his back. He gently lowered himself on Paul, and was kissing him gently. Paul reached up and held Marty's face and pulled him in closer and started kissing him deeply. Their tongues explored each other's mouths. The both felt their hard cocks rubbing against each other.

Marty gently pulled away and started kissing Paul's neck. He worked down to Paul's chest, and followed his way down. He found Paul's hard cock and took it in his mouth. He took as much of it down as he could, licking and sucking. Paul was cut and a reasonable size. He worked the cock up and down in and out of his mouth taking it deeper and deeper.

Paul loved the feeling as Marty sucked his cock. His mouth was warm and moist. Like Marty, he had been saving a load for a few days, so he was going to cum without a tremendous amount of prompting. He wanted to suck Marty, though.

"Hey," Paul said quietly.

Marty jumped, and immediately pulled of Paul's cock.

"What? Did I hurt you?"

"No, it feels wonderful! I just wanted to do the same for you."

"Oh, ok. I guess that's OK," he laughed. He'd been waiting for Paul to suck him, Paul does give good head... "I've got about a 3-day load waiting for you."

"Me, too."

"What do you want me to do?" Marty asked.

"Turn around and give me your cock."


Marty turned so he was straddling Paul's face. Paul reached up and started licking the tip of Marty's cock. Marty was uncut; Paul started licking the tip, then put his tongue under the foreskin and licked around the head. He reached up and started rubbing the whole cock while continuing to lick the tip. Marty loved it. Marty went back to work on Paul's dick, sucking and licking.

"Get it wet and rub it," Paul said.

Marty got his hand wet and started gently and slowly stroking Paul's cock. Paul was stroking Marty's, and now moved back and took his balls in his mouth. He took his large balls one by one in his mouth and gently sucked them. He could see what he wanted – that nice hole. He reached his head back and put his tongue out to reach it.

Marty loved Paul both stroking him and sucking his balls, and he could feel that he was moving his tongue back. He tilted his pelvis slightly to accommodate him.

Paul started running his tongue around the edges of Marty's hole, then stuck his tongue in it. It was a bit tight, but Marty started to relax it. Paul licked a couple of his fingers and gently entered Marty's hole with one finger, then another. He could feel Marty getting harder. He continued to rub Marty's cock. Marty was now breathing harder. Paul figured he was about to cum. He moved his mouth back to that lovely cock, rubbing and working his tongue around the rim of the head. He was almost immediately rewarded with a huge amount of thick, warm cum. Marty had taken Paul's cock out of his mouth – he didn't want to accidentally bite him when he came! He continued to rub Paul's cock as he shot an enormous load into Paul's throat. God that felt wonderful!

After he came, Marty collapsed next to Paul. He took a couple of breaths to recover, and then rolled up on one elbow and started rubbing Paul's cock again.

"Keep it real wet," Paul said.

Marty leaned over and wet his hand and Paul's cock, licking the tip and rubbing the shaft with his hand.

Paul turned his head toward Marty and licked a little cum dripping from his cock. He took a deep breath and could feel a wave of an orgasm coming from his balls. He shot a load which Marty took into his mouth and swallowed. Paul came over and over again in shots, Marty taking it all.

Paul collapsed, resting his head on Marty's leg. Marty did the same. They were both breathing hard.

"That was brilliant!, I cant wait to get my legs in the air for you" Marty said.

"Yeah, that was pretty amazing."

They lay together for a couple of minutes, catching their breaths. Paul would occasionally clean an errant drop of cum from Marty's dick.

"I'm getting hungry again," Marty said. "Do you mind if we get something to eat?"

"No, of course not. Let's clean up and decide if we want to eat here or go get something to eat."


They kissed and went off to the bathroom together. "Hey, Paul... I need to clean under my foreskin, want to help?", he knew Paul would enjoy this.

"Sure, but I thought I cleaned you out"

"You did... but its better to be safe."

They stepped in the shower. Marty was standing under the water, letting it run over him. He was still a little tired from the trip and the time change, and it felt good.

Paul took some shampoo and started washing Marty's hair. He was giving him a scalp massage while shampooing Marty's hair. Paul then started doing the same to his shoulders. This was nice! Marty had thought about a shower with Paul being sexy, but hadn't thought about it being just a nice, relaxing sensual experience.

