The Viking's Boy

By Mark McElroy

Published on Feb 9, 2021


This is a story of Ulf a Viking Chief, who growing tired of a complaining wife who does not enjoy the touch of a man, went looking for a boy to love and put in his wife place.

********** This story will contain descriptions of Gay sex between Adult Men and Underage Boys. If this type of thing offends you please leave the site now.

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************* The trip home was uneventful and smooth sailing. Ulf was seated besides the Navigator and had his arms around Flynn.

Olaf approached Ulf asking if they could talk?

"Certainly my friend, speak what's on your mind"? Ulf had taken note that Olaf and Conor had taken a instant attachment to each other.

"My Chief, I have served your family with my Sword and with my plow since I was a young man," Conor here and I have decided to be together"!

"Conor has explained your plans to have a pleasure boy's Lodge, I know your Fader's lodge is large enough and has plenty of rooms for privacy. If you are agreeable my lands can support the boy's Lodge with my crops and the boy's can help with the harvest".

"I will move into the lodge and act as Protector. In exchange my Fader's lodge is yours, I just want to share my bed with this fine young man"!

Ulf was pleased but he felt it necessary to caution Olaf "my friend I accept what you have proposed but by our customs you must marry and produce children so you will have heirs"!! In Old Norse as long as a man brought forth children, he was free to share his bed with either a concubine or a sex slave be it a female or a boy.

Ulf had a soster

living in his lodge whose husband had been killed by wolves. She was only a wife for a while and had bore no children. She had admitted to Ulf that she desired children, but didn't want a man pawing her like a animal. Astrid was indeed quite beautiful. She would produce handsome children with Olaf. As long as Astrid didn't expect to sleep in Olaf's bed he would have no objections to marriage.

A few days later they approached the coast on the Baltic Sea, locating the fjord inlet that would return them home. Flynn stood at Bow of Ulf's ship next to Conor. Ulf had taken the Navigation and the men were using the oars. The men were sweating profusely so Conor passed out woolen towels to each boy and they kept the men nice and dry. Even though it was Summer time sweat could still cause a chill so that was why Conor kept the men dry.

Soon the ships Dragon headed bow pointed to a fair large oaken dock with a large village. The oars were mounted and ropes were thrown to four older men, who secured the long boat to the dock and extended a wide plank bridge.

Ulf led the boys first to the guarded treasure house, and the gold and silver from the Monks Church and compound. Next he led them to his fader's lodge which had stood empty since the death of his fader. When his fader went Valhalla defending his village from a tribe from the land of the Nords lands further North his Moder and his Soster left this lodge and now live in his lodge.

Astrid the Fair came running and leapt into Ulf's arms, "Broder I give thanks to Njord Great God of the Sea. For bringing yourself home. Looking at Olaf bashfully, she said "heil og sael Olaf". Stunned Olaf returned the greeting.

Astrid looked down at Flynn and gasped "Broder have you snatched the Son of the Son of Thor"? Flynn took a instant liking to the beautiful lady, " my Da's name was Sean not Thor, he asked Ulf who's Thor"?

The siblings smiled at each other, Ulf knelt down and said quietly " Odin is the All-father, and is the ruler of the God's and Goddesse's of Asgard, and Thor is his Son and the defender of Asgard"!! "Thor's hair is the same color as yours, Conor there has the same color hair as Baldur the Fair"!! "When the snow is high, and the nights are long I will tell you and the boys the tales of the heroic God's of the Aesir and the fair God's of the Vanir"!

"Olaf the Lodge is yours there's plenty of wood for the cooking, Conor get the boy's fed and bedded down"!! "Astrid will you be kind and bring meat and breads from my lodge and give it to Conor he is in charge of the boy's, Olaf will help her and when the boys are bedded down for the night, you three come to me for I need to explain my plans"!!

Conor had built a large fire and prepared the meat stew with root vegetables from the Monk's larder. Then he and Astrid put 3 boys to every bed this lodge had 8 rooms plus the large room where Olaf and Conor would sleep on the main floor. As they had approached the great dock he saw beautiful multi colored grasses growing wild along the river in both directions. The Monk's had taught him how to weave baskets of all shapes and sizes, in turn he had taught the other boys the craft.

Astrid spoke to Olaf telling him she was going to her Broders lodge to help with the evening meal. Olaf asked one of the boys if he knew where Conor had slipped off to? The boy 8 years old and a Typical Irish tow headed beauty told Olaf, that Conor went down to the Rivers edge to see if the colorful river grass could be used for weaving.

