The Urinal

By Joseph Farrin

Published on Jan 20, 2004


Gees, I can't believe it, here I'm toying with writing another chapter to this story - something I never intended doing but more guys responded to the original story than to any story I have written. If you didn't read the original story it is in Nifty's Archives under Gay Encounters - I mention this, as I don't know if I have the smarts to make this a stand-alone story and have it make sense.

So, let's get started. I'm going to turn the room light out, drop my pants and play with my cock as I write; hope you horned up jocks do the same thing when you read it. Haven't had too much experience with poppers but would sure like to sniff some right now - they make me feel like I'm flying, especially when I'm sucking on some dude's cock and about to get him to shoot his load. Wonder if they'd make my story fly, too?

The restaurant was busier than I imagined a restaurant could be between the hours of Midnight and 8:AM, which were the hours that I worked. By the way, I got promoted to waiter instead of being a bus boy. At midnight, people came in from the movie theaters. Around 2 AM bars were kicking guys out because they had to close and the guys drifted in here. Then by 5 AM the early morning, breakfast crowd started. Some people ate breakfast early as commutes could be horrendous in LA - it was over a hundred miles between the North and South edges of the metro area.

One morning around 3:30, which was a slack time, a waitress and I were sitting at the counter having a piece of pie and drinking coffee. She handed me a paper someone had left and said there was an apartment for rent ad that I might be interested in. The ad was for a 2 room apartment with a shared bath down the hall - I guessed it was probably an old hotel but I was interested as it just couldn't be as bad as the converted garage I lived in.

I took the bus, got off at a corner stop for the block where the address was located. The street number turned out to be an Adult Book Store and Video Arcade called "Dreamland". I thought the address was a misprint and went in to see if the clerk could clue me on where it might be. The clerk's name was John; he told me there was no mistake, the apartment was upstairs. He hollered to someone in the next room to take over the cash register and went upstairs with me. There were 5 units all with two, large rooms each - a combination kitchen and dining room plus a combination living and sleeping room. It wasn't too bad. The bed was a single bed with a fitted, corduroy cover and pillows. The shared bath was clean and had both a walk- in-shower and tub. There were 2 toilets in separate rooms opening off the hall on each side of the bath. John explained all the tenants were men and he saw me gulp when he quoted the price, but I knew everything in the way of apartments was priced higher than a whore's skirt when she was selling her ass on the street.

John said he could reduce the rent substantially if I wanted to work. I told him I was only 18, and didn't think that, legally, I could work in Dreamland if that's what he had in mind.

He took me back downstairs, and we walked around to the alley where there was a back door. He opened it with a key, showed me there was a panic bar on the inside - no need to have a key to exit. We were in an old, but quite nice, tiled bathroom with a shower in the tub, washbasin and toilet. He told me the only other door in the bath opened into a booth in the arcade - an extreme rear, corner booth.

John says, "What's your name kid?"

"Joey, it's a nickname for Joe!"

"I know that, Joey; OK, here is what I want to explain to you. You need a key to enter this room; you don't need a key to exit. Pointing to the door leading to the booth, he said pull on that door and it opens, push on the other side and it opens - it has a roller type of catch to keep it closed. It is the only way into that room." John opened the door and we were into a 3ft. wide by 5ft. long booth, painted black with a 4 inch circular hole in the far wall, just the right height for a man to stick either his cock or his whole genital package through.

"Joey, do you know what this room is." In all honesty, I didn't but at the same time I knew what the hole was for because it was just like a hole in a toilet partition. "Not really, you better tell me, is this where I'd work?"

"It is. On the other side of that hole is an identical booth with a TV monitor that shows porno films when money is put into a slot below the monitor. The booth opens into the hall in the arcade. Guys come in here, select a gay or straight video, whip out their meat and jack off. They come here to get off. I want you to help them shoot a load - you see, a lot of them like their cocks sucked while they watch the videos. So let's get out of here and go down to the corner convenience store and grab a cup of coffee."

We took our coffees outside and sat on the curb on the side street.

"John, I guess you want me to be a sort of an in-house cocksucker."

"You're a bright kid, Joey. Have you ever sucked cock before?" I told him about the toilet in the library park, which was wasn't too far from the arcade. How I loved sucking cock and the fact that I was gay.

