The Vacant Store Mystery

By Tony James

Published on Apr 29, 2018




Debbie, Beth, Megan, and I were chilling in the carport at the Blasdells place. The women were drinking tall glasses of ice cold lemonade while I had a equally icy beer. It was a hot day in the middle of summer and as always, I was shirtless. My prison sentence had been suspended for the summer. Prison is how I thought of high school. I would be a senior for the second year in a row when school resumed.

Megan was the one to ask The question. "hey Tony, have you ever thought about why that store across the street is always so dark and empty?" I shrugged. "Aims went under a long time ago. I figure they were just too lazy to tear the place down." Megan looked thoughtful. "Hmm, I wonder."

Beth took a gulp of her lemonade, before asking her daughter, "what is it?" Megan shrugged. "it's probably nothing, but Tony has been here for 8 and a half years and not a single peep from the Dastardly Doctors."

It was as if Megan had plunged all of us into a bath of ice cold water. A shadow seemed to pass across the sun. Debbie choked on her lemonade and Beth padded her on the back. All of the color had drained from Beth's face.

In contrast to everyone else, I was completely unruffled. Taking a gulp from my beer bottle, I calmly said, "I don't see the connection. Would you care to elaborate?" Megan took a fortifying sip from her glass before continuing. "Well, The Dastardly Doctors were almost apoplectic with rage after you exposed the plot to take over the city with animatronic zombies 7 years ago. I just thought maybe they would be very keen to get even."

It was Debbie who spoke up this time. "Megan, what Tony was asking is what is the connection between the empty store and The Dastardly Doctors?" Megan shrugged again. "maybe they're not in jail anymore. Maybe they're using Aims as a secret hideout. I mean if you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Nobody would suspect and abandoned store to be the secret hideout of 2 notorious criminals. Plus, they would be in an ideal position to keep an eye on their arch enemy."

I snickered. "I think you are giving them way too much credit. I mean, there're not completely stupid, but they're not exactly rocket scientists either. How dumb do you have to be to operate a hostile take over from your own home? Even if the hostile takeover in question was done with animaTronic zombies."

My friends conceded that I had a point. "all it took was one blast from my 44 Desert Eagle to expose the deception." Debbie commented. "One blast destroyed the metal skull of the zombie that was chasing us." I made my fingers into a gun. "Gaboom! Bye bye zombie." Beth nodded. "all of the zombies had been networked together so when Debbie destroyed 1 of them, they all ceased functioning." "when the police got a hold of one of the zombies, they discovered a hard drive built into its chest with the operating system data, but also a whole bunch of personally identifying info. Names, phone numbers, addresses, that kind of thing. Not exactly the kind of data you want to fall into the paws of the cops if you are planning to take over the city." All 4 of us chuckled.

The women finished their lemonade then took their leave. I returned to the house and resumed reeding Dean Koontz's Frankenstein. It was a complete reimagining of the original tail. Later that night I was in bed trying to sleep, but I couldn't help think about Megan's question. It was odd that the dastardly doctors had been silent for so long. They had managed to avoid serious jail time because of a technicality. The arresting officers had failed to read them their memorandum rites and because of this, the lawyer they had hired had managed to get them off. I will say one thing for the gruesome twosome, they were extremely rich. They were not the softest most cuddly puppies in the whole litter, but neither were they the corsest. What if they had set up shop across the street? They were the ones who sent me here after all. Maybe they had a reason for doing so. They knew perfectly well that I had hated leaving the hospital and being thrown into the arms of virtual strangers. They had one primary goal as far as I could tell, to keep me occupied and out of their way.

My imagination begin to weave a web who's threads consisted of both real and imagined crimes on the part of these two crooks. Dr. W had attempted to steal my Caribbean Sea funds way back when I was first incarcerated in the hospital. Debbie and I had trapped and exposed him. Babs had ordered that I b placed on a medication which they claimed was to treat osteoporosis, but in reality was a moderate sedative. They had both conspired to have a G-tube implanted in my tummy ostensibly to fatten me up since I was malnourished. I had discovered the previous year that the seemingly innocuous piece of hardware had in fact contained a tiny tracking device. They may not have been rocket scientists, but looking back I had to admit they knew how to keep me wrapped up in so many chains that I could not cause them trouble. I finally drifted off to sleep still thinking about the gruesome twosome.

