The Village Bar

By Jorge Jog

Published on Feb 28, 2022


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When I got home, I looked in the mirror and saw that I had a considerable bruise on my face, where my master James' sneaker had hit me. I applied a lot of the ointment that Tony had given me, but I thought that, unless it was miraculous, it was not going to disguise that bruise very well. Afterwards, sore and broken in spirit, I went to sleep. Well, or rather to try to, since I didn't sleep a wink all night, with a thousand feelings in my heart.

When it was daylight I got out of bed, took a shower and, after having some breakfast, I started to study. I didn't feel the least bit like it and, besides, I was completely unable to focus for a minute, but I continued there, in front of the book. It was what my masters had ordered me to do and I was only there to obey. I had managed to avoid collapsing completely, making a firm resolution to make amends and be the best slave my masters could dream of.

The hours were very long, only leaving the book to eat something at noon, very little, because I had a knot in my stomach and could hardly swallow. I didn't dare to go out either, not even to take a walk and get some fresh air. I was not allowed to do that. At last, that eternal day gave way to night and I hurried to present myself to my masters. Tony opened the door and I immediately prostrated myself on the floor and kissed his feet. I didn't dare say anything without permission, or even apologize, so I thought that would be the best way to greet him and show my devotion to him. He must have liked it, because he smiled as he greeted me and made me get up from the floor. As soon as I sat up I saw that he noticed the bruise on my face. His smiling face became serious and a shadow of pity (and maybe guilt?) appeared on his handsome face. He moved his hand forward and, in an almost affectionate gesture, touched my cheek with a certain regret. However, he immediately changed his tone and, turning around, ordered me:

-Undress dog, and you know your position!

As soon as I was naked and on my knees in front of them, sitting once again on the couch, Tony asked me:

-Well, slave? What is going to be your punishment for your disobedience last night?

-Sir... -I stammered. I had thought long and hard about it, as well as consulted pages of BDSM-. I think a few whippings would be an appropriate punishment. How many? Well... as many as you deem appropriate.

They both looked at each other and laughed lightly. Then James told me:

-Boy, you are not at all ready for such a thing. Instead, we'll give you a few spankings, for the moment with our bare hand. There will be 50, we'll give you 25 each. Come here!

I shakily approached and James made me lie on his knees. I felt like a naughty child who was going to be punished by his father. It was so humiliating that I would almost have preferred whipping. Nevertheless, I felt my cock getting hard. Any way those men degraded me was tremendously arousing to me.

-I want you to count and thank me for every stroke, slave -James told me-. Ready?

And without waiting for an answer, he gave me a tremendous slap on my naked buttocks. I felt a terrible pain. The truth is that, having thought about whipping, spanking with a bare hand on my ass had seemed like nothing when he told me about it. Of course, I hadn't counted on the tremendous strength of that bear's arms.

-One... thank you, Sir -I said as best I could. A new blow shook me:

-Two... thank you, Sir....

James continued to pound my poor ass methodically and with all his might. The pain became unbearable. It was as if a terrible fire was rising from my buttocks to my brain. Each blow reverberated in all the nerves of my being. I thought I would die. And yet... along with the pain I felt a strange, indescribable pleasure, as if being there, punished by that big man, was the right thing for me. My cock hadn't gone down in the slightest.

-Twenty-five... thank you, Sir....

My voice was getting weaker and weaker. James lifted me up and I was then in Tony's lap. I could see his devilish grin before I felt his hand on my reddened buttocks.

-One... thank you, Sir....

Despite the terrible pain I felt, I realized that Tony was far from using all his strength on me. It was clear that he was less sadistic than his husband and that he knew what I was going through and did not want to hurt me too much. I felt immense affection and renewed respect for him. And, incredible as it may seem, I already felt tremendously lucky just to have contact with him, even if it was just the palm of his huge hand on my poor sore ass.

-Twenty-five... thank you, Sir -my voice was no more than a whisper at the time. Tony stopped and stroked my sore buttocks. Then he ordered me back to my position. Before that he stroked my hair and said:

-Good doggy!

I felt immense satisfaction at having earned my master's approval. I couldn't help but smile broadly as I got back on my knees, dizzy and sore from the ordeal.

-We've got something for you, doggie -Tony then said. He then pulled out a strange device from a box. It was like a plastic casing-. This, in case you've never seen one before, is a chastity cage. I'm going to put it on your cock and balls and you will no longer be able to get a hard-on or jerk off. A slave has no right to pleasure unless his owners allow him to.

He made me stand up and took my balls in his hand.

-We chose the XS size, but I still don't know if it's going to fit you, hahaha... -he said, once again mocking the size of my genitals. The touch of his hand on my balls was tremendously arousing, but I was so desolate about losing my sexuality that my cock was completely flaccid, so Tony had no difficulty in adjusting the device.

-You see -he said-, you can piss out of this hole without any problem. It locks and, of course, the key will always be in our possession. You will wear it permanently, day and night, from now on. I don't think you'd be so stupid as to do that, but if you ever think about taking it off without the key, think that you could do yourself a lot of harm, and it's not exactly an insensitive part... -he must have seen such a desolate expression on my face that he added: -don't be so sad, doggy... we're not so bad. I assure you that if you earn it and keep us happy, we will let you use your tiny cock again sometime....

