The Village Bar

By Jorge Jog

Published on Feb 19, 2022


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I was 23 years old at the time and had just finished my teaching degree. I had decided to prepare for competitive examinations and, in order to study quietly and free of distractions, I had asked my parents to let me use my grandparents' old house in a small inland town, an hour and a half from the capital. I had been there for a couple of months, trying to study hard, although I didn't always succeed, because I was distracted even by the flight of a fly. In this time, I had met almost the whole village (it only had a little more than a hundred inhabitants), but I had especially made friends with Abigail, the woman who ran the bar.

Abigail was an older lady, plump and always cheerful, who had become a sort of surrogate mother to me. She had taken me under her wing and treated me like a king every time I went to the bar. That obviously meant that I went there much more often than I should have. That's why I was quite upset when one day she told me he was retiring and leaving the bar.

-Oh, what a pity! -I told her sincerely-. And what are you going to do with the bar? Are you going to sell it?

-The bar is not mine -she replied-. It belongs to the Town Hall, which rents it out to the highest bidder along with the adjoining house, rent-free, of course. They even give you a start-up grant to renovate what you think is necessary. That way they make sure the bar never closes, which would mean the death of the village, which is already dying -she smiled sadly-. It is rented for two years, renewable if both parties agree. I've been with it for ten years now and it's time for me to retire and rest. But don't worry, I think there is already a candidate for the bar concession.

-Really? Someone from here?

-No, apparently it's two guys... you know, a gay couple, as it's said nowadays. I think they come from the coast.

A gay couple! Two gay guys were coming to town? I was very interested in that, being gay myself. I wasn't in the closet, although it's true that in the village I hadn't talked about it and -I think- nobody knew about it. The few sexual dalliances I had had since arriving in the village had been on trips to the capital, totally apart from my rural life. And now I would no longer be the only gay in town. The news awakened in me a certain excitement mixed with apprehension: how would the people there, who were quite traditional, take the subject? Worst of all, would it affect me too?

I spent the next few days thinking a lot about the matter, until one day, while I was taking a morning walk, I saw a van parked next to the bar. I approached it with curiosity. No doubt they were the new tenants. At that moment there was no one in the van, they must have been inside the bar or the house. I waited for a while and suddenly a man came out of the house. I was shocked when I saw him. He was a huge man, very tall and burly, with a mixture of muscle and belly on his massive frame. He was about 40 years old, dark, with very short hair and a beard. He was wearing a tight T-shirt with two incredibly strong and powerful arms coming out of it, as well as tight jeans that incredibly showed off his big legs, his clearly bulging crotch and his huge, tight ass. My breath caught at the sight of that magnificent specimen of masculinity. He noticed me and said:

-Hello, are you from here? -His voice was also unusually deep and virile. He held out his hand to me-. I'm Tony, I'm going to run the bar with my husband James.

At that moment another man of a similar build, equally bearish and virile, also came out of the dwelling and greeted me. I took Tony's proffered hand and shook it timidly, while his greeting was so strong that it almost hurt me. I was then the opposite of those two big men. Small, delicate-featured and thin. As we shook hands, I took a closer look at Tony's face. Big, black eyes, full, sensual lips, and a smile, frank and cheerful, that seemed to radiate light from his face every time it appeared. I trembled at the touch of his huge hand. Never had a man produced such an effect on me. I think he noticed it because his smile grew wider and took on a mocking edge.

-And your name is...? -he asked me with a bit of derision, seeing how I was totally overwhelmed by his presence. I realized that he was used to provoking that reaction.

-I... I'm... Douglas -I stammered. Embarrassed by my behavior, I overcame myself and smilingly told him: -I'm not from here, I'm now spending some time here to prepare for competitive examinations. Nice to meet you, Tony.

-Likewise, this is James -a new giant hand shook mine amicably. Her husband looked a little older than Tony and his features were a little rougher, although he was also very attractive. He was dressed similarly, in a T-shirt and tight jeans.

-Nice to meet you, Douglas -said James-. We could use a little collaboration. Can you help us set all this up?

-Sure -I said without hesitation. It came naturally to me to obey his request. I spent all morning helping them move boxes around and set up the house and bar to their liking. I wasted a lot of study time and the only thing I got out of it was a smile from Tony as he thanked me by squeezing my shoulder affectionately. Believe me. It was more than worth it.