Seconds later, or so it seemed, I woke up abruptly as a powerful beam of light shone through the window. Squinting in the intense light, I swung myself out of bed and into my chair. Rolling myself over to the window, I brushed aside the curtain and gazed out. My window faced the abandoned store and therefore it afforded me an excellent view. I yelped as another burst of light seemed to poke me viciously in both eyes. Cursing I jerked back and rubbed my outraged eyes. Reaching out with one paw, I searched blindly for my shades. I found them on my nightstand within a few seconds. I shoved them onto my face without a moment to spare. The very second they were in place, A third beam of light shot from the direction of the abandoned store. Armed as I was with my shades, I could see that the source of the bright illumination seemed to be a spotlight. It blinked rapidly for a few seconds then went dark.

I felt a shiver of excitement climb the rungs of my spine. Something was definitely going down over there and I was determined to find out what. I moved away from the window and got dressed. Not for the first time, I lamented the fact that I could not go outside naked. Silly legislators.

Once I had pulled on my shorts and shoes I stuck my Iphone in my pocket and rolled out of my bedroom. The house was dark and silent. I new that mine was the only bedroom on the ground floor. I had also learned that the Blasdells were very heavy sleepers. They could sleep through anything including a tornado. Nevertheless, I chose to be stealthy. Well, as stealthy as you can when you're in a wheelchair. In spite of the shades, my night vision was still excellent so I was able to reach the front door without crashing into or knocking over anything. The front door was never locked so I pulled it open and rolled over the threshold.

The cool night air felt great against my bare torso. I rolled down the ramp and proceeded to the end of the Blasdells driveway.

I looked both ways before crossing the street into the parking lot of the dead business. All seemed deceptively quiet now. The store stood as ever cloaked in darkness. Rolling up to the window I peered in. All I could see was the silhouettes of empty shelves. Rows and rows of them receding from me until they faded into the shadowy depths of the store. No sign of life.

Reaching into my pocket, I retrieved my phone. After unlocking it with touch ID, I placed a facetime call to my sexy boyfriend. I knew that he would not be asleep at this early hour.

Sure enough, after only a few rings, his angelic face appeared on my phone's screen. He looked just as delicious as ever with those astonishingly blue eyes and that shiny blond hair. He was the hotest boy in school. All the girls were wild for him and the gay boys were too. He was a few years younger then me at 16, but that never bothered us.

Dushane smiled when he saw me. "Hey ya Tigger. What's down?" Hastily I warned him to keep his voice low. He winked and sed in a whisper, "is my Tigger lonly? Does he need some lovin'?" I rolled my eyes. "seriously, that's the best you can come up with?" Dushane smirked. The angle suddenly changed and I saw that Dushane was naked. The hard muscles of his torso made my mouth water and my dick to jump to full attention. His package was drool worthy as well. I rubbed my cock through my shorts, wishing it was his mouth.

Dushane's face reappeared and he was grinning now. I scowled at him. "U no what seeing u like that does to me." Dushane chuckled wickedly. "Of course I no. Dat y I do it."

Rubbing my dick again I sed, "just great, I have a situation here and I'm as hard as a rock." Dushane's grin faded a little and his tone changed from playful to serious. "R u ok? What's wrong?" Quickly, I explained the situation including Megan's suspicions. When I finished, Dushane was on his feet his face the epitome of determination. "don't go nowhere. I'll be there in two shakes of a puppies tail." "don't forget to put clothes on." I teased. "I love you like that, but I don't think the rest of society is ready for it yet." He pouted. "really? He sighed regretfully. Damn, I guess I can put my clothes on. Whatever my Tigger wants, Tigger gets." Even as he spoke he laid the phone down and started pulling on jeans without bothering with his boxers first . He tucked a T-shirt over his head. "Meet me in the parking lot of Aims."

