The Virgin

Published on Apr 9, 1995





I guess, down deep inside, we all long for a virgin. It has been the same for me all throughout life, going back as far as high school.

I can remember vividly when we all hung out at by the campus quad. We were the tough guys. Today, you call it "attitude," but in the years I went to high school, they simply called us cool.

Times have changed since then. Even when we went out chasing the babes on Friday and Saturday nights, I always had a hunger for a particular guy...a particular kind of guy, and the feeling has never left me. I guess it never will.

With the changing of the times has come wisdom, and with that wisdom, charisma. It's the kind of charisma that can (and usually will) bring even the "coolest" of young guys, even the ones with "at- titude" directly to my crotch, begging for a taste of my manhood.

Such is what happened today, and as I write this, I'm still a little shocked that it all went down exactly as it did.

This crisis in the middle east has brought about a whole new market for my services: I drive a big rig. At the moment, there are approximately 300 widely scattered oil wells in and around the state of California, most of which are located in Kern County.

Wells that had been abandoned for years are beginning to re- open. Companies that lost millions on those wells when foreign oil dropped so low we could not compete, are now starting back up. With that, comes new jobs...a boost to our economy, for sure.

A company I sub-contract for got an order on Thursday to de- liver some drilling equipment to the little town of Oildale, which is a stone's throw from Bakersfield. I didn't want to drive the run by myself, inasmuch as drilling equipment tends to shift on the openroad and besides, I wanted some company.

My usual "shotgun" (passenger) is a young kid by the name of Karl. Karl and I had done delivery for offshore drilling companies a year or so ago. The rest of the time, we'd deliver auto parts or an armpit full of ammunition (to military installations) but we had not delivered in nearly a month, primarily because I sometimes like to be able to pick 'n' choose my shotguns and you never know what you are going to find on the road.

Karl and I had never had sex before. I remember bringing it up once or twice during a long haul into Chicago. He didn't seem at all receptive, and I let it drop. He was a good worker, and for that reason alone, I always tried to make sure I offered the job to him before anyone else. He knew I was gay, he just didn't care.

I called him on the telephone to see if he was interested in taking the run with me. His mother answered the phone:

Mother: "Hello."

Me: "Hi Maryellen, is Karl around?"

Mother: "Sure, whatcha need him for?"

Me: "I'm takin' a short stop up to Oildale on Saturday...

wanted to know if he'd like to tag along."

Mother: "Sure, hang on a sec."

I could hear her calling him through the phone. He was appa- rently outside with some friends. He came to the phone:

Karl: "That you, Slip?"

Me: "Hey, big boy, ya wanna run with me Saturday mornin'?"

Karl: "Sure, where to?"

Me: "Got some big ass drills, the kind you'd like up your

ass! (he laughed on the other end) Got to take 'em a

mile or two outside of Bakersfield."

Karl: "Ok, what time you want me?"

Me: "Well, I always want you, but be at the (rig) yard

around 6:00 Saturday mornin'."

Karl: "Ok, should I bring a change of clothes?"

Me: "Only if you have a hard time keepin' your pants on."

Karl: (laughing) "Ok, ok...see ya at 6."

I knew, somehow and someday I'd land that kid. It was just a matter of time. The setting would have to be perfect, but I was sure, as shootin', that this would be the time.

And so, this morning I got up at 3:30 a.m. (as always) and I sat down to some hot coffee and yesterday's newspaper. Can't get a delivery of "today's paper" that early in the morning, so I'm almost always a day behind on the news. Took a shower, loaded up the car with my overnight bag and drove into downtown L.A. to the yard where I park my rig. Just like clockwork, Karl's mother drove into the yard, Karl sittin' shotgun in the car. He waved and yelled to me. Lord, the boy looked fine.

Maryellen (his mother) called to me from the car, "When you goin' to be back, Slip?" I yelled back, "Maybe never!! I'm just kidding! ---I dunno, maybe late this afternoon, depends on if someone is there to accept and sign for the shit."

Karl jumped out of mother's car and ran to mine. Such a joy in his face I saw! Was he trying to tell me something?

We walked over towards the restrooms (actually they are more like locker rooms, but I never use the lockers); we got inside and I told him we would be leaving in a few moments. I told him to grab a towel and clean off the windshield of the rig. Like a trained dog, he ran out of the locker room with a towel in his hand, anxious to comply. When he left, I just turned around to the scratched mirror, looked into it and said to myself, "Well, Slipper, today is your lu- cky day!"

