The Visit

By Salmacis

Published on Jun 1, 2010


Usual disclaimers apply so don't read if you aren't allowed in your country, under age or if you are offended by CD/TVsex

The Visit Part 2.

Michael spoke as he slowly took off his lace knickers, which allowed his hard cock to finally escape from its sexy confinement.

"So James, I hope you weren't too shocked when you saw my choice of underwear. It's just I prefer to wear things a little different to what some might expect me to be wearing"

"Michael, It was a surprise but actually very much a pleasant one at that. Do you like to wear other sexy underwear or items"

"Oh yes. I love to wear all sorts of things which I hope you will come to see and enjoy but given we are both naked and a little hot I suggest we take the opportunity to enjoy a shower together. I'll wash your back if you do mine first"

That was an invitation that was hard to refuse as we entered the shower and set the powerful jets cascading on the both of us. I took the lead this time and chose to soap Michael first as was suggested. I took the gel and started getting him in a lather starting with his shoulders and heading south to his lower back feeling him and massaging his soft spots especially his bottom. He lent forward against the wall with his legs apart for easier access which allowed me to run my hand between his very soft cheeks applying pressure to his willing hole where I let my hand drift up and down causing him to moan in pleasure from his back door attention. I turned him around causing our rigid cocks to collide. I may have been spent but the excitement had me hard and I could almost see pre-cum at the tip of Michaels cock before the soap smothered it. I grasped it firmly and wanked him back and forth as the water and soap drizzled down our torsos. He looked me in the eye and said.

"This is wonderful James but there is something I would like to do first. Turn around so I can get you in a lather too!!"

I willingly turned around as Michael did just that. I was covered in soap suds all over when his left hand came around me to hold my torso just below my ribs as his other hand chose a different route. A very pleasant direction! He pushed my legs apart with his feet as his hand slid between my arse cheeks soaping me all over.

"Bear with me James. I'm going to rinse you off now and put some special soap on which will make you very soft all over"

After all the soap was rinsed off he covered my legs and body, which ended up with me covered in a thick creamy soap all over except around my immediate cock area.

"There James, we just leave it for about 15mins and then rinse it off but in the meantime I have to check something interesting!"

I lent forward again with my legs apart and again his left hand went back to my lower rib area whilst his other hand resumed its voyage in between my cheeks when I then felt a finger probe my anus. God that felt good as he slid it in and out before adding a second finger. I was really enjoying this until he stopped. I could feel him lean against my back as he spoke against my ear. "Clearly you are enjoying this aren't you James so lets take it further. Mmmmmn, How does this feel?"

"How many fingers is that Michael, that's so good, don't stop!"

I felt him push deeper inside and I relaxed some allowing for more penetration when I realized both his hands were now on my hips as he pulls me back and slides himself further into me!! His hot cock was now edging itself further up my rectum with each movement. I'm getting slowly fucked from behind and I just love it!! I want more cock so I push back more trying to get filled up quickly.

"Slowly James, don't be greedy. I love fucking you slowly and just a little more to go and you will have all my cock embedded inside you."

I felt full of his cock and loved the sensation I was feeling. Being taken from behind after having just been sucked off and now I was returning the favour by allowing Michael to fuck me the way he wanted, Slowly. I could feel his cock sliding back and forth almost leaving me empty before slowly going back deep in side again. He steadied me with his hand on my hip whilst his other hand had now decided to hold my hard cock and so began gently wanking me in rhythm with his cock thrusts into my man pussy.

"Michael, this feels fantastic. I just love your cock in me. Fuck me how you will. Take me all the way. I'm yours to fuck until you cum deep inside me!!"

That encouragement edged Michael on as he sped up letting me feel his entire length fucking my virgin arse so completely. I could hear his breathing begin to get deeper and could swear his cock was getting bigger! His thrusts were less controlled as he began to pump more wildly. I steadied myself against the wall more to stop from sliding as this cock was all out for total satisfaction now. He fucked me with his rampant cock faster and faster now until suddenly I felt a gush of hot cum as it shot from Michaels cock deep up inside over and over. It seemed never ending being filled by cock and cum until it slowed down and Michael gasped for breath. His cock still chose to stay in its new found home enjoying my insides with the occasional spasm as it emptied every last drop.

"Fuck James"

"You certainly did Michael"

"No I mean Fuck, that was so fucking good. I've never enjoyed that as much as this before. You are the best"

I had to agree. I had wondered what male sex would be like but had not imagined it would be this good.