"Shit, you sound like what I've been looking for. What hours can you work? I'd like you to be in the booth between 4:30 and 6:30 PM - the start and finish of the rush hour for commuters on their way home." I told him those hours were perfect.

"What's your attitude toward sucking cocks? You might get a glimpse of a few guys as they come into the booth. The customers tend to leave the doors open, so you might even get a fairly good look.

What I'm trying to say is that, for the most part, though, the cocks are anonymous. And they're all sizes - some not too exciting.

In 2 hours I'd expect you to suck a lot of cock, possibly as many as 10 or 12. What about it, can you handle that?"


"Don't give me any crap Joey or I'll toss you out in a minute."

"I'm not. At the park I had a lot of regular customers. I'm a good cocksucker and I swallow."

"No, Joey, no. I don't want you to swallow. I don't have a right to expect that. Regulars are great, though, if you can develop them - they are good for business.

Back to swallowing, surely you know when a guy's about to shoot. Just wrap your hand around his shaft and jack him off. I don't know what everyone likes, but, personally, I don't like a thumb on the bottom and one or two fingers on top my shaft when I'm being jacked. I like to be masturbated with a hand wrapped around my shaft."

"Let's wind this up, Joey. I want to tell you that between every two booths there is a glory hole. But during the rush hour the customers wanting sucked outnumber the customers who suck. I'm going to take you back down the alley and let you in the bathroom; later on I'll give you a key. After you've sucked two cocks, just leave and come around to the front door.

I waited, kneeling in front of the glory hole, until the door opened and some guy came in. I got just a long enough look to know it was John because the partitions between the booths and the corridor didn't go clear to the ceiling so there was some light. John looked through the hole, unzipped his pants and pulled out his flaccid, cut cock along with his balls. I started on his unshaven balls, not my favorite kind, as you tend to get pubic hairs in your mouth and they're a bitch to get rid of. By the time I got to his cock it was no longer flaccid - it was at least 7 inches of erected, cut cock. I sucked him to climax.

John flipped and wiped off the small amount of cum that remained on his cockhead, zipped up and left. Almost immediately the door opened again. As John had explained the cock was anonymous, but, I must tell you, it was, for damn sure, not small. It was 8-1/2", already hard and shoved through the hole without the balls. It was high on my list of my favorite types of cocks and I threw myself wholeheartedly into giving the guy a good head job.

Back at the cashier's stand, John introduced his father. He said his father was John, too, but the customers referred to his dad as Caddie because he drove a Cadillac and they called him Little John. He asked me to move in and start working at 4:30.

Caddie took me to my digs and helped me load stuff up. The landlord saw us and came out wanting to know what going on. Caddie asked me when I'd paid the rent and I told him on first day of the month (a week ago).

Caddie asks the landlord if he didn't think he should refund three weeks rent to me. The landlord was furious.

"Hell no! He didn't give me 2 weeks notice."

"Too fucking bad. Did you give him 2 weeks notice when you wanted him to give you head? Joey says there was no written agreement. Do you want to see us in small claims court to settle this?"

The now ex-landlord went back into the house and returned with three-fourths of the month's rent money I had paid him.

On the way back, in the car, Caddie said, "Joey, I don't know what Little John arranged with you, but if you work 2 hours a day, Monday through Friday, the rent is free." You give terrific head!" I knew, then, Caddie was the guy with the big cock.

"Oh, and if you want to shit, shave, shower and shampoo in that first floor bathroom it's OK. It is a leftover from before I bought the property and from a different building usage. And, another thing, you don't have to suck any guy's dick you don't want to suck. Some guys frequent the place that no one in their right mind would suck; they smell and their cocks stink. You just use your own, good judgment. Then, too, once in a while some guy will want to suck you - that's up to you. Then some guys might try to get you to stick you cock in the hole and they'll try to stick it up their ass. Don't let them unless you've got a condom and like that stuff. As for me I'm a cock man."

That afternoon at 4:30 when I went into the bathroom and on in to my very own, private, cocksucker's booth I thought about what Caddie had told me and I was glad that he had because it made me feel a little more easy about the job. The longer I stayed the more my eyes became accustomed to the semi-darkness. And, the light from the TV monitor provided even better illumination when a guy came in and put in money to make it work.