I threw some cold water on my face (another subtle reminder, even though it's still dark outside, I DO work for a living) and I walked outside, into the lighted yard. They keep it lighted; secur- ity guards and barbed wire all around. Too many bums would get in- side, otherwise.

Up on a six-footer, I saw the image of Karl, wiping down the windshield. The overhead lights were so bright, I could only see an outline of his body grinding away at the glass. What a sight!

"Hey, let's get movin' asshole!" I yelled to him. He yelled back, "Ok, Slip...ready to roll!"

We climbed up inside of the cab and I primed the diesel for a test run. The smokestack belched out a deep dark cloud of smoke, and after the engine calmed down and smoothed out, we were ready.

I pulled out of the yard and onto Los Angeles Street, head- ing north to catch the I-5 (south) and before we knew it, we were in gear for the run.

Our first stop, Anaheim, to get the load. Quite a drive at that hour of the morning. It never ceases to amaze me how many peo- ple are out driving at that hour of the morning. Karl seemed mezmo- rized with it all; the sheer fascination of being back up inside the rig. He loves the road...and I love him.

Karl: "You hungry?"

Me: "That's something I USUALLY ask you!"

Karl: "Can we stop somewhere and pick up a bite to eat?"

Me: "Sure."

We pulled into an all-nighter. I told Karl to stay in the cab, diesel runnin', and I'd bring back some bacon & egg sandwiches.

Several minutes later, I got back to the cab and climbed in. I handed him one of the sandwiches and a cup of coffee. He downed the sandwich like he had never eaten. "Hey, take it easy!!!" I said with a casual glance down at his crotch; his bulge was overwhelming.

We finished the "quick bite" and got back on the road. Back up to 55 mph in no time, and before we knew it, the signs for Ana- heim got more and more frequent. We pulled off the freeway and into the loading area of the warehouse. I backed the rig in for the del- ivery. The loading foreman was waitin' for us. He guided me in.

I shut down the diesel and Karl and I jumped out of the cab at the same time. "Well, hey duuuude!" I heard from behind me. It was the loading agent. "Hello pardner, got somethin' for me?" hand- ing him my order slip. "Yeah, I think so" he said as he shook his head. Typical airhead - $6.00 an hour doesn't buy much more.

"This your playmate?" he asked, pointing to Karl. "This is Karl, my 'helper' - and he ain't no playmate," I said sternly. "He will help with the loadin'" I said, looking him in the eyes, as if I could kill.

The airhead turned around to walk away. Karl stood steady, but I could tell he was hurt. "Don't pay him no never-mind, Karl, I just want to get outta here and back on the road, okay?" I said.

Karl worked like a dog, picking up oil-rig parts and longer- than-life drills. It took about an hour to load it all, between the two of them. I could tell, Karl resented working side by side with the airhead. Can't say as I blame him.

At about daybreak, we got back up on the road and onto the 5 highway back through L.A. and on into Kern County. The sunrise was absolutely beautiful; you could see it out the driver's side window. We shared some thoughts:

Me: "Nice, ain't it?" (pointing to the sunrise)

Karl: "Best part of the day."

Me: "I remember having sex, once, as the sun was

rising...did a fair share of 'rising' myself

that time."

Karl: (trying to ignore the come-on) "You ever

goin' to get married?"

Me: "Probably not, why?"

Karl: "'Cause, if you did, we'd probably not be

friends anymore."

Me: "Would that bother you?"

Karl: (turning his head towards his side window) "Yes."

There was a long pause, a long silence. I got a totally un- comfortable feeling all over me. I had to break the silence.

Me: "Karl...what's going on?"

Karl: "About what?"

Me: "You! We're driving down the highway at about 65 miles

an hour and suddenly you ask me if I am ever going to

get married? Then you get silent?"

Karl: (pausing) "I just thought I'd lose you as a friend

if you ever did got married, that's all."

Me: "Karl, I don't even wanna get married, what brought

this on?"

Karl: "I dunno, I was just thinkin'"

Me: "Thinkin' about what?"

Karl: "You and me, we're such good friends, and..."

Me: "...and what?"

Karl: "...and I like you...that's all."

I got to thinking about what he had said. Maybe there was a little something more to this than I thought there was. God, could he be falling in love with me? I sure hope not. I don't know what I would do if I saw him falling in love.

Up the highway we went, past Castaic, past Gorman and on in- to Bakersfield.

Me: "Just a few more miles."

Karl: "Yeah, then it'll be over."

Me: (pulling the rig off to the side of the highway)

"Karl, what's going on...look at me!"

Karl: (crying) "Slip, I want to be with you always,

and I want to do what you do with all of the

guys you've told me about, but I don't know

how or what to do."