"Right James, lets get you rinsed off and feeling super smooth. You will love it"

Michael proceeded to first scrape the creamy soap off with a special plastic blade followed by a warm rinse and suddenly I realised all my body hair was going down the drain all except the area around my cock which he said would be trimed up to a suitable pleasing shape. We left the shower dried off and went to the bedroom where Michael asked me how I would like my pubic hair to look. I said you shape it how you think would look best and he set to work as I examined his work. I noticed he shaped it into a V shape as seen on some centrefolds in mens magazines.

"There James. All done. I'll just rub some moisturiser all over and the V shape looks great. How do you feel?"

I felt naked but at the same time it was strangely sexy being so smooth and soft. I walked round the room and wanted to swing my hips to accentuate the movement of my bottom as it felt like never before with no hair anywhere on my legs and body except of course my special V display around my cock.

"I have to say Michael it feels very good. I feel sensual and sexy without the hair. I'm beginning to like this very much"

I realised we had been naked for some time and looked for my clothes but Michael noticed and said he had taken them earlier and decided to get them washed and ironed as they were crumpled up from the hot drive here and the overnight clothes were equally creased up in the bag I brought them in.

"I think I need to wear something though as I can't go around naked all day"

"Well I like the idea of seeing you starkers especially now you'll smooth and trimmed but I have just the things we need. I'll be right back"

I watched his naked butt disappear out the door shortly returning with a armful of clothes or at least so I thought.

"James. I have some things for you to try on. I would like you to try these items on for me"

He gestured me forward and asked me to put these items on. I had in front of me black stockings and lace knickers to begin with. I pulled on the knickers as Michael watched intently. Then I started on the stockings but Michael insisted on helping here. These were lace topped hold ups which as he pulled them up my legs they instantly invoked a reaction in me which was so very erotic. I can't explain it but the sensation was awesome. As I walked about they clung to my legs so intimately I got an instant erection and the feeling of wearing something so delicate on my soft and smooth legs almost blew me away.

"Feels good doesn't it James. And they look fantastic on you especially as I can see the effect it's having on you. You hard cock has given you away again!"

It was true I was hooked on these stockings. I was eager to try more. I had a white fitted shirt to wear and if I wanted I could try a mini skirt on which I did. I was now dressed in skimpy lace knickers, black lace top stockings and a black mini skirt and I felt amazing, sexy and horny.

Michael dressed much the same as me and we had chosen some shoes to wear from his collection of items. Some small heeled court shoes which complemented our style of dress.

"I think we look amazing James. Let's get something to eat downstairs and relax before some friends of mine drop by for the evening" "What!. You have friends coming over and we'll dressed like this. You are joking aren't you"

"Don't worry, these are special friends of mine and they have seen me like this many times. They will just be lucky enough to see you dressed like this too. They won't be here for several hours anyway so relax and come downstairs"

We walked down to the kitchen where to my surprise a tall attractive woman in a tight fitting vest top and skirt was making lunch. I stopped in my tracks but as she turned to face me she smiled looking me up and down.

"Wow, I thought Michael looked good in stockings and heels but you look great. Come closer and let me check you out."

Michael explained this was Jennifer. Someone who worked for him part time as a secretary and liked to cook at weekends. I was now within touching distance when Jennifer dropped to her knees and slid her hands up my legs and stockings to the lace tops before stroking my bulge in my knickers.

"James. These really suit you and if it's something that really turns me on is a good looking guy who is comfortable in what he chooses to wear especially when they are hold up stockings. Have you and Michael fucked each other yet? I bet you have and I would really love to see that. If it's OK Michael I'll stay the night with you both and later we can play in our lingerie together. Oh my, I'm getting wet just thinking of seeing you two stroking and sucking each other's cocks. I'm so excited now"

She was excited to say the least as her hand now was still lingering over my growing bulge. The idea of a sexy woman loving me dressed in stockings and lace knickers was almost unreal and the sight of her checking me out set my cock on a mission! Straight up!. She looked up as my rapidly hardening cock was over flowing my sexy lace confines and peeping out for some attention.

"What do we have here Michael. It looks as though James is UP for some attention. Now watch this boys as this is how I want to see you do it later"

Having said that she slipped my knickers down to my ankles showing my stiff cock off before she swiftly engulfed my entire length into her mouth and throat in the blink of an eye.