To jump ahead of the story, I'll tell you guys now, in case you've never been in an adult video arcade, all the potential tricks go through a routine, much the same, but a little different, than the guys at the urinal in the library park. After the screen comes to life, they flip through the channels to find what is going to turn them on, like two lesbos, two guys, a guy fucking a cunt, a guy getting a blow job from a gal, a guy eating a pussy (why do they call it sucking cock but eating pussy? If anybody knows I wish they'd tell me). The reason I know what was on the screen is because sometimes after a guy shot his load he'd just zip back up and leave, eventhough the video was still running and I'd squirm around so I could watch it though the glory hole.

Shit, I'm getting way off track. Anyway, once a guy settled on a video that would turn him on he'd unzip, flip out his cock and start stroking. After a few minutes, he'd look at the hole and see my eye or my finger, which was a signal for him to stick his cock into the hole if he wanted a blowjob. Unless you're too fucking young to be reading this story, you know what happens next. He sticks either a soft cock through the hole to be sucked up, or a hard one to be brought to climax and, usually, as quickly as possible, because he's been jacking and climax is almost urgent for him.

After I'd tossed off a few cocks, a guy doesn't bother to shut the door when he leaves. Holy shit, I couldn't believe the number of men milling around in the corridor. That really turned me on - here I was 18 and a dumb kid from Wyoming who had come to California because I was gay and here I am - an in-house cocksucker in an adult porno arcade. And, there were a ton of men in the same building, all hot, all waiting for a booth to become empty, some single guys, no doubt, but a lot of them probably married, too - the only common denominator was they all had hot nuts and needed to shoot a wad and shoot it before they left and walked out the door to the street. The next guy that shoved his cock through my hole got his dick sucked off with an enthusiasm he'd probably never experienced before.

Then it happened. I looked at my wristwatch and it was the end of my shift, but the door to the adjacent booth was open to the corridor and I saw this guy standing in the hallway. Holy fuck but he was a looker. Young - real young - like a college student. I looked him over from head to foot. He was clean cut, had a crew hair cut, fair skin, blue eyes and was wearing blue jeans, a dress shirt without tie and a grey sports coat. His shoes were dark blue sneakers that were both long and narrow. For that dude, I'd work overtime.

I was almost praying that he'd come into the booth. Then he left, and just as I was about to give up, he comes back and walks directly into the booth. He selected a foreign film (In the film, a guy comes up out of a subway exit and walks down a narrow, side street. A lot of guys are standing against a wall ogling him and one guy even flips his dick at him.) At that point, the young dude in the booth bends down, looks through the hole, unzips and offers me his cock.

When he did that, and I saw his beautiful, young manhood, I instantaneously realized that, despite the somewhat sordid surroundings, despite the large number of men milling around all perverted to some degree, the very fact that this beautiful, young man was taking the most private part of his anatomy out of his pants and was showing it to me was an unspoken, yet beautiful form of communication men had between themselves. The guy was telling me he wanted to have sex with me. I found it a very intimate thing.

There was no mistaking his unspoken message. He wanted oral sex. He was offering his sexual organ to me to be taken into my mouth so I would suck on it and bring him to that most excruciating of male experiences - sexual climax.

Right after he took it out, I watched though the glory hole as he took a thumb and a finger and pulled his foreskin back over his cockhead. His cock was about 5" long and on the thin side with a really nice head. I had seen much bigger ones but, for some reason, his excited me like I had never been excited before over the thought that I would soon have it in my mouth. I was almost shaking with anticipation. The guy was so young, so handsome and his cock seemed somehow perfect for his slender body. I no sooner got started than I realized that for the first time I was not merely sucking a cock, I honestly felt as though I was making love to it. Before I made him cum, I had decided I wanted to swallow his love juice. After I did, I held it in my mouth, until he pulled it back out.

I put my mouth near the hole and said, "Thank you, very much." He leaned down and said, "What did you say?"

I repeated what I had said and he replied, "That's the first time anyone has said that to me. Why did you say that?"

"Because you are so nice and I enjoyed it so much."

He got on one knee and looked through the hole. "Damn, you're just a kid. How old are you?"

"18. How old are you?"

"21. Where do you live?"

"Upstairs. Apartment No. 5, at the front of the building."

"When are you going home?"

"Right away."

"Can I pop down to the corner and buy a 6-pack and come up."

"Sure, the door to the stair is unlocked this time of night."