Me: (in total shock) "You sure about this?"

Karl: (wiping tears from his cheeks and shrugging

his shoulders) "I idolize you, Slip. (getting

more upset and crying and hiccupping at the same

time) I just want to be with you always. I want

to drive with you (his voice getting louder) and

I want to work for you and I want to go to bed

with you!!!"

Me: (wiped out with emotional drain for him) "Karl, I

never knew...I just never knew."

At that moment, another rig passed us by, nearly hitting us on the driver's side; we were temporarily pulled over on the should- er of the highway. I reached over and held him.

Karl's entire body trembled with emotion. I was in awe that this outrageously beautiful boy loved me; something I never really knew up until now.

He scooted over on the bench seat in the cab and straddled over the hump in the center, outstretching his arms to reach mine. I held him and then placed my hand down on his crotch, rubbing up and down his zipper, feeling his dick harden with more emotion, which is something he had apparently bottled up inside of him since our first meet.

"God did you feel the vacuum from that rig that just went by us? I thought he was going to hit us for sure," I said, while I still held him close to me.

"Yes, it brought us closer," he replied. The sounds of the cars whizzing by at top speeds began to bring me back to reality. I pushed him back a little, looked him in the eyes and said, "Look, we have a lot to talk about. What do you say we get this load done and then look for a place to have that talk?" He just looked down, then back up at me and replied, "Ok, whatever."

I knew this was going to be a loooooong day. Me, with my thoughts and him with his own thoughts. I wanted to do the right thing, but I didn't know what the right thing was.

We pulled into Oildale at 9:30 a.m., got the load unloaded and then pulled back onto the highway. Down the road, the cab was a quiet place, just the sounds of the diesel humming. I had to try to break the silence.

Me: "You want to talk?"

Karl: "Sure, if you want to."

Me: "Do you want me to find a place?"

Karl: (pausing) "Sure."

I pulled into the Castaic Motor Lodge around 10:15 and got up the nerve to go inside and rent a room.

We got the rig parked, climbed out of the cab and went in- side. I closed the door behind us. It was a dingy place, but for a place of privacy it would do.

There were two double beds in the room, each had a matching old paisley print bedspread. It was awful. I sat down on one bed, he sat down on the other.

Me: "Okay, (crossing my legs)"

Karl: "I don't know (sobbing) what to say."

Me: "You're really upset over this."

Karl: (crying worse) "Yes (snot running out of his

nose, wiped his nose with his sleeve) I just

don't know what to do or how to please you."

Me: "Look, we've had some great times together, (got

up and sat down next to him, put my arm around his

shoulder) but love ain't nothing you take lightly."

Karl: (still sobbing, looking at me with big blue eyes

soaked with tears) "I know. I just don't know

what to do, and I'm scared. This is my first


Me: (getting hard, serious hardon) "YOUR FIRST TIME?!?"

Karl: Yes, don't make fun of me."

Me: "I'm not making fun of you! This is your first time

in your whole life?!?"

Karl: "Yes, I've never done it before."

Me: "Why don't you go take a shower?"

Karl: "Ok, maybe I'll feel better."

Karl got up and walked toward the bathroom. From the out- side, I could hear him struggling to get his tennis shoes off. Then I heard him trying to get his pants off. I could picture it all in my mind, but I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable, so I kept out of the room, at least long enough until I couldn't stand it any- more. Which did not take long, for sure.

When I heard the water running, I hurriedly took off my dri- ving boots (seemed like it took forever) then dropped my pants. I was totally hard - this was it! This was really it! He wants to be with me! Of all the guys in the world, he wants to be with me! I'm now absolutely positive there really is a God!

I walked into the bathroom and flicked the light off. The room went totally dark. "Want some company?" I asked. He didn't answer. I climbed into the shower anyway.

Immediately, our bodies touched. Within milliseconds, his hand reached for my hard dick. It was paradise. He stroked me with such poetry, slowly up and down. In the darkness, it was all like a fantasy dream come true.

I reached for the soap and began lathering his body, slowly caressing every curve of this beautiful boy. I reached around the front to locate his dick. It may have been dark in the room, but it was absolutely beautiful! Nearly an inch and a half thick and about seven inches long. Thank you, Lord!

I soaped up my dick and quietly asked him through the sounds of the running water, "Do you want it?" He didn't reply. Maybe he felt too uncomfortable being verbal.

We finished showering and went into the bedroom. He stayed naked, sat down and we talked.

Me: "Wanna take it slow?"

