The Viking's Boy

By Mark McElroy

Published on Jan 11, 2021


This is the story of Ulf a Viking Chief who made many raids on Eire women did not travel on the raids. Growing completely dissatisfied with his wife, besides treasure he was searching for one thing. *********** There will be descriptions of sex between Adult men and Underage boys, if these things offend you then please leave this site now. *********** Nifty has been a wonderful resource since the 1990's but they would appreciate a donation to ensure its continence. ***********

After Flynn had removed Ulf's outer garments all that separated the boy from Ulf's naked body was a woolen shirt that was long enough to reach his thighs.

Ulf stood up and pulled the long shirt over his head and dropped it on the chair. Scooping Flynn up into his arms he carried him over to the bed and sitting on the side.

Ulf stared into Flynn's eyes and lowering his head he gently touched his lips with his own. Flynn instinctively opened his mouth and Ulf moaned his tongue tasting the sweet mouth and marveling at the silk like interior. Flynn's little hand touching his cheek and running little fingers through Ulf's full beard.

Ulf pulled out of the kiss and said "you were what I came looking for, I could see you in my dreams at night, when I saw you today locked in that cell I knew Odin and Freya had answered me". "Smiling at Ulf he wanted to ask a question but was a little afraid the man wouldn't like it!

Ulf could tell by the way Flynn looked at him that he had a question but was afraid to ask, " Flynn I know you have a question but do not fear me okay"? "So ask your question and I swear I will answer"!

"Would you mind if I call you me Da"?

Throwing his head back laughing he said we don't use that word in Denmqrk, our children say fader when we are alone I would like you to call me Far in your tongue it means Daddy"! He stood up and put the boy in the middle of the bed, raising his slender hairless legs and starting with Flynn's adorable toes licking and sucking each toe. He licked all over each sole and thought if his little feet tasted like honey, he couldn't wait to find out what his cute little ass tasted like.

He slowly licked his way down the slender legs savoring every taste as if it was a new delicious discovery. Finally reaching the object of his desire the sweetest, pinkest hole he had ever seen. He slowly licked all around the hole without touching the hole itself, inhaling the sweet essence of pure boy.

Circling the hole he licked straight up and directly ran his tongue over the hole. The small boy's legs were trembling in his hands. Putting his tongue into a point he pressed it forward and slipped inside the boy, his mouth watering at the delicious taste he had found. Spending enough time to completely open up the now winking hole.

Flynn pointed out a small ceramic jar and picking it up Ulf discovered it contained a type of anointing oil he poured some on the boy's hole first rubbing it in the hole and making sure the sweet opening was oiled. Pouring some in his hands he slicked up his thick 10" inches drooling precum mixed well the oil. Placing the head against the hole, he told Flynn "you can bite down on the pillow if you want I will try not to hurt you"! Grinning Flynn replied "I am not afraid the Monk was planning on just forcing his inside me with no oil, but he had to flee and he threw me in the cell and the other Monk's had put all the boys in there saying if you didn't kill us when they returned they would be cause we were the Devil's spawn.

Ulf just shook his head and pressed his rock hard cock forward a inch at a time. He wanted the boy to enjoy it so he would crave the man's cock.

After what seemed a hour his pelvis pressed up against the boy's delightful bottom. He tested on his elbows trying not to put his full weight on Flynn's little body. Ulf began kissing the little nipples and raised both arms licking the boys sweaty pits. Flynn began pushing his bottom into the man's pelvis. Looking down he asked "are you sure little one"? "Yes Far do it now, it feels so nice"! Ulf slowly pulled his cock back and just as slowly pushed it back in. Every time he made the in and out, his cock felt like a virgin all over again.

Speeding up soon he was pounding the tightest hole he ever felt. "Oh Freya thank you for hearing my dreams and leading me to Him"!

Kissing and just loving each other they were in perfect joy, Flynn wrapped his legs around Ulf waist knowing he was being loved. He had never in his nine seasons ever felt this feeling from that man he called Da. Ulf had not hurt him and was angered his Da and Ma had turned him over to the Monk's to be used sexually and as a slave.

Ulf was staring in Flynn's eyes and they slowly rolled back and his back arched up, Ulf felt the tremor running through Flynn as he continued to thrust his cock in and out of the sweetest hole his cock had ever been in and that included the girl he lost his virginity too.

Ulf's cock didn't want this to end, but his balls were drawing up anyway it had been so long since he had felt like he wanted to cum. But he knew this was his boy now and this was the first of many, many times they would couple.