I fucking near ran around to the front and managed to see him entering the convenience store across the street at the end of the block. I was excited again, yet fearing he might not have meant what he said. I left the door to the apartment open and within minutes he stuck his head in and said "Hi."

I thought he might feel a little awkward with the situation, so I said, "My name's Joey, we didn't tell each other downstairs, what's yours?"

"Bryan." He opened a couple of beers and we sat beside each other on the edge of the bed. Then I was the one that felt awkward - I began shaking again. Bryan asked me what was wrong, was I sick?

"No, just nervous."

"Do I make you that way, are you afraid of me?"

"No, believe me. I'm just hoping so much that you'll like me."

"That's crazy, why wouldn't I like you, I even asked where you lived, didn't I?"

"I'm afraid you'll think I'm a cheap little cocksucker or something."

"Joey, I'm not going to be judgmental. And, you know what I think, I think you want me to like you."

"I do." He saw that I was on the verge of tears and told me to put my beer on the coffee table and after he's parked his, he reached over and pulled me over, my face next to his and hugged me without saying anything. \

Then he pushed me back a little and kissed me on the mouth. We talked for a while, small talk about where we were from, did I like to go to the beach and I found that I had guessed right - he was a college student. Then, to my surprise, he told me to show him my cock. I pulled it out and it was already hard. He reached over, took off my pants and let them drop to the floor, then pulled down my jockeys.

"My God, Joey, you're a lot bigger than I am down there, you've very well developed for a teenager. Lie down on the bed with your legs hanging over the edge. Without any hesitation, he went down on me. I was so surprised and got so excited that I didn't last long - he swallowed my cum and, like I had done, held my cock in his mouth for quite some time.

"There, Joey. Now you know you're not the only cocksucker in the world." He got on the bed beside me and kissed me over and over.

We went across the street to a chain, hamburger place and ate together. Then I had go and turn in so I'd get some sleep before work. All night at work all I could think of was Bryant.

The next of my memorable experiences was a guy that enters the booth next to mine at a few seconds before 4:30 and stays for full two hours or until the end of my shift. He must have put in a $20.00 bill, as it was a hell of a long time before he had to put any more in. He selects a straight film to watch, so this kinda confuses me, and then he starts undressing. When he quit he was completely naked except for sweat socks. He leans up against the far corner - the one next to the corridor - and plays with his dick. When he gets it fully worked up it's a nice 7" and hefty. His balls are very substantial in size, too. Of course I am glued to the glory hole, watching him, not his video. I'd never had anyone get naked at the park toilet and it was totally a new experience for me. In fact he was the first adult I'd ever seen naked. He looked to be around 25 years old, brown hair, very tall and with a slender but developed body.

He knows I'm watching his every move and every once in a while he walks over to the hole and puts his hard cock to within a few inches of it. I try to' stick my hand and wrist through hoping he'll give me a feel, but each time he backs off quickly. The first change in this routine is when he actually lets me feel it while he reaches over to the little shelf in front of the TV screen where he'd stashed a bottle of poppers, takes a hit and goes back to his corner. His eye contact increases regularly. The next development is when he sticks his meat just far enough in that I am able to suck his cockhead.

The guy's driving me crazy the way he's making me want him, giving me a little taste and then pulling away. Finally he sticks the whole thing through and lets me suck it - but only for a few seconds. He had me so mixed up. I was half way hoping he'd leave and let someone else come in that wanted a blowjob instead of playing games. On the other hand, if he had left, I think I'd have broke down and cried. The guy had really gotten to me; he had made me frantic to have his cock in my mouth. It wasn't until about 6:15 that he decides to let me have it and go all the way on it.

What he did then blew my mind, and it still does every time I think of it. Instead of sticking it through the glory hole the stud gets the popper bottle off the shelf, passes it through the hole to me, reaches up to the top of the partition, gets his foot on the shelf so he can boost himself up and he eases himself through the space between the top of the partition and the ceiling, drops down into my booth and gives me a big smile.

He must really like corners, because, again he backs into a corner, sticks his pelvis out and his cock is rock hard again, sticking 90 degrees out from his body with his ball sack snuggled up against his body. Taking a hit from the brown bottle, he say's only one word to me - "Now."

