The Village Bar

By Jorge Jog

Published on Mar 14, 2022


Logan and Ryan had been friends of mine since childhood. We had studied together until high school and, although we had gone our separate ways in college, we still meet frequently, as neither of us had a partner yet, and we loved to have fun together. They were straight, but they had been totally accepting of my coming out as a teenager and it hadn't changed their attitude towards me or our friendship at all. I was deeply fond of them.

But now their visit totally threw me off. Of course, it was not a "self-invitation". I had repeatedly invited them to come and meet me when I moved to the village to study for my competitive examinations. But, of course, that had been before I met my masters. My mind was full of doubts, as it was the first time that my current situation, as a slave of a couple, could clash with what had been my "normal" life until then. Up to that point I had kept both lives separate. In fact, during the weeks I had been serving James and Tony, they had allowed me to go and meet my family and friends in the capital on a couple of occasions (I had also meet Logan and Ryan those times), but, naturally, I had kept my life in the village a secret from everyone close to me.

And now, what to do? Anyway, what was clear to me was that now my life no longer belonged to me, so the first thing I had to do was to consult with my owners. So, that afternoon, after asking his permission, I showed the message to Tony, who was asking me for a while about my two friends and the relationship that linked me to them. After this he said to me cheerfully:

-Well, naturally tell them yes, they are welcome here. You're not going to be so rude as not to welcome them, are you? You have to take care of your friends -he winked at me knowingly. However, I didn't like the way this was going. Tony then added, after thinking for a while: -Listen, I'm going to tell you what we are going to do...

Saturday came, the day Logan and Ryan were coming. I was waiting for them at home, terribly nervous. I knew that after that weekend, my relationship with my best friends would never be the same again. Shortly before noon, there was a knock at the door and I hurried to open it. Logan and Ryan appeared and hugged me, while greeting me warmly. The truth is that feeling their affection was something that always touched me.

-Well, Douglas, you are well settled in -said Ryan jovially, glancing around the house. He was the most outgoing of us, always cheerful and making jokes. He was also a very handsome boy, with an athletic body, and had always been quite successful with the girls. I always thought I was lucky not to have fallen in love with him, something frequent, as you know, among gays and their straight friends. Logan, on the other hand, was more intellectual, he was also handsome but his appearance was rather nerdy and he did not have a well-groomed body. He had always been more withdrawn, although he was a really smart guy.

-Well, I do my best -I replied in his same jovial tone. I showed them around the house and then we ate in the living room. After lunch I showed them around the village and the surrounding area, although I refrained from going into the bar, I don't know what excuse I had. During all this time we were chatting about a thousand things, remembering old experiences and I felt really good, very relaxed and happy, forgetting a little of what I knew was going to happen later.

In the late afternoon we went back home and relaxed with some drinks that I had prepared. We were chatting quietly when the doorbell rang. It was already dark. I assumed the bar would be closed by now. On Saturdays it closed at dinner time and then reopened at midnight. Logan and Ryan looked at me a little surprised:

-Are you expecting someone? -Logan asked me. Without answering I went to open the door and made my masters, Tony and James, come into the living room. As soon as they were inside, I knelt down before them and said to my lifelong friends:

-Logan, Ryan, this is Tony and James. They are my masters. I am their slave and I live only to serve them. They are my superiors. And not only them, I am inferior to any free man, I am also inferior to you and, at this moment, I want to ask for your forgiveness. Forgiveness for having dared to treat you all these years as equals, being far below real men like you.

I had had to memorize this whole rant by order of my masters, of course, although I said it with all the conviction in the world. As you can imagine, my friends were totally speechless, with their mouths open, completely astonished at what they had just heard. At that moment Tony and James held out their hands, which they shook still dumbfounded, and they all sat down, while Tony ordered me:

-Slave, you know how you have to be in our presence. And pour us some drinks. Now!

I undressed immediately, feeling myself die when I saw the curious glances of my friends at my chastity cage and my anal plug. I took advantage of my master's order to get out of the way and go to the kitchen to prepare the drinks. When I returned, the four of them were chatting animatedly. Let's not forget that Tony and James were magnificent conversationalists and born seducers, so in a few minutes they had my friends eating out of their hand, as they had done with the whole village. Naturally, all the conversation was focused on me at that moment, and my friends, having overcome their initial astonishment, were asking them a thousand questions about our relationship. I, on the other hand, as soon as I served them drinks, took my position, kneeling next to Tony.

My friends still couldn't believe their eyes, and, although I kept my gaze down, I could feel their curious stares, dead embarrassed. As the conversation progressed, and especially as my friends drank more, they began to become uninhibited, and to address me:

-So you like to serve others, Doug - Ryan said to me with a mocking smile. He had never used that diminutive to refer to me before-. The truth is that I would never have thought such a thing...

-Fuck, and to accept to wear that you have to be really obedient... -said Logan, pointing to my chastity cage.

Then James decided to take it further and said:

-Slave, what do you think if you take care of relaxing our feet as you know?