During the following days Tony and James captivated the whole town as they had done with me. Their friendliness and contagious joy won the hearts of all the inhabitants. I was very happy that, being a gay couple, they were so well received in such a traditional town. But it was impossible not to fall for their charms. In fact, the bar was more crowded than ever, despite the fact that its previous concessionaire, Abigail, was also very nice. I, for my part, was again spending much more time there than I should have because of my studies and I was always helping them and doing little favors they asked me. Just getting a little attention from those two males was a whole world to me. I had no idea yet what was about to change my life in those days.

Indeed, one evening I found myself in the bar. It was empty. Everyone had gone to lunch and it was not yet coffee time. I should have gone home for lunch, too, but I was tugging to stay a little longer. It was always hard for me to leave the place and stop seeing the owners. At the time I was sitting at a table, having a beer, James was picking things up in the kitchen and Tony had been sitting at my table across from me for a while. Then he asked me:

-Well, Doug -it was the first time he used that diminutive and I didn't know if I liked it-. So you are here studying. And tell me, do you have a girlfriend?

-Well... no -I replied-. I'm gay too, in case you hadn't noticed, although I don't think people here know that.

-Well, yes, I had noticed -he said, with a slightly condescending smile. Then he added: -Boyfriend then?

-No, neither -I said. And thinking a little, I continued: -The truth is that I still don't have a clear idea of what I want. I'm letting life flow.

Then something unthinkable happened. That big man stood up and came to my side. The huge fly of his jeans was at the level of my face. I felt short of breath having his crotch so close, much more so with what Tony did next. He put his big hand on my chin and his huge thumb rested on my lips, begging for entrance. Completely stunned and with my heart pounding so hard I thought it was going to burst, I opened my lips and allowed that much desired finger to penetrate my mouth. At the same time I began to suck it as if possessed by an inexorable passion.

-Aren't you clear about what you want? -said that manly voice very slowly, almost hypnotically-. Well, I think I am very clear about what you want. The name suits you very well. Doug... dog. I think that what you want most in the world is to be the doggy of a guy like me...

His words had such an effect on me that I thought I would faint. I don't know if from excitement, from pleasure, from fear... I had never felt such a turmoil. Tony took his intrusive finger out of my mouth and putting his hand on the back of my neck, he pushed my face towards his fly, rubbing me against the hard fabric of the jeans, much less hard than the monster hiding behind it. I felt it as huge as the rest of his body. Mad with desire I went to unbuckle his belt, but he broke away and said to me:

-Stop! As far as I know I have not given you permission to touch my pants.

I stood there stunned and embarrassed as he returned to his chair. He sat down and began to speak. I was surprised by his change to a much more serious tone, a tone I had never heard him use before.

-Listen Doug. James and I like to have handsome boys around to take care of us. But don't get confused. It's not about sex, at least not only. For sex we already have each other. What we are looking for is a slave, a person who serves us in all aspects: to do the house chores, to be attentive to us at all times... Do you understand what I'm saying?

-Yes, I think so -I said shyly. I knew a little about that kind of relationship, I had even fantasized about it.

-But I want you to understand it well. The boy who serves us, who is our slave, has to be willing for us to do with him whatever we want... ANYTHING -he repeated with a strong emphasis on the words. My face of terror must have been such when I heard this, that he immediately relaxed his tone a bit and told me:

-Don't worry. We wouldn't do any permanent injury to you or maim you or anything like that. We are nice people. But I want you to understand that the surrender we are looking for assumes that you would be willing for us to do it if that was our wish, do you understand? You would no longer have a say or a will of your own or any decision-making capacity. You would belong to us body and soul. You would simply be a toy in our hands. Of course, I know you like us very much, I'm no fool, but do you think you could cope with something like that?

I was absolutely speechless listening to that. I would never have imagined it and I didn't know how to react. The whirlwind of emotions in my mind was overwhelming. Then Tony stood up and said to me:

-Go home now, Doug and think about it. Let's do one thing. We will close the bar early today. If you are willing to give yourself to us come to our house at 10 o'clock tonight. If you don't come, no problem. We'll forget this conversation and go on as friends. But if you show up we'll understand that you really want to be our slave and that you'll assume what that entails, okay?

I nodded in shock and walked out of the bar. When I got home I plopped down on the couch, infinitely disturbed by the incredible experience I had just had and by doubts about my immediate future...

To be continued?...

Next: Chapter 2

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