Karl: "Sure."

Me: "Anything you DON'T want to do?"

Karl: "I just want you to love me."

I reached over to him, his dick still hard as a rock, bent down and put my mouth on it. I sucked slowly and gently, just above the head, then below. I sucked deep, sometimes to a point of chok- ing, but it was heaven, it didn't matter.

He reached down to my head and began massaging my scalp as I sucked him more. The moans began, as he felt more and more emotion. "God, I never thought it would be like this!" he moaned as he pushed himself into my face, as though he had fucked since he was a toddler in training.

I opened my eyes to look up at him while I sucked his dick and I could see him totally basking in delight over the feelings of closeness we had reached. He was enjoying so much pleasure from the feeling of my mouth licking and sucking all around his crotch.

As though he was a professional, he pulled me up by my head, so that our eyes met, closed his eyes and opened his mouth with his tongue hanging out, just slightly. I was about to kiss him.

Our tongues met with a passion I had never felt before. It was as though he was sucking my tongue into him further and further; we were so close together, there was no room between us; I was drunk with desire!

We ended the kiss, and then I helped him stand up. I fell to the mattress and told him to sit on my face. "Sit on your face?" he asked. "Yes, sit right down on it," I said. He crawled up on top of me and mounted my mouth. I placed my tongue into the groove of his hairless ass. It tasted like honey. His entire ass was so smooth and clean, it was as though it had been made for me. My face fit, evenly, causing him to literally moan and moan for more. His eyes lit with excitement, then the lids of his eyes would gradually close as each lick of my tongue went deeper and deeper into his ass.

Then, while still licking his butthole, I began rubbing the base of my chin (where some whiskers didn't come all off during sha- ving) up and down over the asshole opening, then all the way up to the top of his crack to the bottom near where his ball-sack begins.

The moans got louder as the whiskers rubbed his never-before violated asshole. Yes, he was a virgin; now he was mine.

I reached into my overnight bag and took out some glycerine and poured a little onto the head of my cock. It made my cock look glossy and ready. I let him look at it, all shiny and standing str- aight up. "Do you want it, Karl?" I asked softly. He looked up at me standing next to him. He didn't reply. "Try it, Karl. You're never goin' to know until you try it." Still no reply. Then he grabbed hold of it and stroked it, looking up at me all the time. I said, "You know, Karl...No one can satisfy a another man."

Those words must have sent him into an emotional tailspin. I watched his mouth open as wide as possible. He shut his eyes tight, and then plunged onto my dick! Up and down he went over and over!!! His hunger was finally being satisfied! "God!!! I love this!!!" he said inbetween plunges. "God!!! I've wanted this for so long!!!" he hollered. "Let me suck you always!!!" he added.

Within seconds, I came. Quarts of cum emerged at the head of my cock, throwing spurts all over Karl's chest. Each one struck his flesh and began dripping slowly down his front. Several spurts fell to his crotch. One spurt splattered onto the head of his hard dick.

I fell to the mattress, exhausted. Never before had I felt such a thrust of cum leaving my body. I wish it could have lasted a lifetime. Karl got up and stood over me, gently rubbing my stomach. I felt a calm come over me.

I opened my eyes and looked at his figure standing in front of the light behind him. I saw the splattered cum still dripping on his chest and cock. I reached over and held his cock in my hand. It throbbed with desire. He would be the next to feel the greatness.

As if God rejuvinated my strength, I leaped up from the mat- tress and dove into his crotch with my mouth. I sucked and I sucked while I watched from the corner of my eyes - in and out of my mouth, he shoved his dick into me. His hips worked in a classic "fuck your face" fashion. It was as though he had fucked-face all of his life.

Finally, true-to-form, Karl came. My mouth hungered for the taste of his cum. I said, "Give it to me, Karl!" as it got closer and closer to the top of his piss hole. I sucked some more, and I could actually feel it emerging to the top! It was a giant load of cum and in seconds it would be mine! To have and to drink his love- juice!

Virgin cum blasted the inside of my mouth. For the first time in his life, Karl had been blown and very possibly may have cum for the first time as well! Sweetness covered the underside of my tongue...the kind of sweetness only a virgin could give. My taste buds could distinguish the flavor as being only that of a first-tim- er! The mental excitement was indescribable. I just enjoyed it as long as I could.

His entire body collapsed. Every bit of energy left him as he fell beside me, opening his arms and resting them on my shoulders and neck. "God, I've just wanted that for soooo long!" he said, in- between gasps for air. "I guess sooooo," I said, stroking his head; rubbing the back of his neck.

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