As Jennifer was busy on my cock Michael came up behind her and lifted her bottom up so he could take advantage on her rear end. Slipping her knickers down he plunged into her sending her somehow even more forward onto my cock. Here we were dressed in our delightful lingerie with Jennifer giving me oral while Michael was giving her a real good shagging from behind! Jennifer pulled back from my cock allowing her to be able to speak.

"OK boys lesson over. I don't want to be the meat in the sandwich here. Michael stop fucking me now please before I cum. I want to enjoy this all later. Better still lets go into the conservatory onto the rug"

"Jennifer, I was just getting started. Seeing you going down on James like that just set me off and you do have a fantastic bottom" Jennifer managed to get Michael to pull out on the promise it would continue in the other room. Both Michael and i were led into the room by Jennifer who delighted herself by leading us forward by our rigid cocks in each of her hands. I'm glad to say she had a slow walk which included a slow wank on our cocks as we walked.

"Right boys, lets get those skirts off shall we. Oh yes thats better. Having you both in just your pretty underwear is so much better. Now i want you both to lie down on the rug in a sixty nine position and enjoy whats on offer, probably best on your sides please so i can see you are doing it right. Excellent. Now just probe the tip of your lovers cock with your tongue. Good, now gently open your mouths and take each others cock heads in, not too much now! Now let me hear you begin to suck and I want some slurping as well to make sure you are doing it right. Oh yeeess that sounds good doesn't it. You two sexy cocksuckers are sooooo pleasing to the eye, Now slowly begin stroking each others stocking covered thighs. Feel that, isn't that sexy? Sucking and stroking just for me. Oh dear James. Are you having problems with Michaels cock? It just wants so desperately to get in your mouth so let me help."

I just couldn't keep Michaels cock in my mouth as much as I tried but Jennifer has now lent over me and has her hand at the back of my head and her other hand at the base of Michaels cock and begins to push gently on my head whilst guiding Michaels cock back to my waiting mouth. Just as he touches my mouth Jennifer giggles as she circles my mouth with his cock tip obviously avoiding my open lips.

"Oh I love this. You really want Michaels cock don't you James? Come on I know you do"

"Yes I really want to have it back in my mouth please"

"That's a good boy I knew you wanted it but here is just the tip until you can handle it. That's it just suck on the tip while I carry on wanking it for you. This way James I can wank this beautiful cock off into your mouth as I want to see it come in your mouth as I masturbate him and then later on you can show me how you can wank him off into your hot mouth"

Jennifer was loving being in control but I had no problem with that. Both Michael and I were loving this and having Jennifer participate in any way was a bonus.

"Get ready James. Michael is getting there. He must really love my wanking technique and your mouth on his cock tip. I can feel him getting ready to cum. Are you ready for some juice?"

"Yes wank him faster Jenni, I can taste his pre cum"

I could feel Michael murmuring something around my cock and clearly he was getting ready to shoot as he started bucking at which point Jennifer moved her hand from his cock to his bottom first by sliding a finger up his bum and then using her hand to force him closer to my mouth.

"Yes Michael. Fuck his mouth go on. Show me how good it feels. Pump your seed and cum into James's mouth. God that looks so fucking sexy"

Michael bucked and humped as he shot straight to the back of my throat. I quickly swallowed as the second blast shot out quickly followed by a third and a forth. I couldn't help but dribble as my mouth was filled to the brim despite my vain efforts to swallow it all. This tasted so dam good I know I want more! I rolled onto my back pulling my cock from Michael's mouth in the process leaving a rush of cool air hitting my cock which was still moist and wet from Michaels orgasmic drool.

Jennifer looked down at me as she stepped over with her feet on either side of me.

"Well now. One down and one cock desperate for release I would say. Are you ready James?"

Jennifer took off her vest top and unclipped her black bra allowing her breasts to taste freedom. Her nipples looked like bullets and begged to be chewed upon. I licked my lips and could taste Michaels sticky cum. Jennifer now undid her skirt letting it drop as she stepped out of it before resuming her stance either side of me. She lowered herself trapping my hard cock against my stomach and rocked back and forth along my length. Her breasts inched closer to my mouth as I tried to lift up to capture one of her nipples.

"Not so fast James. I need satisfying first".

She moved right on down so my cock was nesting close to her chin before she opened her mouth and took me down for the second time.

Michael leaned over to me and spoke.

"You are in for a real treat James. Enjoy"

Thanks for the emails and kind comments. Part 3 is in my head

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