Conor wasn't gone long and he had a bunch of river grass tied into a bundle. After giving the younger boys instructions to go to sleep he told them he was going to Ulf's lodge for the evening meal.

One of the boys appeared to be a natural story teller. They all gathered in front of the large fire pit laying on the floor while Sean told a story.

Olaf and Conor walked hand in hand to Ulf's imposing lodge. "Conor, Ulf wants me to take Astrid as my Mate and bear children with her, he assured me she has no desire to share my bed except to conceive"!!

They lingered and Conor asked "you are wondering if I would be jealous of the beautiful Astrid"? Conor embracing Olaf said "every Man has a right to have Son's and Daughters". "I will love you till the day I leave this world"! "Now kiss you big bear and let's go see Ulf and Flynn, making kissing sounds he added and Astrid"!!

Later seated at the great table Conor began weaving a small basket. Astrid observed the boy for a while but curiosity forced her to ask "Conor what are you doing"? "This is called basket weaving the Monk's taught me to make them and this basket was made from river grass in Eire, but this grass I gathered from your river is much prettier"! Conor asked Astrid to give him a few days and he would have a basket wove that she could use to carry just about anything.

Ulf and Flynn waited till Olaf and Conor excused themselves to go back to the Boy Lodge. Surprisingly Astrid was in favor of a lodge where the men of the village could go to receive sexual satisfaction. Quite a few women of the Village who had bore children, didn't want to lay down for their husbands anymore.

Astrid wanted children and she would submit to Olaf but just like Ulf's mate Inga she much preferred the soft touch of a woman. In fact it was the reason Ulf sought out a boy to love too. She went to Inga's chamber and let herself in without knocking Inga was removing her clothing and stepping into a large carved wooden bath. Steam rising off the water. Astrid quietly disrobes and stepping into the hot water, Inga held her arms open and Astrid settled down between the lady's legs. Taking a soft cloth Inga bathed Astrid, "So has Ulf arranged your engagement to mighty Olaf, will you bear his children"?

"Aye he and I are to be wed, Ulf has sent for the Priestess of Freya, she will be quite busy, Ulf plans on asking for a blessing on his union with the child Flynn, he is a vision with that hair and those eyes"!!

"My Ulf may people his bed with Thor's Goats for all I care as long as he leaves me alone, and after you birth a few children Olaf will leave you to me"!!

"My love he will leave me be after children because he only has eyes for that gorgeous blonde Conor"!!

In Ulf's chambers Flynn was stamping his little foot exclaiming he didn't need a stupid bath. Ulf just laughed at his little tantrum, picking Flynn up and kissing him, "I don't want to sleep with a stinky boy"!! He began tickling Flynn and before the giggling boy knew where he was Ulf sat down in his own tub.

After washing his boys body he asked Flynn to wash him. Paying close attention to Ulf's foreskin, making sure the head cheese was washed off.

Later after they had both dried each other off and they were in Ulf's very large bed, Ulf knelt in front of Flynn's little body and raised his little feet to his mouth. Licking the soles and gently sucking each toe in turn. Raising Flynn's colt like legs he kissed each leg and then he put them over his shoulders. Cupping each round butt cheeks he pulled them out and up effectively opening the beautiful pink star. Taking long licks he began eating Flynn's hole like he never had eaten Inga's pussy. He loved fucking Inga but a physically cold wife left him craving a appreciative touch. Flynn let him know he was pleasuring his little body.

Dipping his fingers into a jar of goose grease he coated his large cock, dipping a second time he spread and worked it in Flynn's beautiful hole. Knee walking up to either side of Flynn, who wrapped his legs around Ulf's waist as Ulf's cock slowly sank inside the deliciously tight boy pussy.

Flynn gripped Ulf's mellon size biceps remembered to breath deeply until after 10" inches slid inside. Flynn eyes rolled back and he moaned in lust, fukka me now my far fukka me hard.

Ulf smiled and leaned over and began kissing Flynn passionately. His hips pounding Flynn's hole with abandon. Ulf marveling over the sweet gripping, and squeezing muscles of his boy's ass. Sitting up Ulf changed the direction and located the boys love nut and fukking his cock in and out he felt Flynn's little ass gripping his cock in a dry climax. But Ulf's climax was far from dry, he began pumping hot thick cum inside his boy. If boy's could get pregnant, Flynn would have Ulf's son.

**************** To be continued in Chapter 5. Wedding and Hand fasting.

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Next: Chapter 5

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