The Viking's Boy

By Mark McElroy

Published on Feb 21, 2021


This is the continuing story of Ulf a Viking Chief who growing tired of a complaining wife, who didn't enjoy the touch of a man, goes in search for a boy to love and put in his wife's place in his heart and his bed.

************ This story will contain vivid descriptions of Gay sex between men and boy's. If these descriptions offend you please leave the site now.

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Olaf could hardly believe his eyes when he saw the five loaded carts. Five of Ulf's men stood by the carts. Knut, had clothes, tunics of various sizes, belts, woolly sheep boots, and fur caps.

Sten, had a cart full of sacks of grain for baking bread. Kare, had 10 caged chickens and two roosters.

Bo, had 4 small pigs, and a cow. Oskar was the Village wood cutter, his cart was loaded with cords of firewood.

Conor walked up and on his back was large bundles of wild Phormium grass. He put his bundles by the door. Turning he smiled and said good morning to Ulf and to the men. "What is all of this? Is it for our Lodge"?

Knut was the oldest member there and the others looked to him to explain. "Chief Ulf has told us that we are to supply the BoysLodge* in exchange for time with a Boy of our choice"! "We have all taken the Oath to protect every boy and no Physical harm will be given to any boy"!

"Olaf will you please help these men and put everything in storage or pens. I will assemble the boy's and they may choose which boy they want for the agreed time".

Conor reentered the Lodge and assembled the boy's. They all had been penetrated by their fathers and of course the Monks. Even the youngest one of 8 years.

A few minutes passed and the 5 men came inside saying the animals were were put in the paddock, the grain was placed in storage and the food stuff in the larder. Conor brought in the grass bundles, and Knut had brought in the boys clothes.

He had the boy's stand in a line, so the men could look them over and choose what boy they wanted.

Having made their choice the five men went into the bedrooms and soon sounds of passionate sex could be heard.

Meanwhile Conor gave a generous amount of grass to each remaining boy. "I want each cub of ye to make a basket that the women of the Village can use in their homes, and when the others are free after their service, Patrick please give them my order.

I am going after another load of grass. Olaf is busy with building a pen for the chickens. We will have fresh eggs. Milk from the Cow, and firewood for heat and cooking.

In Ulf's lodge Flynn was preparing Ulf's breakfast, he had awake for a couple hours and had brought in firewood, milked the three cows and fed all the hogs, and chickens. He had found wild blueberry bushes growing on the edge of the forest and picked two baskets.

Ulf was stirring when Flynn came in with his breakfast. "Flynn, God morgen how long have you been awake"? After kissing Ulf good morning (god morgen) he got up on the bed next to Ulf and handed him a bowl of porridge with cream and blueberries.

After they had eaten their fill, Flynn noticed Ulf's very prominent erection.

Pulling down the large down stuffed blanket off of Ulf exposing the rest of his body. Flynn licked his lips and looked up at Ulf's upper torso, Ulf's body was all muscles with fine blonde hair laying on his chest, brown prominent nipples, grapefruit like biceps and oak sized thighs he was a very powerful man. His eyes the color of sapphires mesmerized Flynn, bending his head over his little tongue licked the lemon sized balls.

He sucked Ulf's balls until they were wet. Pulling the 10" cock up he licked it wet, precum drooled down the shaft. Ulf's eyes watched as Flynn's little fingers dipped into the small pot of goose grease. Flynn's fingers felt so nice gripping his shaft unlike the cold bitch he was married to. Flynn's straddled Ulf's hips aiming the head at his boy cunt. He had become quite comfortable taking the 10"deep inside his fleshy Scabbard. What better word to describe the best place for Ulf to put his mighty Sword.

Taking Flynn's little hips in his ham sized hands he gently pulled down as more of his cock slid inside the tight passage. It was still a marvel to him when he felt the muscles squeezing and rippling along his cock. If every man knew the pleasure of a boy's cunt the humans would soon die out.

"Sweet boy I must take control"! Grasping Flynn's body to his he rolled them both over without dislodging his immense sword from Flynn's fleshy Scabbard.

Raising up on his hands he thrust deep and as gently as he could. Obviously his cock head was punching Flynn's little love nut because his little fawn like legs wrapped around Ulf's waist and moaned in sexual satisfaction. Flynn's dry climax was upon him and his muscles continued to clutch and relax around Ulf's thrusting sword as he was repeatedly pierced.