Pumping his cock in and out he felt Flynn's dry orgasm rack the boys body and felt his own cum blasting the boys guts with his very large load. So much cum was shot it was running down the boys upturned ass.

Pulling out he rolled over to the side of Flynn and lay upon the soft pillows. Satisfaction permeated every fiber of his body, his eyes closed savoring the past hour when he felt the little body snuggling up to his side, putting his arm around him and pulling close he turned his head and began kissing Flynn with his hand rubbing the boys back and running down to caress that beautiful and quite delectable bubble. "Flynn try to get some sleep, I'm going to check and make sure the sentries are posted. We're going home tomorrow and we need to resupply the ship." Kissing the boy on his lips he watched as the beautiful lashes fluttered closed.

He got dressed and walked downstairs, all the boys except for about six were huddled in the floor under covers. Walking to the main doors he opened and saw two guards posted and on the wall surrounding the monastery he obsessed two guards on either side of the closed gate. Looking at the two guards he asked "did you two choose a boy to return home with"?

"Aye Chief Ulf, all six of us did and six men inside are sleeping with their chosen ones"! "Excellent he said that leaves just how many boys unclaimed"?

"Including your boy and you're brothers boy a total of ten unclaimed boys"! "Does that include the oldest boy, the brave one who first spoke"? "Smiling fondly the guard you mean Lam"? " The tall good-looking sandy blonde"?

"Yes, he's the one I have a idea for the lot of them, come awaken me at sunrise, by the way where is my brother"?

"He took Conor up to one of the bed chambers about a hour after you went upstairs, he's probably still umm occupied with that little cutie"!

Smiling Ulf turned and started back upstairs pausing he told Leif, when you awaken me make sure you wake Bruin after you awaken me"!

The next morning dawned early and Ulf sensed as well as felt a strong hand shake his shoulder. Opening his eyes he looked over his shoulder and Magnus said " Sol is arising so I've come"!

"We'll be down in a few moments, will you ask the boys if they would make us first meal"?

"Them boy's don't wait to be told, they all got up and fixed food for all of us. It's waiting downstairs when you're ready, if you don't need the six of us we're going to catch some sleep"!

"I won't need you for a few hours so get some rest but be prepared I want to leave at low tide for home"! He turned to Flynn and kissed the bare shoulder turning the boys head woke him up with a kiss!

Flynn stretched and yawning widely trembled with the effort finally opening his eyes he grinned at Ulf, " good morning Far did you sleep well"?

"Yes I did and I enjoyed spending the night with you, I pray it becomes the first of many"! "Are you hungry min (my) Pusling ( cute small one)"?

"Starving my Lord, but I thought you might want to linger in bed for a few moments there is something I would like to show you"!

"Oh and by Freya what would that be hmm"? Flynn had only done this once on his elder brother but unlike his Da his brother didn't force him but his Da had seen anyway!

Pushing Ulf back to a reclining position he moved the man's legs apart and began licking the large ball's taking each one into his small mouth! Ulf gasped at the feeling, no one had ever put their mouth there. Flynn after bathing both balls moved to the hard as a stone cock.

Pulling the foreskin forward he pushed his tiny tongue inside lapping up the juices collected there. Ulf closed his eyes he couldn't believe how wonderful it felt. If he had been feeling warm thoughts about Flynn before he knew now that he was in love.

Flynn has been drooling over Ulf's hard cock and with the precum flowing he sucked down about five hard inches before it hit the back of Flynn's mouth making him gag slightly. He began bobbing up and down making sure he kept it away from the back of his throat. Ulf began pushing his hips in and out of the sucking mouth. Flynn saw Ulf's balls rise up on either side of the shaft and with a cry of "Oh God's" warm cum began flowing into Flynn's mouth. He knew what to expect because his brother had done the same thing.

Once it finally finished, Ulf's breathing slowed and he raised up on his elbows and looking at Flynn licking his lips asked, "Where in the name of Freya did you learn that"?

"From my elder brother but I was only able to try it once, because, Da saw and tried to hurt me but Donal saw him and yelled at him to stop and that woke up Ma and she gave me to the Monks telling them I was tempting Da to sin and I was a Sodomite"! "Ulf pulled Flynn to him and kissing him said "I'm happy that she did because now you belong to me"! "Let's go get something to eat"!

********* To be continued in Chapter 3, Voyage Home. Please don't forget to Donate to Nifty. Http://Donate.Nifty.Org/Donate.html

Next: Chapter 3

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