After I terminated the call, I sat waiting. My dick was still throbbing, but I forced myself to ignore it. Gradually my Boner went down and by time Dushane's rattletrap of a car pulled in it was completely flaxid once more. Dushane parked his 2000 mini van a few spaces over and killed the engine. It coughed a few times before dying.

The driver's door swung open and Dushane unfolded his 6 foot frame from behind the wheel. In addition to his blue eyes and blond hair, I loved his cafe-au-lait skin and football player physique. He was built like the rock of Gibraltar.

Dushane glanced around. "Psst,". I waved him over.

Hurrying to my side he bent and kissed me on the cheek. "What's happening?" "Nothing yet, but a little while ago I saw some bright flashes from over here." Dushane peered through the window. "I don't see nothin." He complained. "let's circle the property." I suggested. "You're the boss." Dushane whispered with a wink. My stud pushed me so I could have both paws free to operate my phone. I had switched on the flashlight function and was shining it into the store. We still didn't see anything interesting until we got to the back. "Hold up!" I hissed as we reached the corner leading to the rear parking lot.

In contrast to the front parking lot which have been completely empty, The rear parking lot contained 2 cars both Mercedes SL 500s.

Dushane whistled quietly. "Sweet rides. I wish I could afford a set of those wheels." I nodded. "pretty fishy isn't it? Who do you know who can afford one of the tires never mind The entire vehicle." He shrugged. "No one from school dat's for sure." "Exactly." I agreed. "there are only two people that I know of who can afford these wheels." Dushane issued a growl that would make a mastiff proud. "The Dastardly Doctors." I nodded in agreement.

I felt Dushane's grip tighten on my wheelchair. He growled low in his throat. If those maniacs r here let me at them." I reached back and covered his paw with my own. "Down boy. Let's check the sceen out."

Before we could move, a semi truck pulled in to the lot a dozen spaces over. It's headlights would've been blinding had we not been wearing our shades. The diesel engine puffed for a few more seconds then it died with a disgruntled grumble. We watched from the shadows as the driver swung down from the cab and approached the rear double doors. They slid open and the driver vanished inside.

"Hotdamn," dushane whispered. "let's check out the truck." I urged and my fearless boyfriend enthusiastically agreed.

We approached the truck cautiously. As we grew closer, faint sounds reached us. "What is that?" I murmured. "sounds like...". Dushane cocked his head. "sounds like dogs. A lot of them."

We had reached the back of the truck and now I could hear them too. Faint whimpers from within the cargo hold. Dushane marched up to the bay doors and tested them. Finding them unlocked he boldly flung them open. I caught my breath. Filling the huge space from floor to ceiling were dozens of cages. From within each cage a sad furry face gazed out at us.

Dushane swore loudly. If I ever get my paws on whichever maniac did this, they will need crutchs." I was equally affected. I loved doggys and I had a shrewd idea who was behind this. Before I could stop him, Dushane had scrambled inside the truck and had scooped out a little terrier. He cradled the little animal cooing softly to it. "Don't be scared little guy. No one ain't going to hurt you no more. You're safe with uncle Dushane."

I found the scene very touching. My big stud cradling a tiny dog in his massive arms. The dog looked into Dushane's face with trust shining from its eyes. As I watched, the dog licked Dushane's cheek. Hastily, I held up my phone and snapped a picture.

My phone flashed briefly illuminating the interior of the truck . The spell broke. "hey, what you punks doing with my truck?" The angry voice made me jump. As one, the dogs stood in their cages and growled. Their teeth were bared and I was sure they wanted nothing better than to attack their tormentor. Dushane smiled coldly. "We're not the punks, you are." In a clear voice Dushane sed, "truck, release the dogs." Simultaneously, all 100 or so cage doors swung open. The dogs rushed out.