For his part, Paul was enjoying it, too. Marty's skin was nice and soft, and his work at the gym and swimming had made his muscles nicely developed. He moved down to Marty's chest, soaping and washing the hair in the running water. He washed his stomach. He moved down to that nice cock and soaped up.

"OK grab my dick"


"Gently pull the skin back, taking care not to fold it. That's good, now gently wash it with the soap. Gently-- its not used to being touched. Now pull the skin forward. Pull it now so it goes over. There you go, nice and clean!"


"No, thank you"

He gently washed Marty's balls, and then each leg.

"OK, turn around."

Marty turned around, and Paul started to wash and massage his shoulders and back. Paul worked his way down......

Paul put some extra soap on his hands and started washing Marty's butt. He washed in the crack as Marty gently bent over and spread his legs. Paul gently slipped a finger into his hole. He reached around with his other hand and started fondling Marty's cock.

"Make me nice and clean everywhere, Paul" Marty said.

Paul could feel Marty's hole relax, so he slipped in another finger. When he relaxed again, he put in a third. He reached in as far as he comfortably could, gently moving his fingers in and out.

Marty could tell that he was starting to relax more....and enjoying the feeling of his arse being full of Paul's fingers. Soon it would be that lovely cock in there.

Paul continued for a little bit, and then decided to move on. He pulled his fingers slowly out and started running his hands again over Marty's butt and legs.

"Why did you stop?"

"Patience, sweetness."


Marty rinsed and the changed places. Paul was now letting the warm water run over him.

Marty took some shampoo and started washing Paul's hair. He hadn't thought about it before, but showering together was just kind of a nice sensual thing to do. He finished washing Paul's hair and moved forward, gently kissing Paul and giving him a hug. He realized that he just loved the feeling of their bodies together and the water running over them.

Paul gave him a firm hug back, enjoying the feeling, too.

"Thanks," Marty said.

"Your welcome. For what?"

"Letting me spend a little time here before my conference."

"Oh yeah. Big sacrifice for me," Paul said.

They both laughed.

Marty gave Paul a little kiss again and started to wash his chest. Paul's chest was hairy like Marty's. He moved down to his stomach and then his crotch. He gently washed Paul's cock, then started looking at it.

Paul looked down. "What are you doing?"

"Just looking. You're cut, I'm not. Just looking."

"OK," Paul laughed. It struck him as being a little amusing, but he realized that he was essentially in the same situation with Marty's uncut cock. Anyway, it felt good with Marty handling him.

Marty started washing his balls while still rubbing Paul's cock. He liked the feeling of Paul's cock getting hard in his hand.

"That feels good, but I'm hungry."

"I gave you a snack," Marty laughed.

"And it was very tasty, but I'd like a little more substantial breakfast."


Marty moved down to Paul's legs, washing them and his feet. Paul turned around.

Marty washed his shoulders and back and got down to his butt. He gently washed his crack as Paul spread his legs a little. Marty decided to start fingering Paul like he did to him. He reached around and started fondling Paul.

"You're being bad," Paul laughed.

"You don't like?"

"I didn't say that."

Marty slid his fingers in and out of Paul's arse. It was nice and soft and warm.

"Can I fuck you?" Marty asked.

"Sure. But let's get some breakfast first."

Marty laughed and finished washing Paul. He stood up and hugged Paul from behind. He kissed Paul on the neck.

Paul turned his head and kissed Marty. He reached forward and turned off the water.

Marty stood holding Paul.

"It's going to start getting cold pretty soon with the water off."

Marty laughed, opened the door and reached out and got their towels. He dried Paul's back and handed him the towel. Paul did the same.

They went to the bedroom and Paul got his clothes out of his dresser. He put on his boxers. Marty was getting clothes out of his suitcase.

"Why do you wear boxers?"

"I dunno. I like them. Why do you wear briefs?"

"I dunno. I like them."

"Don't mock me!" Paul joked.

They both laughed and finished dressing.

"What's for breakfast?" Marty asked.

"Whatever you order. I don't feel like cooking," Paul said.

They got in the car and drove to breakfast....

Next: Chapter 2: The Visit 2

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