That calmed me down a bit. Seeing my genitals covered by that diabolical artifact was very depressing. But then Tony pulled out another box and said to me:

-That's not the only gift we have for you...

Then he pulled out an anal plug. I did recognize it, I had seen it on the net sometime. I shuddered, I had hardly ever had anal sex, although it is true that the few times I had done so had been as a bottom. But that thing seemed huge to me. It was black and pear-shaped. Plus, it was electric. Tony made it vibrate in his hand while he looked at me intensely. It was operated from an external control.

-Let's put it in. We have to get that little ass ready to receive our cocks. And I assure you, that's not easy, hahaha... -he took out a bottle from a drawer. It was a spray of lubricating foam. He put a good amount in his hand and gently made me bend down until I was almost on all fours. He then began rubbing the lube all over my ass as one of his huge fingers worked its way inside me. He did it with extreme gentleness, so much so that I was surprised. Little by little he dilated my hole, inserting more fingers. It was tremendously pleasurable to feel that big hand working my ass. I would have had a hard-on in an instant if the cage had allowed it. At last, I felt the coolness of the plastic break through and I knew the plug was being inserted. Thanks to the previous work, it went all the way in and, given its shape, would not come out without help. It would stay in my ass until my masters wanted it to. Tony then had me sit up and, with a smile that I didn't know if it was amused or sadistic, he asked me:

-Shall we try it?

And, without waiting for an answer, he pressed the knob. The plug began to vibrate and I realized that it was perfectly placed to stimulate my prostate directly. I felt an indescribable pleasure, so intense that I thought I was having an orgasm without touching myself. I moaned uncontrollably, which provoked laughter from the bears. Tony continued to stimulate me for a while and then began to increase the speed and intensity of the vibration. There came a moment when the pleasure turned to pain and agitation. I fell to the floor and began to writhe, but that only provoked more laughter from those cruel men. In the end the sensation was so intense that I passed out.

I was woken up by Tony giving me little cuddles with his hand and he helped me up. As soon as I could sit up he ordered me to return to my position. I did so, still dazed and panting. Then, to my surprise, Tony put his huge crotch directly in front of my face and said:

-Doggy, you have been very good tonight and deserve a reward.

Next, with his hand on the back of my neck, he rubbed my face against his fly. I felt the monster behind the denim start to harden. Then Tony let go of me and throwing his arms up in the air said:

-You've been dreaming about this ever since you saw me the first time. Go ahead, it's yours!

Feeling my mouth go dry and trembling, my hands went to the belt and unbuckled it, then pulled down the zipper. My heart was pounding as I pulled down his pants and briefs and that monument to manhood appeared before my eyes. It was still half-erect, but it was already huge, not too long but very thick. My mouth watered and after contemplating it for a few seconds, soaking in its beauty, I closed my eyes and surrounded it delicately with my lips. I felt myself dying of pleasure and arousal. I began a gentle sucking motion and soon that wonderful dick grew and hardened until it completely filled my mouth. The pleasure I felt having that cock in my mouth is something impossible to express in words. Somehow I sensed that this was my natural place in the world, worshipping the manhood of that incredible man. I kept sucking and licking the huge prick with my tongue as if my life depended on it. Soon Tony began to moan:

-Ummmmmmmm, you sure are good, doggy... Keep going...

At the same time he started to move his pelvis, taking more of his cock into my mouth, going all the way down my throat. I held back a gag and began to make the swallowing motion, to massage his glans, whereupon my master went crazy:

-Uffff, yes, fag...keep going... -he put his hand on the back of my neck and helped the movement. However, he didn't get to literally fuck my mouth. He kept letting me do it, while he said: -Enjoy doggy, I won't always be so gentle when you have my cock in your mouth. I like to throat fuck hard, but today this is a prize and I want you to enjoy it to your heart's content.

I continued to massage the glans with my throat, while sucking and working my tongue on that magnificent cock, as my arousal reached peak levels. I increased the pressure and speed, as Tony's moans grew louder and his legs began to tremble. Then he did something unexpected. I felt the vibrator in my ass start up, stimulating my prostate in such an incredible sensation that I had the first fully anal orgasm of my life, as my cock was fully trapped in the cage. At the same time I noticed the cock filling my mouth getting even harder and, with a guttural scream, Tony began to release huge spurts of cum straight down my throat. I almost choked, it was an incredible amount, but I managed to swallow every last drop of that delicious delicacy, that tasty gift my master was giving me.

When we both relaxed I went to pull away, but then Tony stopped me with his hand still on the back of my neck, while he said to me:

-Stay still little doggy! I still have another present for you...

And immediately I felt some drops in my mouth that soon turned into a powerful stream, my master was pissing in my mouth! I had never had an experience like that, but I found it tremendously arousing and I hurried to swallow the new delicacy offered to me by my master.

-Swallow it all! -he ordered me. Naturally I did it, to the last drop, and finally Tony let me go and, overwhelmed by so many intense sensations, I fell to the floor, while the two bears laughed amused...

To be continued?...

Next: Chapter 4

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