The hapless truck driver screamed as he was buried under an avalanche of dogs. Every imaginable breed and color descended like a vengeful title wave. Dushane and I watched dispassionately as the dogs licked and nipped playfully at the driver. The man was beyond screaming now although his mouth was still stretched wide and his eyes were popping.

"what the hell is going on here?" An angry voice startled the pack and they retreated. I looked up to see The one and only Dr. W marching up to us. He scowled down at the driver. "Lester, why are all these dogs out of the cages? The fights are not scheduled to begin until much later. I specifically told you not to release the dogs until I gave my say so."

Dushane hopped down from the truck and loomed menacingly over the doctor. when he spoke, his voice was an angry growl. "Dr. W I presume?" Dr. W scowled up at my chocolate honey bunny. "Who wants to know?" Dushane stepped back to stand next to me. He gently lowered the little dog to my lap. I petted it as Dushane resumed his former position. Placing a large paw on each of the doctor's shoulders, Dushane sed, "i'm asking the questions around here. I advise you to answer." Dr. W seemed to shrink a little. He let out a little squeak of frite. "now, are you or are you not the Dr. W of whom I've heard so much?" Dr. W nodded and confirmation. "you have a sidekick just as twisted as you are." Dushane stated. "where is she?" Dr. W gulped. Dushane squeezed his shoulders. "if you don't want me to squeeze the answer out of you you will tell me in five seconds." Dr. W squeaked again. "she's in the store getting things set up. Please let me go."

Dushane lifted the little man and deposited him in the truck. "Tony, call the cops. I'll flush the little wench out."

I dialed the number for the Collins Pd. I quickly and efficient Lee explain the situation to the desk Sergeant as my bad boy strolled confidently into the store. A few minutes later he reappeared carrying a petite woman with raven hair. He deposited her next to her accomplice. "now you 2 be a good little boy and girl and wait for the cops." To ensure that they obeyed Dushane swung shut the bay doors and locked them.

It wasn't five minutes later a Collins pd car pulled in. Two officers exited the vehicle and walked up to us. By this time Dushane and I were surrounded by dogs all vying for our attention. We greeted the officers cheerfully. "The purps r in the truck."

The officers raised their eyebrows as they moved to the truck. When they open the doors, the dastardly Doctors fell out almost crying with relief. "oh thank you! Thank you for rescuing us!" They cried. The officers were in passive. "you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney during questioning. If you cannot afford and attorney, One will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rites which have been explained to you?"

Realizing that they have been defeated once again, the gruesome twosome hung their heads. "we understand." They said in two part harmony. "do you wish to have an attorney present??" Again in unison, The gruesome to some declined.

The officer who had spoken identified himself as officer Delaney proceeded to ask them about the truck and the dogs. They explained that they were hoping to raise funds by hosting dog fites within the shell of Ames." "nobody wanted this dump so we figured we would make a profit." Dr. W explained. He shot a venomous look in my direction. "we didn't count on this brat screwing up our plans again. Dushane took a step forward. "don't dis my fluffy tiger. He's told me all about you. You have an ego as big as the Grand Canyon is deep and your schemes get ever more elaborate."

Officer Delaney stepped between the two men. "take it easy there son." He told Dushane. "We've got this." Dushane scowled but contented himself with giving the Dastardly Doctors the finger as they were led away by the other officer. "what are we going to do about all these dogs?" I asked him. He brightened. "we've always wanted a dog. Why not take them home with us?" I chuckled. "I don't know about your parents, but the Blasdells would definitely not appreciate me bringing home a hundred dogs. Dushane's face fell. "oh yeah, I forgot about that." I handed the terrier over to my man wow I dialed the number for the local SPCA. When somebody answered I explained the situation to them and they agreed to come collect the dogs.

We spent the few minutes it took petting the dogs. Several wanted to play fetch and we were happy to oblige them. "They don't seem to be traumatized by the experience." I commented to Dushane. "Nah a dog's love his pure. They don't usually hold grudges."

