The Visit

By Salmacis

Published on May 25, 2010


Usual disclaimers apply. Please do not read this if you are under 18 or it is not permitted in your country. This story has descriptions of male to male sexual contents. You have been warned.

The Visit. Part 1

I opened the envelope that had just been delivered and to my surprise it was from Michael, an old friend I hadn't seen or spoken to for almost a year. He had just moved house and was now only about 2 hours drive away compared to being on the other side of the country.

Basically it was an invite to come up and see him and catch up with old times sake and of course take the opportunity to check out his new house. He was a good friend from when we were very young and we grew up together. Michael was always a very handsome boy and into manhood too so I always had a soft spot for him. We were always teasing each other over the years about who had the best physique and who could outdo the other.

I spent the day thinking of ringing him later and was happy to hear his voice on the phone when I rang,

"Hey James, I'm glad you called. I've been thinking of you a lot recently so I was hoping it was you when it rang"

We exchanged pleasantries over the phone and I arranged to go the following weekend for a couple of days staying in his house. He had a friend also staying with him who was looking for a job and he was putting him up so I would get to meet him too.

The weekend came and I drove up to Norfolk in search of his house, which, I managed to find without too much trouble. I knocked on the door of this huge detached house and was greeted by Michael who still looked fantastic in his jeans crisp white shirt.

"I'm so glad you are here James. You look great as always. It's been too long hasn't it?"

I had to agree. We were the best of close friends for years and we did everything together. Well, almost everything! But I'll come back to that later.

"Michael. You haven't changed a bit. In fact you look better than ever I remember"

"You are such a tease James. You sure know how to make a guy feel good"

We seemed to fall into a natural welcoming embrace and I could smell his Christian Dior fragrance Fahrenheit which briefly overpowered me as it entranced my senses. I held the embrace a little longer than I should and I felt slightly aroused.

"Hey big guy. You have missed me haven't you. Come in off the doorstep and we can get to know each other better after you have freshened up"

I entered and just loved his house as I got the guided tour. We ended upstairs and I had a room which led into the bathroom through an adjoining door which also had a another door which led into Michael's room.

"What do you think then James? Not too bad eh. Five bedrooms, study, lounge, dinning room and a huge conservatory. Only one bathroom so we will have to share it so it made sense to have you on the other side rather than in one of the other bedrooms down the hall. I'll leave you to get freshened up and I'll meet you down stairs. The shower is fantastic so give it a try"

"I'm impressed Michael. It's a great place. I am a bit sticky so I'll check out the shower. Won't be long"

Michael smiled and left as I unpacked so I stripped and walked back into the bathroom to get the shower going. Whooosh as the water filled the shower with the force of a firemens hosepipe. You gotta love a power shower! I certainly did, especially when the jets hit my cock sending sensations that set me off. I turned around and let the jets also do their work on my backside. I pulled my cheeks apart and enjoyed getting a sensational cleansing. All this had my cock rising and I was tempted to have a slow wank then and there but Michael was downstairs so I turned off the shower and stepped out. I couldn't see any towels so I started to search when suddenly the door opened just as I was on my knees looking in a cupboard. Michael was bringing a towel in and was confronted with me on my knees naked, wet and with a huge erection.

"Well James. I can see you are in good shape! In more ways than one! Can I lend a hand in anyway"

Just like Michael with his teasing mannerisms but he clearly was enjoying the show as his eyes were firmly fixed on my rigid cock. They never left my erection even as I stood up. I was now feeling embarrassed as Michael smiled as he walked towards me. I was rooted to the spot whilst my cock was loving the attention it was getting and chose to stay firmly up and proud!

He stood right in front of me knelt down and passed the towel behind me bringing it around my sides although now I was virtually poking him in the eye. He looked up and looked me straight in the eyes as his mouth engulfed my excited cock. His tongue swirled around my engorged gland as he slowly took more of my throbbing cock even deeper while continually slurping and sucking as he pulled me closer using the towel.

I closed my eyes and moved into a slow thrusting movement, which was encouraged by Michael's eager administrations of his tongue which now was sending me into delirium.

I whispered " Michael. You are bringing me to a fast approaching orgasm. Slow down please"

He did just the opposite! His tongue now applied delirious pressure on the underside of my aching cock and his hands had let the towel drop so they could caress my bottom before pulling me forward and incredibly deeper into what now must be his throat.

I just sighed and let nature take its course as I felt the beginnings of my impending orgasm. Michael briefly stopped. Looked up and withdrew off from my disappointed cock.

"James, This is so good and I will continue but let me ask you this. Will you do exactly as I say when I need some special attention from you? Answer me quickly so I can get my delicious hot reward and you can experience the best blowjob you have ever had"

"Yes. I will do whatever you ask of me. Please suck me!"

Without hesitation Michael resumed and picked up the pace along with my excitement as I felt his expert mouth and tongue spin more magic around my cock. My hands were now gently holding his head as we moved in unison together. My cock and balls were on the edge for some release and were not disappointed as Michael brought me to an explosive cum shooting finale. I grunted as I shot deep and hard into his mouth and throat over and over again. Every blast filled his mouth and I could hear him swallowing hard and fast to keep up with my cum which was flooding his hot orifice. My knees went weak as I began to slow my thrusting but he kept on sucking and slurping even after I stopped moving. My cock was becoming sensitive now but Michael realised this and slowed to a gentle lapping technique bringing me down further to an occasional lick ensuring that not a drop was going to escape my cock all the while he was there.

He moved back slightly and looked up as I glanced down and I saw a smile emerge across his face as a small trickle of cum dribbled from the corner of his mouth. His moist lips opened and his tongue darted quickly sideways and promptly collected the escaping cock juice.

"Mmmmnnnn. Very tasty indeed James. I have wanted to do that for a very long time and it was worth the wait!"

"God Michael. That was the best blowjob ever. No woman has ever come close to doing that"

"Well now you have had the best there's no going back is there? In any case I love your cock and its contents"

I watched Michael licking his lips seductively.

He slowly stands up and gently holds me close and just very lightly kisses my neck before whispering;

"James. I want so much more and we have all weekend to enjoy catching up and discovering what we would like from each other. Please remember I will ask something special of you, but no questions asked. OK"

I began to wonder what exactly Michael may have in mind for me and what I might have got myself in to. But as satisfied as I currently was I also felt a surge of excitement run through me too!

Michael then unbuttoned his shirt. Undid his trousers and threw them both aside and stood in front of me now in just his underwear. A stunning black lace thong!

I could see his outlined cock beneath the black lace was very hard and erect. I eventually looked up and he simply raised an eyebrow at me with a wicked and devilish smile on his face.

This was going to be an interesting weekend!!

Hope you enjoyed it so far. Feel free to e-mail comments.

Next: Chapter 2

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