I was embarrassed, so I went over to him and took off his sneakers. I began to massage his huge feet, to the fascinated gaze of my friends. Not content with that, he immediately ordered me to lick them, which caused Logan and Ryan to be even more astonished. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my task, trying to forget where I was. In a few minutes James said what I feared:

-Well, you're not going to keep your guests unattended, are you? Go ahead!

Feeling humiliated like never before, I crawled on my knees to where Ryan was and started to take off his shoes. I felt intensely his gaze riveted on me as he let it be done. I unlaced him, he had really nice feet and a faint tremendously masculine smell. "Well," I thought, "at least I'm going to enjoy it"...

I started with all my will to lick and massage my best friend's feet with my fingers, feeling really a human waste, but enjoying the sensation. In a few minutes Ryan began to moan with pleasure, and closing his eyes, he exclaimed:

-Ummmmmmmm, god, this is incredible... Fuck Doug, if I had known you knew how to do this I would have put you to good use long ago, hahaha...

His words wounded me like daggers, but I continued with my work, taking him to heaven. Next, it was my turn to do the same with Logan's feet, who also let me do it, although he was visibly more uncomfortable with it than Ryan.

The night went on and they continued drinking, until at one point James said:

-I have to pee - my friends expected me to indicate him the toilet, but he, naturally, just stood up, snapped his fingers and indicated my place. Again dying of embarrassment, I knelt before him, unzipped his fly and pulled out his magnificent cock. It didn't take him long to plug it into my mouth and start releasing a mighty stream of piss, which I struggled to swallow.

-God, I can't believe it! What kind of a pig are you, Doug? -said Ryan with a chuckle. Logan, for his part, watched the scene in fascination.

-A first class pig -said Tony-, he loves to swallow men's piss.

-Well, I have to try this -said Ryan, standing up and unzipping his fly. I felt like dying when he, without the slightest modesty, put his cock on my lips and, closing his eyes, he relaxed and a huge smelly stream filled my mouth. I couldn't believe what was happening! My best friend was pissing in my mouth! And enjoying it immensely too! While all this was going on, they were laughing uproariously. Even Logan, although still quite uncomfortable, joined in the general laughter.

And, of course, then came the inevitable. Tony stood up and told me:

-Well doggy, let's show your friends that you know how to do a lot more things...

He took out his incredible cock and ordered me to suck him. Soon being dedicated to sucking that marvel made me forget my situation and I dedicated myself to it with all my heart. Within seconds his cock was fully hard and, putting his hand on the back of my neck, he began to fuck my mouth. No doubt my friends thought they were watching a live porn movie. Tony did not take long to accelerate the pace of his onslaught and soon filled my mouth with his wonderful cum, ordering me to swallow it without leaving a drop. Next, his husband took over and again I found myself with another cock filling my mouth and wildly pumping my throat until he unloaded all his male essence into it. Then both bears relaxed and said to my friends:

-Don't you want to taste the slave's mouth? It is magnificent...

Logan and Ryan made a slight gesture of disgust and Logan said:

-Well, it's just that we are not... gay.

I realized he was about to say another word, and it hurt. Despite their affection for me, it was clear that they preferred to take distance with the "faggots". James said then:

-It's not going to make you gay at all to have a guy blow you. In fact, it is said that gays suck better than women, since they tend to feel more adoration for a guy's cock... -this was just a silly stereotype, but it worked. Ryan thought about it for a moment and said:

-Well, you know what, you're right! -And getting up, I saw me again with his fly in front of my face. I realized, however, that he was quite tipsy. I don't think he would have done that if he had been completely sober. This time he let me do it all. He waited for me to undo his belt and zipper and then he put his cock in my mouth. It was already hard, no doubt because of the scene he had witnessed a short time before. Although it was far from the cocks of my masters, he had a good dick and I started to suck it with all my will. Soon Ryan abandoned himself to my fellatio skills and began to moan:

-Ufff, god, fuck, fuck, fuck... -at one point he also put his hand on the back of my neck and started to push his cock all the way down my throat. He didn't fuck me as violently as my masters, but he didn't hesitate to use my mouth to his full pleasure. I, meanwhile, continued to work busily with my lips and tongue, taking him to unknown extremes of pleasure for him.

-Fuck, fuck, fuck... god...yesss... I can't take any more, godsssssss -and I felt in my throat jet after jet of his youthful jizz. Naturally I swallowed every last drop, and Ryan dropped down on the sofa.

-God, I've never been sucked like that before... Doug, what wasted years of being able to fucking use you! -His words again wounded me like daggers.

James then encouraged Logan to do the same. Logan, however, politely refused. It was evident that he was not at all comfortable, even though he was trying to appease. Unlike Ryan, this was not at all in keeping with his withdrawn nature.

A short time later Tony and James announced that they had to leave to reopen the bar and said goodbye to my friends, not without first urging them to make whatever use of me they pleased and ordering me to carry out any order they gave me. I started to tremble, but fortunately my friends had neither the experience nor the imagination to play along, so after a while they told me they were going to sleep. Before leaving, Ryan said to me:

-Well Doug, I hope you had a good time. The truth is that I don't know if I will be able to continue seeing you as a friend knowing that you are such a pig and a creep. What I do know for sure is that this is not going to be the last time I use that little mouth of yours, hahaha...