Just then, a large truck with SPCA stenciled on the side pulled into the parking lot and the dogs shot over to investigate. Two young men got out and nelt among the pack. Dogs were barking, licking, and begging to have their ears scratched. The two young man obliged happily.

After 5 minutes, they rose to their feet and began ushering the dogs into the truck. They went willingly.

After The last dog was secure, the young men approached. Having surrendered the little terrier, my boyfriend had settled me on his lap. We watched the animal rescue men draw closer. They held out their hands. We shook them. Up close, I realized that they were virtually identical in appearance. Wavy dark hair, bright green eyes and very kissable lips. "hi, my name is Daniel and this here is my brother Samuel. I assumed that you two are the boys who called us?" "Yes, I called you. We just busted a dog fighting ring." Daniel and Samuel both looked impressed. "A dog fighting ring? No shit?" "No shit." I confirmed. Daniel and Samuel shook their heads in amazement. "well, I'll be scrappy's grand dog!" They bowed in unison. I giggled. "we must be going now, but you bruffas take care." Dushane squeezed me affectionately. "don't worry, I'll take care of this plucky little tiger when we get back to my place." The twins grinned knowingly as they turned and walked away.

Dushane stood and carried me to his rattletrap. Gazing over his shoulder after the twins, I whistled softly. "Damn, their hot." I could feel the chuckle rumble in my boyfriend's chest. "would you like to invite them over? We've never tried a foursom. Mite b fun."

I perked up. "Can we? Ooh what fun." We had reached the rattletrap and Dushane patted my ass before lowering me into the passenger seat. "we can do whatever you want." First let's get home. I'm starving."

He crossed over to the driver's side. Once he was buckled in I rubbed my crotch. "I got some food for you right here baby. No need to go home." Dushane reached over and rubbed. I was hard and throbbing again. My silly boyfriend pretended to consider. He squeezed and stroked my length. "I don't know, that little white boy dick might not be enough to fill me up." I moaned with pleasure. "if you don't cut that out, i'm going to cream in my shorts."

Dushane unzipped my shorts and pulled out my dick. The head glistened with precum." He began stroking it. "O yea. Stroke dat dick."

Dushane took his hand away and I whimpered. Before I could ask him what he thought he was doing he was out of the van and opening my door. He scooped me out and lay me down on the backseat. Once he was sure I was comfortable he bent and took my entire shaft into his mouth. I gasped out in delight. He went up and down sucking and licking. Quickly, he undid my belt and button. Pulling my shorts down he played with my balls. Removing my dick from his mouth he took 1 of my balls into his mouth and sucked it while stroking my dick with his large paw. I was loving it. "O shit Dushane you no how to make me feel it. Don't stop! I'm so close."

Dushane switched balls never losing his rhythm on my dick. I was thrusting my dick as best I could. Precum drooled all over his paw.

I panted as my climax built. As if he was a mind reader, Dushane released my ball and swallowed my dick again. I grunted. "damn boy, that feels so good. I want to pour my seed down your throat." Dushane hummed in agreement. I lost it.

Grabbing the sides of his hed I held him still while I thrust into his mouth. "O fuck yea. O fuck yea! Take my cum. Dushane sucked hard on my dick. It jumped in his mouth as it fired blast after blast of my juice down his throat.

It seemed to take forever, but finally I was spent. Dushane cleaned me up like a good boy. I was breathless when I said, "oh shit, that will be a memory for the books. My first BJ in the back of the van. My boyfriends van no less." Dushane grinned up at me. I noticed that he still had some of my juice on his lips. I pulled him up for a kiss and tasted myself on him. Breaking our kiss, Dushane remarked, "that was very fun, but I think we should get your shorts back on and go back to my place before we get arrested for some jumped up charge." "but I didn't get to do you." I whimpered reaching for the zipper of his jeans.