Only too willing to oblige and being horny as hell from watching him for so long, I knelt in front of him, wrapped my mouth around his big, swollen penis and began to orally masturbate him. It was worth my waiting for it, worth all of his teasing. If he hadn't given it to me, I'd have needed to jack off in the bathroom before I went upstairs. As it was my dick required only two or three strokes to make it shoot all over the floor - it was a good thing I had it out of my pants during the whole time they guy was fucking with my mind.

Maybe now is as good a time as any to mention that Caddie and I became good friends; he was almost like a grandfather to me and never, after the first time, asked me to suck him off again. Little John, on the other hand, wanted me to give him a blowjob every now and then but I never sucked his hairy balls after that first time. Caddie even started dropping into my apartment around the noon hour, visiting and sometimes treating me to lunch.

The arcade was like a tomb early Sunday mornings, so I usually dropped in right after I got off the bus because Caddie had cashier duty'

One Sunday this dude drops in and he was really eye candy. He visited with Caddie for a while; they seemed to know each other. Then he a headed for the booth closest to the cashier's stand and Caddie gave me the nod to follow him as he knew I fancied the guy and there was little chance of a cop coming in this time of day. Like the guy who wouldn't give it to me until he climbed over the partition, this guy, whose name I ultimately found out was Lance, also drove me to distraction. He always watched straight videos while slowly masturbating himself. This same routine went on for a month and I was about to give up and would have except that I really liked the guy's looks and he pulled a good sized dick out of his fly to jack on.

Then, after a month of Sundays, it happened. As always, I kept my eye glued to the hole watching him but this time, he looked down to see if I was there - shit, he'd known for a month I was there and I began to figure he was one of those guys that just liked to be watched while he was jacking. Then, to my surprise he sticks his big, hard fuck tool through the hole. I'd never seen a cock more ready to be sucked. So guess what I did? - Right! - I sucked it and I mean I sucked it good. I really didn't give a damn if I was pleasuring him, or not, because this was one time I'd earned the right to pleasure myself. My saliva began to drool out the corners of my mouth eventually because I was going up and down on his shaft as fast as I could. It hadn't even crossed my mind whether I would or wouldn't swallow his load but his ejaculation happened very fast and I swallowed.

He became the first guy I'd given head to at Dreamland that bent down and, nodded thanks before he zipped up and left the booth. I left immediately after he did. Caddie was all smiles and said, "You got the fucker this time, didn't you?"

"How do you know?"

"Because Lance bombed out looking as guilty as if his father had just caught him fucking his sister and you came out all smiles. What else could I assume?

"Do you thing he'll ever come back?"'

"My guess is that he will. I think you just convinced him that he's a homo.

It might take him a while to get used to the idea but he'll be back." Well, it took Lance one week, to the day, for him to decide that he was homosexual, or maybe his cock decided for him."

I told Caddie he was hard to figure out - he always watched straight, fuck movies and could climax over them, and then today he offered me his dick through the hole.

"Well, Joey, that's not unheard of. Some guys are gay but don't want to admit it. When they're watching a video with both men and women, you can bet your ass their eyes are on the cocks not the pussies.

The next Sunday, after exchanging a few words with Caddie, Lance gave me a nod, went to his usual booth, left the door open about 6", stood with his hand on the knob and beckoned me in.

I was no sooner in the booth, even before he put in money to start the video, when he asks me, "Does it make you hard when you suck me?" I knew right then that he was just like a little boy in his first tentative exploration into the world cocks - he was still practically in the "You show me yours and I'll show you mine" stage.

"I erect just thinking of sucking you, just seeing your cock. I don't even need to have it in my mouth."

"Can you take your pants off while you suck me? I'd like to see your cock while you're doing it."

"Sure, are you hard now?"

"God yes, I've been hard all week."

Right after he put money in and selected a video, I reached over, unbuckled his pants, unzipped his fly, pulled down his boxers and told him to step out of his pants. Then I asked him to do the same to me. Next, I reached over and changed the video channel to a guy getting a blowjob.

Damn he wasn't kidding. His cock was as big or bigger than last Sunday only sort of swollen now; in fact it looked like it was painful. I wondered if I had time to go down on it before he unloaded. I got on my knees and decided I should be really tender with him this time. I got my mouth real wet, swallowed his cock deep inside and just held it there before, with mouth fully open, I began to slide slowly up and down his thick shaft. I just knew, before I even had it in my mouth that he was going to shoot quickly. And, if he had told me the truth that he had an erection the whole week, which I assumed indicated he hadn't shot his gun off all week, he'd cum like there was no tomorrow.

