The Viking's Boy

By Mark McElroy

Published on Jan 11, 2021


This is a fictional story of Ulf a Viking Chief who made many raids against Eire. Vikings did not take their Women with them on Raids. ********** This story will contain discriptions of sex between men and boy's. If these things offend you please leave this site now. ************ Please remember Nifty and make a donation to help them to continue bringing us these stories.. ************ Ulf stood at the Bow of his long boat with the large sail with it's yellow and orange colors looked like Sun light.

Ulf was 30 seasons old and this was his first raid against the Island of Eire. Tall and muscular with sapphire blue eyes and hair the colors of yellow and red. He unlike his father had little use for women.

But he was a still a man after all and men had needs. He preferred the white buttocks of a lovely boy to the loose lips of a female. His 10" inch cock drooled out nectar just thinking of how tight a young boys ass could grip his hard cock.

Back home he had a wife and she was in charge of his lodge. She has bore him twin daughters, but no sons. He had a slave that he had bought when his wife was pregnant and at first the man was satisfying with his mouth. But his ass was as loose as his wife's cunt. So he resolved to find a boy on this raid and upon his return move his wife into her own chamber and put his boy in his bed.

His very good looking younger brother Bruin walked up and asked him "what are you expecting from the Raid , Ulf"? "You more than anyone know what I am after"! "I grow weary of a cold bed my cock has not been satisfied in a entire season"!

Sighing "I apologise brother I'm just so damn frustrated." Suddenly Bruin tensed and gripped my bicep exclaiming "look brother land!" Looking towards Sol I saw the first green hills of Eire.

Reaching the shore we landed on what would become known as Ulster. Armed to the teeth, Ulf dispatched two scouts to the village to see if they had defenses. Then he led his main force towards the Monastery he saw as they approached the shore.

It appeared that the strange Monks were unaware of the Vikings presence. The wooden gates were wide open and just like other Monasteries they had raided in Bretland they took from the people and gave nothing back. Often telling the people it was their Christian duty to take care of the Monks.

The warriors were through the Gates before they saw another person. Two old men sat and waited for the Vikings to approach. Standing up they informed them that the Monks had fled.

They were welcome to take anything they wanted. The Vikings stripped the Monastery of all the good and silver. Ulf heard weeping and following the sound he found himself in the dungeon. He couldn't believe his eyes the cell housed 20 naked Boy's. Ages ranging from 10 to 15.

"Why are you locked up? Have you committed a crime?" The oldest one stood up and "said we have broken no laws we are extras for the Monks?" Ulf must have shown confusion because the boy said our families already have Son's so they gave us to the Church to be Comfort boy's.

Ulf could not believe his ears. "You mean you sleep with the Monks?"

"And your family did this to show their devotion to your God?" "Yes my Lord, because extra son's are a burden for poor people"!

"Where are the keys for this cell"? The older boy pointed out the ring of keys on the wooden peg. Ulf opened the cell and released the boys! "Follow me" as he turned and strode back up the wooden stairs. Walking back into the dining hall he sat down heavily on a oak chair. Looking around the room he saw his men had stripped the room of everything of value. His brother walked in with a man that appeared to be the village leader.

"Bruin who is this and why isn't he dead"? Looking at the man with contempt Bruin said " he surrendered to me and begged me to let him speak to our Leader!

The man fell to his knees and waited for Ulf to speak first. Ulf was seated and said " Well what do you have to say?" The man looked up and began begging for the lives of his village, telling how the Monk's took everything and left when they saw your Sail.

"Before I give you my answer, I would like to ask you some questions"? "But I wonder if you will tell me the truth"? The man looked over and saw the naked boy's huddled together and the distaste he felt for them was evident on his face.

"I swear before my God I will answer your questions truthfully"! " Very well tell me is one of those boys your son? Or more"?

"Yes Lord one is of my loins, although I do not have any use for one such as he"! Ulf could feel his anger rising by the minute. "Which boy was yours"? Pointing out the only red headed boy there, "Flynn get your Sodomite arse over here Now"! The boy was trembling but he came forward and stood before Ulf, he even dared to smile at the Viking.

