The Village Bar

By Jorge Jog

Published on Feb 25, 2022


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I couldn't do anything all afternoon, neither study, nor read, nor watch TV... I simply couldn't concentrate. My head kept spinning about Tony and James' proposal, although the truth is that at no time did I have any real doubt about whether to accept it or not. From the beginning I knew that I could not miss the opportunity to belong to those two "machos", or rather those two gods, because that's how I saw them. But, obviously, it made me dizzy to think that my life was going to change radically from then on. I was going to completely lose my freedom and who knows what else, becoming the plaything of two men. However, I simply could not refuse their proposal. I would have given anything just to be near them.

That being the case, and with the decision really made from the very first moment, the hours became very long until at 10 o'clock p.m. I was knocking at the door of my future masters. Tony opened the door:

-Come in Doug, we were waiting for you -and to my mute question he added winking at me: -We didn't have the slightest doubt that you would come.

The funny thing is that I didn't find that confidence and haughtiness of his at all irritating, but rather tremendously attractive and exciting. I wondered what was wrong with my head to make me feel that way, but I knew that I was by no means the only victim of the barmen's spell. There are simply people who come into this world to dominate and others who are born to worship and serve these alpha males.

Tony motioned for me to sit on a chair in front of their couch, where he took a seat next to his husband. They were both cross-legged, and I couldn't help but giggle at the sight of their huge sneakers. Just thinking about what those sneakers were hiding turned me on almost as much as thinking about what their bulging jeans were hiding. Tony began to speak, in a serious but warm tone:

-Well, Douglas. The fact that you are here means that you have decided to give yourself to us and be our slave. I'm going to explain a little more about what that will mean and I want you to listen to me carefully. When we finish this conversation, I will ask you if you really want to be our slave and, if your answer is yes, you will belong to us. I want you to ask us any questions you may have, to speak to us in all sincerity and not to hold anything back, as this will be the last conversation we will have as equals. By the time we are done talking, you will no longer be anyone in this house and you will no longer be allowed to say anything unless asked, understood?

-Yes... Sir -I said. I knew enough about masters and slaves to know what was to be expected of me from now on. A broad smile appeared on both their faces and James intervened for the first time:

-You have indeed beaten me to it. The first rule, which you already know, is that we will no longer be Tony or James to you. You will always call us Master or Sir. We are your owners and you owe us the utmost respect. You, on the other hand, will respond to any appellation we want to give you. I usually use the name "slave", while Tony prefers "dog" or "doggy". But there can be many more...

-May I also call you "My God"? -I dared to ask and, before their incredulous look I justified myself: -I don't know, it's how I like to think of you...

They exchanged a smile and nodded:

-Well, the truth is that we have never been called that before -James replied jovially-, but you can alternate it with Sir or Master if you wish. It's always nice to be considered a god -he smiled even more.

-In our presence you will always be naked and, unless you are doing something that requires it, you will never stand. Your natural position when you are in front of us is on your knees -Tony continued-. We will control absolutely every aspect of your life and you will do nothing without our permission. You will give us a key to your house as soon as possible, as well as all the passwords to your cell phone, your computer, your bank accounts... Your life, just like you, belongs to us completely. And of course, it goes without saying that you will comply with all our orders, whatever they may be, immediately and without complaint. Any negligence will be punished.

I nodded, though my heart was pounding as his words were etched in my mind in letters of fire. I then dared to ask:

-Master... -he looked at me reproachfully and reminded me that I was not yet his slave-... Tony -I corrected myself-, can I set some limits? -I knew enough about BDSM to ask that question.

-No -he answered very seriously-. I told you that your surrender had to be total. No limits for your masters.

-Not even in terms of... privacy or physical integrity? -I insisted a little distressed.

-Not even -Tony categorically denied. Then James intervened again:

-Look Douglas, we are not going to do anything against your life or your health. We are not crazy. But you do have to assume that... well, that we are going to hurt you -his intense look as he said this gave me chills-, never more than you can bear, but we will make you suffer, and not only as a punishment, many times simply because we feel like it.

My mind was at that moment full of anguish, what was I getting myself into? I dared to ask again:

-Will I not even get a safety word?

-No -Tony denied again, very seriously-. You have to trust completely in your masters and give yourself totally to their wishes -However, seeing my anxiety he added: -Don't worry, we are obviously not kidnappers. At any moment you can put an end to everything and leave. You will always have that recourse, but I must warn you -he looked at me intensely-, the moment you decide to leave, there will be no turning back. You can never be our slave again, no matter how much you wish it. We never give second chances, understood?

I nodded in shock, and asked timidly:

-You... you guys will also be able to reject me and end the relationship?

Tony smiled condescendingly and replied:

-Man, that possibility always exists and, of course, we could do that, but don't worry. We've never had to do that. If you don't respond to what we want, we know how to force you to do it. We have been taming slaves for many years and have never failed to mold our dogs exactly to our liking.

I confess that it was painful for me to know that I wasn't more than just one of many conquests of theirs. After a pause in which he let his words sink in, Tony continued, relaxing his tone a little:

-Don't think you're going to get out of studying. We don't want to interfere in your future... at least, for the time being. We will assign you a few hours a day to fulfill that obligation and we will respect them. The rest of the time you will be at our complete disposal. And one last thing -he concluded-, obviously when we are in the bar or with other people you will treat us with respect, but you will call us by our names -he smiled-. We don't want to shock the old ladies or let it be known how special our relationship is... for the moment, at least.