Throwing his head back he growled like the wolf he was named for, as his cum began firing up into Flynn's little cunt. Oh the God's were to be praised for creating a boy. At this point he began kissing Flynn while his pelvis continued to pump his cum inside the boy's cunt.

Looking in Flynn's eyes he realized that without a doubt he was in love with this redheaded little boy.

Ulf decided to order a feast in honor of the God Njord for their safe return from Eire and also to Freya for blessing him with the sweet love of a beautiful boy!

Ulf and Flynn walked across the Village to the Boy's Lodge with a gift of wild fruits, raspberries, bilberries, blueberries, wild apples and two large clay pots of wild honey. Ulf's village harvested from four large Maples. The tree's were separated from each other in different places in the forests surrounding the village. Ulf's family owned these hives and harvested enough to keep the hive healthy. His family gave the majority of the honey to Frode who's family made all the Mead and Beer for the Village.

Knocking on the Oak doors of the great long house to announce their arrival. Opening the door they found Olaf hanging fish and deer and hogs he had brought over from his long house. They had four fires burning in each corner hearth and the central hearth. The meat was hung from the mezzanine. This is how Vikings preserved their meat and protected it from predators.

Looking around Flynn noticed that all the boys were weaving the beautiful multi-colored grass from the river into serviceable baskets. Last night when he first met Ulf's wife she had treated him like he was her own little boy.

Inga loved children but suffered Ulf's pawing and disgusting acts to have her two beautiful daughters. She did have a delightful cat given to her on her wedding day. She named the cat Frigga after the Queen of Asgard, who was the Protector of Motherhood. Last night Frigga had curled up in his lap and she was very pregnant.

He asked Ulf if he could sit down with the boys and weave a basket for Inga? "For Inga"?

"Why what would she need a basket"! Looking at Flynn's pleading eyes he ruffled his red curls and said " go on with you, you little devil I can't say No to you"!

Flynn sat down beside a boy named Brendan and began weaving the grass. "What do you want a basket for Flynn if you don't mind me asking"? "It's for Lady Inga's cat she's going to have kittens, so the basket is for her to have somewhere to keep her babies.

Brendan looked at his basket thinking it was the perfect size for a Mama Cat, all that was missing was one handle. He reached over and took the one Flynn had started and said "here you finish this one and give it to your Lady for her Mama cat"!

Flynn thought he was going to cry throwing his arms around Brendan's neck and kissed him on the lips. "Oh thank you Brendan it's big enough for two Cats and two litters"!

While Flynn was finishing up the basket, Ulf was talking to Olaf asking if there was anything the boys needed and being told about the earlier visitors and all they had provided of course the boys taking each man to a room and all five men had been completely satisfied. Each of the men's wives was pregnant so they didn't mind their husbands visiting the Boy's Lodge.

The two walked back down stairs after finishing tying the meat and fish to hang from the mezzanine. Vikings preserve their meats and fish by the smoke from the five fires.

Bruin knocked on the doors and Sean opened the door and said welcome. Bruin's three Sons each carried a sewn bag of oats, cabbages, and rye. Bruin also carried a bag of onions. Bruins three Sons were Odger 20 years old and married expecting 3rd Son. Sten 19 years old and married expecting first Son, and the youngest Arne 18 unmarried and a virgin.

They gave greetings to their Uncle Ulf and he introduced them to Flynn. "Damn, Uncle your boy is just as beautiful as Fader's Kanin"!

"Is it true that we may spend a hour or two alone with one of these beautiful boy's Odger asked"?

Smiling because he knew each of his nephew's situations, Odger and Stern's wives were not only pregnant they are VERY pregnant. "Well Arne what about you do you want time with one of these light Elves"?

The three very large bearded men each picked out a boy that appealed to them. Odger's choice was Aiden a strawberry blonde angel with soft hazel eyes, he was 9 yo. Sten picked Sean who had answered the door. Sean was a beautiful 11 year old, with chestnut brown hair and green eyes and the reddest lips Sten had ever seen.

Arne was the shiest of the Son's of Bruin and still a virgin. He was definitely ready to fully embrace his manhood but was too shy to choose. Brendan saw Arne indecision and walked over to the teen and asked him if he would like to be with him? Brendan had long black curly hair, soft red lips, skin like porcelain and emerald green eyes. Arne smiled and asked him how old he was? "I am 10 seasons old and I have been with two men before, me own Da and a young Monk who liked to tie me up and hurt me"! Taking Arne's hand he led them upstairs.

************ To be continued in Chapter 7. The Night Wedding and Feast of Freyja.

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Next: Chapter 7

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