Ulf was looking at a beautiful vision of a boy. Just imagining the carnal delights the boy could give him, he felt his cock lengthing and filling with blood. The boy looked about 8 or 9 winters old. Reaching down Ulf and picked the boy up and settled him on his lap. "Did you like your father giving you to these men of God"?

The father opened his mouth to say something and before he could utter a word, Ulf growled "say one word and I will gut you like a fish"! Turning his head to the boy he just stared into the boy's eyes. Was it possible that he saw a flicker of love there?

"Would you like to be my boy"? The boy touched the Viking's face and asked " will you be nice to me and love me"? Ulf decided to be honest with the boy!

"I grow weary of my wife sharing my bed, she no longer pleasure's me".

" She constantly complains of even to touch me, she has given me two beautiful daughters who I love dearly and they will make fine wives someday".

"I came to Eire specifically to find you, I want you to return with me and become my Boy. In my Bed and my constant companion."

Waiting for the boy to decide he spoke to Flynn's father again " Do you have other son's"?

Puffing up his chest with obvious pride, he said three fine strapping son's, unlike this soft effeminate little Sodomite"!

"What does that mean, Sodomite"? He felt Flynn's little hand on his face turning to look at him, "it means I like pleasing a Man with my body"!

"Bruin fetch his son's here, is any of the men outside"? "Yes Ulf, ten of the men are waiting for orders, the others are putting the treasure on the ship"! "Send them to me I have something to offer them, oh Bruin would you like one of these boy's for tonight and or take home with you"? Bruin walked around the boy's looking and pulled one over to him. The boy was absolutely beautiful, raven haired, with sapphire blue eyes, a muscular build already evident, with creamy white skin, with the rounded bubble butt either men had ever seen. "Bruin looked at the boy and asked "what is your name"? "Conor sir he replied"! " Have you ever laid with a man, Conor"?

"Only one sir, the Chief Monk sir, but he wasn't very big". "Not big aye well I am would you like to find out"! Blushing like a bride the boy nodded excitedly. "Good you stand over there by Flynn and I shall return".

A short time later Bruin returned leading three strapping muscular young men. " Bruin please take the boys to the courtyard and tell the men to Ask if any boy would like to go home with them". "Oh and Bruin no man is to hurt any boy, if I find anyone mistreating any boy I will kill the one who does give them my warning. Tell them to try gentleness"!

Next Ulf looked in Flynn's eyes and said "tell me true did your brothers mistreat you"? Shaking his head no, "Flynn said only Ma and Da hates me, they tried to protect me from them"! Smiling at the three he stood up and carried Flynn in his arms and set the boy on his perfect little legs. " You three will live because you showed love and kindness to Flynn"! Smiling at Flynn the elder boy "said see little one I told you, you were lucky"!

Stepping forward the boy who spoke said our "Da and Ma are cruel people and have beat us for nothing and we endured but when he tried to fuck our baby brother we threaten to kill him"! "Will you take him with you,Sir"?

"If he stays Ma will try to kill him because Da wants him for his bed"!

"Yes I am taking him back to Danmqrk. Land of the Danes, where I will raise him and he will inherit my house"! "What of our Da what will you do with him"?

Ulf looked at the man and was surprised to see he was still defiant proud even for what he had planned for little Flynn.

Walking up to the man and starring in his eyes quietly slipped his dagger out and pushed it straight into his black heart. The light left the father's eyes and he fell to the ground.

Calling for Bruin he instructed him to throw the corpse outside on the trash heep. Then he turned to the boys and said "go to the village and tell them we will offer these children a place with our people if they want it"!

He sent his men with the brothers to bring back supplies for the return journey. Later after they had eaten Flynn took Ulf by the hand and led him to the head Monk's bed chamber. He asked Ulf to sit on a large chair and began removing Ulf's leather and sheep skin boots. Kneeling he unbuckled the large belt and put the Warriors sword and dagger on a table beside the big bed so it was within reach in case Ulf needed it.

********* To be continued in Chapter 2. Which will be Posted at the same time.

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