This last sentence made me shudder. Would there be a time when my slavery would be public? The idea terrified me, but at the same time excited me. What the hell was wrong with my head? Tony then asked:

-Any more questions? Anything else you want to tell us?

I shook my head. Then Tony stood up and came towards me. Again, his huge crotch came close to my face. My mouth went dry. I was so disturbed by this situation that my ears were almost ringing. Once again, the giant's hand was on my chin.

-Look at me! -he said, making me raise my face. I fixed my gaze on those incredible black eyes and I knew I would go to hell to be able to lose myself in those eyes-. Are you ready to become my doggy? Do you want to be our slave, Douglas?

-Yes, Master -I said, my voice hoarse with excitement. All my doubts had dissipated before the immeasurable virility before me. He smiled, released my chin and sat down again. Then he just said:


I hurried to take off my clothes. When I pulled down my underwear, quite embarrassed, the two men burst out laughing.

-Hahaha... -James laughed good-naturedly-, Did you see what a dick? Can you call yourself a man with that pitiful thing between your legs? My nephew, who is 11 years old, has a cock bigger than yours...

I felt a tremendous embarrassment, but at the same time a great excitement at their teasing. Soon they became serious again and Tony said:

-You know your position in our presence. On your knees! -I immediately obeyed-. Spread your legs and put your hands behind your head! Now! -His tone, which until then had been firm but warm, had become imperious, with a coldness unknown to me. So I did and James stood up and came towards me. Again, I saw myself with a huge fly at the level of my face and I felt short of breath.

James began to touch my body, moving down from my forehead. You can't imagine the feelings I experienced as those huge, expert hands ran all over my skin. I started to shake like a leaf and my little cock became hard as a rock. James stroked it too. A moment later he stood up again and I felt his sneaker under my testicles. I expected the worst and my fears were realized. He began to give me little kicks on my balls, not too hard, but inexorably. I moaned helplessly, trying desperately not to move, but shaking violently after each blow.

-Hold on! -he ordered me as he continued to kick me mercilessly. I did, I held back the scream that struggled to escape from my mouth and held my position, although tears began to roll down my cheeks. When I was about to fall and faint the foot stopped and James sat back down on the couch. Then Tony said to me, in the same cold and intimidating tone:

-Earlier, while we were talking, you seemed very interested in our sneakers -I blushed when I saw that he had noticed-, Do you want to take a closer look at them? Come on!

I obeyed, crawling painfully on my knees to the couch. Tony put one of his huge soles just inches from my face.

-Lick! -he ordered. Immediately, overcoming my natural repugnance and apprehension, I stuck out my tongue and began to lick the rough sole. It tasted like a thousand things. Dirt, mud, rubber... It was terrible and my tongue went dry while I was trying to fulfill my master's order. Nevertheless, the sensation of licking the powerful male's sole was so exciting that I thought I would die of pleasure. After having me licking for a while, Tony said to me:

-Remove my sneaker, just with your mouth!

With my hands still behind my back I tried to undo the knot of the laces with my teeth. Naturally it was practically impossible. I had already been trying for a while to the hilarity of the two men, when in one wrong move I felt I was going to fall and unconsciously one of my hands came off my back and grabbed the sneaker. Then came the unexpected. Tony slapped me hard, at the same time shouting at me:

-I said only with your mouth! You useless cunt!...

He then took off his own sneaker and sock. I was in shock. The Tony who had just slapped me was not the one I knew. He put his gigantic foot, now bare, in my face again and ordered:

-Smell, dog!

I inhaled the ineffable aroma of that male foot. His scent totally intoxicated me. All my senses were dulled and I was transported to unknown sensations as that powerful smell penetrated my brain. Without being able to help myself, I stuck out my tongue to taste that incredible piece of flesh. Then I felt a violent blow to my face that made me fall to the ground. James had kicked me.

-Didn't you hear that you just smell, stupid dog?

Tremendously overwhelmed and in pain I wanted to articulate an apology:

-I... I'm sorry Master, I....

Another violent slap from Tony interrupted me:

-What did I tell you about speaking without permission, dog? -and with a disgusted look on his face, he started to put on his shoes again. I went back to my position, broken inside. Tony added: -Get dressed!

Although surprised, I hastened to obey. When I was dressed I received new orders from Tony, in that icy voice so unusual for me:

-Go home now. Tomorrow devote the whole day to study. We don't want you to show up at the bar or go out at all. Of course, don't even think of touching yourself during this time. You no longer have the right to pleasure. We'll take care of that soon -he went over to a chest of drawers and took out an ointment and handed it to me-. Put this on your face to avoid bruises -he concluded-. Tomorrow at 10 o'clock p.m. you come back here. And I want you to think during the day about what punishment you deserve for having disobeyed us several times on the first day. It will be the first thing I will ask you when you come. Go on, go! Now!

I left the house with tremendous desolation. Desolation for how I had been treated, for discovering that those two absolutely charming men could be cruel and sadistic; but above all desolation for having failed my masters from the very beginning and having been expelled from their side. This was undoubtedly the dominant feeling, and as soon as I was out of their sight I began to cry disconsolately, feeling like the worst shit in the world...

To be continued?...

Next: Chapter 3

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