And giving me a condescending pat on the cheek he headed for the guest room. Logan followed him, saying nothing but good night with a shy smile. I started to pack everything up with a terrible knot in my stomach, convinced that I had broken my relationship with my best friends forever that night. Ryan's last words had hurt me deeply. I felt a certain resentment towards my masters for having brought me to this. However, I realized that I simply could not hate them. It was completely impossible for me. On the other hand, I had agreed to do their bidding at all times, so I could not complain.

Suddenly I heard a noise behind me. I turned around and found Logan, who was looking at me nervously. I returned his gaze, with a questioning expression, and he then said to me:

-Douglas... sorry... I didn't dare before, with everyone in front of me, but the truth is that... well... that I would also love that... -he lowered his gaze, embarrassed-, that you suck me off. I've only had it done a couple of times and the girls who did it didn't show any enthusiasm. The truth is that I'd like to try it... Well, of course, if you want to....

I smiled with a warm smile and, without saying anything, I led him to the sofa and made him sit down, while I pulled down his pajama pants. His cock appeared before me. It was not big, nothing to do with my masters', nor with Ryan's, but it was very nice and had a nice masculine smell that turned me on. I put it in my mouth and I decided to make it a memorable experience for my friend. Suddenly I felt completely empowered and my apprehension of a few minutes before disappeared. I started sucking very slowly, while caressing his balls. Soon he was rock hard, while my friend began to moan, very quietly so Ryan wouldn't hear us.

I was working my ass off to give him pleasure. Since he never fucked my mouth at any time, I was able to control the blowjob at all times, taking him over and over again to the edge without letting him cum. I put my best skills into play and for a long time I made Logan see the stars with my lips and tongue. He was shaking, in ecstasy, he looked like he was going to faint with pleasure. At last, I abruptly accelerated the pace of my blowjob and, with a moan of infinite pleasure, Logan spilled into my mouth, filling it with an incredible amount of thick, tasty semen, which I naturally swallowed. When he relaxed, Logan could only say to me, in a choked voice:

-Thank you..., thank you, really

I smiled and went back to the kitchen while he went back to his room. The experience had made me feel much better and, on top of that, a few minutes later I received a message from Tony. In it he just asked me, "Are you okay?". I was infinitely pleased with his concern for my well-being, no doubt he was feeling guilty. I replied in the affirmative and went to sleep, much more carefree.

The next morning I was in the kitchen waiting for my friends with breakfast ready, when they appeared, with considerable hangover and haggard eyes. At first they just waved, without adding anything, and began to eat, avoiding looking at me. I could tell that, now sober, they were quite embarrassed. After a while, Ryan stammered:

-Douglas, listen... about last night... I....

-Don't worry, Ryan -I said warmly-. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to....

-No, but... I... I wanted to tell you that... well, I want you to know that I'm sorry if at any moment you were bothered by something I did... -I was touched by his embarrassment- and that, well, I absolutely respect that you like those things and that you are still my friend and you will always be, no matter what happens...

Logan, in turn, corroborated everything Ryan had said and assured me that not a single word would come out of his mouth about it, that they would always keep it a secret as long as I wanted, because that's why we were friends. I was moved almost to tears and told them:

-Thank you guys. You don't know what this means to me. And I'm so glad I was able to share this part of my life with you, I really am. And who knows? -I said mischievously-. Maybe someday we can have as much fun together as we did last night...

They smiled broadly and, getting up, we melted into a spontaneous embrace. I felt like the happiest man on earth again.

Before Ryan and Logan left, we went to say goodbye to my masters. When we arrived at the bar, they came out with their radiant friendliness and greeted my friends. Then James ordered me:

-Slave, put those crates of beer they just brought into the storeroom, now!

I was surprised by that order, although I hastened to comply. Then I understood that they wanted to be alone with my friends for a moment. When I returned, we all finally said goodbye and Ryan and Logan walked to the car. Once they had disappeared from sight, Tony turned to me and said:

-Doggy, you don't have to worry about what your friends might say. They're very nice people, but just in case, we hinted to them that if they talk more than they should, they might not be too happy about everyone thinking they were gay, which would be the case if we went public with what happened last night. I don't think anyone will find out... -he gave me a mocking and complicit smile.

Although I already knew that my friends were not going to tell anything, I thanked them infinitely for their gesture and, feeling very happy again, I was ready to serve them again in whatever they wanted. Thus passed a couple of weeks more of dedication and happiness for me, until one night, when I was on my way to my masters' house after an afternoon of study, I overheard a conversation between two fellow countrymen. One was saying to the other:

-Well yes, it seems that they are leaving right now... a pity, with how good the bar was. We will miss them...

My heart skipped a beat, were they talking about what I thought? I approached them and politely asked. The one who I had heard talking answered me:

-Yes, yes, it is already certain. I spoke to the mayor this morning and he told me that they are already looking for a replacement for the bar. It was quite sudden.

I felt my head spinning and a terrible anguish came over me: were my beloved masters, the reason for my existence at that moment, leaving the village?

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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