I was about right; he had an almost violent ejaculation. I always stop sucking when a guy is shooting - letting him enjoy his cum. When his dick stopped jerking and settled down, I got up, kissed him with an open mouth kiss, grabbed his right hand and wrapped it around my cock. He got the idea and immediately and started masturbating me. At this point, I really needed it. Even after I climaxed he continued jerking on me and got his hand very sticky. I pulled his hand to my mouth and licked it. He pulled it away, put it to his mouth and licked it, too.

So it had taken me one month to get to Lance and only one week for him to give it to me again. Then, for the next two months we had communion together, every Sunday morning, in the Dreamland arcade. To my sorrow, things stopped much more suddenly than they had started.

Who knows what happened. He'd gotten himself ass fucked and had a new sex partner - he'd left town - the possibilities were endless, so after two weeks I decided not to think about it anymore.

I had wised up a lot since being in the South Bay. A cocksucker was just that, nothing more, a way for a guy to get a quickie, get his rocks off and leave without further obligation - no trip to the altar, no children, no divorce, no child support payments - nothing - absolutely zero. But, I could accept that. I liked sucking cocks; my reward was just sucking them and making them shoot. It was a fact of life for a queer teen and I fully understood.

I had just gotten over my one-way, love affair with Lance than something else began.

One Saturday morning at work, just a few minutes after midnight, Bryan walks in and sits down at the counter. I was surprised that he'd even remembered where I'd told him I worked.

"Joey, can you take a break?"

"Not really, I just started my shift fifteen minutes ago."

"Well, ask someone. So, I asked the head waitress and she told me ten minutes, no longer."

We went out the side door, which opened to the parking area and sat in his car. The first thing he did was plant a kiss on me which I figured would happen, thinking he was probably horned up."

"Joey, you might not believe me, but I've missed you."

"Well, you know both places where I work and where I live."

"I deserve that, but please, just listen, OK? I really fell for you that night in your apartment, but, at the same time, I felt I didn't have anything to offer you except sex."

I interrupted him to say "Just you would been enough."

"It would have been for me Joey, but I didn't really know about you and I wanted to be able to offer you more. Well last week, I graduated. I can't find the job I really want right now but, today I've been hired full time at the place I worked part time while I was in college."

Again, I interrupted to congratulate him on his graduation and to tell him I was happy for him.

"Joey, can I move in with you and pay the rent and help with the groceries and other expenses?"


"I'd like to see you get out of that job at the arcade. You're too young and too nice a boy to be in your knees having to suck every cock that's jammed through that hole in the wall. Most of all, Joey, I've thought about it and thought about it and I want to tell you that I love you.

"Well, you're the first one that ever has if you're telling me the truth?"

"Joey, I swear to God that I am. I had to think about it because I thought it was impossible for a man to love another man. But, I know now that it is possible because I love you."

"I'd like that but I'm a little afraid."

"Joey, for some reason I've never understood, you've been a little afraid, or a little leery, of me since the first minute I walked into your apartment."

"I guess I used the wrong word. I'm not afraid. It just seems that you're too good to be true. I can't believe you'd really like someone like me."

"Joey, I don't believe you. I think your problem is that you suffer from low self-esteem. Just say "yes" and I'll help you raise your self-esteem."

"I've gotta get back in or they're going to hang me by my balls."

"Well neither of us wants that to happen. I go to work at 6 in the morning, a lot of contractors come in for stuff early, and I get off at 3 in the afternoon. Please be home and I'll come by about 3:30. OK?"


He pulled me over and kissed me again, the kind of kiss, as the old saying goes, that makes your socks drop.

Bryan knocked on the door at the exact time he said he would; he kissed me and said, "Lets to the beach." This took me completely by surprise. I thought he'd start taking about moving in again, or more probably, want to get into sex right away.

"I don't have a swimsuit."

"We can buy one on the way."

Because of the time, people were loading their cars (those illegally parked on the side of the road) and other cars were exiting from the on-beach parking areas. Bryan pulled into the tollbooth and we drove right down to a parking space near the ocean and changed into our bathing suits in the car. He opened his car trunk, remarked we didn't need the umbrella, but hauled out two beach chairs, towels and a Styrofoam cooler.