Dushane growled and slapped my hand away. "if you touch me, I will for sure shoot my load into my jeans. I don't want to do that,." He gave me a mischievous smile. "I want to come deep inside you." In spite of the fact that I just came not 5 minutes ago, I felt my dick stiffening again. Dushane bent and kissed my shaft. Pulling up my shorts, he patted my crotch and sed, "you must learn patience young one." It was my turn to growl. "Fuck up nigga. You do with the white boy tells you to do... and you will enjoy it."

Laughing now, Dushane transferred me to the front seat. "if I'm a nigga, what does that make you?" Without missing a single beat I said, "i'm your overseer naturally. I'm here to make sure you stay on task. "in your dreams white boy." We were both giggling like fools now. Dushane started the engine and we pulled out of the parking lot. I rubbed my dick as I imagined all of the exciting things to cum

Dushane drove like a contestant in the Indy 500. Fortunately, there was no other traffic on the road. The whole way, I kept my paw in his lap, gently squeezing and stroking his dick whenever it started to go down. I even nuzzled it with my sniffer a couple times. A wet spot was growing steadily as Dushane's dick drooled.

We screeched into his driveway and with a growl, Dushane grabbed me and pushed my head toward his huge denim clad cock. " suck it bitch!" Without a word, I unzipped his fly and pulled his E Normas cock out. The 10 inch fuck stick was covered with pre-come and I happily licked it off. Dushane groaned. " that's it boy. Taste my juice."

I held my breath and lowered my mouth over his shaft until I had him buried into my mouth balls deep. I unfastened his jeans and pulled them open. Reaching inside, I played with his large balls. Dushane was panting and fucking my mouth. I moved up his shaft until only the head of his dick rested in my mouth. I sucked on it hard and Dushane swarm very loudly as he irrupted in my mouth. I loved the taste of his cum. It fired in my mouth. My boyfriend had always been a heavy cummer and this time was no exception. His dick unloaded at least nine or 10 shots before his climax subsided. When the explosion finally ended several seconds later, I kept his juice in my mouth and went up for a kiss. My stud was still recovering from his climax, but he kissed back when my lips touched his. When his lips parted, I slipped him some of his own load. .

Dushane purred as we kissed. When the kiss finally ended, we each gulpped what was left of Dushane's load. "Damn boy, u give the best head." Grinning, I patted his flaxid cock. " now were even."

A mischievous look came over Dushane's face. He put his paw in my lap. I felt myself stiffen. " you do know dat I gone have this lil white dick buried balls deep in my ass tonite."

My breathing became heavier as Dushane begin to move his paw up and down on my shaft. " I guess that can be arranged."

Dushane squeezed my pole through my shorts. " let's go inside and go to bed." I grinned. " i'm not sleepy." Dushane chuckled. "Neither am I." He leaned over and ran his lips over my jaw. " I just thought it be more comfortable in the backseat." He moved his paw over my crotch. " if you would prefer the backseat to my bed that's fine." His lips blazed a path down my neck. " either way, that little white boy dick is gonna be in my ass tonite."

I shuttered as Dushane took my nipple into his mouth. "I think...your bed... would be more comfortable." I gasped as Dushane unzipped my shorts and started petting my puppy. Raising his head from my chest, Dushane said, " I knew you were a smart boy."

Dushane wiggled out of his jeans and threw then in the back. He shoved his door open and exited. When he had crossed over to The passenger side and opened my door I whistled. My stud stood framed in the doorway and he was one hot site. Dressed Dushane was amazing. Naked he was hot as a volcano. Half naked he was every gay boy's wet dream.

Dushane grinned knowingly. He spread his legs and struck a pose. "See something you like?" My hand went to my hard dick and stroked it. " if we don't get into the house within the next five minutes, we're gonna have to settle for the backseat." Dushane slapped my hand away. "Bad boy! That cock is my toy." He lifted me out and carried me to the house. I smiled up at him. I knew I was in for a very long, very hot nite.

Sé onr sverdar sitja hvass! May your swords stay sharp! (ancient language Phrase from inheritance cycle)

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