We found a spot that was not too overcrowded and staked our claim. The cooler had beer in it and we stayed there until the sun sank into the Pacific - a sunset that filled the sky with fiery bright orange and pink light that lasted long after the sun disappeared. It was the first time I had been to the beach since I had arrived in California but I didn't mention that to Bryan.

We ate at one of the nicest restaurants that I'd even been in even though Bryan described it simply as a place that accepted casual dress.

When we returned to the apartment, he kissed me, slowly began undressing me and told me to do the same to him. When finished, we stood there, facing each other, completely naked. He looked at me and I looked at him, realizing this was the first time I had seen him naked. I remembered what his cock looked like and I had seen him in a bathing suit at the beach, but still to see him standing there he was beyond beautiful, beyond what I could have imagined. His young, lean, almost hairless body was a perfect picture of male youth and virility - especially with his erect penis protruding out from his groin. I was speechless.

"Oh, Joey, you are so beautiful!"

"You, too. I love you." I hadn't meant to say that, it just came out. Nevertheless it was true. I suddenly knew that I did love him. He guided me to bed, which I had forgotten to make, and we engaged in frottage until we were both about to cum. Both wanting and needing the other, we sort of fell naturally into 69.

Sunday morning, after breakfast, we went downstairs to talk to Caddie. He said it was OK for us to live together in the apartment, was sorry I was quitting and if Bryan bought another single bed to put in the apartment, he'd rent it to us for $500 per month, which was $100 less than John had quoted me the day I came to inquire about the ad in the newspaper.

Bryan drove around the area, showing me places I'd never seen being I didn't have a car and even took me by the place where he worked. We ended up buying sandwiches and soft drinks and headed to a nude beach that Bryan knew of at the Portuguese Bend area on the coast road between Redondo Beach and San Pedro.

It was quite a walk from the public parking area to the beach and a really tricky path going down the cliffs to the beach. Once there it was a fantastic, isolated, small beach. It was a little weird at first with everyone, men and women, being nude. I told Bryan I thought I'd just leave my shorts on but he pulled them off of me.

"Bryan, don't! I'll get a hard on looking at the guys down here and I'll be embarrassed."

"Well don't look. Or if you erect, just look at the girls and it'll go back down."

"Is that what you do?"

"That's what I used to do. The only erection I'll get today is if I look at you too long and if that happens, I'll just lie down and close my eyes and let it go away."

"Guys kept stopping by, introducing themselves, saying they'd never seen us down here before, where did we live - that sort of stuff. Except for that, we spent the time talking. I told Bryan everything, even about the toilet in the library park. Bryan told me his life story and by the time we left we really knew each other.

Bryan decided to pick me up Monday after he got off work and take me with him to his apartment to help him move. But, on the way back to our apartment, we went by his digs to pick up some stuff that needed washing. We finished off the rest of the day, until dinnertime, at the laundry down a few blocks from the Dreamland.

About 9:30 we switched off the TV, went down the hall and showered together.

In bed we had sex and then Bryan started talking to me. He wanted me to take at least 2 college courses every term. At least it started with his wanting me to but ended up with his insisting. Finally, we kissed, I snuggled up to his back and he slung his arm around me and went to sleep. I stayed awake for a while, thinking of all that had happened since Bryan walked into the restaurant and asked me if I could take a break.

Finally, I had found someone that loved me - not only loved me but wanted to live with me, eat with me, sleep with me, do laundry with me, take me places and even was insisting I take college courses - at last I had found someone who not only loved me but was concerned about me and wanted to take care of me. My days of anonymous cocks were over and I was glad. I enjoyed my days as a cocksucker, but I could live without them now that I had Bryan. For the first time since leaving Wyoming, I felt as though I was living a real life, not the fantasy that I had when I left home.

In fact, just before I fell asleep I thought that, for the first time since I'd left Wyoming, I'd write my mom. I know she's worrying about me. I'd been an asshole for not writing, but how does a boy write his mom and say, "Dear Mom, I'm in the Los Angeles Area. Don't worry about me because I'm doing quite well as a cocksucker. Love, your son, Joey"

Maybe that day I responded to the apartment for rent in the classified ads and the fact that it turned out to be above an establishment called "Dreamland" sort of meant something. It looked like my future was going to be a far better dreamland than the one I had been living; I loved Bryan. Someday soon I hope he fucked me.


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